/********************************************************************/ /** Copyright(c) 1985-1997 Microsoft Corporation. **/ /********************************************************************/
// Filename: pnphand.c
// Description: Will receive and handle pnp notifications to add/remove devices
// History: May 11,1997 NarenG Created original version.
#include "ddm.h"
#include "timer.h"
#include "handlers.h"
#include "objects.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "routerif.h"
#include <raserror.h>
#include <rassrvr.h>
#include <rasppp.h>
#include <ddmif.h>
#include <serial.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <memory.h>
// Call: DdmDevicePnpHandler
// Returns: NO_ERROR - Success
// Non-zero returns - Failure
// Description: Will handle and act upon a device addition or removal.
DWORD DdmDevicePnpHandler( HANDLE pdwArg ) { PNP_EVENT_NOTIF * ppnpEvent = ( PPNP_EVENT_NOTIF )pdwArg; PPP_MESSAGE PppMessage;
ZeroMemory( &PppMessage, sizeof( PppMessage ) ); PppMessage.dwMsgId = PPPDDMMSG_PnPNotification;
PppMessage.ExtraInfo.DdmPnPNotification.PnPNotification = *ppnpEvent;
SendPppMessageToDDM( &PppMessage );
LocalFree( ppnpEvent );
return( NO_ERROR ); }
// Call: ChangeNotificationEventHandler
// Returns: NO_ERROR - Success
// Non-zero returns - Failure
// Description:
VOID ChangeNotificationEventHandler( VOID ) { DWORD dwRetCode; BOOL fIpAllowed = FALSE;
DDMTRACE( "ChangeNotificationEventHandler called" );
dwRetCode = LoadDDMParameters( gblDDMConfigInfo.hkeyParameters, &fIpAllowed );
DeviceObjIterator( DeviceObjForceIpSec, FALSE, NULL );
if ( fIpAllowed && ( !gblDDMConfigInfo.fRasSrvrInitialized ) ) { dwRetCode = RasSrvrInitialize( gblDDMConfigInfo.lpfnMprAdminGetIpAddressForUser, gblDDMConfigInfo.lpfnMprAdminReleaseIpAddress );
if ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) { DDMLogErrorString( ROUTERLOG_CANT_INITIALIZE_IP_SERVER, 0, NULL, dwRetCode, 0 ); } else { gblDDMConfigInfo.fRasSrvrInitialized = TRUE; } }
if ( NULL != gblDDMConfigInfo.lpfnRasAuthConfigChangeNotification ) { gblDDMConfigInfo.lpfnRasAuthConfigChangeNotification( gblDDMConfigInfo.dwLoggingLevel ); }
if ( NULL != gblDDMConfigInfo.lpfnRasAcctConfigChangeNotification ) { gblDDMConfigInfo.lpfnRasAcctConfigChangeNotification( gblDDMConfigInfo.dwLoggingLevel ); }
PppDdmChangeNotification( gblDDMConfigInfo.dwServerFlags, gblDDMConfigInfo.dwLoggingLevel );
RegNotifyChangeKeyValue( gblDDMConfigInfo.hkeyParameters, TRUE, REG_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_SET, gblSupervisorEvents[DDM_EVENT_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION], TRUE ); RegNotifyChangeKeyValue( gblDDMConfigInfo.hkeyAccounting, TRUE, REG_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_SET, gblSupervisorEvents[DDM_EVENT_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION1], TRUE );
RegNotifyChangeKeyValue( gblDDMConfigInfo.hkeyAuthentication, TRUE, REG_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_SET, gblSupervisorEvents[DDM_EVENT_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION2], TRUE ); }
// Call: DDMTransportCreate
// Returns: NO_ERROR - Success
// Non-zero returns - Failure
// Description:
DWORD DDMTransportCreate( IN DWORD dwTransportId ) { static const TCHAR c_szRegKeyRemoteAccessParams[] = TEXT("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\RemoteAccess\\Parameters"); DWORD dwRetCode = NO_ERROR; BOOL fEnabled = FALSE; HKEY hKey = NULL;
DDMTRACE1( "DDMTransportCreate called for Transport Id = %d", dwTransportId );
// Find out if this transport is set to allow for dialin clients
dwRetCode = RegOpenKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_szRegKeyRemoteAccessParams, &hKey );
if ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) { return( dwRetCode ); }
dwRetCode = lProtocolEnabled( hKey, dwTransportId, TRUE, FALSE, &fEnabled );
if ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) { return( dwRetCode ); }
RegCloseKey( hKey );
// Not enabled for dialin so we are done
if ( !fEnabled ) { return( NO_ERROR ); }
if ( ( dwTransportId == PID_IP ) && ( !gblDDMConfigInfo.fRasSrvrInitialized ) ) { dwRetCode = RasSrvrInitialize( gblDDMConfigInfo.lpfnMprAdminGetIpAddressForUser, gblDDMConfigInfo.lpfnMprAdminReleaseIpAddress );
if ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) { DDMLogErrorString( ROUTERLOG_CANT_INITIALIZE_IP_SERVER, 0, NULL, dwRetCode, 0 ); } else { gblDDMConfigInfo.fRasSrvrInitialized = TRUE; } }
// Insert allowed protocols in the ServerFlags which will be sent to PPP engine
switch( dwTransportId ) { case PID_IP: gblDDMConfigInfo.dwServerFlags |= PPPCFG_ProjectIp; break;
case PID_IPX: gblDDMConfigInfo.dwServerFlags |= PPPCFG_ProjectIpx; break;
case PID_ATALK: gblDDMConfigInfo.dwServerFlags |= PPPCFG_ProjectAt; break;
default: break; }
PppDdmChangeNotification( gblDDMConfigInfo.dwServerFlags, gblDDMConfigInfo.dwLoggingLevel );
return( dwRetCode ); }