// Copyright (c) 1995, Microsoft Corporation, all rights reserved
// pbook.c
// Remote Access Common Dialog APIs
// RasPhonebookDlg APIs
// 06/20/95 Steve Cobb
#include "rasdlgp.h" // Our private header
#include <commdlg.h> // FileOpen dialog
#include <dlgs.h> // Common dialog resource constants
#include <rnk.h> // Shortcut file library
#define WM_RASEVENT (WM_USER+987)
#define RAS_SC_IS_BAD_PIN(_err) \
(((_err) == SCARD_W_WRONG_CHV) || ((_err) == SCARD_E_INVALID_CHV))
// In no-user mode this is updated on every mouse or keyboard event by our
// window hook. The monitor thread notices and resets it's inactivity
// timeout.
DWORD g_cInput = 0;
// Help maps
static DWORD g_adwDuHelp[] = { CID_DU_ST_Entries, HID_DU_LB_Entries, CID_DU_LB_Entries, HID_DU_LB_Entries, CID_DU_PB_New, HID_DU_PB_New, CID_DU_PB_More, HID_DU_PB_More, CID_DU_PB_Dial, HID_DU_PB_Dial, CID_DU_PB_Close, HID_DU_PB_Close, 0, 0 };
// Local datatypes
// Phonebook dialog argument block.
typedef struct _DUARGS { // Caller's arguments to the RAS API. Outputs in 'pApiArgs' are visible
// to the API which has the address of same. 'PszPhonebook' is updated if
// user changes the phonebook on the Preferences->PhoneList page, though
// API is unaware of this.
LPTSTR pszPhonebook; LPTSTR pszEntry; RASPBDLG* pApiArgs;
// RAS API return value. Set true if a connection is established within
// the dialog.
BOOL fApiResult; } DUARGS;
typedef struct _DUCONTEXT { LPTSTR pszPhonebookPath; PBENTRY *pEntry; } DUCONTEXT;
// Dial-Up Networking dialog context block.
typedef struct _DUINFO { // Caller's arguments to the RAS API.
DUARGS* pArgs;
// Handle of this dialog and some of it's controls.
HWND hwndDlg; HWND hwndPbNew; HWND hwndPbProperties; HWND hwndLbEntries; HWND hwndPbDial;
// Global user preference settings read from the Registry.
PBUSER user;
// Phonebook settings read from the phonebook file.
PBFILE file;
// No logged on user information retrieved via callback.
// Set if in "no user before logon" mode. Always the same as the
// RASPBDFLAG but here for convenience.
BOOL fNoUser;
// Window hooks used to detect user input in the thread. Used only when
// 'fNoUser' is set.
HHOOK hhookKeyboard; HHOOK hhookMouse;
// TAPI session handle.
HLINEAPP hlineapp;
// Handle of the RAS connection associated with the current entry or NULL
// if none.
HRASCONN hrasconn;
// Connect monitor objects.
HANDLE hThread; HANDLE hEvent; BOOL fAbortMonitor; } DUINFO;
// Local prototypes (alphabetically)
BOOL DuCommand( IN DUINFO* pInfo, IN WORD wNotification, IN WORD wId, IN HWND hwndCtrl );
VOID DuCreateShortcut( IN DUINFO* pInfo );
LRESULT CALLBACK DuCreateShortcutCallWndRetProc( int code, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam );
INT_PTR CALLBACK DuDlgProc( IN HWND hwnd, IN UINT unMsg, IN WPARAM wparam, IN LPARAM lparam );
VOID DuDeleteSelectedEntry( IN DUINFO* pInfo );
VOID DuDialSelectedEntry( IN DUINFO* pInfo );
VOID DuEditSelectedEntry( IN DUINFO* pInfo );
VOID DuEditSelectedLocation( IN DUINFO* pInfo );
DWORD DuFillLocationList( IN DUINFO* pInfo );
VOID DuFillPreview( IN DUINFO* pInfo );
DWORD DuGetEntry( DUINFO* pInfo, DUCONTEXT* pContext );
TCHAR* DuGetPreview( IN DUINFO* pInfo );
DWORD DuHandleConnectFailure( IN DUINFO* pInfo, IN RASDIALDLG* pDialInfo); VOID DuHangUpSelectedEntry( IN DUINFO* pInfo );
BOOL DuInit( IN HWND hwndDlg, IN DUARGS* pArgs );
LRESULT CALLBACK DuInputHook( IN int nCode, IN WPARAM wparam, IN LPARAM lparam );
LRESULT APIENTRY DuLbEntriesProc( IN HWND hwnd, IN UINT unMsg, IN WPARAM wparam, IN LPARAM lparam );
VOID DuLocationChange( IN DUINFO* pInfo );
DWORD DuMonitorThread( LPVOID pThreadArg );
VOID DuNewEntry( IN DUINFO* pInfo, IN BOOL fClone );
VOID DuOperatorDial( IN DUINFO* pInfo );
LRESULT APIENTRY DuPbMoreProc( IN HWND hwnd, IN UINT unMsg, IN WPARAM wparam, IN LPARAM lparam );
VOID DuPopupMoreMenu( IN DUINFO* pInfo );
VOID DuPreferences( IN DUINFO* pInfo, IN BOOL fLogon );
VOID DuSetup( IN DUINFO* pInfo );
VOID DuStatus( IN DUINFO* pInfo );
VOID DuTerm( IN HWND hwndDlg );
VOID DuUpdateConnectStatus( IN DUINFO* pInfo );
VOID DuUpdateLbEntries( IN DUINFO* pInfo, IN TCHAR* pszEntry );
VOID DuUpdatePreviewAndLocationState( IN DUINFO* pInfo );
VOID DuUpdateTitle( IN DUINFO* pInfo );
VOID DuWriteShortcutFile( IN HWND hwnd, IN TCHAR* pszRnkPath, IN TCHAR* pszPbkPath, IN TCHAR* pszEntry );
DWORD DwGetEapLogonInfo( VOID *pv, EAPLOGONINFO **ppEapLogonInfo );
VOID WINAPI RasPbDlgCallbackThunk( ULONG_PTR ulpId, DWORD dwEvent, LPWSTR pszEntry, LPVOID pArgs );
// External entry points
BOOL APIENTRY RasPhonebookDlgA( IN LPSTR lpszPhonebook, IN LPSTR lpszEntry, IN OUT LPRASPBDLGA lpInfo )
// Win32 ANSI entrypoint that displays the Dial-Up Networking dialog, i.e.
// the RAS phonebook. 'LpszPhonebook' is the full path the phonebook or
// NULL indicating the default phonebook. 'LpszEntry' is the entry to
// highlight on entry or NULL to highlight the first entry in the list.
// 'LpInfo' is caller's additional input/output parameters.
// Returns true if user establishes a connection, false otherwise.
