/********************************************************************/ /** Copyright(c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation. **/ /********************************************************************/
// Filename: auth.c
// Description: Contains FSM code to handle and authentication protocols.
// History:
// Nov 11,1993. NarenG Created original version.
// Jan 09,1995 RamC Save Lsa hToken in the PCB structure
// This will be closed
// in ProcessLineDownWorker() routine
// to release the RAS license.
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h> // needed for winbase.h
#include <windows.h> // Win32 base API's
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <wchar.h>
#include <lmcons.h>
#include <raserror.h>
#include <rasman.h>
#include <rtutils.h>
#include <mprlog.h>
#include <mprerror.h>
#include <rasppp.h>
#include <pppcp.h>
#include <ppp.h>
#include <auth.h>
#include <smevents.h>
#include <smaction.h>
#include <lcp.h>
#include <timer.h>
#include <util.h>
#include <worker.h>
#define INCL_MISC
#include <ppputil.h>
DWORD EapGetCredentials( VOID *pWorkBuf, VOID *ppCredentials);
// Call: SetMsChapMppeKeys
// Returns: NO_ERROR - Success
// Non-zero returns - Failure
// Description: Set the MS-CHAP-MPPE-Keys with NDISWAN
ASSERT( 8 == sizeof( rciSend.RCI_LMSessionKey ) );
ASSERT( 16 == sizeof( rciSend.RCI_UserSessionKey ) );
// Length of key is 8 (LM key) + 16 (NT key)
if ( pAttribute->dwLength < ( 6 + 8 + 16 ) ) { return( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); }
ZeroMemory( &rciSend, sizeof( rciSend ) ); rciSend.RCI_MacCompressionType = 0xFF;
CopyMemory( rciSend.RCI_LMSessionKey, ((PBYTE)(pAttribute->Value))+6, 8 );
CopyMemory( rciSend.RCI_UserSessionKey, ((PBYTE)(pAttribute->Value))+6+8, 16 );
CopyMemory( rciSend.RCI_Challenge, pChallenge, 8 );
CopyMemory( rciSend.RCI_NTResponse, pResponse, 24 );
rciSend.RCI_Flags = CCP_SET_KEYS;
ZeroMemory( &rciReceive, sizeof( rciReceive ) );
rciReceive.RCI_MacCompressionType = 0xFF;
CopyMemory( rciReceive.RCI_LMSessionKey, ((PBYTE)(pAttribute->Value))+6, 8 );
CopyMemory( rciReceive.RCI_UserSessionKey, ((PBYTE)(pAttribute->Value))+6+8, 16 );
CopyMemory( rciReceive.RCI_Challenge, pChallenge, 8 );
CopyMemory( rciReceive.RCI_NTResponse, pResponse, 24 );
rciReceive.RCI_Flags = CCP_SET_KEYS;
rciSend.RCI_AuthType = AUTH_USE_MSCHAPV2; rciReceive.RCI_AuthType = AUTH_USE_MSCHAPV2;
if ( ( AP == PPP_CHAP_PROTOCOL ) && ( APData == PPP_CHAP_DIGEST_MSEXT )) { rciSend.RCI_AuthType = AUTH_USE_MSCHAPV1; rciReceive.RCI_AuthType = AUTH_USE_MSCHAPV1; }
dwRetCode = RasCompressionSetInfo(hPort,&rciSend,&rciReceive);
if ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) { PppLog( 1,"RasCompressionSetInfo failed, Error=%d", dwRetCode ); }
return( dwRetCode ); }
// Call: SetMsMppeSendRecvKeys
// Returns: NO_ERROR - Success
// Non-zero returns - Failure
// Description: Set the MS-MPPE-Send-Key and MS-MPPE-Recv-Key with NDISWAN
// 4: for Vendor-Id.
// The Microsoft Vendor-specific RADIUS Attributes draft says that
// Vendor-Length should be > 4.
