Copyright (C) 1992-98 Microsft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Module Name:
This file contains init code for TAPI.DLL
Gurdeep Singh Pall (gurdeep) 06-Jun-1997
Revision History:
Miscellaneous Modifications - raos 31-Dec-1997
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <tapi.h>
#include <rasman.h>
#include <raserror.h>
#include <mprlog.h>
#include <rtutils.h>
#include <media.h>
#include <device.h>
#include <rasmxs.h>
#include <isdn.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "rastapi.h"
#include "reghelp.h"
#include <ntddndis.h> //for NDIS_WAN_MEDIUM_SUBTYPE
#include <strsafe.h>
#define NUMBUFFERS 10
VOID MapNdiswanDTtoRasDT(DeviceInfo *pDeviceInfo, NDIS_WAN_MEDIUM_SUBTYPE eMediaType); HLINEAPP RasLine = 0 ; HINSTANCE RasInstance = 0 ; TapiLineInfo *RasTapiLineInfoList = NULL; DWORD TotalLines = 0 ; DWORD TotalPorts ; TapiPortControlBlock *RasPortsList = NULL; TapiPortControlBlock *RasPortsEnd ; HANDLE RasTapiMutex ; BOOL Initialized = FALSE ; DWORD TapiThreadId ; HANDLE TapiThreadHandle; // DWORD LoaderThreadId;
DWORD ValidPorts = 0; DWORD NumberOfRings = 2 ;
pDeviceInfo g_pDeviceInfoList = NULL;
LIST_ENTRY ZombieCallList;
DWORD dwTraceId;
extern BOOL g_fDllLoaded;
TapiLineInfo *FindLineByHandle (HLINE) ;
TapiPortControlBlock *FindPortByRequestId (DWORD) ;
TapiPortControlBlock *FindPortByAddressId (TapiLineInfo *, DWORD) ;
TapiPortControlBlock *FindPortByAddress (CHAR *) ;
TapiPortControlBlock *FindPortByCallHandle( TapiLineInfo *line, HCALL callhandle);
TapiPortControlBlock *FindListeningPort(TapiLineInfo *line, DWORD AddressID);
DWORD InitiatePortDisconnection (TapiPortControlBlock *hIOPort) ;
TapiPortControlBlock *FindPortByAddressAndName (CHAR *address, CHAR *name) ;
Routine Description:
Formatting string,...
Return Value:
void. --*/
VOID RasTapiTrace( CHAR * Format, ... ) { va_list arglist;
va_start(arglist, Format);
TraceVprintfEx(dwTraceId, 0x00010000 | TRACE_USE_MASK | TRACE_USE_MSEC, Format, arglist);
va_end(arglist); }
Routine Description:
Initialize the RasPorts List
Return Value:
DWORD InitializeRasPorts() {
RasPortsList = NULL;
return 0;
Routine Description:
Gets Next available port from the list of port control blocks. Allocates a block if no block is available.
pfNewBlock -address of bool which received if a new block was created
Return Value:
Pointer to the newly created block. NULL is returned in case of failures.
TapiPortControlBlock * GetNextAvailablePort( BOOL *pfNewBlock ) {
// Run down the global list looking for an
// unused block. If no such block is found
// allocate a new block.
TapiPortControlBlock *ptpcb = RasPortsList;
while ( NULL != ptpcb ) { if ( PS_UNINITIALIZED == ptpcb->TPCB_State ) break;
ptpcb = ptpcb->TPCB_next; }
if ( NULL != ptpcb ) { *pfNewBlock = FALSE; goto done; }
ptpcb = LocalAlloc ( LPTR, sizeof ( TapiPortControlBlock ) );
if ( NULL == ptpcb ) goto done;
*pfNewBlock = TRUE;
// insert the new block in the global list
ptpcb->TPCB_next = RasPortsList; RasPortsList = ptpcb;
done: return ptpcb;
#if 0
DWORD dwGetNextInstanceNumber(CHAR *pszMediaName, DWORD *pdwExclusiveDialIn, DWORD *pdwExclusiveDialOut, DWORD *pdwExclusiveRouter, BOOL *pfIn) { DWORD dwCount; DWORD dwInstanceNum = 0; DWORD dwTemp; TapiPortControlBlock *ptpcb = RasPortsList;
*pdwExclusiveDialIn = 0; *pdwExclusiveDialOut = 0; *pdwExclusiveRouter = 0; *pfIn = FALSE;
while ( ptpcb ) { if ( PS_UNINITIALIZED != ptpcb->TPCB_State && ptpcb->TPCB_Name[0] != '\0' && strstr( ptpcb->TPCB_Name, pszMediaName )) { dwTemp = atoi(ptpcb->TPCB_Name + strlen(pszMediaName) + 1);
if (dwTemp > dwInstanceNum) { dwInstanceNum = dwTemp; } if (CALL_IN == ptpcb->TPCB_Usage) { *pdwExclusiveDialIn += 1; } else if (CALL_OUT == ptpcb->TPCB_Usage) { *pdwExclusiveDialOut += 1; } else if (CALL_ROUTER == ptpcb->TPCB_Usage) { *pdwExclusiveRouter += 1; } }
if ( CALL_IN & ptpcb->TPCB_Usage) { *pfIn = TRUE; }
ptpcb = ptpcb->TPCB_next; }
return dwInstanceNum + 1; } #endif
Routine Description:
Gets the Guid of the adapter identified by the dwID parameter. Also returns the media type of the device in szMediaType parameter.
pbyte - buffer to receive the Guid
dwID - line Id of the device
dwAddressID - Address Id of the device
szMediaType - buffer to receive the media type
Return Value:
return codes from tapi calls. SUCCESS is returned if there are no failures. --*/
DWORD dwGetLineAddress( DWORD dwNegotiatedApiVersion, DWORD dwNegotiatedExtVersion, LPBYTE pbyte, DWORD dwID, DWORD dwAddressID, CHAR* szMediaType, PNDIS_WAN_MEDIUM_SUBTYPE peMedia) { DWORD dwRetCode; HLINE hLine = 0; LINECALLPARAMS lineparams; BYTE *bvar[100]; LPVARSTRING pvar;
// Open the line
if ( dwRetCode = lineOpen ( RasLine, dwID, &hLine, dwNegotiatedApiVersion, dwNegotiatedExtVersion, 0, LINECALLPRIVILEGE_NONE, LINEMEDIAMODE_UNKNOWN, &lineparams)) { RasTapiTrace("dwGetLineAddress: lineOpen failed. " "0x%x", dwRetCode ); goto done; }
pvar = (VARSTRING *) bvar; pvar->dwTotalSize = sizeof (bvar);
// Get the Guid for this line from TAPI
if ( dwRetCode = lineGetID ( hLine, dwAddressID, 0, LINECALLSELECT_LINE, pvar, "LineGuid")) { RasTapiTrace("dwGetLineAddress: lineGetID LineGuid " "failed. 0x%x", dwRetCode ); goto done; }
lineClose (hLine);
hLine = 0;
if ( 0 != pvar->dwStringSize && 1 != pvar->dwStringSize) { DWORD Index; PUCHAR MediaTypes[] = { "GENERIC", "X25", "ISDN", "SERIAL", "FRAMERELAY", "ATM", "SONET", "SW56", "VPN", "VPN", "IRDA", "PARALLEL", "PPPoE" };
// Copy the GUID
memcpy ( pbyte, (PBYTE) (((PBYTE) pvar) + pvar->dwStringOffset), sizeof (GUID) );
memcpy ((PBYTE)&Index, (PBYTE) (((PBYTE) pvar) + pvar->dwStringOffset + sizeof (GUID)), sizeof(DWORD));
if (Index > 12) { Index = 0; }
// Copy the media name
strcpy (szMediaType, MediaTypes[Index]);
if(peMedia) { *peMedia = (NDIS_WAN_MEDIUM_SUBTYPE) Index; } } else { ASSERT(FALSE);
dwRetCode = E_FAIL; RasTapiTrace( "dwGetLineAddress: pvar->dwStringSize != 0,1" " returning 0x%x", dwRetCode); }
if (hLine) { lineClose (hLine); }
RasTapiTrace("dwGetLineAddress: done. 0x%x", dwRetCode );
RasTapiTrace(" ");
return dwRetCode; }
Routine Description:
DLL Main routine for rastapi dll.
hInst - instance handle of the dll
Return Value:
returns 1 if successfule. 0 otherwise.
BOOL InitRasTapi ( HANDLE hInst, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved) { static BOOLEAN DllInitialized = FALSE ;
switch (dwReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH:
if (RasPortsList != NULL) { return 1 ; }
RasInstance = hInst ;
// Register for tracing
dwTraceId = TraceRegister("RASTAPI");
#if DBG
if(dwTraceId == (DWORD) -1) { DbgPrint("RASTAPI: TraceRegister Failed\n"); } else { DbgPrint("RASTAPI: TraceId = %d\n", dwTraceId); } #endif
// initialize RasPorts
if (InitializeRasPorts()) { return 0; }
if ((RasTapiMutex = CreateMutex (NULL, FALSE, NULL)) == NULL) { return 0 ; }
DllInitialized = TRUE ; break ;
// If DLL did not successfully initialize for
// this process
// dont try to clean up
if ( !DllInitialized || !g_fDllLoaded) { break ; }
if (RasLine) { lineShutdown (RasLine) ; RasLine = 0; }
TraceDeregister( dwTraceId );
g_fDllLoaded = FALSE;
PostThreadMessage (TapiThreadId, WM_QUIT, 0, 0) ;
if(NULL != TapiThreadHandle) { CloseHandle(TapiThreadHandle); TapiThreadHandle = NULL; } break ;
case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: break;
case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: break; }
return 1 ; }
Routine Description:
Gets the device information associated with the Guid passed in if the device is not a modem. Gets the information about modem if the the address passed in is the device name of a modem.
pbAddress - Guid of the device if fModem is FALSE or Device Name of a modem if fModem is TRUE.
Return Value:
Pointer to a DeviceInfo structure if the info was found. NULL otherwise.
DeviceInfo * GetDeviceInfo( PBYTE pbAddress, BOOL fModem) { DeviceInfo *pDeviceInfo = g_pDeviceInfoList;
while ( pDeviceInfo ) { if( fModem && !_stricmp( (CHAR *) pbAddress, pDeviceInfo->rdiDeviceInfo.szDeviceName)) { break; } else if( !fModem && 0 == memcmp(pbAddress, &pDeviceInfo->rdiDeviceInfo.guidDevice, sizeof (GUID))) { break; }
pDeviceInfo = pDeviceInfo->Next; }
return pDeviceInfo; }
Routine Description:
Trace the information in the Device Info block.
Return Value:
void --*/
VOID TraceEndPointInfo(DeviceInfo *pInfo) { if('\0' != pInfo->rdiDeviceInfo.szDeviceName[0]) { RasTapiTrace("------DeviceInfo for %s--------", pInfo->rdiDeviceInfo.szDeviceName); } else { RasTapiTrace("------DeviceInfo for Unknown----"); }
RasTapiTrace(" ");
RasTapiTrace("WanEndPoints =%d", pInfo->rdiDeviceInfo.dwNumEndPoints);
RasTapiTrace("RasEnabled =%d", (DWORD) pInfo->rdiDeviceInfo.fRasEnabled);
RasTapiTrace("RasEnabledRouter =%d", (DWORD) pInfo->rdiDeviceInfo.fRouterEnabled);
RasTapiTrace("MinWanEndPoints =0x%x", pInfo->rdiDeviceInfo.dwMinWanEndPoints);
RasTapiTrace("MaxWanEndPoints =0x%x", pInfo->rdiDeviceInfo.dwMaxWanEndPoints);
RasTapiTrace(" "); RasTapiTrace("------------------------------------");
Routine Description:
Gets the Device information of the device represented by the Guid. Depending on the flags passed reads the information from registry. Uses the functions in reghelp.lib
ppDeviceInfo - Address to receive the DeviceInfo structure.
pbAddress - Guid of the device.
fForceRead - if TRUE the information is read from the registry. If FALSE only cached information is searched for the information on this device.
