/********************************************************************/ /** Copyright(c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation. **/ /********************************************************************/
// Filename: registry.c
// Description: This module contains routines to manupilate information
// in the registry.
// History:
// May 11,1992. NarenG Created original version.
#include "afpsvcp.h"
// AFP Server Service registry parameter structure
typedef struct _AFP_SERVER_REG_PARAMS {
LPWSTR lpwValueName; PVOID pValue; DWORD dwDataType; DWORD dwErrorLogId; BOOL (*pfuncIsValid)( LPVOID );
AFP_SERVER_REG_PARAMS AfpServerRegParams[] = {
NULL, NULL, 0, 0, FALSE };
// Call: AfpRegOpen
// Returns: NO_ERROR - success
// non-zero returns from registry API's
// Description: Will simply open and handles to keys in the registry
// where the server parameters, volumes list and ETC list
// are stored. These open handles will be stored in global
// variables.
DWORD AfpRegOpen( VOID ) { DWORD dwRetCode;
AfpGlobals.hkeyServerParams = NULL; AfpGlobals.hkeyVolumesList = NULL; AfpGlobals.hkeyIcons = NULL; AfpGlobals.hkeyTypeCreators = NULL; AfpGlobals.hkeyExtensions = NULL;
// The do - while( FALSE ) loop is used here to avoid using a goto to
// do a cleanup and exit.
do {
// Obtain handle to the ..\PARAMETERS key.
if ( dwRetCode = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, AFP_KEYPATH_SERVER_PARAMS, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &AfpGlobals.hkeyServerParams )) break;
// Obtain handle to the ..\PARAMETERS\VOLUMES volume list key
if ( dwRetCode = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, AFP_KEYPATH_VOLUMES, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &AfpGlobals.hkeyVolumesList )) break;
// Obtain handle to the ..\PARAMETERS\TYPE_CREATORS key
if ( dwRetCode = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, AFP_KEYPATH_TYPE_CREATORS, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &AfpGlobals.hkeyTypeCreators )) break;
// Obtain handle to the ..\PARAMETERS\EXTENSIONS key
if ( dwRetCode = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, AFP_KEYPATH_EXTENSIONS, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &AfpGlobals.hkeyExtensions )) break;
// Obtain handle to the ..\PARAMETERS\ICONS key
if ( dwRetCode = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, AFP_KEYPATH_ICONS, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &AfpGlobals.hkeyIcons )) break;
} while( FALSE );
return( dwRetCode ); }
// Call: AfpRegClose
// Returns: none
// Description: Simply closes all handles opened by AfpRegOpen
VOID AfpRegClose( VOID ) { if ( AfpGlobals.hkeyServerParams ) RegCloseKey( AfpGlobals.hkeyServerParams );
if ( AfpGlobals.hkeyVolumesList ) RegCloseKey( AfpGlobals.hkeyVolumesList );
if ( AfpGlobals.hkeyTypeCreators ) RegCloseKey( AfpGlobals.hkeyTypeCreators );
if ( AfpGlobals.hkeyExtensions ) RegCloseKey( AfpGlobals.hkeyExtensions );
if ( AfpGlobals.hkeyIcons ) RegCloseKey( AfpGlobals.hkeyIcons );
return; }
// Call: AfpRegServerGetInfo
// Returns: NO_ERROR - success
// non-zero returns from registry calls.
// Description: This procedure is called to obtain server parameters.
// It is assumed that before this procedure is called the
// default values for these parameters are already set.
// If the parameter is not in the registry the default will
// be used ie. this procedure will not change it.
// If a parameter exists in the registry, it will be retrieved.
// If the retrieved parameter is invalid, an error event will
// be logged and the default value will be used.