if ( pAttributeSendKey->dwLength <= ( 4 + 4 ) ) { return( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); }
ZeroMemory( &rciSend, sizeof( rciSend ) );
rciSend.RCI_MacCompressionType = 0xFF;
rciSend.RCI_EapKeyLength = *(((BYTE*)(pAttributeSendKey->Value))+8);
CopyMemory( rciSend.RCI_EapKey, ((BYTE*)(pAttributeSendKey->Value))+9, rciSend.RCI_EapKeyLength );
rciSend.RCI_Flags = CCP_SET_KEYS; rciSend.RCI_AuthType = AUTH_USE_EAP;
if ( pAttributeRecvKey->dwLength <= ( 4 + 4 ) ) { return( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); }
ZeroMemory( &rciRecv, sizeof( rciRecv ) );
rciRecv.RCI_MacCompressionType = 0xFF;
rciRecv.RCI_EapKeyLength = *(((BYTE*)(pAttributeRecvKey->Value))+8);
CopyMemory( rciRecv.RCI_EapKey, ((BYTE*)(pAttributeRecvKey->Value))+9, rciRecv.RCI_EapKeyLength );
rciRecv.RCI_Flags = CCP_SET_KEYS; rciRecv.RCI_AuthType = AUTH_USE_EAP;
dwRetCode = RasCompressionSetInfo(hPort,&rciSend,&rciRecv);
if ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) { PppLog( 1,"RasCompressionSetInfo failed, Error=%d", dwRetCode ); }
return( dwRetCode ); }
// Call: SetUserAuthorizedAttributes
// Returns: NO_ERROR - Success
// Non-zero returns - Failure
// Description:
DWORD SetUserAuthorizedAttributes( IN PCB * pPcb, IN RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE * pUserAttributes, IN BOOL fAuthenticator, IN BYTE * pChallenge, IN BYTE * pResponse ) { RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE * pAttribute; RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE * pAttributeSendKey; RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE * pAttributeRecvKey; DWORD dwRetCode; DWORD dwEncryptionPolicy = 0; DWORD dwEncryptionTypes = 0; BOOL fL2tp = FALSE; BOOL fPptp = FALSE;
CreateAccountingAttributes( pPcb );
if ( RAS_DEVICE_TYPE( pPcb->dwDeviceType ) == RDT_Tunnel_L2tp ) { fL2tp = TRUE; }
if ( RAS_DEVICE_TYPE( pPcb->dwDeviceType ) == RDT_Tunnel_Pptp ) { fPptp = TRUE; }
// Find out if we are to require encrypted data using MPPE
pAttribute = RasAuthAttributeGetVendorSpecific( 311, 7, pUserAttributes );
if ( pAttribute != NULL ) { dwEncryptionPolicy = WireToHostFormat32(((BYTE*)(pAttribute->Value))+6);
pAttribute = RasAuthAttributeGetVendorSpecific( 311, 8, pUserAttributes ); if ( pAttribute != NULL ) { dwEncryptionTypes = WireToHostFormat32(((BYTE*)(pAttribute->Value))+6);
if ( dwEncryptionPolicy == 2 ) { if (!fL2tp) { //
// Find out what types of encryption are to be required
if ( ( dwEncryptionTypes & 0x00000002 ) || ( dwEncryptionTypes & 0x00000008 ) ) { pPcb->ConfigInfo.dwConfigMask |= PPPCFG_RequireEncryption; PppLog( 1,"Encryption" ); }
if ( dwEncryptionTypes & 0x00000004 ) { pPcb->ConfigInfo.dwConfigMask |= PPPCFG_RequireStrongEncryption; PppLog( 1,"Strong encryption" ); }
if ( dwEncryptionTypes == 0 ) { pPcb->ConfigInfo.dwConfigMask |= PPPCFG_DisableEncryption; PppLog( 1,"Encryption is not allowed" ); } } } else if ( dwEncryptionPolicy == 1 ) { //
// Find out what types of encryption are to be allowed
if ( !fL2tp && !dwEncryptionTypes ) { pPcb->ConfigInfo.dwConfigMask |= PPPCFG_DisableEncryption; PppLog( 1,"Encryption is not allowed" ); } } } }
// Set encryption keys if we got them, provided we have not already done so
if ( !( pPcb->fFlags & PCBFLAG_MPPE_KEYS_SET ) ) { pAttribute = RasAuthAttributeGetVendorSpecific( 311, 12, pUserAttributes);
if ( pAttribute != NULL ) { //
// Set the MS-CHAP-MPPE-Keys with NDISWAN
LCPCB * pLcpCb = (LCPCB*)(pPcb->LcpCb.pWorkBuf); DWORD AP; DWORD APData = 0;
AP = ( fAuthenticator ? pLcpCb->Local.Work.AP : pLcpCb->Remote.Work.AP );
if ( AP == PPP_CHAP_PROTOCOL ) { APData = ( fAuthenticator ? *(pLcpCb->Local.Work.pAPData) : *(pLcpCb->Remote.Work.pAPData) ); }
dwRetCode = SetMsChapMppeKeys( pPcb->hPort, pAttribute, pChallenge, pResponse, AP, APData );
if ( NO_ERROR != dwRetCode ) { return( dwRetCode ); }
PppLog( 1,"MS-CHAP-MPPE-Keys set" );
pPcb->fFlags |= PCBFLAG_MPPE_KEYS_SET; }
pAttributeSendKey = RasAuthAttributeGetVendorSpecific( 311, 16, pUserAttributes ); pAttributeRecvKey = RasAuthAttributeGetVendorSpecific( 311, 17, pUserAttributes );
if ( ( pAttributeSendKey != NULL ) && ( pAttributeRecvKey != NULL ) ) { //
// Set the MS-MPPE-Send-Key and MS-MPPE-Recv-Key with NDISWAN
dwRetCode = SetMsMppeSendRecvKeys( pPcb->hPort, pAttributeSendKey, pAttributeRecvKey );
if ( NO_ERROR != dwRetCode ) { return( dwRetCode ); }
PppLog( 1,"MPPE-Send/Recv-Keys set" );
pPcb->fFlags |= PCBFLAG_MPPE_KEYS_SET; } }
// Check if L2tp is being used
if ( fL2tp ) { DWORD dwMask = 0; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(DWORD); DWORD dwConfigMask;
dwRetCode = RasGetPortUserData( pPcb->hPort, PORT_IPSEC_INFO_INDEX, (BYTE*) &dwMask, &dwSize );
if ( NO_ERROR != dwRetCode ) { PppLog( 1, "RasGetPortUserData failed: 0x%x", dwRetCode );
dwRetCode = NO_ERROR; }
PppLog( 1, "Checking encryption. Policy=0x%x,Types=0x%x,Mask=0x%x", dwEncryptionPolicy, dwEncryptionTypes, dwMask );
if ( dwMask == RASMAN_IPSEC_ESP_DES ) { pPcb->pBcb->fFlags |= BCBFLAG_BASIC_ENCRYPTION; } else if ( dwMask == RASMAN_IPSEC_ESP_3_DES ) { pPcb->pBcb->fFlags |= BCBFLAG_STRONGEST_ENCRYPTION; }
if ( !fAuthenticator ) { //
// If the user requires maximum encryption (3DES), but we
// negotiated weaker encryption (56-bit DES), then return an error.