{ WCHAR* pszPhonebookW; WCHAR* pszEntryW; RASPBDLGW infoW; BOOL fStatus;
TRACE( "RasPhonebookDlgA" );
if (!lpInfo) { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return FALSE; }
if (lpInfo->dwSize != sizeof(RASPBDLGA)) { lpInfo->dwError = ERROR_INVALID_SIZE; return FALSE; }
// Thunk "A" arguments to "W" arguments.
if (lpszPhonebook) { pszPhonebookW = StrDupTFromAUsingAnsiEncoding( lpszPhonebook ); if (!pszPhonebookW) { lpInfo->dwError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; return FALSE; } } else { pszPhonebookW = NULL; }
if (lpszEntry) { pszEntryW = StrDupTFromAUsingAnsiEncoding( lpszEntry ); if (!pszEntryW) { Free0( pszPhonebookW ); lpInfo->dwError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; return FALSE; } } else { pszEntryW = NULL; }
// Take advantage of the structures currently having the same size and
// layout. Only the callback is different.
ASSERT( sizeof(RASPBDLGA) == sizeof(RASPBDLGW) ); CopyMemory( &infoW, lpInfo, sizeof(infoW) );
if (lpInfo->pCallback) { infoW.dwCallbackId = (ULONG_PTR)lpInfo; infoW.pCallback = RasPbDlgCallbackThunk; }
infoW.reserved2 = lpInfo->reserved2;
// Thunk to the equivalent "W" API.
fStatus = RasPhonebookDlgW( pszPhonebookW, pszEntryW, &infoW );
Free0( pszPhonebookW ); Free0( pszEntryW );
return fStatus; }
VOID WINAPI RasPbDlgCallbackThunk( ULONG_PTR ulpId, DWORD dwEvent, LPWSTR pszEntry, LPVOID pArgs )
// This thunks "W" callbacks to API caller's "A" callback.
{ CHAR* pszEntryA; VOID* pArgsA; RASPBDLGA* pInfo; RASNOUSERA nuA;
if (dwEvent == RASPBDEVENT_NoUser || dwEvent == RASPBDEVENT_NoUserEdit) { RASNOUSERW* pnuW = (RASNOUSERW* )pArgs; ASSERT( pnuW );
ZeroMemory( &nuA, sizeof(nuA) ); nuA.dwSize = sizeof(nuA); nuA.dwFlags = pnuW->dwFlags; nuA.dwTimeoutMs = pnuW->dwTimeoutMs;
StrCpyAFromW(nuA.szUserName, pnuW->szUserName, UNLEN + 1); StrCpyAFromW(nuA.szPassword, pnuW->szPassword, UNLEN + 1); StrCpyAFromW(nuA.szDomain, pnuW->szDomain, UNLEN + 1); pArgsA = &nuA; } else { pArgsA = NULL; }
pszEntryA = StrDupAFromT( pszEntry ); pInfo = (RASPBDLGA* )ulpId; pInfo->pCallback( pInfo->dwCallbackId, dwEvent, pszEntryA, pArgsA ); Free0( pszEntryA );
if (dwEvent == RASPBDEVENT_NoUser || dwEvent == RASPBDEVENT_NoUserEdit) { RASNOUSERW* pnuW = (RASNOUSERW* )pArgs;
pnuW->dwFlags = nuA.dwFlags; pnuW->dwTimeoutMs = nuA.dwTimeoutMs;
StrCpyWFromA(pnuW->szUserName, nuA.szUserName, UNLEN + 1); StrCpyWFromA(pnuW->szPassword, nuA.szPassword, UNLEN + 1); StrCpyWFromA(pnuW->szDomain, nuA.szDomain, UNLEN + 1); ZeroMemory( nuA.szPassword, PWLEN ); } }
BOOL APIENTRY RasPhonebookDlgW( IN LPWSTR lpszPhonebook, IN LPWSTR lpszEntry, IN OUT LPRASPBDLGW lpInfo )
// Win32 Unicode entrypoint that displays the Dial-Up Networking dialog,
// i.e. the RAS phonebook. 'LpszPhonebook' is the full path the phonebook
// or NULL indicating the default phonebook. 'LpszEntry' is the entry to
// highlight on entry or NULL to highlight the first entry in the list.
// 'LpInfo' is caller's additional input/output parameters.
// Returns true if user establishes a connection, false otherwise.
{ INT_PTR nStatus; DUARGS args;
TRACE( "RasPhonebookDlgW" );
if (!lpInfo) { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return FALSE; }
if (lpInfo->dwSize != sizeof(RASPBDLGW)) { lpInfo->dwError = ERROR_INVALID_SIZE; return FALSE; }
// Initialize OUT parameters.
lpInfo->dwError = 0;
// Initialize dialog argument block.
args.pszPhonebook = lpszPhonebook; args.pszEntry = lpszEntry; args.pApiArgs = lpInfo; args.fApiResult = FALSE;
// Run the dialog.
nStatus = DialogBoxParam( g_hinstDll, MAKEINTRESOURCE( DID_DU_DialUpNetworking ), lpInfo->hwndOwner, DuDlgProc, (LPARAM )&args );
if (nStatus == -1) { ErrorDlg( lpInfo->hwndOwner, SID_OP_LoadDlg, ERROR_UNKNOWN, NULL ); lpInfo->dwError = ERROR_UNKNOWN; args.fApiResult = FALSE; }
return args.fApiResult; }
// Dial-Up Networking dialog
// Listed alphabetically following dialog proc
INT_PTR CALLBACK DuDlgProc( IN HWND hwnd, IN UINT unMsg, IN WPARAM wparam, IN LPARAM lparam )
// DialogProc callback for the Dial-Up Networking dialog, i.e. the
// phonebook dialog. Parameters and return value are as described for
// standard windows 'DialogProc's.
