// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1995
// ast.c
// This file contains the abstract syntax tree functions.
// History:
// 05-20-95 ScottH Created
#include "proj.h"
#include "rcids.h"
#define RetInt(ppv, x) (*((LPINT)*(ppv)) = (x))
#define RetStr(ppv, x) (*((LPSTR)*(ppv)) = (x))
#define RetBool(ppv, x) (*((LPBOOL)*(ppv)) = (x))
// Wait case functions
#ifdef DEBUG
Purpose: Dump a waitcase structure
Returns: -- Cond: -- */ void PRIVATE Waitcase_Dump( PWAITCASE this) { Ast_Dump((PAST)this->pexpr); if (this->pszIdent) { TRACE_MSG(TF_ALWAYS, " then %s", this->pszIdent); } }
Purpose: Create a wait-case list.
Cond: -- */ RES PUBLIC Waitcase_Create( PHSA phsa) { RES res = RES_OK;
if ( !SACreate(phsa, sizeof(WAITCASE), 8) ) res = RES_E_OUTOFMEMORY;
return res; }
Purpose: Add a case to the given wait-case list.
Returns: RES_OK
Cond: -- */ RES PUBLIC Waitcase_Add( HSA hsa, PEXPR pexpr, LPCSTR pszIdent, // This may be NULL
DWORD dwFlags) { RES res = RES_OK; // assume success
ASSERT(hsa); ASSERT(pexpr);
wc.pexpr = pexpr; wc.dwFlags = dwFlags; wc.pszIdent = NULL;
// Copy pszIdent since the parameter is freed by the caller.
if ( pszIdent && !GSetString(&wc.pszIdent, pszIdent) ) res = RES_E_OUTOFMEMORY;
else if ( !SAInsertItem(hsa, SA_APPEND, &wc) ) res = RES_E_OUTOFMEMORY;
return res; }
Purpose: Free the contents of the given pointer.
Returns: --
Cond: Don't free the pointer itself! */ void CALLBACK Waitcase_FreeSA( PVOID pv, LPARAM lparam) { PWAITCASE pwc = (PWAITCASE)pv;
if (pwc->pexpr) Expr_Delete(pwc->pexpr);
if (pwc->pszIdent) GSetString(&pwc->pszIdent, NULL); // free
Purpose: Destroy the wait case list.
Returns: RES_OK
Cond: -- */ RES PUBLIC Waitcase_Destroy( HSA hsa) { ASSERT(hsa);
SADestroyEx(hsa, Waitcase_FreeSA, 0); return RES_OK; }
// Base level AST functions
#ifdef DEBUG
Purpose: Dump the AST Returns: -- Cond: -- */ void PUBLIC Ast_Dump( PAST this) { ASSERT(this);
if (IsFlagSet(g_dwDumpFlags, DF_AST)) { switch (this->asttype) { case AT_BASE: TRACE_MSG(TF_ALWAYS, "Unknown AST"); break;
case AT_MODULE_DECL: { PMODULEDECL pmd = (PMODULEDECL)this; DWORD i; DWORD cprocs = PAGetCount(pmd->hpaProcs);
for (i = 0; i < cprocs; i++) Ast_Dump(PAFastGetPtr(pmd->hpaProcs, i)); } break;
case AT_PROC_DECL: { PPROCDECL ppd = (PPROCDECL)this; DWORD i; DWORD cstmts = PAGetCount(ppd->hpaStmts);
TRACE_MSG(TF_ALWAYS, "proc %s", ProcDecl_GetIdent(ppd));
for (i = 0; i < cstmts; i++) Ast_Dump(PAFastGetPtr(ppd->hpaStmts, i));
TRACE_MSG(TF_ALWAYS, "endproc"); } break;
case AT_ENTER_STMT: TRACE_MSG(TF_ALWAYS, "enter"); break;
case AT_LEAVE_STMT: TRACE_MSG(TF_ALWAYS, "leave"); break;
case AT_HALT_STMT: TRACE_MSG(TF_ALWAYS, "halt"); break;
case AT_ASSIGN_STMT: TRACE_MSG(TF_ALWAYS, "%s = ", AssignStmt_GetIdent(this)); Ast_Dump((PAST)AssignStmt_GetExpr(this)); break;
case AT_LABEL_STMT: TRACE_MSG(TF_ALWAYS, "%s:", LabelStmt_GetIdent(this)); break;
case AT_GOTO_STMT: TRACE_MSG(TF_ALWAYS, "goto %s", GotoStmt_GetIdent(this)); break;
case AT_WHILE_STMT: TRACE_MSG(TF_ALWAYS, "while "); TRACE_MSG(TF_ALWAYS, " do "); TRACE_MSG(TF_ALWAYS, "endwhile "); break;
case AT_IF_STMT: TRACE_MSG(TF_ALWAYS, "if "); TRACE_MSG(TF_ALWAYS, " then "); TRACE_MSG(TF_ALWAYS, "endif "); break;
case AT_DELAY_STMT: TRACE_MSG(TF_ALWAYS, "delay"); Ast_Dump((PAST)DelayStmt_GetExpr(this)); break;
case AT_WAITFOR_STMT: { PWAITFORSTMT pws = (PWAITFORSTMT)this; DWORD ccase = SAGetCount(pws->hsa); DWORD i;
TRACE_MSG(TF_ALWAYS, "waitfor");
