// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997.
// File: U I I N F O . C P P
// Contents: Implements a call-back COM object used to raise properties
// on INetCfg components. This object implements the
// INetRasConnectionIpUiInfo interface.
// Notes:
// Author: shaunco 1 Jan 1998
#include "rasdlgp.h"
#include "netconp.h"
#include "uiinfo.h"
class CRasConnectionUiIpInfo : public INetRasConnectionIpUiInfo { private: ULONG m_cRef; PEINFO* m_pInfo;
friend void RevokePeinfoFromUiInfoCallbackObject ( IUnknown* punk);
public: CRasConnectionUiIpInfo (PEINFO* pInfo);
// IUnknown
STDMETHOD (QueryInterface) (REFIID riid, void** ppv); STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef) (void); STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release) (void);
// INetRasConnectionIpUiInfo
STDMETHOD (GetUiInfo) (RASCON_IPUI* pIpui); };
// Constructor. Set our reference count to 1 and initialize our members.
CRasConnectionUiIpInfo::CRasConnectionUiIpInfo ( PEINFO* pInfo) { m_cRef = 1; m_pInfo = pInfo; }
// IUnknown
STDMETHODIMP CRasConnectionUiIpInfo::QueryInterface ( REFIID riid, void** ppv) { static const IID IID_INetRasConnectionIpUiInfo = {0xFAEDCF58,0x31FE,0x11D1,{0xAA,0xD2,0x00,0x80,0x5F,0xC1,0x27,0x0E}};
if (!ppv) { return E_POINTER; } if ((IID_IUnknown == riid) || (IID_INetRasConnectionIpUiInfo == riid)) { *ppv = static_cast<void*>(static_cast<IUnknown*>(this)); AddRef (); return S_OK; } *ppv = NULL; return E_NOINTERFACE; }
// Standard AddRef and Release implementations.
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CRasConnectionUiIpInfo::AddRef (void) { return ++m_cRef; }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CRasConnectionUiIpInfo::Release (void) { ULONG cRef = --m_cRef; if (0 == cRef) { delete this; } return cRef; }
// INetRasConnectionIpUiInfo
STDMETHODIMP CRasConnectionUiIpInfo::GetUiInfo ( RASCON_IPUI* pIpui) { // Validate parameters.
if (!pIpui) { return E_POINTER; }
ZeroMemory (pIpui, sizeof(*pIpui));
// We need to have a PEINFO with which to answer the call.
// If it was revoked, it means we're being called after everything
// has gone away. (The caller probably has not released us when he
// he should have.)
if (!m_pInfo) { return E_UNEXPECTED; }
PBENTRY* pEntry = m_pInfo->pArgs->pEntry;
// Phonebook upgrade code needs to assure that pGuid is always present.
pIpui->guidConnection = *pEntry->pGuid;
// Set whether its SLIP or PPP.
if (BP_Slip == pEntry->dwBaseProtocol) { pIpui->dwFlags = RCUIF_SLIP; } else { pIpui->dwFlags = RCUIF_PPP; }
// Set whether this is demand dial or not
if (m_pInfo->pArgs->fRouter) { pIpui->dwFlags |= RCUIF_DEMAND_DIAL; }
// Set whether we're in non-admin mode (406630)
if (m_pInfo->fNonAdmin) { pIpui->dwFlags |= RCUIF_NOT_ADMIN; }
// !!! This is temporary and can be removed when this flag has been added to
// the checked in necomp IDL file.
#ifndef RCUIF_VPN
#define RCUIF_VPN 0x40
// Note if it's a VPN connection.
if (pEntry->dwType == RASET_Vpn) { pIpui->dwFlags |= RCUIF_VPN; }
// Set whether to use a specific IP address.
// Whistler bug 304064 NT4SLIP connection gets wrong IP settings on upgrade
if (pEntry->pszIpAddress && ((BP_Slip == pEntry->dwBaseProtocol) || (ASRC_RequireSpecific == pEntry->dwIpAddressSource))) { pIpui->dwFlags |= RCUIF_USE_IP_ADDR;
if (pEntry->pszIpAddress && lstrcmp(pEntry->pszIpAddress, TEXT(""))) { lstrcpynW ( pIpui->pszwIpAddr, pEntry->pszIpAddress, sizeof(pIpui->pszwIpAddr) / sizeof(WCHAR)); } }
// Set whether to use specific name server addresses.
