#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <ntddser.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <rasman.h>
#include <rasddm.h>
#include <ipxrtdef.h>
// [pmay] this will no longer be neccessary when the ipx router
// is converted to use MprInfo api's.
VOID DbgAdapterEmulation(ULONG AdapterStatus, ULONG AdapterIndex, ULONG InterfaceIndex, ULONG NdisMedium);
VOID DbgConnectionRequest(ULONG ifindex);
struct _DBG_IF {
IPX_INFO_BLOCK_HEADER header; IPX_TOC_ENTRY toc[5]; IPX_IF_INFO ipxifinfo; RIP_IF_INFO ripifinfo; SAP_IF_INFO sapifinfo; IPXWAN_IF_INFO ipxwanifinfo; IPX_ADAPTER_INFO adapterinfo; WCHAR adaptername[4]; IPX_STATIC_ROUTE_INFO routeinfo[10]; } dbgif;
struct _DBG_IF dbgif1;
#define ipxtoc dbgif.header.TocEntry[0]
#define riptoc dbgif.toc[0]
#define saptoc dbgif.toc[1]
#define ipxwantoc dbgif.toc[2]
#define adaptertoc dbgif.toc[3]
#define routetoc dbgif.toc[4]
WCHAR MainAdapterName[5] = { L'A', L'B', L'C', L'D', L'\0' }; WCHAR MainInterfaceName[5] = { L'X', L'Y', L'Z', L'0', L'\0' }; ULONG MainInterfaceType = ROUTER_IF_TYPE_DEDICATED;
HANDLE MainInterfaceHandle;
VOID MainAddInterface(VOID) { PIPX_IF_INFO ipxinfop; PRIP_IF_INFO ripinfop; PSAP_IF_INFO sapinfop; PIPXWAN_IF_INFO ipxwaninfop; PIPX_ADAPTER_INFO adapterinfop; PIPX_STATIC_ROUTE_INFO routeinfop; BOOL Enabled; int i,j; BOOL str; // static routes info
printf("Enter interface number:"); scanf("%d", &i);
printf("Enter interface type (0,1,2 - wan, 3 - lan, 4 - internal):"); scanf("%d", &MainInterfaceType);
if(MainInterfaceType == 2) { str = TRUE; } else { str = FALSE; }
dbgif.header.Version = IPX_ROUTER_VERSION_1; dbgif.header.Size = sizeof(dbgif); if (str) dbgif.header.TocEntriesCount = 6; else dbgif.header.TocEntriesCount = 5;
ipxtoc.InfoType = IPX_INTERFACE_INFO_TYPE; ipxtoc.InfoSize = sizeof(IPX_IF_INFO); ipxtoc.Count = 1; ipxtoc.Offset = (ULONG)((PUCHAR)&dbgif.ipxifinfo - (PUCHAR)&dbgif);
riptoc.InfoType = RIP_INTERFACE_INFO_TYPE; riptoc.InfoSize = sizeof(RIP_IF_INFO); riptoc.Count = 1; riptoc.Offset = ipxtoc.Offset + sizeof(IPX_IF_INFO);
saptoc.InfoType = SAP_INTERFACE_INFO_TYPE; saptoc.InfoSize = sizeof(SAP_IF_INFO); saptoc.Count = 1; saptoc.Offset = riptoc.Offset + sizeof(RIP_IF_INFO);
ipxwantoc.InfoType = IPXWAN_INTERFACE_INFO_TYPE; ipxwantoc.InfoSize = sizeof(IPXWAN_IF_INFO); ipxwantoc.Count = 1; ipxwantoc.Offset = saptoc.Offset + sizeof(SAP_IF_INFO);
adaptertoc.InfoType = IPX_ADAPTER_INFO_TYPE; adaptertoc.InfoSize = sizeof(IPX_ADAPTER_INFO) + wcslen(MainAdapterName) * sizeof(WCHAR); adaptertoc.Count = 1; adaptertoc.Offset = ipxwantoc.Offset + ipxwantoc.InfoSize;
if (str) {
routetoc.InfoType = IPX_STATIC_ROUTE_INFO_TYPE; routetoc.InfoSize = sizeof(IPX_STATIC_ROUTE_INFO); routetoc.Count = 3; routetoc.Offset = adaptertoc.Offset + adaptertoc.InfoSize; }
ipxinfop = (PIPX_IF_INFO)((PUCHAR)&dbgif + ipxtoc.Offset); ipxinfop->AdminState = IF_ADMIN_STATE_ENABLED; ipxinfop->NetbiosAccept = IF_ADMIN_STATE_ENABLED; ipxinfop->NetbiosDeliver = IF_ADMIN_STATE_DISABLED;
MainAdapterName[3] = L'0' + i;