for (i = 0; i < ccase; i++) { PVOID pv; SAGetItemPtr(pws->hsa, i, &pv); Waitcase_Dump(pv); }
if (WaitforStmt_GetUntilExpr(this)) { TRACE_MSG(TF_ALWAYS, "until"); Ast_Dump((PAST)WaitforStmt_GetUntilExpr(this)); } } break;
case AT_TRANSMIT_STMT: TRACE_MSG(TF_ALWAYS, "transmit"); Ast_Dump((PAST)TransmitStmt_GetExpr(this)); break;
case AT_SET_STMT: switch (SetStmt_GetType(this)) { case ST_IPADDR: TRACE_MSG(TF_ALWAYS, "set ipaddr getip"); Ast_Dump((PAST)SetIPStmt_GetExpr(this)); break;
case ST_PORT: if (IsFlagSet(SetPortStmt_GetFlags(this), SPF_DATABITS)) TRACE_MSG(TF_ALWAYS, "set port databits %u", SetPortStmt_GetDatabits(this));
if (IsFlagSet(SetPortStmt_GetFlags(this), SPF_STOPBITS)) TRACE_MSG(TF_ALWAYS, "set port stopbits %u", SetPortStmt_GetStopbits(this));
if (IsFlagSet(SetPortStmt_GetFlags(this), SPF_PARITY)) TRACE_MSG(TF_ALWAYS, "set port parity %u", SetPortStmt_GetParity(this)); break;
case ST_SCREEN: if (IsFlagSet(SetScreenStmt_GetFlags(this), SPF_KEYBRD)) TRACE_MSG(TF_ALWAYS, "set screen keyboard %s", SetScreenStmt_GetKeybrd(this) ? "on" : "off"); break;
default: ASSERT(0); break; } break;
case AT_INT_EXPR: TRACE_MSG(TF_ALWAYS, " %d", IntExpr_GetVal(this)); break;
case AT_STRING_EXPR: TRACE_MSG(TF_ALWAYS, " %s", StrExpr_GetStr(this)); break;
case AT_BOOL_EXPR: TRACE_MSG(TF_ALWAYS, " %s", BoolExpr_GetVal(this) ? (LPSTR)"TRUE" : (LPSTR)"FALSE"); break;
case AT_VAR_EXPR: TRACE_MSG(TF_ALWAYS, " %s", VarExpr_GetIdent(this)); break;
switch (BinOpExpr_GetType(this)) { case BOT_OR: TRACE_MSG(TF_ALWAYS, " or"); break;
case BOT_AND: TRACE_MSG(TF_ALWAYS, " and"); break;
case BOT_LT: TRACE_MSG(TF_ALWAYS, " <"); break;
case BOT_LEQ: TRACE_MSG(TF_ALWAYS, " <="); break;
case BOT_GT: TRACE_MSG(TF_ALWAYS, " >"); break;
case BOT_GEQ: TRACE_MSG(TF_ALWAYS, " >="); break;
case BOT_EQ: TRACE_MSG(TF_ALWAYS, " =="); break;
case BOT_NEQ: TRACE_MSG(TF_ALWAYS, " !="); break;
case BOT_PLUS: TRACE_MSG(TF_ALWAYS, " +"); break;
case BOT_MINUS: TRACE_MSG(TF_ALWAYS, " -"); break;
case BOT_MULT: TRACE_MSG(TF_ALWAYS, " *"); break;
case BOT_DIV: TRACE_MSG(TF_ALWAYS, " /"); break;
default: ASSERT(0); break; }
Ast_Dump((PAST)pbo->pexpr2); } break;
switch (UnOpExpr_GetType(this)) { case UOT_NEG: TRACE_MSG(TF_ALWAYS, " -"); break;
case UOT_NOT: TRACE_MSG(TF_ALWAYS, " !"); break;
case UOT_GETIP: TRACE_MSG(TF_ALWAYS, " getip"); break;
default: ASSERT(0); break; }
Ast_Dump((PAST)puo->pexpr); } break;
default: ASSERT(0); break; } } }
#endif // DEBUG
Purpose: Creates a new AST
Returns: RES_OK
Cond: -- */ RES PUBLIC Ast_New( LPVOID * ppv, ASTTYPE asttype, DWORD cbSize, DWORD iLine) { PAST past;
past = GAlloc(cbSize); if (past) { Ast_SetSize(past, cbSize); Ast_SetType(past, asttype); Ast_SetLine(past, iLine); } *ppv = past;
return NULL != past ? RES_OK : RES_E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
Purpose: Destroys the given AST. Returns: Cond: -- */ void PUBLIC Ast_Delete( PAST this) { GFree(this); }
Purpose: Duplicate the given AST.
Returns: RES_OK
Cond: -- */ RES PUBLIC Ast_Dup( PAST this, PAST * ppast) { PAST past; DWORD cbSize;
ASSERT(this); ASSERT(ppast);
cbSize = Ast_GetSize(this);
past = GAlloc(cbSize); if (past) { BltByte(past, this, cbSize); } *ppast = past;
return NULL != past ? RES_OK : RES_E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
// Expressions
Purpose: Callback for PADestroyEx.
Returns: -- Cond: -- */ void CALLBACK Expr_DeletePAPtr( LPVOID pv, LPARAM lparam) { Expr_Delete(pv); }
Purpose: Destroys an Expr.
