/********************************************************************/ /** Copyright(c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation. **/ /********************************************************************/
// Filename: adminapi.c
// Description: Contains code to respond to DDM admin. requests.
// History: May 11,1995 NarenG Created original version.
#include "ddm.h"
#include <lmmsg.h>
#include "objects.h"
#include "handlers.h"
#include "rasapiif.h"
#include "routerif.h"
#include "util.h"
#include <dimsvc.h> // Generated by MIDL
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <mprapip.h>
// Call: DDMAdminInterfaceConnect
// Returns: NO_ERROR - Success
// Description:
DWORD DDMAdminInterfaceConnect( IN HANDLE hDimInterface, IN HANDLE hEvent, IN BOOL fBlocking, IN DWORD dwCallersProcessId ) { HANDLE hClientProcess = NULL; DWORD dwRetCode = NO_ERROR; ROUTER_INTERFACE_OBJECT* pIfObject = NULL; HANDLE hEventToBeDuplicated = NULL; DWORD fReturn = FALSE;
EnterCriticalSection( &(gblpInterfaceTable->CriticalSection) );
do { if ( ( pIfObject = IfObjectGetPointer((HANDLE)hDimInterface) ) == NULL ) { dwRetCode = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; break; }
if ( pIfObject->State == RISTATE_CONNECTED ) { dwRetCode = NO_ERROR; fReturn = TRUE; break; }
if ( pIfObject->State == RISTATE_CONNECTING ) { dwRetCode = ERROR_ALREADY_CONNECTING; fReturn = TRUE; break; }
if ( ( hEvent == NULL ) && ( fBlocking ) ) { //
// This call is to be synchrnonous, create an event and block on
// it.
hEventToBeDuplicated = CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL );
if ( hEventToBeDuplicated == NULL ) { dwRetCode = GetLastError();
break; }
dwCallersProcessId = GetCurrentProcessId(); } else { hEventToBeDuplicated = hEvent; }
if ( hEventToBeDuplicated != NULL ) { //
// Get process handle of the caller of this API
hClientProcess = OpenProcess( STANDARD_RIGHTS_REQUIRED | SPECIFIC_RIGHTS_ALL, FALSE, dwCallersProcessId);
if ( hClientProcess == NULL ) { dwRetCode = GetLastError();
break; }
// Duplicate the handle to the event
if ( !DuplicateHandle( hClientProcess, hEventToBeDuplicated, GetCurrentProcess(), &(pIfObject->hEventNotifyCaller), 0, FALSE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS ) ) { CloseHandle( hClientProcess );
dwRetCode = GetLastError();
break; }
CloseHandle( hClientProcess ); } else { pIfObject->hEventNotifyCaller = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
// Initiate a connection
dwRetCode = RasConnectionInitiate( pIfObject, FALSE );
if ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) { CloseHandle( pIfObject->hEventNotifyCaller );
pIfObject->hEventNotifyCaller = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } else { dwRetCode = PENDING; }
DDM_PRINT( gblDDMConfigInfo.dwTraceId, TRACE_FSM, "RasConnectionInitiate: To %ws dwRetCode=%d", pIfObject->lpwsInterfaceName, dwRetCode ); } while( FALSE );
LeaveCriticalSection( &(gblpInterfaceTable->CriticalSection) );
// If we are or already connecting or connected then simply return
if ( fReturn ) { return( dwRetCode ); }
// This is a synchronous call, we need to wait till compeletion