{ #if 0
TRACE4( "DuDlgProc(h=$%x,m=$%x,w=$%x,l=$%x)", (DWORD )hwnd, (DWORD )unMsg, (DWORD )wparam, (DWORD )lparam ); #endif
switch (unMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { return DuInit( hwnd, (DUARGS* )lparam ); }
case WM_HELP: case WM_CONTEXTMENU: { ContextHelp( g_adwDuHelp, hwnd, unMsg, wparam, lparam ); return TRUE; }
case WM_COMMAND: { DUINFO* pInfo = (DUINFO* )GetWindowLongPtr( hwnd, DWLP_USER ); ASSERT( pInfo );
return DuCommand( pInfo, HIWORD( wparam ), LOWORD( wparam ), (HWND )lparam ); }
case WM_RASEVENT: { DUINFO* pInfo = (DUINFO* )GetWindowLongPtr( hwnd, DWLP_USER ); ASSERT( pInfo );
DuUpdateConnectStatus( pInfo ); break; }
case WM_NOUSERTIMEOUT: { DUINFO* pInfo; ULONG ulCallbacksActive;
TRACE( "CancelOwnedWindows" ); CancelOwnedWindows( hwnd ); TRACE( "CancelOwnedWindows done" );
ulCallbacksActive = CallbacksActive( 1, NULL ); if (ulCallbacksActive > 0) { TRACE1( "NoUser timeout stall, n=%d", ulCallbacksActive ); PostMessage( hwnd, WM_NOUSERTIMEOUT, wparam, lparam ); return TRUE; }
pInfo = (DUINFO* )GetWindowLongPtr( hwnd, DWLP_USER ); if (pInfo) { pInfo->pArgs->pApiArgs->dwError = STATUS_TIMEOUT; }
EndDialog( hwnd, TRUE ); CallbacksActive( 0, NULL ); break; }
case WM_DESTROY: { DuTerm( hwnd );
//We have to wait for Deonb to return us the IID_Dun1 icon
//For whistler bug 372078 381099
//Icon returned by GetCurrentIconEntryType() has to be destroyed
//hIcon = (HICON) GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA);
hIcon = GetProp( hwnd, TEXT("TweakTitleBar_Icon")); ASSERT(hIcon); if( hIcon ) { DestroyIcon(hIcon); } else { TRACE("DuDlgProc:Destroy Icon failed"); } } */ break; } }
return FALSE; }
BOOL DuCommand( IN DUINFO* pInfo, IN WORD wNotification, IN WORD wId, IN HWND hwndCtrl )
// Called on WM_COMMAND. 'PInfo' is the dialog context. 'WNotification'
// is the notification code of the command. 'wId' is the control/menu
// identifier of the command. 'HwndCtrl' is the control window handle of
// the command.
// Returns true if processed message, false otherwise.
{ TRACE3( "DuCommand(n=%d,i=%d,c=$%x)", (DWORD )wNotification, (DWORD )wId, (ULONG_PTR )hwndCtrl );
switch (wId) { case CID_DU_PB_Dial: { if (pInfo->hrasconn) { DuHangUpSelectedEntry( pInfo ); } else { DuDialSelectedEntry( pInfo ); } return TRUE; }
case CID_DU_PB_New: { DuNewEntry( pInfo, FALSE ); return TRUE; }
case CID_DU_PB_More: { DuEditSelectedEntry( pInfo ); return TRUE; }
case CID_DU_LB_Entries: { if (wNotification == CBN_SELCHANGE) { PBENTRY *pEntry; DWORD dwErr = SUCCESS; DUCONTEXT *pContext;
pContext = (DUCONTEXT *) ComboBox_GetItemDataPtr( pInfo->hwndLbEntries, ComboBox_GetCurSel(pInfo->hwndLbEntries));
ASSERT(NULL != pContext);
if(NULL == pContext) { return TRUE; }
// Update the phonebook information
dwErr = DuGetEntry(pInfo, pContext);
if(ERROR_SUCCESS == dwErr) { ComboBox_SetItemData( pInfo->hwndLbEntries, ComboBox_GetCurSel(pInfo->hwndLbEntries), pContext); } else { ComboBox_DeleteString( pInfo->hwndLbEntries, ComboBox_GetCurSel(pInfo->hwndLbEntries) ); }
DuUpdateConnectStatus( pInfo ); return TRUE; } break; }
case IDCANCEL: case CID_DU_PB_Close: { EndDialog( pInfo->hwndDlg, TRUE ); return TRUE; } }
return FALSE; } VOID DuDialSelectedEntry( IN DUINFO* pInfo )
// Called when user presses the "Dial" button.
{ DWORD dwErr; BOOL fConnected; BOOL fAutoLogon; TCHAR* pszEbNumber; TCHAR* pszEbPreview; TCHAR* pszOrgPreview; TCHAR* pszOverride; TCHAR* pszEntryName; RASDIALDLG info; INTERNALARGS iargs; PBENTRY* pEntry; DTLNODE *pdtlnode; PBFILE file; DUCONTEXT *pContext;
TRACE( "DuDialSelectedEntry" );
// Look up the selected entry.
pContext = (DUCONTEXT *) ComboBox_GetItemDataPtr( pInfo->hwndLbEntries, ComboBox_GetCurSel(pInfo->hwndLbEntries));
if (!pContext) { MsgDlg( pInfo->hwndDlg, SID_NoEntrySelected, NULL ); SetFocus( pInfo->hwndPbNew ); return; }
pEntry = pContext->pEntry;
if (!pEntry) { MsgDlg( pInfo->hwndDlg, SID_NoEntrySelected, NULL ); SetFocus( pInfo->hwndPbNew ); return; }
pszOverride = NULL; pszOrgPreview = NULL; pszEbPreview = NULL; pszEbNumber = NULL;
// Set up API argument block.
ZeroMemory( &info, sizeof(info) ); info.dwSize = sizeof(info); info.hwndOwner = pInfo->hwndDlg;
// The secret hack to share information already loaded with the entry API.
ZeroMemory( &iargs, sizeof(iargs) ); iargs.pFile = &pInfo->file; iargs.pUser = &pInfo->user; iargs.pNoUser = pInfo->pNoUser; iargs.fNoUser = pInfo->fNoUser; iargs.fForceCloseOnDial = (pInfo->pArgs->pApiArgs->dwFlags & RASPBDFLAG_ForceCloseOnDial);
iargs.pvEapInfo = NULL;
if(0 != pInfo->pArgs->pApiArgs->reserved2) { DWORD retcode; EAPLOGONINFO *pEapInfo = NULL;
retcode = DwGetEapLogonInfo( (VOID *) pInfo->pArgs->pApiArgs->reserved2, &pEapInfo);
if(SUCCESS == retcode) { iargs.pvEapInfo = (VOID *) pEapInfo; } }
iargs.fMoveOwnerOffDesktop = (iargs.fForceCloseOnDial || pInfo->user.fCloseOnDial); info.reserved = (ULONG_PTR ) &iargs;
// Call the Win32 API to run the connect status dialog. Make a copy of
// the entry name and auto-logon flag first, because RasDialDlg may
// re-read the entry node to pick up RASAPI changes.