Returns: RES_OK
Cond: -- */ RES PUBLIC Expr_Delete( PEXPR this) { RES res;
if (this) { res = RES_OK;
switch (this->ast.asttype) { case AT_INT_EXPR: case AT_BOOL_EXPR: // (Nothing to free inside)
if (ps->psz) GSetString(&ps->psz, NULL); // free
} break;
if (ps->pszIdent) GSetString(&ps->pszIdent, NULL); // free
} break;
if (pbo->pexpr1) Expr_Delete(pbo->pexpr1);
if (pbo->pexpr2) Expr_Delete(pbo->pexpr2);
} break;
if (puo->pexpr) Expr_Delete(puo->pexpr); } break;
default: ASSERT(0); res = RES_E_INVALIDPARAM; break; }
if (RSUCCEEDED(res)) { // Most of the time when the evaluated result
// is a string, it is just a copy of the pointer
// in the specific class structure. In these
// cases it does not need to be freed again,
// because it was freed above.
if (this->er.psz && IsFlagSet(this->dwFlags, EF_ALLOCATED)) { ASSERT(DATA_STRING == Expr_GetDataType(this));
GSetString(&this->er.psz, NULL); // free
Ast_Delete((PAST)this); } } else res = RES_E_INVALIDPARAM;
DBG_EXIT_RES(Expr_Delete, res);
return res; }
Purpose: Creates a IntExpr object.
Returns: RES_OK
Cond: -- */ RES PUBLIC IntExpr_New( PEXPR * ppexpr, int nVal, DWORD iLine) { RES res;
if (ppexpr) { PINTEXPR this;
res = Ast_New(&this, AT_INT_EXPR, sizeof(*this), iLine); if (RSUCCEEDED(res)) { IntExpr_SetVal(this, nVal); }
*ppexpr = (PEXPR)this; } else res = RES_E_INVALIDPARAM;
DBG_EXIT_RES(IntExpr_New, res);
return res; }
Purpose: Creates a StrExpr object.
Returns: RES_OK
Cond: -- */ RES PUBLIC StrExpr_New( PEXPR * ppexpr, LPCSTR psz, DWORD iLine) { RES res;
ASSERT(ppexpr); ASSERT(psz);
if (ppexpr) { PSTREXPR this;
res = Ast_New(&this, AT_STRING_EXPR, sizeof(*this), iLine); if (RSUCCEEDED(res)) { res = RES_OK;
if (!GSetString(&this->psz, psz)) res = RES_E_OUTOFMEMORY;
if (RFAILED(res)) { Ast_Delete((PAST)this); this = NULL; } }
*ppexpr = (PEXPR)this; } else res = RES_E_INVALIDPARAM;
DBG_EXIT_RES(StrExpr_New, res);
return res; }
Purpose: Creates a BoolExpr object.
Returns: RES_OK
Cond: -- */ RES PUBLIC BoolExpr_New( PEXPR * ppexpr, BOOL bVal, DWORD iLine) { RES res;
if (ppexpr) { PBOOLEXPR this;
res = Ast_New(&this, AT_BOOL_EXPR, sizeof(*this), iLine); if (RSUCCEEDED(res)) { BoolExpr_SetVal(this, bVal); }
*ppexpr = (PEXPR)this; } else res = RES_E_INVALIDPARAM;
DBG_EXIT_RES(BoolExpr_New, res);
return res; }
Purpose: Creates a VarExpr object.
Returns: RES_OK
Cond: -- */ RES PUBLIC VarExpr_New( PEXPR * ppexpr, LPCSTR pszIdent, DWORD iLine) { RES res;
ASSERT(ppexpr); ASSERT(pszIdent);
if (ppexpr) { PVAREXPR this;
res = Ast_New(&this, AT_VAR_EXPR, sizeof(*this), iLine); if (RSUCCEEDED(res)) { res = RES_OK;
if (!GSetString(&this->pszIdent, pszIdent)) res = RES_E_OUTOFMEMORY;
if (RFAILED(res)) { Ast_Delete((PAST)this); this = NULL; } }
*ppexpr = (PEXPR)this; } else res = RES_E_INVALIDPARAM;
DBG_EXIT_RES(VarExpr_New, res);
return res; }
Purpose: Creates a BinOpExpr object.
Returns: RES_OK
Cond: -- */ RES PUBLIC BinOpExpr_New( PEXPR * ppexpr, BINOPTYPE binoptype, PEXPR pexpr1, PEXPR pexpr2, DWORD iLine) { RES res;
ASSERT(ppexpr); ASSERT(pexpr1); ASSERT(pexpr2);
if (ppexpr) { PBINOPEXPR this;
res = Ast_New(&this, AT_BINOP_EXPR, sizeof(*this), iLine); if (RSUCCEEDED(res)) { res = RES_OK;
BinOpExpr_SetType(this, binoptype);
this->pexpr1 = pexpr1; this->pexpr2 = pexpr2; }
*ppexpr = (PEXPR)this; } else res = RES_E_INVALIDPARAM;
DBG_EXIT_RES(BinOpExpr_New, res);
return res; }
Purpose: Creates a UnOpExpr object.
Returns: RES_OK
Cond: -- */ RES PUBLIC UnOpExpr_New( PEXPR * ppexpr, UNOPTYPE unoptype, PEXPR pexpr, DWORD iLine) { RES res;
ASSERT(ppexpr); ASSERT(pexpr);
if (ppexpr) { PUNOPEXPR this;
res = Ast_New(&this, AT_UNOP_EXPR, sizeof(*this), iLine); if (RSUCCEEDED(res)) { UnOpExpr_SetType(this, unoptype);
this->pexpr = pexpr; }
*ppexpr = (PEXPR)this; } else res = RES_E_INVALIDPARAM;
DBG_EXIT_RES(UnOpExpr_New, res);
return res; }
// Stmt
Purpose: Callback for PADestroyEx.
Returns: -- Cond: -- */ void CALLBACK Stmt_DeletePAPtr( LPVOID pv, LPARAM lparam) { Stmt_Delete(pv); }
Purpose: Destroys a Stmt.