DWORD AfpRegServerGetInfo( VOID ) { DWORD dwRetCode; DWORD dwTitle = 0; DWORD dwType; LPBYTE lpbValueBuf; DWORD dwMaxValNameLen; DWORD dwNumValues; DWORD dwMaxValueDataSize; DWORD dwBufSize; DWORD dwIndex;
// First find out the number of values and the max. size of them.
if ( dwRetCode = AfpRegGetKeyInfo( AfpGlobals.hkeyServerParams, &dwMaxValNameLen, &dwNumValues, &dwMaxValueDataSize )) return( dwRetCode );
// Allocate enough memory to hold the max. variable length data.
if ( ( lpbValueBuf = (LPBYTE)LocalAlloc(LPTR, dwMaxValueDataSize)) == NULL ) return( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY );
// Run through ad get all the server parameters.
for ( dwIndex = 0, dwBufSize = dwMaxValueDataSize;
AfpServerRegParams[dwIndex].lpwValueName != NULL;
dwIndex++, dwBufSize = dwMaxValueDataSize ) {
ZeroMemory( lpbValueBuf, dwMaxValueDataSize );
// Get the server parameter.
dwRetCode = RegQueryValueEx( AfpGlobals.hkeyServerParams, AfpServerRegParams[dwIndex].lpwValueName, NULL, &dwType, lpbValueBuf, &dwBufSize );
// If the parameter was present then read it in otherwise just
// skip it and let the default value stand.
if ( dwRetCode == NO_ERROR ) {
// If the parameter was valid we use it
if ( (*(AfpServerRegParams[dwIndex].pfuncIsValid))(lpbValueBuf) ){
switch( AfpServerRegParams[dwIndex].dwDataType ) { case REG_SZ:
if ( STRLEN( (LPWSTR)lpbValueBuf ) > 0 ) STRCPY( (LPWSTR)(AfpServerRegParams[dwIndex].pValue), (LPWSTR)lpbValueBuf ); else ((LPWSTR)(AfpServerRegParams[dwIndex].pValue))[0] = TEXT('\0');
case REG_DWORD: *(LPDWORD)(AfpServerRegParams[dwIndex].pValue) = *(LPDWORD)lpbValueBuf; break;
default: AFP_ASSERT( FALSE ); break; } } else { // Otherwise we log this error
AfpLogEvent( AfpServerRegParams[dwIndex].dwErrorLogId, 0, NULL, dwRetCode, EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE ); } } else if ( dwRetCode == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) dwRetCode = NO_ERROR; else break; }
LocalFree( lpbValueBuf ); return( dwRetCode ); }
// Call: AfpRegVolumeAdd
// Returns: NO_ERROR - success
// non-zero returns from registry API's
// Description: This routine takes a AFP_VOLUME_INFO, creates a REG_MULTI_SZ
// from it and stores it in the registry.
DWORD AfpRegVolumeAdd( IN PAFP_VOLUME_INFO pVolumeInfo ) { DWORD dwRetCode; DWORD cbMultiSzSize; LPBYTE lpbMultiSz; DWORD dwLength; DWORD dwIndex; WCHAR wchEncryptedPass[AFP_VOLPASS_LEN+1]; // Before we add the volume we encrypt the password if there is one
if ( ( pVolumeInfo->afpvol_password != (LPWSTR)NULL ) && ( STRLEN( pVolumeInfo->afpvol_password ) > 0 ) ) {
ZeroMemory( wchEncryptedPass, sizeof( wchEncryptedPass ) );
dwLength = STRLEN( pVolumeInfo->afpvol_password );
for ( dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < AFP_VOLPASS_LEN; dwIndex++ ) {
wchEncryptedPass[dwIndex] = ( dwIndex < dwLength ) ? pVolumeInfo->afpvol_password[dwIndex] ^ 0xF000 : (wchEncryptedPass[dwIndex] ^= 0xF000); }
pVolumeInfo->afpvol_password = wchEncryptedPass;
} if ( dwRetCode = AfpBufMakeMultiSz( AFP_VOLUME_STRUCT, (LPBYTE)pVolumeInfo, &lpbMultiSz, &cbMultiSzSize )) return( dwRetCode );
// Set the data.
dwRetCode = RegSetValueEx( AfpGlobals.hkeyVolumesList, pVolumeInfo->afpvol_name, 0, REG_MULTI_SZ, lpbMultiSz, cbMultiSzSize );
LocalFree( lpbMultiSz );
return( dwRetCode ); }
// Call: AfpRegVolumeDelete
// Returns: NO_ERROR - success
// non-zero returns from registry calls.
