#define STRICT
#include <windows.h>
#include <windowsx.h>
#include "location.h"
#if DBG
#define DBGOUT(arg) DbgPrt arg
void DbgPrt( DWORD dwDbgLevel, PSTR DbgMessage, ... );
#define DBGOUT(_x_)
const TCHAR gszName[] = "Name"; const TCHAR gszID[] = "ID"; const TCHAR gszAreaCode[] = "AreaCode"; const TCHAR gszCountry[] = "Country"; const TCHAR gszOutsideAccess[] = "OutsideAccess"; const TCHAR gszLongDistanceAccess[] = "LongDistanceAccess"; const TCHAR gszFlags[] = "Flags"; const TCHAR gszCallingCard[] = "CallingCard"; const TCHAR gszDisableCallWaiting[] = "DisableCallWaiting"; const TCHAR gszTollList[] = "TollList"; //const TCHAR gszNumLocations[] = "NumLocations";
//const TCHAR gszCurrLocation[] = "CurrLocation";
//const TCHAR gszNextLocationID[] = "NextLocationID";
const TCHAR gszCard[] = "Card"; const TCHAR gszPin[] = "Pin"; const TCHAR gszCards[] = "Cards"; //const TCHAR gszNumCards[] = "NumCards";
//const TCHAR gszCurrCard[] = "CurrCard";
const TCHAR gszLocalRule[] = "LocalRule"; const TCHAR gszLDRule[] = "LDRule"; const TCHAR gszInternationalRule[] = "InternationalRule";
const TCHAR gszNumEntries[] = "NumEntries"; const TCHAR gszCurrentID[] = "CurrentID"; const TCHAR gszNextID[] = "NextID";
const TCHAR gszEmpty[] = "";
const TCHAR gszLocations[] = "Locations"; const TCHAR gszLocation[] = "Location"; const TCHAR gszCurrentLocation[] = "CurrentLocation";
const TCHAR gszHandoffPriorities[] = "HandoffPriorities";
const TCHAR gszProviders[] = "Providers"; const TCHAR gszProvider[] = "Provider%d";
const TCHAR gszTelephonIni[] = "Telephon.ini";
const TCHAR gszTelephony[] = "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\" "CurrentVersion\\Telephony";
const CHAR *gaszMediaModes[] = { "", "unknown", "interactivevoice", "automatedvoice", "datamodem", "g3fax", "tdd", "g4fax", "digitaldata", "teletex", "videotex", "telex", "mixed", "adsi", "voiceview", NULL }; const CHAR *gszRequestMakeCallW = "RequestMakeCall"; const CHAR *gszRequestMediaCallW = "RequestMediaCall"; const CHAR *gszRegKeyHandoffPriorities = "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Telephony\\HandoffPriorities"; const CHAR *gszRegKeyHandoffPrioritiesMediaModes = "MediaModes";
void FixPriorityList(HKEY hKeyHandoffPriorities, LPCSTR pszListName);
void FixMediaModesPriorityLists();
#pragma check_stack ( off )
BOOL ParseSomething( LPCSTR pFormat, LPCSTR pInputString, LPVOID pOutputPtr ) { BYTE c; LPBYTE pOutput = (LPBYTE)pOutputPtr; LPBYTE pInput = (LPBYTE)pInputString;
while ( (c = *pFormat) && *pInput ) { #if DBG
DBGOUT((11, "Inputstring[%s]\r\n Format[%s]\r\n", pInput, pFormat)); #endif
switch ( c ) { case 'n': { DWORD dwValue = 0; BYTE bDigit;
// Parse value from the string
while ( ((bDigit = *pInput) != '\0') && bDigit != ',' ) { dwValue = (dwValue * 10) + ( bDigit - '0' ); #if DBG
DBGOUT((11, "val of bDigit=%d dwValue=%ld\r\n", (int)bDigit, dwValue)); #endif
bDigit = *(++pInput); }
*(LPDWORD)pOutput = dwValue;
pOutput += sizeof(DWORD);
} break;
case 's': { //
// If the caller is looking for a string, the first char
// MUST be a quotes. So, just step past it.
