Copyright (c) 1997-1998 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Abstract: Routines that operate on configuration information for RTM in the registry.
Author: Chaitanya Kodeboyina (chaitk) 21-Aug-1998
Revision History:
#include "pchrtm.h"
#pragma hdrstop
DWORD RtmWriteDefaultConfig ( IN USHORT RtmInstanceId )
Routine Description:
Write default configuration information into the registry. Arguments:
RtmInstanceId - Unique Id for this RTM instance
Return Value:
Status of the operation. --*/
// We have no RTM instance parameters at present
Status = RtmWriteInstanceConfig(RtmInstanceId, &InstanceConfig);
if (Status != NO_ERROR) { Trace1(ERR, "Default Config: Error %d writing instance key", Status);
return Status; }
// Set up default address family parameters
AddrFamConfig.AddressSize = DEFAULT_ADDRESS_SIZE;
AddrFamConfig.MaxOpaqueInfoPtrs = DEFAULT_OPAQUE_INFO_PTRS; AddrFamConfig.MaxNextHopsInRoute = DEFAULT_NEXTHOPS_IN_ROUTE;
AddrFamConfig.ViewsSupported = DEFAULT_VIEWS_SUPPORTED; AddrFamConfig.MaxHandlesInEnum = DEFAULT_MAX_HANDLES_IN_ENUM; AddrFamConfig.MaxChangeNotifyRegns = DEFAULT_MAX_NOTIFY_REGS;
// Write the default address family config
Status = RtmWriteAddressFamilyConfig(RtmInstanceId, AF_INET, &AddrFamConfig);
if (Status != NO_ERROR) { Trace1(ERR, "Default Config: Error %d writing address family subkey", Status); }
return Status; }
DWORD WINAPI RtmReadInstanceConfig ( IN USHORT RtmInstanceId, OUT PRTM_INSTANCE_CONFIG InstanceConfig )
Routine Description:
Reads the configuration information for a particular instance at creation time. Arguments:
RtmInstanceId - Unique Id for this instance,
InstanceConfig - Buffer in which config info is retd.
Return Value:
Status of the operation. --*/
{ HKEY ConfigHandle; ULONG KeySize; DWORD Status;
// Open the key that holds this instance's config
_snprintf(RtmGlobals.RegistryPath + RTM_CONFIG_ROOT_SIZE - 1, MAX_CONFIG_KEY_SIZE, REG_KEY_INSTANCE_TEMPLATE, RtmInstanceId);
Status = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, RtmGlobals.RegistryPath, 0, KEY_READ, &ConfigHandle);
if (Status != NO_ERROR) { Trace1(ERR, "Instance Config: Error %d opening instance key", Status);
return Status; }
do { //
// Query values for parameters in instance config
KeySize = sizeof(DWORD);
// Nothing in the instance config at present
// Close the instance key once you are done querying
return NO_ERROR; } while (FALSE);
// Some error in the config - close handle and ret error
return (Status != NO_ERROR) ? Status: ERROR_BAD_CONFIGURATION; }
DWORD WINAPI RtmWriteInstanceConfig ( IN USHORT RtmInstanceId, IN PRTM_INSTANCE_CONFIG InstanceConfig )
Routine Description:
Write the input instance config information into the registry. Arguments:
RtmInstanceId - Unique Id for this instance,
InstanceConfig - Config info for this instance.
