Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Revision History:
Amritansh Raghav
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <ntioapi.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <crt\stddef.h>
#include <ntosp.h>
#include <ndis.h>
#include <windef.h>
//#include <ntddk.h>
#include <ipexport.h>
#include "defs.h"
#include <cxport.h>
#include <ip.h>
#include "ipfltdrv.h"
//#include "filter.h"
#include <winsock.h>
#include <ipinfo.h>
#include <llinfo.h>
#include <tcpinfo.h>
#include <tdiinfo.h>
#include <ntddtcp.h>
#include <ntddip.h>
#define is ==
#define isnot !=
#define and &&
#define or ||
DWORD InitializeFilter(); VOID DoAddInterface(); VOID DoSetFilters(); VOID DoFilterPacket(); VOID DoGetInfo(); VOID DoDeleteInterface(); VOID DoStopFilter(); VOID DoAddRoute(); VOID DoAddForwarderIf(); DWORD GetIpStatsFromStack(IPSNMPInfo *IPSnmpInfo); DWORD GetIpAddrTableFromStack(IPAddrEntry *lpipaeTable, LPDWORD lpdwNumEntries); VOID CloseHandles();
typedef struct _USER_IF { LIST_ENTRY ifLink; PVOID pvIfContext; CHAR pszName[80]; }USER_IF, *PUSER_IF;
LIST_ENTRY g_ifList; HANDLE g_FilterDriverHandle; HANDLE g_IpDriverHandle; HANDLE g_TcpDriverHandle;
INT _cdecl main() { NTSTATUS ntStatus; WORD wVersion = MAKEWORD(1,1); WSADATA wsaData;
if(WSAStartup(wVersion,&wsaData) isnot NO_ERROR) { printf("WSAStartup failed\n"); return(1); }
ntStatus = InitializeFilter();
if(ntStatus isnot STATUS_SUCCESS) { printf("Couldnt init filter - error %x\n",ntStatus);
exit(1); }
while(TRUE) { CHAR cInput[10];
printf("\n----- USER MODE IP FILTER DRIVER TEST -----\n"); printf("1.\tAdd Interface\n"); printf("2.\tSet Filters\n"); printf("3.\tFilter Packet\n"); printf("4.\tGet Info\n"); printf("5.\tDelete Interface\n"); printf("6.\tStop Filter\n"); printf("7.\tAdd Route to Forwarder\n"); printf("8.\tAdd Interface to Forwarder\n"); printf("99.\tQuit\n");
printf("Selection:\t"); gets(cInput); printf("\n"); switch(atoi(cInput)) { case 1: { DoAddInterface(); break; } case 2: { DoSetFilters(); break; } case 3: { DoFilterPacket(); break; } case 4: { DoGetInfo(); break; } case 5: { DoDeleteInterface(); break; } case 6: { DoStopFilter(); break; } case 7: { DoAddRoute(); break; } case 8: { DoAddForwarderIf(); break; } case 99: { DoStopFilter(); WSACleanup(); return(0); } default: { continue; } } } return(0); }
if((pIf = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,sizeof(USER_IF))) is NULL) { printf("Couldnt allocate memory\n"); }
printf("Enter new interface name: "); gets(pIf->pszName); printf("\n");
inBuffer.dwIfIndex = 0; inBuffer.pvRtrMgrContext = NULL;
ntStatus = NtDeviceIoControlFile(g_FilterDriverHandle, NULL, NULL, NULL, &IoStatusBlock, IOCTL_CREATE_INTERFACE, (PVOID)&inBuffer, dwInBufLen, (PVOID)&inBuffer, dwInBufLen);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { printf("IOCTL failed - status %x \n", ntStatus); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,pIf); return; }