// Description: Will delete a volume from the Volume list in the registry.
DWORD AfpRegVolumeDelete( IN LPWSTR lpwsVolumeName ) { return( RegDeleteValue( AfpGlobals.hkeyVolumesList, lpwsVolumeName ) ); }
// Call: AfpRegVolumeSetInfo
// Returns: NO_ERROR - success
// non-zero returns from registry API's
// Description:
DWORD AfpRegVolumeSetInfo( IN PAFP_VOLUME_INFO pVolumeInfo ) { return( AfpRegVolumeAdd( pVolumeInfo ) ); }
// Call: AfpRegTypeCreatorEnum
// Returns: NO_ERROR - success
// non-zero returns from registry APIs.
// Description: This procedure will read in type/creator/comment information
// from the registry and store it in memory in the
// AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo structure. Only fatal errors will
// be returned. Non-fatal errors will be errorlogged.
DWORD AfpRegTypeCreatorEnum( VOID ) { DWORD dwRetCode; DWORD cbMaxValNameLen; DWORD cbValNameBufSize; DWORD dwNumValues; DWORD cbMaxValueDataSize; DWORD dwValueIndex; DWORD cbBufSize; DWORD dwType; PAFP_TYPE_CREATOR pTypeCreatorWalker; PAFP_TYPE_CREATOR pTypeCreator; LPWSTR lpwsValName; LPBYTE lpbMultiSz; CHAR chAnsiBuf[10];
// Read in the type/creators
if ( dwRetCode = AfpRegGetKeyInfo( AfpGlobals.hkeyTypeCreators, &cbMaxValNameLen, &dwNumValues, &cbMaxValueDataSize )) return( dwRetCode );
// Allocate space for the number of values in this key.
AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_type_creator=(PAFP_TYPE_CREATOR)LocalAlloc( LPTR, sizeof(AFP_TYPE_CREATOR) * dwNumValues);
if ( AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_type_creator == NULL ) return( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY );
AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_num_type_creators = 0;
if ( dwNumValues == 0 ) return( NO_ERROR );
if (( lpwsValName = (LPWSTR)LocalAlloc( LPTR, cbMaxValNameLen )) == NULL){ LocalFree(AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_type_creator ); return( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); }
if (( lpbMultiSz = (LPBYTE)LocalAlloc( LPTR, cbMaxValueDataSize )) == NULL){ LocalFree(AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_type_creator ); LocalFree( lpwsValName ); return( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); }
// Read in the type/creator/comment tuples
for ( dwValueIndex = 0, AfpGlobals.dwCurrentTCId = AFP_DEF_TCID + 1, cbBufSize = cbMaxValueDataSize, cbValNameBufSize = cbMaxValNameLen, pTypeCreatorWalker = AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_type_creator;
dwValueIndex < dwNumValues;
dwValueIndex++, cbBufSize = cbMaxValueDataSize, cbValNameBufSize = cbMaxValNameLen ) { if ( dwRetCode = RegEnumValue( AfpGlobals.hkeyTypeCreators, dwValueIndex, lpwsValName, &cbValNameBufSize, NULL, &dwType, lpbMultiSz, &cbBufSize )) break;
// Parse the mult sz and extract info into volume info structure
if ( dwRetCode = AfpBufParseMultiSz( AFP_TYPECREATOR_STRUCT, lpbMultiSz, (LPBYTE)pTypeCreatorWalker )) { LPWSTR lpwsNames[2];
lpwsNames[0] = pTypeCreatorWalker->afptc_type; lpwsNames[1] = pTypeCreatorWalker->afptc_creator;
AfpLogEvent( AFPLOG_INVALID_TYPE_CREATOR, 2, lpwsNames, (DWORD)AFPERR_InvalidTypeCreator, EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE ); dwRetCode = NO_ERROR; continue; }
// Id is value name, so copy it in
wcstombs( chAnsiBuf, lpwsValName, sizeof( chAnsiBuf ) ); pTypeCreatorWalker->afptc_id = atoi( chAnsiBuf );
if ( !IsAfpTypeCreatorValid( pTypeCreatorWalker ) ) {
LPWSTR lpwsNames[2];
lpwsNames[0] = pTypeCreatorWalker->afptc_type; lpwsNames[1] = pTypeCreatorWalker->afptc_creator;
AfpLogEvent( AFPLOG_INVALID_TYPE_CREATOR, 2, lpwsNames, (DWORD)AFPERR_InvalidTypeCreator, EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE ); dwRetCode = NO_ERROR; continue; }
// Check to see if this is a duplicate.