Return Value:
void --*/
DWORD GetEndPointInfo(DeviceInfo **ppDeviceInfo, PBYTE pbAddress, BOOL fForceRead, NDIS_WAN_MEDIUM_SUBTYPE eMediaType) { DeviceInfo *pDeviceInfo = g_pDeviceInfoList; DWORD retcode = SUCCESS; DeviceInfo *pdi;
// Run through the device info list to see if we already
// have the device
if ( !fForceRead && ( pDeviceInfo = GetDeviceInfo(pbAddress, FALSE) )) { RasTapiTrace("GetEndPointInfo: Device already present"); goto done; }
pDeviceInfo = LocalAlloc ( LPTR, sizeof ( DeviceInfo ) );
if ( NULL == pDeviceInfo ) { retcode = GetLastError();
RasTapiTrace("GetEndPointInfo: Failed to alloc. %d", retcode ); goto done; }
MapNdiswanDTtoRasDT(pDeviceInfo, eMediaType);
retcode = DwGetEndPointInfo( pDeviceInfo, pbAddress ); if ( retcode ) { RasTapiTrace("GetEndPpointInfo: DwGetEndPointInfo " "failed. 0x%x", retcode ); goto done; }
pDeviceInfo->fValid = TRUE;
// Run through our device list and check to see if
// we already have a device with the same name. If
// we do then append the instance number of the
// device with the device name
pdi = g_pDeviceInfoList;
while(pdi) { if(!_stricmp( pdi->rdiDeviceInfo.szDeviceName, pDeviceInfo->rdiDeviceInfo.szDeviceName)) { RasTapiTrace( "GetEndPointInfo: found another" " device with the same name %s", pDeviceInfo->rdiDeviceInfo.szDeviceName);
break; }
pdi = pdi->Next; }
if(NULL != pdi) { CHAR szDeviceInstance[40]; WCHAR wszDeviceInstance[40]; sprintf(szDeviceInstance, " (%d)", pDeviceInfo->dwInstanceNumber);
(VOID) StringCchPrintfA( szDeviceInstance, 40, " (%d)", pDeviceInfo->dwInstanceNumber);
(VOID) StringCchPrintfW( wszDeviceInstance, 40, L" (%d)", pDeviceInfo->dwInstanceNumber);
retcode = StringCchCatA( pDeviceInfo->rdiDeviceInfo.szDeviceName, MAX_DEVICE_NAME + 1, szDeviceInstance);
if(SUCCESS != retcode) { goto done; }
retcode = StringCchCatW( pDeviceInfo->rdiDeviceInfo.wszDeviceName, MAX_DEVICE_NAME + 1, wszDeviceInstance);
if(SUCCESS != retcode) { goto done; } RasTapiTrace("New DeviceName=%s", pDeviceInfo->rdiDeviceInfo.szDeviceName);
RasTapiTrace("New WDeviceName=%ws", pDeviceInfo->rdiDeviceInfo.wszDeviceName); } //
// Insert the DeviceInfo at the head of the
// global list
if ( !fForceRead ) { pDeviceInfo->Next = g_pDeviceInfoList; g_pDeviceInfoList = pDeviceInfo;
// Trace all this information for this adapter
TraceEndPointInfo(pDeviceInfo); }
if( (SUCCESS != retcode) && (NULL != pDeviceInfo)) { LocalFree(pDeviceInfo); pDeviceInfo = NULL; }
*ppDeviceInfo = pDeviceInfo;
return retcode;
Routine Description:
This routine maps the devicetypes declared in the NDIS_WAN_MEDIUM_SUBTYPE enum in ntddndis.h to the RASDEVICETYPE enum declared in rasman.h. This mapping is done to enable flexibility at the ras layer to further categorize the device type into paricular classes.
pDeviceInfo - address of the DeviceInfo structure containing the informatio pertaining to the device.
eMediaType - Device type as defined in ndis for this device.
Return Value:
--*/ VOID MapNdiswanDTtoRasDT(DeviceInfo *pDeviceInfo, NDIS_WAN_MEDIUM_SUBTYPE eMediaType) { RASDEVICETYPE rdt = 0;
switch (eMediaType) { case NdisWanMediumHub: { rdt = RDT_Other; break; }
case NdisWanMediumX_25: { rdt = RDT_X25; break; }
case NdisWanMediumIsdn: { rdt = RDT_Isdn; break; }
case NdisWanMediumSerial: { rdt = RDT_Serial; break; }
case NdisWanMediumFrameRelay: { rdt = RDT_FrameRelay; break; }
case NdisWanMediumAtm: { rdt = RDT_Atm; break; }
case NdisWanMediumSonet: { rdt = RDT_Sonet; break; }
case NdisWanMediumSW56K: { rdt = RDT_Sw56; break; }
case NdisWanMediumPPTP: { rdt = RDT_Tunnel_Pptp | RDT_Tunnel; break; }
case NdisWanMediumL2TP: { rdt = RDT_Tunnel_L2tp | RDT_Tunnel; break; }
case NdisWanMediumIrda: { rdt = RDT_Irda | RDT_Direct; break; }
case NdisWanMediumParallel: { rdt = RDT_Parallel | RDT_Direct; break; }
case NdisWanMediumPppoe: { rdt = RDT_PPPoE | RDT_Broadband; break; }
default: { rdt = RDT_Other; break; } } // switch
pDeviceInfo->rdiDeviceInfo.eDeviceType = rdt; }
Routine Description:
Checks if a port identified by the line/Address/Call is already configured.
dwLineId - lineID
dwAddressID - AddressID
dwCallID - CallID
ppLine - address to receive the TapiLineInfo to which this address/call belongs.
Return Value:
void --*/ BOOL fIsPortAlreadyPresent( DWORD dwlineId, DWORD dwAddressId, DWORD dwCallId, TapiLineInfo** ppLine) { TapiPortControlBlock *ptpcb = RasPortsList; BOOL fPortPresent = FALSE;
while(ptpcb) { if(dwlineId == ptpcb->TPCB_Line->TLI_LineId) { *ppLine = ptpcb->TPCB_Line;
if( PS_UNINITIALIZED != ptpcb->TPCB_State && dwCallId == ptpcb->TPCB_CallId && dwAddressId == ptpcb->TPCB_AddressId && PS_UNAVAILABLE != ptpcb->TPCB_State && (0 == (ptpcb->TPCB_dwFlags & RASTAPI_FLAG_UNAVAILABLE))) { fPortPresent = TRUE; break; } }
ptpcb = ptpcb->TPCB_next; }
return fPortPresent; }
DWORD DwLineGetDevCaps(DWORD lineId, DWORD NegotiatedApiVersion, DWORD NegotiatedExtVersion, DWORD dwSize, BYTE *pBuffer, BYTE **ppBuffer, BOOL fUnicode) { DWORD retcode = SUCCESS;
ZeroMemory(pBuffer, dwSize);
*ppBuffer = pBuffer;
pLineDevCaps = (LINEDEVCAPS *) pBuffer; pLineDevCaps->dwTotalSize = dwSize;
if(!fUnicode) { retcode = (DWORD)lineGetDevCaps ( RasLine, lineId, NegotiatedApiVersion, NegotiatedExtVersion, pLineDevCaps); } else { retcode = (DWORD)lineGetDevCapsW( RasLine, lineId, NegotiatedApiVersion, NegotiatedExtVersion, pLineDevCaps); }
if( (LINEERR_STRUCTURETOOSMALL == retcode) || (pLineDevCaps->dwNeededSize > dwSize)) { DWORD dwNeededSize = pLineDevCaps->dwNeededSize;
if(0 == dwNeededSize) { RasTapiTrace("DwLineGetDevCaps: dwNeededSize == 0!!"); goto done; }
*ppBuffer = LocalAlloc(LPTR, pLineDevCaps->dwNeededSize);
if(NULL == *ppBuffer) { retcode = GetLastError(); } else { pLineDevCaps = (LINEDEVCAPS *) *ppBuffer;
pLineDevCaps->dwTotalSize = dwNeededSize;
if(!fUnicode) { retcode = (DWORD)lineGetDevCaps( RasLine, lineId, NegotiatedApiVersion, NegotiatedExtVersion, pLineDevCaps); } else { retcode = (DWORD)lineGetDevCapsW( RasLine, lineId, NegotiatedApiVersion, NegotiatedExtVersion, pLineDevCaps); } } }
done: return retcode; }
DWORD DwLineGetAddrCaps(DWORD lineId, DWORD addressId, DWORD NegotiatedApiVersion, DWORD NegotiatedExtVersion, DWORD dwSize, BYTE *pBuffer, BYTE **ppBuffer) {
DWORD retcode = SUCCESS;
ZeroMemory(pBuffer, dwSize);
*ppBuffer = pBuffer;
pAddressCaps = (LINEADDRESSCAPS *) pBuffer; pAddressCaps->dwTotalSize = dwSize;
retcode = (DWORD) lineGetAddressCaps ( RasLine, lineId, addressId, NegotiatedApiVersion, NegotiatedExtVersion, pAddressCaps);
if( (LINEERR_STRUCTURETOOSMALL == retcode) || (pAddressCaps->dwNeededSize > dwSize)) { DWORD dwNeededSize = pAddressCaps->dwNeededSize;
if(0 == dwNeededSize) { RasTapiTrace("DwLineGetAddrCaps: NeededSize==0!!"); goto done; }
*ppBuffer = LocalAlloc(LPTR, dwNeededSize); if(NULL == *ppBuffer) { retcode = GetLastError(); } else { pAddressCaps = (LINEADDRESSCAPS *) *ppBuffer;
pAddressCaps->dwTotalSize = dwNeededSize;
retcode = (DWORD) lineGetAddressCaps( RasLine, lineId, addressId, NegotiatedApiVersion, NegotiatedExtVersion, pAddressCaps); } }
done: return retcode; }
Routine Description:
Creates RasTapiPorts given the lineID of the newline. Returns success without creating ports if ports already exist in rastapi corresponding to the line. Iterates over all Addresses on a line and all the calls on an address to create the ports.
dwidDevice - ID of the device
pcNewPorts [out] - address of the number of new ports created. can be NULL.
ppptpcbNewPorts [out] - addressreturns an array of pointers to newly created ports. Cannot be NULL if pcNewPorts is not NULL.
Return Value:
SUCCESS if operation was successful. error otherwise. --*/
// Temp workaround
// Work around the alpha compiler bug.