printf("Added interface, context %x\n",(UINT_PTR)inBuffer.pvDriverContext); pIf->pvIfContext = inBuffer.pvDriverContext; InsertHeadList(&g_ifList,&(pIf->ifLink));
return; }
VOID DoSetFilters() { NTSTATUS ntStatus; IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock; PFILTER_INFO pInfo; PFILTER_DRIVER_SET_FILTERS pIo; DWORD i,dwNumInFilters = 0,dwNumOutFilters = 0,dwInBufLen; PLIST_ENTRY currentList; BYTE cAddr[50]; PUSER_IF pIf; BOOL bSetInput,bSetOutput,bDelInput,bDelOutput; FORWARD_ACTION faOutAction,faInAction; DWORD dwInIndex,dwOutIndex;
currentList = g_ifList.Flink;
i = 1;
printf("\nCurrent Interfaces\n");
while(currentList isnot &g_ifList) { pIf = CONTAINING_RECORD(currentList,USER_IF,ifLink);
printf("\t%d. %s\n",i++,pIf->pszName); currentList = currentList->Flink; }
printf("Input Interface index: "); gets(cAddr); printf("\n");
currentList = g_ifList.Flink;
i = 1;
pIf = NULL;
while(currentList isnot &g_ifList) { if(i is (DWORD)atoi(cAddr)) { pIf = CONTAINING_RECORD(currentList,USER_IF,ifLink); break; } i++; currentList = currentList->Flink; }
if(pIf is NULL) { printf("Couldnt find interface block\n"); return; }
printf("Setting filters for %s with context %#08x\n",pIf->pszName, (UINT_PTR)pIf->pvIfContext);
printf("Do you want to modify input filters? (0/1): "); gets(cAddr); printf("\n");
if(atoi(cAddr) is 1) { dwInBufLen += sizeof(RTR_TOC_ENTRY);
bSetInput = TRUE; } else { bSetInput = FALSE; }
printf("Do you want to modify output filters? (0/1): "); gets(cAddr); printf("\n");
if(atoi(cAddr) is 1) { dwInBufLen += sizeof(RTR_TOC_ENTRY);
bSetOutput = TRUE; } else { bSetOutput = FALSE; }
if(bSetInput) { printf("Do you want to delete all in filters?(0/1): "); gets(cAddr); printf("\n");
if(atoi(cAddr) is 0) { printf("How many input filters (0 will remove filters but allow a default action)?: "); gets(cAddr); printf("\n");
dwNumInFilters = atoi(cAddr);
printf("Default in action (0 - FORWARD, 1 - DROP): "); gets(cAddr); printf("\n"); faInAction = (FORWARD_ACTION)atoi(cAddr);
dwInBufLen += sizeof(FILTER_DESCRIPTOR) - sizeof(FILTER_INFO); bDelInput = FALSE; } else { bDelInput = TRUE; } }
if(bSetOutput) { printf("Do you want to delete all out filters?(0/1): "); gets(cAddr); printf("\n");
if(atoi(cAddr) is 0) { printf("How many out filters (0 will remove filters but allow a default action)?: "); gets(cAddr); printf("\n");
dwNumInFilters = atoi(cAddr);
printf("Default in action (0 - FORWARD, 1 - DROP): "); gets(cAddr); printf("\n"); faOutAction = (FORWARD_ACTION)atoi(cAddr);
dwInBufLen += sizeof(FILTER_DESCRIPTOR) - sizeof(FILTER_INFO); bDelOutput = FALSE; } else { bDelOutput = TRUE; } }
if(!(bSetInput or bSetOutput) ) { return; }
dwInBufLen += ((dwNumInFilters + dwNumOutFilters -1) * sizeof(FILTER_INFO));
pIo = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,dwInBufLen);
if(pIo is NULL) { printf("Couldnt allocate memory\n"); return; }
pIo->pvDriverContext = (PVOID)pIf;
dwInIndex = 0; dwOutIndex = 1;
