/********************************************************************/ /** Copyright(c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation. **/ /********************************************************************/
// Filename: rascbcp.c
// Description: This module contains code to implement the PPP Callback
// Control Protocol.
// History: April 11,1994. NarenG Created original version
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <ntlsa.h>
#include <ntmsv1_0.h>
#include <crypt.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <lmcons.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <rasman.h>
#include <pppcp.h>
#include <ppputil.h>
#include "rascbcp.h"
#include <raserror.h>
// Call: CbCPGetInfo
// Returns: NO_ERROR
// Description: CbCPGetInfo entry point called by the PPP engine.
// See RasCpGetInfo interface documentation.
DWORD CbCPGetInfo( IN DWORD dwProtocolId, OUT PPPCP_INFO* pInfo ) { ZeroMemory( pInfo, sizeof(PPPCP_INFO) );
pInfo->Protocol = (DWORD)PPP_CBCP_PROTOCOL; lstrcpy(pInfo->SzProtocolName, "CBCP"); pInfo->Recognize = MAX_CBCP_CODE + 1; pInfo->RasCpBegin = CbCPBegin; pInfo->RasCpEnd = CbCPEnd; pInfo->RasApMakeMessage = CbCPMakeMessage;
return( NO_ERROR ); }
// Call: CbCPBegin
// Returns: NO_ERROR - success
// non-zero return code - failure
// Description: RasCpBegin entry point called by the PPP engine thru the
// passed address. See RasCp interface documentation. This is
// called by the PPP engine before any other calls to CbCP is
// made.
DWORD CbCPBegin( OUT VOID** ppWorkBuf, IN VOID* pInfo ) { PPPCB_INPUT * pInput = (PPPCB_INPUT *)pInfo; CBCP_WORKBUFFER * pWorkBuf; DWORD dwRetCode;
// Allocate work buffer.
if ( pWorkBuf == NULL ) { return( GetLastError() ); }
pWorkBuf->fServer = pInput->fServer;
// If we are the server side then get all the callback information for
// this user
if ( pWorkBuf->fServer ) { pWorkBuf->fCallbackPrivilege = pInput->bfCallbackPrivilege;
strcpy( pWorkBuf->szCallbackNumber, pInput->pszCallbackNumber ); } else { pWorkBuf->CallbackDelay = pInput->CallbackDelay; }
// Register work buffer with engine.
*ppWorkBuf = pWorkBuf;
return( NO_ERROR ); }
// Call: CbCPEnd
// Returns: NO_ERROR - success
// Description: Called by the PPP engine to notify this Control Protocol to
// clean up.
DWORD CbCPEnd( IN VOID* pWorkBuffer ) { CBCP_WORKBUFFER * pWorkBuf = (CBCP_WORKBUFFER *)pWorkBuffer;
if ( pWorkBuf->pRequest != (PPP_CONFIG *)NULL ) { LocalFree( pWorkBuf->pRequest ); }
if ( pWorkBuf->pResponse != (PPP_CONFIG *)NULL ) { LocalFree( pWorkBuf->pResponse ); }
if ( pWorkBuf != NULL ) { LocalFree( pWorkBuf ); }
return( NO_ERROR ); }
// Call: CbCPMakeMessage
// Returns: NO_ERROR - success
// non-zero return code - failure
// Description: Called by the PPP engine to process a CbCP event. ie to send
// a packet, to process a received packet or to process a timeout
// event.
DWORD CbCPMakeMessage( IN VOID* pWorkBuffer, IN PPP_CONFIG* pReceiveBuf, OUT PPP_CONFIG* pSendBuf, IN DWORD cbSendBuf, OUT PPPAP_RESULT* pResult, IN PPPAP_INPUT* pInput ) { CBCP_WORKBUFFER* pWorkBuf = (CBCP_WORKBUFFER *)pWorkBuffer;
return( (pWorkBuf->fServer)
? CbCPSMakeMessage( pWorkBuf, pReceiveBuf, pSendBuf, cbSendBuf, (PPPCB_RESULT *)pResult, (PPPCB_INPUT *)pInput )
: CbCPCMakeMessage( pWorkBuf, pReceiveBuf, pSendBuf, cbSendBuf, (PPPCB_RESULT *)pResult, (PPPCB_INPUT *)pInput ) ); }
// Call: CbCPCMakeMessage
// Returns: NO_ERROR - success
// non-zero return - failure
// Description: Called to process the client side of Callback Control
// Protocol.