dwConfigMask = pPcb->ConfigInfo.dwConfigMask;
if ( ( dwConfigMask & PPPCFG_RequireStrongEncryption ) && !( dwConfigMask & PPPCFG_RequireEncryption ) && !( dwConfigMask & PPPCFG_DisableEncryption ) && ( dwMask != RASMAN_IPSEC_ESP_3_DES ) ) { return( ERROR_NO_REMOTE_ENCRYPTION ); }
// We are done with the PPPCFG_Require*Encryption flags. Let us now
// turn them off because we don't care what kind of encryption CCP
// negotiates.
pPcb->ConfigInfo.dwConfigMask &= ~PPPCFG_RequireStrongEncryption; pPcb->ConfigInfo.dwConfigMask &= ~PPPCFG_RequireEncryption; } else if ( dwEncryptionPolicy != 0 ) { BOOL fPolicyError = FALSE;
// There is an encryption policy
switch ( dwMask ) { case 0:
if ( ( dwEncryptionPolicy == 2 ) && ( dwEncryptionTypes != 0 ) ) { fPolicyError = TRUE; break; }
if ( !( dwEncryptionTypes & 0x00000002 ) && !( dwEncryptionTypes & 0x00000008 ) ) { fPolicyError = TRUE; break; }
if (!( dwEncryptionTypes & 0x00000004 ) ) { fPolicyError = TRUE; break; }
break; }
if ( fPolicyError ) { //
// We need to send an Accounting Stop if RADIUS sends an Access
// Accept but we still drop the line.
// If we require encryption make sure we have the keys and that CCP is
// loaded.
if ( pPcb->ConfigInfo.dwConfigMask & ( PPPCFG_RequireEncryption | PPPCFG_RequireStrongEncryption ) ) { if ( !( pPcb->fFlags & PCBFLAG_MPPE_KEYS_SET ) || ( GetCpIndexFromProtocol( PPP_CCP_PROTOCOL ) == -1 ) ) { //
// We need to send an Accounting Stop if RADIUS sends an Access
// Accept but we still drop the line.
// If we are not the authenticator then there is nothing more to set
if ( !fAuthenticator ) { return( NO_ERROR ); } //
// Check framed protocol attribute. It must be PPP.
pAttribute = RasAuthAttributeGet( raatFramedProtocol, pUserAttributes );
if ( pAttribute != NULL ) { if ( PtrToUlong(pAttribute->Value) != 1 ) { //
// We need to send an Accounting Stop if RADIUS sends an Access
// Accept but we still drop the line.
// Check tunnel type attribute. It must be correct.
pAttribute = RasAuthAttributeGet( raatTunnelType, pUserAttributes );
if ( pAttribute != NULL ) { DWORD dwTunnelType = PtrToUlong(pAttribute->Value);
if ( ( fL2tp && ( dwTunnelType != 3 ) ) || ( fPptp && ( dwTunnelType != 1 ) ) ) { //
// We need to send an Accounting Stop if RADIUS sends an Access
// Accept but we still drop the line.
// Get the logon domain attribute
pAttribute = RasAuthAttributeGetVendorSpecific( 311, 10, pUserAttributes );
if ( pAttribute != NULL ) { DWORD cbDomain = sizeof( pPcb->pBcb->szRemoteDomain ) - 1;
if ( ( pAttribute->dwLength - 7 ) < cbDomain ) { cbDomain = pAttribute->dwLength - 7; } ZeroMemory( pPcb->pBcb->szRemoteDomain, sizeof( pPcb->pBcb->szRemoteDomain ) );
CopyMemory( pPcb->pBcb->szRemoteDomain, (LPSTR)((PBYTE)(pAttribute->Value)+7), cbDomain );
PppLog( 2, "Auth Attribute Domain = %s", pPcb->pBcb->szRemoteDomain); }
// Setup callback information, default is no callback
pPcb->fCallbackPrivilege = RASPRIV_NoCallback; pPcb->szCallbackNumber[0] = (CHAR)NULL;
pAttribute = RasAuthAttributeGet( raatServiceType, pUserAttributes );
if ( pAttribute != NULL ) { if ( PtrToUlong(pAttribute->Value) == 4 ) { //
// If service type is callback framed
if ( ( pAttribute == NULL ) || ( pAttribute->dwLength == 0 ) ) { pPcb->fCallbackPrivilege = RASPRIV_NoCallback | RASPRIV_CallerSetCallback;
pPcb->szCallbackNumber[0] = (CHAR)NULL;
PppLog(2,"Auth Attribute Caller Specifiable callback"); } else { pPcb->fCallbackPrivilege = RASPRIV_AdminSetCallback;
ZeroMemory(pPcb->szCallbackNumber, sizeof(pPcb->szCallbackNumber));
CopyMemory( pPcb->szCallbackNumber, pAttribute->Value, pAttribute->dwLength );
PppLog( 2, "Auth Attribute Forced callback to %s", pPcb->szCallbackNumber );
// Don't accept BAP Call-Requests. Otherwise, when the client
// calls us, we will drop the line and callback. The first call
// would be a waste.
