/********************************************************************/ /** Copyright(c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation. **/ /********************************************************************/
// Filename: svchand.c
// Description: This module contains procedures to handle DDM service state
// changes and startup initialization.
// History: May 11,1995 NarenG Created original version.
#include "ddm.h"
#include "objects.h"
#include "handlers.h"
#include "rasmanif.h"
#include "util.h"
#include <ddmif.h>
#include <ddmparms.h>
#include "timer.h"
#include "rassrvr.h"
DWORD EventDispatcher( IN LPVOID arg );
// Function: DDMServiceStopComplete
// Descr: called by each device which has closed. Checks if all devices
// are closed and if true signals the event dispatcher to
// exit the "forever" loop and return.
VOID DDMServiceStopComplete( VOID ) { //
// check if all devices have been stopped
if ( DeviceObjIterator( DeviceObjIsClosed, TRUE, NULL ) != NO_ERROR ) { DDM_PRINT( gblDDMConfigInfo.dwTraceId, TRACE_FSM, "ServiceStopComplete:there are device pending close");
// there are still unclosed devices
return; }
//*** All Devices Are Closed at the Supervisor Level ***
DDM_PRINT( gblDDMConfigInfo.dwTraceId, TRACE_FSM, "ServiceStopComplete: ALL devices closed");
// Notify connections that the service has stopped.
{ RASEVENT RasEvent;
ZeroMemory((PBYTE) &RasEvent, sizeof(RASEVENT));
RasEvent.Type = SERVICE_EVENT; RasEvent.Event = RAS_SERVICE_STOPPED; RasEvent.Service = REMOTEACCESS;
(void) RasSendNotification(&RasEvent); }
// notify the DIM that DDM has terminated. This will also cause the
// event dispatcher and timer threads to die.
SetEvent( gblSupervisorEvents[DDM_EVENT_SVC_TERMINATED] ); }
// Function: DDMServiceTerminate
// Descr: deallocates all resources and closes all dialin devices
VOID DDMServiceTerminate( VOID ) { //
// Disconnect all connected DDM interfaces
// Wait for all disconenct notificaions to be processed
Sleep( 2000L );
DeviceObjIterator( DeviceObjStartClosing, FALSE, NULL );
// UnRegister the notifier form rasman
(void) RasRegisterPnPHandler( (PAPCFUNC) DdmDevicePnpHandler, NULL, FALSE);
// check if all devices are closed and terminate if true
DDMServiceStopComplete(); }
// Function: DDMServicePause
// Descr: disables listening on any active listenning ports. Sets
// service global state to RAS_SERVICE_PAUSED. No new listen
// will be posted when a client terminates.
VOID DDMServicePause( VOID ) { WORD i; PDEVICE_OBJECT pDeviceObj;
DDM_PRINT( gblDDMConfigInfo.dwTraceId, TRACE_FSM,"SvServicePause: Entered");
// Close all active listenning ports
DeviceObjIterator( DeviceObjCloseListening, FALSE, NULL );
// Notify all interfaces that they are not reachable
IfObjectNotifyAllOfReachabilityChange( FALSE, INTERFACE_SERVICE_IS_PAUSED ); }
// Function: DDMServiceResume
// Descr: resumes listening on all ports.
VOID DDMServiceResume( VOID ) { WORD i; PDEVICE_OBJECT pDeviceObj;
DDM_PRINT(gblDDMConfigInfo.dwTraceId,TRACE_FSM,"SvServiceResume: Entered");
// resume listening on all closed devices
DeviceObjIterator( DeviceObjResumeListening, FALSE, NULL );
// Notify all interfaces that they are reachable now.
IfObjectNotifyAllOfReachabilityChange( TRUE, INTERFACE_SERVICE_IS_PAUSED ); }
// Function: DDMServiceInitialize
// Descrption: It does init work as follows:
// Loads the configuration parameters
// Loads the security module if there is one.
