/*******************************************************************/ /* Copyright(c) 1992 Microsoft Corporation */ /*******************************************************************/
// Filename: timehand.c
// Description: This module contains the procedures for the supervisor's
// procedure-driven state machine that handles timer events.
// Author: Stefan Solomon (stefans) May 26, 1992.
#include "ddm.h"
#include "handlers.h"
#include "timer.h"
#include "objects.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "routerif.h"
#include "rasapiif.h"
#include <raserror.h>
#include <serial.h>
#include "rasmanif.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <memory.h>
// Defines a list of blocks of time.
// The time block is expressed as a pair as follows:
// <offset from midnight sunday, length>
// For example, the block of time from 7:00a to 8:30a on Monday
// would be
// <24*60+7*60, 90> or <1860, 90>
typedef struct _MPR_TIME_BLOCK { DWORD dwTime; // Time of day expressed as # of mins since 12:00a
DWORD dwLen; // # of minutes in this time block
// Amount by which resizable array grows in TbCreateList
#define TB_GROW 30
#define TBDIGIT(_x) ((_x) - L'0')
// Local prototypes
PVOID TbAlloc( IN DWORD dwSize, IN BOOL bZero);
VOID TbFree( IN PVOID pvData);
DWORD TbCreateList( IN PWCHAR pszBlocks, OUT MPR_TIME_BLOCK** ppBlocks, OUT LPDWORD lpdwCount);
DWORD TbCleanupList( IN MPR_TIME_BLOCK* pList);
DWORD TbBlockFromString( IN PWCHAR pszBlock, IN DWORD dwDay, OUT MPR_TIME_BLOCK* pBlock);
DWORD TbPrintBlock( IN MPR_TIME_BLOCK* pBlock);
// Common allocation for Tb* functions. Will zero
// memory if bZero is set.
PVOID TbAlloc( IN DWORD dwSize, IN BOOL bZero) { return LOCAL_ALLOC(0, dwSize); }
// Common free for Tb* functions
VOID TbFree( IN PVOID pvData) { LOCAL_FREE(pvData); }
// Translates a multi-sz string containing time blocks into
DWORD TbCreateList( IN PWCHAR pszBlocks, OUT MPR_TIME_BLOCK** ppBlocks, OUT LPDWORD lpdwCount) { DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR, dwDay = 0, i = 0, dwTot = 0; MPR_TIME_BLOCK* pBlocks = NULL, *pTemp = NULL; PWCHAR pszCurBlock = NULL, pszStart, pszEnd;
// Initailze
*ppBlocks = NULL; *lpdwCount = 0; pszCurBlock = pszBlocks;
while (pszCurBlock && *pszCurBlock) { // Calculate the day indicated in the current block
// pszCurBlock = "d hh:mm-hh:mm hh:mm-hh:mm ..."
if (! iswdigit(*pszCurBlock)) { dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } dwDay = *pszCurBlock - L'0';
// Advance past the day portion of the line to the
// timeblock portion
if (pszStart = wcsstr(pszCurBlock, L" ")) { pszStart++;
// Loop through the blocks in this line (separated by spaces).
// pszStart = "hh:mm-hh:mm hh:mm-hh:mm ..."
while (TRUE) { // Parse out the current time block
// hh:mm-hh:mm
pszEnd = wcsstr(pszStart, L" "); if (pszEnd) { *pszEnd = L'\0'; }
// Resize the array if needed
if (i >= dwTot) { dwTot += TB_GROW; pTemp = (MPR_TIME_BLOCK*) TbAlloc(dwTot * sizeof(MPR_TIME_BLOCK), TRUE); if (pTemp == NULL) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; } if (dwTot - TB_GROW != 0) { CopyMemory( pTemp, pBlocks, sizeof(MPR_TIME_BLOCK) * (dwTot - TB_GROW)); }
TbFree(pBlocks); pBlocks = pTemp; }
// Generate the current time block
dwErr = TbBlockFromString(pszStart, dwDay, &pBlocks[i++]); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { break; }
// Undo any changes made to the string and
// advance to the next time block
if (pszEnd) { *pszEnd = L' '; pszStart = pszEnd + 1; } else { // Exit the loop successfully
break; } } if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { break; } } else { dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; }
// Increment the block of time in the multi-sz
pszCurBlock += wcslen(pszCurBlock) + 1; }
// Cleanup
{ if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { TbCleanupList(*ppBlocks); *ppBlocks = NULL; } else { *ppBlocks = pBlocks; *lpdwCount = i; } }
return dwErr; }
// Cleans up the given series of time blocks.