#ifdef _ALPHA_
#pragma function(strcpy)
DWORD dwCreateTapiPortsPerLine(DWORD dwidDevice, DWORD *pcNewPorts, TapiPortControlBlock ***ppptpcbNewPorts) { WORD i, k ; TapiLineInfo *nextline = NULL; BYTE buffer[800] ; LINEADDRESSCAPS *lineaddrcaps ; LINEDEVCAPS *linedevcaps ; CHAR address[100] ; CHAR devicetype[MAX_DEVICETYPE_NAME] = {0}; DWORD devicetypelength; CHAR devicename[MAX_DEVICE_NAME] = {0}; DWORD devicenamelength; LINEEXTENSIONID extensionid ; DWORD totaladdresses ; DWORD totalports = 0; TapiPortControlBlock *nextport ; MSG msg ; HINSTANCE hInst; TapiPortControlBlock *pports ; LINEINITIALIZEEXPARAMS param ; DWORD version = HIGH_VERSION ; HLINE hLine; VARSTRING *pvar; BYTE bvar[100]; LINECALLPARAMS lineparams; CHAR szMediaName [32] = {0}; DWORD dwPortUsage; DWORD dwEndPoints; DWORD dwRetcode; BOOL fModem = FALSE ; DWORD retcode = SUCCESS; DWORD dwPortIndex; DWORD fCreatedINetCfg = FALSE; CHAR *pszDeviceType; DeviceInfo *pDeviceInfo = NULL; BOOL fRasEnabled; BOOL fRouterEnabled; BOOL fRouterOutboundEnabled = FALSE; DWORD NegotiatedApiVersion, NegotiatedExtVersion; HKEY hkey = NULL; BOOL fCharModeSupported = FALSE; BOOL fIsValid = FALSE; LPBYTE pBuffer = NULL;
RasTapiTrace( "dwCreateTapiPortsPerLine: line %d...", dwidDevice );
nextport = NULL;
if ( pcNewPorts ) { *pcNewPorts = 0; }
i = ( WORD ) dwidDevice;
// for all lines get the addresses -> ports
if ( retcode = ( DWORD ) lineNegotiateAPIVersion ( RasLine, i, LOW_VERSION, HIGH_VERSION, &NegotiatedApiVersion, &extensionid) ) {
RasTapiTrace ( "dwCreateTapiPortsPerLine: " "lineNegotiateAPIVersion() failed. %d", retcode );
goto error ; }
if ( lineNegotiateExtVersion( RasLine, i, NegotiatedApiVersion, LOW_EXT_VERSION, HIGH_EXT_VERSION, &NegotiatedExtVersion)) { NegotiatedExtVersion = 0; }
if( (NULL != pBuffer) && (buffer != pBuffer)) { LocalFree(pBuffer); pBuffer = NULL; }
retcode = DwLineGetDevCaps( i, NegotiatedApiVersion, NegotiatedExtVersion, sizeof(buffer), buffer, &pBuffer, FALSE);
if(SUCCESS != retcode) {
RasTapiTrace("dwCreateTapiPortsPerLine: " "lineGetDevCaps Failed. 0x%x", retcode );
goto error; }
linedevcaps = (LINEDEVCAPS *) pBuffer;
// Figure out if this is a unimodem device or not
if (NegotiatedApiVersion == HIGH_VERSION) { //
// first convert all nulls in the device class
// string to non nulls.
DWORD j ; char *temp ;
for ( j = 0, temp = (CHAR *) linedevcaps+linedevcaps->dwDeviceClassesOffset; j < linedevcaps->dwDeviceClassesSize; j++, temp++)
if (*temp == '\0') *temp = ' ' ;
// flag those devices that have comm/datamodem as a
// device class
if (strstr( (CHAR *)linedevcaps + linedevcaps->dwDeviceClassesOffset, "comm/datamodem") != NULL) { fModem = TRUE ;
RasTapiTrace("dwCreateTapiPortsPerLine: fModem = TRUE");
} }
if (fModem) { CHAR *pszRegKeyPath;
DWORD stringlen = (linedevcaps->dwLineNameSize > MAX_DEVICE_NAME - 1 ? MAX_DEVICE_NAME - 1 : linedevcaps->dwLineNameSize);
strcpy (devicetype, DEVICETYPE_UNIMODEM) ;
strncpy ( devicename, (CHAR *)linedevcaps + linedevcaps->dwLineNameOffset, stringlen) ;
devicename[stringlen] = '\0' ;
// Get the AttachedToValue.
if ( retcode = ( DWORD ) lineOpen ( RasLine, i, &hLine, NegotiatedApiVersion, NegotiatedExtVersion, 0, LINECALLPRIVILEGE_NONE, LINEMEDIAMODE_DATAMODEM, &lineparams)) { RasTapiTrace ("dwCreateTapiPortsPerLine: " "lineOpen(%d) Failed. %d", i, retcode );
goto error; }
pvar = (VARSTRING *) bvar;
pvar->dwTotalSize = sizeof (bvar);
// Find Out the AttachedTo address
if ( retcode = ( DWORD ) lineGetID ( hLine, i, 0, LINECALLSELECT_LINE, pvar, "comm/datamodem/portname")) { lineClose (hLine);
RasTapiTrace("dwCreateTapiPortsPerLine: " "lineGetID(%d) failed. %d", i, retcode ); goto error; }
lineClose (hLine);
if ( 0 != pvar->dwStringSize && 1 != pvar->dwStringSize) { strcpy ( address, (CHAR *) pvar + pvar->dwStringOffset ); } else { RasTapiTrace( "dwCreateTapiPortsPerLine: lineGetID(portname) " "didn't return a portname for line %d", i);
retcode = E_FAIL;
goto error; }
// Create a device info structure for the modem and
// insert it in the deviceinfo list
if(NULL == (pDeviceInfo = GetDeviceInfo((LPBYTE) devicename, TRUE))) { PBYTE pTempBuffer = NULL; PBYTE pcaps = NULL; if(NULL == (pDeviceInfo = (DeviceInfo *) LocalAlloc( LPTR, sizeof(DeviceInfo)))) { retcode = GetLastError();
RasTapiTrace("dwCreateTapiPortsPerLine: Failed" " to alloc. %d", retcode); goto error; }
// Add the device info in the global list maintained
// and fill in available information
pDeviceInfo->Next = g_pDeviceInfoList; g_pDeviceInfoList = pDeviceInfo;
strcpy( pDeviceInfo->rdiDeviceInfo.szDeviceName, devicename);
if(linedevcaps->dwBearerModes & LINEBEARERMODE_DATA) { pDeviceInfo->rdiDeviceInfo.eDeviceType = RDT_Modem | RDT_Direct | RDT_Null_Modem; } else { pDeviceInfo->rdiDeviceInfo.eDeviceType = RDT_Modem; }
// Get the unicode version of the devicename
pTempBuffer = LocalAlloc(LPTR, 800); if(NULL == pTempBuffer) { retcode = GetLastError(); RasTapiTrace("Failed to allocate unicode name"); goto error; } retcode = DwLineGetDevCaps( i, NegotiatedApiVersion, NegotiatedExtVersion, 800, pTempBuffer, &pBuffer, TRUE);
if(ERROR_SUCCESS == retcode) { DWORD strLen = (((LINEDEVCAPS *) pBuffer)->dwLineNameSize > sizeof(WCHAR) * (MAX_DEVICE_NAME - 1) ? sizeof(WCHAR) * (MAX_DEVICE_NAME - 1) : ((LINEDEVCAPS *) pBuffer)->dwLineNameSize);
CopyMemory((PBYTE) pDeviceInfo->rdiDeviceInfo.wszDeviceName, pBuffer + ((LINEDEVCAPS *)pBuffer)->dwLineNameOffset, strLen); pDeviceInfo->rdiDeviceInfo. wszDeviceName[strLen/sizeof(WCHAR)] = L'\0';
RasTapiTrace("ReadModemname=%ws, strlen=%d", pDeviceInfo->rdiDeviceInfo.wszDeviceName, strlen); }
if(NULL != pTempBuffer) { LocalFree(pTempBuffer); }
if((pcaps != pTempBuffer) && (NULL != pcaps)) { LocalFree(pcaps); } }
pDeviceInfo->rdiDeviceInfo.dwNumEndPoints = 1;
pDeviceInfo->dwCurrentDialedInClients = 0;
pDeviceInfo->rdiDeviceInfo.dwMinWanEndPoints = pDeviceInfo->rdiDeviceInfo.dwMaxWanEndPoints = 1;
pDeviceInfo->rdiDeviceInfo.dwTapiLineId = dwidDevice;
pDeviceInfo->fValid = TRUE; pszRegKeyPath = ( CHAR *) linedevcaps + linedevcaps->dwDevSpecificOffset + 8;
if ( retcode = ( DWORD ) RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, pszRegKeyPath, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkey ) ) { RasTapiTrace("dwCreateTapiPortsPerLine: " "failed to open %s. 0x%x", pszRegKeyPath, retcode );
goto error; }
// Per SteveFal, we should not be posting listens on
// devices by default on workstation. The exception
// is for NULL modems because WinCE depends on this.
if(ERROR_SUCCESS != lrGetProductType(&pt)) { RasTapiTrace("Failed to get product type"); }
if( (PT_WORKSTATION == pt) && (0 == (linedevcaps->dwBearerModes & LINEBEARERMODE_DATA))) { //
// On a workstation don't listen on modems unless its a NULL
// modem
fRasEnabled = FALSE; } else { //
// We enable the devices for dial-in for all other cases
// if its a server or if its a NULL modem.
fRasEnabled = TRUE; }
// Check to see if this device is ras enabled
retcode = (DWORD) lrIsModemRasEnabled( hkey, &fRasEnabled, &fRouterEnabled);
pDeviceInfo->rdiDeviceInfo.fRasEnabled = fRasEnabled;
if(!fRasEnabled) { RasTapiTrace( "dwCreateTapiPortsPerLine: device %s is not" "enabled for DialIn", pDeviceInfo->rdiDeviceInfo.szDeviceName); }
// Get the calledid info for this modem
retcode = DwGetCalledIdInfo(NULL, pDeviceInfo);
if(SUCCESS != retcode) { RasTapiTrace("DwGetCalledIdInfo for %s returned 0x%xd", pDeviceInfo->rdiDeviceInfo.szDeviceName, retcode); }
pDeviceInfo->rdiDeviceInfo.fRouterEnabled = fRouterEnabled;
if(!fRouterEnabled) { RasTapiTrace( "dwCreateTapiPortsPerLine: device %s is not" "enabled for routing", pDeviceInfo->rdiDeviceInfo.szDeviceName); }
fRouterOutboundEnabled = pDeviceInfo->rdiDeviceInfo.fRouterOutboundEnabled = FALSE; } else {
// The address that we are returning here is the same
// for all addresses/calls on this line device. We only
// need to get it once.
if (retcode = dwGetLineAddress (NegotiatedApiVersion, NegotiatedExtVersion, (LPBYTE) address, i, 0, szMediaName, &eMediaType)) { RasTapiTrace( "dwCreateTapiPortsPerLine: dwGetLineAddrss Failed. %d", retcode );
goto error; }
// Copy the media name to devicetype
strcpy(devicetype, szMediaName);
// Get the device information from registry and insert the
// device info structure in the global list
if (retcode = GetEndPointInfo( &pDeviceInfo, address, FALSE, eMediaType)) { RasTapiTrace( "dwCreateTapiPortsPerLine: Failed to get " "deviceinformation for %s. %d", szMediaName, retcode );
RasTapiTrace( "dwCreateTapiPortsPerLine: Enumerating all " "lines/addresses on this adapter");
goto error; }
// Fill in the device type for this device
MapNdiswanDTtoRasDT(pDeviceInfo, eMediaType);
// Copy the device name
strcpy(devicename, pDeviceInfo->rdiDeviceInfo.szDeviceName);
pDeviceInfo->rdiDeviceInfo.dwTapiLineId = dwidDevice;
fRasEnabled = pDeviceInfo->rdiDeviceInfo.fRasEnabled;
if (!fRasEnabled) { RasTapiTrace( "dwCreateTapiPortsPerLine: Device " "%s not enabled for DialIn", pDeviceInfo->rdiDeviceInfo.szDeviceName); }
fRouterEnabled = pDeviceInfo->rdiDeviceInfo.fRouterEnabled;
if (!fRouterEnabled) { RasTapiTrace( "dwCreateTapiPortsPerLine: Device %s not enabled " "for Routing", pDeviceInfo->rdiDeviceInfo.szDeviceName); }
fRouterOutboundEnabled = pDeviceInfo->rdiDeviceInfo.fRouterOutboundEnabled; if(!fRouterOutboundEnabled) { RasTapiTrace( "dwCreateTapiPortsPerLine: Device %s not enabled " "for outbound routing", pDeviceInfo->rdiDeviceInfo.szDeviceName); }
// Get Device Specific information. This is used by
// the miniport to indicate if it can support character
// mode
if (linedevcaps->dwDevSpecificSize >= sizeof(RASTAPI_DEV_DATA_MODES)) { PRASTAPI_DEV_DATA_MODES devdatamodes = (PRASTAPI_DEV_DATA_MODES) ((CHAR*)linedevcaps + linedevcaps->dwDevSpecificOffset);
if ( devdatamodes->MagicCookie == MINIPORT_COOKIE && devdatamodes->DataModes & CHAR_MODE) { fCharModeSupported = TRUE; } }
// A legacy device might not be filling this field. If so
// give them a single address on their line.