adapterinfop = (PIPX_ADAPTER_INFO)((PUCHAR)&dbgif + adaptertoc.Offset); adapterinfop->PacketType = 1; adapterinfop->AdapterNameLen = (wcslen(MainAdapterName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); memcpy(adapterinfop->AdapterName, MainAdapterName, adapterinfop->AdapterNameLen);
if (str) {
routeinfop = dbgif.routeinfo;
for(j=0; j <3; j++, routeinfop++) { memset(routeinfop->Network, 0, 4); routeinfop->Network[3] = i * 0x10 + j; routeinfop->HopCount = 1; routeinfop->TickCount = 1; memset(routeinfop->NextHopMacAddress, i * 0x10 + j, 6); } }
MainInterfaceName[3] = L'0' + i;
MainInterfaceHandle = (*ddmif.AddInterface)(MainInterfaceName, &dbgif, NULL, MainInterfaceType, TRUE, &Enabled);
printf("main: AddInterface returned 0x%x\n", MainInterfaceHandle);
VOID MainDeleteInterface(VOID) { ULONG ii;
printf("Enter interface index:"); scanf("%d", &ii); (*ddmif.DeleteInterface)((HANDLE)ii); }
VOID MainGetInterface(VOID) { ULONG ii; ULONG IfInfoSize; ULONG FilterInfoSize; IPX_INFO_BLOCK_HEADER FilterInfo; DWORD rc;
printf("Enter interface index:"); scanf("%d", &ii);
rc = (*ddmif.GetInterfaceInfo)((HANDLE)ii, NULL, &IfInfoSize, NULL, &FilterInfoSize);
printf("MainGetInterface: bad error code rc= %d in first GetInterfaceInfo\n", rc); return; }
printf("MainGetInterface: If info len = %d, Filter Info len = %d\n", IfInfoSize, FilterInfoSize);
rc = (*ddmif.GetInterfaceInfo)((HANDLE)ii, &dbgif1, &IfInfoSize, NULL, &FilterInfoSize);
if(rc != NO_ERROR) {
printf("MainGetInterface: bad error code rc= %d in second GetInterfaceInfo\n", rc); } }
VOID MainSetInterface(VOID) { ULONG ii; PIPX_IF_INFO ipxinfop; PRIP_IF_INFO ripinfop; PSAP_IF_INFO sapinfop; PIPXWAN_IF_INFO ipxwaninfop; PIPX_ADAPTER_INFO adapterinfop; PIPX_STATIC_ROUTE_INFO routeinfop; BOOL Enabled; int j, ri; DWORD rc;
printf("Enter if index:"); scanf("%d", &ii);
printf("Enter 3-no modif, 4- add a new route, 2- delete a route:"); scanf("%d", &ri);
dbgif.header.Version = IPX_ROUTER_VERSION_1; dbgif.header.Size = sizeof(dbgif); dbgif.header.TocEntriesCount = 6;
ipxtoc.InfoType = IPX_INTERFACE_INFO_TYPE; ipxtoc.InfoSize = sizeof(IPX_IF_INFO); ipxtoc.Count = 1; ipxtoc.Offset = (ULONG)((PUCHAR)&dbgif.ipxifinfo - (PUCHAR)&dbgif);
riptoc.InfoType = RIP_INTERFACE_INFO_TYPE; riptoc.InfoSize = sizeof(RIP_IF_INFO); riptoc.Count = 1; riptoc.Offset = ipxtoc.Offset + sizeof(IPX_IF_INFO);
saptoc.InfoType = SAP_INTERFACE_INFO_TYPE; saptoc.InfoSize = sizeof(SAP_IF_INFO); saptoc.Count = 1; saptoc.Offset = riptoc.Offset + sizeof(RIP_IF_INFO);
ipxwantoc.InfoType = IPXWAN_INTERFACE_INFO_TYPE; ipxwantoc.InfoSize = sizeof(IPXWAN_IF_INFO); ipxwantoc.Count = 1; ipxwantoc.Offset = saptoc.Offset + sizeof(SAP_IF_INFO);
adaptertoc.InfoType = IPX_ADAPTER_INFO_TYPE; adaptertoc.InfoSize = sizeof(IPX_ADAPTER_INFO) + wcslen(MainAdapterName) * sizeof(WCHAR); adaptertoc.Count = 1; adaptertoc.Offset = ipxwantoc.Offset + ipxwantoc.InfoSize;
routetoc.InfoType = IPX_STATIC_ROUTE_INFO_TYPE; routetoc.InfoSize = sizeof(IPX_STATIC_ROUTE_INFO); routetoc.Count = ri; routetoc.Offset = adaptertoc.Offset + adaptertoc.InfoSize;