DWORD TbCleanupList( IN MPR_TIME_BLOCK* pList) { TbFree(pList);
return NO_ERROR; }
// Creates a time block based on a string which must
// be in the form "hh:mm-hh:mm".
DWORD TbBlockFromString( IN PWCHAR pszBlock, IN DWORD dwDay, OUT MPR_TIME_BLOCK* pBlock) { DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR, dwEndTime = 0;
// Block must be in format:
// "hh:mm-hh:mm"
if ((wcslen(pszBlock) != 11) || (! iswdigit(pszBlock[0])) || (! iswdigit(pszBlock[1])) || (pszBlock[2] != L':') || (! iswdigit(pszBlock[3])) || (! iswdigit(pszBlock[4])) || (pszBlock[5] != L'-') || (! iswdigit(pszBlock[6])) || (! iswdigit(pszBlock[7])) || (pszBlock[8] != L':') || (! iswdigit(pszBlock[9])) || (! iswdigit(pszBlock[10])) ) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// Assign the time values to the block
pBlock->dwTime = (((TBDIGIT(pszBlock[0]) * 10) + TBDIGIT(pszBlock[1])) * 60) + // hrs
((TBDIGIT(pszBlock[3]) * 10) + TBDIGIT(pszBlock[4])) + // mns
(dwDay * 24 * 60); // dys
dwEndTime = (((TBDIGIT(pszBlock[6]) * 10) + TBDIGIT(pszBlock[7])) * 60) + // hrs
((TBDIGIT(pszBlock[9]) * 10) + TBDIGIT(pszBlock[10])) + // mns
(dwDay * 24 * 60); // dys
pBlock ->dwLen = dwEndTime - pBlock->dwTime;
return dwErr; }
// Finds a time block that matches the given time.
// Parameters:
// pList = list of time blocks to search
// dwTime = time to search for (mins since midnight sunday)
// ppBlock = the block that matched
// pbFound = returned TRUE if dwTime lies within ppBlock.
// returned FALSE if ppBlock is the next time block in pList
// that occurs after dwTime.
DWORD TbSearchList( IN MPR_TIME_BLOCK* pList, IN DWORD dwCount, IN DWORD dwTime, OUT MPR_TIME_BLOCK** ppBlock, OUT PBOOL pbFound) { DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR; DWORD i = 0;
// Initialize
*pbFound = FALSE; *ppBlock = NULL;
// Loop through the list looking for a block with
// a time less than ours.
for (i = 0; (i < dwCount) && (dwTime >= pList[i].dwTime); i++); i--;
// If we fall within the current block then we're
// done.
if ((dwTime >= pList[i].dwTime) && (dwTime - pList[i].dwTime <= pList[i].dwLen)) { *pbFound = TRUE; *ppBlock = &pList[i]; }
// Otherwise, we don't fall within any block. Show the next block
// that we qualify for (wrapping around as needed)
else { *pbFound = FALSE; *ppBlock = &pList[(i == dwCount-1) ? 0 : i+1]; }
return dwErr; }
// Traces a block for debugging purposes
DWORD TbTraceBlock( IN MPR_TIME_BLOCK* pBlock) { DWORD dwTime, dwDay;
dwDay = pBlock->dwTime / (24*60); dwTime = pBlock->dwTime - (dwDay * (24*60)); DDMTRACE5( "Time Block: %d, %02d:%02d-%02d:%02d\n", dwDay, dwTime / 60, dwTime % 60, (dwTime + pBlock->dwLen) / 60, (dwTime + pBlock->dwLen) % 60);
return NO_ERROR; }
// Function: TimerHandler
// Descr:
VOID TimerHandler( VOID ) { //
// call our timer
// increment the system timer
gblDDMConfigInfo.dwSystemTime++; }
// Call: AnnouncePresenceHandler
// Returns: NO_ERROR - Success
// Non-zero returns - Failure
// Description:
VOID AnnouncePresenceHandler( IN HANDLE hObject ) { AnnouncePresence();
TimerQInsert( NULL, gblDDMConfigInfo.dwAnnouncePresenceTimer, AnnouncePresenceHandler ); } */
// Function: SvHwErrDelayCompleted
// Descr: Tries to repost a listen on the specified port.