totaladdresses = (linedevcaps->dwNumAddresses == 0) ? 1 : linedevcaps->dwNumAddresses;
for (k = 0; k < totaladdresses; k++) { if( (NULL != pBuffer) && (buffer != pBuffer)) { LocalFree(pBuffer); pBuffer = NULL; }
retcode = DwLineGetAddrCaps( i, k, NegotiatedApiVersion, NegotiatedExtVersion, sizeof(buffer), buffer, &pBuffer);
if(SUCCESS != retcode) { RasTapiTrace( "dwCreateTapiPortsPerLine: lineGetAddresscaps" " Failed. 0x%x", retcode );
goto error ; }
lineaddrcaps = (LINEADDRESSCAPS *)pBuffer;
// Some of the legacy wan miniports might not be filling
// the NumActiveCalls correctly. They will have at least
// a single call on each address.
totalports += (lineaddrcaps->dwMaxNumActiveCalls == 0) ? 1 : lineaddrcaps->dwMaxNumActiveCalls;
if ( ppptpcbNewPorts ) { *ppptpcbNewPorts = LocalAlloc ( LPTR, totalports * sizeof (TapiPortControlBlock *));
if ( NULL == *ppptpcbNewPorts ) { retcode = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY;
RasTapiTrace( "dwCreateTapiPortsPerLine: LocalAlloc Failed. %d", retcode );
goto error; } }
#if DBG
ASSERT( NULL != pDeviceInfo ); #endif
for (k = 0; k < totaladdresses; k++) { ULONG totalcalls;
if( (NULL != pBuffer) && (buffer != pBuffer)) { LocalFree(pBuffer); pBuffer = NULL; }
retcode = DwLineGetAddrCaps( i, k, NegotiatedApiVersion, NegotiatedExtVersion, sizeof(buffer), buffer, &pBuffer);
if(SUCCESS != retcode) {
RasTapiTrace( "dwCreateTapiPortsPerLine: " "lineGetAddressCaps() Failed." "0x%x", retcode );
goto error ; }
lineaddrcaps = (LINEADDRESSCAPS *) pBuffer;
// Some of the legacy wan miniports might not be filling
// the NumActiveCalls correctly. They will have at least
// a single call on each address.
totalcalls = (lineaddrcaps->dwMaxNumActiveCalls == 0) ? 1 : lineaddrcaps->dwMaxNumActiveCalls;
for ( ; totalcalls ; totalcalls--) { if (!fModem) { if ( pDeviceInfo->dwCurrentEndPoints >= pDeviceInfo->rdiDeviceInfo.dwNumEndPoints ) { RasTapiTrace( "dwCreateTapiPortsPerLine: " "CurrentEndPoints=NumEndPoints=%d", pDeviceInfo->dwCurrentEndPoints );
goto error; }
dwEndPoints = pDeviceInfo->rdiDeviceInfo.dwNumEndPoints;
RasTapiTrace ("dwCreateTapiPortsPerLine: Total = %d", dwEndPoints); } else { retcode = (DWORD) dwGetPortUsage(&dwPortUsage);
if ( retcode ) { RasTapiTrace( "dwCreateTapiPortsPerLine: failed to get " "modem port usage for %s. 0x%x", devicename, retcode ); } else { //
// If not rasenabled mask off the callin/router flags
if(!fRasEnabled) { dwPortUsage &= ~CALL_IN; }
if(!fRouterEnabled) { dwPortUsage &= ~CALL_ROUTER; if(fRouterOutboundEnabled) { dwPortUsage |= CALL_OUTBOUND_ROUTER; } }
RasTapiTrace("dwCreateTapiPortsPerLine: " "PortUsage for %s = %x", devicename, dwPortUsage); } }
// Check to see if we already have this port
// Also get back the information if we already
// have the line.
if(fIsPortAlreadyPresent( i, k, totalcalls - 1, &nextline)) { RasTapiTrace( "dwCreateTapiPortsPerLine: line=%d,address=%d," "call=%d already present", i,k, totalcalls - 1);
pDeviceInfo->dwCurrentEndPoints += 1;
continue; }
if(nextline) { RasTapiTrace( "dwCreateTapiPortsPerLine: line=%d already present", i);
nextline->TLI_MultiEndpoint = TRUE; } else { RasTapiTrace( "dwCreateTapiPortsPerLine: Creating line=%d", i);
nextline = LocalAlloc (LPTR, sizeof ( TapiLineInfo )); if ( NULL == nextline ) { retcode = GetLastError();
RasTapiTrace ( "dwCreateTapiPortsPerLine: Failed to allocate" " nextline. %d", retcode );
goto error; }
// Insert the new Line Block into global list
nextline->TLI_Next = RasTapiLineInfoList; RasTapiLineInfoList = nextline; nextline->TLI_pDeviceInfo = pDeviceInfo; nextline->TLI_LineId = i ; nextline->TLI_LineState = PS_CLOSED ; nextline->NegotiatedApiVersion = NegotiatedApiVersion; nextline->NegotiatedExtVersion = NegotiatedExtVersion; nextline->CharModeSupported = fCharModeSupported; }
// Get a available TPCB from the global pool
// this will expand the global pool if necessary
if (NULL == (nextport = GetNextAvailablePort( &dwPortIndex))) { retcode = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY;
RasTapiTrace ( "dwCreateTapiPortsPerLine: GetNextAvailablePort " "Failed. %d", retcode );
goto error; }
if (ppptpcbNewPorts) { (*ppptpcbNewPorts) [*pcNewPorts] = nextport; *pcNewPorts += 1; fIsValid = TRUE; }
pDeviceInfo->dwCurrentEndPoints += 1;
// nextport is the TPCB for this address
nextport->TPCB_Line = nextline ; nextport->TPCB_Endpoint = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ; nextport->TPCB_AddressId = k; nextport->TPCB_Signature = CONTROLBLOCKSIGNATURE; nextport->TPCB_CallId = totalcalls - 1;
// Copy over the devicetype and devicename
strcpy (nextport->TPCB_DeviceType, devicetype) ;
// For unimodem devices we need to fix up names
if (fModem) { //
// Device Name is of the form "COM1: Hayes"
strcpy (nextport->TPCB_Address, address);
strcpy (nextport->TPCB_DeviceName, devicename) ;
// also fix the port name to be the same as address "COM1"
strcpy (nextport->TPCB_Name, address) ;
} else if(RDT_Parallel == RAS_DEVICE_TYPE( pDeviceInfo->rdiDeviceInfo.eDeviceType )) { BYTE bDevCaps[800]; LINEDEVCAPS *pLineDevCaps = NULL;
retcode = DwLineGetDevCaps( i, NegotiatedApiVersion, NegotiatedExtVersion, sizeof(bDevCaps), bDevCaps, (PBYTE *) &pLineDevCaps, FALSE);
if(SUCCESS != retcode) {
RasTapiTrace("dwCreateTapiPortsPerLine: " "lineGetDevCaps Failed. 0x%x", retcode );
goto error; }
if(pLineDevCaps->dwLineNameSize > 0) { ZeroMemory(nextport->TPCB_Name, MAX_PORT_NAME);
memcpy((PBYTE) nextport->TPCB_Name, (PBYTE) (((PBYTE) pLineDevCaps) + pLineDevCaps->dwLineNameOffset), (pLineDevCaps->dwLineNameSize < MAX_PORT_NAME - 1) ? pLineDevCaps->dwLineNameSize : MAX_PORT_NAME - 1);
RasTapiTrace("dwCreateTapiPortsPerLine: found %s", nextport->TPCB_Name);
} else { RasTapiTrace("dwCreateTapiPortsPerLine: No name found!!");
wsprintf(nextport->TPCB_Name, "%s%d-%d", szMediaName, pDeviceInfo->dwInstanceNumber, pDeviceInfo->dwNextPortNumber);
pDeviceInfo->dwNextPortNumber += 1; }
if(bDevCaps != (PBYTE) pLineDevCaps) { LocalFree(pLineDevCaps); } } else { wsprintf(nextport->TPCB_Name, "%s%d-%d", szMediaName, pDeviceInfo->dwInstanceNumber, pDeviceInfo->dwNextPortNumber);
pDeviceInfo->dwNextPortNumber += 1;
if(!fModem) {
memcpy (nextport->TPCB_Address, address, sizeof (GUID));
if (devicename[0] != '\0') { strcpy (nextport->TPCB_DeviceName, devicename) ; }
retcode = dwGetPortUsage(&dwPortUsage);
if (retcode) { RasTapiTrace ("dwCreateTapiPortsPerLine: " "GetPortUsage failed. %d", retcode ); } else { if(!fRasEnabled) { dwPortUsage &= ~CALL_IN; }
if(!fRouterEnabled) { dwPortUsage &= ~CALL_ROUTER; if(fRouterOutboundEnabled) { dwPortUsage |= CALL_OUTBOUND_ROUTER; } } }
#if 0
// Special Case PPPoE (not really a good thing).
// Mark the device as CALL_OUT_ONLY if nothing
// was specified in registry.
if( (0 == pDeviceInfo->dwUsage) && (RDT_PPPoE == RAS_DEVICE_TYPE( pDeviceInfo->rdiDeviceInfo.eDeviceType))) { pDeviceInfo->dwUsage = CALL_OUT_ONLY; }
if(CALL_IN_ONLY & pDeviceInfo->dwUsage) { dwPortUsage &= ~(CALL_OUT | CALL_OUT_ONLY); dwPortUsage |= CALL_IN_ONLY; } else if (CALL_OUT_ONLY & pDeviceInfo->dwUsage) { dwPortUsage &= ~(CALL_IN | CALL_ROUTER | CALL_IN_ONLY); dwPortUsage |= CALL_OUT_ONLY; } RasTapiTrace ("dwCreateTapiPortsPerLine:" " Friendly Name = %s", nextport->TPCB_Name ); }
nextport->TPCB_State = PS_CLOSED ; nextport->TPCB_Usage = dwPortUsage;
RasTapiTrace ("dwCreateTapiPortsPerLine: " "Port Usage for %s = %d", nextport->TPCB_Name, dwPortUsage );
if('\0' == pDeviceInfo->rdiDeviceInfo.szPortName[0]) { strcpy( pDeviceInfo->rdiDeviceInfo.szPortName, nextport->TPCB_Name); }
// Initialize overlapped structures.
nextport->TPCB_ReadOverlapped.RO_EventType = OVEVT_DEV_ASYNCOP;
nextport->TPCB_WriteOverlapped.RO_EventType = OVEVT_DEV_IGNORED;
nextport->TPCB_DiscOverlapped.RO_EventType = OVEVT_DEV_STATECHANGE; } // total calls
} // total addresses
if( retcode || !fIsValid) { if(pcNewPorts) { *pcNewPorts = 0; }
if( ppptpcbNewPorts && *ppptpcbNewPorts) { LocalFree(*ppptpcbNewPorts); *ppptpcbNewPorts = NULL; } }
if( (NULL != buffer) && (buffer != pBuffer)) { LocalFree(pBuffer); }
RasTapiTrace ("dwGetFriendlyNameAndUsage: done. %d", retcode ); RasTapiTrace(" ");
return retcode; }
Routine Description:
Enumerates all lines available in the system and creates rastapi ports from each of the lines. Most of the work is done by dwCreateTapiPortsPerLine function.
event - Event handle. This handle is signalled when the enumeration is over.