pPcb->pBcb->fFlags &= ~BCBFLAG_CAN_ACCEPT_CALLS; } } else if ( PtrToUlong(pAttribute->Value) != 2 ) { PppLog( 2, "Service Type %d is not of type Framed", PtrToUlong(pAttribute->Value) );
// We need to send an Accounting Stop if RADIUS sends an Access
// Accept but we still drop the line.
if ( ( pPcb->fCallbackPrivilege & RASPRIV_CallerSetCallback ) || ( pPcb->fCallbackPrivilege & RASPRIV_AdminSetCallback ) ) { pPcb->pBcb->fFlags |= BCBFLAG_CAN_CALL; }
// Use idle-timeout value if we got one.
pAttribute = RasAuthAttributeGet( raatIdleTimeout, pUserAttributes );
if ( pAttribute != NULL ) { pPcb->dwAutoDisconnectTime = PtrToUlong(pAttribute->Value);
} else { pPcb->dwAutoDisconnectTime = PppConfigInfo.dwDefaulIdleTimeout; }
PppLog( 2, "Auth Attribute Idle Timeout Seconds = %d", pPcb->dwAutoDisconnectTime );
// Use MaxChannels value if we got one.
pAttribute = RasAuthAttributeGet( raatPortLimit, pUserAttributes );
if ( pAttribute != NULL ) { if ( PtrToUlong(pAttribute->Value) > 0 ) { pPcb->pBcb->dwMaxLinksAllowed = PtrToUlong(pAttribute->Value); } else { pPcb->pBcb->dwMaxLinksAllowed = PppConfigInfo.dwDefaultPortLimit; } } else { pPcb->pBcb->dwMaxLinksAllowed = PppConfigInfo.dwDefaultPortLimit; }
PppLog( 2, "AuthAttribute MaxChannelsAllowed = %d", pPcb->pBcb->dwMaxLinksAllowed );
// See if BAP is required
pAttribute = RasAuthAttributeGetVendorSpecific( 311, 13, pUserAttributes );
if ( pAttribute != NULL ) { if ( WireToHostFormat32( (PBYTE)(pAttribute->Value)+6 ) == 2 ) { PppLog( 2, "AuthAttribute BAPRequired" );
pPcb->pBcb->fFlags |= BCBFLAG_BAP_REQUIRED; } }
// For the server never send a request bring up the line
pPcb->pBcb->BapParams.dwDialExtraPercent = 100; pPcb->pBcb->BapParams.dwDialExtraSampleSeconds = 100;
pAttribute = RasAuthAttributeGetVendorSpecific( 311, 14, pUserAttributes );
if ( ( pAttribute != NULL ) && ( pAttribute->dwLength == 10 ) ) { pPcb->pBcb->BapParams.dwHangUpExtraPercent = WireToHostFormat32( ((BYTE *)(pAttribute->Value))+6 );
PppLog( 2, "AuthAttribute BAPLineDownLimit = %d", pPcb->pBcb->BapParams.dwHangUpExtraPercent ); } else { pPcb->pBcb->BapParams.dwHangUpExtraPercent = PppConfigInfo.dwHangupExtraPercent; }
pAttribute = RasAuthAttributeGetVendorSpecific( 311, 15, pUserAttributes );
if ( ( pAttribute != NULL ) && ( pAttribute->dwLength == 10 ) ) { pPcb->pBcb->BapParams.dwHangUpExtraSampleSeconds = WireToHostFormat32( ((BYTE *)(pAttribute->Value))+6 );
PppLog( 2, "AuthAttribute BAPLineDownTime = %d", pPcb->pBcb->BapParams.dwHangUpExtraSampleSeconds ); } else { pPcb->pBcb->BapParams.dwHangUpExtraSampleSeconds = PppConfigInfo.dwHangUpExtraSampleSeconds; }
return( NO_ERROR ); }
// Call: RasAuthenticateUserWorker
// Returns: None.
// Description:
VOID RasAuthenticateUserWorker( PVOID pContext ) { PCB_WORK_ITEM * pWorkItem = (PCB_WORK_ITEM *)pContext;
pWorkItem->PppMsg.AuthInfo.dwError = (*PppConfigInfo.RasAuthProviderAuthenticateUser)( pWorkItem->PppMsg.AuthInfo.pInAttributes, &(pWorkItem->PppMsg.AuthInfo.pOutAttributes), &(pWorkItem->PppMsg.AuthInfo.dwResultCode) );
RasAuthAttributeDestroy( pWorkItem->PppMsg.AuthInfo.pInAttributes );
InsertWorkItemInQ( pWorkItem ); }
// Call: RasAuthenticateClient
// Returns: NO_ERROR - Success
// Non-zero returns - Failure
// Description:
DWORD RasAuthenticateClient( IN HPORT hPort, IN RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE * pInAttributes ) { PCB * pPcb = GetPCBPointerFromhPort( hPort ); LCPCB * pLcpCb = NULL; PCB_WORK_ITEM * pWorkItem = NULL; DWORD dwRetCode = NO_ERROR; if ( pPcb == NULL ) { RasAuthAttributeDestroy( pInAttributes );
pLcpCb = (LCPCB*)(pPcb->LcpCb.pWorkBuf);
if ( pWorkItem == (PCB_WORK_ITEM *)NULL ) { LogPPPEvent( ROUTERLOG_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY, GetLastError() );
RasAuthAttributeDestroy( pInAttributes );
return( GetLastError() ); }
pWorkItem->hPort = hPort; pWorkItem->dwPortId = pPcb->dwPortId; pWorkItem->Protocol = pLcpCb->Local.Work.AP; pWorkItem->PppMsg.AuthInfo.pInAttributes = pInAttributes; pWorkItem->PppMsg.AuthInfo.dwId = GetUId( pPcb, LCP_INDEX ); pWorkItem->Process = ProcessAuthInfo;
pPcb->dwOutstandingAuthRequestId = pWorkItem->PppMsg.AuthInfo.dwId; dwRetCode = RtlNtStatusToDosError( RtlQueueWorkItem( RasAuthenticateUserWorker, pWorkItem, WT_EXECUTEDEFAULT ) ); if ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) { RasAuthAttributeDestroy( pInAttributes );
LOCAL_FREE( pWorkItem ); }
return( dwRetCode ); }
// Call: RemoteError
// Returns: DWORD - Remote version of this error
// Description: Called by a client authenticating the server.