if(!bSetInput) { dwOutIndex = 0; }
pIo->ribhInfoBlock.Version = IP_FILTER_DRIVER_VERSION; pIo->ribhInfoBlock.Size = dwInBufLen - FIELD_OFFSET(FILTER_DRIVER_SET_FILTERS, ribhInfoBlock);
pIo->ribhInfoBlock.TocEntriesCount = 0;
if(bSetInput) { pIo->ribhInfoBlock.TocEntry[dwInIndex].InfoType = IP_FILTER_DRIVER_IN_FILTER_INFO;
if(bDelInput) { pIo->ribhInfoBlock.TocEntry[dwInIndex].InfoSize = 0; pIo->ribhInfoBlock.TocEntry[dwInIndex].Offset = 0; pIo->ribhInfoBlock.TocEntry[dwInIndex].Count = 0; } else { pIo->ribhInfoBlock.TocEntry[dwInIndex].InfoSize = sizeof(FILTER_DESCRIPTOR) - sizeof(FILTER_INFO) + (dwNumInFilters * sizeof(FILTER_INFO));
if(bSetOutput) { pIo->ribhInfoBlock.TocEntry[dwInIndex].Offset = (ULONG) (((PBYTE)&pIo->ribhInfoBlock.TocEntry[2] - (PBYTE)&pIo->ribhInfoBlock)); } else { pIo->ribhInfoBlock.TocEntry[dwInIndex].Offset = (ULONG) (((PBYTE)&pIo->ribhInfoBlock.TocEntry[1] - (PBYTE)&pIo->ribhInfoBlock)); }
pIo->ribhInfoBlock.TocEntry[dwInIndex].Count = 1; } }
if(bSetOutput) { pIo->ribhInfoBlock.TocEntry[dwOutIndex].InfoType = IP_FILTER_DRIVER_OUT_FILTER_INFO;
if(bDelOutput) { pIo->ribhInfoBlock.TocEntry[dwOutIndex].InfoSize = 0; pIo->ribhInfoBlock.TocEntry[dwOutIndex].Offset = 0; pIo->ribhInfoBlock.TocEntry[dwOutIndex].Count = 0; } else { pIo->ribhInfoBlock.TocEntry[dwOutIndex].InfoSize = sizeof(FILTER_DESCRIPTOR) - sizeof(FILTER_INFO) + (dwNumOutFilters * sizeof(FILTER_INFO));
if(bSetInput) { pIo->ribhInfoBlock.TocEntry[dwOutIndex].Offset = (ULONG) (((PBYTE)&pIo->ribhInfoBlock.TocEntry[2] + pIo->ribhInfoBlock.TocEntry[1].InfoSize - (PBYTE)&pIo->ribhInfoBlock)); } else { pIo->ribhInfoBlock.TocEntry[dwOutIndex].Offset = (ULONG) (((PBYTE)&pIo->ribhInfoBlock.TocEntry[1] - (PBYTE)&pIo->ribhInfoBlock)); }
pIo->ribhInfoBlock.TocEntry[dwOutIndex].Count = 1; } }
if(bSetInput and !bDelInput) { pInfo = ((PFILTER_DESCRIPTOR)((PBYTE)&pIo->ribhInfoBlock + pIo->ribhInfoBlock.TocEntry[dwInIndex].Offset))->fiFilter;
((PFILTER_DESCRIPTOR)((PBYTE)&pIo->ribhInfoBlock + pIo->ribhInfoBlock.TocEntry[dwInIndex].Offset))->dwVersion = IP_FILTER_DRIVER_VERSION; ((PFILTER_DESCRIPTOR)((PBYTE)&pIo->ribhInfoBlock + pIo->ribhInfoBlock.TocEntry[dwInIndex].Offset))->dwNumFilters = dwNumInFilters; ((PFILTER_DESCRIPTOR)((PBYTE)&pIo->ribhInfoBlock + pIo->ribhInfoBlock.TocEntry[dwInIndex].Offset))->faDefaultAction = faInAction;
printf("Input Filters - addresses and mask in dotted decimal\n");
for(i = 0; i < dwNumInFilters; i++) { printf("Enter source addr: "); gets(cAddr); printf("\n"); pInfo[i].dwSrcAddr = inet_addr(cAddr);
printf("Enter source mask: "); gets(cAddr); printf("\n"); pInfo[i].dwSrcMask = inet_addr(cAddr);
printf("Enter dest addr: "); gets(cAddr); printf("\n"); pInfo[i].dwDstAddr = inet_addr(cAddr);
printf("Enter dest mask: "); gets(cAddr); printf("\n"); pInfo[i].dwDstMask = inet_addr(cAddr);
printf("Enter protocol id - 0 for any: "); gets(cAddr); printf("\n"); pInfo[i].dwProtocol = atoi(cAddr);