pszEntryName = StrDup( pEntry->pszEntryName ); fAutoLogon = pEntry->fAutoLogon;
TRACEW1( "RasDialDlg,o=\"%s\"", (pszOverride) ? pszOverride : TEXT("") ); fConnected = RasDialDlg( pContext->pszPhonebookPath, pEntry->pszEntryName, pszOverride, &info ); TRACE1( "RasDialDlg=%d", fConnected );
Free0( pszEbPreview ); Free0( pszOrgPreview );
if(NULL != iargs.pvEapInfo) { Free0(iargs.pvEapInfo); iargs.pvEapInfo = NULL; }
if (fConnected) { pInfo->pArgs->fApiResult = TRUE;
if (pInfo->pArgs->pApiArgs->pCallback) { RASPBDLGFUNCW pfunc = pInfo->pArgs->pApiArgs->pCallback;
if (pInfo->pNoUser && iargs.fNoUserChanged && fAutoLogon) { // Whistler bug 254385 encode password when not being used
// Need to Decode password before callback function
// Assumed password was encoded previously by DuInit()
DecodePassword( pInfo->pNoUser->szPassword ); TRACE( "Callback(NoUserEdit)" ); pfunc( pInfo->pArgs->pApiArgs->dwCallbackId, RASPBDEVENT_NoUserEdit, NULL, pInfo->pNoUser ); TRACE( "Callback(NoUserEdit) done" ); EncodePassword( pInfo->pNoUser->szPassword ); }
TRACE( "Callback(DialEntry)" ); pfunc( pInfo->pArgs->pApiArgs->dwCallbackId, RASPBDEVENT_DialEntry, pszEntryName, NULL ); TRACE( "Callback(DialEntry) done" ); }
if (pInfo->user.fCloseOnDial || (pInfo->pArgs->pApiArgs->dwFlags & RASPBDFLAG_ForceCloseOnDial)) { EndDialog( pInfo->hwndDlg, TRUE ); } }
else { DuHandleConnectFailure(pInfo, &info); }
if (pInfo->pNoUser && !pInfo->hThread) { TRACE( "Taking shortcut to exit" ); return; }
// Reload the list even if the Dial was cancelled as user may have changed
// the current PBENTRY with the Properties button on the dialer which
// commits changes even if user cancels the dial itself. See bug 363710.
DuUpdateLbEntries( pInfo, pszEntryName ); SetFocus( pInfo->hwndLbEntries );
Free0( pszEntryName ); }
VOID DuEditSelectedEntry( IN DUINFO* pInfo )
// Called when user selects "Edit entry" from the menu. 'PInfo' is the
// dialog context. 'PszEntry' is the name of the entry to edit.
{ BOOL fOk; RASENTRYDLG info; INTERNALARGS iargs; PBENTRY* pEntry; LPTSTR pszEntryName; DTLNODE *pdtlnode; PBFILE file; DWORD dwErr; DUCONTEXT *pContext; INT iSel;
TRACE( "DuEditSelectedEntry" );
// Look up the selected entry.
iSel = ComboBox_GetCurSel( pInfo->hwndLbEntries ); if (iSel < 0) { return; }
pContext = (DUCONTEXT * )ComboBox_GetItemDataPtr( pInfo->hwndLbEntries, iSel );
ASSERT(NULL != pContext);
if(NULL == pContext) { return; } ASSERT(NULL != pContext->pszPhonebookPath);
pEntry = pContext->pEntry;
if (!pEntry) { MsgDlg( pInfo->hwndDlg, SID_NoEntrySelected, NULL ); SetFocus( pInfo->hwndPbNew ); return; }
// Set up API argument block.
ZeroMemory( &info, sizeof(info) ); info.dwSize = sizeof(info); info.hwndOwner = pInfo->hwndDlg;
{ RECT rect;
info.dwFlags = RASEDFLAG_PositionDlg; GetWindowRect( pInfo->hwndDlg, &rect ); info.xDlg = rect.left + DXSHEET; info.yDlg = rect.top + DYSHEET; }
// The secret hack to share information already loaded with the entry API.
ZeroMemory( &iargs, sizeof(iargs) ); iargs.pFile = &pInfo->file; iargs.pUser = &pInfo->user; iargs.pNoUser = pInfo->pNoUser; iargs.fNoUser = pInfo->fNoUser; info.reserved = (ULONG_PTR ) &iargs;
// Call the Win32 API to run the entry property sheet.
TRACE( "RasEntryDlg" ); fOk = RasEntryDlg( pContext->pszPhonebookPath, pEntry->pszEntryName, &info ); TRACE1( "RasEntryDlg=%d", fOk );
if (pInfo->pNoUser && !pInfo->hThread) { TRACE( "Taking shortcut to exit" ); return; }
if (fOk) { TRACEW1( "OK pressed,e=\"%s\"", info.szEntry );
if (pInfo->pArgs->pApiArgs->pCallback) { RASPBDLGFUNCW pfunc = pInfo->pArgs->pApiArgs->pCallback;
TRACE( "Callback(EditEntry)" ); pfunc( pInfo->pArgs->pApiArgs->dwCallbackId, RASPBDEVENT_AddEntry, info.szEntry, NULL ); TRACE( "Callback(EditEntry) done" ); }
DuUpdateLbEntries( pInfo, info.szEntry ); SetFocus( pInfo->hwndLbEntries ); } else { TRACE( "Cancel pressed or error" ); } }
// Helper function called by DuDialSelectedEntry to handle errors
// returned from RasDialDlgW
DWORD DuHandleConnectFailure( IN DUINFO* pInfo, IN RASDIALDLG* pDialInfo) { TRACE3( "DuHandleConnectFailure: nu=%x, r2=%x, de=%x", (pInfo->pNoUser), (pInfo->pArgs->pApiArgs->reserved2), (pDialInfo->dwError)); // XP: 384968
// Handle the bad-PIN error from winlogon
// Normally, the smart card PIN is gotten by calling EAP-TLS's identity
// api. This API raises UI and validates the PIN entered.
// During winlogon, however, the smart card PIN is passed to us from GINA.
// In this case it is not validated until we call EAP API's. (actually,
// it's until we call the eap identity api with RAS_EAP_FLAG_LOGON.
// This flag tells EAP not to raise any UI but instead to use the info
// passed from GINA)
// GINA is not able to validate the PIN itself because it does not call any
// CAPI's directly. Oh well.
// If RasDialDlg returns a bad pin error, then we should gracefully fail
// back to winlogon.
if ((pInfo->pNoUser) && // called by winlogon
(pInfo->pArgs->pApiArgs->reserved2) && // for smart card
(RAS_SC_IS_BAD_PIN(pDialInfo->dwError))) // but pin is bad
{ pInfo->pArgs->pApiArgs->dwError = pDialInfo->dwError; EndDialog( pInfo->hwndDlg, TRUE ); }
return NO_ERROR; }
VOID DuHangUpSelectedEntry( IN DUINFO* pInfo )
// Hang up the selected entry after confirming with user. 'Pinfo' is the
// dialog context block.
{ DWORD dwErr; PBENTRY* pEntry; INT iSel; INT nResponse; MSGARGS msgargs; LPTSTR pszEntryName; DTLNODE *pdtlnode; DUCONTEXT *pContext;
TRACE( "DuHangUpSelectedEntry" );
// Look up the selected entry.
iSel = ComboBox_GetCurSel( pInfo->hwndLbEntries ); ASSERT( iSel >= 0 ); pContext = (DUCONTEXT * )ComboBox_GetItemDataPtr( pInfo->hwndLbEntries, iSel );
ASSERT(NULL != pContext); if (!pContext) { MsgDlg( pInfo->hwndDlg, SID_NoEntrySelected, NULL ); SetFocus( pInfo->hwndPbNew ); return; } pEntry = pContext->pEntry; ASSERT( pEntry );
if (!pEntry) { MsgDlg( pInfo->hwndDlg, SID_NoEntrySelected, NULL ); SetFocus( pInfo->hwndPbNew ); return; }
ZeroMemory( &msgargs, sizeof(msgargs) ); msgargs.apszArgs[ 0 ] = pEntry->pszEntryName; msgargs.dwFlags = MB_YESNO | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION; nResponse = MsgDlg( pInfo->hwndDlg, SID_ConfirmHangUp, &msgargs );
if (nResponse == IDYES) { ASSERT( g_pRasHangUp ); TRACE( "RasHangUp" ); dwErr = g_pRasHangUp( pInfo->hrasconn ); TRACE1( "RasHangUp=%d", dwErr ); if ( dwErr == ERROR_HANGUP_FAILED ) { MsgDlg( pInfo->hwndDlg, SID_CantHangUpRouter, NULL ); } } }
BOOL DuInit( IN HWND hwndDlg, IN DUARGS* pArgs )
// Called on WM_INITDIALOG. 'hwndDlg' is the handle of the phonebook
// dialog window. 'pArgs' points at caller's arguments as passed to the
// API (or thunk).
