Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Function related to shutdown
Revision History:
Gurdeep Singh Pall 6/14/95 Created
#include "allinc.h"
VOID ReinstallOldRoutes( );
VOID RouterManagerCleanup( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description
The main cleanup function
Return Value
{ HANDLE hRtmHandle; DWORD i;
DeleteAllInterfaces(); UnloadRoutingProtocols(); UnInitHashTables();
CloseIpIpKey(); if (!RouterRoleLanOnly) { //
// WAN related cleanups
CloseWanArp() ;
if (g_bEnableNetbtBcastFrowarding) { RestoreNetbtBcastForwardingMode(); } } if(g_hMprConfig isnot NULL) { MprConfigServerDisconnect(g_hMprConfig); } MgmDeInitialize ();
if (g_hNotification isnot NULL) { RtmDeregisterFromChangeNotification(g_hLocalRoute, g_hNotification);
g_hNotification = NULL; }
if (g_hDefaultRouteNotification isnot NULL) { RtmDeregisterFromChangeNotification(g_hNetMgmtRoute, g_hDefaultRouteNotification);
g_hDefaultRouteNotification = NULL; }
// Cleanup and deregister all RTM registrations
for(i = 0; i < sizeof(g_rgRtmHandles)/sizeof(RTM_HANDLE_INFO); i++) { hRtmHandle = g_rgRtmHandles[i].hRouteHandle;
if (hRtmHandle isnot NULL) { // Delete all routes added by this regn
DeleteRtmRoutes(hRtmHandle, 0, TRUE); // Delete all nexthops added by this regn
DeleteRtmNexthops(hRtmHandle, 0, TRUE);
// Deregister this registration from RTM
g_rgRtmHandles[i].dwProtoId = 0; g_rgRtmHandles[i].hRouteHandle = NULL; } }
// Null out the aliases to the above regn handles
g_hLocalRoute = NULL; g_hAutoStaticRoute = NULL; g_hStaticRoute = NULL; g_hNonDodRoute = NULL; g_hNetMgmtRoute = NULL;
// When last entity deregisters, the route table is automatically deleted
// Before closing the handle to the TCP driver, reinstall all the routes
// that existed before we started. The memory was from route heap so will
// get freed
if(!IsListEmpty(&g_leStackRoutesToRestore)) { ReinstallOldRoutes(); }
// Close handles used for notification
if(g_hDemandDialEvent isnot NULL) { CloseHandle(g_hDemandDialEvent) ; g_hDemandDialEvent = NULL; }
if(g_hIpInIpEvent isnot NULL) { CloseHandle(g_hIpInIpEvent); g_hIpInIpEvent = NULL; }
if(g_hSetForwardingEvent isnot NULL) { CloseHandle(g_hSetForwardingEvent); g_hSetForwardingEvent = NULL; }
if(g_hForwardingChangeEvent isnot NULL) { CloseHandle(g_hForwardingChangeEvent);
g_hForwardingChangeEvent = NULL; }
if(g_hStackChangeEvent isnot NULL) { CloseHandle(g_hStackChangeEvent); g_hStackChangeEvent = NULL; }
if(g_hRoutingProtocolEvent isnot NULL) { CloseHandle(g_hRoutingProtocolEvent) ; g_hRoutingProtocolEvent = NULL; } if(g_hStopRouterEvent isnot NULL) { CloseHandle(g_hStopRouterEvent) ; g_hStopRouterEvent = NULL; } if(g_hRtrDiscSocketEvent isnot NULL) { CloseHandle(g_hRtrDiscSocketEvent); g_hRtrDiscSocketEvent = NULL; }
if(g_hMcMiscSocketEvent isnot NULL) { CloseHandle(g_hMcMiscSocketEvent); g_hMcMiscSocketEvent = NULL; }
if(g_hRtrDiscTimer isnot NULL) { CloseHandle(g_hRtrDiscTimer); g_hRtrDiscTimer = NULL; }
for(i = 0; i < NUM_MCAST_IRPS; i++) { if(g_hMcastEvents[i] isnot NULL) { CloseHandle(g_hMcastEvents[i]);
g_hMcastEvents[i] = NULL; } } for(i = 0; i < NUM_ROUTE_CHANGE_IRPS; i++) { if(g_hRouteChangeEvents[i] isnot NULL) { CloseHandle(g_hRouteChangeEvents[i]);
g_hRouteChangeEvents[i] = NULL; } }
if(WSACleanup() isnot NO_ERROR) { Trace1(ERR, "RouterManagerCleanup: WSACleanup returned %d", WSAGetLastError()); } for(i = 0; i < NUM_LOCKS; i++) { RtlDeleteResource(&g_LockTable[i]); }
// This cleans out the interface structures, since they are all
// allocated from this heap