Returns: RES_OK
Cond: -- */ RES PUBLIC Stmt_Delete( PSTMT this) { RES res;
if (this) { PEXPR pexpr; HSA hsa;
res = RES_OK;
switch (this->ast.asttype) { case AT_ENTER_STMT: // (don't free pst -- it belongs to the decl structs)
case AT_LEAVE_STMT: case AT_HALT_STMT: break;
if (pls->pszIdent) GSetString(&pls->pszIdent, NULL); // free
pexpr = AssignStmt_GetExpr(this);
if (pexpr) Expr_Delete(pexpr); } break;
pexpr = WhileStmt_GetExpr(this);
if (pexpr) Expr_Delete(pexpr);
if (pls->hpaStmts) PADestroyEx(pls->hpaStmts, Stmt_DeletePAPtr, 0); } break;
case AT_IF_STMT: { PIFSTMT pls = (PIFSTMT)this;
pexpr = IfStmt_GetExpr(this);
if (pexpr) Expr_Delete(pexpr);
if (pls->hpaStmts) PADestroyEx(pls->hpaStmts, Stmt_DeletePAPtr, 0); } break;
if (pls->psz) GSetString(&pls->psz, NULL); // free
} break;
if (pgs->psz) GSetString(&pgs->psz, NULL); // free
} break;
case AT_DELAY_STMT: pexpr = DelayStmt_GetExpr(this);
if (pexpr) Expr_Delete(pexpr); break;
case AT_TRANSMIT_STMT: pexpr = TransmitStmt_GetExpr(this);
if (pexpr) Expr_Delete(pexpr); break;
case AT_WAITFOR_STMT: hsa = WaitforStmt_GetCaseList(this); if (hsa) Waitcase_Destroy(hsa);
pexpr = WaitforStmt_GetUntilExpr(this); if (pexpr) Expr_Delete(pexpr); break;
case AT_SET_STMT: switch (SetStmt_GetType(this)) { case ST_IPADDR: pexpr = SetIPStmt_GetExpr(this);
if (pexpr) Expr_Delete(pexpr); break;
case ST_PORT: case ST_SCREEN: break;
default: ASSERT(0); res = RES_E_INVALIDPARAM; break; } break;
default: ASSERT(0); res = RES_E_INVALIDPARAM; break; }
if (RSUCCEEDED(res)) Ast_Delete((PAST)this); } else res = RES_E_INVALIDPARAM;
DBG_EXIT_RES(Stmt_Delete, res);
return res; }
// Statements
Purpose: Creates a WaitforStmt object.
Returns: RES_OK
Cond: -- */ RES PUBLIC WaitforStmt_New( PSTMT * ppstmt, HSA hsa, PEXPR pexprUntil, // May be NULL
DWORD iLine) { RES res;
ASSERT(ppstmt); ASSERT(hsa);
if (ppstmt) { PWAITFORSTMT this;
res = Ast_New(&this, AT_WAITFOR_STMT, sizeof(*this), iLine); if (RSUCCEEDED(res)) { res = RES_OK; // assume success
this->hsa = hsa; this->pexprUntil = pexprUntil; }
*ppstmt = (PSTMT)this; } else res = RES_E_INVALIDPARAM;
DBG_EXIT_RES(WaitforStmt_New, res);
return res; }
Purpose: Creates a TransmitStmt object.
Returns: RES_OK
Cond: -- */ RES PUBLIC TransmitStmt_New( PSTMT * ppstmt, PEXPR pexpr, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD iLine) { RES res;
ASSERT(ppstmt); ASSERT(pexpr);
if (ppstmt) { PTRANSMITSTMT this;
res = Ast_New(&this, AT_TRANSMIT_STMT, sizeof(*this), iLine); if (RSUCCEEDED(res)) { res = RES_OK; // assume success
this->pexpr = pexpr; this->dwFlags = dwFlags; }
*ppstmt = (PSTMT)this; } else res = RES_E_INVALIDPARAM;
DBG_EXIT_RES(TransmitStmt_New, res);
return res; }
Purpose: Creates a DelayStmt object.
Returns: RES_OK
Cond: -- */ RES PUBLIC DelayStmt_New( PSTMT * ppstmt, PEXPR pexpr, DWORD iLine) { RES res;
ASSERT(ppstmt); ASSERT(pexpr);
if (ppstmt) { PDELAYSTMT this;
res = Ast_New(&this, AT_DELAY_STMT, sizeof(*this), iLine); if (RSUCCEEDED(res)) { this->pexprSecs = pexpr;
res = RES_OK; }
*ppstmt = (PSTMT)this; } else res = RES_E_INVALIDPARAM;
DBG_EXIT_RES(DelayStmt_New, res);
return res; }
Purpose: Creates a HaltStmt object.
Returns: RES_OK
Cond: -- */ RES PUBLIC HaltStmt_New( PSTMT * ppstmt, DWORD iLine) { RES res;
if (ppstmt) { PHALTSTMT this;
res = Ast_New(&this, AT_HALT_STMT, sizeof(*this), iLine);
*ppstmt = (PSTMT)this; } else res = RES_E_INVALIDPARAM;
DBG_EXIT_RES(HaltStmt_New, res);
return res; }
Purpose: Creates an EnterStmt object.
Returns: RES_OK
Cond: -- */ RES PUBLIC EnterStmt_New( PSTMT * ppstmt, PSYMTAB pst, DWORD iLine) { RES res;
if (ppstmt) { PENTERSTMT this;
res = Ast_New(&this, AT_ENTER_STMT, sizeof(*this), iLine); if (RSUCCEEDED(res)) { this->pst = pst; }
*ppstmt = (PSTMT)this; } else res = RES_E_INVALIDPARAM;
DBG_EXIT_RES(EnterStmt_New, res);
return res; }
Purpose: Creates an LeaveStmt object.