DWORD RemoteError( IN DWORD dwError ) { switch( dwError ) { case ERROR_NO_DIALIN_PERMISSION: return( ERROR_REMOTE_NO_DIALIN_PERMISSION );
default: return( dwError ); } }
// Call: ApIsAuthenticatorPacket
// Returns: TRUE - Packet belongs to authenticator
// FALSE - Otherwise
// Description: Called to figure out whether to send the auth packet to the
// authenticator or authenticatee.
BOOL ApIsAuthenticatorPacket( IN DWORD CpIndex, IN BYTE bConfigCode ) { switch( CpTable[CpIndex].CpInfo.Protocol ) { case PPP_PAP_PROTOCOL: switch( bConfigCode ) { case 1: return( TRUE ); default: return( FALSE ); } break;
switch( bConfigCode ) { case 2: case 5: case 6: case 7: return( TRUE ); default: return( FALSE ); } break;
switch( bConfigCode ) { case 1: case 6: return( TRUE ); default: return( FALSE ); }
switch( bConfigCode ) { case 2: return( TRUE ); default: return( FALSE ); }
default: PPP_ASSERT( FALSE ); }
return( FALSE ); }
// Call: ApStart
// Returns: TRUE - Success
// FALSE - Otherwise
// Description: Called to initiatialze the authetication protocol and to
// initiate to authentication.
BOOL ApStart( IN PCB * pPcb, IN DWORD CpIndex, IN BOOL fAuthenticator ) { DWORD dwRetCode; PPPAP_INPUT PppApInput; LCPCB * pLcpCb = (LCPCB*)(pPcb->LcpCb.pWorkBuf); CPCB * pCpCb = ( fAuthenticator ) ? &(pPcb->AuthenticatorCb) : &(pPcb->AuthenticateeCb);
pCpCb->fConfigurable = TRUE; pCpCb->State = FSM_INITIAL; pCpCb->Protocol = CpTable[CpIndex].CpInfo.Protocol; pCpCb->LastId = (DWORD)-1; InitRestartCounters( pPcb, pCpCb );
ZeroMemory( &PppApInput, sizeof( PppApInput ) );
PppApInput.hPort = pPcb->hPort; PppApInput.fServer = fAuthenticator; PppApInput.fRouter = ( ROUTER_IF_TYPE_FULL_ROUTER == pPcb->pBcb->InterfaceInfo.IfType ); PppApInput.Luid = pPcb->Luid; PppApInput.dwEapTypeToBeUsed = pPcb->dwEapTypeToBeUsed; PppApInput.hTokenImpersonateUser = pPcb->pBcb->hTokenImpersonateUser; PppApInput.pCustomAuthConnData = pPcb->pBcb->pCustomAuthConnData; PppApInput.pCustomAuthUserData = pPcb->pBcb->pCustomAuthUserData; PppApInput.EapUIData = pPcb->pBcb->EapUIData; PppApInput.fLogon = ( pPcb->pBcb->fFlags & BCBFLAG_LOGON_USER_DATA ); PppApInput.fNonInteractive = ( pPcb->fFlags & PCBFLAG_NON_INTERACTIVE ); PppApInput.fConfigInfo = pPcb->ConfigInfo.dwConfigMask;
if ( fAuthenticator ) { PppApInput.dwRetries = pPcb->dwAuthRetries; PppApInput.pAPData = pLcpCb->Local.Work.pAPData; PppApInput.APDataSize = pLcpCb->Local.Work.APDataSize; PppApInput.pUserAttributes = pPcb->pUserAttributes;
ZeroMemory( &pPcb->pBcb->szRemoteUserName, sizeof( pPcb->pBcb->szRemoteUserName ) ); } else { //
// If we are a server and we do not know who is dialing in and therefore
// do not have credentials to use for being authenticated by the
// remote peer, then we wait till we do.
if ( pPcb->fFlags & PCBFLAG_IS_SERVER ) { if ( strlen( pPcb->pBcb->szRemoteUserName ) == 0 ) { PppLog(1,"Remote user not identifiable at this time, waiting");
return( FALSE ); } //
// Ok we know who is dialed in so get credentials to used for this
// connection.