pTypeCreator = AfpBinarySearch( pTypeCreatorWalker, AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_type_creator, AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_num_type_creators, sizeof(AFP_TYPE_CREATOR), AfpBCompareTypeCreator );
if ( pTypeCreator != NULL ) {
LPWSTR lpwsNames[2];
lpwsNames[0] = pTypeCreatorWalker->afptc_type; lpwsNames[1] = pTypeCreatorWalker->afptc_creator;
AfpLogEvent( AFPLOG_INVALID_TYPE_CREATOR, 2, lpwsNames, (DWORD)AFPERR_InvalidTypeCreator, EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE ); dwRetCode = NO_ERROR; continue; }
// Keep the Current id the max of all ids
AfpGlobals.dwCurrentTCId = ( AfpGlobals.dwCurrentTCId < pTypeCreatorWalker->afptc_id ) ? pTypeCreatorWalker->afptc_id : AfpGlobals.dwCurrentTCId;
AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_num_type_creators++; pTypeCreatorWalker++;
LocalFree( lpwsValName ); LocalFree( lpbMultiSz );
if ( dwRetCode ) { LocalFree( AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_type_creator ); return( dwRetCode ); }
// Sort the type/creator table
qsort( AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_type_creator, AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_num_type_creators, sizeof(AFP_TYPE_CREATOR), AfpBCompareTypeCreator );
return( NO_ERROR );
// Call: AfpRegExtensionEnum
// Returns: NO_ERROR - success
// non-zero returns from registry APIs.
// Description: This procedure will read in extension information
// from the registry and store it in memory in the
// AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo structure. Only fatal errors will
// be returned. Non-fatal errors will be errorlogged.
DWORD AfpRegExtensionEnum( VOID ) { DWORD dwRetCode; DWORD cbMaxValNameLen; DWORD cbValNameBufSize; DWORD dwNumValues; DWORD cbMaxValueDataSize; DWORD dwValueIndex; DWORD cbBufSize; DWORD dwType; PAFP_EXTENSION pExtensionWalker; PAFP_EXTENSION pExtension; LPWSTR lpwsValName; LPBYTE lpbMultiSz; DWORD dwNumExtensions; PAFP_TYPE_CREATOR pTypeCreator; AFP_TYPE_CREATOR AfpTypeCreator; DWORD dwNumTypeCreators;
// Read in the extensions
if ( dwRetCode = AfpRegGetKeyInfo( AfpGlobals.hkeyExtensions, &cbMaxValNameLen, &dwNumValues, &cbMaxValueDataSize )) return( dwRetCode );
AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_extension = (PAFP_EXTENSION)LocalAlloc( LPTR, sizeof(AFP_EXTENSION) *dwNumValues );
if ( AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_extension == NULL ) return( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY );
AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_num_extensions = 0; if ( dwNumValues == 0 ) return( NO_ERROR );
// Read in the extensions
if (( lpwsValName = (LPWSTR)LocalAlloc( LPTR, cbMaxValNameLen )) == NULL) { LocalFree( AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_extension ); return( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); }
if (( lpbMultiSz = (LPBYTE)LocalAlloc( LPTR, cbMaxValueDataSize )) == NULL){ LocalFree( AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_extension ); LocalFree( lpwsValName ); return( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); } for ( dwValueIndex = 0, pExtensionWalker = AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_extension, cbBufSize = cbMaxValueDataSize, cbValNameBufSize = cbMaxValNameLen;
dwValueIndex < dwNumValues;
dwValueIndex++, cbBufSize = cbMaxValueDataSize, cbValNameBufSize = cbMaxValNameLen ) { if ( dwRetCode = RegEnumValue( AfpGlobals.hkeyExtensions, dwValueIndex, lpwsValName, &cbValNameBufSize, NULL, &dwType, lpbMultiSz, &cbBufSize )) break;