Returns: RES_OK
Cond: -- */ RES PUBLIC LeaveStmt_New( PSTMT * ppstmt, DWORD iLine) { RES res;
if (ppstmt) { PLEAVESTMT this;
res = Ast_New(&this, AT_LEAVE_STMT, sizeof(*this), iLine);
*ppstmt = (PSTMT)this; } else res = RES_E_INVALIDPARAM;
DBG_EXIT_RES(LeaveStmt_New, res);
return res; }
Purpose: Creates an AssignStmt object.
Returns: RES_OK
Cond: -- */ RES PUBLIC AssignStmt_New( PSTMT * ppstmt, LPCSTR pszIdent, PEXPR pexpr, DWORD iLine) { RES res;
ASSERT(ppstmt); ASSERT(pszIdent); ASSERT(pexpr);
if (ppstmt) { PASSIGNSTMT this;
res = Ast_New(&this, AT_ASSIGN_STMT, sizeof(*this), iLine); if (RSUCCEEDED(res)) { res = RES_OK; // assume success
if (!GSetString(&this->pszIdent, pszIdent)) res = RES_E_OUTOFMEMORY; else this->pexpr = pexpr;
if (RFAILED(res)) { Ast_Delete((PAST)this); this = NULL; } }
*ppstmt = (PSTMT)this; } else res = RES_E_INVALIDPARAM;
DBG_EXIT_RES(AssignStmt_New, res);
return res; }
Purpose: Creates a LabelStmt object.
Returns: RES_OK
Cond: -- */ RES PUBLIC LabelStmt_New( PSTMT * ppstmt, LPCSTR psz, DWORD iLine) { RES res;
ASSERT(ppstmt); ASSERT(psz);
if (ppstmt) { PLABELSTMT this;
res = Ast_New(&this, AT_LABEL_STMT, sizeof(*this), iLine); if (RSUCCEEDED(res)) { res = RES_OK; // assume success
if (!GSetString(&this->psz, psz)) { res = RES_E_OUTOFMEMORY; Ast_Delete((PAST)this); this = NULL; } }
*ppstmt = (PSTMT)this; } else res = RES_E_INVALIDPARAM;
DBG_EXIT_RES(LabelStmt_New, res);
return res; }
Purpose: Creates a GotoStmt object.
Returns: RES_OK
Cond: -- */ RES PUBLIC GotoStmt_New( PSTMT * ppstmt, LPCSTR psz, DWORD iLine) { RES res;
ASSERT(ppstmt); ASSERT(psz);
if (ppstmt) { PGOTOSTMT this;
res = Ast_New(&this, AT_GOTO_STMT, sizeof(*this), iLine); if (RSUCCEEDED(res)) { res = RES_OK; // assume success
if (!GSetString(&this->psz, psz)) { res = RES_E_OUTOFMEMORY; Ast_Delete((PAST)this); this = NULL; } }
*ppstmt = (PSTMT)this; } else res = RES_E_INVALIDPARAM;
DBG_EXIT_RES(GotoStmt_New, res);
return res; }
Purpose: Creates a WhileStmt object.
Returns: RES_OK
Cond: -- */ RES PUBLIC WhileStmt_New( PSTMT * ppstmt, PEXPR pexpr, HPA hpa, LPCSTR pszTopLabel, LPCSTR pszEndLabel, DWORD iLine) { RES res;
ASSERT(ppstmt); ASSERT(hpa); ASSERT(pexpr); ASSERT(pszTopLabel); ASSERT(pszEndLabel);
if (ppstmt) { PWHILESTMT this;
res = Ast_New(&this, AT_WHILE_STMT, sizeof(*this), iLine); if (RSUCCEEDED(res)) { res = RES_OK; // assume success
this->pexpr = pexpr; this->hpaStmts = hpa; lstrcpyn(this->szTopLabel, pszTopLabel, sizeof(this->szTopLabel)); lstrcpyn(this->szEndLabel, pszEndLabel, sizeof(this->szEndLabel)); }
*ppstmt = (PSTMT)this; } else res = RES_E_INVALIDPARAM;
return res; }
Purpose: Creates an IfStmt object.
Returns: RES_OK
Cond: -- */ RES PUBLIC IfStmt_New( PSTMT * ppstmt, PEXPR pexpr, HPA hpa, LPCSTR pszElseLabel, LPCSTR pszEndLabel, DWORD iLine) { RES res;
ASSERT(ppstmt); ASSERT(hpa); ASSERT(pexpr); ASSERT(pszElseLabel); ASSERT(pszEndLabel);
if (ppstmt) { PIFSTMT this;
res = Ast_New(&this, AT_IF_STMT, sizeof(*this), iLine); if (RSUCCEEDED(res)) { res = RES_OK; // assume success
this->pexpr = pexpr; this->hpaStmts = hpa; lstrcpyn(this->szElseLabel, pszElseLabel, sizeof(this->szElseLabel)); lstrcpyn(this->szEndLabel, pszEndLabel, sizeof(this->szEndLabel)); }
*ppstmt = (PSTMT)this; } else res = RES_E_INVALIDPARAM;
return res; }
Purpose: Creates a SetStmt object.
Returns: RES_OK
Cond: -- */ RES PRIVATE SetStmt_New( PVOID * ppv, SETTYPE settype, DWORD cbSize, DWORD iLine) { RES res;
ASSERT(ppv); ASSERT(sizeof(SETSTMT) <= cbSize);
if (ppv) { PSETSTMT this;
res = Ast_New(&this, AT_SET_STMT, cbSize, iLine); if (RSUCCEEDED(res)) { SetStmt_SetType(this, settype);
res = RES_OK; }
*ppv = this; } else res = RES_E_INVALIDPARAM;
DBG_EXIT_RES(SetStmt_New, res);
return res; }
Purpose: Creates a SetIPStmt object.
