// Copyright (c) 1997, Microsoft Corporation, all rights reserved
// send.c
// RAS L2TP WAN mini-port/call-manager driver
// Send routines
// 01/07/97 Steve Cobb
#include "l2tpp.h"
#ifdef PSDEBUG
// List of all allocated PAYLOADSENT contexts and the lock that protects the
// list. (for debug purposes only)
NDIS_SPIN_LOCK g_lockDebugPs; LIST_ENTRY g_listDebugPs;
// Debug counts of client oddities that should not be happening.
ULONG g_ulSendZlbWithoutHostRoute = 0;
// Callback to add AVPs to an outgoing control message. 'PTunnel' is the
// tunnel control block. 'PVc' is the VC control block for call control
// messages or NULL for tunnel control messages. 'ulArg1', 'ulArg2', and
// 'pvArg3' are caller's arguments as passed for SendControl. 'PAvpBuffer' is
// the address of the buffer to receive the built AVPs. '*PulAvpLength' is
// set to the length of the built AVPs.
typedef VOID (*PBUILDAVPS)( IN TUNNELCB* pTunnel, IN VCCB* pVc, IN ULONG ulArg1, IN ULONG ulArg2, IN PVOID pvArg3, IN OUT CHAR* pAvpBuffer, OUT ULONG* pulAvpLength );
// Local prototypes (alphabetically)
USHORT BuildAvpAch( IN USHORT usAttribute, IN BOOLEAN fMandatory, IN CHAR* pszValue, IN USHORT usValueLength, OUT CHAR* pAvp );
USHORT BuildAvpAul( IN USHORT usAttribute, IN BOOLEAN fMandatory, IN UNALIGNED ULONG* pulValue, IN USHORT usValues, OUT CHAR* pAvp );
USHORT BuildAvpFlag( IN USHORT usAttribute, IN BOOLEAN fMandatory, OUT CHAR* pAvp );
USHORT BuildAvpUl( IN USHORT usAttribute, IN BOOLEAN fMandatory, IN ULONG ulValue, OUT CHAR* pAvp );
USHORT BuildAvpUs( IN USHORT usAttribute, IN BOOLEAN fMandatory, IN USHORT usValue, OUT CHAR* pAvp );
USHORT BuildAvp2UsAndAch( IN USHORT usAttribute, IN BOOLEAN fMandatory, IN USHORT usValue1, IN USHORT usValue2, IN CHAR* pszValue, IN USHORT usValueLength, OUT CHAR* pAvp );
VOID BuildCdnAvps( IN TUNNELCB* pTunnel, IN VCCB* pVc, IN ULONG ulArg1, IN ULONG ulArg2, IN PVOID pvArg3, IN OUT CHAR* pAvpBuffer, OUT ULONG* pulAvpLength );
VOID BuildHelloAvps( IN TUNNELCB* pTunnel, IN VCCB* pVc, IN ULONG ulArg1, IN ULONG ulArg2, IN PVOID pvArg3, IN OUT CHAR* pAvpBuffer, OUT ULONG* pulAvpLength );
VOID BuildIccnAvps( IN TUNNELCB* pTunnel, IN VCCB* pVc, IN ULONG ulArg1, IN ULONG ulArg2, IN PVOID pvArg3, IN OUT CHAR* pAvpBuffer, OUT ULONG* pulAvpLength );
VOID BuildIcrpAvps( IN TUNNELCB* pTunnel, IN VCCB* pVc, IN ULONG ulArg1, IN ULONG ulArg2, IN PVOID pvArg3, IN OUT CHAR* pAvpBuffer, OUT ULONG* pulAvpLength );
VOID BuildIcrqAvps( IN TUNNELCB* pTunnel, IN VCCB* pVc, IN ULONG ulArg1, IN ULONG ulArg2, IN PVOID pvArg3, IN OUT CHAR* pAvpBuffer, OUT ULONG* pulAvpLength );
ULONG BuildL2tpHeader( IN OUT CHAR* pBuffer, IN BOOLEAN fControl, IN BOOLEAN fReset, IN USHORT* pusTunnelId, IN USHORT* pusCallId, IN USHORT* pusNs, IN USHORT usNr );
VOID BuildOccnAvps( IN TUNNELCB* pTunnel, IN VCCB* pVc, IN ULONG ulArg1, IN ULONG ulArg2, IN PVOID pvArg3, IN OUT CHAR* pAvpBuffer, OUT ULONG* pulAvpLength );
VOID BuildOcrpAvps( IN TUNNELCB* pTunnel, IN VCCB* pVc, IN ULONG ulArg1, IN ULONG ulArg2, IN PVOID pvArg3, IN OUT CHAR* pAvpBuffer, OUT ULONG* pulAvpLength );
VOID BuildOcrqAvps( IN TUNNELCB* pTunnel, IN VCCB* pVc, IN ULONG ulArg1, IN ULONG ulArg2, IN PVOID pvArg3, IN OUT CHAR* pAvpBuffer, OUT ULONG* pulAvpLength );
VOID BuildScccnAvps( IN TUNNELCB* pTunnel, IN VCCB* pVc, IN ULONG ulArg1, IN ULONG ulArg2, IN PVOID pvArg3, IN OUT CHAR* pAvpBuffer, OUT ULONG* pulAvpLength );
VOID BuildSccrpAvps( IN TUNNELCB* pTunnel, IN VCCB* pVc, IN ULONG ulArg1, IN ULONG ulArg2, IN PVOID pvArg3, IN OUT CHAR* pAvpBuffer, OUT ULONG* pulAvpLength );
VOID BuildSccrqAvps( IN TUNNELCB* pTunnel, IN VCCB* pVc, IN ULONG ulArg1, IN ULONG ulArg2, IN PVOID pvArg3, IN OUT CHAR* pAvpBuffer, OUT ULONG* pulAvpLength );
VOID BuildStopccnAvps( IN TUNNELCB* pTunnel, IN VCCB* pVc, IN ULONG ulArg1, IN ULONG ulArg2, IN PVOID pvArg3, IN OUT CHAR* pAvpBuffer, OUT ULONG* pulAvpLength );
VOID BuildWenAvps( IN TUNNELCB* pTunnel, IN VCCB* pVc, IN ULONG ulArg1, IN ULONG ulArg2, IN PVOID pvArg3, IN OUT CHAR* pAvpBuffer, OUT ULONG* pulAvpLength );
VOID CompletePayloadSent( IN TUNNELWORK* pWork, IN TUNNELCB* pTunnel, IN VCCB* pVc, IN ULONG_PTR* punpArgs );
VOID SendControlComplete( IN TDIXCONTEXT* pTdix, IN VOID* pContext1, IN VOID* pContext2, IN CHAR* pBuffer );
VOID SendHeaderComplete( IN TDIXCONTEXT* pTdix, IN VOID* pContext1, IN VOID* pContext2, IN CHAR* pBuffer );
VOID SendPayloadReset( IN TUNNELWORK* pWork, IN TUNNELCB* pTunnel, IN VCCB* pVc, IN ULONG_PTR* punpArgs );
VOID SendPayloadSeq( TUNNELWORK* pWork, TUNNELCB* pTunnel, VCCB* pVc, ULONG_PTR* punpArgs );
VOID SendPayloadSeqComplete( IN TDIXCONTEXT* pTdix, IN VOID* pContext1, IN VOID* pContext2, IN CHAR* pBuffer );
VOID SendPayloadUnseq( TUNNELWORK* pWork, TUNNELCB* pTunnel, VCCB* pVc, ULONG_PTR* punpArgs );
VOID SendPayloadUnseqComplete( IN TDIXCONTEXT* pTdix, IN VOID* pContext1, IN VOID* pContext2, IN CHAR* pBuffer );
VOID SendPayloadTimerEvent( IN TIMERQITEM* pItem, IN VOID* pContext, IN TIMERQEVENT event );
VOID UpdateControlHeaderNr( IN CHAR* pBuffer, IN USHORT usNr );
VOID UpdateHeaderLength( IN CHAR* pBuffer, IN USHORT usLength );
// Send routines
VOID SendControl( IN TUNNELCB* pTunnel, IN VCCB* pVc, IN USHORT usMsgType, IN ULONG ulBuildAvpsArg1, IN ULONG ulBuildAvpsArg2, IN PVOID pvBuildAvpsArg3, IN ULONG ulFlags )
// Build and send a control message. 'PTunnel' is the tunnel control
// block, always non-NULL. 'PVc' is the VC control block, non-NULL for
// call connection (as opposed to tunnel connection) messages.
// 'UsMsgType' is the message type AVP value of the message to build.
// 'UlBuildAvpsArgX' are the arguments passed to the PBUILDAVP handler
// associated with 'usMsgType', where the meaning depends on the specific
// handler. 'UlFlags' is the CSF_* flag options associated with the sent
// message context, or 0 if none.
// IMPORTANT: Caller must hold 'pTunnel->lockT'. If 'pVc' is non-NULL
// caller must also hold 'pVc->lockV'.
{ NDIS_STATUS status; ADAPTERCB* pAdapter; NDIS_BUFFER* pNdisBuffer; PBUILDAVPS pBuildAvpsHandler; TIMERQITEM* pTqiSendTimeout; CONTROLSENT* pCs; USHORT usAssignedCallId; ULONG ulLength; ULONG ulAvpLength; CHAR* pBuffer;
static PBUILDAVPS apBuildAvpHandlers[ 16 ] = { BuildSccrqAvps, // CMT_SCCRQ
BuildSccrpAvps, // CMT_SCCRP
BuildScccnAvps, // CMT_SCCCN
BuildStopccnAvps, // CMT_StopCCN
NULL, // CMT_StopCCRP (obsolete)
BuildHelloAvps, // CMT_Hello
BuildOcrqAvps, // CMT_OCRQ
BuildOcrpAvps, // CMT_OCRP
BuildOccnAvps, // CMT_OCCN
BuildIcrqAvps, // CMT_ICRQ
BuildIcrpAvps, // CMT_ICRP
BuildIccnAvps, // CMT_ICCN
NULL, // CMT_CCRQ (obsolete)
BuildCdnAvps, // CMT_CDN
BuildWenAvps, // CMT_WEN
TRACE( TL_V, TM_Send, ( "SendControl" ) );
pAdapter = pTunnel->pAdapter; pBuffer = NULL; pTqiSendTimeout = NULL; pCs = NULL;
do { // Get an NDIS_BUFFER to hold the control message.
pBuffer = GetBufferFromPool( &pAdapter->poolFrameBuffers ); if (!pBuffer) { ASSERT( !"GetBfP?" ); status = NDIS_STATUS_RESOURCES; break; }
// Get an "unacknowledged send timeout" timer event descriptor.
pTqiSendTimeout = ALLOC_TIMERQITEM( pAdapter ); if (!pTqiSendTimeout) { ASSERT( !"Alloc TQI?" ); status = NDIS_STATUS_RESOURCES; break; }
// Get a "control message sent" context.
pCs = ALLOC_CONTROLSENT( pAdapter ); if (!pCs) { ASSERT( !"Alloc PS?" ); status = NDIS_STATUS_RESOURCES; break; }
status = NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; } while (FALSE);
if (status != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { if (pBuffer) { FreeBufferToPool( &pAdapter->poolFrameBuffers, pBuffer, TRUE ); }
if (pTqiSendTimeout) { FREE_TIMERQITEM( pAdapter, pTqiSendTimeout ); }
// System is probably toast but try to be orderly.