// Parse the mult sz and extract info into volume info structure
if ( dwRetCode = AfpBufParseMultiSz( AFP_EXTENSION_STRUCT, lpbMultiSz, (LPBYTE)pExtensionWalker )) { LPWSTR lpwsName = pExtensionWalker->afpe_extension; AfpLogEvent( AFPLOG_INVALID_EXTENSION, 1, &lpwsName, (DWORD)AFPERR_InvalidExtension, EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE ); dwRetCode = NO_ERROR; continue; }
// Value name is extension, so copy it in
STRCPY( pExtensionWalker->afpe_extension, lpwsValName ); if ( !IsAfpExtensionValid( pExtensionWalker ) ) { LPWSTR lpwsName = pExtensionWalker->afpe_extension; AfpLogEvent( AFPLOG_INVALID_EXTENSION, 1, &lpwsName, (DWORD)AFPERR_InvalidExtension, EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE ); dwRetCode = NO_ERROR; continue; }
// Check to see if this extension is associated with a vaid type/creator
// pair
dwNumTypeCreators = AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_num_type_creators; AfpTypeCreator.afptc_id = pExtensionWalker->afpe_tcid;
pTypeCreator = _lfind( &AfpTypeCreator, AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_type_creator, (unsigned int *)&dwNumTypeCreators, sizeof(AFP_TYPE_CREATOR), AfpLCompareTypeCreator );
if ( pTypeCreator == NULL ) { LPWSTR lpwsName = pExtensionWalker->afpe_extension; AfpLogEvent( AFPLOG_INVALID_EXTENSION, 1, &lpwsName, (DWORD)AFPERR_InvalidExtension, EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE ); dwRetCode = NO_ERROR; continue; }
// Check to see if this extension is a duplicate
dwNumExtensions = AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_num_extensions;
pExtension = _lfind( pExtensionWalker, AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_extension, (unsigned int *)&dwNumExtensions, sizeof(AFP_EXTENSION), AfpLCompareExtension );
if ( pExtension != NULL ) { LPWSTR lpwsName = pExtensionWalker->afpe_extension; AfpLogEvent( AFPLOG_INVALID_EXTENSION, 1, &lpwsName, (DWORD)AFPERR_DuplicateExtension, EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE ); dwRetCode = NO_ERROR; continue; }
AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_num_extensions++; pExtensionWalker++;
LocalFree( lpwsValName ); LocalFree( lpbMultiSz );
if ( dwRetCode ) { LocalFree( AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_extension ); return( dwRetCode ); }
// Sort the extension table
qsort( AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_extension, AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_num_extensions, sizeof(AFP_EXTENSION), AfpBCompareExtension );
return( NO_ERROR ); }
// Call: AfpRegTypeCreatorAdd
// Returns: NO_ERROR - success
// non-zero returns from the registry
// Description: This routine will add a tupple to the registry. The value
// name for the tupple will be id of the type creator.
DWORD AfpRegTypeCreatorAdd( IN PAFP_TYPE_CREATOR pAfpTypeCreator ) { DWORD cbMultiSzSize; LPBYTE lpbMultiSz; DWORD dwRetCode; WCHAR wchValueName[10]; CHAR chValueName[10];
_itoa( pAfpTypeCreator->afptc_id, chValueName, 10 ); mbstowcs( wchValueName, chValueName, sizeof(wchValueName) ); if ( dwRetCode = AfpBufMakeMultiSz( AFP_TYPECREATOR_STRUCT, (LPBYTE)pAfpTypeCreator, &lpbMultiSz, &cbMultiSzSize )) return( dwRetCode );
dwRetCode = RegSetValueEx( AfpGlobals.hkeyTypeCreators, wchValueName, 0, REG_MULTI_SZ, lpbMultiSz, cbMultiSzSize );
LocalFree( lpbMultiSz );
return( dwRetCode ); }
// Call: AfpRegTypeCreatorSetInfo
// Returns: NO_ERROR - success
// non-zero returns from the registry
// Description: Will change the value of a particular tupple.