pInfo[i].wSrcPort = pInfo[i].wDstPort = 0x00000000;
switch(pInfo[i].dwProtocol) { case 1: { printf("Enter type - 255 for any"); gets(cAddr); printf("\n"); pInfo[i].wSrcPort = (BYTE)atoi(cAddr);
printf("Enter code - 255 for any"); gets(cAddr); printf("\n"); pInfo[i].wDstPort = (BYTE)atoi(cAddr);
break; } case 6: case 17: { printf("Enter source port - 0 for any: "); gets(cAddr); printf("\n"); pInfo[i].wSrcPort = htons((WORD)atoi(cAddr));
printf("Enter Dst Port - 0 for any: "); gets(cAddr); printf("\n"); pInfo[i].wDstPort = htons((WORD)atoi(cAddr)); break; } } } }
if(bSetOutput and !bDelOutput) { pInfo = ((PFILTER_DESCRIPTOR)((PBYTE)&pIo->ribhInfoBlock + pIo->ribhInfoBlock.TocEntry[dwOutIndex].Offset))->fiFilter;
((PFILTER_DESCRIPTOR)((PBYTE)&pIo->ribhInfoBlock + pIo->ribhInfoBlock.TocEntry[dwOutIndex].Offset))->dwVersion = IP_FILTER_DRIVER_VERSION; ((PFILTER_DESCRIPTOR)((PBYTE)&pIo->ribhInfoBlock + pIo->ribhInfoBlock.TocEntry[dwOutIndex].Offset))->dwNumFilters = dwNumOutFilters; ((PFILTER_DESCRIPTOR)((PBYTE)&pIo->ribhInfoBlock + pIo->ribhInfoBlock.TocEntry[dwOutIndex].Offset))->faDefaultAction = faOutAction;
printf("Output Filters - addresses and mask in dotted decimal\n");
for(i = 0; i < dwNumOutFilters; i++) { printf("Enter source addr: "); gets(cAddr); printf("\n"); pInfo[i].dwSrcAddr = inet_addr(cAddr);
printf("Enter source mask: "); gets(cAddr); printf("\n"); pInfo[i].dwSrcMask = inet_addr(cAddr);
printf("Enter dest addr: "); gets(cAddr); printf("\n"); pInfo[i].dwDstAddr = inet_addr(cAddr);
printf("Enter dest mask: "); gets(cAddr); printf("\n"); pInfo[i].dwDstMask = inet_addr(cAddr);
printf("Enter protocol id - 0 for any: "); gets(cAddr); printf("\n"); pInfo[i].dwProtocol = atoi(cAddr);
pInfo[i].wSrcPort = pInfo[i].wDstPort = 0x00000000;
switch(pInfo[i].dwProtocol) { case 1: { printf("Enter type - 255 for any"); gets(cAddr); printf("\n"); pInfo[i].wSrcPort = (BYTE)atoi(cAddr);
printf("Enter code - 255 for any"); gets(cAddr); printf("\n"); pInfo[i].wDstPort = (BYTE)atoi(cAddr);
break; } case 6: case 17: { printf("Enter source port - 0 for any: "); gets(cAddr); printf("\n"); pInfo[i].wSrcPort = htons((WORD)atoi(cAddr));
printf("Enter Dst Port - 0 for any: "); gets(cAddr); printf("\n"); pInfo[i].wDstPort = htons((WORD)atoi(cAddr)); } } } }
ntStatus = NtDeviceIoControlFile(g_FilterDriverHandle, NULL, NULL, NULL, &IoStatusBlock, IOCTL_SET_INTERFACE_FILTERS, (PVOID)pIo, dwInBufLen, NULL, 0);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { printf("IOCTL failed - status %x \n", ntStatus); }
printf("Filters set\n"); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,pIo); return;
VOID DoFilterPacket() { NTSTATUS ntStatus; IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock; DWORD i,dwInBufLen; BYTE cAddr[40]; PFILTER_DRIVER_TEST_PACKET pTest; IPHeader *pIph; PWORD pwPort; PLIST_ENTRY currentList; PUSER_IF pInIf = NULL, pOutIf = NULL, pIf;