ScheduleTunnelWork( pTunnel, NULL, FsmCloseTunnel, (ULONG_PTR )TRESULT_GeneralWithError, (ULONG_PTR )GERR_NoResources, 0, 0, FALSE, FALSE ); return; }
// Build an L2TP control header in 'pBuffer'. The Call-ID is 0 for tunnel
// control messages, or peer's assigned call ID for call control messages.
usAssignedCallId = (pVc) ? pVc->usAssignedCallId : 0; ulLength = BuildL2tpHeader( pBuffer, TRUE, FALSE, &pTunnel->usAssignedTunnelId, &usAssignedCallId, &pTunnel->usNs, pTunnel->usNr );
// Call the message type's "build AVPs" handler to add AVPs to the buffer
// following the header.
ASSERT( usMsgType > 0 && usMsgType <= 16 ); pBuildAvpsHandler = apBuildAvpHandlers[ usMsgType - 1 ]; pBuildAvpsHandler( pTunnel, pVc, ulBuildAvpsArg1, ulBuildAvpsArg2, pvBuildAvpsArg3, pBuffer + ulLength, &ulAvpLength ); ulLength += ulAvpLength; UpdateHeaderLength( pBuffer, (USHORT )ulLength );
// Pare down the frame buffer to the actual length used.
pNdisBuffer = NdisBufferFromBuffer( pBuffer ); NdisAdjustBufferLength( pNdisBuffer, (UINT )ulLength );
// Set up the "control message sent" context with the information needed
// to send the message and track it's progress through retransmissions.
pCs->lRef = 0; pCs->usNs = pTunnel->usNs; pCs->usMsgType = usMsgType; TimerQInitializeItem( pTqiSendTimeout ); pCs->pTqiSendTimeout = pTqiSendTimeout; pCs->ulRetransmits = 0; pCs->pBuffer = pBuffer; pCs->ulBufferLength = ulLength; pCs->pTunnel = pTunnel; pCs->pVc = pVc; pCs->ulFlags = ulFlags | CSF_Pending; pCs->pIrp = NULL;
// Bump the 'Next Send' counter since this message has been assigned the
// current value.
// Take a reference that is removed when the context is removed from the
// "outstanding send" list. Take a VC and tunnel reference that is
// removed when the context is freed.
ReferenceControlSent( pCs ); ReferenceTunnel( pTunnel, FALSE );
if (pCs->pVc) { ReferenceVc( pCs->pVc ); }
// Queue the context as "active" with transmission pending in 'Next Sent'
// sort order, i.e. at the tail.
InsertTailList( &pTunnel->listSendsOut, &pCs->linkSendsOut );
// See if the send window allows it to go now.
ScheduleTunnelWork( pTunnel, NULL, SendPending, 0, 0, 0, 0, FALSE, FALSE ); }
VOID SendPending( IN TUNNELWORK* pWork, IN TUNNELCB* pTunnel, IN VCCB* pVc, IN ULONG_PTR* punpArgs )
// A PTUNNELWORK routine to try to send pending messages from the
// "outstanding send" list until the send window is full.
// This routine is called only at PASSIVE IRQL.
TRACE( TL_N, TM_Send, ( "SendPending(sout=%d,sw=%d)", pTunnel->ulSendsOut, pTunnel->ulSendWindow ) );
// Unpack context information then free the work item.
pAdapter = pTunnel->pAdapter; FREE_TUNNELWORK( pAdapter, pWork );
NdisAcquireSpinLock( &pTunnel->lockT ); { for (;;) { if (pTunnel->ulSendsOut >= pTunnel->ulSendWindow) { // The send window is closed.
break; }
// Scan the "outstanding send" queue for the next send context
// pending transmission. Can't save our place for the next
// iteration because the lock must be released and re-acquired
// below to send the packet.
for (pLink = pTunnel->listSendsOut.Flink; pLink != &pTunnel->listSendsOut; pLink = pLink->Flink) { pCs = CONTAINING_RECORD( pLink, CONTROLSENT, linkSendsOut ); if (pCs->ulFlags & CSF_Pending) { break; } }
if (pLink == &pTunnel->listSendsOut) { // There is nothing pending.
break; }
// The send window is open and a pending send has been found.
// Mark the context "not pending" and close the window by one to
// account for the coming send.
ulFlags = pCs->ulFlags; pCs->ulFlags &= ~(CSF_Pending | CSF_QueryMediaSpeed); ++pTunnel->ulSendsOut;
// Cancel any pending delayed acknowledge timeout, because the
// acknowledge will piggyback on this packet.
if (pTunnel->pTqiDelayedAck) { TimerQCancelItem( pTunnel->pTimerQ, pTunnel->pTqiDelayedAck ); pTunnel->pTqiDelayedAck = NULL; }
if (pCs->ulRetransmits == 0) { LARGE_INTEGER lrgTime;
// This is the original send so note the time sent.
NdisGetCurrentSystemTime( &lrgTime ); pCs->llTimeSent = lrgTime.QuadPart; } else { // In the retransmission, the 'Next Send' is the same as the
// original, but the 'Next Receive' field is updated.
UpdateControlHeaderNr( pCs->pBuffer, pTunnel->usNr ); }
// Take a reference that will be removed in the send completion
// routine.
ReferenceControlSent( pCs );
TRACE( TL_A, TM_CMsg, ( "%sSEND(%d) %s, +sout=%d, to=%d", ((g_ulTraceLevel <= TL_I) ? "" : "\nL2TP: "), pCs->ulRetransmits, MsgTypePszFromUs( pCs->usMsgType ), pTunnel->ulSendsOut, pTunnel->ulSendTimeoutMs ) ); DUMPW( TL_A, TM_MDmp, pCs->pBuffer, pCs->ulBufferLength );
NdisReleaseSpinLock( &pTunnel->lockT );
// query media speed if necessary
if(ulFlags & CSF_QueryMediaSpeed) { TdixGetInterfaceInfo(&pAdapter->tdix, pTunnel->myaddress.ulIpAddress, &pTunnel->ulMediaSpeed); }
// Call TDI to send the control message.
if (ReadFlags(&pTunnel->ulFlags) & TCBF_SendConnected) {
ASSERT(pTunnel->pRoute != NULL);
FileObj = CtrlObjFromUdpContext(&pTunnel->udpContext); SendFunc = TdixSend; } else { FileObj = NULL; SendFunc = TdixSendDatagram; }
status = SendFunc(&pAdapter->tdix, FileObj, SendControlComplete, pCs, NULL, &pTunnel->address, pCs->pBuffer, pCs->ulBufferLength, &pCs->pIrp );
ASSERT( status == NDIS_STATUS_PENDING ); } NdisAcquireSpinLock( &pTunnel->lockT ); } } NdisReleaseSpinLock( &pTunnel->lockT ); }
VOID SendPayload( IN VCCB* pVc, IN NDIS_PACKET* pPacket )
// Sends payload packet 'pPacket' on VC 'pVc' eventually calling
// NdisMCoSendComplete with the result.
// IMPORTANT: Caller must not hold any locks.
{ NDIS_STATUS status; TUNNELCB* pTunnel; ADAPTERCB* pAdapter; CHAR* pBuffer;
TRACE( TL_V, TM_Send, ( "SendPayload" ) );
pAdapter = pVc->pAdapter; pTunnel = pVc->pTunnel; status = NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS;
if (pTunnel) { if (ReadFlags( &pTunnel->ulFlags ) & TCBF_HostRouteAdded) { // Take a reference on the call. For unsequenced sends, this is
// released when the TdixSendDatagram completes. For sequenced
// sends, it is released when the PAYLOADSENT context is freed.
if (ReferenceCall( pVc )) { // Get an NDIS_BUFFER to hold the L2TP header that will be
// tacked onto the front of NDISWAN's PPP-framed data packet.
pBuffer = GetBufferFromPool( &pAdapter->poolHeaderBuffers ); if (!pBuffer) { ASSERT( !"GetBfP?" ); DereferenceCall( pVc ); status = NDIS_STATUS_RESOURCES; } } else { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Send, ( "Send on inactive $%p", pVc ) ); status = NDIS_STATUS_FAILURE; } } else { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Send, ( "SendPayload w/o host route?" ) ); status = NDIS_STATUS_FAILURE; } } else { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Send, ( "Send $%p w/o pT?", pVc ) ); status = NDIS_STATUS_FAILURE; }
if (status != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { NDIS_SET_PACKET_STATUS( pPacket, status ); TRACE( TL_A, TM_Send, ( "NdisMCoSendComp($%x)", status ) ); NdisMCoSendComplete( status, pVc->NdisVcHandle, pPacket ); TRACE( TL_N, TM_Send, ( "NdisMCoSendComp done" ) ); return; }
if (ReadFlags( &pVc->ulFlags ) & VCBF_Sequencing) { ScheduleTunnelWork( pTunnel, pVc, SendPayloadSeq, (ULONG_PTR )pPacket, (ULONG_PTR )pBuffer, 0, 0, FALSE, FALSE ); } else { ScheduleTunnelWork( pTunnel, pVc, SendPayloadUnseq, (ULONG_PTR )pPacket, (ULONG_PTR )pBuffer, 0, 0, FALSE, FALSE ); } }
VOID SendPayloadSeq( TUNNELWORK* pWork, TUNNELCB* pTunnel, VCCB* pVc, ULONG_PTR* punpArgs )
// A PTUNNELWORK routine to handle sending a sequenced payload packet on a
// VC. Arg0 is the packet to send. Arg1 is the header buffer to fill in.
// This routine is called only at PASSIVE IRQL.