// Whistler bug 304064 NT4SLIP connection gets wrong IP settings on upgrade
if (((BP_Slip == pEntry->dwBaseProtocol) || (ASRC_RequireSpecific == pEntry->dwIpNameSource)) && (pEntry->pszIpDnsAddress || pEntry->pszIpDns2Address || pEntry->pszIpWinsAddress || pEntry->pszIpWins2Address)) { pIpui->dwFlags |= RCUIF_USE_NAME_SERVERS;
// Since the phonebook stores zeros even for unused IP address
// strings, we need to ignore them explicitly.
if (pEntry->pszIpDnsAddress && lstrcmp(pEntry->pszIpDnsAddress, TEXT(""))) { lstrcpynW ( pIpui->pszwDnsAddr, pEntry->pszIpDnsAddress, sizeof(pIpui->pszwDnsAddr) / sizeof(WCHAR)); }
if (pEntry->pszIpDns2Address && lstrcmp(pEntry->pszIpDns2Address, TEXT(""))) { lstrcpynW ( pIpui->pszwDns2Addr, pEntry->pszIpDns2Address, sizeof(pIpui->pszwDns2Addr) / sizeof(WCHAR)); }
if (pEntry->pszIpWinsAddress && lstrcmp(pEntry->pszIpWinsAddress, TEXT(""))) { lstrcpynW ( pIpui->pszwWinsAddr, pEntry->pszIpWinsAddress, sizeof(pIpui->pszwWinsAddr) / sizeof(WCHAR)); }
if (pEntry->pszIpWins2Address && lstrcmp(pEntry->pszIpWins2Address, TEXT(""))) { lstrcpynW ( pIpui->pszwWins2Addr, pEntry->pszIpWins2Address, sizeof(pIpui->pszwWins2Addr) / sizeof(WCHAR)); } }
if (!m_pInfo->pArgs->fRouter && pEntry->fIpPrioritizeRemote) { pIpui->dwFlags |= RCUIF_USE_REMOTE_GATEWAY; }
if (pEntry->fIpHeaderCompression) { pIpui->dwFlags |= RCUIF_USE_HEADER_COMPRESSION; }
if (BP_Slip == pEntry->dwBaseProtocol) { pIpui->dwFrameSize = pEntry->dwFrameSize; }
// pmay: 389632
// Initialize the dns controls
if (pEntry->dwIpDnsFlags & DNS_RegPrimary) { if ((pEntry->dwIpDnsFlags & DNS_RegPerConnection) || (pEntry->dwIpDnsFlags & DNS_RegDhcpInform)) { pIpui->dwFlags |= RCUIF_USE_PRIVATE_DNS_SUFFIX; } } else { pIpui->dwFlags |= RCUIF_USE_DISABLE_REGISTER_DNS; }
if (pEntry->pszIpDnsSuffix) { lstrcpyn( pIpui->pszwDnsSuffix, pEntry->pszIpDnsSuffix, 255); }
if (pEntry->dwIpNbtFlags & PBK_ENTRY_IP_NBT_Enable) { pIpui->dwFlags |= RCUIF_ENABLE_NBT; }
return S_OK; }
EXTERN_C HRESULT HrCreateUiInfoCallbackObject ( PEINFO* pInfo, IUnknown** ppunk) { // Validate parameters.
if (!pInfo || !ppunk) { return E_POINTER; }
// Create the object and return its IUnknown interface.
// This assumes the object is created with a ref-count of 1.
// (Check the constructor above to make sure.)
HRESULT hr = S_OK; CRasConnectionUiIpInfo* pObj = new CRasConnectionUiIpInfo (pInfo); if (pObj) { *ppunk = static_cast<IUnknown*>(pObj); } else { *ppunk = NULL; hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } return hr; }
// Set the m_pInfo member to NULL. Since we don't have direct control over
// the lifetime of this object (clients can hold references as long as they
// want) revoking m_pInfo is a saftey net to keep us from trying to access
// memory that may have gone away.
EXTERN_C void RevokePeinfoFromUiInfoCallbackObject ( IUnknown* punk) { CRasConnectionUiIpInfo* pObj = static_cast<CRasConnectionUiIpInfo*>(punk); pObj->m_pInfo = NULL; }