dwRetCode = GetCredentialsFromInterface( pPcb );
if ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) { //
// We do not have credentials to use for this user so we
// renegotiate LCP and do not accept the authentication option
PppLog( 1, "No credentials available to use for user=%s", pPcb->pBcb->szRemoteUserName );
FsmDown( pPcb, LCP_INDEX );
pLcpCb->Remote.WillNegotiate &= (~LCP_N_AUTHENT);
FsmUp( pPcb, LCP_INDEX );
return( FALSE ); } }
// Decode the password
DecodePw( pPcb->pBcb->chSeed, pPcb->pBcb->szPassword ); DecodePw( pPcb->pBcb->chSeed, pPcb->pBcb->szOldPassword );
PppApInput.pszUserName = pPcb->pBcb->szLocalUserName; PppApInput.pszPassword = pPcb->pBcb->szPassword; PppApInput.pszDomain = pPcb->pBcb->szLocalDomain; PppApInput.pszOldPassword = pPcb->pBcb->szOldPassword; PppApInput.pAPData = pLcpCb->Remote.Work.pAPData; PppApInput.APDataSize = pLcpCb->Remote.Work.APDataSize; PppApInput.dwInitialPacketId = (DWORD)GetUId( pPcb, CpIndex );
if ( CpTable[CpIndex].CpInfo.Protocol == PPP_EAP_PROTOCOL ) { PppApInput.fPortWillBeBundled = WillPortBeBundled( pPcb ); PppApInput.fThisIsACallback = ( pPcb->fFlags & PCBFLAG_THIS_IS_A_CALLBACK ); } }
dwRetCode = (CpTable[CpIndex].CpInfo.RasCpBegin)(&(pCpCb->pWorkBuf), &PppApInput );
if ( !fAuthenticator ) { //
// Encode the password back
EncodePw( pPcb->pBcb->chSeed, pPcb->pBcb->szPassword ); EncodePw( pPcb->pBcb->chSeed, pPcb->pBcb->szOldPassword ); }
if ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) { pPcb->LcpCb.dwError = dwRetCode;
NotifyCallerOfFailure( pPcb, dwRetCode );
return( FALSE ); } PppLog(1,"Calling APWork in APStart"); ApWork( pPcb, CpIndex, NULL, NULL, fAuthenticator );
return( TRUE ); }
// Call: ApStop
// Returns: none
// Description: Called to stop the authentication machine.
VOID ApStop( IN PCB * pPcb, IN DWORD CpIndex, IN BOOL fAuthenticator ) { CPCB * pCpCb = ( fAuthenticator ) ? &(pPcb->AuthenticatorCb) : &(pPcb->AuthenticateeCb);
if ( pCpCb->pWorkBuf == NULL ) { return; }
pCpCb->Protocol = 0; pCpCb->fConfigurable = FALSE;
if ( pCpCb->LastId != (DWORD)-1 ) { RemoveFromTimerQ( pPcb->dwPortId, pCpCb->LastId, CpTable[CpIndex].CpInfo.Protocol, fAuthenticator, TIMER_EVENT_TIMEOUT ); }
(CpTable[CpIndex].CpInfo.RasCpEnd)( pCpCb->pWorkBuf );
pCpCb->pWorkBuf = NULL; }
// Call: ApWork
// Returns: none
// Description: Called when and authentication packet was received or
// a timeout occurred or to initiate authentication.
VOID ApWork( IN PCB * pPcb, IN DWORD CpIndex, IN PPP_CONFIG * pRecvConfig, IN PPPAP_INPUT * pApInput, IN BOOL fAuthenticator ) { DWORD dwRetCode; DWORD dwLength; PPPAP_RESULT ApResult; PPP_CONFIG * pSendConfig = (PPP_CONFIG*)(pPcb->pSendBuf->Information); LCPCB * pLcpCb = (LCPCB*)(pPcb->LcpCb.pWorkBuf); CPCB * pCpCb = ( fAuthenticator ) ? &(pPcb->AuthenticatorCb) : &(pPcb->AuthenticateeCb);
// If the protocol has not been started yet, call ApStart
if ( pCpCb->pWorkBuf == NULL ) { if ( !ApStart( pPcb, CpIndex, fAuthenticator ) ) { return; } }
ZeroMemory( &ApResult, sizeof(ApResult) );
dwRetCode = (CpTable[CpIndex].CpInfo.RasApMakeMessage)( pCpCb->pWorkBuf, pRecvConfig, pSendConfig, ((pLcpCb->Remote.Work.MRU > LCP_DEFAULT_MRU) ? LCP_DEFAULT_MRU : pLcpCb->Remote.Work.MRU) - PPP_PACKET_HDR_LEN, &ApResult, pApInput );
if ( NULL != ApResult.szReplyMessage ) { LocalFree( pPcb->pBcb->szReplyMessage );
pPcb->pBcb->szReplyMessage = ApResult.szReplyMessage; }
if ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) { switch( dwRetCode ) { case ERROR_PPP_INVALID_PACKET:
PppLog( 1, "Silently discarding invalid auth packet on port %d", pPcb->hPort ); break;
pPcb->LcpCb.dwError = dwRetCode;
PppLog( 1, "Auth Protocol %x returned error %d", CpTable[CpIndex].CpInfo.Protocol, dwRetCode );
if ( fAuthenticator ) { //
// Get the username from the CP if it supplies one.