// Return false if focus was set, true otherwise, i.e. as defined for
{ DWORD dwErr; DWORD dwThreadId; DWORD dwReadPbkFlags = 0; DUINFO* pInfo;
TRACE( "DuInit" );
// Allocate the dialog context block. Initialize minimally for proper
// cleanup, then attach to the dialog window.
{ pInfo = Malloc( sizeof(*pInfo) ); if (!pInfo) { ErrorDlg( hwndDlg, SID_OP_LoadDlg, ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY, NULL ); pArgs->pApiArgs->dwError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; EndDialog( hwndDlg, TRUE ); return TRUE; }
ZeroMemory( pInfo, sizeof(*pInfo) ); pInfo->file.hrasfile = -1;
SetWindowLongPtr( hwndDlg, DWLP_USER, (ULONG_PTR )pInfo ); TRACE( "Context set" ); }
pInfo->pArgs = pArgs; pInfo->hwndDlg = hwndDlg;
// Position the dialog per caller's instructions.
PositionDlg( hwndDlg, pArgs->pApiArgs->dwFlags & RASPBDFLAG_PositionDlg, pArgs->pApiArgs->xDlg, pArgs->pApiArgs->yDlg );
// Load RAS DLL entrypoints which starts RASMAN, if necessary. There must
// be no API calls that require RASAPI32 or RASMAN prior to this point.
dwErr = LoadRas( g_hinstDll, hwndDlg ); if (dwErr != 0) { ErrorDlg( hwndDlg, SID_OP_LoadRas, dwErr, NULL ); pArgs->pApiArgs->dwError = dwErr; EndDialog( hwndDlg, TRUE ); return TRUE; }
if(0 != (pArgs->pApiArgs->dwFlags & RASPBDFLAG_NoUser)) { // Popup TAPI's "first location" dialog if they are uninitialized.
dwErr = TapiNoLocationDlg( g_hinstDll, &pInfo->hlineapp, hwndDlg ); if (dwErr != 0) { // Error here is treated as a "cancel" per bug 288385.
pArgs->pApiArgs->dwError = 0; EndDialog( hwndDlg, TRUE ); return TRUE; } }
pInfo->hwndLbEntries = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, CID_DU_LB_Entries ); ASSERT( pInfo->hwndLbEntries ); pInfo->hwndPbDial = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, CID_DU_PB_Dial ); ASSERT( pInfo->hwndPbDial ); pInfo->hwndPbNew = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, CID_DU_PB_New ); ASSERT( pInfo->hwndPbNew ); pInfo->hwndPbProperties = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, CID_DU_PB_More ); ASSERT( pInfo->hwndPbProperties );
pInfo->fNoUser = (pArgs->pApiArgs->dwFlags & RASPBDFLAG_NoUser );
// Setting this global flag indicates that WinHelp will not work in the
// current mode. See common\uiutil\ui.c. We assume here that only the
// WinLogon process makes use of this.
{ extern BOOL g_fNoWinHelp; g_fNoWinHelp = pInfo->fNoUser; }
// Read user preferences from registry.
dwErr = g_pGetUserPreferences( NULL, &pInfo->user, pInfo->fNoUser ? UPM_Logon : UPM_Normal); if (dwErr != 0) { //
// The following free causes a crash in DuTerm. This context will be
// freed in DuTerm - raos.
// Free( pInfo );
ErrorDlg( hwndDlg, SID_OP_LoadPrefs, dwErr, NULL ); EndDialog( hwndDlg, TRUE ); return TRUE; }
// Load and parse phonebook file.
if (pInfo->fNoUser) { dwReadPbkFlags |= RPBF_NoUser; } dwErr = ReadPhonebookFile( pArgs->pszPhonebook, &pInfo->user, NULL, dwReadPbkFlags, &pInfo->file ); if (dwErr != 0) { // The following free causes a crash in DuTerm. This context will be
// freed in DuTerm - raos.
// Free( pInfo );
ErrorDlg( hwndDlg, SID_OP_LoadPhonebook, dwErr, NULL ); EndDialog( hwndDlg, TRUE ); return TRUE; }
if (pArgs->pApiArgs->pCallback && !pArgs->pszPhonebook) { RASPBDLGFUNCW pfunc = pInfo->pArgs->pApiArgs->pCallback;
// Tell user the path to the default phonebook file.
TRACE( "Callback(EditGlobals)" ); pfunc( pInfo->pArgs->pApiArgs->dwCallbackId, RASPBDEVENT_EditGlobals, pInfo->file.pszPath, NULL ); TRACE( "Callback(EditGlobals) done" ); }
if (pInfo->fNoUser) { // Retrieve logon information from caller via callback.
if (pArgs->pApiArgs->pCallback) { RASPBDLGFUNCW pfunc = pArgs->pApiArgs->pCallback;
pInfo->pNoUser = Malloc( sizeof(RASNOUSERW) ); if (pInfo->pNoUser) { ZeroMemory( pInfo->pNoUser, sizeof(*pInfo->pNoUser) ); pInfo->pNoUser->dwSize = sizeof(*pInfo->pNoUser);
TRACE( "Callback(NoUser)" ); pfunc( pInfo->pArgs->pApiArgs->dwCallbackId, RASPBDEVENT_NoUser, NULL, pInfo->pNoUser ); TRACE1( "Callback(NoUser) done,to=%d", pInfo->pNoUser->dwTimeoutMs ); TRACEW1( "U=%s",pInfo->pNoUser->szUserName ); TRACEW1( "D=%s",pInfo->pNoUser->szDomain );
// Whistler bug 254385 encode password when not being used
// Assumed password was not encoded during callback
EncodePassword( pInfo->pNoUser->szPassword );
// Install input detection hooks.
if (pInfo->pNoUser->dwTimeoutMs > 0) { pInfo->hhookMouse = SetWindowsHookEx( WH_MOUSE, DuInputHook, g_hinstDll, GetCurrentThreadId() );
pInfo->hhookKeyboard = SetWindowsHookEx( WH_KEYBOARD, DuInputHook, g_hinstDll, GetCurrentThreadId() ); } } }
if (!pInfo->user.fAllowLogonPhonebookEdits) { // Disable new button. See also similar logic for the Properties
// button occurs in DuUpdateLbEntries.