Return Value:
SUCCESS if operation was successful. error otherwise. --*/
DWORD EnumerateTapiPorts (HANDLE event) { WORD i ; DWORD lines = 0 ; MSG msg ; HINSTANCE hInst; TapiPortControlBlock *pports ; LINEINITIALIZEEXPARAMS param ; DWORD version = HIGH_VERSION ; HKEY hkey = NULL; DWORD retcode;
memset (¶m, 0, sizeof (LINEINITIALIZEEXPARAMS)) ;
param.dwOptions = LINEINITIALIZEEXOPTION_USEHIDDENWINDOW ; param.dwTotalSize = sizeof(param) ;
// lineInitialize
if (lineInitializeEx (&RasLine, RasInstance, (LINECALLBACK) RasTapiCallback, REMOTEACCESS_APP, &lines, &version, ¶m)) {
RasTapiTrace( "EnumerateTapiPorts: lineInitializeEx Failed" );
goto error ; }
RasTapiTrace( "EnumerateTapiPorts: Number of lines = %d", lines );
if (lines == 0) { goto error; }
TotalLines = lines;
for ( i = 0; i < lines; i++ ) { dwCreateTapiPortsPerLine( i, NULL, NULL); }
// Calculate the number of valid ports
pports = RasPortsList;
while ( pports ) { if (pports->TPCB_State != PS_UNINITIALIZED) ValidPorts++;
pports = pports->TPCB_next; }
dwGetNumberOfRings( &NumberOfRings );
// Increase the reference count on our DLL
// so it won't get unloaded out from under us.
hInst = LoadLibrary("rastapi.dll");
g_fDllLoaded = TRUE;
// Notify the api that the initialization is done
SetEvent (event) ;
// In the pnp world, we need to hang around even if
// there aren't any ports. ports may be added on the
// fly
while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg) ; }
lineShutdown (RasLine) ; RasLine = 0;
// The following call atomically unloads our
// DLL and terminates this thread.
FreeLibraryAndExitThread(hInst, SUCCESS);
if (RasLine) { lineShutdown (RasLine) ; }
RasLine = 0 ;
SetEvent (event) ;
RasTapiTrace("EnumerateTapiPorts done");
RasTapiTrace(" "); return ((DWORD)-1) ; }
Routine Description:
hcall - handle of call being offerred
ppPort - address of location where the port answering the call will be returned.
line - the line on which the call was offered.
Return Value:
SUCCESS if operation was successful. error otherwise. --*/ DWORD DwProcessOfferEvent(HCALL hcall, TapiPortControlBlock **ppPort, TapiLineInfo *line) { TapiPortControlBlock *port = NULL;
LINECALLINFO *linecallinfo;
BYTE buffer[1000];
BOOL fLimitReached = FALSE;
DWORD retcode = SUCCESS;
memset (buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)) ;
linecallinfo = (LINECALLINFO *) buffer ;
linecallinfo->dwTotalSize = sizeof(buffer) ;
RasTapiTrace("DwProcessOfferEvent: hcall=0x%x", hcall);
// If line get call info fails return.
if ((retcode = lineGetCallInfo ( hcall, linecallinfo)) > 0x80000000) {
RasTapiTrace("DwProcessOfferEvent: LINE_CALLSTATE - " "lineGetCallInfo Failed. %d", retcode );
goto done ; }
// Find a listening port...
if (NULL == (port = FindListeningPort( line, linecallinfo->dwAddressID))) { DWORD RequestID;
ZOMBIE_CALL *ZombieCall;
RasTapiTrace("Couldn't find a listening port");
ZombieCall = LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(ZOMBIE_CALL));
if (ZombieCall == NULL) {
retcode = GetLastError();
RasTapiTrace ( "DwProcessOfferEvent: LINE_CALLSTATE - " "ZombieCall = NULL" );
goto done; }
// There are no listening ports so we will initiate
// a drop of the call and insert an element on our
// zombie call list so we can deallocate the call
// when the drop completes.
RequestID = lineDrop(hcall, NULL, 0);
if ( RequestID == 0 || RequestID > 0x80000000) { //
// Either the drop completed sync or there was
// an error. Either way just deallocate the call.
RasTapiTrace("DwProcessOfferEvent: lineDeallocateCall. " "RequestID = 0x%x", RequestID );
ZombieCall->hCall = hcall;
ZombieCall->RequestID = RequestID;
InsertHeadList(&ZombieCallList, &ZombieCall->Linkage);
retcode = E_FAIL;
goto done; }
port->TPCB_CallHandle = hcall ;
*ppPort = port;
// for unimodem devices wait for the specified
// number of rings
if (_stricmp (port->TPCB_DeviceType, DEVICETYPE_UNIMODEM) == 0) {
// call has already been answered by somebody
// else and is being offered to me
if (linecallinfo->dwCallStates == LINECALLSTATE_CONNECTED) {
RasTapiTrace ("DwProcessOfferEvent: call already " "answered on %s", port->TPCB_Name );
port->TPCB_ListenState = LS_COMPLETE ;
// Complete event so that rasman calls
// DeviceWork to proceed the listen
// state machine.
} else { if(0 == NumberOfRings) { port->TPCB_ListenState = LS_ACCEPT;
RasTapiTrace( "Accepting call on %s hcall = 0x%x", port->TPCB_Name, hcall);
if(line->TLI_pDeviceInfo) { line->TLI_pDeviceInfo->dwCurrentDialedInClients += 1;
RasTapiTrace( "DwProcessOfferEvent: CurrentDialInClients=0x%x", line->TLI_pDeviceInfo->dwCurrentDialedInClients); } port->TPCB_dwFlags |= RASTAPI_FLAG_DIALEDIN;
port->TPCB_NumberOfRings = 0;
PostNotificationCompletion(port); } else { RasTapiTrace( "DwProcessOfferEvent: changing listenstate" " of %s from %d to LS_RINGING", port->TPCB_Name, port->TPCB_ListenState); port->TPCB_ListenState = LS_RINGING ; port->TPCB_NumberOfRings = NumberOfRings ; } } }
else {
// For other devices make transition to
// next listening state
port->TPCB_ListenState = LS_ACCEPT ;
RasTapiTrace("DwProcessOfferEvent: Accepting call on %s" " hcall = 0x%x", port->TPCB_Name, hcall);
if(line->TLI_pDeviceInfo) { line->TLI_pDeviceInfo->dwCurrentDialedInClients += 1;
RasTapiTrace( "DwProcessOfferEvent: CurrentDialInClients=0x%x", line->TLI_pDeviceInfo->dwCurrentDialedInClients); }
// Complete event so that rasman calls DeviceWork
// to proceed the listen state machine.
PostNotificationCompletion(port); }
RasTapiTrace("DwProcessOfferEvent 0x%x", retcode);
return retcode;
Routine Description:
maps LINEDISCONNECTMODE to a raserror so that the proper error string can be displayed to the user.
dm - DisconnectMode
Return Value:
RasError corresponding to the disconnect mode.
DWORD DwRasErrorFromDisconnectMode(DWORD dm) { DWORD dwErr;
switch (dm) { case LINEDISCONNECTMODE_BUSY: { dwErr = ERROR_LINE_BUSY; break; }
default: { dwErr = ERROR_FROM_DEVICE; break; } }
return dwErr; }
Routine Description:
Tapi Call back function as described in win32 sdk.
win32 sdk has explanation of each of the arguments.
Return Value:
void --*/
VOID FAR PASCAL RasTapiCallback (HANDLE context, DWORD msg, ULONG_PTR instance, ULONG_PTR param1, ULONG_PTR param2, ULONG_PTR param3 ) { LINECALLINFO *linecallinfo ; BYTE buffer [1000] ; HCALL hcall ; HLINE linehandle ; TapiLineInfo *line ; TapiPortControlBlock *port = NULL; DWORD i ; DWORD retcode ; BOOL fLimitReached = FALSE;
// **** Exclusion Begin ****
GetMutex (RasTapiMutex, INFINITE) ;
switch (msg) {
hcall = (HCALL) HandleToUlong(context) ; line = (TapiLineInfo *) instance ;
RasTapiTrace("RasTapicallback: linecallstate=0x%x", param1);
// If line is closed dont bother
if (line->TLI_LineState == PS_CLOSED) {
RasTapiTrace ("RasTapiCallback: LINE_CALLSTATE - " "linestate = PS_CLOSED" );
break ; }
// A new call is coming in
if (param1 == LINECALLSTATE_OFFERING) { retcode = DwProcessOfferEvent(hcall, &port, line);
if(ERROR_SUCCESS != retcode) { RasTapiTrace("DwProcessOfferEvent failed. 0x%x", retcode);
break; } }
// Find port by call handle
if ( (NULL == port) && ((port = FindPortByCallHandle(line, hcall)) == NULL) && (LINECALLSTATE_CONNECTED != param1)) {
RasTapiTrace ("RasTapiCallback: FindPortByCallHandle, " "hcall = 0x%x failed", hcall );
break; } else if ( (NULL == port) && (LINECALLSTATE_CONNECTED == param1)) { RasTapiTrace("Some one else has already answered " "the call ");
retcode = DwProcessOfferEvent(hcall, &port, line);
if( (ERROR_SUCCESS != retcode) || (NULL == port)) { RasTapiTrace("DwProcessOfferEvent failed. 0x%x", retcode);
break; } }
// Call connected.
if (param1 == LINECALLSTATE_CONNECTED) { if(NULL == port->TPCB_pConnectInfo) { memset (buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)) ;
linecallinfo = (LINECALLINFO *) buffer ;
linecallinfo->dwTotalSize = sizeof(buffer) ;
if ((retcode = lineGetCallInfo ( hcall, linecallinfo)) > 0x80000000) { if( (LINEERR_STRUCTURETOOSMALL == retcode) || (linecallinfo->dwNeededSize > sizeof(buffer))) { DWORD dwSizeNeeded = linecallinfo->dwNeededSize;
// Allocate the correct size and call
// the api again
linecallinfo = LocalAlloc(LPTR, dwSizeNeeded);
if(NULL == linecallinfo) { retcode = GetLastError(); break; }
linecallinfo->dwTotalSize = dwSizeNeeded;
retcode = lineGetCallInfo( hcall, linecallinfo);
} }
if(retcode > 0x80000000) {
RasTapiTrace("RasTapiCallback: LINE_CALLSTATE - " "lineGetCallInfo Failed. %d", retcode );
if(buffer != (PBYTE) linecallinfo) { LocalFree(linecallinfo); }
break ; }
retcode = DwGetConnectInfo(port, hcall, linecallinfo);
RasTapiTrace("RasTapiCallback: DwGetConnectInfo" "returned 0x%x", retcode);
// don't want to stop the dial from happening
// because we couldn't the connect info
retcode = SUCCESS;
// Free the linecallinfo struct. if we allocated
// it above
if(buffer != (PBYTE) linecallinfo) { LocalFree(linecallinfo); } }
RasTapiTrace("RasTapiCallback: Connected on %s", port->TPCB_Name);
if (port->TPCB_State == PS_CONNECTING) {
RasTapiTrace("RasTapiCallback: Outgoing call");
// We were requesting the call. Complete event
// so that rasman calls DeviceWork() to complete
// the connection process.