DWORD CbCPCMakeMessage( IN CBCP_WORKBUFFER * pWorkBuf, IN PPP_CONFIG* pReceiveBuf, OUT PPP_CONFIG* pSendBuf, IN DWORD cbSendBuf, OUT PPPCB_RESULT* pResult, IN PPPCB_INPUT* pInput ) { DWORD dwRetCode; DWORD dwLength;
switch( pWorkBuf->State ) {
// Do nothing, wait for request
pWorkBuf->State = CBCP_STATE_WAIT_FOR_REQUEST; pResult->Action = APA_NoAction; pResult->fGetCallbackNumberFromUser = FALSE;
// We have received a callback request from the server.
// Save the callback request.
dwLength = WireToHostFormat16( pReceiveBuf->Length );
if ( ( dwLength < PPP_CONFIG_HDR_LEN ) || ( pReceiveBuf->Code != CBCP_CODE_Request ) ) { return( ERROR_PPP_INVALID_PACKET ); }
pWorkBuf->pRequest = (PPP_CONFIG *)LocalAlloc( LPTR, dwLength );
if ( pWorkBuf->pRequest == (PPP_CONFIG *)NULL ) { return( GetLastError() ); }
memcpy( pWorkBuf->pRequest, pReceiveBuf, dwLength );
// Find out what kind of callback privileges we have.
dwRetCode = GetCallbackPrivilegeFromRequest( pWorkBuf->pRequest, &(pWorkBuf->fCallbackPrivilege)); if ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) { return( dwRetCode ); }
// If we have user specifiable callback, then we need to get this
// information from the user.
if ( pWorkBuf->fCallbackPrivilege == RASPRIV_CallerSetCallback ) { pResult->fGetCallbackNumberFromUser=TRUE; pResult->Action =APA_NoAction; pWorkBuf->State =CBCP_STATE_GET_CALLBACK_NUMBER; break; }
// Otherwise we make a reponse with preset or no callback
dwRetCode = MakeResponse( pWorkBuf->fCallbackPrivilege, (LPSTR)NULL, pWorkBuf->CallbackDelay, pWorkBuf->pRequest, pSendBuf, cbSendBuf );
if ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) { return( dwRetCode ); }
// Save the response sent
dwLength = WireToHostFormat16( pSendBuf->Length );
pWorkBuf->pResponse = (PPP_CONFIG *)LocalAlloc( LPTR, dwLength );
if ( pWorkBuf->pResponse == (PPP_CONFIG *)NULL ) { return( GetLastError() ); }
memcpy( pWorkBuf->pResponse, pSendBuf, dwLength );
pResult->Action = APA_SendWithTimeout; pResult->bIdExpected = pReceiveBuf->Id; pWorkBuf->State = CBCP_STATE_WAIT_FOR_ACK;
// If we have not received any packet when we are called that means
// that we have got the callback number from the user.
if ( pReceiveBuf == (PPP_CONFIG *)NULL ) { //
// If no callback number was supplied then we do not want to
// do callback
if ( *(pInput->pszCallbackNumber) == (CHAR)NULL ) { pWorkBuf->fCallbackPrivilege = RASPRIV_NoCallback; }
dwRetCode = MakeResponse( pWorkBuf->fCallbackPrivilege, pInput->pszCallbackNumber, pWorkBuf->CallbackDelay, pWorkBuf->pRequest, pSendBuf, cbSendBuf );
if ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) { return( dwRetCode ); }
// Save the response sent
dwLength = WireToHostFormat16( pSendBuf->Length );
pWorkBuf->pResponse = (PPP_CONFIG*)LocalAlloc( LPTR, dwLength );
if ( pWorkBuf->pResponse == NULL ) { return( GetLastError() ); }
memcpy( pWorkBuf->pResponse, pSendBuf, dwLength );
pResult->Action = APA_SendWithTimeout; pResult->bIdExpected = pWorkBuf->pResponse->Id; pWorkBuf->State = CBCP_STATE_WAIT_FOR_ACK;
break; } else {
if ( pReceiveBuf->Code == CBCP_CODE_Request ) { //
// If we received another callback request, just save the id.