VOID SvHwErrDelayCompleted( IN HANDLE hObject ) { PDEVICE_OBJECT pDeviceObj;
EnterCriticalSection( &(gblDeviceTable.CriticalSection) );
pDeviceObj = DeviceObjGetPointer( (HPORT)hObject );
if ( pDeviceObj == NULL ) { LeaveCriticalSection( &(gblDeviceTable.CriticalSection) ); return; }
if (pDeviceObj->DeviceState == DEV_OBJ_HW_FAILURE) { DDMTRACE1( "SvHwErrDelayCompleted: reposting listen for hPort%d\n", pDeviceObj->hPort);
pDeviceObj->DeviceState = DEV_OBJ_LISTENING;
RmListen(pDeviceObj); }
LeaveCriticalSection( &(gblDeviceTable.CriticalSection) ); }
// Function: SvCbDelayCompleted
// Descr: Tries to connect on the specified port.
VOID SvCbDelayCompleted( IN HANDLE hObject ) { CHAR chCallbackNumber[MAX_PHONE_NUMBER_LEN+1]; PDEVICE_OBJECT pDeviceObj;
EnterCriticalSection( &(gblDeviceTable.CriticalSection) );
pDeviceObj = DeviceObjGetPointer( (HPORT)hObject );
if ( pDeviceObj == NULL ) { LeaveCriticalSection( &(gblDeviceTable.CriticalSection) ); return; }
WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, pDeviceObj->wchCallbackNumber, -1, chCallbackNumber, sizeof( chCallbackNumber ), NULL, NULL );
DDMTRACE1( "SvCbDelayCmpleted:Entered, hPort=%d\n",pDeviceObj->hPort );
if (pDeviceObj->DeviceState == DEV_OBJ_CALLBACK_DISCONNECTED) { pDeviceObj->DeviceState = DEV_OBJ_CALLBACK_CONNECTING; RmConnect(pDeviceObj, chCallbackNumber); }
LeaveCriticalSection( &(gblDeviceTable.CriticalSection) ); }
// Function: SvAuthTimeout
// Descr: Disconnects the remote client and stops the authentication
VOID SvAuthTimeout( IN HANDLE hObject ) { LPWSTR portnamep; PDEVICE_OBJECT pDeviceObj;
EnterCriticalSection( &(gblDeviceTable.CriticalSection) );
pDeviceObj = DeviceObjGetPointer( (HPORT)hObject );
if ( pDeviceObj == NULL ) { LeaveCriticalSection( &(gblDeviceTable.CriticalSection) ); return; }
DDMTRACE1( "SvAuthTimeout: Entered, hPort=%d", pDeviceObj->hPort);
portnamep = pDeviceObj->wchPortName;
DDMLogWarning( ROUTERLOG_AUTH_TIMEOUT, 1, &portnamep );
// stop everything and go closing
DevStartClosing( pDeviceObj );
LeaveCriticalSection( &(gblDeviceTable.CriticalSection) ); }
// Function: SvDiscTimeout
// Descr: disconnects remote client if it has not done it itself
VOID SvDiscTimeout( IN HANDLE hObject ) { PDEVICE_OBJECT pDeviceObj;
EnterCriticalSection( &(gblDeviceTable.CriticalSection) );
pDeviceObj = DeviceObjGetPointer( (HPORT)hObject );
if ( pDeviceObj == NULL ) { LeaveCriticalSection( &(gblDeviceTable.CriticalSection) ); return; }
DDMTRACE1( "SvDiscTimeout: Entered, hPort=%d", pDeviceObj->hPort );
switch (pDeviceObj->DeviceState) { case DEV_OBJ_CALLBACK_DISCONNECTING:
RmDisconnect(pDeviceObj); break;
DevStartClosing(pDeviceObj); break;
break; }
LeaveCriticalSection( &(gblDeviceTable.CriticalSection) ); }
// Function: SvSecurityTimeout
// Descr: disconnects the connection because the 3rd party security DLL
// did not complete in time.