} else { //
// This is a call we are asnwering. Now we can
// indicate to rasman that the call has come in.
// Setting listen state to LS_COMPLETE may be
// redundant but handles the case where the answer
// completes *after* the connection is indicated
port->TPCB_ListenState = LS_COMPLETE ;
RasTapiTrace ("RasTapiCallback: Incoming Call");
// Complete event so that rasman knows of
// incoming call and calls devicework.
PostNotificationCompletion(port); } }
// Failure of sorts.
RasTapiTrace( "RasTapiCallback: LINECALLSTATE." " Failure. param1 = 0x%x", param1 );
// If we were connecting, notify rasman to call
// devicework so that the connection attempt can
// be gracefully failed.
if (port->TPCB_State == PS_CONNECTING) { PostNotificationCompletion(port); }
// Disconnection happened
// If we were connecting, notify rasman to call
// devicework so that the connection attempt can
// be gracefully failed.
if (port->TPCB_State == PS_CONNECTING) { /*
port->TPCB_AsyncErrorCode = DwRasErrorFromDisconnectMode((DWORD) param2);
RasTapiTrace("RasTapiCallback: " "LINECALLSTATE_DISCONNECTED " "for port %s. AsyncErr = %d, " "param2=0x%x", port->TPCB_Name, port->TPCB_AsyncErrorCode, param2);
} else if (port->TPCB_State != PS_CLOSED) { //
// If we were connected and got a disconnect
// notification then this could be hardware
// failure or a remote disconnection. Determine
// this and save the reason away.
if (port->TPCB_State == PS_CONNECTED) { LINECALLSTATUS *pcallstatus ; BYTE buffer[200] ;
memset (buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)) ;
pcallstatus = (LINECALLSTATUS *) buffer ;
pcallstatus->dwTotalSize = sizeof (buffer) ;
lineGetCallStatus ( port->TPCB_CallHandle, pcallstatus) ;
if (pcallstatus->dwCallState == LINECALLSTATE_DISCONNECTED) { port->TPCB_DisconnectReason = SS_LINKDROPPED ; } else { port->TPCB_DisconnectReason = SS_HARDWAREFAILURE ; }
RasTapiTrace("RasTapiCallback: " "lineGetCallStatus" " for %s returned 0x%x", port->TPCB_Name, pcallstatus->dwCallState );
RasTapiTrace ("RasTapiCallback: " "DisconnectReason " "mapped to %d", port->TPCB_DisconnectReason);
} else { port->TPCB_DisconnectReason = 0 ; }
// This means that we got a disconnect indication
// in one of the other states (listening, connected,
// etc.). We initiate our disconnect state machine.
RasTapiTrace ("RasTapiCallback: LINECALLSTATE" " - initiating Port Disconnect");
if (InitiatePortDisconnection (port) != PENDING) { //
// Disconnection succeeded or failed. Both
// are end states for the disconnect state
// machine so notify rasman that a
// disconnection has happened.
RasTapiTrace ("RasTapiCallback: " "PortDisconnected sync");
PostDisconnectCompletion(port); } } }
// A busy call state - our attempt to dialout failed
if (param1 == LINECALLSTATE_BUSY) {
if (port->TPCB_State == PS_CONNECTING) {
port->TPCB_AsyncErrorCode = ERROR_LINE_BUSY ;
RasTapiTrace("RasTapiCallback: Failed to initiate " "connection. LINECALLSTATE_BUSY" );
PostNotificationCompletion(port); } }
// Idle indication is useful to complete the disconnect
// state machine.
if (param1 == LINECALLSTATE_IDLE) {
if ( ( (port->TPCB_State == PS_DISCONNECTING) && (port->TPCB_RequestId == INFINITE)) || ( (port->TPCB_State == PS_OPEN ) && (port->TPCB_ListenState == LS_RINGING)) || ( (PS_UNAVAILABLE == port->TPCB_State)) || ( (port->TPCB_ListenState == LS_RINGING) && (port->TPCB_State == PS_LISTENING))) {
if ( LS_RINGING == port->TPCB_ListenState ) { RasTapiTrace("RasTapiCallback: Receied IDLE in " "LS_RINGING state!" );
port->TPCB_DisconnectReason = SS_HARDWAREFAILURE; }
// IDLE notification came after LineDrop Succeeded
// so safe to deallocate the call
if(PS_UNAVAILABLE != port->TPCB_State) { port->TPCB_State = PS_OPEN ; }
RasTapiTrace( "RasTapiCallback: Received Idle. " "Deallocating for %s, callhandle = 0x%x", port->TPCB_Name, port->TPCB_CallHandle );
lineDeallocateCall (port->TPCB_CallHandle) ;
port->TPCB_CallHandle = (HCALL) -1 ;
port->IdleReceived = FALSE;
PostDisconnectCompletion(port); } else { //
// We have not yet disconnected so do not
// deallocate call yet. This will be done
// when the disconnect completes.
port->IdleReceived = TRUE; } }
break ;
RasTapiTrace("LINE_REPLY. param1=0x%x", param1);
// This message is sent to indicate completion of an
// asynchronous API.Find for which port the async request
// succeeded. This is done by searching for pending
// request id that is also provided in this message.
if ((port = FindPortByRequestId ((DWORD) param1)) == NULL) { ZOMBIE_CALL *ZombieCall = (ZOMBIE_CALL*)ZombieCallList.Flink;
// If this is the completion of a drop that is
// in the zombie call state just deallocate
// the call.
while ((PLIST_ENTRY)ZombieCall != &ZombieCallList) {
if (param1 = ZombieCall->RequestID) { RasTapiTrace ( "RasTapiCallback: LINE_REPLY " "Deallocatingcall. hcall = 0x%x", ZombieCall->hCall );
break; }
ZombieCall = (ZOMBIE_CALL*) ZombieCall->Linkage.Flink; }
break ; } else ;
if (port->TPCB_SendRequestId == param1) {
// A char mode send has completed. Clean up
// the buffer and notify rasman.
port->TPCB_SendRequestId = INFINITE;
// Free the send desc
LocalFree(port->TPCB_SendDesc); port->TPCB_SendDesc = NULL;
} else if (port->TPCB_RecvRequestId == param1) {
// A char mode recv has completed.
port->TPCB_RecvRequestId = INFINITE;
// If possible notify rasman
if (port->TPCB_State == PS_CONNECTED) { //
// Copy into circular buffer
CopyDataToFifo(port->TPCB_RecvFifo, ((PRASTAPI_DEV_SPECIFIC) (port->TPCB_RecvDesc))->Data, ((PRASTAPI_DEV_SPECIFIC) (port->TPCB_RecvDesc))->DataSize);
PostNotificationCompletion( port );
// Free the recv desc
LocalFree(port->TPCB_RecvDesc); port->TPCB_RecvDesc = NULL; } else if (port->TPCB_ModeRequestId == param1) { LocalFree(port->TPCB_ModeRequestDesc); port->TPCB_ModeRequestDesc = NULL; } else { //
// Set request id to invalid.
port->TPCB_RequestId = INFINITE ;
if ( (PS_DISCONNECTING == port->TPCB_State) || (PS_UNAVAILABLE == port->TPCB_State)) { //
// lineDrop completed. Note that we ignore
// the return code in param2. This is because
// we cant do anything else.
if (port->IdleReceived) { //
// We received IDLE notification before/during
// disconnect so deallocate this call
port->IdleReceived = FALSE;
RasTapiTrace ( "RasTapiCallback: Idle Received for port %s", port->TPCB_Name );
if(PS_UNAVAILABLE != port->TPCB_State) { RasTapiTrace( "RasTapiCallback: changing state" " of %s. %d -> %d", port->TPCB_Name, port->TPCB_State, PS_OPEN );
port->TPCB_State = PS_OPEN ; }
RasTapiTrace( "RasTapiCallback: lineDeallocateCall " "for %s,hcall = 0x%x", port->TPCB_Name, port->TPCB_CallHandle );
lineDeallocateCall (port->TPCB_CallHandle) ;
port->TPCB_CallHandle = (HCALL) -1 ;
} else { //
// wait for idle message before signalling
// disconnect
; }
break ; }
// Some other api completed
if (param2 == SUCCESS) { //
// Success means take no action - unless we are
// listening in which case it means move to the
// next state - we simply set the event that will
// result in a call to DeviceWork() to make the
// actual call for the next state
if (port->TPCB_State != PS_LISTENING) { break ; }
// Proceed to the next listening sub-state
if (port->TPCB_ListenState == LS_ACCEPT) {
RasTapiTrace( "RasTapiCallback: LINE_REPLY. Changing " "Listen state for %s from %d -> %d", port->TPCB_Name, port->TPCB_ListenState, LS_ANSWER );
port->TPCB_ListenState = LS_ANSWER ;
PostNotificationCompletion(port); } else if (port->TPCB_ListenState == LS_ANSWER) {
RasTapiTrace( "RasTapiCallback: LINE_REPLY. Changing " "Listen state for %s from %d -> %d", port->TPCB_Name, port->TPCB_ListenState, LS_COMPLETE );
port->TPCB_ListenState = LS_COMPLETE ;
// Don't post completion notification in this case.
// We should post the completion when the connected
// indication is given. Otherwise we may end up
// calling lineGetId before it has give a callstate
// connected to us.
// PostNotificationCompletion(port);
RasTapiTrace( "**** Not posting completion for lineAnswer ***"); } } else { //
// For connecting and listening ports this means
// the attempt failed because of some error
if (port->TPCB_State == PS_CONNECTING) { { if ( LINEERR_INUSE == param2 || LINEERR_CALLUNAVAIL == param2) { //
// this means that some other tapi
// device is using this port
port->TPCB_AsyncErrorCode = ERROR_LINE_BUSY;
RasTapiTrace( "RasTapiCallback: Connect Attempt " "on %s failed. 0x%x", port->TPCB_Name, param2 );
RasTapiTrace ( "RasTapiCallback: LINE_REPLY. " "AsyncErr = %d", port->TPCB_AsyncErrorCode );
} else {
port->TPCB_AsyncErrorCode = ERROR_PORT_OR_DEVICE ;
RasTapiTrace( "RasTapiCallback: ConnectAttempt " "on %s failed. 0x%x", port->TPCB_Name, param2 );
RasTapiTrace( "RasTapiCallback: LINE_REPLY. " "AsyncErr = %d", port->TPCB_AsyncErrorCode );
PostNotificationCompletion(port); } } else if (port->TPCB_State == PS_LISTENING) { //
// Because ACCEPT may not be supported by
// the device - treat error as success
if (port->TPCB_ListenState == LS_ACCEPT) {
RasTapiTrace( "RasTapiCallback: Changing Listen " "State for %s from %d -> %d", port->TPCB_Name, port->TPCB_ListenState, LS_ANSWER );
port->TPCB_ListenState = LS_ANSWER ;
} else {
RasTapiTrace( "RasTapiCallback: Changing " "Listen State for %s from %d -> %d." "param2=0x%x", port->TPCB_Name, port->TPCB_ListenState, LS_ERROR, param2);
port->TPCB_ListenState = LS_ERROR ; }
PostNotificationCompletion(port); }
// Some other API failed, we dont know and
// we dont care. Ignore.
else if (port->TPCB_State != PS_CLOSED) { ; } } }
break ;
RasTapiTrace("LINE_CLOSE. line=0x%x", instance);
// Typically sent when things go really wrong.