{ NDIS_STATUS status; ADAPTERCB* pAdapter; PAYLOADSENT* pPs; TIMERQITEM* pTqiSendTimeout; LARGE_INTEGER lrgTime; ULONG ulLength; ULONG ulFullLength; NDIS_PACKET* pPacket; CHAR* pBuffer; NDIS_BUFFER* pNdisBuffer; USHORT usNs;
TRACE( TL_V, TM_Send, ( "SendPayloadSeq" ) );
// Unpack context information then free the work item.
pAdapter = pTunnel->pAdapter; pPacket = (NDIS_PACKET* )(punpArgs[ 0 ]); pBuffer = (CHAR* )(punpArgs[ 1 ]); FREE_TUNNELWORK( pAdapter, pWork );
pTqiSendTimeout = NULL; pPs = NULL;
do { // Get an "unacknowledged send timeout" timer event descriptor.
pTqiSendTimeout = ALLOC_TIMERQITEM( pAdapter ); if (!pTqiSendTimeout) { ASSERT( !"Alloc TQI?" ); status = NDIS_STATUS_RESOURCES; break; }
// Get a "payload message sent" context.
pPs = ALLOC_PAYLOADSENT( pAdapter ); if (!pPs) { ASSERT( !"Alloc PS?" ); status = NDIS_STATUS_RESOURCES; break; }
NdisAcquireSpinLock( &pVc->lockV ); { // Retrieve the 'Next Send' value to assign this packet, then
// bump the counter for the next guy.
usNs = pVc->usNs; ++pVc->usNs;
// Build an L2TP payload header with Ns/Nr fields in
// 'pBuffer'.
ulLength = BuildL2tpHeader( pBuffer, FALSE, FALSE, &pTunnel->usAssignedTunnelId, &pVc->usAssignedCallId, &usNs, pVc->usNr );
// Pare down the header buffer to the actual length used then
// chain it onto the PPP-framed data we got from NDISWAN.
pNdisBuffer = NdisBufferFromBuffer( pBuffer ); NdisAdjustBufferLength( pNdisBuffer, (UINT )ulLength ); NdisChainBufferAtFront( pPacket, pNdisBuffer ); NdisQueryPacket( pPacket, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ulFullLength ); UpdateHeaderLength( pBuffer, (USHORT )ulFullLength );
// Cancel any pending delayed acknowledge timeout, because the
// acknowledge will piggyback on this packet.
if (pVc->pTqiDelayedAck) { TimerQCancelItem( pTunnel->pTimerQ, pVc->pTqiDelayedAck ); pVc->pTqiDelayedAck = NULL; }
// Fill the "payload message sent" context with the information
// needed to track the progress of the payload's acknowledgement.
pPs->usNs = usNs; pPs->lRef = 0; TimerQInitializeItem( pTqiSendTimeout ); pPs->pTqiSendTimeout = pTqiSendTimeout; pPs->pPacket = pPacket; pPs->pBuffer = pBuffer;
ReferenceTunnel( pTunnel, FALSE ); pPs->pTunnel = pTunnel;
ReferenceVc( pVc ); pPs->pVc = pVc;
pPs->status = NDIS_STATUS_FAILURE; NdisGetCurrentSystemTime( &lrgTime ); pPs->llTimeSent = lrgTime.QuadPart; pPs->pIrp = NULL;
// Link the payload in the "outstanding" list and take a reference
// on the context corresponding to this linkage. Take a second
// reference that will be removed by the send completion handler.
// Take a third that will be removed by the timer event handler.
ReferencePayloadSent( pPs ); InsertTailList( &pVc->listSendsOut, &pPs->linkSendsOut ); ReferencePayloadSent( pPs ); ReferencePayloadSent( pPs );
#ifdef PSDEBUG
{ extern LIST_ENTRY g_listDebugPs; extern NDIS_SPIN_LOCK g_lockDebugPs;
NdisAcquireSpinLock( &g_lockDebugPs ); { InsertTailList( &g_listDebugPs, &pPs->linkDebugPs ); } NdisReleaseSpinLock( &g_lockDebugPs ); } #endif
TimerQScheduleItem( pTunnel->pTimerQ, pPs->pTqiSendTimeout, pVc->ulSendTimeoutMs, SendPayloadTimerEvent, pPs );
TRACE( TL_A, TM_Msg, ( "%sSEND payload, len=%d Ns=%d Nr=%d to=%d", ((g_ulTraceLevel <= TL_I) ? "" : "\nL2TP: "), ulFullLength, pPs->usNs, pVc->usNr, pVc->ulSendTimeoutMs ) ); DUMPW( TL_A, TM_MDmp, pPs->pBuffer, ulLength );
++pVc->stats.ulSentDataPacketsSeq; pVc->stats.ulDataBytesSent += (ulFullLength - ulLength); pVc->stats.ulSendWindowTotal += pVc->ulSendWindow; } NdisReleaseSpinLock( &pVc->lockV );
status = NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; } while (FALSE);
if (status != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { FreeBufferToPool( &pAdapter->poolHeaderBuffers, pBuffer, TRUE );
if (pTqiSendTimeout) { FREE_TIMERQITEM( pAdapter, pTqiSendTimeout ); }
ASSERT( !pPs );
// Complete the send, indicating the failure.
NDIS_SET_PACKET_STATUS( pPacket, status ); TRACE( TL_A, TM_Send, ( "NdisMCoSendComp($%x)", status ) ); NdisMCoSendComplete( status, pVc->NdisVcHandle, pPacket ); TRACE( TL_N, TM_Send, ( "NdisMCoSendComp done" ) ); return; }
// Call TDI to send the payload message.
if (ReadFlags(&pTunnel->ulFlags) & TCBF_SendConnected) {
ASSERT(pTunnel->pRoute != NULL);
FileObj = PayloadObjFromUdpContext(&pTunnel->udpContext); SendFunc = TdixSend; } else { FileObj = NULL; SendFunc = TdixSendDatagram; } status = SendFunc(&pAdapter->tdix, FileObj, SendPayloadSeqComplete, pPs, NULL, &pTunnel->address, pBuffer, ulFullLength, &pPs->pIrp ); }
VOID SendPayloadUnseq( TUNNELWORK* pWork, TUNNELCB* pTunnel, VCCB* pVc, ULONG_PTR* punpArgs )
// A PTUNNELWORK routine to handle sending an unsequenced payload packet
// on a VC. Arg0 is the NDIS_PACKET. Arg1 is the header buffer to fill
// in.
// This routine is called only at PASSIVE IRQL.
{ NDIS_STATUS status; ADAPTERCB* pAdapter; ULONG ulLength; UINT unFullLength; NDIS_PACKET* pPacket; CHAR* pBuffer; NDIS_BUFFER* pNdisBuffer;
TRACE( TL_V, TM_Send, ( "SendPayloadUnseq" ) );
// Unpack context information then free the work item.
pAdapter = pTunnel->pAdapter; pPacket = (NDIS_PACKET* )(punpArgs[ 0 ]); pBuffer = (CHAR* )(punpArgs[ 1 ]); FREE_TUNNELWORK( pAdapter, pWork );
NdisAcquireSpinLock( &pVc->lockV ); { // Build an L2TP payload header without Ns/Nr fields in 'pBuffer'.
ulLength = BuildL2tpHeader( pBuffer, FALSE, FALSE, &pTunnel->usAssignedTunnelId, &pVc->usAssignedCallId, NULL, 0 );
// Pare down the header buffer to the actual length used then
// chain it onto the PPP-framed data we got from NDISWAN. Poke
// the L2TP header to update the length field accounting for the
// data.
pNdisBuffer = NdisBufferFromBuffer( pBuffer ); NdisAdjustBufferLength( pNdisBuffer, (UINT )ulLength ); NdisChainBufferAtFront( pPacket, pNdisBuffer ); NdisQueryPacket( pPacket, NULL, NULL, NULL, &unFullLength ); UpdateHeaderLength( pBuffer, (USHORT )unFullLength );
TRACE( TL_A, TM_Msg, ( "%sSEND payload(%d), len=%d", ((g_ulTraceLevel <= TL_I) ? "" : "\nL2TP: "), ++pVc->usNs, unFullLength ) ); DUMPW( TL_A, TM_MDmp, pBuffer, ulLength );
++pVc->stats.ulSentDataPacketsUnSeq; pVc->stats.ulDataBytesSent += ((ULONG )unFullLength - ulLength); } NdisReleaseSpinLock( &pVc->lockV );
// Call TDI to send the payload message.
if (pTunnel->pRoute != NULL) { FileObj = PayloadObjFromUdpContext(&pTunnel->udpContext); SendFunc = TdixSend; } else { FileObj = NULL; SendFunc = TdixSendDatagram; }
status = SendFunc(&pAdapter->tdix, FileObj, SendPayloadUnseqComplete, pVc, pPacket, &pTunnel->address, pBuffer, (ULONG )unFullLength, NULL ); }
VOID SendControlAck( IN TUNNELWORK* pWork, IN TUNNELCB* pTunnel, IN VCCB* pVc, IN ULONG_PTR* punpArgs )
// A PTUNNELWORK routine to send a control acknowledge.
// This routine is called only at PASSIVE IRQL.
{ ADAPTERCB* pAdapter;
TRACE( TL_N, TM_Send, ( "SendControlAck" ) );
// Unpack context information then free the work item.
pAdapter = pTunnel->pAdapter; FREE_TUNNELWORK( pAdapter, pWork );
SendZlb( pTunnel, NULL, pTunnel->usNs, pTunnel->usNr, FALSE ); }
VOID SendPayloadAck( IN TUNNELWORK* pWork, IN TUNNELCB* pTunnel, IN VCCB* pVc, IN ULONG_PTR* punpArgs )
// A PTUNNELWORK routine to send a payload acknowledge.
// This routine is called only at PASSIVE IRQL.
// IMPORTANT: Caller must take a call reference before calling that is
// removed by the send completion handler.
{ ADAPTERCB* pAdapter;
TRACE( TL_N, TM_Send, ( "SendPayloadAck" ) );
// Unpack context information then free the work item.
pAdapter = pTunnel->pAdapter; FREE_TUNNELWORK( pAdapter, pWork );
ASSERT( pVc ); ASSERT( pVc->usAssignedCallId > 0 );
SendZlb( pTunnel, pVc, pVc->usNs, pVc->usNr, FALSE ); }
VOID SendPayloadReset( IN TUNNELWORK* pWork, IN TUNNELCB* pTunnel, IN VCCB* pVc, IN ULONG_PTR* punpArgs )
// A PTUNNELWORK routine to send a payload reset. Arg0 is the "Next Sent"
// value to send in the reset message.
// This routine is called only at PASSIVE IRQL.
// IMPORTANT: Caller must take a call reference before calling that is
// removed by the send completion handler.
{ ADAPTERCB* pAdapter; USHORT usNs;
// Unpack context information then free the work item.
pAdapter = pTunnel->pAdapter; usNs = (USHORT )(punpArgs[ 0 ]); FREE_TUNNELWORK( pAdapter, pWork );
TRACE( TL_A, TM_Send, ( "Send Reset=%d", (LONG )usNs ) ); ASSERT( pVc ); ASSERT( pVc->usAssignedCallId > 0 );
SendZlb( pTunnel, pVc, usNs, pVc->usNr, TRUE ); }
VOID ReferenceControlSent( IN CONTROLSENT* pCs )
// Reference the control-sent context 'pCs'.
{ LONG lRef;
lRef = NdisInterlockedIncrement( &pCs->lRef ); TRACE( TL_N, TM_Ref, ( "RefCs to %d", lRef ) ); }
LONG DereferenceControlSent( IN CONTROLSENT* pCs )
// Reference the control-sent context 'pCs'.
// Returns the reference count of the dereferenced context.
