/********************************************************************/ /* Copyright(c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation */ /********************************************************************/
// Filename: evdsptch.c
// Description: This module contains the event dispatcher for the
// DDM's procedure-driven state machine
// Author: Stefan Solomon (stefans) June 9, 1992.
#include "ddm.h"
#include "handlers.h"
#include "objects.h"
#include "timer.h"
#include "util.h"
#include <raserror.h>
#include <ddmif.h>
#include <sechost.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "rasmanif.h"
// Function: EventDispatcher
// Descr: Waits for events to be signaled and invokes the proper
// event handler. Returns when DDM has terminated.
DWORD EventDispatcher( IN LPVOID arg ) { EVENT_HANDLER * pEventHandler; DWORD dwSignaledEvent;
// Indicate that this thread is running
InterlockedIncrement( gblDDMConfigInfo.lpdwNumThreadsRunning );
RegNotifyChangeKeyValue( gblDDMConfigInfo.hkeyParameters, TRUE, REG_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_SET, gblSupervisorEvents[DDM_EVENT_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION], TRUE ); RegNotifyChangeKeyValue( gblDDMConfigInfo.hkeyAccounting, TRUE, REG_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_SET, gblSupervisorEvents[DDM_EVENT_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION1], TRUE );
RegNotifyChangeKeyValue( gblDDMConfigInfo.hkeyAuthentication, TRUE, REG_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_SET, gblSupervisorEvents[DDM_EVENT_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION2], TRUE ); while( TRUE ) { dwSignaledEvent = WaitForMultipleObjectsEx( NUM_DDM_EVENTS + ( gblDeviceTable.NumDeviceBuckets * 3 ), gblSupervisorEvents, FALSE, INFINITE, TRUE);
if ( ( dwSignaledEvent == 0xFFFFFFFF ) || ( dwSignaledEvent == WAIT_TIMEOUT ) ) { DDMTRACE2("WaitForMultipleObjectsEx returned %d, GetLastError=%d", dwSignaledEvent, GetLastError() );
continue; }
// DDM has terminated so return
if ( dwSignaledEvent == DDM_EVENT_SVC_TERMINATED ) { LPDWORD lpdwNumThreadsRunning = gblDDMConfigInfo.lpdwNumThreadsRunning;
// If we were running and we are now shutting down, clean up
// gracefully
if ( gblDDMConfigInfo.pServiceStatus->dwCurrentState == SERVICE_STOP_PENDING ) { DDMCleanUp(); }
// Decrease the count for this thread
InterlockedDecrement( lpdwNumThreadsRunning );
return( NO_ERROR ); }
// invoke the handler associated with the signaled event
if ( dwSignaledEvent < NUM_DDM_EVENTS ) { //
// Some DDM event
gblEventHandlerTable[dwSignaledEvent].EventHandler(); } else if ( dwSignaledEvent < ( NUM_DDM_EVENTS + gblDeviceTable.NumDeviceBuckets ) ) { //
// The event was a RASMAN event
RmEventHandler( dwSignaledEvent ); } else if ( dwSignaledEvent < ( NUM_DDM_EVENTS + gblDeviceTable.NumDeviceBuckets * 2 ) ) { //
// A frame was received on a port
RmRecvFrameEventHandler( dwSignaledEvent ); } else if ( dwSignaledEvent != WAIT_IO_COMPLETION ) { //
// We got a disconnect on a dialed out port
RasApiDisconnectHandler( dwSignaledEvent ); } }
return( NO_ERROR ); }
// Function: SecurityDllEventHandler
// Descr: This will handle all events from the 3rd party security Dll.
// Either the security dialog with the client completed
// successfully, in which case we continue on with the connection,
// or we log the error and bring down the line.
VOID SecurityDllEventHandler( VOID ) { LPWSTR auditstrp[3]; SECURITY_MESSAGE message; PDEVICE_OBJECT pDevObj; DWORD dwBucketIndex; WCHAR wchUserName[UNLEN+1];
// loop to get all messages
while( ServerReceiveMessage( MESSAGEQ_ID_SECURITY, (BYTE *) &message ) ) {
EnterCriticalSection( &(gblDeviceTable.CriticalSection) );
// identify the message recipient
if ( ( pDevObj = DeviceObjGetPointer( message.hPort ) ) == NULL ) {
LeaveCriticalSection( &(gblDeviceTable.CriticalSection) );
return; }
// action on the message type
switch( message.dwMsgId ) {
// Stop timer for 3rd party security
TimerQRemove( (HANDLE)pDevObj->hPort, SvSecurityTimeout );
RasFreeBuffer( pDevObj->pRasmanSendBuffer );
pDevObj->pRasmanSendBuffer = NULL;
// copy the user name
MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, message.UserName, -1, pDevObj->wchUserName, UNLEN+1 );
// copy the domain name
MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, message.Domain, -1, pDevObj->wchDomainName, DNLEN+1 );
// Change RASMAN state to CONNECTED from LISTENCOMPLETE and signal
// RmEventHandler
dwBucketIndex = DeviceObjHashPortToBucket( pDevObj->hPort );
SetEvent( gblSupervisorEvents[NUM_DDM_EVENTS+dwBucketIndex] );
DDM_PRINT( gblDDMConfigInfo.dwTraceId, TRACE_FSM, "SecurityDllEventHandler: Security DLL success \n" );
// Log the fact that the use failed to pass 3rd party security.
MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, message.UserName, -1, wchUserName, UNLEN+1 );
auditstrp[0] = wchUserName; auditstrp[1] = pDevObj->wchPortName;
// Hang up the line
DDM_PRINT( gblDDMConfigInfo.dwTraceId, TRACE_FSM, "SecurityDllEventHandler:Security DLL failure %s\n", message.UserName );
if ( pDevObj->SecurityState == DEV_OBJ_SECURITY_DIALOG_ACTIVE ) { DevStartClosing(pDevObj); } else if ( pDevObj->SecurityState==DEV_OBJ_SECURITY_DIALOG_STOPPING ) { pDevObj->SecurityState = DEV_OBJ_SECURITY_DIALOG_INACTIVE;
DevCloseComplete(pDevObj); }
auditstrp[0] = pDevObj->wchPortName;
DDMLogErrorString( ROUTERLOG_SEC_AUTH_INTERNAL_ERROR, 1, auditstrp, message.dwError, 1);
DDM_PRINT( gblDDMConfigInfo.dwTraceId, TRACE_FSM, "SecurityDllEventHandler:Security DLL failure %x\n", message.dwError );
if ( pDevObj->SecurityState == DEV_OBJ_SECURITY_DIALOG_ACTIVE ) { DevStartClosing(pDevObj); } else if ( pDevObj->SecurityState==DEV_OBJ_SECURITY_DIALOG_STOPPING ) { pDevObj->SecurityState = DEV_OBJ_SECURITY_DIALOG_INACTIVE;
DevCloseComplete(pDevObj); }
LeaveCriticalSection( &(gblDeviceTable.CriticalSection) ); } }