if ( strlen( ApResult.szUserName ) > 0 ) { strcpy( pPcb->pBcb->szRemoteUserName, ApResult.szUserName ); } }
NotifyCallerOfFailure( pPcb, dwRetCode );
break; }
return; }
// Check to see if we have to save any user data
if ( ( !fAuthenticator ) && ( ApResult.fSaveUserData ) ) { dwRetCode = RasSetEapUserDataA( pPcb->pBcb->hTokenImpersonateUser, pPcb->pBcb->szPhonebookPath, pPcb->pBcb->szEntryName, ApResult.pUserData, ApResult.dwSizeOfUserData );
PppLog( 2, "Saved EAP data for user, dwRetCode = %d", dwRetCode ); }
// Check to see if we have to save any connection data
if ( ( !fAuthenticator ) && ( ApResult.fSaveConnectionData ) && ( 0 != ApResult.SetCustomAuthData.dwSizeOfConnectionData ) ) { NotifyCaller( pPcb, PPPMSG_SetCustomAuthData, &(ApResult.SetCustomAuthData) );
PppLog( 2, "Saved EAP data for connection" ); }
switch( ApResult.Action ) {
case APA_Send: case APA_SendWithTimeout: case APA_SendWithTimeout2: case APA_SendAndDone:
HostToWireFormat16( (WORD)CpTable[CpIndex].CpInfo.Protocol, (PBYTE)(pPcb->pSendBuf->Protocol) );
dwLength = WireToHostFormat16( pSendConfig->Length );
if ( ( dwRetCode = PortSendOrDisconnect( pPcb, (dwLength + PPP_PACKET_HDR_LEN))) != NO_ERROR ) { return; }
pCpCb->LastId = (DWORD)-1;
if ( ( ApResult.Action == APA_SendWithTimeout ) || ( ApResult.Action == APA_SendWithTimeout2 ) ) { pCpCb->LastId = ApResult.bIdExpected;
InsertInTimerQ( pPcb->dwPortId, pPcb->hPort, pCpCb->LastId, CpTable[CpIndex].CpInfo.Protocol, fAuthenticator, TIMER_EVENT_TIMEOUT, pPcb->RestartTimer );
// For SendWithTimeout2 we increment the ConfigRetryCount. This
// means send with infinite retry count
if ( ApResult.Action == APA_SendWithTimeout2 ) { (pCpCb->ConfigRetryCount)++; } }
if ( ApResult.Action != APA_SendAndDone ) { break; }
case APA_Done:
switch( ApResult.dwError ) { case NO_ERROR:
// If authentication was successful
if ( CpTable[CpIndex].CpInfo.Protocol == PPP_EAP_PROTOCOL ) { if ( fAuthenticator ) { pPcb->dwServerEapTypeId = ApResult.dwEapTypeId; } else { VOID *pCredentials = NULL;
pPcb->dwClientEapTypeId = ApResult.dwEapTypeId;
// Call the eap dll to collect credentials here
// so that they can be passed to rasman to be
// saved in the cred manager.
if( (NO_ERROR == EapGetCredentials(pCpCb->pWorkBuf, &pCredentials)) && (NULL != pCredentials)) { //
// Below call is not fatal.
(void) RasSetPortUserData( pPcb->hPort, PORT_CREDENTIALS_INDEX, pCredentials, sizeof(RASMAN_CREDENTIALS));
ZeroMemory(pCredentials, sizeof(RASMAN_CREDENTIALS)); LocalFree(pCredentials); } } }
if ( fAuthenticator ) { RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE * pAttribute; RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE * pUserAttributes = NULL;
if ( NULL != pPcb->pBcb->szRemoteIdentity ) { LOCAL_FREE( pPcb->pBcb->szRemoteIdentity );
pPcb->pBcb->szRemoteIdentity = NULL; }
pPcb->pBcb->szRemoteIdentity = LOCAL_ALLOC( LPTR, strlen( ApResult.szUserName ) + 1 );
if ( NULL == pPcb->pBcb->szRemoteIdentity ) { dwRetCode = GetLastError();
pPcb->LcpCb.dwError = dwRetCode;
NotifyCallerOfFailure( pPcb, dwRetCode );
return; }
strcpy( pPcb->pBcb->szRemoteIdentity, ApResult.szUserName );
dwRetCode = ExtractUsernameAndDomain( ApResult.szUserName, pPcb->pBcb->szRemoteUserName, NULL );
if ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) { pPcb->LcpCb.dwError = dwRetCode;
NotifyCallerOfFailure( pPcb, dwRetCode );
return; }
if ( 0 == pPcb->pBcb->szLocalUserName[0] ) { if ( NO_ERROR != GetCredentialsFromInterface( pPcb ) ) { pPcb->pBcb->szLocalUserName[0] = pPcb->pBcb->szPassword[0] = pPcb->pBcb->szLocalDomain[0] = 0; } }
if ( ApResult.pUserAttributes != NULL ) { pPcb->pAuthProtocolAttributes = ApResult.pUserAttributes; pUserAttributes = ApResult.pUserAttributes; } else { pUserAttributes = pPcb->pAuthenticatorAttributes; }
// Set all the user connection parameters authorized by the
// back-end authenticator
dwRetCode = SetUserAuthorizedAttributes( pPcb, pUserAttributes, fAuthenticator, (BYTE*)&(ApResult.abChallenge), (BYTE*)&(ApResult.abResponse));
if ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) { pPcb->LcpCb.dwError = dwRetCode;
NotifyCallerOfFailure( pPcb, dwRetCode );
return; }
// If we are a server and we negotiated to be authenticated
// by the remote peer we can do so now that we know who
// is dialed in.
if ( ( pLcpCb->Remote.Work.AP != 0 ) && ( pPcb->AuthenticateeCb.pWorkBuf == NULL ) && ( pPcb->AuthenticateeCb.fConfigurable ) && ( pPcb->fFlags & PCBFLAG_IS_SERVER ) ) { CpIndex = GetCpIndexFromProtocol( pLcpCb->Remote.Work.AP );
PPP_ASSERT(( CpIndex != (DWORD)-1 ));
if ( !ApStart( pPcb, CpIndex, FALSE ) ) { return; } } } else { //
// Get the username from the CP if it supplies one.