{ LONG lRef; ADAPTERCB* pAdapter; NDIS_BUFFER* pNdisBuffer;
lRef = NdisInterlockedDecrement( &pCs->lRef ); TRACE( TL_N, TM_Ref, ( "DerefCs to %d", lRef ) ); ASSERT( lRef >= 0 );
if (lRef == 0) { pAdapter = pCs->pTunnel->pAdapter;
ASSERT( pCs->linkSendsOut.Flink == &pCs->linkSendsOut );
pNdisBuffer = NdisBufferFromBuffer( pCs->pBuffer ); NdisAdjustBufferLength( pNdisBuffer, BufferSizeFromBuffer( pCs->pBuffer ) ); FreeBufferToPool( &pAdapter->poolFrameBuffers, pCs->pBuffer, TRUE );
if (pCs->pVc) { DereferenceVc( pCs->pVc ); }
ASSERT( pCs->pTunnel ) DereferenceTunnel( pCs->pTunnel );
FREE_TIMERQITEM( pAdapter, pCs->pTqiSendTimeout ); FREE_CONTROLSENT( pAdapter, pCs ); }
return lRef; }
VOID ReferencePayloadSent( IN PAYLOADSENT* pPs )
// Reference the payload-sent context 'pPs'.
{ LONG lRef;
lRef = NdisInterlockedIncrement( &pPs->lRef ); TRACE( TL_N, TM_Ref, ( "RefPs to %d", lRef ) ); }
LONG DereferencePayloadSent( IN PAYLOADSENT* pPs )
// Reference the payload-sent context 'pPs'.
// Returns the reference count of the dereferenced context.
{ LONG lRef; ADAPTERCB* pAdapter;
lRef = NdisInterlockedDecrement( &pPs->lRef ); TRACE( TL_N, TM_Ref, ( "DerefPs to %d", lRef ) ); ASSERT( lRef >= 0 );
if (lRef == 0) { ASSERT( pPs->linkSendsOut.Flink == &pPs->linkSendsOut );
// The actual work is scheduled because it calls outside the driver
// and we don't want any lock restrictions on this routine.
ScheduleTunnelWork( pPs->pTunnel, pPs->pVc, CompletePayloadSent, (ULONG_PTR )pPs, 0, 0, 0, FALSE, FALSE ); }
return lRef; }
// Send utility routines (alphabetically)
USHORT BuildAvpAch( IN USHORT usAttribute, IN BOOLEAN fMandatory, IN CHAR* pszValue, IN USHORT usValueLength, OUT CHAR* pAvp )
// Builds a byte-array-valued AVP in caller's buffer 'pAvp' with attribute
// field value 'usAttribute' and value the first 'usValueLength' bytes of
// array 'pszlValue'. 'FMandatory' indicates the M-bit should be set in
// the AVP.
// Returns the length of the built AVP.
pusCur = (UNALIGNED USHORT* )pAvp; pusBits = pusCur; ++pusCur;
// Set Vendor ID to "IETF-defined".
*pusCur = 0; ++pusCur;
// Set Attribute field.
*pusCur = htons( usAttribute ); ++pusCur;
// Set Value field.
if (usValueLength) { NdisMoveMemory( (CHAR* )pusCur, pszValue, (ULONG )usValueLength ); ((CHAR* )pusCur) += usValueLength; }
// Now, go back and set bits/length field.
usLength = (USHORT )(((CHAR* )pusCur) - pAvp); *pusBits = usLength; if (fMandatory) { *pusBits |= ABM_M; } *pusBits = htons( *pusBits );
return usLength; }
USHORT BuildAvpAul( IN USHORT usAttribute, IN BOOLEAN fMandatory, IN UNALIGNED ULONG* pulValue, IN USHORT usValues, OUT CHAR* pAvp )
// Builds a ULONG-array-valued AVP in caller's buffer 'pAvp' with
// attribute field value 'usAttribute' and value the first 'usValues'
// ULONGS of array 'pszlValue'. 'FMandatory' indicates the M-bit should
// be set in the AVP.
// Returns the length of the built AVP.
pusCur = (UNALIGNED USHORT* )pAvp; pusBits = pusCur; ++pusCur;
// Set Vendor ID to "IETF-defined".
*pusCur = 0; ++pusCur;
// Set Attribute field.
*pusCur = htons( usAttribute ); ++pusCur;
// Set Value field.
for (i = 0; i < usValues; ++i) { *((UNALIGNED ULONG* )pusCur) = pulValue[ i ]; *((UNALIGNED ULONG* )pusCur) = htonl( *((UNALIGNED ULONG* )pusCur) ); pusCur += 2; }
// Now, go back and set bits/length field.
usLength = (USHORT )(((CHAR* )pusCur) - pAvp); *pusBits = usLength; if (fMandatory) { *pusBits |= ABM_M; } *pusBits = htons( *pusBits );
return usLength; }
USHORT BuildAvpFlag( IN USHORT usAttribute, IN BOOLEAN fMandatory, OUT CHAR* pAvp )
// Builds an empty (no data) flag AVP in caller's buffer 'pAvp' with
// attribute field value 'usAttribute'. 'FMandatory' indicates the M-bit
// should be set in the AVP.
// Returns the length of the built AVP.
pusCur = (UNALIGNED USHORT* )pAvp; pusBits = pusCur; ++pusCur;
// Set Vendor ID to "IETF-defined".
*pusCur = 0; ++pusCur;
// Set Attribute field.
*pusCur = htons( usAttribute ); ++pusCur;
// Now, go back and set bits/length field.
usLength = (USHORT )(((CHAR* )pusCur) - pAvp); *pusBits = usLength; if (fMandatory) { *pusBits |= ABM_M; } *pusBits = htons( *pusBits );
return usLength; }
USHORT BuildAvpUl( IN USHORT usAttribute, IN BOOLEAN fMandatory, IN ULONG ulValue, OUT CHAR* pAvp )
// Builds a ULONG-valued AVP in caller's buffer 'pAvp' with attribute
// field value 'usAttribute' and value 'ulValue'. 'FMandatory' indicates
// the M-bit should be set in the AVP.
// Returns the length of the built AVP.
pusCur = (UNALIGNED USHORT* )pAvp; pusBits = pusCur; ++pusCur;
// Set Vendor ID to "IETF-defined".
*pusCur = 0; ++pusCur;
// Set Attribute field.
*pusCur = htons( usAttribute ); ++pusCur;
// Set Value field.
*((UNALIGNED ULONG* )pusCur) = htonl( ulValue ); pusCur += 2;
// Now, go back and set bits/length field.
usLength = (USHORT )(((CHAR* )pusCur) - pAvp); *pusBits = usLength; if (fMandatory) { *pusBits |= ABM_M; } *pusBits = htons( *pusBits );
return usLength; }
USHORT BuildAvpUs( IN USHORT usAttribute, IN BOOLEAN fMandatory, IN USHORT usValue, OUT CHAR* pAvp )
// Builds a USHORT-valued AVP in caller's buffer 'pAvp' with attribute
// field value 'usAttribute' and value 'usValue'. 'FMandatory' indicates
// the M-bit should be set in the AVP.
// Returns the length of the built AVP.
pusCur = (UNALIGNED USHORT* )pAvp; pusBits = pusCur; ++pusCur;
// Set Vendor ID to "IETF-defined".
*pusCur = 0; ++pusCur;
// Set Attribute field.
*pusCur = htons( usAttribute ); ++pusCur;
// Set Value field.
*pusCur = htons( usValue ); ++pusCur;
// Now, go back and set bits/length field.
usLength = (USHORT )(((CHAR* )pusCur) - pAvp); *pusBits = usLength; if (fMandatory) { *pusBits |= ABM_M; } *pusBits = htons( *pusBits );
return usLength; }
USHORT BuildAvp2UsAndAch( IN USHORT usAttribute, IN BOOLEAN fMandatory, IN USHORT usValue1, IN USHORT usValue2, IN CHAR* pszValue, IN USHORT usValueLength, OUT CHAR* pAvp )
// Builds an AVP consisting of 'usValue1' and 'usValue2' followed by
// message 'pszValue' of length 'usValueLength' bytes in caller's buffer
// 'pAvp' with attribute field value 'usAttribute'. 'FMandatory'
// indicates the M-bit should be set in the AVP.
// Returns the length of the built AVP.
pusCur = (UNALIGNED USHORT* )pAvp; pusBits = pusCur; ++pusCur;
// Set Vendor ID to "IETF-defined".
*pusCur = 0; ++pusCur;
// Set Attribute field.
*pusCur = htons( usAttribute ); ++pusCur;
// Set first USHORT value field.
*pusCur = htons( usValue1 ); ++pusCur;
// Set second USHORT value field.
*pusCur = htons( usValue2 ); ++pusCur;
// Set message value field.
if (usValueLength) { NdisMoveMemory( (CHAR* )pusCur, pszValue, (ULONG )usValueLength ); ((CHAR*)pusCur) += usValueLength; }
// Now, go back and set bits/length field.
usLength = (USHORT )(((CHAR* )pusCur) - pAvp); *pusBits = usLength; if (fMandatory) { *pusBits |= ABM_M; } *pusBits = htons( *pusBits );
return usLength; }
VOID BuildCdnAvps( IN TUNNELCB* pTunnel, IN VCCB* pVc, IN ULONG ulArg1, IN ULONG ulArg2, IN PVOID pvArg3, IN OUT CHAR* pAvpBuffer, OUT ULONG* pulAvpLength )
// PBUILDAVPS handler to add AVPs to an outgoing CallDisconnNotify control
// message. 'PTunnel' and 'pVc' are the tunnel/VC control blocks.
// 'ulArg1' and 'ulArg2' are the result and error codes to be returned.
// 'pvArg3' is ignored. 'PAvpBuffer' is the address of the buffer to
// receive the built AVPs. '*PulAvpLength' is set to the length of the
// built AVPs.
{ CHAR* pCurAvp; ULONG ulAvpLength; USHORT usResult; USHORT usError;
TRACE( TL_V, TM_Send, ( "BuildCdnAvps" ) );
usResult = (USHORT )ulArg1; usError = (USHORT )ulArg2;
pCurAvp = pAvpBuffer;
pCurAvp += BuildAvpUs( ATTR_MsgType, TRUE, CMT_CDN, pCurAvp );
pCurAvp += BuildAvp2UsAndAch( ATTR_Result, TRUE, usResult, usError, NULL, 0, pCurAvp );
pCurAvp += BuildAvpUs( ATTR_AssignedCallId, TRUE, pVc->usCallId, pCurAvp );
*pulAvpLength = (ULONG )(pCurAvp - pAvpBuffer); }
VOID BuildHelloAvps( IN TUNNELCB* pTunnel, IN VCCB* pVc, IN ULONG ulArg1, IN ULONG ulArg2, IN PVOID pvArg3, IN OUT CHAR* pAvpBuffer, OUT ULONG* pulAvpLength )
// PBUILDAVPS handler to add AVPs to an outgoing Hello control message.
// 'PTunnel' is the tunnel control block. 'PVc', 'ulArgX' and 'pvArg3' are ignored.
// 'PAvpBuffer' is the address of the buffer to receive the built AVPs.