dwInBufLen = sizeof(FILTER_DRIVER_TEST_PACKET) + sizeof(IPHeader) + 2*sizeof(DWORD);
pTest = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,dwInBufLen);
if(pTest is NULL) { printf("Couldnt allocate memory for the packet\n"); return; }
pIph = (IPHeader*)(pTest->bIpPacket);
pwPort = (PWORD)((PBYTE)pIph + sizeof(IPHeader));
currentList = g_ifList.Flink; i=1;
printf("\nCurrent Interfaces\n"); while(currentList isnot &g_ifList) { pIf = CONTAINING_RECORD(currentList,USER_IF,ifLink);
printf("\t%d. %s\n",i++,pIf->pszName); currentList = currentList->Flink; }
printf("Index of input Interface <enter for none>: "); gets(cAddr); printf("\n");
if(strlen(cAddr) isnot 0) { DWORD dwInIf = atoi(cAddr);
currentList = g_ifList.Flink;
i = 1;
while(currentList isnot &g_ifList) { if(i is dwInIf) { pInIf = CONTAINING_RECORD(currentList,USER_IF,ifLink); break; } i++; currentList = currentList->Flink; }
printf("Index of output Interface <enter for none>: "); gets(cAddr); printf("\n");
if(strlen(cAddr) isnot 0) { DWORD dwOutIf = atoi(cAddr);
currentList = g_ifList.Flink;
i = 1;
while(currentList isnot &g_ifList) { if(i is dwOutIf) { pOutIf = CONTAINING_RECORD(currentList,USER_IF,ifLink); break; } i++; currentList = currentList->Flink; } }
printf("Input if is %s and output if is %s\n", (pInIf is NULL)? "NULL":pInIf->pszName, (pOutIf is NULL)?"NULL":pOutIf->pszName);
pTest->pvInInterfaceContext = (pInIf is NULL)?NULL:pInIf->pvIfContext; pTest->pvOutInterfaceContext = (pOutIf is NULL)?NULL:pOutIf->pvIfContext; printf("Enter packet header\n\n");
printf("Enter source addr: "); gets(cAddr); printf("\n"); pIph->iph_src = (IPAddr)inet_addr(cAddr);
printf("Enter dest addr: "); gets(cAddr); printf("\n"); pIph->iph_dest = (IPAddr)inet_addr(cAddr);
printf("Enter Protocol id - 0 for any: "); gets(cAddr); printf("\n"); pIph->iph_protocol = (UCHAR)LOBYTE(atoi(cAddr));
printf("Is this a fragment? (1 - yes 0 - no): "); gets(cAddr); printf("\n"); if(atoi(cAddr) is 0) { printf("Enter source port - 0 for any: "); gets(cAddr); printf("\n"); pwPort[0] = htons((WORD)atoi(cAddr));
printf("Enter Dst Port - 0 for any: "); gets(cAddr); printf("\n"); pwPort[1] = htons((WORD)atoi(cAddr));
pIph->iph_offset = 0x0000; // no flags , no fragment
} else { // Lets give it a frag offset of 100 - 64h
pIph->iph_offset = 0x6400; }
// Fill up the rest of the packet with some meaningful info
pIph->iph_verlen = '\x45'; //Version = 4 Hdr Len = 5*4bytes
pIph->iph_tos = '\x0f'; //TOS signature for mem dumps
pIph->iph_length = htons((WORD)(sizeof(IPHeader)+2*sizeof(DWORD))); //Length in bytes
pIph->iph_id = 0xcdab; //ID another signature
pIph->iph_ttl = 0xef; // TTL
pIph->iph_xsum = 0xcdab; //Checksum;
ntStatus = NtDeviceIoControlFile(g_FilterDriverHandle, NULL, NULL, NULL, &IoStatusBlock, IOCTL_TEST_PACKET, (PVOID)pTest, dwInBufLen, (PVOID)pTest, dwInBufLen);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { printf("IOCTL failed - status %x \n", ntStatus); return; }
