Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "t3test.h"
#include "t3testd.h"
#include "callnot.h"
#include "control.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#ifndef _WIN64 // mfc 4.2's heap debugging features generate warnings on win64
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
extern CWnd * gpmainwnd;
HandleVideoWindowCrap( ITCallInfo * pCallInfo );
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CTAPIEventNotification::Event( TAPI_EVENT TapiEvent, IDispatch * pEvent ) { HRESULT hr;
pEvent->AddRef(); hr = PostMessage( gpmainwnd->m_hWnd, WM_USER+101, (WPARAM)TapiEvent, (LPARAM)pEvent );
return hr; }
afx_msg LONG CT3testDlg::OnTapiEvent(UINT u, LONG_PTR l) { HRESULT hr; TAPI_EVENT TapiEvent; IDispatch * pEvent;
TapiEvent = (TAPI_EVENT)u; pEvent = (IDispatch *)l; switch (TapiEvent) { case TE_CALLNOTIFICATION: { ITAddress * pAddress; ITAddress * pCallAddress; ITCallInfo * pCallInfo; ITCallNotificationEvent * pCallNotify;
// get the currently selected address
if (CT3testDlg::GetAddress( &pAddress )) { //
// get the event
pEvent->QueryInterface(IID_ITCallNotificationEvent, (void **)&pCallNotify ); //
// get the call
pCallNotify->get_Call( &pCallInfo ); //
// get the call's event
pCallInfo->get_Address( &pCallAddress );
// if this call is supposed to be on this
// address, add it to the UI
if (pAddress == pCallAddress) { // need to add a second reference for
// the tree view
CT3testDlg::AddCall( pCallInfo ); }
CALL_PRIVILEGE cp; CALL_STATE cs; pCallInfo->get_Privilege( &cp );
if ( CP_OWNER == cp ) { DoAutoAnswer( pCallInfo ); }
pCallInfo->get_CallState(&cs); //
// release our references
// keep refernce to the call or it will
// be destroyed
pCallAddress->Release(); pCallNotify->Release(); } } break; case TE_CALLSTATE: { ITCallStateEvent * pCallStateEvent; ITCallInfo * pCallInfo; CALL_STATE cs;
hr = pEvent->QueryInterface(IID_ITCallStateEvent, (void **)&pCallStateEvent);
pCallStateEvent->get_Call( &pCallInfo );
CT3testDlg::UpdateCall( pCallInfo );
pCallStateEvent->get_State( &cs );
if (CS_CONNECTED == cs) { // HandleVideoWindowCrap( pCallInfo );
pCallInfo->Release(); pCallStateEvent->Release();
break; }
case TE_CALLHUB: { CT3testDlg::HandleCallHubEvent( pEvent );
break; }
case TE_TAPIOBJECT: { CT3testDlg::HandleTapiObjectMessage( pEvent ); break; } break;
case TE_CALLMEDIA: { WCHAR * pwstrEvent; WCHAR * pwstrCause;
ITCallMediaEvent * pCallMediaEvent; hr = pEvent->QueryInterface( IID_ITCallMediaEvent, (void **)&pCallMediaEvent );
if (FAILED(hr)) { pwstrEvent = pwstrCause = L"can't get event interface"; } else { CALL_MEDIA_EVENT cme; hr = pCallMediaEvent->get_Event( &cme );
if (FAILED(hr)) { pwstrEvent = L"can't get event type"; } else { switch ( cme ) { case CME_NEW_STREAM: pwstrEvent = L"CME_NEW_STREAM"; break;
case CME_STREAM_FAIL: pwstrEvent = L"CME_STREAM_FAIL"; break; case CME_TERMINAL_FAIL: pwstrEvent = L"CME_TERMINAL_FAIL"; break;
case CME_STREAM_NOT_USED: pwstrEvent = L"CME_STREAM_NOT_USED"; break;
case CME_STREAM_ACTIVE: pwstrEvent = L"CME_STREAM_ACTIVE"; break;
default: pwstrEvent = L"type undefined"; break; } } }
hr = pCallMediaEvent->get_Cause( &cmec );
if (FAILED(hr)) { pwstrCause = L"can't get event cause"; } else { switch ( cmec ) { case CMC_UNKNOWN: pwstrCause = L"CMC_UNKNOWN"; break;
case CMC_BAD_DEVICE: pwstrCause = L"CMC_BAD_DEVICE"; break; case CMC_CONNECT_FAIL: pwstrCause = L"CMC_CONNECT_FAIL"; break; case CMC_LOCAL_REQUEST: pwstrCause = L"CMC_LOCAL_REQUEST"; break;
case CMC_MEDIA_TIMEOUT: pwstrCause = L"CMC_MEDIA_TIMEOUT"; break;
default: pwstrCause = L"cause undefined"; break; } }
::MessageBox(NULL, pwstrEvent, pwstrCause, MB_OK);
break; } case TE_ADDRESS: { ITAddressEvent * pAddressEvent; ITTerminal * pTerminal; ITAddress * pAddress; LONG lMediaType; LONG lSelectedMediaType; BSTR bstrName = NULL; ADDRESS_EVENT ae;
hr = pEvent->QueryInterface(IID_ITAddressEvent, (void **)&pAddressEvent);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pAddressEvent->get_Event( &ae ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pAddressEvent->get_Terminal( &pTerminal );
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pTerminal->get_Name( &bstrName );
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { switch(ae) { case AE_NEWTERMINAL: ::MessageBox(NULL, bstrName, L"AE_NEWTERMINAL", MB_OK); break; case AE_REMOVETERMINAL: ::MessageBox(NULL, bstrName, L"AE_REMOVETERMINAL", MB_OK); break; }
SysFreeString( bstrName );
hr = pAddressEvent->get_Address( &pAddress );
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pTerminal->get_MediaType( &lMediaType );
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (CT3testDlg::GetMediaType( &lSelectedMediaType ) && ( lSelectedMediaType == lMediaType)) { CT3testDlg::ReleaseTerminals(); CT3testDlg::UpdateTerminals( pAddress, lMediaType ); } }
pAddress->Release(); } } pTerminal->Release(); } } pAddressEvent->Release(); }
break; }
break; }
pEvent->Release(); return S_OK; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CDigitDetectionNotification::DigitDetected( unsigned char ucDigit, TAPI_DIGITMODE DigitMode, long ulTickCount ) { return S_OK; } #endif // ENABLE_DIGIT_DETECTION_STUFF