File rassrvui.c
Entry point implementation for the connections dialup server ui dll.
Paul Mayfield, 9/29/97 Much code was borrowed from stevec's rasdlg. */
#include "rassrv.h"
// Called to add property pages for the dialup server property sheet
switch(pPageData->dwId) { case RASSRVUI_GENERAL_TAB: dwErr = GenTabGetPropertyPage (lpPage, (LPARAM)pPageData); break;
case RASSRVUI_USER_TAB: dwErr = UserTabGetPropertyPage (lpPage, (LPARAM)pPageData); break;
case RASSRVUI_ADVANCED_TAB: dwErr = NetTabGetPropertyPage (lpPage, (LPARAM)pPageData); break;
case RASSRVUI_DEVICE_WIZ_TAB: dwErr = DeviceWizGetPropertyPage (lpPage, (LPARAM)pPageData); break;
case RASSRVUI_VPN_WIZ_TAB: dwErr = VpnWizGetPropertyPage (lpPage, (LPARAM)pPageData); break;
case RASSRVUI_USER_WIZ_TAB: dwErr = UserWizGetPropertyPage (lpPage, (LPARAM)pPageData); break;
case RASSRVUI_PROT_WIZ_TAB: dwErr = ProtWizGetPropertyPage (lpPage, (LPARAM)pPageData); break;
case RASSRVUI_DCC_DEVICE_WIZ_TAB: dwErr = DccdevWizGetPropertyPage (lpPage, (LPARAM)pPageData); break;
case RASSRVUI_SWITCHMMC_WIZ_TAB: dwErr = SwitchMmcWizGetProptertyPage (lpPage, (LPARAM)pPageData); break; }
return dwErr; }
// Helper function might make code easier to read.
// Initialize the page data to send. RassrvMessageFilter will
// clean this stuff up.
pPageCtx = RassrvAlloc(sizeof (RASSRV_PAGE_CONTEXT), TRUE); if (pPageCtx == NULL) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } pPageCtx->dwId = dwPageId; pPageCtx->dwType = dwType; pPageCtx->pvContext = pvContext;
// Create the tab and add it to the property sheet
if ((dwErr = RasSrvAddPropPage(&PropPage, pPageCtx)) != NO_ERROR) { return dwErr; }
if ((hPropPage = CreatePropertySheetPage(&PropPage)) == NULL) { return ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE; }
if (! (*pfnAddPage)(hPropPage, lParam)) { return ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE; }
return NO_ERROR; }
// Helper function generates a connection name based on the data
// returned from MprApi calls.
DWORD GenerateConnectionName( IN RAS_CONNECTION_2 * pConn, OUT PWCHAR pszNameBuffer) { NET_API_STATUS nStatus; USER_INFO_2 * pUserInfo; DWORD dwFullNameLength;
// Get the full name
nStatus = NetUserGetInfo( NULL, pConn->wszUserName, 2, (LPBYTE*)&pUserInfo);
if (nStatus == NERR_Success) { dwFullNameLength = wcslen(pUserInfo->usri2_full_name); if (dwFullNameLength) { wsprintfW( pszNameBuffer, L"%s (%s)", pConn->wszUserName, pUserInfo->usri2_full_name); } else { lstrcpynW( pszNameBuffer, pConn->wszUserName, sizeof(pConn->wszUserName) / sizeof(WCHAR)); }
NetApiBufferFree((LPBYTE)pUserInfo); } else { lstrcpynW( pszNameBuffer, pConn->wszUserName, sizeof(pConn->wszUserName) / sizeof(WCHAR)); }
return NO_ERROR; }
// Generate the connection type and device name
DWORD GenerateConnectionDeviceInfo ( RAS_CONNECTION_2 * pConn, LPDWORD lpdwType, PWCHAR pszDeviceName) { DWORD dwErr, dwRead, dwTot, dwType, dwClass; RAS_PORT_0 * pPort = NULL; RASMAN_INFO Info;
// Initialize the variables
*lpdwType = 0; *pszDeviceName = (WCHAR)0;
do { // Enumerate the ports
dwErr = MprAdminPortEnum( Globals.hRasServer, 0, pConn->hConnection, (LPBYTE*)&pPort, sizeof(RAS_PORT_0) * 2, &dwRead, &dwTot, NULL); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { break; } if (dwRead == 0) { dwErr = ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE; break; }
// Get extended information about the first
// port
dwErr = RasGetInfo(NULL, pPort->hPort, &Info); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { break; }
dwClass = RAS_DEVICE_CLASS(Info.RI_rdtDeviceType); dwType = RAS_DEVICE_TYPE(Info.RI_rdtDeviceType);