// '*PulAvpLength' is set to the length of the built AVPs.
{ CHAR* pCurAvp; ULONG ulAvpLength; ADAPTERCB* pAdapter;
TRACE( TL_V, TM_Send, ( "BuildHelloAvps" ) );
pAdapter = pTunnel->pAdapter; pCurAvp = pAvpBuffer;
pCurAvp += BuildAvpUs( ATTR_MsgType, TRUE, CMT_Hello, pCurAvp );
*pulAvpLength = (ULONG )(pCurAvp - pAvpBuffer); }
VOID BuildIccnAvps( IN TUNNELCB* pTunnel, IN VCCB* pVc, IN ULONG ulArg1, IN ULONG ulArg2, IN PVOID pvArg3, IN OUT CHAR* pAvpBuffer, OUT ULONG* pulAvpLength )
// PBUILDAVPS handler to add AVPs to an outgoing Incoming-Call-Connected
// control message. 'PTunnel' and 'pVc' are the tunnel/VC control blocks.
// 'UlArgX' and 'pvArg3' are ignored. 'PAvpBuffer' is the address of the buffer to
// receive the built AVPs. '*PulAvpLength' is set to the length of the
// built AVPs.
{ CHAR* pCurAvp; ULONG ulAvpLength; ADAPTERCB* pAdapter; BOOLEAN fSequencing;
pAdapter = pTunnel->pAdapter;
TRACE( TL_V, TM_Send, ( "BuildIccnAvps" ) );
pCurAvp = pAvpBuffer;
pCurAvp += BuildAvpUs( ATTR_MsgType, TRUE, CMT_ICCN, pCurAvp );
// For now, we don't support WAN link relays, so this is the estimated
// speed of the LAN relay. This could be totally wrong if, for instance,
// the tunnel is itself tunneled over a PPP link.
pCurAvp += BuildAvpUl( ATTR_TxConnectSpeed, TRUE, pVc->ulConnectBps, pCurAvp );
pCurAvp += BuildAvpUl( ATTR_FramingType, TRUE, FBM_Sync, pCurAvp );
fSequencing = !!(ReadFlags( &pVc->ulFlags ) & VCBF_Sequencing); if (fSequencing) { USHORT usRWindow;
usRWindow = pAdapter->usPayloadReceiveWindow; if (!usRWindow) { usRWindow = L2TP_DefaultReceiveWindow; }
pCurAvp += BuildAvpUs( ATTR_RWindowSize, TRUE, usRWindow, pCurAvp ); }
#if 0
// Use the LNS default PPD even when we're LAC, for now.
pCurAvp += BuildAvpUs( ATTR_PacketProcDelay, TRUE, L2TP_LnsDefaultPpd, pCurAvp ); #endif
pCurAvp += BuildAvpUs( ATTR_ProxyAuthType, FALSE, PAT_None, pCurAvp );
if (fSequencing) { pCurAvp += BuildAvpFlag( ATTR_SequencingRequired, TRUE, pCurAvp ); }
*pulAvpLength = (ULONG )(pCurAvp - pAvpBuffer); }
VOID BuildIcrpAvps( IN TUNNELCB* pTunnel, IN VCCB* pVc, IN ULONG ulArg1, IN ULONG ulArg2, IN PVOID pvArg3, IN OUT CHAR* pAvpBuffer, OUT ULONG* pulAvpLength )
// PBUILDAVPS handler to add AVPs to an outgoing Incoming-Call-Reply
// control message. 'PTunnel' and 'pVc' are the tunnel/VC control blocks.
// 'UlArgX' and 'pvArg3' are ignored. 'PAvpBuffer' is the address of the buffer to
// receive the built AVPs. '*PulAvpLength' is set to the length of the
// built AVPs.
{ CHAR* pCurAvp; ULONG ulAvpLength; ADAPTERCB* pAdapter;
pAdapter = pTunnel->pAdapter;
TRACE( TL_V, TM_Send, ( "BuildIcrpAvps" ) );
pCurAvp = pAvpBuffer;
pCurAvp += BuildAvpUs( ATTR_MsgType, TRUE, CMT_ICRP, pCurAvp );
pCurAvp += BuildAvpUs( ATTR_AssignedCallId, TRUE, pVc->usCallId, pCurAvp );
if (ReadFlags( &pVc->ulFlags ) & VCBF_Sequencing) { USHORT usRWindow;
usRWindow = pAdapter->usPayloadReceiveWindow; if (!usRWindow) usRWindow = L2TP_DefaultReceiveWindow;
pCurAvp += BuildAvpUs( ATTR_RWindowSize, TRUE, usRWindow, pCurAvp ); }
#if 0
pCurAvp += BuildAvpUs( ATTR_PacketProcDelay, TRUE, L2TP_LnsDefaultPpd, pCurAvp ); #endif
*pulAvpLength = (ULONG )(pCurAvp - pAvpBuffer); }
VOID BuildIcrqAvps( IN TUNNELCB* pTunnel, IN VCCB* pVc, IN ULONG ulArg1, IN ULONG ulArg2, IN PVOID pvArg3, IN OUT CHAR* pAvpBuffer, OUT ULONG* pulAvpLength )
// PBUILDAVPS handler to add AVPs to an outgoing Incoming-Call-Request
// control message. 'PTunnel' and 'pVc' are the tunnel/VC control block.
// 'UlArgX' and 'pvArg3' are ignored. 'PAvpBuffer' is the address of the buffer to
// receive the built AVPs. '*PulAvpLength' is set to the length of the
// built AVPs.
{ CHAR* pCurAvp; ULONG ulAvpLength; ADAPTERCB* pAdapter;
pAdapter = pTunnel->pAdapter;
TRACE( TL_V, TM_Send, ( "BuildIcrqAvps" ) );
pCurAvp = pAvpBuffer;
pCurAvp += BuildAvpUs( ATTR_MsgType, TRUE, CMT_ICRQ, pCurAvp );
pCurAvp += BuildAvpUs( ATTR_AssignedCallId, TRUE, pVc->usCallId, pCurAvp );
pCurAvp += BuildAvpUl( ATTR_CallSerialNumber, TRUE, pVc->pLcParams->ulCallSerialNumber, pCurAvp );
{ ULONG ulBearerType;
ulBearerType = 0; if (pVc->pTcParams->ulMediaMode & LINEMEDIAMODE_DATAMODEM) { ulBearerType |= BBM_Analog; }
if (pVc->pTcParams->ulMediaMode & LINEMEDIAMODE_DIGITALDATA) { ulBearerType |= BBM_Digital; }
pCurAvp += BuildAvpUl( ATTR_BearerType, TRUE, ulBearerType, pCurAvp ); }
if (pVc->pLcParams->ulPhysicalChannelId != 0xFFFFFFFF) { pCurAvp += BuildAvpUl( ATTR_PhysicalChannelId, FALSE, pVc->pLcParams->ulPhysicalChannelId, pCurAvp ); }
*pulAvpLength = (ULONG )(pCurAvp - pAvpBuffer); }
ULONG BuildL2tpHeader( IN OUT CHAR* pBuffer, IN BOOLEAN fControl, IN BOOLEAN fReset, IN USHORT* pusTunnelId, IN USHORT* pusCallId, IN USHORT* pusNs, IN USHORT usNr )
// Fill in caller's 'pBuffer' with an L2TP header matching caller's
// arguments. 'FControl' indicates to build a control header, otherwise a
// payload header is built. 'fReset' indicates to build a reset rather
// than a simple acknowledge. Arguments that are not to appear in the
// header are NULL. Note that 'usNr' is not a pointer because it's
// appearance in the header is tied to the appearance of 'pusNs'.
// Returns the total length of the header.
pusCur = (UNALIGNED USHORT* )pBuffer; pusBits = pusCur; ++pusCur;
pusLength = pusCur; ++pusCur;
// Initialize header bit mask with the version, and set the length bit
// since the Length field is always sent.
*pusBits = HBM_L | VER_L2tp; if (fControl) { ASSERT( pusTunnelId && pusCallId && pusNs && !fReset ); *pusBits |= HBM_T; } else if (fReset) { ASSERT( pusTunnelId && pusCallId && pusNs ); *pusBits |= HBM_R; }
if (pusTunnelId) { // Tunnel-ID field present. Draft-05 removes the 'I' bit that used to
// indicate the Tunnel-ID is present. It is now assumed to be always
// present.
*pusCur = htons( *pusTunnelId ); ++pusCur; }
if (pusCallId) { // Call-ID field present. Draft-05 removes the 'C' bit that used to
// indicate the Tunnel-ID is present. It is now assumed to be always
// present.
*pusCur = htons( *pusCallId ); ++pusCur; }
if (pusNs) { // Ns and Nr fields are present.
*pusBits |= HBM_F; *pusCur = htons( *pusNs ); ++pusCur; *pusCur = htons( usNr ); ++pusCur; }
// Fill in the header and length fields with the accumulated
// values.
*pusBits = htons( *pusBits ); *pusLength = (USHORT )(((CHAR* )pusCur) - pBuffer); ulLength = (ULONG )*pusLength; *pusLength = htons( *pusLength );
return ulLength; }
VOID BuildOccnAvps( IN TUNNELCB* pTunnel, IN VCCB* pVc, IN ULONG ulArg1, IN ULONG ulArg2, IN PVOID pvArg3, IN OUT CHAR* pAvpBuffer, OUT ULONG* pulAvpLength )
// PBUILDAVPS handler to add AVPs to an outgoing Outgoing-Call-Connected
// control message. 'PTunnel' and 'pVc' are the tunnel/VC control blocks.
// 'UlArgX' and 'pvArg3' are ignored. 'PAvpBuffer' is the address of the buffer to
// receive the built AVPs. '*PulAvpLength' is set to the length of the
// built AVPs.
{ CHAR* pCurAvp; ULONG ulAvpLength; ADAPTERCB* pAdapter; BOOLEAN fSequencing;
pAdapter = pTunnel->pAdapter;
TRACE( TL_V, TM_Send, ( "BuildOccnAvps" ) );
pCurAvp = pAvpBuffer;
pCurAvp += BuildAvpUs( ATTR_MsgType, TRUE, CMT_OCCN, pCurAvp );
pCurAvp += BuildAvpUl( ATTR_TxConnectSpeed, TRUE, pVc->ulConnectBps, pCurAvp );
pCurAvp += BuildAvpUl( ATTR_FramingType, TRUE, FBM_Sync, pCurAvp );
fSequencing = !!(ReadFlags( &pVc->ulFlags ) & VCBF_Sequencing); if (fSequencing) { USHORT usRWindow;
usRWindow = pAdapter->usPayloadReceiveWindow; if (!usRWindow) { usRWindow = L2TP_DefaultReceiveWindow; }
pCurAvp += BuildAvpUs( ATTR_RWindowSize, TRUE, usRWindow, pCurAvp ); }
#if 0
// Use the LNS default PPD even when we're LAC, for now.
pCurAvp += BuildAvpUs( ATTR_PacketProcDelay, TRUE, L2TP_LnsDefaultPpd, pCurAvp ); #endif
if (fSequencing) { pCurAvp += BuildAvpFlag( ATTR_SequencingRequired, TRUE, pCurAvp ); }
*pulAvpLength = (ULONG )(pCurAvp - pAvpBuffer); }
VOID BuildOcrpAvps( IN TUNNELCB* pTunnel, IN VCCB* pVc, IN ULONG ulArg1, IN ULONG ulArg2, IN PVOID pvArg3, IN OUT CHAR* pAvpBuffer, OUT ULONG* pulAvpLength )
// PBUILDAVPS handler to add AVPs to an outgoing Outgoing-Call-Reply
// control message. 'PTunnel' and 'pVc' are the tunnel/VC control blocks.