if ( ( hEvent == NULL ) && ( fBlocking ) ) { if ( dwRetCode == PENDING ) { if ( WaitForSingleObject( hEventToBeDuplicated, INFINITE ) == WAIT_FAILED ) { CloseHandle( hEventToBeDuplicated );
return( GetLastError() ); }
EnterCriticalSection( &(gblpInterfaceTable->CriticalSection) );
if ( ( pIfObject = IfObjectGetPointer((HANDLE)hDimInterface) ) == NULL ) { dwRetCode = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; } else { dwRetCode = pIfObject->dwLastError; }
LeaveCriticalSection( &(gblpInterfaceTable->CriticalSection) ); }
if ( hEventToBeDuplicated != NULL ) { CloseHandle( hEventToBeDuplicated ); } }
return( dwRetCode ); }
// Call: DDMAdminInterfaceDisconnect
// Returns: NO_ERROR - Success
// Description:
DWORD DDMAdminInterfaceDisconnect( IN HANDLE hDimInterface ) { DWORD dwRetCode = NO_ERROR; DWORD dwTransportIndex = -1;
if ( gblDDMConfigInfo.dwNumRouterManagers > 0 ) { for ( dwTransportIndex = 0; dwTransportIndex < gblDDMConfigInfo.dwNumRouterManagers; dwTransportIndex++ ) { dwRetCode = DDMDisconnectInterface( hDimInterface, gblRouterManagers[dwTransportIndex].DdmRouterIf.dwProtocolId );
if ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) { return( dwRetCode ); } } } else { //
// [old comment] If no router managers are installed then we are a AMB
// or NBF only client connection, simply call disconnect interface
// [new comment]
// AMB and NBF have been removed from the project but this path is
// being kept since logically, you should be able to disconnect an
// interface regardless of whether any router managers exist.
// This philosphy is in spirit with the work we'll do
// to merge rasman, dim, and ddm. Then it will be possible for
// code paths like this to execute without any router managers being
// loaded.
dwRetCode = DDMDisconnectInterface( hDimInterface, -1 ); }
return( dwRetCode ); }
// Call: DDMAdminServerGetInfo
// Returns: NO_ERROR - Success
// Description:
DWORD DDMAdminServerGetInfo( IN OUT PVOID pServerInfo, IN DWORD dwLevel ) { MPR_SERVER_0* pServerInfo0;
if ( dwLevel == 0 ) { pServerInfo0 = (MPR_SERVER_0*)pServerInfo;
pServerInfo0->fLanOnlyMode = FALSE; } else { return( ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED ); }
EnterCriticalSection( &(gblDeviceTable.CriticalSection) );
// Copy server info
pServerInfo0->dwTotalPorts = gblDeviceTable.NumDeviceNodes; pServerInfo0->dwPortsInUse = gblDeviceTable.NumDevicesInUse;
LeaveCriticalSection( &(gblDeviceTable.CriticalSection) );
return( NO_ERROR ); }
// Call: DDMAdminConnectionEnum
// Returns: NO_ERROR - Success
// Description:
DWORD DDMAdminConnectionEnum( IN OUT PDIM_INFORMATION_CONTAINER pInfoStruct, IN DWORD dwLevel, IN DWORD dwPreferedMaximumLength, IN LPDWORD lpdwEntriesRead, IN LPDWORD lpdwTotalEntries, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwResumeHandle OPTIONAL ) { PRASI_CONNECTION_0 pRasConnection0 = NULL; PRASI_CONNECTION_1 pRasConnection1 = NULL; PRASI_CONNECTION_2 pRasConnection2 = NULL; PCONNECTION_OBJECT pConnObj = NULL; DWORD dwBucketIndex = 0; DWORD dwConnObjIndex = 0; DWORD dwConnInfoSize = 0; DWORD dwStartIndex = ( lpdwResumeHandle == NULL ) ? 0 : *lpdwResumeHandle;