DWORD AfpRegTypeCreatorSetInfo( IN PAFP_TYPE_CREATOR pAfpTypeCreator ) { return( AfpRegTypeCreatorAdd( pAfpTypeCreator ) ); }
// Call: AfpRegTypeCreatorDelete
// Returns: NO_ERROR - success
// non-zero returns from the registry apis
// Description: Will delete a type creator entry from the registry key.
DWORD AfpRegTypeCreatorDelete( IN PAFP_TYPE_CREATOR pAfpTypeCreator ) { WCHAR wchValueName[10]; CHAR chValueName[10];
_itoa( pAfpTypeCreator->afptc_id, chValueName, 10 ); mbstowcs( wchValueName, chValueName, sizeof(wchValueName) );
return( RegDeleteValue( AfpGlobals.hkeyTypeCreators, wchValueName )); }
// Call: AfpRegExtensionAdd
// Returns: NO_ERROR - success
// non-zero returns from the registry
// Description: This routine will add a tupple to the registry. The value
// name for the tupple will be the concatenation of the
// type, creator and the extension. This is done to keep the
// value name unique so that it may be accessed directly.
DWORD AfpRegExtensionAdd( IN PAFP_EXTENSION pAfpExtension ) { DWORD cbMultiSzSize; LPBYTE lpbMultiSz; DWORD dwRetCode; if ( dwRetCode = AfpBufMakeMultiSz( AFP_EXTENSION_STRUCT, (LPBYTE)pAfpExtension, &lpbMultiSz, &cbMultiSzSize )) return( dwRetCode );
dwRetCode = RegSetValueEx( AfpGlobals.hkeyExtensions, pAfpExtension->afpe_extension, 0, REG_MULTI_SZ, lpbMultiSz, cbMultiSzSize ); LocalFree( lpbMultiSz );
return( dwRetCode ); }
// Call: AfpRegExtensionSetInfo
// Returns: NO_ERROR - success
// non-zero returns from the registry
// Description: Will change the value of a particular tupple.
DWORD AfpRegExtensionSetInfo( IN PAFP_EXTENSION pAfpExtension ) { // Make a Mult-sz of this and add it to the registry
return( AfpRegExtensionAdd( pAfpExtension ) ); }
// Call: AfpRegExtensionDelete
// Returns: NO_ERROR - success
// non-zero returns from the registry
// Description: Deletes an extension from the registry.
DWORD AfpRegExtensionDelete( IN PAFP_EXTENSION pAfpExtension ) { return( RegDeleteValue( AfpGlobals.hkeyExtensions, pAfpExtension->afpe_extension )); }
// Call: AfpRegGetKeyInfo
// Returns: NO_ERROR - success
// non-zero returns from registry API's
// Description: Will retrieve the number of values in this key and the
// maximum size of the value data. It will also return the
// length IN BYTES of the largest value name (including the
// NULL character ).
DWORD AfpRegGetKeyInfo( IN HKEY hKey, OUT LPDWORD lpdwMaxValNameLen, // Longest valuename in this key
OUT LPDWORD lpdwNumValues, // Number of values in this key
OUT LPDWORD lpdwMaxValueDataSize // Max. size of value data.
) { WCHAR wchClassName[256];// This should be large enough to hold the
// class name for this key.
DWORD dwClassSize = sizeof( wchClassName ); DWORD dwNumSubKeys; DWORD dwMaxSubKeySize; DWORD dwMaxClassSize; DWORD dwSecDescLen; FILETIME LastWrite; DWORD dwRetCode;
dwRetCode = RegQueryInfoKey(hKey, wchClassName, &dwClassSize, NULL, &dwNumSubKeys, &dwMaxSubKeySize, &dwMaxClassSize, lpdwNumValues, lpdwMaxValNameLen, lpdwMaxValueDataSize, &dwSecDescLen, &LastWrite );
if ( dwRetCode == NO_ERROR ) {
if ( *lpdwMaxValNameLen > 0 ) *lpdwMaxValNameLen = (*lpdwMaxValNameLen + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); }
return( dwRetCode ); }
// Call: AfpRegServerGetCodePagePath
// Returns: NO_ERROR
// other errors returned from registry APIs
// Description: Will get the path to the Mac codepage and store it in
// AfpGlobals.wchCodePagePath.
