// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1995
// symtab.c
// This file contains the symbol table functions.
// History:
// 04-30-95 ScottH Created
#include "proj.h"
#define SYMTAB_SIZE_GROW 10 // in elements
// Symbol table entry routines
Purpose: Create a symbol table entry
Returns: RES_OK
Cond: -- */ RES PUBLIC STE_Create( PSTE * ppste, LPCSTR pszIdent, DATATYPE dt) { RES res; PSTE pste;
ASSERT(ppste); ASSERT(pszIdent);
pste = GAllocType(STE); if (pste) { res = RES_OK; // assume success
if ( !GSetString(&pste->pszIdent, pszIdent) ) res = RES_E_OUTOFMEMORY; else { pste->dt = dt; } } else res = RES_E_OUTOFMEMORY;
// Did anything above fail?
if (RFAILED(res)) { // Yes; clean up
STE_Destroy(pste); pste = NULL; } *ppste = pste;
return res; }
Purpose: Destroy the STE element
Returns: -- Cond: -- */ void CALLBACK STE_DeletePAPtr( LPVOID pv, LPARAM lparam) { STE_Destroy(pv); }
Purpose: Destroys symbol table entry
Cond: -- */ RES PUBLIC STE_Destroy( PSTE this) { RES res;
if (this) { if (this->pszIdent) GSetString(&this->pszIdent, NULL); // free
// (The evalres field should not be freed. It is
// a copy from somewhere else.)
res = RES_OK; } else res = RES_E_INVALIDPARAM;
return res; }
Purpose: Retrieves the symbol table entry value. The type depends on the datatype.
Returns: RES_OK
RES_E_FAIL (for a type that does not have a value) RES_E_INVALIDPARAM
Cond: -- */ RES PUBLIC STE_GetValue( PSTE this, PEVALRES per) { RES res;
ASSERT(this); ASSERT(per);
if (this && per) { res = RES_OK; // assume success
switch (this->dt) { case DATA_INT: case DATA_BOOL: case DATA_STRING: case DATA_LABEL: case DATA_PROC: per->dw = this->er.dw; break;
default: ASSERT(0); res = RES_E_FAIL; break; } } else res = RES_E_INVALIDPARAM;
return res; }
// Symbol Table functions
Purpose: Creates a symbol table
Returns: RES_OK
Cond: -- */ RES PUBLIC Symtab_Create( PSYMTAB * ppst, PSYMTAB pstNext) // May be NULL
{ RES res; PSYMTAB pst;
pst = GAllocType(SYMTAB); if (pst) { if (PACreate(&pst->hpaSTE, SYMTAB_SIZE_GROW)) { pst->pstNext = pstNext; res = RES_OK; } else res = RES_E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else res = RES_E_INVALIDPARAM;
// Did anything above fail?
if (RFAILED(res) && pst) { // Yes; clean up
Symtab_Destroy(pst); pst = NULL; } *ppst = pst;
return res; }
Purpose: Destroys a symbol table
Cond: -- */ RES PUBLIC Symtab_Destroy( PSYMTAB this) { RES res;
if (this) { if (this->hpaSTE) { PADestroyEx(this->hpaSTE, STE_DeletePAPtr, 0); } GFree(this); res = RES_OK; } else res = RES_E_INVALIDPARAM;
return res; }
Purpose: Compare symbol table entries by name.
Returns: Cond: -- */ int CALLBACK Symtab_Compare( LPVOID pv1, LPVOID pv2, LPARAM lParam) { PSTE pste1 = pv1; PSTE pste2 = pv2;
return lstrcmpi(pste1->pszIdent, pste2->pszIdent); }
Purpose: Looks for pszIdent in the symbol table entry. If STFF_IMMEDIATEONLY is not set, this function will look in successive scopes if the symbol is not found within this immediate scope.
Symbol table entry is returned in *psteOut.
Returns: RES_OK (if found) RES_FALSE (if not found)
Cond: -- */ RES PUBLIC Symtab_FindEntry( PSYMTAB this, LPCSTR pszIdent, DWORD dwFlags, PSTE * ppsteOut, // May be NULL
PSYMTAB * ppstScope) // May be NULL
{ RES res;
// Default return values to NULL
if (ppsteOut) *ppsteOut = NULL; if (ppstScope) *ppstScope = NULL;
if (this && pszIdent) { DWORD iste; STE ste;
// Peform a binary search. Find a match?
ste.pszIdent = (LPSTR)pszIdent; iste = PASearch(this->hpaSTE, &ste, 0, Symtab_Compare, (LPARAM)this, PAS_SORTED); if (PA_ERR != iste) { // Yes
PSTE pste = PAFastGetPtr(this->hpaSTE, iste);
if (ppsteOut) *ppsteOut = pste;
if (ppstScope) *ppstScope = this;
res = RES_OK; } // Check other scopes?
else if (IsFlagClear(dwFlags, STFF_IMMEDIATEONLY) && this->pstNext) { // Yes
res = Symtab_FindEntry(this->pstNext, pszIdent, dwFlags, ppsteOut, ppstScope); } else res = RES_FALSE; } else res = RES_E_INVALIDPARAM;
return res; }
Purpose: Insert the given symbol table entry into the symbol table. This function does not prevent duplicate symbols.
Returns: RES_OK
Cond: -- */ RES PUBLIC Symtab_InsertEntry( PSYMTAB this, PSTE pste) { RES res;
ASSERT(this); ASSERT(pste);
if (PAInsertPtr(this->hpaSTE, PA_APPEND, pste)) { PASort(this->hpaSTE, Symtab_Compare, (LPARAM)this); res = RES_OK; } else res = RES_E_OUTOFMEMORY; return res; }
Purpose: This function generates a unique label name.
Cond: Caller must free *ppszIdent.
*/ RES PUBLIC Symtab_NewLabel( PSYMTAB this, LPSTR pszIdentBuf) // must be size MAX_BUF_KEYWORD
{ static int s_nSeed = 0;
#pragma data_seg(DATASEG_READONLY)
const static char c_szLabelPrefix[] = "__ssh%u"; #pragma data_seg()
RES res; char sz[MAX_BUF_KEYWORD]; PSTE pste;
do { // Generate name
wsprintf(sz, c_szLabelPrefix, s_nSeed++);
// Is this unique?
res = Symtab_FindEntry(this, sz, STFF_DEFAULT, NULL, NULL); if (RES_FALSE == res) { // Yes
res = STE_Create(&pste, sz, DATA_LABEL); if (RSUCCEEDED(res)) { res = Symtab_InsertEntry(this, pste); if (RSUCCEEDED(res)) { lstrcpyn(pszIdentBuf, sz, MAX_BUF_KEYWORD); res = RES_FALSE; // break out of this loop
} } } } while(RES_OK == res);
if (RES_FALSE == res) res = RES_OK;
return res; }