// Calculate the connection info size
switch (dwLevel) { case 0: dwConnInfoSize = sizeof( RASI_CONNECTION_0 ); break; case 1: dwConnInfoSize = sizeof( RASI_CONNECTION_1 ); break; case 2: dwConnInfoSize = sizeof( RASI_CONNECTION_2 ); break; default: return ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
EnterCriticalSection( &(gblDeviceTable.CriticalSection) );
if ( gblDeviceTable.NumConnectionNodes < dwStartIndex ) { LeaveCriticalSection( &(gblDeviceTable.CriticalSection) );
return( ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS ); }
*lpdwTotalEntries = gblDeviceTable.NumConnectionNodes - dwStartIndex;
if ( dwPreferedMaximumLength != -1 ) { *lpdwEntriesRead = dwPreferedMaximumLength / dwConnInfoSize;
if ( *lpdwEntriesRead > *lpdwTotalEntries ) { *lpdwEntriesRead = *lpdwTotalEntries; } } else { *lpdwEntriesRead = *lpdwTotalEntries; }
pInfoStruct->dwBufferSize = *lpdwEntriesRead * dwConnInfoSize; pInfoStruct->pBuffer = MIDL_user_allocate( pInfoStruct->dwBufferSize );
if ( pInfoStruct->pBuffer == NULL ) { LeaveCriticalSection( &(gblDeviceTable.CriticalSection) );
pInfoStruct->dwBufferSize = 0;
if (dwLevel == 0) pRasConnection0 = (PRASI_CONNECTION_0)pInfoStruct->pBuffer; else if (dwLevel == 1) pRasConnection1 = (PRASI_CONNECTION_1)pInfoStruct->pBuffer; else pRasConnection2 = (PRASI_CONNECTION_2)pInfoStruct->pBuffer;
for ( dwBucketIndex = 0; dwBucketIndex < gblDeviceTable.NumDeviceBuckets; dwBucketIndex++ ) { for( pConnObj = gblDeviceTable.ConnectionBucket[dwBucketIndex]; pConnObj != (CONNECTION_OBJECT *)NULL; pConnObj = pConnObj->pNext ) { //
// Check if this connection object is within the range we need to
// copy from.
if ( ( dwConnObjIndex >= dwStartIndex ) && ( dwConnObjIndex < (dwStartIndex+*lpdwEntriesRead))) { //
// Copy the info
if (dwLevel == 0) { GetRasiConnection0Data( pConnObj, pRasConnection0 ); pRasConnection0++; } else if (dwLevel == 1) { GetRasiConnection1Data( pConnObj, pRasConnection1 ); pRasConnection1++; } else { GetRasiConnection2Data( pConnObj, pRasConnection2 ); pRasConnection2++; }
} else if (dwConnObjIndex>=(dwStartIndex+*lpdwEntriesRead)) { //
// Beyond the range so exit
if ( lpdwResumeHandle != NULL ) { *lpdwResumeHandle = dwConnObjIndex; }
LeaveCriticalSection( &(gblDeviceTable.CriticalSection) );
return( ERROR_MORE_DATA ); }
dwConnObjIndex++; } }
LeaveCriticalSection( &(gblDeviceTable.CriticalSection) );
return( NO_ERROR ); }
// Call: DDMAdminConnectionGetInfo
// Returns: NO_ERROR - Success
// Description:
if ( dwLevel > 2 ) { return( ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED ); }
EnterCriticalSection( &(gblDeviceTable.CriticalSection) );
switch( dwLevel ) { case 0:
pInfoStruct->dwBufferSize = sizeof( RASI_CONNECTION_0 ); break;
case 1:
pInfoStruct->dwBufferSize = sizeof( RASI_CONNECTION_1 ); break;
case 2:
pInfoStruct->dwBufferSize = sizeof( RASI_CONNECTION_2 ); break; }
pInfoStruct->pBuffer = MIDL_user_allocate( pInfoStruct->dwBufferSize );
if ( pInfoStruct->pBuffer == NULL ) { LeaveCriticalSection( &(gblDeviceTable.CriticalSection) );
// Copy Connection info
do { pConnObj = ConnObjGetPointer( (HCONN)hConnection );
break; }
switch( dwLevel ) { case 0:
dwRetCode = GetRasiConnection0Data( pConnObj, (PRASI_CONNECTION_0)pInfoStruct->pBuffer ); break;
case 1:
dwRetCode = GetRasiConnection1Data( pConnObj, (PRASI_CONNECTION_1)pInfoStruct->pBuffer ); break;
case 2:
dwRetCode = GetRasiConnection2Data( pConnObj, (PRASI_CONNECTION_2)pInfoStruct->pBuffer ); break; }
}while( FALSE );
if ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) { MIDL_user_free( pInfoStruct->pBuffer );
pInfoStruct->pBuffer = NULL;
pInfoStruct->dwBufferSize = 0; }
LeaveCriticalSection( &(gblDeviceTable.CriticalSection) );
return( dwRetCode ); }
// Call: DDMAdminConnectionClearStats
// Returns: NO_ERROR - Success
// Description:
DWORD DDMAdminConnectionClearStats( IN HANDLE hConnection ) { return( RasBundleClearStatisticsEx(NULL, (HCONN)hConnection ) ); }
// Call: DDMAdminPortEnum
// Returns: NO_ERROR - Success
// Description:
DWORD DDMAdminPortEnum( IN OUT PDIM_INFORMATION_CONTAINER pInfoStruct, IN HANDLE hConnection, IN DWORD dwLevel, IN DWORD dwPreferedMaximumLength, IN LPDWORD lpdwEntriesRead, IN LPDWORD lpdwTotalEntries, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwResumeHandle OPTIONAL ) { PRASI_PORT_0 pRasPort0 = NULL; PDEVICE_OBJECT pDevObj = NULL; PCONNECTION_OBJECT pConnObj = NULL; DWORD dwIndex = 0; DWORD dwBucketIndex = 0; DWORD dwDevObjIndex = 0; DWORD dwStartIndex = ( lpdwResumeHandle == NULL ) ? 0 : *lpdwResumeHandle;
if ( dwLevel != 0 ) { return( ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED ); }
EnterCriticalSection( &(gblDeviceTable.CriticalSection) );
if ( hConnection != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { if ( ( pConnObj = ConnObjGetPointer( (HCONN)hConnection ) ) == NULL ) { LeaveCriticalSection( &(gblDeviceTable.CriticalSection) );
if ( pConnObj->cActiveDevices < dwStartIndex ) { LeaveCriticalSection( &(gblDeviceTable.CriticalSection) );
return( ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS ); }
*lpdwTotalEntries = pConnObj->cActiveDevices - dwStartIndex; } else { if ( gblDeviceTable.NumDeviceNodes < dwStartIndex ) { LeaveCriticalSection( &(gblDeviceTable.CriticalSection) );
return( ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS ); }
*lpdwTotalEntries = gblDeviceTable.NumDeviceNodes - dwStartIndex; }
if ( dwPreferedMaximumLength != -1 ) { *lpdwEntriesRead = dwPreferedMaximumLength / sizeof( RAS_PORT_0 );
if ( *lpdwEntriesRead > *lpdwTotalEntries ) { *lpdwEntriesRead = *lpdwTotalEntries; } } else { *lpdwEntriesRead = *lpdwTotalEntries; }
pInfoStruct->dwBufferSize = *lpdwEntriesRead * sizeof( RASI_PORT_0 ); pInfoStruct->pBuffer = MIDL_user_allocate( pInfoStruct->dwBufferSize );
if ( pInfoStruct->pBuffer == NULL ) { LeaveCriticalSection( &(gblDeviceTable.CriticalSection) );
pInfoStruct->dwBufferSize = 0;
pRasPort0 = (PRASI_PORT_0)pInfoStruct->pBuffer;
if ( hConnection == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { for ( dwBucketIndex = 0; dwBucketIndex < gblDeviceTable.NumDeviceBuckets; dwBucketIndex++ ) { for( pDevObj = gblDeviceTable.DeviceBucket[dwBucketIndex]; pDevObj != (DEVICE_OBJECT *)NULL; pDevObj = pDevObj->pNext ) { //
// Check if this port is within the range we need to copy
// from.