VOID SvSecurityTimeout( IN HANDLE hObject ) { LPWSTR portnamep; PDEVICE_OBJECT pDeviceObj;
EnterCriticalSection( &(gblDeviceTable.CriticalSection) );
pDeviceObj = DeviceObjGetPointer( (HPORT)hObject );
if ( pDeviceObj == NULL ) { LeaveCriticalSection( &(gblDeviceTable.CriticalSection) ); return; }
DDMTRACE1( "SvSecurityTimeout: Entered,hPort=%d",pDeviceObj->hPort);
portnamep = pDeviceObj->wchPortName;
DDMLogWarning( ROUTERLOG_AUTH_TIMEOUT, 1, &portnamep );
// stop everything and go closing
LeaveCriticalSection( &(gblDeviceTable.CriticalSection) ); }
// Function: ReConnectInterface
// Description: Will try to reconnect an interface.
VOID ReConnectInterface( IN HANDLE hObject ) { ROUTER_INTERFACE_OBJECT * pIfObject; DWORD dwRetCode = NO_ERROR;
EnterCriticalSection( &(gblDeviceTable.CriticalSection) ); EnterCriticalSection( &(gblpInterfaceTable->CriticalSection) );
do { pIfObject = IfObjectGetPointer( hObject );
if ( pIfObject == (ROUTER_INTERFACE_OBJECT *)NULL ) { break; }
if ( pIfObject->State != RISTATE_CONNECTING ) { break; }
dwRetCode = RasConnectionInitiate( pIfObject, TRUE );
DDMTRACE2( "ReConnectInterface: To interface %ws returned %d", pIfObject->lpwsInterfaceName, dwRetCode );
if ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) { IfObjectDisconnected( pIfObject ); }
}while( FALSE );
LeaveCriticalSection( &(gblpInterfaceTable->CriticalSection) ); LeaveCriticalSection( &(gblDeviceTable.CriticalSection) );
if ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) { LPWSTR lpwsAudit[1];
lpwsAudit[0] = pIfObject->lpwsInterfaceName;
DDMLogErrorString(ROUTERLOG_CONNECTION_FAILURE,1,lpwsAudit,dwRetCode,1); }
// Function: MarkInterfaceAsReachable
// Description: Will mark an interface as reachable.
VOID MarkInterfaceAsReachable( IN HANDLE hObject ) { ROUTER_INTERFACE_OBJECT * pIfObject;
EnterCriticalSection( &(gblpInterfaceTable->CriticalSection) );
do { pIfObject = IfObjectGetPointer( hObject );
if ( pIfObject == (ROUTER_INTERFACE_OBJECT *)NULL ) { break; }
IfObjectNotifyOfReachabilityChange( pIfObject, TRUE, INTERFACE_CONNECTION_FAILURE );
pIfObject->dwLastError = NO_ERROR;
}while( FALSE );
LeaveCriticalSection( &(gblpInterfaceTable->CriticalSection) ); }
// Call: ReConnectPersistentInterface
// Returns: None
// Description: Will insert an event in the timer Q that will reconnect this
// interface.
