/*******************************************************************/ /* Copyright(c) 1993 Microsoft Corporation */ /*******************************************************************/
// Filename: browser.c
// Description: implements the functions to enable/restore browser
// on IPX ras lines
// Author: Stefan Solomon (stefans) September 1, 1994.
// Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <ntddbrow.h>
NTSTATUS OpenBrowser( OUT PHANDLE BrowserHandle );
NTSTATUS BrDgReceiverIoControl( IN HANDLE FileHandle, IN ULONG DgReceiverControlCode, IN PLMDR_REQUEST_PACKET Drp, IN ULONG DrpSize, IN PVOID SecondBuffer OPTIONAL, IN ULONG SecondBufferLength, OUT PULONG Information OPTIONAL );
VOID EnableDisableTransport( IN PCHAR Transport, BOOL Disable, BOOL *Previous
// Function: DisableRestoreBrowserOverIpx
// Arguments:
// contextp - context pointer
// Disable - TRUE - disable, FALSE - restore previous state
VOID DisableRestoreBrowserOverIpx(PIPXCP_CONTEXT contextp, BOOL Disable) { PCHAR Transport = "\\Device\\NwLnkIpx";
EnableDisableTransport(Transport, Disable, &contextp->NwLnkIpxPreviouslyEnabled); }
// Function: DisableRestoreBrowserOverNetbiosIpx
// Arguments:
// contextp - context pointer
// Disable - TRUE - disable, FALSE - restore previous state
VOID DisableRestoreBrowserOverNetbiosIpx(PIPXCP_CONTEXT contextp, BOOL Disable) { PCHAR Transport = "\\Device\\NwLnkNb";
EnableDisableTransport(Transport, Disable, &contextp->NwLnkNbPreviouslyEnabled); }
VOID EnableDisableTransport( IN PCHAR Transport, BOOL Disable, BOOL *Previous
) { NTSTATUS Status; UNICODE_STRING TransportName; ANSI_STRING ATransportName; HANDLE BrowserHandle; PLMDR_REQUEST_PACKET RequestPacket = NULL;
RtlInitString(&ATransportName, Transport);
if ( RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString(&TransportName, &ATransportName, TRUE) != STATUS_SUCCESS ) { return; }
RequestPacket = (PLMDR_REQUEST_PACKET)LocalAlloc(0, sizeof(LMDR_REQUEST_PACKET) + TransportName.MaximumLength);
if (RequestPacket == NULL) { RtlFreeUnicodeString(&TransportName); return; }
RequestPacket->TransportName.Buffer = (PWSTR)((PCHAR)RequestPacket + sizeof(LMDR_REQUEST_PACKET) );
RequestPacket->TransportName.MaximumLength = TransportName.MaximumLength;
RtlCopyUnicodeString(&RequestPacket->TransportName, &TransportName);
Status = OpenBrowser(&BrowserHandle);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { SS_PRINT(("EnableDisableTransport: Failed to open browser, status %x\n", Status)); LocalFree(RequestPacket); RtlFreeUnicodeString(&TransportName); return; }
SS_PRINT(("EnableDisableTransport: Browser opened succesfully!\n")); RequestPacket->Version = LMDR_REQUEST_PACKET_VERSION;
if(Disable) { // request to disable
RequestPacket->Parameters.EnableDisableTransport.EnableTransport = FALSE; } else { // request to restore
RequestPacket->Parameters.EnableDisableTransport.EnableTransport = *Previous; }
// IOCTl the Browser
Status = BrDgReceiverIoControl(BrowserHandle, IOCTL_LMDR_ENABLE_DISABLE_TRANSPORT, RequestPacket, sizeof(LMDR_REQUEST_PACKET)+TransportName.MaximumLength, RequestPacket, sizeof(LMDR_REQUEST_PACKET)+TransportName.MaximumLength, NULL);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { SS_PRINT(("EnableDisableTransport: Failed to IOCtl browser, status %x\n", Status));
RtlFreeUnicodeString(&TransportName); CloseHandle(BrowserHandle); LocalFree(RequestPacket); return; }
SS_PRINT(("Browser IOCTled Ok, EnableTransport %x PreviouslyEnabled %x\n", RequestPacket->Parameters.EnableDisableTransport.EnableTransport, RequestPacket->Parameters.EnableDisableTransport.PreviouslyEnabled));
// save the previous if disable requested
if(Disable) { *Previous = RequestPacket->Parameters.EnableDisableTransport.PreviouslyEnabled; }
RtlFreeUnicodeString(&TransportName); CloseHandle(BrowserHandle); LocalFree(RequestPacket); }
NTSTATUS OpenBrowser( OUT PHANDLE BrowserHandle ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function opens a handle to the bowser device driver.
OUT PHANDLE BrowserHandle - Returns the handle to the browser.
Return Value:
Succes or reason for failure.
--*/ { NTSTATUS ntstatus;
// Open the redirector device.
RtlInitUnicodeString(&DeviceName, DD_BROWSER_DEVICE_NAME_U);
InitializeObjectAttributes( &ObjectAttributes, &DeviceName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL );
if (NT_SUCCESS(ntstatus)) { ntstatus = IoStatusBlock.Status; }
return ntstatus;
NTSTATUS BrDgReceiverIoControl( IN HANDLE FileHandle, IN ULONG DgReceiverControlCode, IN PLMDR_REQUEST_PACKET Drp, IN ULONG DrpSize, IN PVOID SecondBuffer OPTIONAL, IN ULONG SecondBufferLength, OUT PULONG Information OPTIONAL ) /*++
Routine Description:
FileHandle - Supplies a handle to the file or device on which the service is being performed.
DgReceiverControlCode - Supplies the NtDeviceIoControlFile function code given to the datagram receiver.
Drp - Supplies the datagram receiver request packet.
DrpSize - Supplies the length of the datagram receiver request packet.
SecondBuffer - Supplies the second buffer in call to NtDeviceIoControlFile.
SecondBufferLength - Supplies the length of the second buffer.
Information - Returns the information field of the I/O status block.
Return Value:
Success or reason for failure.
{ NTSTATUS ntstatus; IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock; HANDLE CompletionEvent;
SS_PRINT(("TransportName.MaximumLength %d\n", Drp->TransportName.MaximumLength));
CompletionEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
if (CompletionEvent == NULL) {
return(GetLastError()); } //
// Send the request to the Datagram Receiver DD.
ntstatus = NtDeviceIoControlFile( FileHandle, CompletionEvent, NULL, NULL, &IoStatusBlock, DgReceiverControlCode, Drp, DrpSize, Drp, DrpSize );
if (NT_SUCCESS(ntstatus)) {
// If pending was returned, then wait until the request completes.
if (ntstatus == STATUS_PENDING) {
do { ntstatus = WaitForSingleObjectEx(CompletionEvent, 0xffffffff, TRUE); } while ( ntstatus == WAIT_IO_COMPLETION ); }
if (NT_SUCCESS(ntstatus)) { ntstatus = IoStatusBlock.Status; } }
return (ntstatus); }