ipxinfop = (PIPX_IF_INFO)((PUCHAR)&dbgif + ipxtoc.Offset); ipxinfop->AdminState = IF_ADMIN_STATE_ENABLED; ipxinfop->NetbiosAccept = IF_ADMIN_STATE_ENABLED; ipxinfop->NetbiosDeliver = IF_ADMIN_STATE_DISABLED;
MainAdapterName[3] = L'0' + (UCHAR)ii;
adapterinfop = (PIPX_ADAPTER_INFO)((PUCHAR)&dbgif + adaptertoc.Offset); adapterinfop->PacketType = 1; adapterinfop->AdapterNameLen = (wcslen(MainAdapterName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); memcpy(adapterinfop->AdapterName, MainAdapterName, adapterinfop->AdapterNameLen);
routeinfop = dbgif.routeinfo;
for(j=0; j <ri; j++, routeinfop++) { memset(routeinfop->Network, 0, 4);
routeinfop->Network[3] = (UCHAR)ii * 0x10 + j; routeinfop->HopCount = 1; routeinfop->TickCount = 1; memset(routeinfop->NextHopMacAddress, ii * 0x10 + j, 6); }
rc = (*ddmif.SetInterfaceInfo)((HANDLE)ii, &dbgif, NULL, &Enabled);
printf("main: SetInterface returned 0x%x\n", rc);
VOID MainEmulateAdapter(VOID) { ULONG ai, ii, as, nm;
printf("Enter adapter index:"); scanf("%d", &ai); printf("Enter interface index:"); scanf("%d", &ii); printf("Enter adapter status (1 - create, 2-delete, 3-connect, 4-disc):"); scanf("%d", &as); printf("Enter adapter medium (0- LAN, 1 - WAN):"); scanf("%d", &nm);
DbgAdapterEmulation(as, ai, ii, nm); }
VOID MainConnReq(VOID) { ULONG ii;
printf("Enter interface index to request connection:"); scanf("%d", &ii);
DbgConnectionRequest(ii); }
VOID RouterStarted(DWORD protid) { printf("main: RouterStarted: protid 0x%x\n", protid); }
VOID RouterStopped(DWORD protid, DWORD err) { printf("main: RouterStopped: protid 0x%x err 0x%x\n", protid, err); }
DWORD ConnectInterface(LPWSTR InterfaceNamep, ULONG pid) { printf("Main: ConnectInterface: request to connect if %S\n", InterfaceNamep); return NO_ERROR; }
VOID _cdecl main( IN WORD argc, IN LPSTR argv[] )
{ DWORD rc; int i;
ddmif.RouterStarted = RouterStarted; ddmif.RouterStopped = RouterStopped; ddmif.ConnectInterface = ConnectInterface;
rc = InitializeRouter(&ddmif);
printf("main: InitializeRouter returned %x\n", rc);
for(;;) {
printf("Router Manager Test Menu:\n"); printf("1. Start router\n"); printf("2. Stop router\n"); printf("3. Add interface\n"); printf("4. Delete interface\n"); printf("5. Get interface\n"); printf("6. Set interface\n"); printf("7. Emulate adapters - create, connect, disconnect, delete\n"); printf("8. Clear dbgif1\n"); printf("9. MIB Test\n"); printf("10. Connection request test\n"); printf("99. Exit\n"); printf("Enter your option:");
scanf("%d", &i);
switch(i) {
case 1:
rc = (*ddmif.StartRouter)(); printf("main: StartRouter rc=0x%x\n", rc);
case 2:
(*ddmif.StopRouter)(); printf("main: StopRouter \n"); break;
case 3:
MainAddInterface(); break;
case 4:
MainDeleteInterface(); break;
case 5:
MainGetInterface(); break;
case 6:
MainSetInterface(); break;
case 7:
MainEmulateAdapter(); break;
case 8:
memset(&dbgif1, 0, sizeof(dbgif1)); break;
case 9:
MibTest(); break;
case 10:
MainConnReq(); break;
case 99:
printf("exit\n"); goto Exit;
break; } }
ExitProcess(0); }