// Creates the event flags
// Initializes the message DLL
// Opens all dialin devices
// Initializes the DCBs
// Initializes the authentication DLL
// Posts listen on all opened dialin devices
// NOTE: Also changing the working set size for this process
// will change it for all the services in this process.
// Is this OK?
// What do we do about the security check call?
// Returns: NO_ERROR - Sucess
// non-zero - Failure
DWORD DDMServiceInitialize( IN DIM_INFO * DimInfo ) { DWORD dwIndex; DWORD ThreadId; QUOTA_LIMITS ql; NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; DWORD dwRetCode = NO_ERROR; HANDLE hEventDispatcher = NULL; DEVICE_OBJECT * pDeviceObj = NULL; HPORT * phPorts = NULL; BOOL fIpAllowed = FALSE; LPVOID lpfnRasAuthProviderFreeAttributes = NULL; LPVOID lpfnRasAuthProviderAuthenticateUser = NULL; LPVOID lpfnRasAuthConfigChangeNotification = NULL; LPVOID lpfnRasAcctProviderStartAccounting = NULL; LPVOID lpfnRasAcctProviderInterimAccounting = NULL; LPVOID lpfnRasAcctProviderStopAccounting = NULL; LPVOID lpfnRasAcctProviderFreeAttributes = NULL; LPVOID lpfnRasAcctConfigChangeNotification = NULL; DWORD dwLocalIpAddress = 0;
ZeroMemory( &gblDDMConfigInfo, sizeof( gblDDMConfigInfo ) ); gblDDMConfigInfo.fRasSrvrInitialized = FALSE; gblDDMConfigInfo.hIpHlpApi = NULL; gblDDMConfigInfo.lpfnAllocateAndGetIfTableFromStack = NULL; gblDDMConfigInfo.lpfnAllocateAndGetIpAddrTableFromStack = NULL; gblDDMConfigInfo.dwNumRouterManagers = DimInfo->dwNumRouterManagers; gblRouterManagers = DimInfo->pRouterManagers; gblpInterfaceTable = DimInfo->pInterfaceTable; gblDDMConfigInfo.pServiceStatus = DimInfo->pServiceStatus; gblDDMConfigInfo.dwTraceId = DimInfo->dwTraceId; gblDDMConfigInfo.hLogEvents = DimInfo->hLogEvents; gblphEventDDMServiceState = DimInfo->phEventDDMServiceState; gblphEventDDMTerminated = DimInfo->phEventDDMTerminated; gblDDMConfigInfo.lpdwNumThreadsRunning = DimInfo->lpdwNumThreadsRunning; gblDDMConfigInfo.lpfnIfObjectRemove = DimInfo->lpfnIfObjectRemove; gblDDMConfigInfo.lpfnIfObjectGetPointer = DimInfo->lpfnIfObjectGetPointer; gblDDMConfigInfo.lpfnIfObjectInsertInTable = DimInfo->lpfnIfObjectInsertInTable; gblDDMConfigInfo.lpfnIfObjectAllocateAndInit = DimInfo->lpfnIfObjectAllocateAndInit; gblDDMConfigInfo.lpfnIfObjectGetPointerByName = DimInfo->lpfnIfObjectGetPointerByName; gblDDMConfigInfo.lpfnIfObjectWANDeviceInstalled = DimInfo->lpfnIfObjectWANDeviceInstalled; gblDDMConfigInfo.lpfnRouterIdentityObjectUpdate = DimInfo->lpfnRouterIdentityObjectUpdate;
gblDDMConfigInfo.fRasmanReferenced = FALSE;
DimInfo->fWANDeviceInstalled = FALSE;
// Create DDM private heap
gblDDMConfigInfo.hHeap = HeapCreate( 0, DDM_HEAP_INITIAL_SIZE, DDM_HEAP_MAX_SIZE );
if ( gblDDMConfigInfo.hHeap == NULL ) { return( GetLastError() ); }
InitializeCriticalSection( &(gblDeviceTable.CriticalSection) );
do { //
// initialize the rasman module
if ( ( dwRetCode = RasInitialize() ) != NO_ERROR ) { //
// can't start rasman
break; }
// Increase rasman's reference count since we are in the same process
// this does not happen automatically
if ( dwRetCode = RasReferenceRasman( TRUE ) ) { //
// can't start rasman
break; }
gblDDMConfigInfo.fRasmanReferenced = TRUE;
// Check if there is any security agent on the network. If there is,
// we check with it if we can start up or not.