// Ok, _now_ we're into the meat of the string (if there _is_
// any...)
while ( *pInput != '\0' && *pInput != '"' ) { *pOutput = *pInput; pOutput++; pInput++; }
// Don't forget to put a cap on that thing.
*pOutput = '\0'; pOutput++;
// The input should now be at a ->"<- if it's not, the ini
// file was hosed, and I'm not fixing it.
// So, we step past it, and we're done
if ( *pInput == '"' ) { pInput++; }
} break;
// Step past the comma...
if ( *pInput == ',' ) { pInput++; }
pFormat++; }
return TRUE; }
//VOID __cdecl main( void )
void __cdecl main( void ) {
DWORD dw; DWORD dwNumEntries; DWORD dwCurrentID; DWORD dwNextID;
DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwValue;
DWORD dwArray[10]; BYTE *bBigArray; BYTE *Buffer; LPBYTE pSource;
HKEY hKey3; HKEY hKey2; HKEY hKey; DWORD dwDisposition;
#define BUFFER_SIZE (5120)
bBigArray = LocalAlloc( LPTR, BUFFER_SIZE );
if ( !bBigArray ) { return; }
Buffer = LocalAlloc( LPTR, BUFFER_SIZE ); //Might needs tons of room for tolllist
if ( !Buffer ) { return; }
dw = GetPrivateProfileString( gszCards, gszCards, gszEmpty, Buffer, BUFFER_SIZE, gszTelephonIni );
// Is there an existing AND valid TELEPHON.INI file?
// There would HAVE TO be at least one card. The SYSTEM cards cannot
// be deleted, only hidden.
if ( 0 != dw ) {
//Card0=0,"None (Direct Dial)","","","","",1
//Card1=1,"AT&T Direct Dial via 10ATT1","","G","102881FG","10288011EFG",1
#define CARD_INI_ID (0)
#define CARD_INI_NAME (1)
#define CARD_INI_SNUMBER (2)
#define CARD_INI_SARULE (3)
#define CARD_INI_LDRULE (4)
#define CARD_INI_HIDDEN (6)
#define PC_INI_ID (0)
#define PC_INI_NEXTID (1)
#define PC_INI_NAME (2)
#define PC_INI_SARULE (3)
#define PC_INI_LDRULE (4)
#define PC_INI_INTNLRULE (5)
// Move CARDS entries to registry
ParseSomething( "nn", Buffer, &dwArray);
dwNumEntries = dwArray[0]; dwNextID = dwArray[1];
RegCreateKeyEx( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, gszTelephony, 0, "", //Class? What class?
REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, 0, &hKey3, &dwDisposition );
RegCreateKeyEx( hKey3, gszCards, 0, "", //Class? What class?
REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, 0, &hKey2, &dwDisposition );
// Don't wipe out an existing card section
dwSize = sizeof(dwValue);
dw = RegQueryValueEx( hKey2, gszNumEntries, 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&dwValue, &dwSize );
if ( 0 != dw ) {
RegSetValueEx( hKey2, gszNumEntries, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwNumEntries, sizeof(DWORD) );
RegSetValueEx( hKey2, gszNextID, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwNextID, sizeof(DWORD) );
for ( dw=0; dw<dwNumEntries; dw++ ) { TCHAR Temp[18];
wsprintf(Temp, "%s%d", gszCard, dw);
// Create the key for this Card
RegCreateKeyEx( hKey2, Temp, 0, "", //Class? What class?
REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, 0, &hKey, &dwDisposition );
GetPrivateProfileString( gszCards, Temp, gszEmpty, Buffer, BUFFER_SIZE, gszTelephonIni );
ParseSomething("nsssssn", Buffer, bBigArray);
pSource = bBigArray;
RegSetValueEx( hKey, gszID, 0, REG_DWORD, pSource, sizeof(DWORD) ); pSource += sizeof(DWORD);
RegSetValueEx( hKey, gszName, 0, REG_SZ, pSource, lstrlen(pSource)+1 ); pSource += lstrlen(pSource)+1;
RegSetValueEx( hKey, gszPin, 0, REG_SZ, pSource, lstrlen(pSource)+1 ); pSource += lstrlen(pSource)+1;
RegSetValueEx( hKey, gszLocalRule, 0, REG_SZ, pSource, lstrlen(pSource)+1 ); pSource += lstrlen(pSource)+1;
RegSetValueEx( hKey, gszLDRule, 0, REG_SZ, pSource, lstrlen(pSource)+1 ); pSource += lstrlen(pSource)+1;
RegSetValueEx( hKey, gszInternationalRule, 0, REG_SZ, pSource, lstrlen(pSource)+1 ); pSource += lstrlen(pSource)+1;
RegSetValueEx( hKey, gszFlags, 0, REG_DWORD, pSource, sizeof(DWORD) ); pSource += sizeof(DWORD);
RegCloseKey( hKey ); }
RegCloseKey( hKey2 ); RegCloseKey( hKey3 );
GetPrivateProfileString( gszLocations, gszCurrentLocation, gszEmpty, Buffer, BUFFER_SIZE, gszTelephonIni );
ParseSomething( "nn", Buffer, &dwArray);
dwCurrentID = dwArray[0];
GetPrivateProfileString( gszLocations, gszLocations, gszEmpty, Buffer, BUFFER_SIZE, gszTelephonIni );
ParseSomething( "nn", Buffer, &dwArray);
dwNumEntries = dwArray[0]; dwNextID = dwArray[1];
RegCreateKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, gszTelephony, 0, "", //Class? What class?
REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, 0, &hKey3, &dwDisposition );
RegCreateKeyEx( hKey3, gszLocations, 0, "", //Class? What class?
REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, 0, &hKey2, &dwDisposition );
// Don't wipe out an existing card section
dwSize = sizeof(dwValue);
dw = RegQueryValueEx( hKey2, gszNumEntries, 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&dwValue, &dwSize );
if ( 0 != dw ) {
RegSetValueEx( hKey2, gszCurrentID, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwCurrentID, sizeof(DWORD) );
RegSetValueEx( hKey2, gszNumEntries, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwNumEntries, sizeof(DWORD) );
RegSetValueEx( hKey2, gszNextID, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwNextID, sizeof(DWORD) );
for ( dw=0; dw<dwNumEntries; dw++ ) { TCHAR Temp[18]; DWORD dwFlags = 0;
wsprintf(Temp, "%s%d", gszLocation, dw);
// Create the key for this Location
RegCreateKeyEx( hKey2, Temp, 0, "", //Class? What class?
REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, 0, &hKey, &dwDisposition );
GetPrivateProfileString( gszLocations, Temp, gszEmpty, Buffer, BUFFER_SIZE, gszTelephonIni );
ParseSomething("nssssnnnnsns", Buffer, bBigArray); //NOTE if this is upgrade over 3.1, the last 2 fields don't exist
//Location2=1,"Home","","","206",1,0,0,0,"",0," "
// Positions in ini file entries for locations,cards,countries
// NOTE: dialing rules are in same positions for locations and cards!
//#define LOC_INI_ID (0)
//#define LOC_INI_NAME (1)
//#define LOC_INI_LPREFIX (2)
//#define LOC_INI_LDPREFIX (3)
//#define LOC_INI_AREACODE (4)
//#define LOC_INI_CARDID (6)
//#define LOC_INI_CARDHINT (7)
//#define LOC_INI_INSERTAC (8)
//#define LOC_INI_TOLLLIST (9)
//#define LOC_INI_PULSE (10)
//#define LOC_INI_CALLWAITING (11)
pSource = bBigArray;
RegSetValueEx( hKey, gszID, 0, REG_DWORD, pSource, sizeof(DWORD) ); pSource += sizeof(DWORD);
RegSetValueEx( hKey, gszName, 0, REG_SZ, pSource, lstrlen(pSource)+1 ); pSource += lstrlen(pSource)+1;
RegSetValueEx( hKey, gszOutsideAccess, 0, REG_SZ, pSource, lstrlen(pSource)+1 ); pSource += lstrlen(pSource)+1;
RegSetValueEx( hKey, gszLongDistanceAccess, 0, REG_SZ, pSource, lstrlen(pSource)+1 ); pSource += lstrlen(pSource)+1;
RegSetValueEx( hKey, gszAreaCode, 0, REG_SZ, pSource, lstrlen(pSource)+1 ); pSource += lstrlen(pSource)+1;
RegSetValueEx( hKey, gszCountry, 0, REG_DWORD, pSource, sizeof(DWORD) ); pSource += sizeof(DWORD);
// If the callingcard == 0, it means this location does not
// use a calling card.