if(pTest->eaResult is DROP) { printf("Packet rejected\n"); } else { printf("Packet accepted\n"); }
HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,pTest); return; }
VOID DoDeleteInterface() { }
VOID DoStopFilter() { CloseHandles(); }
VOID DoGetInfo() { }
VOID DoAddRoute() { TDIObjectID *lpObject; IPRouteEntry *lpentry; NTSTATUS ntStatus; IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock; CHAR szIPAddr[20]; DWORD dwInBufLen;
lptrsiBuffer = (TCP_REQUEST_SET_INFORMATION_EX *)buffer;
lptrsiBuffer->BufferSize = sizeof(IPRouteEntry);
lpObject = &lptrsiBuffer->ID; lpObject->toi_id = IP_MIB_RTTABLE_ENTRY_ID; lpObject->toi_type = INFO_TYPE_PROVIDER; lpObject->toi_class = INFO_CLASS_PROTOCOL; lpObject->toi_entity.tei_entity = CL_NL_ENTITY; lpObject->toi_entity.tei_instance = 0;
lpentry = (IPRouteEntry *)lptrsiBuffer->Buffer;
dwInBufLen = sizeof(TCP_REQUEST_SET_INFORMATION_EX) + sizeof(IPRouteEntry) - 1;
printf("Enter Address (Dotted Decimal Form): "); gets(szIPAddr); printf("\n"); lpentry->ire_dest = inet_addr(szIPAddr);
printf("Enter IF (numerical):"); gets(szIPAddr); printf("\n"); lpentry->ire_index = atoi(szIPAddr);
printf("Enter Next Hop (Dotted Decimal Form): "); gets(szIPAddr); printf("\n"); lpentry->ire_nexthop = inet_addr(szIPAddr);
printf("Enter Mask (Dotted Decimal Form): "); gets(szIPAddr); printf("\n"); lpentry->ire_mask = inet_addr(szIPAddr);
printf("Enter Metric 1: "); gets(szIPAddr); printf("\n"); lpentry->ire_metric1 = atoi(szIPAddr);
lpentry->ire_metric2 = lpentry->ire_metric3 = lpentry->ire_metric4 = lpentry->ire_metric5 = IRE_METRIC_UNUSED;
lpentry->ire_age = 0;
printf("Enter type 2 - invalid 3 - direct 4 - indirect: "); gets(szIPAddr); printf("\n"); lpentry->ire_type = atoi(szIPAddr);
lpentry->ire_proto = IRE_PROTO_LOCAL;
ntStatus = NtDeviceIoControlFile(g_TcpDriverHandle, NULL, NULL, NULL, &IoStatusBlock, IOCTL_TCP_SET_INFORMATION_EX, (PVOID)lptrsiBuffer, dwInBufLen, NULL, 0);
if(ntStatus is STATUS_PENDING) { ntStatus = NtWaitForSingleObject(g_TcpDriverHandle, FALSE, NULL ); ntStatus = IoStatusBlock.Status; }
if (!NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { printf("IOCTL failed to get set route - error %x\n",ntStatus); }
VOID DoAddForwarderIf() { NTSTATUS ntStatus; IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock; DWORD dwResult; DWORD dwSpace,dwId,dwIf,i; IPSNMPInfo ipsiInfo; IPAddrEntry *pAddrTable; PLIST_ENTRY currentList; PUSER_IF pIf; IP_SET_IF_CONTEXT_INFO info; CHAR cAddr1[20],cAddr2[20];
dwResult = GetIpStatsFromStack(&ipsiInfo);
if(dwResult isnot NO_ERROR) { printf("Couldnt get Ip Snmp info from stack for num addr error %x\n",dwResult); return; }
dwSpace = ipsiInfo.ipsi_numaddr + 10;
pAddrTable = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,dwSpace * sizeof(IPAddrEntry));
if(pAddrTable is NULL) { printf("Couldnt allocate space for ipAddr table\n"); return; }
dwResult = GetIpAddrTableFromStack(pAddrTable,&dwSpace);