Return Value:
Status of the operation. --*/
{ HKEY ConfigHandle; DWORD Status;
// Create a key (or open existing) to hold instance's config
_snprintf(RtmGlobals.RegistryPath + RTM_CONFIG_ROOT_SIZE - 1, MAX_CONFIG_KEY_SIZE, REG_KEY_INSTANCE_TEMPLATE, RtmInstanceId);
Status = RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, RtmGlobals.RegistryPath, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &ConfigHandle, NULL);
if (Status != NO_ERROR) { Trace1(ERR, "Instance Config: Error %d creating instance key", Status);
return Status; }
do { //
// Write values in instance config into the registry
// Nothing in the instance config at present time
// Close the instance key once you are done writing
return NO_ERROR; } while (FALSE);
// Error writing values; close the handle and delete the key
Trace1(ERR, "Instance Config: Error %d writing instance config parameters", Status);
RegDeleteKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, RtmGlobals.RegistryPath);
return Status; }
DWORD WINAPI RtmReadAddressFamilyConfig ( IN USHORT RtmInstanceId, IN USHORT AddressFamily, OUT PRTM_ADDRESS_FAMILY_CONFIG AddrFamilyConfig )
Routine Description:
Reads the configuration information for a particular address family at creation time. Arguments:
RtmInstanceId - ID (IPv4..) for this addr family info,
AddrFamilyConfig - Buffer in which addr family info is retd.
Return Value:
Status of the operation. --*/
{ HKEY ConfigHandle; ULONG KeySize; ULONG KeyValue; ULONG KeyType; DWORD Status;
// Open the key that holds this address family's config
_snprintf(RtmGlobals.RegistryPath + RTM_CONFIG_ROOT_SIZE - 1, MAX_CONFIG_KEY_SIZE, REG_KEY_ADDR_FAMILY_TEMPLATE, RtmInstanceId, AddressFamily); Status = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, RtmGlobals.RegistryPath, 0, KEY_READ, &ConfigHandle); if (Status != NO_ERROR) { Trace1(ERR, "Address Family Config: Error %d opening address family key", Status);
return Status; }
do { //
// Query values for parameters in address family config
KeySize = sizeof(DWORD);
// Query the 'address size' parameter
Status = RegQueryValueEx(ConfigHandle, REG_KEY_ADDRESS_SIZE, NULL, &KeyType, (PBYTE)&KeyValue, &KeySize);
if ((Status != NO_ERROR) || (KeyType != REG_DWORD)) { Trace1(ERR, "Address Family Config: Error %d reading address size key", Status); break; }
if ((KeyValue < MINIMUM_ADDRESS_SIZE) || (KeyValue > MAXIMUM_ADDRESS_SIZE)) { Trace1(ERR, "Address Family Config: Address Size %d out of bounds", KeyValue); break; } AddrFamilyConfig->AddressSize = KeyValue;
// Query the 'views supported' parameter
Status = RegQueryValueEx(ConfigHandle, REG_KEY_VIEWS_SUPPORTED, NULL, &KeyType, (PBYTE)&KeyValue, &KeySize); AddrFamilyConfig->ViewsSupported = DEFAULT_VIEWS_SUPPORTED;
if (Status == NO_ERROR) { if (KeyValue == 0) { Trace0(ERR, "Address Family Config: No supported views"); break; }
AddrFamilyConfig->ViewsSupported = KeyValue; }
// Query the 'max change notifications' parameter
Status = RegQueryValueEx(ConfigHandle, REG_KEY_MAX_NOTIFY_REGS, NULL, &KeyType, (PBYTE)&KeyValue, &KeySize);
AddrFamilyConfig->MaxChangeNotifyRegns = DEFAULT_MAX_NOTIFY_REGS;
if (Status == NO_ERROR) { if ((KeyValue < MIN_MAX_NOTIFY_REGS) || (KeyValue > MAX_MAX_NOTIFY_REGS)) { Trace1(ERR, "Address Family Config: # notifications out of range", KeyValue); break; }