if ( *(LPDWORD)pSource != 0 ) { dwFlags |= LOCATION_USECALLINGCARD; }
RegSetValueEx( hKey, gszCallingCard, 0, REG_DWORD, pSource, sizeof(DWORD) ); pSource += sizeof(DWORD);
pSource += sizeof(DWORD); pSource += sizeof(DWORD);
RegSetValueEx( hKey, gszTollList, 0, REG_SZ, pSource, lstrlen(pSource)+1 ); pSource += lstrlen(pSource)+1;
// pSource is currently pointing to the old dwFlags. However,
// the only flag that was used was bit 1 which indicated
// tone dialing. As luck (yeah, right) would have it, we
// use bit 1 to indicate tone dialing as well.
dwFlags |= !((*(LPDWORD)pSource) & 1);
pSource += sizeof(DWORD);
// Is there a disablecallwaiting string
dwFlags |= ( lstrlen( pSource ) == 0 ) ? 0 : LOCATION_HASCALLWAITING;
RegSetValueEx( hKey, gszDisableCallWaiting, 0, REG_SZ, pSource, lstrlen(pSource)+1 ); pSource += lstrlen(pSource)+1;
RegSetValueEx( hKey, gszFlags, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwFlags, sizeof(DWORD) ); pSource += sizeof(DWORD);
RegCloseKey( hKey ); }
// Q: How do we update COUNTRY OVERRIDES?
// A: We don't. We assume we've corrected everything by now...
// RegCloseKey( hKey );
RegCloseKey( hKey2 ); RegCloseKey( hKey3 );
{ int i; HKEY hKeyHandoffPriorities; if (RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, gszRegKeyHandoffPriorities, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKeyHandoffPriorities
for (i = 1; gaszMediaModes[i] != NULL; i++) { FixPriorityList( hKeyHandoffPriorities, (LPCSTR)gaszMediaModes[i] ); }
FixPriorityList( hKeyHandoffPriorities, (LPCSTR)gszRequestMakeCallW );
FixPriorityList( hKeyHandoffPriorities, (LPCSTR)gszRequestMediaCallW );
RegCloseKey (hKeyHandoffPriorities);
} } FixMediaModesPriorityLists();
#ifdef TAPI_NT
{ //----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Now we discuss someone who is upgrading from beta 2 to RTM. They have
// "EVERYONE:FULL CONTROL" access on the LOCATIONS key. Let's change that
// to have the same security as the TELEPHONY key.
SECURITY_INFORMATION SecInf; PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecDesc; DWORD cbSecDesc = 65535; pSecDesc = LocalAlloc( LPTR, cbSecDesc ); if ( pSecDesc ) { RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, gszTelephony, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKey );
RegCreateKeyEx( hKey, gszLocations, 0, "", //Class? What class?
REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, 0, &hKey2, &dwDisposition ); cbSecDesc = 65535; dw = RegGetKeySecurity( hKey, OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION, pSecDesc, &cbSecDesc ); if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dw ) RegSetKeySecurity( hKey2, OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION, pSecDesc ); cbSecDesc = 65535; dw = RegGetKeySecurity( hKey, GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION, pSecDesc, &cbSecDesc ); if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dw ) RegSetKeySecurity( hKey2, GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION, pSecDesc ); cbSecDesc = 65535; dw = RegGetKeySecurity( hKey, DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, pSecDesc, &cbSecDesc ); if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dw ) RegSetKeySecurity( hKey2, DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, pSecDesc ); cbSecDesc = 65535; dw = RegGetKeySecurity( hKey, SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, pSecDesc, &cbSecDesc ); if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dw ) RegSetKeySecurity( hKey2, SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, pSecDesc ); RegCloseKey( hKey ); RegCloseKey( hKey2); LocalFree( pSecDesc ); } } #endif
LocalFree( bBigArray ); LocalFree( Buffer );
return; }
void FixPriorityList(HKEY hKeyHandoffPriorities, LPCSTR pszListName) { DWORD dwType, dwNumBytes; LPSTR pszPriorityList, pszHold;
if (RegQueryValueEx( hKeyHandoffPriorities, pszListName, NULL, &dwType, NULL, &dwNumBytes ) == ERROR_SUCCESS &&
(dwNumBytes != 0)) { pszPriorityList = (LPSTR) GlobalAlloc ( GPTR, dwNumBytes );
if (pszPriorityList) { pszHold = pszPriorityList; if ( RegQueryValueEx( hKeyHandoffPriorities, pszListName, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)(pszPriorityList), &dwNumBytes
) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { while (*pszPriorityList != '\0') { if (*pszPriorityList == ',') { *pszPriorityList = '"'; }
pszPriorityList++; }
pszPriorityList = pszHold;
RegSetValueEx( hKeyHandoffPriorities, pszListName, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)pszPriorityList, (lstrlen(pszPriorityList) + 1) * sizeof(CHAR)); }
GlobalFree(pszPriorityList); } }
void FixMediaModesPriorityLists() { HKEY hKeyHandoffPriorities; HKEY hKeyMediaModes; DWORD dwDisp;
// open the handoff priorities key
if (RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, gszRegKeyHandoffPriorities, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKeyHandoffPriorities
) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (RegOpenKeyEx( hKeyHandoffPriorities, gszRegKeyHandoffPrioritiesMediaModes, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKeyMediaModes ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // key already exists, so don't do anything
RegCloseKey( hKeyHandoffPriorities ); RegCloseKey( hKeyMediaModes );
return; } // create the mediamodes priority key
if (RegCreateKeyEx( hKeyHandoffPriorities, gszRegKeyHandoffPrioritiesMediaModes, 0, "", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hKeyMediaModes, &dwDisp ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // go through all the
// media modes
int i; int j = 2; //LINEMEDIAMODE_UNKNOWN;
for (i = 1; gaszMediaModes[i] != NULL; i++) { CHAR szName[64]; LPSTR pszPriorityList; DWORD dwNumBytes, dwType;
// query for the priority list
if ( (RegQueryValueEx( hKeyHandoffPriorities, gaszMediaModes[i], NULL, &dwType, NULL, &dwNumBytes ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (dwNumBytes != 0)) { pszPriorityList = (LPSTR) GlobalAlloc ( GPTR, dwNumBytes );
if (NULL != pszPriorityList) { if ( RegQueryValueEx( hKeyHandoffPriorities, gaszMediaModes[i], NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)(pszPriorityList), &dwNumBytes ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
// if it exists, write out the new one
wsprintf(szName, "%d", j); RegSetValueEx( hKeyMediaModes, szName, 0, REG_SZ, pszPriorityList, lstrlen(pszPriorityList)+1 );
// delete the old one
RegDeleteValue( hKeyHandoffPriorities, gaszMediaModes[i] ); }
GlobalFree( pszPriorityList ); } }
j<<=1; // shift to next media mode
RegCloseKey(hKeyMediaModes); }
RegCloseKey(hKeyHandoffPriorities); } }
#if DBG
#include "stdarg.h"
#include "stdio.h"
VOID DbgPrt( DWORD dwDbgLevel, PSTR lpszFormat, ... ) /*++
Routine Description:
Formats the incoming debug message & calls DbgPrint
DbgLevel - level of message verboseness
DbgMessage - printf-style format string, followed by appropriate list of arguments
Return Value:
--*/ { static DWORD gdwDebugLevel = 0; //HACKHACK
if (dwDbgLevel <= gdwDebugLevel) { char buf[256] = "TAPIUPR: "; va_list ap;
va_start(ap, lpszFormat);
wvsprintf (&buf[8], lpszFormat, ap );
lstrcat (buf, "\n");
OutputDebugStringA (buf);
va_end(ap); } } #endif