if ( ( strlen( pPcb->pBcb->szLocalUserName ) == 0 ) && ( strlen( ApResult.szUserName ) > 0 ) ) { strcpy( pPcb->pBcb->szLocalUserName, ApResult.szUserName ); }
dwRetCode = SetUserAuthorizedAttributes( pPcb, ApResult.pUserAttributes, fAuthenticator, (BYTE*)&(ApResult.abChallenge), (BYTE*)&(ApResult.abResponse));
if ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) { pPcb->LcpCb.dwError = dwRetCode;
NotifyCallerOfFailure( pPcb, dwRetCode );
return; }
pPcb->pAuthProtocolAttributes = ApResult.pUserAttributes; }
pCpCb->State = FSM_OPENED;
FsmThisLayerUp( pPcb, CpIndex );
if ( pPcb->fFlags & PCBFLAG_IS_SERVER ) { //
// We are a server and hence in non-interactive mode and
// hence we cannot do this.
pPcb->LcpCb.dwError = ApResult.dwError;
NotifyCallerOfFailure( pPcb, pPcb->LcpCb.dwError );
return; } else { //
// Password has expired so the user has to change his/her
// password.
NotifyCaller( pPcb, PPPMSG_ChangePwRequest, NULL ); } break;
// If we can retry with a new password then tell the client to
// get a new one from the user.
if ( (!fAuthenticator) && ( ApResult.fRetry )) { if ( pPcb->fFlags & PCBFLAG_IS_SERVER ) { //
// We are a server and hence in non-interactive mode and
// hence we cannot do this.
pPcb->LcpCb.dwError = ApResult.dwError;
NotifyCallerOfFailure( pPcb, pPcb->LcpCb.dwError );
return; } else { PppLog( 2, "Sending auth retry message to UI" );
NotifyCaller( pPcb, PPPMSG_AuthRetry, &(ApResult.dwError) ); } } else { PppLog( 1, "Auth Protocol %x terminated with error %d", CpTable[CpIndex].CpInfo.Protocol, ApResult.dwError );
if ( ApResult.szUserName[0] != (CHAR)NULL ) { strcpy( pPcb->pBcb->szRemoteUserName, ApResult.szUserName ); }
if ( !( pPcb->fFlags & PCBFLAG_IS_SERVER ) && ( fAuthenticator) ) { pPcb->LcpCb.dwError = RemoteError( ApResult.dwError ); } else { pPcb->LcpCb.dwError = ApResult.dwError; }
NotifyCallerOfFailure( pPcb, pPcb->LcpCb.dwError );
return; }
break; }
case APA_Authenticate:
if ( fAuthenticator ) { DWORD dwIndex = 0; DWORD dwExtraAttributes = 0; DWORD dwNumUserAttributes = 0; RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE * pUserAttributes = NULL;
for ( dwNumUserAttributes = 0; pPcb->pUserAttributes[dwNumUserAttributes].raaType != raatMinimum; dwNumUserAttributes++ );
if ( CpTable[CpIndex].CpInfo.Protocol == PPP_EAP_PROTOCOL ) { //
// One more for Framed-MTU
dwExtraAttributes = 1; }
pUserAttributes = RasAuthAttributeCopyWithAlloc( ApResult.pUserAttributes, dwNumUserAttributes + dwExtraAttributes );
if ( pUserAttributes == NULL ) { dwRetCode = GetLastError();
pPcb->LcpCb.dwError = dwRetCode;
NotifyCallerOfFailure( pPcb, pPcb->LcpCb.dwError );
return; }
if ( dwExtraAttributes ) { ULONG mru = (pLcpCb->Remote.Work.MRU > LCP_DEFAULT_MRU) ? LCP_DEFAULT_MRU : pLcpCb->Remote.Work.MRU; //
// Insert the Framed-MTU attribute at the start.
dwRetCode = RasAuthAttributeInsert( 0, pUserAttributes, raatFramedMTU, FALSE, 4, (LPVOID) ( UlongToPtr(mru)) );
if ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) { RasAuthAttributeDestroy( pUserAttributes );
pPcb->LcpCb.dwError = dwRetCode;
NotifyCallerOfFailure( pPcb, pPcb->LcpCb.dwError );
return; } }
// Insert the extra (user) attributes at the start. Attributes
// returned by the auth protocol follow.
for ( dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < dwNumUserAttributes; dwIndex++ ) { dwRetCode = RasAuthAttributeInsert( dwIndex + dwExtraAttributes, pUserAttributes, pPcb->pUserAttributes[dwIndex].raaType, FALSE, pPcb->pUserAttributes[dwIndex].dwLength, pPcb->pUserAttributes[dwIndex].Value );
if ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) { RasAuthAttributeDestroy( pUserAttributes );
pPcb->LcpCb.dwError = dwRetCode;
NotifyCallerOfFailure( pPcb, pPcb->LcpCb.dwError );
return; } }
dwRetCode = RasAuthenticateClient( pPcb->hPort, pUserAttributes );
if ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) { pPcb->LcpCb.dwError = dwRetCode;
NotifyCallerOfFailure( pPcb, pPcb->LcpCb.dwError );
return; } } break;
case APA_NoAction:
break; }
// Check to see if we have to bring up the UI for EAP
if ( ( !fAuthenticator ) && ( ApResult.fInvokeEapUI ) ) { NotifyCaller(pPcb, PPPMSG_InvokeEapUI, &(ApResult.InvokeEapUIData)); } }