// File: vpndownload.cpp
// Module: CMDL32.EXE
// Synopsis: This file contains the code to handle the updating of VPN phonebooks.
// Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Microsoft Corporation
// Author: quintinb Created 11/03/00
#include "cmdl.h"
#include "gppswithalloc.cpp"
#include "tunl_str.h"
// Function: DownloadVpnFileFromUrl
// Synopsis: This function is responsible for downloading a VPN file update
// from the given URL and storing the retreived data in a temp file.
// The full path to the temp file is passed back to the caller via
// the ppszVpnUpdateFile variable. The var must be freed by the caller.
// Arguments: LPCTSTR pszVpnUpdateUrl - URL to update the vpn file from
// LPTSTR* ppszVpnUpdateFile - pointer to hold the file name of the
// updated VPN file downloaded from the server.
// Used by the caller to copy the temp file
// over the existing file. The memory allocated
// for this string must be freed by the caller.
// Returns: BOOL - TRUE if the download was successful
// History: quintinb Created 11/05/00
BOOL DownloadVpnFileFromUrl(LPCTSTR pszVpnUpdateUrl, LPTSTR* ppszVpnUpdateFile) // REVIEW: shouldn't this support the /LAN flag and not do the download if it cannot find the CM connection active? What
// about setting the socket option code?
{ BOOL bReturn = FALSE; BOOL bDeleteFileOnFailure = FALSE; HANDLE hFile = NULL; HINTERNET hInternet = NULL; HINTERNET hPage = NULL; DWORD dwSize = MAX_PATH; LPTSTR pszBuffer = NULL; BOOL bExitLoop = FALSE;
if ((NULL == pszVpnUpdateUrl) || (TEXT('\0') == pszVpnUpdateUrl[0])) { goto Cleanup; }
CMTRACE1("DownloadVpnFileFromUrl: URL is %s", pszVpnUpdateUrl);
// First, let's create the file that we are going to download the updated file
// too. This requires us to figure out what the temporary directory path is
// and then create a uniquely named file in it.
do { CmFree(pszBuffer); pszBuffer = (LPTSTR)CmMalloc((dwSize + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
if (pszBuffer) { DWORD dwReturnedSize = GetTempPath (dwSize, pszBuffer);
if (0 == dwReturnedSize) { //
// An error occurred, lets report it and bail.
DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("DownloadVpnFileFromUrl -- GetTempPath returned an error.")); CMTRACE1(TEXT("DownloadVpnFileFromUrl -- GetTempPath failed, GLE = %d"), dwError); goto Cleanup; } else if (dwReturnedSize > dwSize) { //
// Not big enough we will have to loop again.
dwSize = dwReturnedSize; if (1024*1024 < dwReturnedSize) { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("DownloadVpnFileFromUrl -- GetTempPath asked for more than 1MB of memory. Something is wrong, bailing.")); goto Cleanup; } } else { //
// We got what we wanted, it's time to leave the loop
bExitLoop = TRUE; } } else { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("DownloadVpnFileFromUrl -- CmMalloc failed for pszBuffer.")); goto Cleanup; } } while(!bExitLoop);
// Okay, now we have the temp file path. Next let's get a temp file name in that directory.
*ppszVpnUpdateFile = (LPTSTR)CmMalloc((dwSize + 24)*sizeof(TCHAR)); // GetTempFileName doesn't provide sizing info, lame
if (*ppszVpnUpdateFile) { dwSize = GetTempFileName(pszBuffer, TEXT("VPN"), 0, *ppszVpnUpdateFile);
if ((0 == dwSize) || (TEXT('\0') == (*ppszVpnUpdateFile)[0])) { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("DownloadVpnFileFromUrl -- GetTempFileName failed.")); goto Cleanup; } } else { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("DownloadVpnFileFromUrl -- CmMalloc failed for *ppszVpnUpdateFile")); goto Cleanup; }
// Free pszBuffer so we can use it to read in file data below
CmFree (pszBuffer); pszBuffer = NULL;
// Okay, we have a file name let's get a file handle to it that we can write too
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hFile) { //
// We have created the file, let's make sure to delete it if we fail from here on out.