// Find which line is indication came for.
line = (TapiLineInfo *) instance ;
// if line not found or if it is closed just return
if ( (line == NULL) || (line->TLI_LineState == PS_CLOSED)) { break ; }
// For every port that is on the line - open the
// line again and signal hw failure
port = RasPortsList;
while ( port ) { //
// Skip ports that arent initialized
if (port->TPCB_State == PS_UNINITIALIZED) { port = port->TPCB_next;
continue ; }
if (port->TPCB_Line == line) { if (retcode = lineOpen ( RasLine, port->TPCB_Line->TLI_LineId, &port->TPCB_Line->TLI_LineHandle, port->TPCB_Line->NegotiatedApiVersion, port->TPCB_Line->NegotiatedExtVersion, (DWORD_PTR) port->TPCB_Line, LINECALLPRIVILEGE_OWNER, port->TPCB_Line->TLI_MediaMode, NULL)) { RasTapiTrace( "RasTapiCallback: LINECLOSE:" " lineOpen Failed. 0x%x", retcode ); }
// Set monitoring of rings
lineSetStatusMessages ( port->TPCB_Line->TLI_LineHandle, LINEDEVSTATE_RINGING, 0) ;
if(0 == port->TPCB_AsyncErrorCode) { port->TPCB_AsyncErrorCode = ERROR_FROM_DEVICE ; }
port->TPCB_DisconnectReason = SS_HARDWAREFAILURE;
port->TPCB_CallHandle = (HCALL) -1 ;
port->TPCB_ListenState = LS_ERROR ;
RasTapiTrace( "RasTapiCallback: LINECLOSE - " "Signalling HW Failure for %s", port->TPCB_Name );
RasTapiTrace( "RasTapiCallback: LINECLOSE - " "AsyncErr = %d", port->TPCB_AsyncErrorCode );
PostDisconnectCompletion(port); }
port = port->TPCB_next;
} break ;
RasTapiTrace("LINE_LINEDEVSTATE. param1=0x%x, line=0x%x", param1, instance);
// we are only interested in ringing message
if (param1 != LINEDEVSTATE_RINGING) { break ; }
// Find which line is indication came for.
line = (TapiLineInfo *) instance ;
// if line not found or if it is closed
// just return
if ( (line == NULL) || (line->TLI_LineState == PS_CLOSED)) { break ; }
// get the port from the line
port = RasPortsList; while ( port ) { //
// Skip ports that arent initialized
if (port->TPCB_State == PS_UNINITIALIZED) { port = port->TPCB_next; continue ; }
if ( (port->TPCB_Line == line) && (port->TPCB_State == PS_LISTENING) && (port->TPCB_ListenState == LS_RINGING)) {
if(port->TPCB_NumberOfRings > 0) { //
// count down the rings
port->TPCB_NumberOfRings -= 1 ; }
RasTapiTrace("RasTapiCallback: LINEDEVSTATE - " "Number of rings for %s = %d", port->TPCB_Name, port->TPCB_NumberOfRings);
// if the ring count has gone down to zero
// this means that we should pick up the call.
if (port->TPCB_NumberOfRings == 0) { RasTapiTrace ( "RasTapiCallback: Changing Listen " "State for %s from %d -> %d", port->TPCB_Name, port->TPCB_ListenState, LS_ACCEPT );
if(line->TLI_pDeviceInfo) { line->TLI_pDeviceInfo->dwCurrentDialedInClients += 1;
RasTapiTrace( "CurrentDialInClients=0x%x", line->TLI_pDeviceInfo->dwCurrentDialedInClients); } port->TPCB_dwFlags |= RASTAPI_FLAG_DIALEDIN; port->TPCB_ListenState = LS_ACCEPT ;
// Complete event so that rasman calls
// DeviceWork to proceed the listen state
// machine.
PostNotificationCompletion(port); }
break ; }
port = port->TPCB_next; }
break ;
DWORD dwError; PortMediaInfo *pmiNewDevice = NULL; DWORD cNewPorts, iNewPort; DWORD adwPortsCreated[ LEGACY_MAX ] = {0}; TapiPortControlBlock *ptpcbPort = NULL, **pptpcbNewPorts = NULL; //
// A new device was added. Create a new port
// and add it to rastapi datastructures
RasTapiTrace ("RasTapiaCallback: LINE_CREATE");
dwError = dwCreateTapiPortsPerLine( (DWORD) param1, &cNewPorts, &pptpcbNewPorts);
if ( dwError ) {
RasTapiTrace ("RasTapiCallback: " "dwCreateTapiPortsPerLine " "Failed. 0x%x", dwError );
break; }
RasTapiTrace ("RasTapiCallback: cNewPorts = %d", cNewPorts );
for (iNewPort = 0; iNewPort < cNewPorts; iNewPort++) { ptpcbPort = pptpcbNewPorts [ iNewPort ];
// Allocate a PortMediaInfo Structure and fill
// it with the information about the new device
// added. This structure will be freed by rasman.
pmiNewDevice = LocalAlloc ( LPTR, sizeof (PortMediaInfo));
if (NULL == pmiNewDevice) { break; }
strcpy (pmiNewDevice->PMI_Name, ptpcbPort->TPCB_Name);
pmiNewDevice->PMI_Usage = ptpcbPort->TPCB_Usage;
strcpy (pmiNewDevice->PMI_DeviceType, ptpcbPort->TPCB_DeviceType);
strcpy (pmiNewDevice->PMI_DeviceName, ptpcbPort->TPCB_DeviceName);
pmiNewDevice->PMI_LineDeviceId = ptpcbPort->TPCB_Line->TLI_LineId;
pmiNewDevice->PMI_AddressId = ptpcbPort->TPCB_AddressId;
pmiNewDevice->PMI_pDeviceInfo = ptpcbPort->TPCB_Line->TLI_pDeviceInfo;
RasTapiTrace("RasTapiCallback: New Device Created - %s", (ptpcbPort->TPCB_DeviceName ? ptpcbPort->TPCB_DeviceName : "NULL!"));
PostNotificationNewPort ( pmiNewDevice ); }
LocalFree ( pptpcbNewPorts );
break; }
case LINE_REMOVE: { TapiPortControlBlock *port = RasPortsList;
RasTapiTrace ("RasTapiCallback: LINE_REMOVE");
PostNotificationRemoveLine((DWORD) param1);
while ( port ) { if ( port->TPCB_Line->TLI_LineId == param1 ) { PostNotificationRemoveLine(param1);
RasTapiTrace ("RasTapiCallback: Marking port %s " "for removal\n", port->TPCB_DeviceName);
// Mark the port for removal. The port will be
// removed when it is closed.
RasTapiTrace( "RasTapiCallback: Changing state of %s " "from %d -> %d", port->TPCB_Name, port->TPCB_State, PS_UNAVAILABLE );
port->TPCB_State = PS_UNAVAILABLE ; }
port = port->TPCB_next; } */
break; }
DWORD Status;
hcall = (HCALL) HandleToUlong(context) ; line = (TapiLineInfo *) instance ;
if(NULL == line) { break; }
// If line is closed dont bother
if (line->TLI_LineState == PS_CLOSED) { break ; }
// Locate the ras port for this call
memset (buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)) ;
linecallinfo = (LINECALLINFO *) buffer ;
linecallinfo->dwTotalSize = sizeof(buffer) ;
// If line get call info fails return.
if ((Status = lineGetCallInfo( hcall, linecallinfo)) > 0x80000000) { RasTapiTrace( "RastapiCallback: lineGetCallInfo " "failed. 0x%x. hcall=0x%x, line=0x%x", Status, hcall, line );
break ; }
// Locate the ras port for this call
if ((port = FindPortByAddressId (line, linecallinfo->dwAddressID)) == NULL) {
RasTapiTrace("RasTapiCallback: Port not found! " "line=0x%x, AddressID=0x%x", line, linecallinfo->dwAddressID );
// Did not find a ras port for the call. Ignore it.
break ; }
switch (param1) { case RASTAPI_DEV_RECV: { PRASTAPI_DEV_SPECIFIC TapiRecv; DWORD TapiRecvSize; DWORD requestid;
TapiRecvSize = sizeof(RASTAPI_DEV_SPECIFIC) + 1500;
if ((TapiRecv = LocalAlloc( LPTR, TapiRecvSize)) == NULL) { RasTapiTrace( "RasTapiCallback: RASTAPI_DEV_RECV. " "LocalAlloc failed. %d", GetLastError() );
break; }
TapiRecv->Command = RASTAPI_DEV_RECV; TapiRecv->DataSize = 1500;
port->TPCB_RecvDesc = TapiRecv;
port->TPCB_RecvRequestId = lineDevSpecific(port->TPCB_Line->TLI_LineHandle, port->TPCB_AddressId, port->TPCB_CallHandle, TapiRecv, TapiRecvSize);
if (port->TPCB_RecvRequestId == 0) {
// Copy the memory into the circular buffer
CopyDataToFifo(port->TPCB_RecvFifo, TapiRecv->Data, TapiRecv->DataSize);
port->TPCB_RecvDesc = NULL;
} else if (port->TPCB_RecvRequestId > 0x80000000) { RasTapiTrace( "RasTapiCallback: lineDevSpecific " "failed. 0x%x", port->TPCB_RecvRequestId );
port->TPCB_RecvDesc = NULL;
port->TPCB_RecvRequestId = INFINITE;
} else { } } break;
default: break; } }
// All unhandled unsolicited messages.
; }
// **** Exclusion End ****
FreeMutex (RasTapiMutex) ; }
Routine Description:
Find a rastapi port given the AddressID
line - the lineinfo structure of the line this address id one
addid - AddressID of the address.
Return Value:
Pointer to the control block of the port if found. NULL otherwise.
TapiPortControlBlock * FindPortByAddressId (TapiLineInfo *line, DWORD addid) { DWORD i ; TapiPortControlBlock *port = RasPortsList;
while ( port ) {
if ( (port->TPCB_AddressId == addid) && (port->TPCB_Line == line)) { return port ; }
port = port->TPCB_next; }
return NULL ; }
Routine Description:
Find a rastapi port given the Address
Return Value:
Pointer to the control block of the port if found. NULL otherwise.
TapiPortControlBlock * FindPortByAddress (CHAR *address) { DWORD i ; TapiPortControlBlock *port = RasPortsList;
while ( port ) {
if (_stricmp (port->TPCB_Address, address) == 0) { return port ; }
port = port->TPCB_next; }
return NULL ; }
Routine Description:
Find a rastapi port given the Address and name
Return Value:
Pointer to the control block of the port if found. NULL otherwise.
TapiPortControlBlock * FindPortByAddressAndName (CHAR *address, CHAR *name) { DWORD i ; TapiPortControlBlock *port = RasPortsList;
while ( port ) {
if ( (_stricmp ( port->TPCB_Address, address) == 0) && (_strnicmp ( port->TPCB_Name, name, MAX_PORT_NAME-1) == 0)) { return port ; }
port = port->TPCB_next; }
return NULL ; }
Routine Description:
Find a rastapi port given the request id
Return Value:
Pointer to the control block of the port if found. NULL otherwise.
TapiPortControlBlock * FindPortByRequestId (DWORD reqid) { DWORD i ; TapiPortControlBlock *port = RasPortsList;
while ( port ) { if (port->TPCB_RequestId == reqid) { return port ; } else if ( port->TPCB_CharMode ) { if ( port->TPCB_SendRequestId == reqid || port->TPCB_RecvRequestId == reqid || port->TPCB_ModeRequestId == reqid ) {
return port; }
port = port->TPCB_next; }
return NULL ; }
Routine Description:
Find a rastapi port given the call handle
line - line control block of the line on which the call was received/made.