// If the current request is different than the previous one
dwLength = WireToHostFormat16( pWorkBuf->pRequest->Length );
if (( WireToHostFormat16( pReceiveBuf->Length ) != dwLength ) || ( memcmp( ((PBYTE)(pWorkBuf->pRequest))+PPP_CONFIG_HDR_LEN, ((PBYTE)pReceiveBuf) + PPP_CONFIG_HDR_LEN, dwLength - PPP_CONFIG_HDR_LEN ) ) ) { return( ERROR_PPP_INVALID_PACKET ); }
pWorkBuf->pRequest->Id = pReceiveBuf->Id; } else { return( ERROR_PPP_INVALID_PACKET ); } }
pResult->Action = APA_NoAction; pResult->fGetCallbackNumberFromUser = FALSE;
// If the receive buffer is NULL, then we have a timeout event,
// resend the response
if ( pReceiveBuf == (PPP_CONFIG *)NULL ) { dwLength = WireToHostFormat16( pWorkBuf->pResponse->Length );
if ( dwLength > cbSendBuf ) { return( ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL ); }
memcpy( pSendBuf, pWorkBuf->pResponse, dwLength );
pResult->Action = APA_SendWithTimeout;
break; }
// If we received another request then simply respond with
// the same response except change the id.
if ( pReceiveBuf->Code == CBCP_CODE_Request ) { //
// If the current request is different than the previous one
dwLength = WireToHostFormat16( pWorkBuf->pRequest->Length );
if ( ( WireToHostFormat16( pReceiveBuf->Length ) != dwLength ) || ( memcmp( ((PBYTE)(pWorkBuf->pRequest)) + PPP_CONFIG_HDR_LEN, ((PBYTE)pReceiveBuf) + PPP_CONFIG_HDR_LEN, dwLength - PPP_CONFIG_HDR_LEN ) ) ) { return( ERROR_PPP_INVALID_PACKET ); }
if ( dwLength > cbSendBuf ) { return( ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL ); }
pWorkBuf->pRequest->Id = pReceiveBuf->Id; pWorkBuf->pResponse->Id = pReceiveBuf->Id; pResult->bIdExpected = pReceiveBuf->Id; pResult->Action = APA_SendWithTimeout;
memcpy( pSendBuf, pWorkBuf->pResponse, WireToHostFormat16( pWorkBuf->pResponse->Length ) );
break; }
// If this is an ACK, then validate it and then prepare for callback
if ( pReceiveBuf->Code == CBCP_CODE_Ack ) { dwLength = WireToHostFormat16( pWorkBuf->pResponse->Length );
if ( ( WireToHostFormat16( pReceiveBuf->Length ) != dwLength ) || ( memcmp( ((PBYTE)(pWorkBuf->pResponse)) + PPP_CONFIG_HDR_LEN, ((PBYTE)pReceiveBuf) + PPP_CONFIG_HDR_LEN, dwLength - PPP_CONFIG_HDR_LEN ) ) ) {
// If this Ack is invalid then we resend the response.
dwLength = WireToHostFormat16( pWorkBuf->pResponse->Length );
if ( dwLength > cbSendBuf ) { return( ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL ); }
memcpy( pSendBuf, pWorkBuf->pResponse, dwLength );
pResult->Action = APA_SendWithTimeout;
break; }
// We are done
pResult->Action = APA_Done; pResult->bfCallbackPrivilege = (BYTE)(pWorkBuf->fCallbackPrivilege);
break; } else { return( ERROR_PPP_INVALID_PACKET ); }
// Fall through
pResult->Action = APA_NoAction; pResult->fGetCallbackNumberFromUser = FALSE;
break; }
return( NO_ERROR ); }
// Call: CbCPSMakeMessage
// Returns: NO_ERROR - success
// non-zero return - failure
// Description: Will be called to process and server side Callback Control
// Protocol event.