if(dwResult isnot NO_ERROR) { printf("Couldnt get addr table from stack %x\n",dwResult); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,pAddrTable); return; }
printf("\nForwarder Interfaces\n"); printf("Index\tAddress\t\tMask\n");
for(i = 0; i < dwSpace; i++) { struct in_addr addr; addr.s_addr = pAddrTable[i].iae_addr; strcpy(cAddr1,inet_ntoa(addr)); addr.s_addr = pAddrTable[i].iae_mask; strcpy(cAddr2,inet_ntoa(addr)); printf("%d.\t%s\t\t%s\n",pAddrTable[i].iae_index,cAddr1,cAddr2); }
printf("\nFilter Interfaces\n");
currentList = g_ifList.Flink;
i = 1;
while(currentList isnot &g_ifList) { pIf = CONTAINING_RECORD(currentList,USER_IF,ifLink);
printf("\t%d. %s\n",i++,pIf->pszName); currentList = currentList->Flink; }
while(TRUE) { printf("Enter Forwarder index (99 to exit): "); gets(cAddr1); printf("\n");
dwId = atoi(cAddr1); if(dwId is 99) break;
printf("Enter Interface Index to associate with: "); gets(cAddr1); printf("\n"); dwIf = atoi(cAddr1);
currentList = g_ifList.Flink; i = 1; pIf = NULL;
while(currentList isnot &g_ifList) { if(i is dwIf) { pIf = CONTAINING_RECORD(currentList,USER_IF,ifLink); break; } i++; currentList = currentList->Flink; }
if(pIf is NULL) { printf("Couldnt find filter interface\n"); continue; }
info.Index = dwId; info.Context = pIf->pvIfContext;
ntStatus = NtDeviceIoControlFile(g_IpDriverHandle, NULL, NULL, NULL, &IoStatusBlock, IOCTL_IP_SET_IF_CONTEXT, (PVOID)&info, sizeof(IP_SET_IF_CONTEXT_INFO), NULL, 0); if(!NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { printf("Couldnt set context\n"); } else { printf("Set context successfully\n"); } }
HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,pAddrTable); return; }
DWORD InitializeFilter() { NTSTATUS status; UNICODE_STRING nameString; IO_STATUS_BLOCK ioStatusBlock; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES objectAttributes;
InitializeObjectAttributes(&objectAttributes, &nameString, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL);
status = NtCreateFile(&g_FilterDriverHandle, SYNCHRONIZE | FILE_READ_DATA | FILE_WRITE_DATA, &objectAttributes, &ioStatusBlock, NULL, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, FILE_OPEN_IF, 0, NULL, 0);
if(!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { printf("Couldnt create filter driver handle\n"); return(status); }
RtlInitUnicodeString(&nameString, DD_IP_DEVICE_NAME);
InitializeObjectAttributes(&objectAttributes, &nameString, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL);
if(!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { printf("Couldnt create ip driver handle\n"); return(status); }
RtlInitUnicodeString(&nameString, DD_TCP_DEVICE_NAME);
InitializeObjectAttributes(&objectAttributes, &nameString, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL);
if(!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { printf("Couldnt create tcp driver handle\n"); }
return (status); }
//* CloseHandles()
// Function: Close TCPIP stack handle.