EnableWindow( pInfo->hwndPbNew, FALSE ); } }
// Load the list of phonebook entries and set selection.
DuUpdateLbEntries( pInfo, pInfo->pArgs->pszEntry );
if (!pInfo->pArgs->pszEntry) { if (ComboBox_GetCount( pInfo->hwndLbEntries ) > 0) { ComboBox_SetCurSelNotify( pInfo->hwndLbEntries, 0 ); } }
// Update the title to reflect the phonebook mode.
DuUpdateTitle( pInfo );
// Adjust the title bar widgets and create the wizard bitmap.
TweakTitleBar( hwndDlg ); AddContextHelpButton( hwndDlg );
// Start the connect monitor.
if ((pInfo->hEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL )) && (pInfo->hThread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, DuMonitorThread, (LPVOID )pInfo, 0, (LPDWORD )&dwThreadId ))) { ASSERT( g_pRasConnectionNotification ); TRACE( "RasConnectionNotification" ); dwErr = g_pRasConnectionNotification( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, pInfo->hEvent, RASCN_Connection | RASCN_Disconnection ); TRACE1( "RasConnectionNotification=%d", dwErr ); } else TRACE( "Monitor DOA" );
if (ComboBox_GetCount( pInfo->hwndLbEntries ) == 0) { // The phonebook is empty.
if (pInfo->fNoUser && !pInfo->user.fAllowLogonPhonebookEdits ) { // Tell the user you can't create an entry or locations during
// startup.
MsgDlg( hwndDlg, SID_EmptyLogonPb, NULL ); EndDialog( hwndDlg, TRUE ); return TRUE; } else { if(pInfo->fNoUser) { dwErr = TapiNoLocationDlg( g_hinstDll, &pInfo->hlineapp, hwndDlg ); if (dwErr != 0) { // Error here is treated as a "cancel" per bug 288385.
pArgs->pApiArgs->dwError = 0; EndDialog( hwndDlg, TRUE ); return TRUE; } } // Tell the user, then automatically start him into adding a new
// entry. Set initial focus to "New" button first, in case user
// cancels out.
SetFocus( pInfo->hwndPbNew ); MsgDlg( hwndDlg, SID_EmptyPhonebook, NULL ); DuNewEntry( pInfo, FALSE ); } } else { // Set initial focus to the non-empty entry listbox.
SetFocus( pInfo->hwndLbEntries ); }
return FALSE; }
LRESULT CALLBACK DuInputHook( IN int nCode, IN WPARAM wparam, IN LPARAM lparam )
// Standard Win32 'MouseProc' or 'KeyboardProc' callback. For our simple
// processing we can take advantage of them having identical arguments and
// 'nCode' definitions.
{ if (nCode == HC_ACTION) { ++g_cInput; } return 0; }
VOID DuNewEntry( IN DUINFO* pInfo, IN BOOL fClone )
// Called when user presses the "New" button or "Clone" menu item.
// 'PInfo' is the dialog context. 'FClone' is set to clone the selected
// entry, otherwise an empty entry is created.
TRACE1( "DuNewEntry(f=%d)", fClone );
ZeroMemory( &info, sizeof(info) ); info.dwSize = sizeof(info); info.hwndOwner = pInfo->hwndDlg;
if (fClone) { DUCONTEXT *pContext;
// Look up the selected entry.
pContext = (DUCONTEXT* )ComboBox_GetItemDataPtr( pInfo->hwndLbEntries, ComboBox_GetCurSel( pInfo->hwndLbEntries ) );
if (!pContext) { MsgDlg( pInfo->hwndDlg, SID_NoEntrySelected, NULL ); SetFocus( pInfo->hwndPbNew ); return; }
pEntry = pContext->pEntry;
if (!pEntry) { MsgDlg( pInfo->hwndDlg, SID_NoEntrySelected, NULL ); SetFocus( pInfo->hwndPbNew ); return; }
pszEntry = pEntry->pszEntryName; info.dwFlags = RASEDFLAG_CloneEntry; } else { pszEntry = NULL; info.dwFlags = RASEDFLAG_NewEntry; }
{ RECT rect;
GetWindowRect( pInfo->hwndDlg, &rect ); info.dwFlags += RASEDFLAG_PositionDlg; info.xDlg = rect.left + DXSHEET; info.yDlg = rect.top + DYSHEET; }
// The secret hack to share information already loaded with the entry API.
ZeroMemory( &iargs, sizeof(iargs) ); iargs.pFile = &pInfo->file; iargs.pUser = &pInfo->user; iargs.pNoUser = pInfo->pNoUser; iargs.fNoUser = pInfo->fNoUser; info.reserved = (ULONG_PTR ) &iargs;
// Call the Win32 API to run the add entry wizard.
TRACE( "RasEntryDlg" ); fOk = RasEntryDlg( pInfo->pArgs->pszPhonebook, pszEntry, &info ); TRACE1( "RasEntryDlg=%d", fOk );
if (pInfo->pNoUser && !pInfo->hThread) { TRACE( "Taking shortcut to exit" ); return; }
if (fOk) { TRACEW1( "OK pressed, e=\"%s\"", info.szEntry );
if (pInfo->pArgs->pApiArgs->pCallback) { RASPBDLGFUNCW pfunc = pInfo->pArgs->pApiArgs->pCallback;
TRACE( "Callback(AddEntry)" ); pfunc( pInfo->pArgs->pApiArgs->dwCallbackId, RASPBDEVENT_AddEntry, info.szEntry, NULL ); TRACE( "Callback(AddEntry) done" ); }
DuUpdateLbEntries( pInfo, info.szEntry ); Button_MakeDefault( pInfo->hwndDlg, pInfo->hwndPbDial ); SetFocus( pInfo->hwndLbEntries ); } else { TRACE( "Cancel pressed or error" ); } }
VOID DuUpdateConnectStatus( IN DUINFO* pInfo )
// Called to update connect status of the selected entry and the text of
// the Dial/HangUp button. 'PInfo' is the dialog context block.
{ TCHAR* pszPhonebook; TCHAR* pszEntry; INT iSel; TCHAR* psz; DUCONTEXT *pContext;
TRACE( "DuUpdateConnectStatus" );
// pszPhonebook = pInfo->file.pszPath;
iSel = ComboBox_GetCurSel( pInfo->hwndLbEntries ); if (iSel < 0) { return; }
pContext = (DUCONTEXT *) ComboBox_GetItemDataPtr( pInfo->hwndLbEntries, iSel);
ASSERT(NULL != pContext);
pszEntry = ComboBox_GetPsz( pInfo->hwndLbEntries, iSel ); pInfo->hrasconn = HrasconnFromEntry( pContext->pszPhonebookPath, pszEntry );
psz = PszFromId( g_hinstDll, (pInfo->hrasconn) ? SID_DU_HangUp : SID_DU_Dial ); if (psz) { SetWindowText( pInfo->hwndPbDial, psz ); Free( psz ); } }
VOID DuUpdateLbEntries( IN DUINFO* pInfo, IN TCHAR* pszEntry )
// Update the contents of the entry listbox and set the selection to
// 'pszEntry'. If there are entries the Properties button is enabled,
// otherwise it is disabled. 'PInfo' is the dialog context.