Returns: RES_OK
Cond: -- */ RES PUBLIC SetIPStmt_New( PSTMT * ppstmt, PEXPR pexpr, DWORD iLine) { RES res;
ASSERT(ppstmt); ASSERT(pexpr);
if (ppstmt) { PSETIPSTMT this;
res = SetStmt_New(&this, ST_IPADDR, sizeof(*this), iLine); if (RSUCCEEDED(res)) { res = RES_OK; // assume success
this->pexpr = pexpr; }
*ppstmt = (PSTMT)this; } else res = RES_E_INVALIDPARAM;
DBG_EXIT_RES(SetIPStmt_New, res);
return res; }
Purpose: Creates a SetPortStmt object.
Returns: RES_OK
Cond: -- */ RES PUBLIC SetPortStmt_New( PSTMT * ppstmt, PPORTSTATE pstate, DWORD iLine) { RES res;
ASSERT(ppstmt); ASSERT(pstate);
if (ppstmt && pstate) { PSETPORTSTMT this;
res = SetStmt_New(&this, ST_PORT, sizeof(*this), iLine); if (RSUCCEEDED(res)) { DWORD dwFlags = pstate->dwFlags;
res = RES_OK; // assume success
this->portstate.dwFlags = dwFlags;
if (IsFlagSet(dwFlags, SPF_DATABITS)) this->portstate.nDatabits = pstate->nDatabits;
if (IsFlagSet(dwFlags, SPF_STOPBITS)) this->portstate.nStopbits = pstate->nStopbits;
if (IsFlagSet(dwFlags, SPF_PARITY)) this->portstate.nParity = pstate->nParity; }
*ppstmt = (PSTMT)this; } else res = RES_E_INVALIDPARAM;
DBG_EXIT_RES(SetPortStmt_New, res);
return res; }
Purpose: Creates a SetScreenStmt object.
Returns: RES_OK
Cond: -- */ RES PUBLIC SetScreenStmt_New( PSTMT * ppstmt, PSCREENSET pstate, DWORD iLine) { RES res;
ASSERT(ppstmt); ASSERT(pstate);
if (ppstmt && pstate) { PSETSCREENSTMT this;
res = SetStmt_New(&this, ST_SCREEN, sizeof(*this), iLine); if (RSUCCEEDED(res)) { DWORD dwFlags = pstate->dwFlags;
res = RES_OK; // assume success
this->screenset.dwFlags = dwFlags;
if (IsFlagSet(dwFlags, SPF_KEYBRD)) this->screenset.fKBOn = pstate->fKBOn; }
*ppstmt = (PSTMT)this; } else res = RES_E_INVALIDPARAM;
DBG_EXIT_RES(SetScreenStmt_New, res);
return res; }
// Decl
Purpose: Callback for PADestroyEx.
Returns: -- Cond: -- */ void CALLBACK Decl_DeletePAPtr( LPVOID pv, LPARAM lparam) { Decl_Delete(pv); }
Purpose: Destroys a Decl.
Returns: RES_OK
Cond: -- */ RES PUBLIC Decl_Delete( PDECL this) { RES res;
if (this) { res = RES_OK;
switch (this->ast.asttype) { case AT_MODULE_DECL: { PMODULEDECL pmd = (PMODULEDECL)this;
if (pmd->hpaProcs) PADestroyEx(pmd->hpaProcs, Decl_DeletePAPtr, 0);
if (pmd->pst) Symtab_Destroy(pmd->pst); } break;
if (ppd->hpaStmts) PADestroyEx(ppd->hpaStmts, Stmt_DeletePAPtr, 0);
if (ppd->pst) Symtab_Destroy(ppd->pst);
if (ppd->pszIdent) GSetString(&ppd->pszIdent, NULL); // free
} break;
default: ASSERT(0); res = RES_E_INVALIDPARAM; break; }
if (RSUCCEEDED(res)) Ast_Delete((PAST)this); } else res = RES_E_INVALIDPARAM;
DBG_EXIT_RES(Decl_Delete, res);
return res; }
// ProcDecl
Purpose: Creates a ProcDecl object.
Returns: RES_OK
Cond: -- */ RES PUBLIC ProcDecl_New( PDECL * ppdecl, LPCSTR pszIdent, HPA hpa, PSYMTAB pst, DWORD iLine) { RES res;
ASSERT(ppdecl); ASSERT(hpa); ASSERT(pst);
if (ppdecl) { PPROCDECL this;
res = Ast_New(&this, AT_PROC_DECL, sizeof(*this), iLine); if (RSUCCEEDED(res)) { res = RES_OK; // assume success
if (!GSetString(&this->pszIdent, pszIdent)) res = RES_E_OUTOFMEMORY;
else { this->hpaStmts = hpa; this->pst = pst; } if (RFAILED(res)) { Decl_Delete((PDECL)this); this = NULL; } }
*ppdecl = (PDECL)this; } else res = RES_E_INVALIDPARAM;
DBG_EXIT_RES(ProcDecl_New, res);
return res; }
// ModuleDecl
Purpose: Creates a ModuleDecl object.