lstrcpynW( pszDeviceName, pPort[0].wszDeviceName, MAX_DEVICE_NAME + 1); if ((dwClass & RDT_Direct) || (dwClass & RDT_Null_Modem)) { *lpdwType = RASSRVUI_DCC; } else if (dwClass & RDT_Tunnel) { *lpdwType = RASSRVUI_VPN; } else { *lpdwType = RASSRVUI_MODEM; }
} while (FALSE);
// Cleanup
{ if (pPort) { MprAdminBufferFree((LPBYTE)pPort); } }
return dwErr; }
// Starts the remote access service and marks it as autostart
DWORD RasSrvInitializeService() { DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR, dwTimeout = 60*2; HANDLE hDialupService, hData = NULL; BOOL bInitialized = FALSE;
// Get a reference to the service
if ((dwErr = SvcOpenRemoteAccess(&hDialupService)) != NO_ERROR) { return dwErr; }
do { RasSrvShowServiceWait( Globals.hInstDll, GetActiveWindow(), &hData);
// First, mark the service as autostart
if ((dwErr = SvcMarkAutoStart(hDialupService)) != NO_ERROR) { break; }
// Start it (with a 5 minute timeout)
dwErr = SvcStart(hDialupService, 60*5); if (dwErr == ERROR_TIMEOUT) { dwErr = ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE; break; }
// Wait for the service to complete initialization
while (dwTimeout) { bInitialized = MprAdminIsServiceRunning(NULL); if (bInitialized) { break; } Sleep(1000); dwTimeout--; } if (dwTimeout == 0) { dwErr = ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE; break; }
} while (FALSE);
// Cleanup
{ RasSrvFinishServiceWait(hData);
// Cleanup the reference to the dialup service
SvcClose(hDialupService); }
return dwErr; }
// Stops and marks the remote access service as disabled.
DWORD RasSrvCleanupService() { DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR; HANDLE hDialupService, hData = NULL; BOOL fIcRunningBefore = FALSE; BOOL fIcRunningAfter = FALSE;
RasSrvIsServiceRunning( &fIcRunningBefore );
// Get a reference to the service
if ((dwErr = SvcOpenRemoteAccess(&hDialupService)) != NO_ERROR) { return dwErr; }
do { RasSrvShowServiceWait( Globals.hInstDll, GetActiveWindow(), &hData);
// First, stop the service (with a 5 minute timeout)
dwErr = SvcStop(hDialupService, 60*5); if (dwErr == ERROR_TIMEOUT) { dwErr = ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE; break; } if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { break; }
// Mark it as disabled
if ((dwErr = SvcMarkDisabled(hDialupService)) != NO_ERROR) { break; }
} while (FALSE);
// Cleanup
{ RasSrvFinishServiceWait(hData); SvcClose(hDialupService); }
//For whistler bug 123769
//If the this connection to be deleted is Incoming connection
//go to disable PortMapping
if ( NO_ERROR == RasSrvIsServiceRunning( &fIcRunningAfter ) ) { if ( fIcRunningBefore && !fIcRunningAfter ) { dwErr = HnPMConfigureAllConnections( FALSE );
//this is taken out because we decide not to delete the portmappings,
//just disable them instead. I keep this just for future reference. gangz
// if (NO_ERROR == dwErr )
// {
// dwErr = HnPMDeletePortMapping();
// }
} }
return dwErr; }
// Reports whether the dialup service is running
DWORD APIENTRY RasSrvIsServiceRunning ( OUT BOOL* pfIsRunning) { DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR; HANDLE hDialupService = NULL;
// Get a reference to the service
if ((dwErr = SvcOpenRemoteAccess(&hDialupService)) != NO_ERROR) { return dwErr; }
do { // Get the current status. SvcIsStarted checks the validity
// of the pfIsRunning parameter.
dwErr = SvcIsStarted(hDialupService, pfIsRunning); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { break; }
} while (FALSE);
// Cleanup
{ // Cleanup the reference to the dialup service
SvcClose(hDialupService); }
return NO_ERROR; }
// Returns whether the conenctions wizard should be allowed to show.