// 'UlArgX' and 'pvArg3' are ignored. 'PAvpBuffer' is the address of the buffer to
// receive the built AVPs. '*PulAvpLength' is set to the length of the
// built AVPs.
{ CHAR* pCurAvp; ULONG ulAvpLength;
TRACE( TL_V, TM_Send, ( "BuildOcrpAvps" ) );
pCurAvp = pAvpBuffer;
pCurAvp += BuildAvpUs( ATTR_MsgType, TRUE, CMT_OCRP, pCurAvp );
pCurAvp += BuildAvpUs( ATTR_AssignedCallId, TRUE, pVc->usCallId, pCurAvp );
ASSERT( pVc->pLcParams ); if (pVc->pLcParams->ulPhysicalChannelId != 0xFFFFFFFF) { pCurAvp += BuildAvpUl( ATTR_PhysicalChannelId, FALSE, pVc->pLcParams->ulPhysicalChannelId, pCurAvp ); }
*pulAvpLength = (ULONG )(pCurAvp - pAvpBuffer); }
VOID BuildOcrqAvps( IN TUNNELCB* pTunnel, IN VCCB* pVc, IN ULONG ulArg1, IN ULONG ulArg2, IN PVOID pvArg3, IN OUT CHAR* pAvpBuffer, OUT ULONG* pulAvpLength )
// PBUILDAVPS handler to add AVPs to an outgoing Outgoing-Call-Request
// control message. 'PTunnel' and 'pVc' are the tunnel/VC control block.
// 'UlArgX' are ignored. 'PAvpBuffer' is the address of the buffer to
// receive the built AVPs. '*PulAvpLength' is set to the length of the
// built AVPs.
{ CHAR* pCurAvp; ULONG ulAvpLength; ADAPTERCB* pAdapter;
pAdapter = pTunnel->pAdapter;
TRACE( TL_V, TM_Send, ( "BuildOcrqAvps" ) );
pCurAvp = pAvpBuffer;
pCurAvp += BuildAvpUs( ATTR_MsgType, TRUE, CMT_OCRQ, pCurAvp );
pCurAvp += BuildAvpUs( ATTR_AssignedCallId, TRUE, pVc->usCallId, pCurAvp );
pCurAvp += BuildAvpUl( ATTR_CallSerialNumber, TRUE, pVc->pLcParams->ulCallSerialNumber, pCurAvp );
{ ULONG ulBps;
ulBps = pVc->pTcParams->ulMinRate; if (ulBps == 0) { ulBps = 1; } else if (ulBps > 0x7FFFFFFF) { ulBps = 0x7FFFFFFF; }
pCurAvp += BuildAvpUl( ATTR_MinimumBps, TRUE, ulBps, pCurAvp );
ulBps = pVc->pTcParams->ulMaxRate; if (ulBps == 0) { ulBps = 1; } else if (ulBps > 0x7FFFFFFF) { ulBps = 0x7FFFFFFF; }
pCurAvp += BuildAvpUl( ATTR_MaximumBps, TRUE, ulBps, pCurAvp ); }
{ ULONG ulBearerType;
ulBearerType = 0; if (pVc->pTcParams->ulMediaMode & LINEMEDIAMODE_DATAMODEM) { ulBearerType |= BBM_Analog; }
if (pVc->pTcParams->ulMediaMode & LINEMEDIAMODE_DIGITALDATA) { ulBearerType |= BBM_Digital; }
pCurAvp += BuildAvpUl( ATTR_BearerType, TRUE, ulBearerType, pCurAvp ); }
pCurAvp += BuildAvpUl( ATTR_FramingType, TRUE, FBM_Sync, pCurAvp );
if (ReadFlags( &pVc->ulFlags ) & VCBF_Sequencing) { ASSERT( pAdapter->usPayloadReceiveWindow ); pCurAvp += BuildAvpUs( ATTR_RWindowSize, TRUE, pAdapter->usPayloadReceiveWindow, pCurAvp ); }
#if 0
pCurAvp += BuildAvpUs( ATTR_PacketProcDelay, TRUE, L2TP_LnsDefaultPpd, pCurAvp ); #endif
*pulAvpLength = (ULONG )(pCurAvp - pAvpBuffer); }
VOID BuildScccnAvps( IN TUNNELCB* pTunnel, IN VCCB* pVc, IN ULONG ulArg1, IN ULONG ulArg2, IN PVOID pvArg3, IN OUT CHAR* pAvpBuffer, OUT ULONG* pulAvpLength )
// PBUILDAVPS handler to add AVPs to an outgoing Start-Cc-Connected
// control message. 'PTunnel' is the tunnel control block. 'PVc' is
// ignored. 'UlArg1' is the true if a challenge response is to be sent,
// false otherwise. 'UlArg2' and 'pvArg3' are ignored. 'PAvpBuffer' is
// the address of the buffer to receive the built AVPs. '*PulAvpLength'
// is set to the length of the built AVPs.
{ CHAR* pCurAvp; ULONG ulAvpLength;
TRACE( TL_V, TM_Send, ( "BuildScccnAvps" ) );
pCurAvp = pAvpBuffer;
pCurAvp += BuildAvpUs( ATTR_MsgType, TRUE, CMT_SCCCN, pCurAvp );
if (ulArg1) { pCurAvp += BuildAvpAch( ATTR_ChallengeResponse, TRUE, pTunnel->achResponseToSend, sizeof(pTunnel->achResponseToSend), pCurAvp ); }
*pulAvpLength = (ULONG )(pCurAvp - pAvpBuffer); }
VOID BuildSccrpAvps( IN TUNNELCB* pTunnel, IN VCCB* pVc, IN ULONG ulArg1, IN ULONG ulArg2, IN PVOID pvArg3, IN OUT CHAR* pAvpBuffer, OUT ULONG* pulAvpLength )
// PBUILDAVPS handler to add AVPs to an outgoing Start-Cc-Reply control
// message. 'PTunnel' is the tunnel control block. 'PVc' is ignored.
// 'UlArg1' is true if a challenge response is to be sent, false
// otherwise. 'UlArg2' and 'pvArg3' are ignored. 'PAvpBuffer' is the
// address of the buffer to receive the built AVPs. '*PulAvpLength' is
// set to the length of the built AVPs.
{ CHAR* pCurAvp; ULONG ulAvpLength; ADAPTERCB* pAdapter;
TRACE( TL_N, TM_Send, ( "BuildSccrpAvps" ) );
pAdapter = pTunnel->pAdapter;
pCurAvp = pAvpBuffer;
pCurAvp += BuildAvpUs( ATTR_MsgType, TRUE, CMT_SCCRP, pCurAvp );
pCurAvp += BuildAvpUs( ATTR_ProtocolVersion, TRUE, L2TP_ProtocolVersion, pCurAvp );
pCurAvp += BuildAvpUl( ATTR_FramingCaps, TRUE, pAdapter->ulFramingCaps, pCurAvp );
pCurAvp += BuildAvpUl( ATTR_BearerCaps, TRUE, pAdapter->ulBearerCaps, pCurAvp );
pCurAvp += BuildAvpUs( ATTR_FirmwareRevision, FALSE, L2TP_FirmwareRevision, pCurAvp );
ASSERT( pAdapter->pszHostName ); pCurAvp += BuildAvpAch( ATTR_HostName, TRUE, pAdapter->pszHostName, (USHORT )strlen( pAdapter->pszHostName ), pCurAvp );
pCurAvp += BuildAvpAch( ATTR_VendorName, FALSE, L2TP_VendorName, (USHORT )strlen( L2TP_VendorName ), pCurAvp );
pCurAvp += BuildAvpUs( ATTR_AssignedTunnelId, TRUE, pTunnel->usTunnelId, pCurAvp );
if (pAdapter->usControlReceiveWindow) { pCurAvp += BuildAvpUs( ATTR_RWindowSize, TRUE, pAdapter->usControlReceiveWindow, pCurAvp ); }
if (pAdapter->pszPassword) { pCurAvp += BuildAvpAch( ATTR_Challenge, TRUE, pTunnel->achChallengeToSend, sizeof(pTunnel->achChallengeToSend), pCurAvp ); }
if (ulArg1) { pCurAvp += BuildAvpAch( ATTR_ChallengeResponse, TRUE, pTunnel->achResponseToSend, sizeof(pTunnel->achResponseToSend), pCurAvp ); }
*pulAvpLength = (ULONG )(pCurAvp - pAvpBuffer); }
VOID BuildSccrqAvps( IN TUNNELCB* pTunnel, IN VCCB* pVc, IN ULONG ulArg1, IN ULONG ulArg2, IN PVOID pvArg3, IN OUT CHAR* pAvpBuffer, OUT ULONG* pulAvpLength )
// PBUILDAVPS handler to add AVPs to an outgoing Start-Cc-Request control
// message. 'PTunnel' is the tunnel control block. 'PVc', 'ulArgX' and 'pvArg3'
// are ignored. 'PAvpBuffer' is the address of the buffer to receive the
// built AVPs. '*PulAvpLength' is set to the length of the built AVPs.
