// Microsoft NT Remote Access Service
// Copyright 1992-93
// Revision History
// 05/29/97s Rao salapaka Created
// Description: All Initialization code for rasman component lives here.
#ifndef UNICODE
#define UNICODE
#ifndef _UNICODE
#define _UNICODE
extern "C" { #include <nt.h>
} #include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <comdef.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <rtutils.h>
#include <rasman.h>
extern "C" { #include <reghelp.h>
DWORD g_dwRasComponent = 0;
extern "C" { DWORD dwTraceId; DWORD dwGetNumberOfRings ( PDWORD pdwRings ); DWORD dwGetPortUsage(DWORD *pdwPortUsage);
LONG lrIsModemRasEnabled(HKEY hkey, BOOL *pfRasEnabled);
DeviceInfo * GetDeviceInfo (PBYTE pbGuid );
LONG lrCheckValue( HKEY hkeyRas, LPCTSTR lpcszValue, BOOL *pfEnabled) { DWORD dwdata; DWORD dwtype; DWORD dwsize = sizeof(DWORD); LONG lr;
*pfEnabled = FALSE;
if(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND == (lr = RegQueryValueEx( hkeyRas, lpcszValue, 0, &dwtype, (PBYTE) &dwdata, &dwsize))) { TracePrintfExA( dwTraceId, TRACESETTINGS, "lrCheckValue: value %ws not found", lpcszValue);
dwdata = 1;
if(lr = lrRasEnableDevice(hkeyRas, lpcszValue)) { TracePrintfExA( dwTraceId, TRACESETTINGS, "lrCheckValue: Couldn't set value %ws. 0x%x", lpcszValue, lr); goto done; }
*pfEnabled = TRUE; goto done; }
*pfEnabled = dwdata; done: return lr; }
LONG lrIsModemRasEnabled(HKEY hkey, BOOL *pfRasEnabled, BOOL *pfRouterEnabled) { DWORD dwdata; DWORD dwsize = sizeof ( DWORD ); DWORD dwtype; LONG lr; HKEY hkeyRas = NULL; DWORD dwDisposition;
*pfRasEnabled = FALSE; *pfRouterEnabled = FALSE;
// Open the RAS key and if the key is not present
// create the key.
if (lr = RegCreateKeyEx( hkey, TEXT("Clients\\Ras"), 0, NULL, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hkeyRas, &dwDisposition)) { TracePrintfExA( dwTraceId, TRACESETTINGS, "dwFindModemPortUsage: Failed to" "create/open RAS key under modem class. 0x%x", lr);
goto done; }
// Check to see if the modem is enabled for Ras dialin
if(lr = lrCheckValue( hkeyRas, TEXT("EnableForRas"), pfRasEnabled)) { TracePrintfExA( dwTraceId, TRACESETTINGS, "dwFindModemPortUsage: lrCheckValue" "failed for RasEnabled. %d", lr );
if (!*pfRasEnabled) { TracePrintfExA( dwTraceId, TRACESETTINGS, "dwFindModemPortUsage: Modem" "is not enabled for RAS"); }
// Check to see if the modem is enabled for routing
if(lr = lrCheckValue( hkeyRas, TEXT("EnableForRouting"), pfRouterEnabled)) { TracePrintfExA( dwTraceId, TRACESETTINGS, "dwFindModemPortUsage: lrCheckValue " "failed for RouterEnabled. %d", lr );
if(!*pfRouterEnabled) { TracePrintfExA( dwTraceId, TRACESETTINGS, "dwFindModemPortUsage: Modem " "is not enabled for Routing"); }
done: if(hkeyRas) { RegCloseKey(hkeyRas); } return (DWORD) lr; }
DWORD dwGetPortUsage(DWORD *pdwUsage) { HKEY hkey = NULL; DWORD dwRetCode = ERROR_SUCCESS;
static const TCHAR c_szRemoteAccess[] = TEXT("System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\RemoteAccess");
TracePrintfExA(dwTraceId, TRACESETTINGS, "dwGetPorTUsage:...");
if(0 == g_dwRasComponent) { // Check to see if Ras Server is installed
g_dwRasComponent = RNETCFG_RASCLI;
if (RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_szRemoteAccess, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hkey)) { TracePrintfExA( dwTraceId, TRACESETTINGS, "dwAssignDefaultPortUsage: RemoteAccess not installed"); } else { g_dwRasComponent = RNETCFG_RASSRV; } }
*pdwUsage = CALL_OUT;
*pdwUsage |= ((g_dwRasComponent & RNETCFG_RASSRV) ? (CALL_IN | CALL_ROUTER) : 0); return dwRetCode; }
DWORD dwGetNumberOfRings (PDWORD pdwRings) { LONG lr = ERROR_SUCCESS; HKEY hkey = NULL; DWORD dwsize = sizeof(DWORD); DWORD dwtype; TCHAR c_szRasmanParam[] = TEXT("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Rasman\\Parameters");
if(lr = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_szRasmanParam, 0, KEY_READ, &hkey)) { TracePrintfExA( dwTraceId, TRACESETTINGS, "dwGetNumberOfRings: failed to open rasman key in registry. 0x%x", lr);
goto done; }
if(lr = RegQueryValueEx( hkey, TEXT("NumberOfRings"), 0, &dwtype, (PBYTE) pdwRings, &dwsize)) { *pdwRings = 1; }
if ( *pdwRings < 1 || *pdwRings > 20) { *pdwRings = 1; }
done: if(hkey) { RegCloseKey(hkey); }
TracePrintfExA( dwTraceId, TRACESETTINGS, "dwGetNumberOfRings: dwRings=%d. lr=0x%x", *pdwRings, lr); return (DWORD) lr; }