bDeleteFileOnFailure = TRUE;
// Initialize WININET
hInternet = InternetOpen(TEXT("Microsoft(R) Connection Manager Vpn File Update"), INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG, NULL, NULL, 0);
if (hInternet) { //
// Open the URL
hPage = InternetOpenUrl(hInternet, pszVpnUpdateUrl, NULL, 0, 0, 0);
if (hPage) { const DWORD c_dwBufferSize = 1024; // REVIEW: why did the original use 4096 on the stack, seems awfully large to me?
pszBuffer = (LPTSTR)CmMalloc(c_dwBufferSize);
if (pszBuffer) { bExitLoop = FALSE;
do { if (InternetReadFile(hPage, pszBuffer, c_dwBufferSize, &dwSize)) { //
// We got data, write it to the temp file
if (0 == dwSize) { //
// We succeeded with a zero read size. That means we hit
// end of file and are done.
bReturn = TRUE; bExitLoop = TRUE; }
if (FALSE == WriteFile(hFile, pszBuffer, dwSize, &dwSize, NULL)) { bReturn = FALSE; CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("DownloadVpnFileFromUrl -- WriteFile failed.")); goto Cleanup; } } else { goto Cleanup; }
} while (!bExitLoop); } else { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("DownloadVpnFileFromUrl -- unable to allocate the file buffer")); goto Cleanup; } } else { DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); CMTRACE1(TEXT("DownloadVpnFileFromUrl -- InternetOpenUrl failed, GLE %s"), dwError); } } else { DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); CMTRACE1(TEXT("DownloadVpnFileFromUrl -- InternetOpen failed, GLE %s"), dwError); } }
// Close our handles
if (hPage) { InternetCloseHandle(hPage); }
if (hInternet) { InternetCloseHandle(hInternet); }
if (hFile) { CloseHandle(hFile); }
// Free up the buffer we alloc-ed
// Finally cleanup the temp file and temp file name if we failed
if (FALSE == bReturn) { if (bDeleteFileOnFailure && *ppszVpnUpdateFile) { DeleteFile(*ppszVpnUpdateFile); }
CmFree(*ppszVpnUpdateFile); *ppszVpnUpdateFile = NULL;
CMTRACE(TEXT("DownloadVpnFileFromUrl -- VPN file download failed!")); } else { CMTRACE(TEXT("DownloadVpnFileFromUrl -- VPN file download succeeded!")); }
return bReturn; }
// Function: OverwriteVpnFileWithUpdate
// Synopsis: This function is responsible for copying the given new vpn file
// over the given existing vpn file. The code first makes a backup
// copy of the existing file just in case something goes wrong with the
// data overwrite. If a problem exists then it copies the original back
// over to ensure nothing got corrupted in the failed copy.
// Arguments: LPCTSTR pszExistingVpnFile - full path to the existing VPN file
// LPCTSTR pszNewVpnFile - full path to the temp VPN file to overwrite
// the existing file with.
// Returns: BOOL - TRUE if the update was successful
// History: quintinb Created 11/03/00
BOOL OverwriteVpnFileWithUpdate(LPCTSTR pszExistingVpnFile, LPCTSTR pszNewVpnFile) { if ((NULL == pszExistingVpnFile) || (NULL == pszNewVpnFile) || (TEXT('\0') == pszExistingVpnFile[0]) || (TEXT('\0') == pszNewVpnFile[0])) { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("OverwriteVpnFileWithUpdate -- invalid parameter passed.")); return FALSE; }
BOOL bReturn = FALSE;
// We first want to make a backup copy of the original file
const TCHAR* const c_pszDotBak = TEXT(".bak"); DWORD dwSize = (lstrlen(pszExistingVpnFile) + lstrlen(c_pszDotBak) + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR);
LPTSTR pszBackupFile = (LPTSTR)CmMalloc(dwSize);
if (pszBackupFile) { wsprintf(pszBackupFile, TEXT("%s%s"), pszExistingVpnFile, c_pszDotBak);
if (pszBackupFile[0]) { if (CopyFile(pszExistingVpnFile, pszBackupFile, FALSE)) // FALSE == bFailIfExists
{ //
// Now copy over the new file
if (CopyFile(pszNewVpnFile, pszExistingVpnFile, FALSE)) // FALSE == bFailIfExists