DWORD CbCPSMakeMessage( IN CBCP_WORKBUFFER * pWorkBuf, IN PPP_CONFIG* pReceiveBuf, OUT PPP_CONFIG* pSendBuf, IN DWORD cbSendBuf, OUT PPPCB_RESULT* pResult, IN PPPCB_INPUT* pInput ) { DWORD dwRetCode; DWORD dwLength;
switch( pWorkBuf->State ) {
// Make the request based on the user's callback privelege
dwRetCode = MakeRequest( pWorkBuf->fCallbackPrivilege, pSendBuf, cbSendBuf );
if ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) { return( dwRetCode ); }
// Set the Id of the first request to 1
pSendBuf->Id = 1;
// Save the request
dwLength = WireToHostFormat16( pSendBuf->Length );
pWorkBuf->pRequest = (PPP_CONFIG *)LocalAlloc( LPTR, dwLength );
if ( pWorkBuf->pRequest == (PPP_CONFIG *)NULL ) { return( GetLastError() ); }
memcpy( pWorkBuf->pRequest, pSendBuf, dwLength );
pResult->Action = APA_SendWithTimeout2; pResult->bIdExpected = pWorkBuf->pRequest->Id; pWorkBuf->State = CBCP_STATE_WAIT_FOR_RESPONSE;
// If the Receive buffer is NULL that means that we got a timeout.
// So resend the request.
if ( pReceiveBuf == (PPP_CONFIG *)NULL ) { dwLength = WireToHostFormat16( pWorkBuf->pRequest->Length );
if ( cbSendBuf < dwLength ) { return( ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL ); }
// Increment the request id
memcpy( pSendBuf, pWorkBuf->pRequest, dwLength );
pResult->Action = APA_SendWithTimeout2; pResult->bIdExpected = pWorkBuf->pRequest->Id; pWorkBuf->State = CBCP_STATE_WAIT_FOR_RESPONSE;
break; }
// Fall through
if ( pReceiveBuf == NULL ) { //
// If we receive a timeout in the DONE state, we just ignore it.
pResult->Action = APA_NoAction; break; }
// If we have received a response from the client, then validate
// it and send an ACK or another request.
if ( pReceiveBuf->Code == CBCP_CODE_Response ) { //
// Check the id of the response packet. If the Id is bad then
// silently discard it
if ( pReceiveBuf->Id != pWorkBuf->pRequest->Id ) { return( ERROR_PPP_INVALID_PACKET ); }
dwRetCode = ValidateResponse( pReceiveBuf, pWorkBuf );
if ( dwRetCode == ERROR_PPP_INVALID_PACKET ) { //
// If the response received was invalid, resend the request
dwLength = WireToHostFormat16( pWorkBuf->pRequest->Length );
if ( cbSendBuf < dwLength ) { return( ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL ); }
// Increment the request id
memcpy( pSendBuf, pWorkBuf->pRequest, dwLength );
pResult->Action = APA_SendWithTimeout2; pResult->bIdExpected = pWorkBuf->pRequest->Id; pWorkBuf->State = CBCP_STATE_WAIT_FOR_RESPONSE;
break; } else if ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) { return( dwRetCode ); }
// Send the Ack
dwLength = WireToHostFormat16( pReceiveBuf->Length );
if ( cbSendBuf < dwLength ) { return( ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL ); }
memcpy( pSendBuf, pReceiveBuf, dwLength ); pSendBuf->Code = CBCP_CODE_Ack; pSendBuf->Id = pReceiveBuf->Id;
pWorkBuf->State = CBCP_STATE_DONE; pResult->Action = APA_SendAndDone; pResult->bfCallbackPrivilege = (BYTE)(pWorkBuf->fCallbackPrivilege); pResult->CallbackDelay = pWorkBuf->CallbackDelay;
strcpy( pResult->szCallbackNumber, pWorkBuf->szCallbackNumber ); } else { return( ERROR_PPP_INVALID_PACKET ); }
break; }
return( NO_ERROR ); }
// Call: MakeRequest
// Returns: NO_ERROR - success
// Description: Will make a callback request packet based on the user's
// callback privilege. The Id will be filled in by the caller.