if ( ( dwDevObjIndex >= dwStartIndex ) && ( dwDevObjIndex < (dwStartIndex+*lpdwEntriesRead))) { //
// Copy the info
GetRasiPort0Data( pDevObj, pRasPort0 );
pRasPort0++; } else if (dwDevObjIndex>=(dwStartIndex+*lpdwEntriesRead)) { //
// Beyond the range so exit
if ( lpdwResumeHandle != NULL ) { *lpdwResumeHandle = dwDevObjIndex; }
LeaveCriticalSection( &(gblDeviceTable.CriticalSection) );
return( ERROR_MORE_DATA ); }
dwDevObjIndex++; } } } else { for ( dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < pConnObj->cDeviceListSize; dwIndex++ ) { if ( pConnObj->pDeviceList[dwIndex] != NULL ) { //
// Check if this port is within the range we need to copy
// from.
if ( ( dwDevObjIndex >= dwStartIndex ) && ( dwDevObjIndex < (dwStartIndex+*lpdwEntriesRead))) { //
// Copy the info
GetRasiPort0Data(pConnObj->pDeviceList[dwIndex], pRasPort0);
pRasPort0++; } else if (dwDevObjIndex>=(dwStartIndex+*lpdwEntriesRead)) { //
// Beyond the range so exit
if ( lpdwResumeHandle != NULL ) { *lpdwResumeHandle = dwDevObjIndex; }
LeaveCriticalSection( &(gblDeviceTable.CriticalSection) );
return( NO_ERROR ); }
dwDevObjIndex++; } } }
LeaveCriticalSection( &(gblDeviceTable.CriticalSection) );
return( NO_ERROR ); }
// Call: DDMAdminPortGetInfo
// Returns: NO_ERROR - Success
// Description:
if ( dwLevel > 1 ) { return( ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED ); }
EnterCriticalSection( &(gblDeviceTable.CriticalSection) );
pInfoStruct->dwBufferSize = ( dwLevel == 0 ) ? sizeof( RAS_PORT_0 ) : sizeof( RAS_PORT_1 );
pInfoStruct->pBuffer = MIDL_user_allocate( pInfoStruct->dwBufferSize );
if ( pInfoStruct->pBuffer == NULL ) { LeaveCriticalSection( &(gblDeviceTable.CriticalSection) );
// Copy port info
do { pDevObj = DeviceObjGetPointer( (HPORT)hPort );
if ( pDevObj == (HPORT)NULL ) { dwRetCode = ERROR_INVALID_PORT_HANDLE;
break; }
if ( dwLevel == 0 ) { dwRetCode = GetRasiPort0Data( pDevObj, (PRASI_PORT_0)pInfoStruct->pBuffer ); } else { dwRetCode = GetRasiPort1Data( pDevObj, (PRASI_PORT_1)pInfoStruct->pBuffer ); } } while( FALSE );
if ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) { MIDL_user_free( pInfoStruct->pBuffer );
pInfoStruct->pBuffer = NULL;
pInfoStruct->dwBufferSize = 0; }
LeaveCriticalSection( &(gblDeviceTable.CriticalSection) );
return( dwRetCode ); }
// Call: DDMAdminPortClearStats
// Returns: NO_ERROR - Success
// Description:
DWORD DDMAdminPortClearStats( IN HANDLE hPort ) { PDEVICE_OBJECT pDevObj = NULL;
EnterCriticalSection( &(gblDeviceTable.CriticalSection) );
if ( ( pDevObj = DeviceObjGetPointer( (HPORT)hPort ) ) == NULL ) { LeaveCriticalSection( &(gblDeviceTable.CriticalSection) );
LeaveCriticalSection( &(gblDeviceTable.CriticalSection) );
return( RasPortClearStatistics(NULL, (HPORT)hPort ) ); }
// Call: DDMAdminPortReset
// Returns: NO_ERROR - Success
// Description:
DWORD DDMAdminPortReset( IN HANDLE hPort ) { return( NO_ERROR ); }
// Call: DDMAdminPortDisconnect
// Returns: NO_ERROR - Success
// Description: Disconnect the client port.
