Copyright (c) 1989-1994 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Helper routines to read PortUsage and other information from registry.
Rao Salapaka (raos) 29-Mar-97
Revision History:
#ifndef UNICODE
#define UNICODE
#ifndef _UNICODE
#define _UNICODE
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <rtutils.h>
#include <rasman.h>
#include <reghelp.h>
DWORD g_dwRasComponent = 0;
#define TRACESETTINGS (0x00010000 \
DWORD dwTraceId;
DWORD dwGetNumberOfRings ( PDWORD pdwRings );
DWORD dwGetPortUsage(DWORD *pdwPortUsage);
LONG lrIsModemRasEnabled(HKEY hkey, BOOL *pfRasEnabled, BOOL *pfRouterEnabled);
DeviceInfo * GetDeviceInfo (PBYTE pbGuid );
Routine Description:
Reads the value specified by lpcszValue parameter in the hkeyRas location of registry and returns the data assoc. with it. It is assumed that the data is a REG_DWORD. Side effect is that this key is created if not already present and defaults the value to the fEnable passed in.
hkeyRas - handle of the registry key where this value is to be checked.
lpcszValue - Const. string representing the value to be read.
pfEnabled - pointer to a BOOL where the value read from the registry is to be returned.
fEnable - the default value to set if the value is not present and this routine creates it.
Return Value:
Values from the registry apis.
--*/ LONG lrCheckValue( HKEY hkeyRas, LPCTSTR lpcszValue, BOOL *pfEnabled, BOOL fEnable) { DWORD dwdata = 0; DWORD dwtype; DWORD dwsize = sizeof(DWORD); LONG lr;
*pfEnabled = FALSE;
if(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND == (lr = RegQueryValueEx( hkeyRas, lpcszValue, 0, &dwtype, (PBYTE) &dwdata, &dwsize))) { TracePrintfExA(dwTraceId, TRACESETTINGS, "lrCheckValue: value %ws not found", lpcszValue);
if(lr = lrRasEnableDevice(hkeyRas, (LPTSTR) lpcszValue, fEnable)) { TracePrintfExA( dwTraceId, TRACESETTINGS, "lrCheckValue: Couldn't set value %ws. 0x%x", lpcszValue, lr); goto done; }
*pfEnabled = fEnable;
goto done; }
*pfEnabled = dwdata;
done: return lr; }
Routine Description:
This routine is called only for modems. It checks the registry and determines if the modem is registered for RasDialIn and Routing. These values in registry are created if they are not already present and are defaulted appropriately. Arguments:
hkey - handle to the modems instance key in registry.
pfRasEnabled - address where the data indicating if the modem is enabled for ras dialin is stored. If the key for this value doesn't exist this value determines the default value as an in parameter.
pfRouterEnabled - address where the data indicating if the modem is enabled for routing is enabled. Return Value:
Return values from the registry apis.
--*/ LONG lrIsModemRasEnabled(HKEY hkey, BOOL *pfRasEnabled, BOOL *pfRouterEnabled) { DWORD dwdata; DWORD dwsize = sizeof ( DWORD ); DWORD dwtype; LONG lr; HKEY hkeyRas = NULL; DWORD dwDisposition; BOOL fDefaultForRasEnabled = *pfRasEnabled;
*pfRasEnabled = *pfRouterEnabled = FALSE;
// Open the RAS key and if the key is not present
// create the key.
if (lr = RegCreateKeyEx( hkey, TEXT("Clients\\Ras"), 0, NULL, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hkeyRas, &dwDisposition)) { TracePrintfExA( dwTraceId, TRACESETTINGS, "dwFindModemPortUsage: Failed to create/open" " RAS key under modem class. 0x%x", lr);
goto done; }
// Check to see if the modem is enabled for ras dialin
// Enable the modem for dialin by default to whatever
// value is passed in
if(lr = lrCheckValue( hkeyRas, TEXT("EnableForRas"), pfRasEnabled, fDefaultForRasEnabled)) { TracePrintfExA( dwTraceId, TRACESETTINGS, "dwFindModemPortUsage: lrCheckValue failed for " "RasEnabled. %d", lr );
if (!*pfRasEnabled) { TracePrintfExA( dwTraceId, TRACESETTINGS, "dwFindModemPortUsage: Modem is not " "enabled for RAS"); }
// Check to see if the modem is enabled for routing
// disable the modem for routing by default
if(lr = lrCheckValue( hkeyRas, TEXT("EnableForRouting"), pfRouterEnabled, FALSE)) { TracePrintfExA( dwTraceId, TRACESETTINGS, "dwFindModemPortUsage: lrCheckValue failed for " "RouterEnabled. %d", lr );
if (!*pfRouterEnabled) { TracePrintfExA( dwTraceId, TRACESETTINGS, "dwFindModemPortUsage: Modem is not " "enabled for Routing"); }
done: if(hkeyRas) { RegCloseKey(hkeyRas); }
return (DWORD) lr; }
Routine Description:
Gets the default port usage for the device. The default is if ras server is installed, the port is enabled for ras dialin and routing. The device is always enabled for dialout.
pdwUsage - buffer to receive the port usage.
Return Value:
--*/ DWORD dwGetPortUsage(DWORD *pdwUsage) { HKEY hkey = NULL; DWORD dwRetCode = ERROR_SUCCESS;
static const TCHAR c_szRemoteAccess[] = TEXT("System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\RemoteAccess");
TracePrintfExA(dwTraceId, TRACESETTINGS, "dwGetPorTUsage:...");
if(0 == g_dwRasComponent) { //
// Check to see if Ras Server is installed
g_dwRasComponent = RNETCFG_RASCLI;
if (RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_szRemoteAccess, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hkey)) { TracePrintfExA( dwTraceId, TRACESETTINGS, "dwAssignDefaultPortUsage: RemoteAccess" " not installed"); } else { g_dwRasComponent = RNETCFG_RASSRV; } }
*pdwUsage = CALL_OUT;
*pdwUsage |= ((g_dwRasComponent & RNETCFG_RASSRV) ? (CALL_IN | CALL_ROUTER) : 0);
if(NULL != hkey) { RegCloseKey(hkey); }
return dwRetCode; }
Routine Description:
Gets the information from registry about how many rings to wait for before picking up an incoming call.
pdwRings - buffer to receive the number of rings read from registry.
Return Value:
Return Values from registry apis.
--*/ DWORD dwGetNumberOfRings (PDWORD pdwRings) { LONG lr = ERROR_SUCCESS; HKEY hkey = NULL; DWORD dwsize = sizeof(DWORD); DWORD dwtype;
TCHAR c_szRasmanParam[] = TEXT("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Rasman\\Parameters");
if(lr = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_szRasmanParam, 0, KEY_READ, &hkey)) { TracePrintfExA( dwTraceId, TRACESETTINGS, "dwGetNumberOfRings: failed to open rasman key" " in registry. 0x%x", lr);
goto done; }
if(lr = RegQueryValueEx( hkey, TEXT("NumberOfRings"), 0, &dwtype, (PBYTE) pdwRings, &dwsize)) { *pdwRings = 2; }
if (*pdwRings > 20) { *pdwRings = 2; }
done: if(hkey) { RegCloseKey(hkey); }
TracePrintfExA( dwTraceId, TRACESETTINGS, "dwGetNumberOfRings: dwRings=%d. lr=0x%x", *pdwRings, lr);
return (DWORD) lr; }