static DWORD MakeRequest( IN DWORD fCallbackPrivilege, IN OUT PPP_CONFIG * pSendBuf, IN DWORD cbSendBuf ) { PPP_OPTION * pOption; DWORD dwLength = PPP_CONFIG_HDR_LEN;
if ( cbSendBuf < PPP_CONFIG_HDR_LEN ) { return( ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL ); }
pOption = (PPP_OPTION *)(pSendBuf->Data);
pSendBuf->Code = CBCP_CODE_Request;
if ( ( fCallbackPrivilege & RASPRIV_NoCallback ) || ( fCallbackPrivilege & RASPRIV_CallerSetCallback ) ) { if ( cbSendBuf < dwLength + PPP_OPTION_HDR_LEN ) { return( ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL ); }
pOption->Type = CBCP_TYPE_NO_CALLBACK; pOption->Length = PPP_OPTION_HDR_LEN;
dwLength += pOption->Length; pOption = (PPP_OPTION *)(((BYTE *)pOption) + pOption->Length); }
if ( fCallbackPrivilege & RASPRIV_CallerSetCallback ) { if ( cbSendBuf < dwLength + PPP_OPTION_HDR_LEN + 2 ) { return( ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL ); }
pOption->Type = CBCP_TYPE_CALLER_SET; pOption->Length = PPP_OPTION_HDR_LEN + 3;
*(pOption->Data) = 0; // Callback Delay
*(pOption->Data+1) = CBCP_PSTN_NUMBER; // Callback Address type
*(pOption->Data+2) = 0; // Callback Address terminating NULL
dwLength += pOption->Length; pOption = (PPP_OPTION *)(((BYTE *)pOption) + pOption->Length); }
if ( fCallbackPrivilege & RASPRIV_AdminSetCallback ) { if ( cbSendBuf < dwLength + PPP_OPTION_HDR_LEN + 1) { return( ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL ); }
pOption->Type = CBCP_TYPE_CALLEE_SET; pOption->Length = PPP_OPTION_HDR_LEN + 1;
*(pOption->Data) = 0; // Callback Delay
dwLength += pOption->Length; }
HostToWireFormat16( (WORD)dwLength, (PBYTE)(pSendBuf->Length) );
return( NO_ERROR ); }
// Call: GetCallbackPrivilegeFromRequest
// Returns: NO_ERROR - success
// Description: Will parse the callback request from the server and translate
// the PPP callback privilege to what RAS understands.
DWORD GetCallbackPrivilegeFromRequest( IN PPP_CONFIG * pRequest, IN OUT DWORD * lpdwCallbackPriv ) { PPP_OPTION * pOption = (PPP_OPTION *)(pRequest->Data); DWORD dwRequestLength = WireToHostFormat16( pRequest->Length ) - PPP_CONFIG_HDR_LEN;
*lpdwCallbackPriv = 0;
// Walk the options
while( dwRequestLength > 0 ) { if ( dwRequestLength < PPP_OPTION_HDR_LEN ) { return( ERROR_PPP_INVALID_PACKET ); }
switch( pOption->Type ) { case CBCP_TYPE_NO_CALLBACK:
*lpdwCallbackPriv |= RASPRIV_NoCallback; break;
*lpdwCallbackPriv |= RASPRIV_AdminSetCallback; break;
*lpdwCallbackPriv |= RASPRIV_CallerSetCallback; break;
// Ignore anything else.
break; }
dwRequestLength = dwRequestLength - pOption->Length; pOption = (PPP_OPTION *)(((BYTE *)pOption) + pOption->Length); }
// We accept Callback privleges in the following order.
// 1) Caller settable.
// 2) Admin settable
// 3) No callback
if ( *lpdwCallbackPriv & RASPRIV_CallerSetCallback ) { *lpdwCallbackPriv = RASPRIV_CallerSetCallback; } else if ( *lpdwCallbackPriv & RASPRIV_AdminSetCallback ) { *lpdwCallbackPriv = RASPRIV_AdminSetCallback; } else if ( *lpdwCallbackPriv & RASPRIV_NoCallback ) { *lpdwCallbackPriv = RASPRIV_NoCallback; } else { //
// If we could not translate to any RAS callback privlege we simply drop
// this packet.