DWORD DDMAdminPortDisconnect( IN HANDLE hPort ) { DEVICE_OBJECT * pDevObj; DWORD dwRetCode = NO_ERROR;
EnterCriticalSection( &(gblDeviceTable.CriticalSection) );
do { if ( ( pDevObj = DeviceObjGetPointer( (HPORT)hPort ) ) == NULL ) { dwRetCode = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE;
break; }
if ( pDevObj->fFlags & DEV_OBJ_OPENED_FOR_DIALOUT ) { RasApiCleanUpPort( pDevObj ); } else { if ( pDevObj->fFlags & DEV_OBJ_PPP_IS_ACTIVE ) { PppDdmStop( (HPORT)pDevObj->hPort, NO_ERROR ); } else { DevStartClosing( pDevObj ); } } } while( FALSE );
LeaveCriticalSection( &(gblDeviceTable.CriticalSection) );
return( dwRetCode ); }
// Call: DDMRegisterConnectionNotification
// Returns: NO_ERROR - Success
// Non-zero returns - Failure
// Description: Will insert or remove and event from the notification list
DWORD DDMRegisterConnectionNotification( IN BOOL fRegister, IN HANDLE hEventClient, IN HANDLE hEventRouter ) { DWORD dwRetCode = NO_ERROR; NOTIFICATION_EVENT * pNotificationEvent = NULL;
EnterCriticalSection( &(gblpInterfaceTable->CriticalSection) );
if ( fRegister ) { //
// Insert event in notification list
pNotificationEvent = (NOTIFICATION_EVENT *) LOCAL_ALLOC( LPTR, sizeof(NOTIFICATION_EVENT) ); if ( pNotificationEvent == NULL ) { dwRetCode = GetLastError(); } else { pNotificationEvent->hEventClient = hEventClient; pNotificationEvent->hEventRouter = hEventRouter;
InsertHeadList( (LIST_ENTRY *)&(gblDDMConfigInfo.NotificationEventListHead), (LIST_ENTRY*)pNotificationEvent ); } } else { //
// Remove event from notification list
for( pNotificationEvent = (NOTIFICATION_EVENT *) (gblDDMConfigInfo.NotificationEventListHead.Flink); pNotificationEvent != (NOTIFICATION_EVENT *) &(gblDDMConfigInfo.NotificationEventListHead); pNotificationEvent = (NOTIFICATION_EVENT *) (pNotificationEvent->ListEntry.Flink) ) { if ( pNotificationEvent->hEventClient == hEventClient ) { RemoveEntryList( (LIST_ENTRY *)pNotificationEvent );
CloseHandle( pNotificationEvent->hEventClient );
CloseHandle( pNotificationEvent->hEventRouter );
LOCAL_FREE( pNotificationEvent );
break; } } }
LeaveCriticalSection( &(gblpInterfaceTable->CriticalSection) );
return( dwRetCode ); }
// Call: DDMSendUserMessage
// Returns: NO_ERROR - Success
// Description:
DWORD DDMSendUserMessage( IN HANDLE hConnection, IN LPWSTR lpwszMessage ) {
EnterCriticalSection( &(gblDeviceTable.CriticalSection) );
do { pConnObj = ConnObjGetPointer( (HCONN)hConnection );
break; }
if ( pConnObj->fFlags & CONN_OBJ_MESSENGER_PRESENT ) { WCHAR wszRemoteComputer[CNLEN+1];
MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, pConnObj->bComputerName, -1, wszRemoteComputer, CNLEN+1 );
dwRetCode = NetMessageBufferSend( NULL, wszRemoteComputer, NULL, (BYTE*)lpwszMessage, (wcslen(lpwszMessage)+1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); }
} while( FALSE );
LeaveCriticalSection( &(gblDeviceTable.CriticalSection) );
return(dwRetCode); }