Copyright (C) 1994-98 Microsft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Module Name:
This file contains helper routines to get the callerid/calledid and connect response.
Rao salapaka (raos) 23-Feb-1998
Revision History:
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <tapi.h>
#include <rasman.h>
#include <raserror.h>
#include <mprlog.h>
#include <rtutils.h>
#include <media.h>
#include <device.h>
#include <rasmxs.h>
#include <isdn.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "rastapi.h"
#include "reghelp.h"
#include <unimodem.h>
Routine Description:
Extract CallerID and CalledID information if available.
port - The tapi port on which the call was made / on which the call came in
pLineCallInfo - the LINECALLINFO associated with this call
pdwRequiredSize - pointer to buffer to receive the size of buffer required to hold the callerid and called id info.
pConnectInfo - pointer to the RASTAPI_CONNECT_INFO struct where the information about the callerid and called id will be filledin. If this is not NULL then it is assumed that the buffer is big enough to store the callerid and called id iformation.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful
DWORD DwGetIDInformation( TapiPortControlBlock *port, LINECALLINFO *pLineCallInfo, DWORD *pdwRequiredSize, RASTAPI_CONNECT_INFO *pConnectInfo ) {
DWORD dwRequiredSize = 0; DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS;
#if DBG
RasTapiTrace ("RasTapiCallback: connected on %s", port->TPCB_Name );
RasTapiTrace("RasTapiCallback: CallerIDFlags=0x%x", pLineCallInfo->dwCallerIDFlags);
RasTapiTrace("RasTapiCallback: CalledIDFlags=0x%x", pLineCallInfo->dwCalledIDFlags);
RasTapiTrace("RasTapiCallback: dwNeededSize=%d", pLineCallInfo->dwNeededSize);
RasTapiTrace("RasTapiCallback: dwUsedSize=%d", pLineCallInfo->dwUsedSize);
RasTapiTrace("RasTapiCallback: dwCallerIDOffset=%d", pLineCallInfo->dwCallerIDOffset);
RasTapiTrace("RasTapiCallback: dwCalledIdOffset=%d", pLineCallInfo->dwCalledIDOffset);
RasTapiTrace("RasTapiCallback: dwCallerIdSize=%d", pLineCallInfo->dwCallerIDSize);
RasTapiTrace("RasTapiCallback: dwCalledIdSize=%d", pLineCallInfo->dwCalledIDSize);
RasTapiTrace("RasTapiCallback: dwCallerIdNameSize=%d", pLineCallInfo->dwCallerIDNameSize);
RasTapiTrace("RasTapiCallback: dwCallerIdNameOffset=%d", pLineCallInfo->dwCallerIDNameOffset); #endif
// Find the size of the buffer to allocate
if(pLineCallInfo->dwCallerIDFlags & LINECALLPARTYID_ADDRESS) { //
// Add one byte to allocate for NULL char
dwRequiredSize += RASMAN_ALIGN8(pLineCallInfo->dwCallerIDSize + 1); }
if(pLineCallInfo->dwCalledIDFlags & LINECALLPARTYID_ADDRESS) { //
// Add one byte to allocate for NULL char
dwRequiredSize += RASMAN_ALIGN8(pLineCallInfo->dwCalledIDSize + 1); }
if( (NULL == pConnectInfo) || (0 == dwRequiredSize)) { goto done; }
// If pConnectInfo is != NULL it is assumed
// that the buffer is large enough to put
// the CALLER/CALLED ID information in it.
if( ( pLineCallInfo->dwCallerIDFlags & LINECALLPARTYID_ADDRESS ) && pLineCallInfo->dwCallerIDSize) {
// Copy the caller id information. Note that abdata
// is already aligned at 8byte boundary
pConnectInfo->dwCallerIdSize = pLineCallInfo->dwCallerIDSize;
pConnectInfo->dwCallerIdOffset = FIELD_OFFSET(RASTAPI_CONNECT_INFO, abdata);
ZeroMemory( pConnectInfo->abdata, pLineCallInfo->dwCallerIDSize + 1);
memcpy( pConnectInfo->abdata,
(PBYTE) ((PBYTE) pLineCallInfo + pLineCallInfo->dwCallerIDOffset),
RasTapiTrace("GetIDInformation: CallerID=%s", (CHAR *) pConnectInfo->abdata);
// for the NULL char
pConnectInfo->dwCallerIdSize += 1; } else { RasTapiTrace("RasTapiCallback: caller id " "info. not avail");
if( ( pLineCallInfo->dwCalledIDFlags & LINECALLPARTYID_ADDRESS) && pLineCallInfo->dwCalledIDSize) { //
// Copy the called id information
pConnectInfo->dwCalledIdSize = pLineCallInfo->dwCalledIDSize;