DWORD APIENTRY RasSrvAllowConnectionsWizard ( OUT BOOL* pfAllow) { DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR, dwFlags = 0;
if (!pfAllow) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// Initialize the product type
if ((dwErr = RasSrvGetMachineFlags (&dwFlags)) != NO_ERROR) { return dwErr; }
// Member or domain servers are not allowed to be shown
if ((dwFlags & RASSRVUI_MACHINE_F_Server) && (dwFlags & RASSRVUI_MACHINE_F_Member)) { *pfAllow = FALSE; } else { *pfAllow = TRUE; }
return NO_ERROR; }
// On ntw or standalone nts, returns result of RasSrvIsServiceRunning.
// Otherwise returns false.
DWORD APIENTRY RasSrvAllowConnectionsConfig ( OUT BOOL* pfAllow) { BOOL bAllowWizard; DWORD dwErr;
if ((dwErr = RasSrvAllowConnectionsWizard (&bAllowWizard)) != NO_ERROR) { return dwErr; }
if (bAllowWizard) { return RasSrvIsServiceRunning(pfAllow); }
*pfAllow = FALSE; return NO_ERROR; }
// Checks to see if remote access service is installed
BOOL RasSrvIsRemoteAccessInstalled () { const WCHAR pszServiceKey[] = L"SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\RemoteAccess"; HKEY hkService = NULL; DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR;
// Attempt to open the service registry key
dwErr = RegOpenKeyExW( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, pszServiceKey, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &hkService);
// If we opened the key ok, then we can assume
// that the service is installed
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hkService); return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
// Adds the required tabs to the incoming connections property sheet.
// Check parameters
if (!pfnAddPage || !ppvContext) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// Make sure remote access is installed
if (!RasSrvIsRemoteAccessInstalled()) { return ERROR_SERVICE_DEPENDENCY_FAIL; }
// Create the context for this page
if ((dwErr = RassrvCreatePageSetCtx(ppvContext)) != NO_ERROR) { return dwErr; }
// Add the tabs
AddPageHelper(RASSRVUI_GENERAL_TAB, RASWIZ_TYPE_INCOMING, *ppvContext, pfnAddPage, lParam);
AddPageHelper(RASSRVUI_USER_TAB, RASWIZ_TYPE_INCOMING, *ppvContext, pfnAddPage, lParam);
AddPageHelper(RASSRVUI_ADVANCED_TAB, RASWIZ_TYPE_INCOMING, *ppvContext, pfnAddPage, lParam);
return NO_ERROR; }
// Adds the required tabs to the incoming connections wizard
DWORD APIENTRY RasSrvAddWizPages ( IN LPFNADDPROPSHEETPAGE pfnAddPage, IN LPARAM lParam, IN OUT PVOID * ppvContext) { DWORD dwErr; BOOL bAllowWizard;
// Check parameters
if (!pfnAddPage || !ppvContext) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// Make sure remote access is installed
if (!RasSrvIsRemoteAccessInstalled()) { return ERROR_SERVICE_DEPENDENCY_FAIL; }
// Find out if configuration through connections is allowed
dwErr = RasSrvAllowConnectionsWizard (&bAllowWizard); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { return dwErr; }
// Create the context for this page
if ((dwErr = RassrvCreatePageSetCtx(ppvContext)) != NO_ERROR) { return dwErr; }
// If configuration is allowed, add the wizard pages as normal
if (bAllowWizard) { // Add the tabs
AddPageHelper(RASSRVUI_DEVICE_WIZ_TAB, RASWIZ_TYPE_INCOMING, *ppvContext, pfnAddPage, lParam);
AddPageHelper(RASSRVUI_VPN_WIZ_TAB, RASWIZ_TYPE_INCOMING, *ppvContext, pfnAddPage, lParam);
AddPageHelper(RASSRVUI_USER_WIZ_TAB, RASWIZ_TYPE_INCOMING, *ppvContext, pfnAddPage, lParam);
AddPageHelper(RASSRVUI_PROT_WIZ_TAB, RASWIZ_TYPE_INCOMING, *ppvContext, pfnAddPage, lParam); }
// Otherwise, add the bogus page that
// switches to mmc.