{ DTLNODE* pNode; RASENTRYNAME *pRasEntryNames = NULL; DWORD cEntries = 0; DWORD cb; DWORD dwErr; DWORD i; RASENTRYNAME ren; DUCONTEXT *pContext; INT iSel;
TRACE( "DuUpdateLbEntries" );
iSel = -1; ComboBox_ResetContent( pInfo->hwndLbEntries );
cb = ren.dwSize = sizeof(RASENTRYNAME);
// Enumerate entries across all phonebooks. Fix for bug 206467
dwErr = g_pRasEnumEntries(NULL, pInfo->pArgs->pszPhonebook, &ren, &cb, &cEntries);
if( ( (ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL == dwErr) || (SUCCESS == dwErr)) && (cb >= sizeof(RASENTRYNAME))) { pRasEntryNames = (RASENTRYNAME *) Malloc(cb);
if(NULL == pRasEntryNames) { // Nothing else can be done in this case
goto done; }
pRasEntryNames->dwSize = sizeof(RASENTRYNAME);
dwErr = g_pRasEnumEntries(NULL, pInfo->pArgs->pszPhonebook, pRasEntryNames, &cb, &cEntries);
if(dwErr) { goto done; } } else { goto done; }
for(i = 0; i < cEntries; i++) { pContext = (DUCONTEXT *) Malloc(sizeof(DUCONTEXT));
if(NULL == pContext) { dwErr = GetLastError(); goto done; }
ZeroMemory(pContext, sizeof(DUCONTEXT));
pContext->pszPhonebookPath = StrDup( pRasEntryNames[i].szPhonebookPath ); ComboBox_AddItem(pInfo->hwndLbEntries, pRasEntryNames[i].szEntryName, pContext);
if (ComboBox_GetCount( pInfo->hwndLbEntries ) >= 0) { if (pszEntry) { // Select entry specified by API caller.
iSel = ComboBox_FindStringExact( pInfo->hwndLbEntries, -1, pszEntry ); }
if (iSel < 0) { // Entry not found so default to first item selected.
iSel = 0; }
if(ComboBox_GetCount(pInfo->hwndLbEntries) > 0) { ComboBox_SetCurSelNotify( pInfo->hwndLbEntries, iSel ); } }
// Enable/disable Properties button based on existence of an entry. See
// bug 313037.
if (ComboBox_GetCurSel( pInfo->hwndLbEntries ) >= 0 && (!pInfo->fNoUser || pInfo->user.fAllowLogonPhonebookEdits)) { EnableWindow( pInfo->hwndPbProperties, TRUE ); } else { if (GetFocus() == pInfo->hwndPbProperties) { SetFocus( pInfo->hwndPbDial ); }
EnableWindow( pInfo->hwndPbProperties, FALSE ); }
ComboBox_AutoSizeDroppedWidth( pInfo->hwndLbEntries ); Free0(pRasEntryNames); }
VOID DuUpdateTitle( IN DUINFO* pInfo )
// Called to update the dialog title to reflect the current phonebook.
// 'PInfo' is the dialog context.
{ TCHAR szBuf[ 256 ]; TCHAR* psz;
psz = PszFromId( g_hinstDll, SID_PopupTitle ); if (psz) { lstrcpyn( szBuf, psz, sizeof(szBuf) / sizeof(TCHAR) ); Free( psz ); } else { *szBuf = TEXT('0'); }
if (pInfo->pArgs->pszPhonebook || pInfo->user.dwPhonebookMode != PBM_System) { INT iSel;
iSel = ComboBox_GetCurSel(pInfo->hwndLbEntries); if (iSel >= 0) { DUCONTEXT *pContext;
pContext = (DUCONTEXT *) ComboBox_GetItemDataPtr( pInfo->hwndLbEntries, iSel);
ASSERT( pContext );
if(NULL != pContext) { lstrcat( szBuf, TEXT(" - ") ); lstrcat( szBuf, StripPath( pContext->pszPhonebookPath ) ); } } }
SetWindowText( pInfo->hwndDlg, szBuf ); }
VOID DuTerm( IN HWND hwndDlg )
// Called on WM_DESTROY. 'HwndDlg' is that handle of the dialog window.
{ DUINFO* pInfo;
DWORD i; DWORD cEntries;
TRACE( "DuTerm" );
pInfo = (DUINFO* )GetWindowLongPtr( hwndDlg, DWLP_USER ); if (pInfo) { // Close ReceiveMonitorThread resources.
if (pInfo->hThread) { TRACE( "Set abort event" );
// Tell thread to wake up and quit...
pInfo->fAbortMonitor = TRUE; CloseHandle( pInfo->hThread );
// Don't SetEvent before closing the thread handle. On
// multi-proc systems, the thread will exit so fast (and
// set hThread to NULL) that CloseHandle will then close
// an invalid handle.
SetEvent( pInfo->hEvent );
// ...and wait for that to happen. A message API (such as
// PeekMessage) must be called to prevent the thread-to-thread
// SendMessage in the thread from blocking.
{ MSG msg;
TRACE( "Termination spin..." ); for (;;) { PeekMessage( &msg, hwndDlg, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE ); if (!pInfo->hThread) { break; } Sleep( 500L ); } TRACE( "Termination spin ends" ); } }
if (pInfo->hEvent) { CloseHandle( pInfo->hEvent ); }
if (pInfo->pNoUser) { // Don't leave caller's password floating around in memory.
ZeroMemory( pInfo->pNoUser->szPassword, PWLEN * sizeof(TCHAR) ); Free( pInfo->pNoUser );
// Uninstall input event hooks.
if (pInfo->hhookMouse) { UnhookWindowsHookEx( pInfo->hhookMouse ); } if (pInfo->hhookKeyboard) { UnhookWindowsHookEx( pInfo->hhookKeyboard ); } } else if ((pInfo->pArgs->pApiArgs->dwFlags & RASPBDFLAG_UpdateDefaults) && pInfo->hwndLbEntries && pInfo->user.fInitialized) { INT iSel; RECT rect;
// Caller said to update default settings so save the name of the
// selected entry and the current window position.