VOID ReConnectPersistentInterface( IN HANDLE hObject ) { ROUTER_INTERFACE_OBJECT * pIfObject; DWORD dwRetCode;
EnterCriticalSection( &(gblpInterfaceTable->CriticalSection) );
do { pIfObject = IfObjectGetPointer( hObject );
if ( pIfObject == (ROUTER_INTERFACE_OBJECT *)NULL ) { break; }
if ( pIfObject->State != RISTATE_DISCONNECTED ) { break; }
dwRetCode = RasConnectionInitiate( pIfObject, FALSE );
DDMTRACE2( "ReConnect to persistent interface %ws returned %d", pIfObject->lpwsInterfaceName, dwRetCode );
}while( FALSE );
LeaveCriticalSection( &(gblpInterfaceTable->CriticalSection) ); }
// Call: SetDialoutHoursRestriction
// Returns: NO_ERROR - Success
// Non-zero returns - Failure
// Description:
VOID SetDialoutHoursRestriction( IN HANDLE hObject ) { ROUTER_INTERFACE_OBJECT * pIfObject; SYSTEMTIME CurrentTime; MPR_TIME_BLOCK* pBlocks = NULL, *pTimeBlock = NULL; DWORD dwRetCode = NO_ERROR, dwCount, dwTime; DWORD dwTimer, dwBlDay; BOOL bFound = FALSE;
EnterCriticalSection( &(gblpInterfaceTable->CriticalSection) );
do { pIfObject = IfObjectGetPointer( hObject );
if ( pIfObject == (ROUTER_INTERFACE_OBJECT *)NULL ) { dwRetCode = ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE; break; }
// Null dialout hours restriction is interpreted as
// 'always allow'.
if (pIfObject->lpwsDialoutHoursRestriction == NULL) { pIfObject->fFlags &= ~IFFLAG_DIALOUT_HOURS_RESTRICTION; DDMTRACE("Dialout hours restriction off forever."); dwRetCode = NO_ERROR; break; }
// Generate the list of time blocks based on the current
// multisz
dwRetCode = TbCreateList( pIfObject->lpwsDialoutHoursRestriction, &pBlocks, &dwCount); if (dwRetCode != NO_ERROR) { break; }
// If an empty list was created, then all hours were
// specified as deny. Mark the interface unreachable
// and set ourselves to wake up and check things later.
if ((dwCount == 0) || (pBlocks == NULL)) { pIfObject->fFlags |= IFFLAG_DIALOUT_HOURS_RESTRICTION; DDMTRACE("Dialout hours restriction on forever."); dwRetCode = NO_ERROR; break; }
// Get the current time
GetLocalTime( &CurrentTime );
// Convert the current time into an offset in
// minutes from midnight, sunday.
dwTime = (DWORD) ( ( CurrentTime.wDayOfWeek * 24 * 60 ) + ( CurrentTime.wHour * 60 ) + CurrentTime.wMinute );
// Search for the current time in the list of available times.
dwRetCode = TbSearchList( pBlocks, dwCount, dwTime, &pTimeBlock, &bFound); if (dwRetCode != NO_ERROR) { break; }
// If we fell within one of the blocks, set the timer
// to go off after this block completes.
if (bFound) { dwTimer = ((pTimeBlock->dwTime + pTimeBlock->dwLen) - dwTime) + 1;
DDMTRACE1("Dialout hours restriction off for %d mins", dwTimer); TbTraceBlock(pTimeBlock); }
// If we didn't fall within one of the blocks, set the timer
// to go off when the next block begins
else { //
// Check for week wrap around (i.e. today is saturday, next
// block is sunday).
dwBlDay = (pTimeBlock->dwTime / (24*60));
// If there's no week wrap around, calculation of timer
// is trivial.
if ((DWORD)CurrentTime.wDayOfWeek <= dwBlDay) { dwTimer = pTimeBlock->dwTime - dwTime; }
// Otherwise, calculate the timer by adding one week to the
// start of the next time block.
else { dwTimer = (pTimeBlock->dwTime + (7*24*60)) - dwTime; }
DDMTRACE1("Dialout hours restriction on for %d mins", dwTimer); TbTraceBlock(pTimeBlock); }
// Set the timer
TimerQInsert( pIfObject->hDIMInterface, dwTimer * 60, SetDialoutHoursRestriction );
} while (FALSE);
if (pIfObject) { if ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) { //
// Do not set any restriction if the string is invalid
IfObjectNotifyOfReachabilityChange( pIfObject, !( pIfObject->fFlags & IFFLAG_DIALOUT_HOURS_RESTRICTION ), INTERFACE_DIALOUT_HOURS_RESTRICTION ); }
LeaveCriticalSection( &(gblpInterfaceTable->CriticalSection) );
// Cleanup
if (pBlocks) { TbCleanupList(pBlocks); } }