AddrFamilyConfig->MaxChangeNotifyRegns = KeyValue; }
// Query the 'max opaque info ptrs' parameter
Status = RegQueryValueEx(ConfigHandle, REG_KEY_OPAQUE_INFO_PTRS, NULL, &KeyType, (PBYTE)&KeyValue, &KeySize);
AddrFamilyConfig->MaxOpaqueInfoPtrs = DEFAULT_OPAQUE_INFO_PTRS;
if (Status == NO_ERROR) { if (((int)KeyValue < MIN_OPAQUE_INFO_PTRS) || (KeyValue > MAX_OPAQUE_INFO_PTRS)) { Trace1(ERR, "Address Family Config: # opaque ptrs out of range", KeyValue); break; }
AddrFamilyConfig->MaxOpaqueInfoPtrs = KeyValue; }
// Query the 'max next hops per route' parameter
Status = RegQueryValueEx(ConfigHandle, REG_KEY_NEXTHOPS_IN_ROUTE, NULL, &KeyType, (PBYTE)&KeyValue, &KeySize);
AddrFamilyConfig->MaxNextHopsInRoute = DEFAULT_NEXTHOPS_IN_ROUTE;
if (Status == NO_ERROR) { if ((KeyValue < MIN_NEXTHOPS_IN_ROUTE) || (KeyValue > MAX_NEXTHOPS_IN_ROUTE)) { Trace1(ERR, "Address Family Config: # nexthops out of range", KeyValue); break; }
AddrFamilyConfig->MaxNextHopsInRoute = KeyValue; }
// Query the 'max handles returned in enum' parameter
Status = RegQueryValueEx(ConfigHandle, REG_KEY_MAX_HANDLES_IN_ENUM, NULL, &KeyType, (PBYTE)&KeyValue, &KeySize);
AddrFamilyConfig->MaxHandlesInEnum = DEFAULT_MAX_HANDLES_IN_ENUM;
if (Status == NO_ERROR) { if ((KeyValue < MIN_MAX_HANDLES_IN_ENUM) || (KeyValue > MAX_MAX_HANDLES_IN_ENUM)) { Trace1(ERR, "Address Family Config: # handles returned in enum", KeyValue); break; }
AddrFamilyConfig->MaxHandlesInEnum = KeyValue; }
// Close the instance key once you are done querying
return NO_ERROR; } while (FALSE);
// Some error in the config - close handle and ret error
return (Status != NO_ERROR) ? Status: ERROR_BAD_CONFIGURATION; }
DWORD WINAPI RtmWriteAddressFamilyConfig ( IN USHORT RtmInstanceId, IN USHORT AddressFamily, IN PRTM_ADDRESS_FAMILY_CONFIG AddrFamilyConfig )
Routine Description:
Write the input address family config information into the registry. Arguments:
RtmInstanceId - Instance to which addr family belongs to,
AddressFamily - ID for this address family,
AddrFamilyConfig - Configuration info for this address family.
Return Value:
Status of the operation. --*/
{ CHAR AddressFamilySubKey[MAX_CONFIG_KEY_SIZE]; HKEY InstanceConfig; HKEY ConfigHandle; ULONG KeyValue; DWORD Status;
// Open the existing key that holds this RTM instance's config
_snprintf(RtmGlobals.RegistryPath + RTM_CONFIG_ROOT_SIZE - 1, MAX_CONFIG_KEY_SIZE, REG_KEY_INSTANCE_TEMPLATE, RtmInstanceId);
Status = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, RtmGlobals.RegistryPath, 0, KEY_READ, &InstanceConfig);
if (Status != NO_ERROR) { //
// Need to create an instance before creating addr family
Trace1(ERR, "Address Family Config: Error %d opening instance key", Status);
return Status; }
// Create (or open existing) key to hold addr family's config
_snprintf(AddressFamilySubKey, MAX_CONFIG_KEY_SIZE, REG_KEY_ADDR_FAMILY_SUBKEY, AddressFamily);
Status = RegCreateKeyEx(InstanceConfig, AddressFamilySubKey, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &ConfigHandle, NULL);
// Close the instance key as you no longer need it