else { // Add the tabs
AddPageHelper(RASSRVUI_SWITCHMMC_WIZ_TAB, RASWIZ_TYPE_INCOMING, *ppvContext, pfnAddPage, lParam); }
return NO_ERROR; }
// Function adds the host-side direct connect wizard pages
DWORD APIENTRY RassrvAddDccWizPages( IN LPFNADDPROPSHEETPAGE pfnAddPage, IN LPARAM lParam, IN OUT PVOID * ppvContext) { DWORD dwErr; BOOL bAllowWizard;
// Check parameters
if (!pfnAddPage || !ppvContext) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// Make sure remote access is installed
if (!RasSrvIsRemoteAccessInstalled()) { return ERROR_SERVICE_DEPENDENCY_FAIL; }
// Find out if configuration through connections is allowed
dwErr = RasSrvAllowConnectionsWizard (&bAllowWizard); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { return dwErr; }
// Create the context for this page
if ((dwErr = RassrvCreatePageSetCtx(ppvContext)) != NO_ERROR) { return dwErr; }
if (bAllowWizard) { // Add the tabs
AddPageHelper(RASSRVUI_DCC_DEVICE_WIZ_TAB, RASWIZ_TYPE_DIRECT, *ppvContext, pfnAddPage, lParam);
AddPageHelper(RASSRVUI_USER_WIZ_TAB, RASWIZ_TYPE_DIRECT, *ppvContext, pfnAddPage, lParam); }
// Otherwise, add the bogus page that
// switches to mmc.
else { // Add the tabs
AddPageHelper(RASSRVUI_SWITCHMMC_WIZ_TAB, RASWIZ_TYPE_DIRECT, *ppvContext, pfnAddPage, lParam); }
return NO_ERROR; }
// Function returns the suggested name for an incoming connection.
DWORD APIENTRY RassrvGetDefaultConnectionName ( IN OUT PWCHAR pszBuffer, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwBufSize) { PWCHAR pszName; DWORD dwLen;
// Load the resource string
pszName = (PWCHAR) PszLoadString( Globals.hInstDll, SID_DEFAULT_CONNECTION_NAME);
// Calculate length
dwLen = wcslen(pszName); if (dwLen > *lpdwBufSize) { *lpdwBufSize = dwLen; return ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; }
// Return the result
wcscpy(pszBuffer, pszName); *lpdwBufSize = dwLen;
return NO_ERROR; }
// Function behaves anagolously to the WIN32 function RasEnumConnections
// but for client connections instead of dialout connections.