// It will first get the system directory. It will then get
// the codepage filename and concatenate it to the system
// directory.
DWORD AfpRegServerGetCodePagePath( VOID ) { DWORD dwRetCode; HKEY hkeyCodepagePath; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwBufSize; WCHAR wchCodepageNum[20]; WCHAR wchCodePageFile[MAX_PATH];
// Open the key
if ( dwRetCode = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, AFP_KEYPATH_CODEPAGE, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hkeyCodepagePath )) return( dwRetCode );
// This is not a loop
do {
// First get the system directory path
if ( !GetSystemDirectory( AfpGlobals.wchCodePagePath, sizeof( AfpGlobals.wchCodePagePath ))) { dwRetCode = ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND; break; }
// Get the Code page number value for the Mac
dwBufSize = sizeof( wchCodepageNum ); if ( dwRetCode = RegQueryValueEx( hkeyCodepagePath, AFPREG_VALNAME_CODEPAGE, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)wchCodepageNum, &dwBufSize )) break;
// Finally get the codepage filename
dwBufSize = sizeof( wchCodePageFile ); if ( dwRetCode = RegQueryValueEx( hkeyCodepagePath, wchCodepageNum, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)wchCodePageFile, &dwBufSize )) break;
// Concatenate the filename to the system directory path
wcscat( AfpGlobals.wchCodePagePath, (LPWSTR)TEXT("\\") ); wcscat( AfpGlobals.wchCodePagePath, wchCodePageFile );
} while( FALSE );
// Close the key
RegCloseKey( hkeyCodepagePath );
return( dwRetCode ); } //**
// Call: AfpRegServerSetInfo
// Returns: NO_ERROR - success
// non-zero returns from registry APIs.
// Description: This procedure will set specific server parameters in the
// registy depending on what bit is set the the dwParmnum
// parameter. The input will be a AFP_SERVER_INFO self relative
// structure that contains the parameter to set.
DWORD AfpRegServerSetInfo( IN PAFP_SERVER_INFO pServerInfo, IN DWORD dwParmnum ) { DWORD dwRetCode; LPWSTR lpwsPtr;
// Set the server name
if ( dwParmnum & AFP_SERVER_PARMNUM_NAME ) {
DWORD Length = 0;
lpwsPtr = pServerInfo->afpsrv_name;
if ( lpwsPtr != NULL ) {
OFFSET_TO_POINTER( lpwsPtr, pServerInfo ); Length = STRLEN(lpwsPtr)+1; }
if ( dwRetCode=RegSetValueEx( AfpGlobals.hkeyServerParams, AFPREG_VALNAME_SVRNAME, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)lpwsPtr, Length * sizeof(WCHAR))) return( dwRetCode ); }
// Set Max sessions
if ( dwRetCode=RegSetValueEx( AfpGlobals.hkeyServerParams, AFPREG_VALNAME_MAXSESSIONS, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&(pServerInfo->afpsrv_max_sessions), sizeof( DWORD ))) return( dwRetCode ); }
// Set server options
if ( dwRetCode = RegSetValueEx( AfpGlobals.hkeyServerParams, AFPREG_VALNAME_SRVOPTIONS, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&(pServerInfo->afpsrv_options), sizeof( DWORD ) )) return( dwRetCode ); }
// Set Login message
DWORD Length = 0;
lpwsPtr = pServerInfo->afpsrv_login_msg;
if ( lpwsPtr != NULL ) {
OFFSET_TO_POINTER( lpwsPtr, pServerInfo ); Length = STRLEN(lpwsPtr)+1; }
if ( dwRetCode = RegSetValueEx( AfpGlobals.hkeyServerParams, AFPREG_VALNAME_LOGINMSG, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)lpwsPtr, Length * sizeof(WCHAR))) return( dwRetCode ); } return( NO_ERROR ); }