pConnectInfo->dwCalledIdOffset = FIELD_OFFSET(RASTAPI_CONNECT_INFO, abdata) + RASMAN_ALIGN8(pConnectInfo->dwCallerIdSize);
ZeroMemory((PBYTE) ((PBYTE) pConnectInfo + pConnectInfo->dwCalledIdOffset), pLineCallInfo->dwCalledIDSize + 1);
memcpy( (PBYTE) ((PBYTE) pConnectInfo + pConnectInfo->dwCalledIdOffset),
(PBYTE) ((PBYTE) pLineCallInfo + pLineCallInfo->dwCalledIDOffset),
// For the calledID
pConnectInfo->dwCalledIdSize += 1; } else { RasTapiTrace("RasTapiCallback: called id " "info. not avail"); }
if(pdwRequiredSize) { *pdwRequiredSize = dwRequiredSize; }
RasTapiTrace("DwGetIDInformation. %d", dwErr);
return dwErr; }
Routine Description:
Extract the connect responses from lpLineDiagnostics(see MODEM_KEYTYPE_AT_COMMAND_RESPONSE,MODEMDIAGKEY_ATRESP_CONNECT) and copy them in lpBuffer
lpLineDiagnostics - diagnostic structure
lpBuffer - destination buffer (can be NULL), upon return contains null terminated ASCII strings
dwBufferSize - size in bytes of the buffer pointed by lpBuffer
lpdwNeededSize - pointer (can be NULL) to a dword to receive the needed size
Return Value:
Returns the number of bytes copied into lpBuffer
--*/ DWORD DwGetConnectResponses( LINEDIAGNOSTICS *lpLineDiagnostics, LPBYTE lpBuffer, DWORD dwBufferSize, LPDWORD lpdwNeededSize ) { DWORD dwBytesCopied;
DWORD dwNeededSize;
LINEDIAGNOSTICS *lpstructDiagnostics;
dwBytesCopied = 0; dwNeededSize = 0;
lpstructDiagnostics = lpLineDiagnostics;
while (NULL != lpstructDiagnostics) { LINEDIAGNOSTICS_PARSEREC *lpParsedDiagnostics;
DWORD dwNumItems;
DWORD dwIndex;
// check the signature for modem diagnostics
lpParsedHeader = PARSEDDIAGNOSTICS_HDR(lpstructDiagnostics);
if ( (lpstructDiagnostics->hdr.dwSig != LDSIG_LINEDIAGNOSTICS)
|| (lpstructDiagnostics->dwDomainID != DOMAINID_MODEM)
|| !IS_VALID_PARSEDDIAGNOSTICS_HDR(lpParsedHeader)) { goto NextStructure; }
// get parsed structure info
lpParsedDiagnostics = PARSEDDIAGNOSTICS_DATA(lpstructDiagnostics);
// iterate the array of LINEDIAGNOSTICS_PARSERECs
for (dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < dwNumItems; dwIndex++) { DWORD dwThisLength;
LPSTR lpszThisString;
// check is a connect response
if ( (lpParsedDiagnostics[dwIndex].dwKeyType != MODEM_KEYTYPE_AT_COMMAND_RESPONSE)
|| (lpParsedDiagnostics[dwIndex].dwKey != MODEMDIAGKEY_ATRESP_CONNECT)
|| !(lpParsedDiagnostics[dwIndex].dwFlags & fPARSEKEYVALUE_ASCIIZ_STRING)) { continue; }
// get the string, dwValue offset from the beginning
// of lpParsedDiagnostics
lpszThisString = (LPSTR) ( (LPBYTE) lpParsedHeader + lpParsedDiagnostics[dwIndex].dwValue);
dwThisLength = strlen(lpszThisString) + 1;
if (dwThisLength == 1) { continue; }
// update needed size
dwNeededSize += dwThisLength;
// copy to buffer, if large enough
if ( NULL != lpBuffer && dwBytesCopied < dwBufferSize - 1) { DWORD dwBytesToCopy;
// dwThisLength includes null char, so
// does dwBytesToCopy
dwBytesToCopy = min(dwThisLength, dwBufferSize - 1 - dwBytesCopied);
if (dwBytesToCopy > 1) { memcpy(lpBuffer + dwBytesCopied, lpszThisString, dwBytesToCopy - 1);
lpBuffer[dwBytesCopied + dwBytesToCopy - 1] = 0;
dwBytesCopied += dwBytesToCopy; } } }
if (lpstructDiagnostics->hdr.dwNextObjectOffset != 0) { lpstructDiagnostics = (LINEDIAGNOSTICS *) (((LPBYTE) lpstructDiagnostics) + lpstructDiagnostics->hdr.dwNextObjectOffset); } else { lpstructDiagnostics = NULL; } }
// the final null only if data is not empty
if (dwNeededSize > 0) { dwNeededSize++;
if ( lpBuffer != NULL && dwBytesCopied < dwBufferSize) { lpBuffer[dwBytesCopied] = 0;
dwBytesCopied++; } }
if (lpdwNeededSize != NULL) { *lpdwNeededSize = dwNeededSize; }
RasTapiTrace("DwGetConnectResponses done");
return dwBytesCopied; }
Routine Description:
Extract the connect response information
pLineCallInfo - the LINECALLINFO associated with this call
hCall - handle to call
pdwRequiredSize - This is in/out parameter. As IN it specifies the size of pBuffer. As OUT it contains the size required to store the connect response.