DWORD RasSrvEnumConnections( IN LPRASSRVCONN pRasSrvCon, OUT LPDWORD lpcb, OUT LPDWORD lpcConnections) { DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR, dwEntriesRead, dwTotal, dwFlags = 0; DWORD dwPrefMax = 1000000, i, dwSizeNeeded = 0; RAS_CONNECTION_2 * pConnList; BOOL bCopy = TRUE;
// Sanity Check
if (!pRasSrvCon || !lpcb || !lpcConnections) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// We do not allow IC ui for member servers
RasSrvGetMachineFlags(&dwFlags); if ((dwFlags & RASSRVUI_MACHINE_F_Server) && (dwFlags & RASSRVUI_MACHINE_F_Member)) { *lpcb = 0; *lpcConnections = 0; return NO_ERROR; }
// Get the MprAdmin handle
do { // Enumerate the structures
dwErr = MprAdminConnectionEnum ( Globals.hRasServer, 2, (LPBYTE *)&pConnList, dwPrefMax, &dwEntriesRead, &dwTotal, NULL); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { DbgOutputTrace ("MprAdminEnum failed %x\n", dwErr); break; }
// Reuse the dwTotal variable
dwTotal = 0; dwSizeNeeded = 0;
// Copy over the pertanent information
for (i = 0; i < dwEntriesRead; i++) { if (pConnList[i].dwInterfaceType == ROUTER_IF_TYPE_CLIENT) { dwSizeNeeded += sizeof (RASSRVCONN); if (dwSizeNeeded > *lpcb) { bCopy = FALSE; } if (bCopy) { // Connection handle
pRasSrvCon[dwTotal].hRasSrvConn = pConnList[i].hConnection;
// Name
dwErr = GenerateConnectionName( &pConnList[i], pRasSrvCon[dwTotal].szEntryName); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { continue; }
// Type and Device Name
dwErr = GenerateConnectionDeviceInfo( &pConnList[i], &(pRasSrvCon[dwTotal].dwType), pRasSrvCon[dwTotal].szDeviceName); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { continue; }
// Guid
pRasSrvCon[dwTotal].Guid = pConnList[i].guid;
dwTotal++; } } }
*lpcb = dwSizeNeeded; *lpcConnections = dwTotal;
} while (FALSE);
// Cleanup
{ MprAdminBufferFree((LPBYTE)pConnList); }
if (!bCopy) { dwErr = ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; }
return dwErr; }
// Gets the status of a Ras Server Connection
DWORD APIENTRY RasSrvIsConnectionConnected ( IN HRASSRVCONN hRasSrvConn, OUT BOOL* pfConnected) { RAS_CONNECTION_2 * pConn; DWORD dwErr;
// Sanity check the parameters
if (!pfConnected) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// Query rasman for the connection information
dwErr = MprAdminConnectionGetInfo( Globals.hRasServer, 0, hRasSrvConn, (LPBYTE*)&pConn); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { *pfConnected = FALSE; } else { *pfConnected = TRUE; }
if (pfConnected) { MprAdminBufferFree((LPBYTE)pConn); }
return NO_ERROR; }
// Hangs up the given connection
DWORD RasSrvHangupConnection( IN HRASSRVCONN hRasSrvConn) { RAS_PORT_0 * pPorts; DWORD dwRead, dwTot, dwErr, i, dwRet = NO_ERROR;
// Enumerate all of the ports on this connection
dwErr = MprAdminPortEnum( Globals.hRasServer, 0, hRasSrvConn, (LPBYTE*)&pPorts, 4096, &dwRead, &dwTot, NULL); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { return dwErr; }
// Hang up each of the ports individually
for (i = 0; i < dwRead; i++) { dwErr = MprAdminPortDisconnect( Globals.hRasServer, pPorts[i].hPort);
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { dwRet = dwErr; } } MprAdminBufferFree((LPBYTE)pPorts);
return dwRet; }
// Queries whether to show icons in the task bar.
DWORD APIENTRY RasSrvQueryShowIcon ( OUT BOOL* pfShowIcon) { DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR; HANDLE hMiscDatabase = NULL;
if (!pfShowIcon) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
do { // Open a copy of the miscellaneous database
dwErr = miscOpenDatabase(&hMiscDatabase); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { break; }
// Return the status
dwErr = miscGetIconEnable(hMiscDatabase, pfShowIcon); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { break; }
} while (FALSE);
// Cleanup
{ if (hMiscDatabase) { miscCloseDatabase(hMiscDatabase); } }
return dwErr; }
// ===================================
// ===================================
// Dll entry management
// ===================================
// ===================================
// Called when another process attaches to this dll
DWORD RassrvHandleProcessAttach( IN HINSTANCE hInstDll, IN LPVOID pReserved) { // Initialize global variables
return gblInit(hInstDll, &Globals); }
// Called when process detaches from this dll
DWORD RassrvHandleProcessDetach( IN HINSTANCE hInstDll, IN LPVOID pReserved) { // Cleanup global variables
return gblCleanup(&Globals); }
// Called when thread attaches to this dll
DWORD RassrvHandleThreadAttach( IN HINSTANCE hInstDll, IN LPVOID pReserved) { return NO_ERROR; }
// Called when thread detaches from this dll
DWORD RassrvHandleThreadDetach( IN HINSTANCE hInstDll, IN LPVOID pReserved) { return NO_ERROR; }