if(IPRouterHeap isnot NULL) { HeapDestroy (IPRouterHeap) ; IPRouterHeap = NULL; } Trace0(GLOBAL, "IP Router Manager cleanup done");
TraceLeave("RouterManagerCleanup"); TraceDeregister (TraceHandle) ; }
VOID ReinstallOldRoutes( ) { DWORD dwResult; PROUTE_LIST_ENTRY prl; TraceEnter("ReinstallOldRoutes"); while (!IsListEmpty(&g_leStackRoutesToRestore)) { prl = (PROUTE_LIST_ENTRY) RemoveHeadList( &g_leStackRoutesToRestore );
TraceRoute2( ROUTE, "%d.%d.%d.%d/%d.%d.%d.%d", PRINT_IPADDR( prl->mibRoute.dwForwardDest ), PRINT_IPADDR( prl->mibRoute.dwForwardMask ) ); dwResult = SetIpForwardEntryToStack(&(prl->mibRoute)); if (dwResult isnot NO_ERROR) { Trace2(ERR, "ReinstallOldRoutes: Failed to add route to %x from " " init table. Error %x", prl->mibRoute.dwForwardDest, dwResult); } }
TraceLeave("ReinstallOldRoutes"); }
VOID MIBCleanup( VOID ) { TraceEnter("MIBCleanup"); if(g_hIfHeap isnot NULL) { HeapDestroy(g_hIfHeap); g_hIfHeap = NULL; } if(g_hUdpHeap isnot NULL) { HeapDestroy(g_hUdpHeap); g_hUdpHeap = NULL; } if(g_hIpAddrHeap isnot NULL) { HeapDestroy(g_hIpAddrHeap); g_hIpAddrHeap = NULL; } if(g_hIpForwardHeap isnot NULL) { HeapDestroy(g_hIpForwardHeap); g_hIpForwardHeap = NULL; } if(g_hIpNetHeap isnot NULL) { HeapDestroy(g_hIpNetHeap); g_hIpNetHeap = NULL; }
TraceLeave("MIBCleanup"); }
//* UnloadRoutingProtocols()
// Function: 1. Calls stopprotocol for each routing protocol
// 2. Waits for protocols to stop
// 3. Unloads the routing protocol dlls.
// Returns: Nothing.
VOID UnloadRoutingProtocols() { PLIST_ENTRY currentlist ; PPROTO_CB protptr ;
while (!IsListEmpty(&g_leProtoCbList)) { currentlist = RemoveHeadList(&g_leProtoCbList);
protptr = CONTAINING_RECORD (currentlist, PROTO_CB, leList) ;
// relenquish CPU to enable DLL threads to finish
Sleep(0); FreeLibrary (protptr->hiHInstance) ; // unload dll
HeapFree (IPRouterHeap, 0, protptr) ; // free cb
TraceLeave("UnloadRoutingProtocols"); }
VOID CloseIPDriver( VOID ) { TraceEnter("CloseIPDriver"); if(g_hIpDevice isnot NULL) { CloseHandle(g_hIpDevice) ; }
if (g_hIpRouteChangeDevice isnot NULL) { CloseHandle(g_hIpRouteChangeDevice); }
TraceLeave("CloseIPDriver"); }
VOID CloseMcastDriver( VOID ) { TraceEnter("CloseMcastDriver");
if(g_hMcastDevice isnot NULL) { CloseHandle(g_hMcastDevice); }
DWORD StopDriverAndCloseHandle( PCHAR pszServiceName, HANDLE hDevice ) { NTSTATUS status; UNICODE_STRING nameString; IO_STATUS_BLOCK ioStatusBlock; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES objectAttributes; SC_HANDLE schSCManager, schService; DWORD dwErr; SERVICE_STATUS ssStatus;
TraceEnter("StopDriverAndCloseHandle"); if(hDevice isnot NULL) { CloseHandle(hDevice); } schSCManager = OpenSCManager(NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS); if(schSCManager is NULL) { dwErr = GetLastError(); Trace2(ERR, "StopDriver: Error %d opening service controller for %s", dwErr, pszServiceName);
TraceLeave("StopDriver"); return dwErr; } schService = OpenService(schSCManager, pszServiceName, SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS); if(schService is NULL) { dwErr = GetLastError(); Trace2(ERR, "StopDriver: Error %d opening %s", dwErr, pszServiceName); CloseServiceHandle(schSCManager);
TraceLeave("StopDriver"); return dwErr; } if(!ControlService(schService, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, &ssStatus)) { dwErr = GetLastError(); Trace2(ERR, "StopDriver: Error %d stopping %s", dwErr, pszServiceName);
TraceLeave("StopDriver"); return dwErr; }
TraceLeave("StopDriver"); return NO_ERROR ; }