Returns: RES_OK
Cond: -- */ RES PUBLIC ModuleDecl_New( PDECL * ppdecl, HPA hpa, PSYMTAB pst, DWORD iLine) { RES res;
ASSERT(ppdecl); ASSERT(hpa); ASSERT(pst);
if (ppdecl) { PMODULEDECL this;
res = Ast_New(&this, AT_MODULE_DECL, sizeof(*this), iLine); if (RSUCCEEDED(res)) { res = RES_OK; // assume success
this->hpaProcs = NULL; if ( !PAClone(&this->hpaProcs, hpa) ) res = RES_E_OUTOFMEMORY;
else { this->pst = pst; } if (RFAILED(res)) { Decl_Delete((PDECL)this); this = NULL; } }
*ppdecl = (PDECL)this; } else res = RES_E_INVALIDPARAM;
DBG_EXIT_RES(ModuleDecl_New, res);
return res; }
// AST Exec block
Purpose: Initialize the AST exec block.
Returns: RES_OK
Cond: -- */ RES PUBLIC Astexec_Init( PASTEXEC this, HANDLE hport, PSESS_CONFIGURATION_INFO psci, HSA hsaStxerr) { RES res;
ASSERT(this); ASSERT(psci); ASSERT(hsaStxerr);
// For this first version, we only support one module and one
// main procedure, so set the starting point on the first
// statement in that procedure.
if (this) { ZeroInit(this, ASTEXEC);
this->hport = hport; this->psci = psci; // Don't free hsaStxerr -- it belongs to the caller
this->hsaStxerr = hsaStxerr;
if ( !PACreate(&this->hpaPcode, 8) ) res = RES_E_OUTOFMEMORY; else { res = Symtab_Create(&this->pstSystem, NULL); if (RSUCCEEDED(res)) { // Add the system variables
PSTE pste; struct { LPCSTR pszIdent; DATATYPE dt; EVALRES er; } s_rgvars[] = { { "$USERID", DATA_STRING, psci->szUserName }, { "$PASSWORD", DATA_STRING, psci->szPassword }, { SZ_SUCCESS, DATA_BOOL, (LPSTR)TRUE }, { SZ_FAILURE, DATA_BOOL, (LPSTR)FALSE }, }; int i;
for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_ELEMENTS(s_rgvars); i++) { res = STE_Create(&pste, s_rgvars[i].pszIdent, s_rgvars[i].dt); if (RFAILED(res)) break;
pste->er.dw = s_rgvars[i].er.dw;
res = Symtab_InsertEntry(this->pstSystem, pste); if (RFAILED(res)) break; }
} }
// Did something fail above?
if (RFAILED(res)) { // Yes; clean up
Astexec_Destroy(this); } } else res = RES_E_INVALIDPARAM;
return res; }
Purpose: Destroys the AST exec block.
Returns: RES_OK
Cond: -- */ RES PUBLIC Astexec_Destroy( PASTEXEC this) { RES res;
if (this) { if (this->hpaPcode) { PADestroy(this->hpaPcode); this->hpaPcode = NULL; } if (this->pstSystem) { Symtab_Destroy(this->pstSystem); this->pstSystem = NULL; }
// ('this' was not allocated. Do not free it.)
// (hsaStxerr is not owned by this class. Do not free it.)
res = RES_OK; } else res = RES_E_INVALIDPARAM;
return res; }
Purpose: Sets the success/failure code
Returns: -- Cond: -- */ void PUBLIC Astexec_SetError( PASTEXEC this, BOOL bSuccess, // TRUE: success
BOOL bFailure) { PSTE pste;
if (RES_OK == Symtab_FindEntry(this->pstSystem, SZ_SUCCESS, STFF_DEFAULT, &pste, NULL)) { // Set the code for success
pste->er.bVal = bSuccess;
if (RES_OK == Symtab_FindEntry(this->pstSystem, SZ_FAILURE, STFF_DEFAULT, &pste, NULL)) { // Set the code for failure
pste->er.bVal = bFailure; } else ASSERT(0); } else ASSERT(0); }
Purpose: Adds the statement to the executable list.
Cond: -- */ RES PUBLIC Astexec_Add( PASTEXEC this, PSTMT pstmt) { RES res;
ASSERT(this); ASSERT(pstmt);
if (PAInsertPtr(this->hpaPcode, PA_APPEND, pstmt)) res = RES_OK; else res = RES_E_OUTOFMEMORY;
return res; }
Purpose: Inserts a label into the executable list by recording the current ipaCur into the label entry in the symbol table.
Returns: RES_OK
Cond: -- */ RES PUBLIC Astexec_InsertLabel( PASTEXEC this, LPCSTR pszIdent, PSYMTAB pst) { RES res; DWORD ipa; PSTE pste;
ASSERT(this); ASSERT(pszIdent); ASSERT(pst);
ipa = PAGetCount(this->hpaPcode); if (RES_OK == Symtab_FindEntry(pst, pszIdent, STFF_DEFAULT, &pste, NULL)) { // Set the current code location in the symbol table
pste->er.dw = ipa; res = RES_OK; } else { ASSERT(0); res = RES_E_FAIL; }
return res; }
Purpose: Jumps to the given label.
Returns: RES_OK Cond: -- */ RES PUBLIC Astexec_JumpToLabel( PASTEXEC this, LPCSTR pszIdent) { RES res; PSTE pste;
ASSERT(pszIdent); ASSERT(this); ASSERT(this->pstCur);
if (RES_OK == Symtab_FindEntry(this->pstCur, pszIdent, STFF_DEFAULT, &pste, NULL)) { EVALRES er;
STE_GetValue(pste, &er);
// Set instruction pointer
Astexec_SetIP(this, (DWORD) er.dw); res = RES_OK; } else { // The label should have been in the symbol table!