// Returns: 0
VOID CloseHandles () { CloseHandle(g_FilterDriverHandle); CloseHandle(g_IpDriverHandle); CloseHandle(g_TcpDriverHandle); }
DWORD GetIpAddrTableFromStack(IPAddrEntry *lpipaeTable, LPDWORD lpdwNumEntries) { DWORD dwResult; DWORD dwInBufLen; DWORD dwOutBufLen; DWORD i,j; TCP_REQUEST_QUERY_INFORMATION_EX trqiInBuf; TDIObjectID *ID; BYTE *Context; NTSTATUS Status; IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock;
dwInBufLen = sizeof(TCP_REQUEST_QUERY_INFORMATION_EX); dwOutBufLen = (*lpdwNumEntries) * sizeof( IPAddrEntry );
ID = &(trqiInBuf.ID); ID->toi_entity.tei_entity = CL_NL_ENTITY; ID->toi_entity.tei_instance = 0; ID->toi_class = INFO_CLASS_PROTOCOL; ID->toi_type = INFO_TYPE_PROVIDER; ID->toi_id = IP_MIB_ADDRTABLE_ENTRY_ID;
Context = (BYTE *) &(trqiInBuf.Context[0]); ZeroMemory( Context, CONTEXT_SIZE );
Status = NtDeviceIoControlFile(g_TcpDriverHandle, NULL, NULL, NULL, &IoStatusBlock, IOCTL_TCP_QUERY_INFORMATION_EX, (PVOID)&trqiInBuf, dwInBufLen, lpipaeTable, dwOutBufLen);
if(Status is STATUS_PENDING) { Status = NtWaitForSingleObject(g_TcpDriverHandle, FALSE, NULL ); Status = IoStatusBlock.Status; }
if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) { printf("IOCTL failed to get address table\n"); *lpdwNumEntries = 0; return ( Status ); }
*lpdwNumEntries = (ULONG)(((UINT_PTR)IoStatusBlock.Information / sizeof(IPAddrEntry)));
return (NO_ERROR); }
DWORD GetIpStatsFromStack(IPSNMPInfo *IPSnmpInfo) { DWORD dwResult; DWORD dwInBufLen; DWORD dwOutBufLen; TCP_REQUEST_QUERY_INFORMATION_EX trqiInBuf; TDIObjectID *ID; BYTE *Context; NTSTATUS Status; IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock;
dwOutBufLen = sizeof(IPSNMPInfo);
ID = &(trqiInBuf.ID); ID->toi_entity.tei_entity = CL_NL_ENTITY; ID->toi_entity.tei_instance = 0; ID->toi_class = INFO_CLASS_PROTOCOL; ID->toi_type = INFO_TYPE_PROVIDER; ID->toi_id = IP_MIB_STATS_ID;
Context = (BYTE *) &(trqiInBuf.Context[0]); ZeroMemory(Context, CONTEXT_SIZE);
Status = NtDeviceIoControlFile(g_TcpDriverHandle, NULL, NULL, NULL, &IoStatusBlock, IOCTL_TCP_QUERY_INFORMATION_EX, (PVOID)&trqiInBuf, sizeof(TCP_REQUEST_QUERY_INFORMATION_EX), IPSnmpInfo, dwOutBufLen);
if(Status is STATUS_PENDING) { Status = NtWaitForSingleObject(g_TcpDriverHandle, FALSE, NULL); Status = IoStatusBlock.Status; }
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { printf("IOCTL failed to get SNMP info\n"); return (Status); }
return (NO_ERROR); }