{ CHAR* pCurAvp; ULONG ulAvpLength; ADAPTERCB* pAdapter;
TRACE( TL_V, TM_Send, ( "BuildSccrqAvps" ) );
pAdapter = pTunnel->pAdapter; pCurAvp = pAvpBuffer;
pCurAvp += BuildAvpUs( ATTR_MsgType, TRUE, CMT_SCCRQ, pCurAvp );
pCurAvp += BuildAvpUs( ATTR_ProtocolVersion, TRUE, L2TP_ProtocolVersion, pCurAvp );
pCurAvp += BuildAvpUl( ATTR_FramingCaps, TRUE, pAdapter->ulFramingCaps, pCurAvp );
pCurAvp += BuildAvpUl( ATTR_BearerCaps, TRUE, pAdapter->ulBearerCaps, pCurAvp );
pCurAvp += BuildAvpUs( ATTR_FirmwareRevision, FALSE, L2TP_FirmwareRevision, pCurAvp );
if (pAdapter->pszHostName) { pCurAvp += BuildAvpAch( ATTR_HostName, TRUE, pAdapter->pszHostName, (USHORT )strlen( pAdapter->pszHostName ), pCurAvp ); }
pCurAvp += BuildAvpAch( ATTR_VendorName, FALSE, L2TP_VendorName, (USHORT )strlen( L2TP_VendorName ), pCurAvp );
pCurAvp += BuildAvpUs( ATTR_AssignedTunnelId, TRUE, pTunnel->usTunnelId, pCurAvp );
if (pAdapter->usControlReceiveWindow) { pCurAvp += BuildAvpUs( ATTR_RWindowSize, TRUE, pAdapter->usControlReceiveWindow, pCurAvp ); }
if (pAdapter->pszPassword) { pCurAvp += BuildAvpAch( ATTR_Challenge, TRUE, pTunnel->achChallengeToSend, sizeof(pTunnel->achChallengeToSend), pCurAvp ); }
*pulAvpLength = (ULONG )(pCurAvp - pAvpBuffer); }
VOID BuildStopccnAvps( IN TUNNELCB* pTunnel, IN VCCB* pVc, IN ULONG ulArg1, IN ULONG ulArg2, IN PVOID pvArg3, IN OUT CHAR* pAvpBuffer, OUT ULONG* pulAvpLength )
// PBUILDAVPS handler to add AVPs to an outgoing Stop-Cc-Notify control
// message. 'PTunnel' is the tunnel control block. 'PVc' is ignored.
// 'ulArg1' and 'ulArg2' are the result and error codes to be sent.
// 'pvArg3' is ignored. 'PAvpBuffer' is the address of the buffer to
// receive the built AVPs. '*PulAvpLength' is set to the length of the
// built AVPs.
{ CHAR* pCurAvp; ULONG ulAvpLength; USHORT usResult; USHORT usError;
TRACE( TL_V, TM_Send, ( "BuildStopCcReqAvps" ) );
usResult = (USHORT )ulArg1; usError = (USHORT )ulArg2;
pCurAvp = pAvpBuffer;
pCurAvp += BuildAvpUs( ATTR_MsgType, TRUE, CMT_StopCCN, pCurAvp );
pCurAvp += BuildAvpUs( ATTR_AssignedTunnelId, TRUE, pTunnel->usTunnelId, pCurAvp );
pCurAvp += BuildAvp2UsAndAch( ATTR_Result, TRUE, usResult, usError, NULL, 0, pCurAvp );
*pulAvpLength = (ULONG )(pCurAvp - pAvpBuffer); }
VOID BuildWenAvps( IN TUNNELCB* pTunnel, IN VCCB* pVc, IN ULONG ulArg1, IN ULONG ulArg2, IN PVOID pvArg3, IN OUT CHAR* pAvpBuffer, OUT ULONG* pulAvpLength )
// PBUILDAVPS handler to add AVPs to an outgoing Wan-Error-Notify control
// message. 'PTunnel' and 'pVc' are the tunnel/VC control block.
// 'pvArg3' is the address of an array of 6 error ULONGs, i.e. CRC,
// framing, hardware overrun, buffer overrun, timeouts, and alignment
// errors that this routine FREE_NONPAGEDs after use. 'ulArgX' are ignored.
// 'PAvpBuffer' is the address of the buffer to
// receive the built AVPs. '*PulAvpLength' is set to the length of the
// built AVPs.
{ CHAR* pCurAvp; ULONG ulAvpLength; ADAPTERCB* pAdapter; UNALIGNED ULONG* pul;
pAdapter = pTunnel->pAdapter; pul = (UNALIGNED ULONG* )pvArg3;
TRACE( TL_V, TM_Send, ( "BuildWenAvps" ) );
pCurAvp = pAvpBuffer;
pCurAvp += BuildAvpUs( ATTR_MsgType, TRUE, CMT_WEN, pCurAvp );
pCurAvp += BuildAvpAul( ATTR_CallErrors, TRUE, pul, 6, pCurAvp ); FREE_NONPAGED( pul );
*pulAvpLength = (ULONG )(pCurAvp - pAvpBuffer); }
VOID CompletePayloadSent( IN TUNNELWORK* pWork, IN TUNNELCB* pTunnel, IN VCCB* pVc, IN ULONG_PTR* punpArgs )
// A PTUNNELWORK routine to complete a "sent payload". Arg0 is the
// PAYLOADSENT context which has already been de-queued from the
// "outstanding send" list.
// This routine is called only at PASSIVE IRQL.
// Unpack context information then free the work item.
pAdapter = pTunnel->pAdapter; pPs = (PAYLOADSENT* )(punpArgs[ 0 ]); FREE_TUNNELWORK( pAdapter, pWork );
TRACE( TL_N, TM_Send, ( "CompletePayloadSent(Ns=%d)", (UINT )pPs->usNs ) );
// Undo the adjustments made before the send so the owner of each
// component resource gets back what they originally provided for clean-up
// and recycling.
NdisUnchainBufferAtFront( pPs->pPacket, &pNdisBuffer ); NdisAdjustBufferLength( pNdisBuffer, BufferSizeFromBuffer( pPs->pBuffer ) ); FreeBufferToPool( &pAdapter->poolHeaderBuffers, pPs->pBuffer, TRUE );
// Notify sending driver of the result.
NDIS_SET_PACKET_STATUS( pPs->pPacket, pPs->status ); TRACE( TL_N, TM_Send, ("NdisMCoSendComp(s=$%x)", pPs->status ) ); NdisMCoSendComplete( pPs->status, pPs->pVc->NdisVcHandle, pPs->pPacket ); TRACE( TL_N, TM_Send, ("NdisMCoSendComp done" ) );
DereferenceCall( pVc ); DereferenceTunnel( pPs->pTunnel ); DereferenceVc( pPs->pVc );
#ifdef PSDEBUG
{ extern LIST_ENTRY g_listDebugPs; extern NDIS_SPIN_LOCK g_lockDebugPs;
NdisAcquireSpinLock( &g_lockDebugPs ); { RemoveEntryList( &pPs->linkDebugPs ); InitializeListHead( &pPs->linkDebugPs ); } NdisReleaseSpinLock( &g_lockDebugPs ); } #endif
FREE_TIMERQITEM( pAdapter, pPs->pTqiSendTimeout ); FREE_PAYLOADSENT( pAdapter, pPs ); }
VOID SendControlComplete( IN TDIXCONTEXT* pTdix, IN VOID* pContext1, IN VOID* pContext2, IN CHAR* pBuffer )
// PTDIXSENDCOMPLETE handler for sends that send only a single buffer from
// the 'ADAPTERCB.poolFrameBuffers' pool.
{ CONTROLSENT* pCs; ULONG ulSendTimeoutMs;
TRACE( TL_V, TM_Send, ( "SendControlComp" ) );
pCs = (CONTROLSENT* )pContext1; pCs->pIrp = NULL;
// "Instant expire" the timer if the message is longer queued as an
// outstanding send, i.e. it's been cancelled or terminated. This is the
// easiest way to clean up quickly yet reliably in this odd case.
// Accessing the link and the send timeout without locks held is
// technically not allowed, but the consequence of a misread is just a
// very slight additional delay. This is judged preferable to adding the
// cost of taking and releasing a spinlock to every send.
if (pCs->linkSendsOut.Flink == &pCs->linkSendsOut) { ulSendTimeoutMs = 0; TRACE( TL_A, TM_Send, ( "Instant expire pCs=$%p pT=%p", pCs, pCs->pTunnel ) ); } else { ulSendTimeoutMs = pCs->pTunnel->ulSendTimeoutMs; }
// Schedule a retransmit of the packet, should it go unacknowledged. This
// occurs here rather than in SendPending to remove any chance of having
// the same MDL chain outstanding in two separate calls to the IP stack.
// Note: The logical code commented out below can be omitted for
// efficiency because the ReferenceControlSent for this scheduled timer
// and the DereferenceControlSent for this completed send cancel each
// other out.
// ReferenceControlSent( pCs );
// DereferenceControlSent( pCs );
ASSERT( pCs->pTqiSendTimeout ); TimerQScheduleItem( pCs->pTunnel->pTimerQ, pCs->pTqiSendTimeout, ulSendTimeoutMs, SendControlTimerEvent, pCs ); }
VOID SendControlTimerEvent( IN TIMERQITEM* pItem, IN VOID* pContext, IN TIMERQEVENT event )
// PTIMERQEVENT handler set to expire when it's time to give up on
// receiving an acknowledge to the sent control packet indicated by
// 'pContext'.
TRACE( TL_N, TM_Send, ( "SendControlTimerEvent(%s)", TimerQPszFromEvent( event ) ) );
// Unpack context information. The timer item is owned by the "control
// sent" context and freed indirectly by dereferencing below.
pCs = (CONTROLSENT* )pContext; pTunnel = pCs->pTunnel; pAdapter = pTunnel->pAdapter;
if (event == TE_Expire) { // Timer expired, meaning it's time to give up on ever receiving an
// acknowledge to the sent packet. Per the draft/RFC, adjustments to
// the send window and send timeouts are necessary.
NdisAcquireSpinLock( &pTunnel->lockT ); do { if (pCs->linkSendsOut.Flink == &pCs->linkSendsOut) { // The context is not on the out queue, so it must have been
// cancelled or terminated while the expire handling was being
// set up. Do nothing.
TRACE( TL_I, TM_Send, ( "T%d: Timeout aborted", (ULONG )pTunnel->usTunnelId ) ); break; }
AdjustTimeoutsAndSendWindowAtTimeout( pAdapter->ulMaxSendTimeoutMs, pTunnel->lDeviationMs, &pTunnel->ulSendTimeoutMs, &pTunnel->ulRoundTripMs, &pTunnel->ulSendWindow, &pTunnel->ulAcksSinceSendTimeout );
--pTunnel->ulSendsOut; ++pCs->ulRetransmits;
TRACE( TL_I, TM_Send, ( "T%d: TIMEOUT(%d) -sout=%d +retry=%d rtt=%d ato=%d sw=%d", (ULONG )pTunnel->usTunnelId, (ULONG )pCs->usNs, pTunnel->ulSendsOut, pCs->ulRetransmits, pTunnel->ulRoundTripMs, pTunnel->ulSendTimeoutMs, pTunnel->ulSendWindow ) );
// Retransmit the packet, or close the tunnel if retries are
// exhausted.
if (pCs->ulRetransmits > pAdapter->ulMaxRetransmits) { // Retries are exhausted. Give up and close the tunnel. No
// point in trying to be graceful since peer is not
// responding.
SetFlags( &pTunnel->ulFlags, TCBF_PeerNotResponding );
RemoveEntryList( &pCs->linkSendsOut ); InitializeListHead( &pCs->linkSendsOut ); DereferenceControlSent( pCs );
ScheduleTunnelWork( pTunnel, NULL, CloseTunnel, 0, 0, 0, 0, FALSE, FALSE ); } else { // Retries remaining. Mark the packet as pending
// retransmission, then see if the send window allows the
// retransmit to go now.
pCs->ulFlags |= CSF_Pending; ScheduleTunnelWork( pTunnel, NULL, SendPending, 0, 0, 0, 0, FALSE, FALSE ); } } while (FALSE); NdisReleaseSpinLock( &pTunnel->lockT ); }
// Remove the reference covering the scheduled timer.