if ( SecurityCheck() ) { dwRetCode = ERROR_SERVICE_DISABLED; break; } */
if ( ( dwRetCode = GetRouterPhoneBook() ) != NO_ERROR ) { break; }
if ( ( dwRetCode = LoadStrings() ) != NO_ERROR ) { break; }
// get handle to the supervisor parameters key
if ( dwRetCode = RegOpenKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, DDM_PARAMETERS_KEY_PATH, &(gblDDMConfigInfo.hkeyParameters) )) { WCHAR * pwChar = DDM_PARAMETERS_KEY_PATH;
DDMLogError( ROUTERLOG_CANT_OPEN_REGKEY, 1, &pwChar, dwRetCode);
break; }
if ( dwRetCode = RegOpenKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, DDM_ACCOUNTING_KEY_PATH, &(gblDDMConfigInfo.hkeyAccounting) )) { WCHAR * pwChar = DDM_ACCOUNTING_KEY_PATH;
DDMLogError( ROUTERLOG_CANT_OPEN_REGKEY, 1, &pwChar, dwRetCode);
break; }
if ( dwRetCode = RegOpenKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, DDM_AUTHENTICATION_KEY_PATH, &(gblDDMConfigInfo.hkeyAuthentication) )) { WCHAR * pwChar = DDM_AUTHENTICATION_KEY_PATH;
DDMLogError( ROUTERLOG_CANT_OPEN_REGKEY, 1, &pwChar, dwRetCode);
break; }
if ( ( dwRetCode = LoadDDMParameters( gblDDMConfigInfo.hkeyParameters, &fIpAllowed) ) != NO_ERROR ) { //
// error loading parameters
break; }
// Load the secuirity module if there is one.
if ( ( dwRetCode = LoadSecurityModule() ) != NO_ERROR ) { //
// error loading security dll
break; }
// Load the third party admin module if there is one
if ( ( dwRetCode = LoadAdminModule() ) != NO_ERROR ) { //
// error loading admin module dll
break; }
// Initialize and allocate the media object table
if ( ( dwRetCode = MediaObjInitializeTable() ) != NO_ERROR ) { DDMLogError(ROUTERLOG_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY, 0, NULL, dwRetCode );
break; }
// This call allocates memory for all enumed devices with dialin
// capability, opens each device and updates the port handle and
// the port name in the DCB.
if ((dwRetCode = RmInit(&(DimInfo->fWANDeviceInstalled))) != NO_ERROR) { break; }
// Allocate the supervisor events array, 2 per device bucket since there
// are 2 rasman events per device, state change and frame received.