return( NO_ERROR ); }
// Call: MakeResponse
// Returns: NO_ERROR - success
// Description:
DWORD MakeResponse( IN DWORD fCallbackPrivilege, IN LPSTR szCallbackNumber, IN DWORD CallbackDelay, IN PPP_CONFIG * pRequest, IN OUT PPP_CONFIG * pSendBuf, IN DWORD cbSendBuf ) { PPP_OPTION * pOption; DWORD dwLength;
if ( cbSendBuf < PPP_CONFIG_HDR_LEN ) { return( ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL ); }
pOption = (PPP_OPTION *)(pSendBuf->Data);
pSendBuf->Code = CBCP_CODE_Response; pSendBuf->Id = pRequest->Id;
if ( fCallbackPrivilege & RASPRIV_NoCallback ) { dwLength = PPP_OPTION_HDR_LEN;
if ( cbSendBuf < dwLength ) { return( ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL ); }
pOption->Type = CBCP_TYPE_NO_CALLBACK; pOption->Length = (BYTE)dwLength;
} else if ( fCallbackPrivilege & RASPRIV_CallerSetCallback ) { dwLength = (DWORD)(PPP_OPTION_HDR_LEN + 3 + strlen( szCallbackNumber ));
if ( cbSendBuf < dwLength ) { return( ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL ); }
pOption->Type = CBCP_TYPE_CALLER_SET; pOption->Length = (BYTE)dwLength;
*(pOption->Data) = (BYTE)CallbackDelay; // Callback Delay
*(pOption->Data+1) = (BYTE)CBCP_PSTN_NUMBER; // Number Type
strcpy( pOption->Data+2, szCallbackNumber ); // Callback Address
} else if ( fCallbackPrivilege & RASPRIV_AdminSetCallback ) { dwLength = PPP_OPTION_HDR_LEN + 1;
if ( cbSendBuf < dwLength ) { return( ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL ); }
pOption->Type = CBCP_TYPE_CALLEE_SET; pOption->Length = (BYTE)dwLength;
*(pOption->Data)= (BYTE)CallbackDelay; // Callback Delay
} else { return( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); }
HostToWireFormat16( (WORD)dwLength, (PBYTE)(pSendBuf->Length) );
return( NO_ERROR ); }
// Call: ValidateResponse
// Returns: NO_ERROR - success
// Description: Will validate the reponse from the client. If the response
// is valid, then the callback information is returned in the
// CbCPWorkBuf.
DWORD ValidateResponse( IN PPP_CONFIG * pReceiveBuf, IN CBCP_WORKBUFFER * pWorkBuf ) { PPP_OPTION * pOption = (PPP_OPTION *)(pReceiveBuf->Data);
if ( WireToHostFormat16( pReceiveBuf->Length ) != pOption->Length + PPP_CONFIG_HDR_LEN ) { return( ERROR_PPP_INVALID_PACKET ); }
switch( pOption->Type ) { case CBCP_TYPE_NO_CALLBACK:
if ( !( ( pWorkBuf->fCallbackPrivilege & RASPRIV_NoCallback ) || ( pWorkBuf->fCallbackPrivilege & RASPRIV_CallerSetCallback ) ) ) { return( ERROR_PPP_INVALID_PACKET ); }
pWorkBuf->fCallbackPrivilege = RASPRIV_NoCallback;
if ( !(pWorkBuf->fCallbackPrivilege & RASPRIV_AdminSetCallback) ) { return( ERROR_PPP_INVALID_PACKET ); }
pWorkBuf->fCallbackPrivilege = RASPRIV_AdminSetCallback;
pWorkBuf->CallbackDelay = *(pOption->Data);
if ( !(pWorkBuf->fCallbackPrivilege & RASPRIV_CallerSetCallback) ) { return( ERROR_PPP_INVALID_PACKET ); }
pWorkBuf->fCallbackPrivilege = RASPRIV_CallerSetCallback;
pWorkBuf->CallbackDelay = *(pOption->Data);
if ( strlen( pWorkBuf->szCallbackNumber ) <= MAX_CALLBACKNUMBER_SIZE ) { strcpy( pWorkBuf->szCallbackNumber, pOption->Data+2 ); } else { return( ERROR_PPP_INVALID_PACKET ); }
break; }
return( NO_ERROR ); }