DereferenceControlSent( pCs ); }
VOID SendHeaderComplete( IN TDIXCONTEXT* pTdix, IN VOID* pContext1, IN VOID* pContext2, IN CHAR* pBuffer )
// PTDIXSENDCOMPLETE handler for sends that send only a single buffer from
// the 'ADAPTERCB.poolHeaderBuffers' pool.
{ ADAPTERCB* pAdapter; VCCB* pVc; NDIS_BUFFER* pNdisBuffer;
TRACE( TL_V, TM_Send, ( "SendHeaderComp" ) );
pAdapter = (ADAPTERCB* )pContext1; pVc = (VCCB* )pContext2;
// Undo the adjustments made before the send the buffer is ready for
// re-use.
pNdisBuffer = NdisBufferFromBuffer( pBuffer ); NdisAdjustBufferLength( pNdisBuffer, BufferSizeFromBuffer( pBuffer ) ); FreeBufferToPool( &pAdapter->poolHeaderBuffers, pBuffer, TRUE );
if (pVc) { DereferenceCall( pVc ); } }
VOID SendPayloadSeqComplete( IN TDIXCONTEXT* pTdix, IN VOID* pContext1, IN VOID* pContext2, IN CHAR* pBuffer )
// PTDIXSENDCOMPLETE handler for sequenced payloads.
TRACE( TL_V, TM_Send, ( "SendPayloadSeqComp" ) );
pPs = (PAYLOADSENT* )pContext1; pPs->pIrp = NULL; DereferencePayloadSent( pPs ); }
VOID SendPayloadUnseqComplete( IN TDIXCONTEXT* pTdix, IN VOID* pContext1, IN VOID* pContext2, IN CHAR* pBuffer )
// PTDIXSENDCOMPLETE handler for unsequenced payloads.
{ ADAPTERCB* pAdapter; VCCB* pVc; NDIS_PACKET* pPacket; NDIS_BUFFER* pNdisBuffer;
TRACE( TL_V, TM_Send, ( "SendPayloadUnseqComp" ) );
pVc = (VCCB* )pContext1; pPacket = (NDIS_PACKET* )pContext2; pAdapter = pVc->pAdapter;
// Undo the adjustments made before the send so the owner of each
// component resource gets back what they originally provided for clean-up
// and recycling.
NdisUnchainBufferAtFront( pPacket, &pNdisBuffer ); NdisAdjustBufferLength( pNdisBuffer, BufferSizeFromBuffer( pBuffer ) ); FreeBufferToPool( &pAdapter->poolHeaderBuffers, pBuffer, TRUE );
// Notify sending driver of the result. Without sequencing, just trying
// to send it is enough to claim success.
NDIS_SET_PACKET_STATUS( pPacket, NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS ); TRACE( TL_N, TM_Send, ("NdisMCoSendComp($%x)", NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS ) ); NdisMCoSendComplete( NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS, pVc->NdisVcHandle, pPacket ); TRACE( TL_N, TM_Send, ("NdisMCoSendComp done" ) );
DereferenceCall( pVc ); }
VOID SendPayloadTimerEvent( IN TIMERQITEM* pItem, IN VOID* pContext, IN TIMERQEVENT event )
// PTIMERQEVENT handler set to expire when it's time to give up on
// receiving an acknowledge to the sent payload packet indicated in the
// PAYLOADSENT* 'pContext'.
TRACE( TL_N, TM_Send, ( "SendPayloadTimerEvent(%s)", TimerQPszFromEvent( event ) ) );
// Unpack context information. The timer item is owned by the "payload
// sent" context and freed indirectly by the de-referencing of that
// context below.
pPs = (PAYLOADSENT* )pContext; pVc = pPs->pVc; pTunnel = pPs->pTunnel; pAdapter = pVc->pAdapter;
if (event == TE_Expire) { LONG lOldSendWindow; LONG lSwChange; BOOLEAN fCallActive; LINKSTATUSINFO info;
// Timer expired, meaning it's time to give up on ever receiving an
// acknowledge to the sent packet.
NdisAcquireSpinLock( &pVc->lockV ); do { if (pPs->linkSendsOut.Flink == &pPs->linkSendsOut) { // The context is not on the "outstanding send" list, so it
// must have been cancelled or terminated while the expire
// handling was being set up. Do nothing.
TRACE( TL_I, TM_Send, ( "C%d: Timeout aborted", (ULONG )pVc->usCallId ) ); fCallActive = FALSE; break; }
// This packet was not acknowledged.
// Remove the context from the "outstanding send" list. The
// corresponding dereference occurs below.
RemoveEntryList( &pPs->linkSendsOut ); InitializeListHead( &pPs->linkSendsOut );
// The rest has to do with call related fields so get a reference
// now. This is removed by the "reset" send completion.
fCallActive = ReferenceCall( pVc ); if (fCallActive) { // Per the draft/RFC, adjustments to the send window and send
// timeouts are necessary when a send times out.
lOldSendWindow = (LONG )pVc->ulSendWindow; AdjustTimeoutsAndSendWindowAtTimeout( pAdapter->ulMaxSendTimeoutMs, pVc->lDeviationMs, &pVc->ulSendTimeoutMs, &pVc->ulRoundTripMs, &pVc->ulSendWindow, &pVc->ulAcksSinceSendTimeout ); lSwChange = ((LONG )pVc->ulSendWindow) - lOldSendWindow;
TRACE( TL_I, TM_Send, ( "C%d: TIMEOUT(%d) new rtt=%d ato=%d sw=%d(%+d)", (ULONG )pVc->usCallId, (ULONG )pPs->usNs, pVc->ulRoundTripMs, pVc->ulSendTimeoutMs, pVc->ulSendWindow, lSwChange ) );
if (lSwChange != 0) { // The send window changed, i.e. it closed some because of
// the timeout. Update the statistics accordingly.
if (pVc->ulSendWindow > pVc->stats.ulMaxSendWindow) { pVc->stats.ulMaxSendWindow = pVc->ulSendWindow; } else if (pVc->ulSendWindow < pVc->stats.ulMinSendWindow) { pVc->stats.ulMinSendWindow = pVc->ulSendWindow; }
// Need to release the lock before indicating the link
// status change outside our driver, so make a "safe" copy
// of the link status information.
TransferLinkStatusInfo( pVc, &info ); }
// Send a zero length payload with the R-bit set to reset the
// peer's Nr to the packet after this one. The call reference
// will be removed when the send completes.
ScheduleTunnelWork( pTunnel, pVc, SendPayloadReset, (ULONG_PTR )(pPs->usNs + 1), 0, 0, 0, FALSE, FALSE );
++pVc->stats.ulSentResets; ++pVc->stats.ulSentPacketsTimedOut; }
// Remove the reference for linkage in the "outstanding send"
// list.
DereferencePayloadSent( pPs );
} while (FALSE); NdisReleaseSpinLock( &pVc->lockV );
if (fCallActive && lSwChange != 0) { // Inform NDISWAN of the new send window since it's the component
// that actually does the throttling.
IndicateLinkStatus( pVc, &info ); } }
// Remove the reference covering the scheduled timer event.
DereferencePayloadSent( pPs ); }
// Send a data-less packet with sequence 'usNs' and 'usNr' on 'pTunnel'.
// 'PVc' is the associated VC, or NULL if none. When 'pVc' is provided,
// 'fReset' may be set to indicate a payload reset is to be built,
// otherwise a simple acknowledge is built.
// This routine is called only at PASSIVE IRQL.
// IMPORTANT: Caller must take a call reference before calling that is
// removed by the send completion handler.
{ NDIS_STATUS status; ADAPTERCB* pAdapter; CHAR* pBuffer; ULONG ulLength; USHORT usAssignedCallId; BOOLEAN fControl; NDIS_BUFFER* pNdisBuffer;
pAdapter = pTunnel->pAdapter;
usAssignedCallId = (pVc) ? pVc->usAssignedCallId : 0; fControl = (usAssignedCallId == 0); ASSERT( !(fReset && fControl) );
if (!fControl && !(ReadFlags( &pTunnel->ulFlags ) & TCBF_HostRouteAdded)) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Send, ( "SendZlb w/o host route?" ) ); ++g_ulSendZlbWithoutHostRoute; if (pVc) { DereferenceCall( pVc ); } return; }
// Get an NDIS_BUFFER to hold the L2TP header.
pBuffer = GetBufferFromPool( &pAdapter->poolHeaderBuffers ); if (!pBuffer) { ASSERT( "GetBfP?" ); if (pVc) { DereferenceCall( pVc ); } return; }
// Fill in 'pBuffer' with the L2TP header.
ulLength = BuildL2tpHeader( pBuffer, fControl, fReset, &pTunnel->usAssignedTunnelId, &usAssignedCallId, &usNs, usNr );
// Pare down the buffer to the actual length used.
pNdisBuffer = NdisBufferFromBuffer( pBuffer ); NdisAdjustBufferLength( pNdisBuffer, (UINT )ulLength );
// Call TDI to send the bare L2TP header.
TRACE( TL_A, TM_Msg, ( "%sSEND ZLB(Nr=%d) CID=%d R=%d", (g_ulTraceLevel <= TL_I) ? "" : "\nL2TP: ", (ULONG )usNr, (ULONG )usAssignedCallId, (ULONG )fReset ) ); DUMPW( TL_A, TM_MDmp, pBuffer, ulLength );
if (ReadFlags(&pTunnel->ulFlags) & TCBF_SendConnected) {
ASSERT(pTunnel->pRoute != NULL);
SendFunc = TdixSend;
if (fControl) { FileObj = CtrlObjFromUdpContext(&pTunnel->udpContext); } else { FileObj = PayloadObjFromUdpContext(&pTunnel->udpContext); }
} else { FileObj = NULL; SendFunc = TdixSendDatagram; }
status = SendFunc( &pAdapter->tdix, FileObj, SendHeaderComplete, pAdapter, pVc, &pTunnel->address.ulIpAddress, pBuffer, ulLength, NULL ); }
VOID UpdateControlHeaderNr( IN CHAR* pBuffer, IN USHORT usNr )
// Updates the 'Next Receive' field of control message buffer 'pBuffer'
// with the value 'usNr'.
{ USHORT* pusNr;
// Fortunately, the control header up to 'Next Receive' is fixed so a
// simple offset calculation can be used.
pusNr = ((USHORT* )pBuffer) + 5; *pusNr = htons( usNr ); }
VOID UpdateHeaderLength( IN CHAR* pBuffer, IN USHORT usLength )
// Updates the 'Length' field of the L2TP message buffer 'pBuffer' to the
// value 'usLength'.
{ USHORT* pusLength;
// Fortunately, the control header up to 'Length' is fixed so a simple
// offset calculation can be used.
pusLength = ((USHORT* )pBuffer) + 1; *pusLength = htons( usLength ); }