Return Value:
Pointer to the control block of the port if found. NULL otherwise.
--*/ TapiPortControlBlock * FindPortByCallHandle(TapiLineInfo *line, HCALL callhandle) { DWORD i ; TapiPortControlBlock *port = RasPortsList;
while ( port ) { if ( (port->TPCB_CallHandle == callhandle) && (port->TPCB_Line == line)) { return port ; }
port = port->TPCB_next; }
return NULL ; }
Routine Description:
Finds a port of with the specified addressid which is in a listening state
line - line control block of the line to which this address belongs.
Return Value:
Pointer to the control block of the port if found. NULL otherwise.
TapiPortControlBlock * FindListeningPort(TapiLineInfo *line, DWORD AddressID) { DWORD i ; TapiPortControlBlock *port = RasPortsList;
while ( port ) { if ( (port->TPCB_Line == line) && (line->TLI_LineState == PS_LISTENING) && (port->TPCB_State == PS_LISTENING) && (port->TPCB_ListenState == LS_WAIT)) { port->TPCB_AddressId = AddressID; return port ; }
port = port->TPCB_next; }
return NULL ; }
Routine Description:
Finds a line control block of with the specified addressid which is in a listening state
Return Value:
Pointer to the control block of the line if found. NULL otherwise.
TapiLineInfo * FindLineByHandle (HLINE linehandle) { DWORD i ; TapiLineInfo *line = RasTapiLineInfoList;
while ( line ) { if (line->TLI_LineHandle == linehandle) { return line ; }
line = line->TLI_Next; }
return NULL ; }
Routine Description:
Posts a disconnect event notification to rasmans completion port.
pointer to the port control block on which the disconnect happened.
Return Value:
VOID PostDisconnectCompletion( TapiPortControlBlock *port ) { BOOL fSuccess;
fSuccess = PostQueuedCompletionStatus( port->TPCB_IoCompletionPort, 0, port->TPCB_CompletionKey, (LPOVERLAPPED)&port->TPCB_DiscOverlapped);
if (!fSuccess) { DWORD dwerror = GetLastError();
RasTapiTrace( "PostDisconnectCompletion:" "PostQueuedCompletionStatus failed. 0x%x", dwerror); } }
Routine Description:
Posts a notification to rasmans completion port indicating the completion of an asynchronous operation.
pointer to the port control block on which the asynchronous operation completed.
Return Value:
VOID PostNotificationCompletion( TapiPortControlBlock *port ) { BOOL fSuccess;
fSuccess = PostQueuedCompletionStatus( port->TPCB_IoCompletionPort, 0, port->TPCB_CompletionKey, (LPOVERLAPPED)&port->TPCB_ReadOverlapped);
if (!fSuccess) { DWORD dwerror = GetLastError();
RasTapiTrace( "PostNotificationCompletion:" "PostQueuedCompletionStatus failed. 0x%x", dwerror); } }
Routine Description:
Posts a notification to rasmans completion port indicating that a new port was created. For PnP
pointer to the media control block corresponding to the port that was created. Look in ..\routing\ras\inc\media.h for the definition of PortMediaInfo structure.
Return Value:
VOID PostNotificationNewPort( PortMediaInfo *pmiNewPort ) { BOOL fSuccess; PRAS_OVERLAPPED pOvNewPortNotification; PNEW_PORT_NOTIF pNewPortNotif;
RasTapiTrace ("PostNotificationNewPort %s", pmiNewPort->PMI_Name );
pOvNewPortNotification = LocalAlloc ( LPTR, sizeof ( RAS_OVERLAPPED));
if (NULL == pOvNewPortNotification) { RasTapiTrace ("PostNotificationNewPort: " "Failed to allocate ov."); goto done; }
pNewPortNotif = LocalAlloc ( LPTR, sizeof (NEW_PORT_NOTIF) );
if (NULL == pNewPortNotif) { RasTapiTrace ("PostNotificationNewPort: Failed " "to allocate NEW_PORT_NOTIF"); LocalFree(pOvNewPortNotification); goto done; }
pNewPortNotif->NPN_pmiNewPort = (PVOID) pmiNewPort;
strcpy ( pNewPortNotif->NPN_MediaName, "rastapi");
pOvNewPortNotification->RO_EventType = OVEVT_DEV_CREATE; pOvNewPortNotification->RO_Info = (PVOID) pNewPortNotif;
fSuccess = PostQueuedCompletionStatus( g_hIoCompletionPort, 0, 0, (LPOVERLAPPED) pOvNewPortNotification);
if (!fSuccess) { RasTapiTrace( "PostNotificationNewPort: Failed" " to Post notification. %d", GetLastError());
LocalFree(pNewPortNotif); } else { RasTapiTrace( "PostNotificationNewPort: " "Posted 0x%x", pOvNewPortNotification ); }
done: return;
Routine Description:
Posts a notification to rasmans completion port indicating that a port was removed. For PnP.
Pointer to the port control block of the port that was removed.
Return Value:
VOID PostNotificationRemoveLine ( DWORD dwLineId ) { PRAS_OVERLAPPED pOvRemovePortNotification; PREMOVE_LINE_NOTIF pRemovePortNotification;
pOvRemovePortNotification = LocalAlloc ( LPTR, sizeof (RAS_OVERLAPPED));
RasTapiTrace ("PostNotificationRemoveLine: %d", dwLineId);
if ( NULL == pOvRemovePortNotification ) { RasTapiTrace("PostNotificationRemovePort: " "failed to allocate", GetLastError()); goto done; }
pRemovePortNotification = LocalAlloc( LPTR, sizeof(REMOVE_LINE_NOTIF));
if(NULL == pRemovePortNotification) { RasTapiTrace("PostNotificationRemovePort: " "failed to allocate", GetLastError());
goto done; }
pRemovePortNotification->dwLineId = dwLineId;
pOvRemovePortNotification->RO_EventType = OVEVT_DEV_REMOVE; pOvRemovePortNotification->RO_Info = (PVOID) pRemovePortNotification;
if ( !PostQueuedCompletionStatus ( g_hIoCompletionPort, 0, 0, (LPOVERLAPPED) pOvRemovePortNotification )) { RasTapiTrace("PostNotificationRemovePort: Failed" " to post the notification. %d", GetLastError());
LocalFree(pOvRemovePortNotification); } else { RasTapiTrace("PostNotificationRemovePort:" " Posted 0x%x", pOvRemovePortNotification ); }
done: return;
Routine Description:
Removes a port from the global ports list. For PnP
Pointer to the port control block of the port that is being removed.
Return Value:
DWORD dwRemovePort ( TapiPortControlBlock * ptpcb ) {
TapiPortControlBlock *pport;
GetMutex ( RasTapiMutex, INFINITE );
if ( NULL == ptpcb ) { goto done; }
RasTapiTrace ("dwRemovePort: %s", ptpcb->TPCB_Name );
if ( RasPortsList == ptpcb ) { RasPortsList = RasPortsList->TPCB_next;
LocalFree ( ptpcb );
goto done;
// Remove this port from the global list
pport = RasPortsList;
while (pport->TPCB_next) { if ( ptpcb == pport->TPCB_next ) { pport->TPCB_next = pport->TPCB_next->TPCB_next;
LocalFree (ptpcb);
break; }
pport = pport->TPCB_next; }
FreeMutex ( RasTapiMutex );
return SUCCESS; }
Routine Description:
Creates ports represented by the guid. For PnP
pbGuidAdapter - Guid of the adapter corresponding to the ports that are to be created.
Return Value:
DWORD dwAddPorts( PBYTE pbGuidAdapter, PVOID pvReserved ) { DWORD retcode = SUCCESS; DWORD dwLine; DWORD cNewPorts; TapiPortControlBlock **pptpcbNewPorts = NULL, *ptpcbPort; DWORD iNewPort; PortMediaInfo *pmiNewDevice = NULL; TapiLineInfo *pLineInfo = NULL; DeviceInfo *pDeviceInfo = NULL;
RasTapiTrace ("dwAddPorts" );
pDeviceInfo = GetDeviceInfo (pbGuidAdapter, FALSE);
#if DBG
ASSERT( NULL != pDeviceInfo ); #endif
// Iterate over all the lines to add the new ports
for ( dwLine = 0; dwLine < TotalLines; dwLine++) { retcode = dwCreateTapiPortsPerLine( dwLine, &cNewPorts, &pptpcbNewPorts);
if ( retcode || NULL == pptpcbNewPorts) { continue; }
// Added a new pptp port. Fill in the rasman port
// structure and notify rasman
for ( iNewPort = 0; iNewPort < cNewPorts; iNewPort++ ) {
ptpcbPort = pptpcbNewPorts [ iNewPort ];
// Allocate a PortMediaInfo Structure and fill it
// with the information about the new device added.
// This structure will be freed by rasman.
pmiNewDevice = LocalAlloc ( LPTR, sizeof (PortMediaInfo));
if (NULL == pmiNewDevice) {
RasTapiTrace("dwAddPorts: Failed to allocate " "memory. %d", GetLastError() );
retcode = GetLastError();
break; }
strcpy ( pmiNewDevice->PMI_Name, ptpcbPort->TPCB_Name);
pmiNewDevice->PMI_Usage = ptpcbPort->TPCB_Usage;
strcpy ( pmiNewDevice->PMI_DeviceType, ptpcbPort->TPCB_DeviceType);
strcpy ( pmiNewDevice->PMI_DeviceName, ptpcbPort->TPCB_DeviceName);
pmiNewDevice->PMI_LineDeviceId = ptpcbPort->TPCB_Line->TLI_LineId;
pmiNewDevice->PMI_AddressId = ptpcbPort->TPCB_AddressId;
pmiNewDevice->PMI_pDeviceInfo = pDeviceInfo;
RasTapiTrace ("dwAddPorts: Posting new port " "notification for %s", ptpcbPort->TPCB_Name);
PostNotificationNewPort (pmiNewDevice);
LocalFree ( pptpcbNewPorts );
pptpcbNewPorts = NULL;
// We already reached the limit. Don't create any
// more ports
if (pDeviceInfo->dwCurrentEndPoints == pDeviceInfo->rdiDeviceInfo.dwNumEndPoints) { break; } }
return retcode; }
Routine Description:
Copies data from the input buffer to the fifo maintained. This is for the devices supporting Character Mode.
Fifo - to which the data has to be copied.
Data - data buffer.
DataLength - length of the data.
Return Value:
Number of bytes copied.
DWORD CopyDataToFifo( PRECV_FIFO Fifo, PBYTE Data, DWORD DataLength ) { DWORD bytescopied = 0;
while ( Fifo->Count != Fifo->Size && bytescopied < DataLength) { Fifo->Buffer[Fifo->In++] = Data[bytescopied++]; Fifo->Count++; Fifo->In %= Fifo->Size; }
return (bytescopied); }
Routine Description:
Copies data to the buffer from fifo This is for the devices supporting Character Mode.
Fifo - to which the data has to be copied.
Data - buffer to receive data
DataLength - length of the buffer.
Return Value:
Number of bytes copied.
DWORD CopyDataFromFifo( PRECV_FIFO Fifo, PBYTE Buffer, DWORD BufferSize ) { DWORD bytescopied = 0;
while ( bytescopied < BufferSize && Fifo->Count != 0) { Buffer[bytescopied++] = Fifo->Buffer[Fifo->Out++]; Fifo->Count--; Fifo->Out %= Fifo->Size; }
return (bytescopied); }