gblSupervisorEvents = (HANDLE *)LOCAL_ALLOC( LPTR, (NUM_DDM_EVENTS + (gblDeviceTable.NumDeviceBuckets * 3)) * sizeof( HANDLE ) );
if ( gblSupervisorEvents == (HANDLE *)NULL ) { dwRetCode = GetLastError();
break; }
// Create the DDM Events
for ( dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < (NUM_DDM_EVENTS+(gblDeviceTable.NumDeviceBuckets * 3)); dwIndex ++ ) { switch( dwIndex ) { case DDM_EVENT_SVC:
gblSupervisorEvents[dwIndex]=*gblphEventDDMServiceState; gblEventHandlerTable[dwIndex].EventHandler = SvcEventHandler; break;
gblSupervisorEvents[dwIndex]=*gblphEventDDMTerminated; break;
gblSupervisorEvents[dwIndex]=CreateWaitableTimer( NULL, FALSE, NULL ); gblEventHandlerTable[dwIndex].EventHandler = TimerHandler; break;
gblSupervisorEvents[dwIndex]=CreateEvent(NULL,FALSE,FALSE,NULL); gblEventHandlerTable[dwIndex].EventHandler = SecurityDllEventHandler; break;
gblSupervisorEvents[dwIndex]=CreateEvent(NULL,FALSE,FALSE,NULL); gblEventHandlerTable[dwIndex].EventHandler = PppEventHandler; break;
gblSupervisorEvents[dwIndex]=CreateEvent(NULL,FALSE,FALSE,NULL); gblEventHandlerTable[dwIndex].EventHandler = ChangeNotificationEventHandler; break;
// RasMan events
gblSupervisorEvents[dwIndex]=CreateEvent(NULL,FALSE,FALSE,NULL); break; }
if ( gblSupervisorEvents[dwIndex] == NULL ) { dwRetCode = GetLastError();
break; } }
// Initialize the Message Mechanism
InitializeMessageQs( gblSupervisorEvents[DDM_EVENT_SECURITY_DLL], gblSupervisorEvents[DDM_EVENT_PPP] );
// Register the device hEvents with RasMan
dwRetCode = DeviceObjIterator(DeviceObjRequestNotification,TRUE,NULL);
if ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) { break; }
if ( fIpAllowed ) { //
// GetLocalNASIpAddress tries to load iphlpapi.dll. iphlpapi.dll
// tries to load dhcpcsvc.dll. The latter fails unless TCP/IP is
// installed and a popup appears.
dwLocalIpAddress = GetLocalNASIpAddress(); }
// Load the configured authentication provider
dwRetCode = LoadAndInitAuthOrAcctProvider( TRUE, dwLocalIpAddress, NULL, &lpfnRasAuthProviderAuthenticateUser, &lpfnRasAuthProviderFreeAttributes, &lpfnRasAuthConfigChangeNotification, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
if ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) { DDMLogErrorString( ROUTERLOG_AUTHPROVIDER_FAILED_INIT, 0, NULL, dwRetCode, 0); break; }
gblDDMConfigInfo.lpfnRasAuthConfigChangeNotification = (DWORD(*)(DWORD)) lpfnRasAuthConfigChangeNotification;
// Load the configured accounting provider
dwRetCode = LoadAndInitAuthOrAcctProvider( FALSE, dwLocalIpAddress, &(gblDDMConfigInfo.dwAccountingSessionId), NULL, NULL, NULL, &lpfnRasAcctProviderStartAccounting, &lpfnRasAcctProviderInterimAccounting, &lpfnRasAcctProviderStopAccounting, &lpfnRasAcctProviderFreeAttributes, &lpfnRasAcctConfigChangeNotification );
if ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) { DDMLogErrorString( ROUTERLOG_ACCTPROVIDER_FAILED_INIT, 0, NULL, dwRetCode, 0); break; }
gblDDMConfigInfo.lpfnRasAcctConfigChangeNotification = (DWORD(*)(DWORD)) lpfnRasAcctConfigChangeNotification;
InitializeCriticalSection( &(gblDDMConfigInfo.CSAccountingSessionId) );
// Initialize PPP RASIPHLP DLL
if ( fIpAllowed ) { dwRetCode = RasSrvrInitialize( gblDDMConfigInfo.lpfnMprAdminGetIpAddressForUser, gblDDMConfigInfo.lpfnMprAdminReleaseIpAddress );
if ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) { DDMLogErrorString( ROUTERLOG_CANT_INITIALIZE_IP_SERVER, 0, NULL, dwRetCode, 0 );