ASSERT(0); res = RES_E_FAIL; }
return res; }
Purpose: Sends psz to the port (via hwnd)
Returns: -- Cond: -- */ void PUBLIC Astexec_SendString( PASTEXEC this, LPCSTR pszSend, BOOL bRaw) // TRUE: send unformatted
{ // Send string
LPCSTR psz; char ch; HWND hwnd = this->hwnd;
// Send unformatted?
if (bRaw) { // Yes
for (psz = pszSend; *psz; ) { ch = *psz;
SendByte(hwnd, ch); } } else { // No
DWORD dwFlags = 0;
for (psz = pszSend; *psz; ) { psz = MyNextChar(psz, &ch, &dwFlags);
SendByte(hwnd, ch); } } }
Purpose: Destroy the find format handle
Returns: RES_OK
Cond: -- */ RES PUBLIC Astexec_DestroyFindFormat( PASTEXEC this) { // Reset the pending statement so we can handle multiple
// expressions that can pend in a single evaluation.
Astexec_SetPending(this, NULL);
DestroyFindFormat(this->hFindFmt); this->hFindFmt = NULL;
return RES_OK; }
Purpose: Make another pass at finding a string.
Returns: RES_OK (if string was found) RES_FALSE (if the string was not found yet)
Cond: -- */ RES PUBLIC Astexec_FindFormat( PASTEXEC this, LPDWORD piFound) { RES res;
while (TRUE) { // Did we get the IP address?
res = FindFormat(this->hwnd, this->hFindFmt, piFound); if (RES_OK == res) { // Yes
this->nIter--; ASSERT(0 <= this->nIter);
// Is this the right one?
if (0 >= this->nIter) { // Yes; reset the pending statement so we
// can handle multiple pending expressions
// in a single evaluation.
Astexec_DestroyFindFormat(this); break; } } else { // No; return read-pending RES_FALSE
if (RES_E_MOREDATA == res) { TRACE_MSG(TF_GENERAL, "Buffer to FindFormat is too small"); res = RES_OK; // don't blow up
} break; } }
return res; }
Purpose: Sets the IP address.
Returns: RES_OK RES_E_FAIL (if IP address cannot be set)
Cond: -- */ RES PUBLIC Astexec_SetIPAddr( PASTEXEC this, LPCSTR psz) { DWORD dwRet;
ASSERT(this); ASSERT(psz);
TRACE_MSG(TF_GENERAL, "Setting IP address to {%s}", psz);
#ifndef WINNT_RAS
// On NT, the IP address is set by calling RxSetIPAddress,
// which writes a new value to the phonebook if the connection uses SLIP.
dwRet = TerminalSetIP(this->hwnd, psz);
#else // !WINNT_RAS
dwRet = RxSetIPAddress(((SCRIPTDATA*)this->hwnd)->hscript, psz);
#endif // !WINNT_RAS
return ERROR_SUCCESS == dwRet ? RES_OK : RES_E_FAIL; }
#define Astexec_Validate(this) ((this)->hpaPcode && (this)->psci)
Purpose: Returns the source line number of the current command that is executing.
Returns: see above Cond: -- */ DWORD PUBLIC Astexec_GetCurLine( PASTEXEC this) { DWORD iLine;
if (Astexec_Validate(this) && (this->ipaCur < PAGetCount(this->hpaPcode))) { PSTMT pstmt = PAFastGetPtr(this->hpaPcode, this->ipaCur); iLine = Ast_GetLine(pstmt); } else iLine = 0;
return iLine; }
Purpose: Execute a statement and process the results.
Returns: RES_OK other error values
Cond: -- */ RES PRIVATE Astexec_ProcessStmt( PASTEXEC this, PSTMT pstmt) { RES res;
ASSERT(this); ASSERT(pstmt);
// (Re-)Execute the (possibly pending) statement
res = Stmt_Exec(pstmt, this);
// Set the pending statement based on the return value
if (RES_OK == res) Astexec_SetPending(this, NULL); else if (RES_FALSE == res) { // (Re-set the current pending statement since
// it could have been reset in Stmt_Exec. For
// example, the evaluation of an expression could
// have continued on to the next sub-expression
// that caused another pending read.)
Astexec_SetPending(this, pstmt); res = RES_OK; } else if (RFAILED(res)) { Stxerr_ShowErrors(this->hsaStxerr, this->hwnd);
// Halt script
SetFlag(this->dwFlags, AEF_HALT); } return res; }
Purpose: Executes the next command in the AST.
Returns: RES_OK RES_FALSE (if at end of script) RES_HALT (if at end of script)
RES_E_FAIL (invalid command -- should never happen) RES_E_INVALIDPARAM
Cond: -- */ RES PUBLIC Astexec_Next( PASTEXEC this) { RES res;
if (this) { if (!Astexec_Validate(this)) { // No script
res = RES_E_FAIL; } else if (Astexec_IsDone(this) || Astexec_IsHalted(this)) { res = RES_HALT; } else if (Astexec_IsReadPending(this)) { PSTMT pstmt = Astexec_GetPending(this);
// ("Read pending" and "Paused" are mutually exclusive)
ASSERT( !Astexec_IsPaused(this) );
res = Astexec_ProcessStmt(this, pstmt); } else if (Astexec_IsPaused(this)) { // ("Read pending" and "Paused" are mutually exclusive)
ASSERT( !Astexec_IsReadPending(this) );
// Do nothing while we're paused
res = RES_OK; } else if (this->ipaCur < PAGetCount(this->hpaPcode)) { PSTMT pstmt = PAFastGetPtr(this->hpaPcode, this->ipaCur++);
res = Astexec_ProcessStmt(this, pstmt); } else { // We reach here if there is an error in the script.
TRACE_MSG(TF_ASTEXEC, "Exec: (reached end of script)");
SetFlag(this->dwFlags, AEF_DONE); res = RES_HALT; } } else res = RES_E_INVALIDPARAM;
DBG_EXIT_RES(Astexec_Next, res);
return res; }