{ bReturn = TRUE; } else { DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); CMTRACE1(TEXT("OverwriteVpnFileWithUpdate -- CopyFile of the new file over the original file failed, GLE %s"), dwError); CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("OverwriteVpnFileWithUpdate -- update of the original file failed, attempting to restore the original from backup."));
// We need to restore the backup file
if (!CopyFile(pszBackupFile, pszExistingVpnFile, FALSE)) // FALSE == bFailIfExists
{ dwError = GetLastError(); CMTRACE1(TEXT("OverwriteVpnFileWithUpdate -- CopyFile to restore the saved backup file failed, GLE %s"), dwError);
CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("OverwriteVpnFileWithUpdate -- restoration of backup failed!")); } }
// Delete the backup file
DeleteFile(pszBackupFile); } else { DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); CMTRACE1(TEXT("OverwriteVpnFileWithUpdate -- CopyFile of the original file to the backup file failed, GLE %s"), dwError); } } }
if (bReturn) { CMTRACE(TEXT("OverwriteVpnFileWithUpdate -- VPN file update succeeded!")); } else { CMTRACE(TEXT("OverwriteVpnFileWithUpdate -- VPN file update failed.")); }
return bReturn; }
// Function: UpdateVpnFileForProfile
// Synopsis: This function is called to download and update a VPN file with a
// newly downloaded VPN update file.
// Arguments: LPCTSTR pszCmpPath - full path to the cmp file
// Returns: BOOL - TRUE if the download and update were successful.
// History: quintinb Created 11/03/00
BOOL UpdateVpnFileForProfile(LPCTSTR pszCmpPath) {
if ((NULL == pszCmpPath) || (TEXT('\0') == pszCmpPath[0])) { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("UpdateVpnFileForProfile in cmdl32.exe -- invalid pszCmpPath parameter.")); return FALSE; }
BOOL bReturn = FALSE;
// Convert the .cmp path into the .cms path
LPTSTR pszService = GetPrivateProfileStringWithAlloc(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryCmsFile, TEXT(""), pszCmpPath);
if (pszService && *pszService) { //
// We have the relative path to the cms, build the full path to the file
LPTSTR pszCmsPath = CmBuildFullPathFromRelative(pszCmpPath, pszService);
if (pszCmsPath && *pszCmsPath) { //
// Next get the VPN phonebook file name from the profile.
LPTSTR pszVpnFileName = GetPrivateProfileStringWithAlloc(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryTunnelFile, TEXT(""), pszCmsPath);
if (pszVpnFileName && *pszVpnFileName) { LPTSTR pszVpnFile = CmBuildFullPathFromRelative(pszCmpPath, pszVpnFileName);
if (pszVpnFile && *pszVpnFile) { //
// Now get the URL to update the vpn file from
LPTSTR pszVpnUpdateUrl = GetPrivateProfileStringWithAlloc(c_pszCmSectionSettings, c_pszCmEntryVpnUpdateUrl, TEXT(""), pszVpnFile);
if (pszVpnUpdateUrl && *pszVpnUpdateUrl) { //
// Finally, we have a URL so let's download the updated VPN server list.
LPTSTR pszUpdatedVpnFile = NULL; bReturn = DownloadVpnFileFromUrl(pszVpnUpdateUrl, &pszUpdatedVpnFile);
if (bReturn && pszUpdatedVpnFile && *pszUpdatedVpnFile) { bReturn = OverwriteVpnFileWithUpdate(pszVpnFile, pszUpdatedVpnFile); }
CmFree (pszUpdatedVpnFile); } else { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("UpdateVpnFileForProfile in cmdl32.exe -- unable to get the URL to update the vpn file from...")); }
CmFree(pszVpnUpdateUrl); } else { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("UpdateVpnFileForProfile in cmdl32.exe -- unable to expand the path to the vpn file.")); }
CmFree(pszVpnFile); } else { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("UpdateVpnFileForProfile in cmdl32.exe -- unable to retrieve the vpn file name.")); }
CmFree(pszVpnFileName); } else { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("UpdateVpnFileForProfile in cmdl32.exe -- unable to build the cms path from the cmp path.")); } CmFree(pszCmsPath); } else { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("UpdateVpnFileForProfile in cmdl32.exe -- unable to get the relative path to the CMS.")); }
return bReturn; }