break; }
gblDDMConfigInfo.fRasSrvrInitialized = TRUE; }
// Init Timer Q
if ( ( dwRetCode = TimerQInitialize() ) != NO_ERROR ) { break; }
// Start the timer
DueTime.QuadPart = Int32x32To64((LONG)1000, -10000);
if ( !SetWaitableTimer( gblSupervisorEvents[DDM_EVENT_TIMER], &DueTime, 1000, NULL, NULL, FALSE) ) { dwRetCode = GetLastError(); break; } }
// Initialize PPP engine DLL
dwRetCode = PppDdmInit( SendPppMessageToDDM, gblDDMConfigInfo.dwServerFlags, gblDDMConfigInfo.dwLoggingLevel, dwLocalIpAddress, gblDDMConfigInfo.fFlags&DDM_USING_RADIUS_AUTHENTICATION, lpfnRasAuthProviderAuthenticateUser, lpfnRasAuthProviderFreeAttributes, lpfnRasAcctProviderStartAccounting, lpfnRasAcctProviderInterimAccounting, lpfnRasAcctProviderStopAccounting, lpfnRasAcctProviderFreeAttributes, (LPVOID)GetNextAccountingSessionId );
if ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) { DDMLogErrorString(ROUTERLOG_PPP_INIT_FAILED, 0, NULL, dwRetCode, 0);
break; }
// Create the Event dispatcher thread
if ( ( hEventDispatcher = CreateThread( NULL, 0, EventDispatcher, NULL, 0, &ThreadId)) == 0 ) { //
// cannot create event dispatcher thread
dwRetCode = GetLastError();
break; }
// Register for plug and play notifications with RASMAN
dwRetCode = RasRegisterPnPHandler( (PAPCFUNC) DdmDevicePnpHandler, hEventDispatcher, TRUE);
if ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) { break; }
// Initialize notification event list
InitializeListHead( &(gblDDMConfigInfo.NotificationEventListHead) );
// Initialize the array of Analog/Digital Ip Addresses.
dwRetCode = AddressPoolInit();
if( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) { break; }
if(gblDDMConfigInfo.dwServerFlags & PPPCFG_AudioAccelerator) { //
// Call rasman to initialize rasaudio. Ignore the error
// - rasman will event log and clean up if required.
(void) RasEnableRasAudio(NULL,TRUE); }
gblDDMConfigInfo.dwIndex = 0;
TimerQInsert( NULL, gblDDMConfigInfo.dwAnnouncePresenceTimer, AnnouncePresenceHandler ); */
// Send notification to the connections folder that ddm
// has started.
{ RASEVENT RasEvent;
ZeroMemory((PBYTE) &RasEvent, sizeof(RASEVENT));
RasEvent.Type = SERVICE_EVENT; RasEvent.Event = RAS_SERVICE_STARTED; RasEvent.Service = REMOTEACCESS;
(void) RasSendNotification(&RasEvent); }
return( NO_ERROR );
} while ( FALSE );
// We call DDMCleanUp before setting the gblphEventDDMTerminated because
// otherwise the DIM dll will be unloaded while DDMCleanUp is being
// executed
// Will terminate the event dispatcher thread if it started
// and will notify DIM that the service is terminated.
if(NULL != gblphEventDDMTerminated) { SetEvent( *gblphEventDDMTerminated ); }
gblphEventDDMTerminated = NULL;
return( dwRetCode ); }
// Function: SvcEventHandler
// Descrption: Invoked following the event signaled by the handler registered
// with the service controller. Replaces old service state with
// the new state and calls the appropriate handler.
VOID SvcEventHandler( VOID ) { EnterCriticalSection( &(gblDeviceTable.CriticalSection) );
switch ( gblDDMConfigInfo.pServiceStatus->dwCurrentState ) { case SERVICE_RUNNING: DDMServiceResume(); break;
case SERVICE_PAUSED: DDMServicePause(); break;
case SERVICE_STOP_PENDING: DDMServiceTerminate(); break;
default: RTASSERT(FALSE); }
LeaveCriticalSection( &(gblDeviceTable.CriticalSection) );