iSel = ComboBox_GetCurSel( pInfo->hwndLbEntries ); if (iSel >= 0) { DUCONTEXT *pContext; PBENTRY* pEntry;
pContext = (DUCONTEXT* )ComboBox_GetItemDataPtr( pInfo->hwndLbEntries, iSel );
if( (NULL != pContext) && (NULL != (pEntry = pContext->pEntry))) { Free0( pInfo->user.pszDefaultEntry ); pInfo->user.pszDefaultEntry = StrDup( pEntry->pszEntryName ); } }
if (!SetOffDesktop( pInfo->hwndDlg, SOD_GetOrgRect, &rect )) { GetWindowRect( pInfo->hwndDlg, &rect ); } pInfo->user.dwXPhonebook = rect.left; pInfo->user.dwYPhonebook = rect.top;
pInfo->user.fDirty = TRUE; g_pSetUserPreferences( NULL, &pInfo->user, pInfo->fNoUser ? UPM_Logon : UPM_Normal ); }
if(NULL != pInfo->hwndLbEntries) { DUCONTEXT *pContext;
cEntries = ComboBox_GetCount(pInfo->hwndLbEntries);
// Free the context stored in the list box
for(i = 0; i < cEntries; i++) { pContext = ComboBox_GetItemDataPtr( pInfo->hwndLbEntries, i);
if(NULL != pContext) { Free0(pContext->pszPhonebookPath); }
Free0(pContext); } }
TapiShutdown( pInfo->hlineapp ); ClosePhonebookFile( &pInfo->file ); DestroyUserPreferences( &pInfo->user ); Free( pInfo ); } }
DWORD DuMonitorThread( LPVOID pThreadArg )
// The "main" of the "connect monitor" thread. This thread simply
// converts Win32 RasConnectionNotification events int WM_RASEVENT style
// notfications.
{ DUINFO* pInfo; DWORD dwErr; DWORD dwTimeoutMs; DWORD dwQuitTick; DWORD cInput = 0;
TRACE( "DuMonitor starting" );
pInfo = (DUINFO* )pThreadArg;
if (pInfo->pNoUser && pInfo->pNoUser->dwTimeoutMs != 0) { TRACE( "DuMonitor quit timer set" ); dwTimeoutMs = 5000L; dwQuitTick = GetTickCount() + pInfo->pNoUser->dwTimeoutMs; cInput = g_cInput; } else { dwTimeoutMs = INFINITE; dwQuitTick = 0; }
// Trigger the event so the other thread has the correct state as of the
// monitor starting.
SetEvent( pInfo->hEvent );
for (;;) { dwErr = WaitForSingleObject( pInfo->hEvent, dwTimeoutMs );
if (pInfo->fAbortMonitor) { break; }
if (dwErr == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { if (g_cInput > cInput) { TRACE( "Input restarts timer" ); cInput = g_cInput; dwQuitTick = GetTickCount() + pInfo->pNoUser->dwTimeoutMs; } else if (GetTickCount() >= dwQuitTick) { TRACE( "/DuMonitor SendMessage(WM_NOUSERTIMEOUT)" ); SendMessage( pInfo->hwndDlg, WM_NOUSERTIMEOUT, 0, 0 ); TRACE( "\\DuMonitor SendMessage(WM_NOUSERTIMEOUT) done" ); break; } } else { TRACE( "/DuMonitor SendMessage(WM_RASEVENT)" ); SendMessage( pInfo->hwndDlg, WM_RASEVENT, 0, 0 ); TRACE( "\\DuMonitor SendMessage(WM_RASEVENT) done" ); } }
// This clues the other thread that all interesting work has been done.
pInfo->hThread = NULL;
TRACE( "DuMonitor terminating" ); return 0; }
DWORD DuGetEntry( DUINFO* pInfo, DUCONTEXT* pContext ) { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwReadPbkFlags = 0; LPTSTR pszEntryName; DTLNODE *pdtlnode; PBFILE file;
ASSERT(NULL != pContext);
pContext->pEntry = NULL;
pszEntryName = ComboBox_GetPsz(pInfo->hwndLbEntries, ComboBox_GetCurSel(pInfo->hwndLbEntries));
if (pInfo->fNoUser) { dwReadPbkFlags |= RPBF_NoUser; }
if( (NULL != pInfo->file.pszPath) && (0 == lstrcmpi(pContext->pszPhonebookPath, pInfo->file.pszPath))) { //
// We already have the phonebook file open
pdtlnode = EntryNodeFromName( pInfo->file.pdtllistEntries, pszEntryName);
ASSERT(NULL != pdtlnode); } else { //
// phonebook file changed. So close the existing phone
// book file and open the one in which the entry
// belongs
if(NULL != pInfo->file.pszPath) { ClosePhonebookFile(&pInfo->file); }
dwErr = GetPbkAndEntryName(pContext->pszPhonebookPath, pszEntryName, dwReadPbkFlags, &file, &pdtlnode);
if(dwErr) { goto done; }
ASSERT(NULL != pdtlnode);
CopyMemory(&pInfo->file, &file, sizeof(PBFILE)); }
if (pdtlnode) { pContext->pEntry = (PBENTRY *) DtlGetData(pdtlnode); } else { dwErr = ERROR_CANNOT_FIND_PHONEBOOK_ENTRY; }
done: return dwErr; }
DWORD DwGetEapLogonInfo( VOID *pv, EAPLOGONINFO **ppEapLogonInfo ) { EAPLOGONINFO *pEapLogonInfo = NULL;
DWORD retcode = SUCCESS;
struct EAPINFO { DWORD dwSizeofEapInfo; PBYTE pbEapInfo; DWORD dwSizeofPINInfo; PBYTE pbPINInfo; };
struct EAPINFO *pEapInfo = (struct EAPINFO *) pv;
DWORD dwSize;
if(NULL == pv) { retcode = E_INVALIDARG; goto done; }
dwSize = sizeof(EAPLOGONINFO) + pEapInfo->dwSizeofEapInfo + pEapInfo->dwSizeofPINInfo;
pEapLogonInfo = (EAPLOGONINFO *) Malloc(dwSize);
if(NULL == pEapLogonInfo) {
retcode = GetLastError();
TRACE1("Failed to Allocate EapLogonInfo. rc=0x%x", retcode); goto done; }
ZeroMemory(pEapLogonInfo, dwSize);
// Set up the fields in pEapLogonInfo by
// flattening out the information passed
// in.
pEapLogonInfo->dwSize = dwSize;
pEapLogonInfo->dwLogonInfoSize = pEapInfo->dwSizeofEapInfo;
pEapLogonInfo->dwOffsetLogonInfo = FIELD_OFFSET(EAPLOGONINFO, abdata);
memcpy( pEapLogonInfo->abdata, pEapInfo->pbEapInfo, pEapInfo->dwSizeofEapInfo);
pEapLogonInfo->dwPINInfoSize = pEapInfo->dwSizeofPINInfo;
pEapLogonInfo->dwOffsetPINInfo = FIELD_OFFSET(EAPLOGONINFO, abdata) + pEapInfo->dwSizeofEapInfo;
memcpy( (PBYTE) ((PBYTE) pEapLogonInfo + pEapLogonInfo->dwOffsetPINInfo),
done: *ppEapLogonInfo = pEapLogonInfo;
return retcode; }