pBuffer - buffer to receive the connect response. This can be NULL.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful
--*/ DWORD DwGetConnectResponseInformation( LINECALLINFO *pLineCallInfo, HCALL hCall, DWORD *pdwRequiredSize, BYTE *pBuffer ) { LONG lr = ERROR_SUCCESS;
BYTE bvar[100];
LINEDIAGNOSTICS *pLineDiagnostics;
DWORD dwConnectResponseSize = 0;
// Get the diagnostics information
ZeroMemory (pvar, sizeof(*pvar)); pvar->dwTotalSize = sizeof(bvar);
lr = lineGetID( pLineCallInfo->hLine, pLineCallInfo->dwAddressID, hCall, LINECALLSELECT_CALL, pvar, szUMDEVCLASS_TAPI_LINE_DIAGNOSTICS);
if( (LINEERR_STRUCTURETOOSMALL == lr) || pvar->dwNeededSize > sizeof(bvar)) { DWORD dwNeededSize = pvar->dwNeededSize;
// Allocate the required size
pvar = LocalAlloc( LPTR, dwNeededSize);
if(NULL == pvar) { lr = (LONG) GetLastError(); goto done; }
ZeroMemory (pvar, sizeof(*pvar)); pvar->dwTotalSize = dwNeededSize;
lr = lineGetID( pLineCallInfo->hLine, pLineCallInfo->dwAddressID, hCall, LINECALLSELECT_CALL, pvar, szUMDEVCLASS_TAPI_LINE_DIAGNOSTICS);
if(ERROR_SUCCESS != lr) { goto done; } } else if(ERROR_SUCCESS != lr) { goto done; }
pLineDiagnostics = (LINEDIAGNOSTICS *) ((LPBYTE) pvar + pvar->dwStringOffset);
(void) DwGetConnectResponses( pLineDiagnostics, pBuffer, *pdwRequiredSize, &dwConnectResponseSize);
if(bvar != (LPBYTE) pvar) { LocalFree(pvar); }
*pdwRequiredSize = dwConnectResponseSize;
RasTapiTrace("DwGetConnectResponseInformation. 0x%x", lr);
return (DWORD) lr; }
Routine Description:
Extract the connection information. This includes extracing the caller id / called id information and the connect response information for modems.
port - pointer to the rastapi port on which the call came in / was made
hCall - handle to call
pLineCallInfo - pointer to the LINECALLINFO structure associated with this call.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if succcessful
--*/ DWORD DwGetConnectInfo( TapiPortControlBlock *port, HCALL hCall, LINECALLINFO *pLineCallInfo ) { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS;
DWORD dwRequiredSize = 0;
DWORD dwConnectResponseSize = 0;
// Get the size required to store the
// caller/called id information
dwErr = DwGetIDInformation(port, pLineCallInfo, &dwRequiredSize, NULL);
if(ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr) { goto done; }
RasTapiTrace("SizeRequired for CallID=%d", dwRequiredSize);
if(0 == _stricmp(port->TPCB_DeviceType, "modem")) { //
// Get the size required to store connect
// response if this is a modem
dwErr = DwGetConnectResponseInformation( pLineCallInfo, hCall, &dwConnectResponseSize, NULL);
if(NO_ERROR != dwErr) { goto done; }
RasTapiTrace("SizeRequired for ConnectResponse=%d", dwConnectResponseSize); }
if(0 == (dwRequiredSize + dwConnectResponseSize)) { //
// None of the information is available.
// bail.
RasTapiTrace("CallIDSize=ConnectResponseSize=0"); goto done; }
dwRequiredSize += ( RASMAN_ALIGN8(dwConnectResponseSize) + sizeof(RASTAPI_CONNECT_INFO));
// Allocate the buffer
pConnectInfo = (RASTAPI_CONNECT_INFO *) LocalAlloc( LPTR, dwRequiredSize);
if(NULL == pConnectInfo) { dwErr = GetLastError(); goto done; }
// Get the actual information
dwErr = DwGetIDInformation( port, pLineCallInfo, NULL, pConnectInfo);
if(NO_ERROR != dwErr) { goto done; }
// Get Connect response if its a modem
if(0 == _stricmp(port->TPCB_DeviceType, "modem")) {
pConnectInfo->dwConnectResponseOffset = FIELD_OFFSET(RASTAPI_CONNECT_INFO, abdata) + RASMAN_ALIGN8(pConnectInfo->dwCallerIdSize) + RASMAN_ALIGN8(pConnectInfo->dwCalledIdSize);
pConnectInfo->dwConnectResponseSize = dwConnectResponseSize;
dwErr = DwGetConnectResponseInformation( pLineCallInfo, hCall, &dwConnectResponseSize, (PBYTE) ((PBYTE) pConnectInfo + pConnectInfo->dwConnectResponseOffset));
if(ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr) { goto done; } }
port->TPCB_pConnectInfo = pConnectInfo;
if( NO_ERROR != dwErr && NULL != pConnectInfo) { LocalFree(pConnectInfo); }
RasTapiTrace("DwGetConnectInfo. 0x%x", dwErr);
return dwErr;