if (Status != NO_ERROR) { Trace1(ERR, "Address Family Config: Error %d creating address family key", Status);
return Status; }
// Write values in address family config into the registry
do { //
// Write the 'address size' value into the registry
KeyValue = AddrFamilyConfig->AddressSize; if ((KeyValue < MINIMUM_ADDRESS_SIZE) || (KeyValue > MAXIMUM_ADDRESS_SIZE)) { Trace1(ERR, "Address Family Config: Address Size %d out of bounds", KeyValue); break; }
Status = RegSetValueEx(ConfigHandle, REG_KEY_ADDRESS_SIZE, 0, REG_DWORD, (PBYTE)&KeyValue, sizeof(ULONG));
if (Status != NO_ERROR) { break; }
// Write the 'views supported' value into the registry
KeyValue = AddrFamilyConfig->ViewsSupported; if (KeyValue == 0) { Trace0(ERR, "Address Family Config: No supported views"); break; }
Status = RegSetValueEx(ConfigHandle, REG_KEY_VIEWS_SUPPORTED, 0, REG_DWORD, (PBYTE)&KeyValue, sizeof(ULONG));
if (Status != NO_ERROR) { break; }
// Write 'max change notifications' value into registry
KeyValue = AddrFamilyConfig->MaxChangeNotifyRegns; if ((KeyValue < MIN_MAX_NOTIFY_REGS) || (KeyValue > MAX_MAX_NOTIFY_REGS)) { Trace1(ERR, "Address Family Config: # Change notify regs out of range", KeyValue); break; }
Status = RegSetValueEx(ConfigHandle, REG_KEY_MAX_NOTIFY_REGS, 0, REG_DWORD, (PBYTE)&KeyValue, sizeof(ULONG));
if (Status != NO_ERROR) { break; }
// Write 'max opaque info ptrs' value into registry
KeyValue = AddrFamilyConfig->MaxOpaqueInfoPtrs; if (((int)KeyValue < MIN_OPAQUE_INFO_PTRS) || (KeyValue > MAX_OPAQUE_INFO_PTRS)) { Trace1(ERR, "Address Family Config: # opaque ptrs out of range", KeyValue); break; }
Status = RegSetValueEx(ConfigHandle, REG_KEY_OPAQUE_INFO_PTRS, 0, REG_DWORD, (PBYTE)&KeyValue, sizeof(ULONG));
if (Status != NO_ERROR) { break; }
// Write 'max next hops per route' value into registry
KeyValue = AddrFamilyConfig->MaxNextHopsInRoute; if ((KeyValue < MIN_NEXTHOPS_IN_ROUTE) || (KeyValue > MAX_NEXTHOPS_IN_ROUTE)) { Trace1(ERR, "Address Family Config: # nexthops out of range", KeyValue); break; }
Status = RegSetValueEx(ConfigHandle, REG_KEY_NEXTHOPS_IN_ROUTE, 0, REG_DWORD, (PBYTE)&KeyValue, sizeof(ULONG));
if (Status != NO_ERROR) { break; }
// Write 'max handles returned in enum' value into registry
KeyValue = AddrFamilyConfig->MaxHandlesInEnum; if ((KeyValue < MIN_MAX_HANDLES_IN_ENUM) || (KeyValue > MAX_MAX_HANDLES_IN_ENUM)) { Trace1(ERR, "Address Family Config: # handles returned in enum", KeyValue); break; }
Status = RegSetValueEx(ConfigHandle, REG_KEY_MAX_HANDLES_IN_ENUM, 0, REG_DWORD, (PBYTE)&KeyValue, sizeof(ULONG));
if (Status != NO_ERROR) { break; }
// Close the address family key once you are done writing
return NO_ERROR; } while (FALSE);
// Were config values out of bounds ? Adjust err code
if (Status == NO_ERROR) { Status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// Error occured, close the handle and delete the key
Trace1(ERR, "Address Family Config: Error %d writing address family params", Status);
_snprintf(RtmGlobals.RegistryPath + RTM_CONFIG_ROOT_SIZE - 1, MAX_CONFIG_KEY_SIZE, REG_KEY_ADDR_FAMILY_TEMPLATE, RtmInstanceId, AddressFamily);
RegDeleteKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, RtmGlobals.RegistryPath);
TraceLeave("RtmWriteAddressFamilyConfig"); return Status; }