* * $Archive: S:/STURGEON/SRC/INCLUDE/VCS/strmspif.h_v $ * * INTEL Corporation Prorietary Information * * This listing is supplied under the terms of a license agreement * with INTEL Corporation and may not be copied nor disclosed except * in accordance with the terms of that agreement. * * Copyright (c) 1993-1994 Intel Corporation. * * $Revision: 1.5 $ * $Date: 09 Oct 1996 08:48:50 $ * $Author: RKUHN $ * * Deliverable: * * Abstract: * Media Service Manager "public" header file. This file contains * #defines, typedefs, struct definitions and prototypes used by * and in conjunction with MSM. Any EXE or DLL which interacts with * MSM will include this header file. * * Notes: * ***************************************************************************/
// strmspif.h
#ifndef _STRMSPIF_H_
#define _STRMSPIF_H_
#include "smtypes.h"
#include "rrcm_dll.h"
#include "apimsp.h"
#include "apierror.h"
// define Source and Sink MSP IDs
#define STRMSP_SRC "IntelNetIORTPStreamSrc"
#define STRMSP_SNK "IntelNetIORTPStreamSnk"
// version number
// structures used in interface calls
uMulticastFlags Flags defining the multicast characteristics of this session. Valid flag values are WSA_FLAG_MULTIPOINT_C_ROOT, WSA_FLAG_MULTIPOINT_C_LEAF, WSA_FLAG_MULTIPOINT_D_ROOT, and WSA_FLAG_MULTIPOINT_D_LEAF with usage and semantics as defined in the Winsock 2 used.
dwSSRC Is a DWORD specifying the SSRC value to be used to identify the RTP session. This will be the SSRC value used for the first sending stream created within this session or for RTCP receiver reports for this session even if no sending stream is opened. If the value of the SSRCSpecified parameter is FALSE, the value of this parameter is ignored and an SSRC value will be generated during the call. NOTE: The SSRC value of a stream can be reassigned dynamically because of collisions. Applications should use the STRMSP_NEWSOURCE Application Command facility to track any such changes.
bSSRCSpecified Is a BOOLEAN specifying whether a user supplied SSRC value has been placed in the buffer pointed to by dSSRC. If TRUE, the user has specified an SSRC value to use used.
pGroupInfo Pointer to a STRM_SOCKET_GROUP_INFO structure specifying group id and relative priority for sockets created for this RTP session. If the groupID field is zero, sockets are not grouped. If the groupID field is SG_UNCONSTRAINED_GROUP, a new socket group will be created. Otherwise any sockets created will be part of the socket group specified by the GroupID field used.
pSessionUser Pointer to a STRM_USER_DESCRIPTION structure containing information about the user of this session. This information is used by RTCP to generate session description packets. A CNAME description field must be included, and other fields may be required based on the RTP profile being used. */ typedef struct _strmsp_session_attributes { UINT uMulticastFlags; DWORD dwSSRC; BOOL bSSRCSpecified; STRM_SOCKET_GROUP_INFO *pGroupInfo; STRM_USER_DESCRIPTION *pSessionUser; } STRMSP_SESSION_ATTRIBUTES, *LPSTRMSP_SESSION_ATTRIBUTES;
DestAddr Is a STRM_SESSION_ADDRESSES structure containing the addresses that data and control messages for this RTP session will be sent to. These values must be specified even if no sink ports will be created on this RTP session.
uMulticastScope Is a UINT specifying the IP multicast time-to-live (TTL) value to use for transmitting streams on this session. The multicast scope for this session may also be modified at any time by using STRMSP_SETMULTICASTSCOPE MSP command. If the DestAddr field does not specify a multicast address, this field is ignored.
SingleQOS Is a QOS structure containing the requested QOS parameters for this RTP session.
GroupQOS Is a QOS structure containing the requested QOS parameters for the group this RTP session belongs to. This field is only valid when used in conjunction with the initial RTP session in a group.
BufferInfo Is a STRM_BUFFERING_INFO structure where the initial buffering requirements for this session are specified. The value of the uBufferSize field of this structure will be used as the size for all buffers required on this session. The uMinimumCount field value will set the initial and minimum number of buffers for the session (and maximum also if the Streams manager implementation does not support dynamic buffer allocation.) The uMaximumCount field value will set an upper limit for the total number of buffers allowed in this session.
EncriptionInfo Is a STRM_ENCRYPTION_INFORMATION structure containing information about any encryption or decryption to be done on the session.
iStreamClock Is an integer specifying the clocking frequency for the initial sending stream in this session (in hz.). */ typedef struct _strmsp_session_startup_params { STRM_SESSION_ADDRESSES DestAddr; UINT uMulticastScope; QOS SingleQOS; QOS GroupQOS; STRM_BUFFERING_INFO BufferInfo; STRM_ENCRYPTION_INFORMATION EncryptionInfo; int iStreamClock; } STRMSP_SESSION_STARTUP_PARAMS, *LPSTRMSP_SESSION_STARTUP_PARAMS;
uVersion Is the version identifier for this data structure. The value STRMSP_INTERFACE_VERSION should always be used to initialize it.
protInfo Is a pointer to a WSAPROTOCOL_INFO structure that contains information about the network protocol to use and the type of sockets to create for this service instance. The structure may be empty (all nulls) when passed to this function, in which case a UDP service provider will be searched for and used for data transport. The structure also may be initialized with only the iProtocol field initialized, in which case a service provider of the specified type and supporting an unconnected socket type will be searched for and used. Finally, the entire structure may be initialized (as with WSAEnumProtocols) to unequivocally specify the protocol and socket type to be used. */ typedef struct _strmsp_openservice_in_info { UINT uVersion; WSAPROTOCOL_INFO *pProtocolInfo; } STRMSP_OPENSERVICE_IN_INFO, *LPSTRMSP_OPENSERVICE_IN_INFO;
uVersion Is the version identifier for this data structure. The value STRMSP_INTERFACE_VERSION should always be used to initialize it.
protInfo A pointer to a WSAPROTOCOL_INFO structure where the Winsock 2 Service Provider protocol information actual used for this STRMSP service instance will be returned. */ typedef struct _strmsp_openservice_out_info { UINT uVersion; WSAPROTOCOL_INFO *pProtocolInfo; } STRMSP_OPENSERVICE_OUT_INFO, *LPSTRMSP_OPENSERVICE_OUT_INFO;
uVersion Is the version identifier for this data structure. The value STRMSP_INTERFACE_VERSION should always be used to initialize it.
SessionAddr Is a STRM_SESSION_ADDRESSES structure containing requested RTP and RTCP network addresses for this session. If session addresses specified here are empty (null) when passed to MSM_SendServiceCmd(), appropriate addresses will be assigned and returned in the corresponding output structure. If the addresses are specified, they must conform to the conventions established for RTP/RTCP sockets in RFC 1889. The value of the sa_family fields of these addresses, if specified, must be the address family supported by the protocol specified (implicitly or explicitly) in MSM_OpenService() call.
SessionAttribs Is a STRMSP_SESSION_ATTRIBUTES structure containing requested attributes for this session. See description of STRMSP_SESSION_ATTRIBUTES above for specifics on the contents of each field.
dwSessionToken Is a uninterpreted DWORD value which will be passed back as a parameter to application commands relating to this session. The application may use this as a reference to session specific data. */ typedef struct _strmsp_createsession_in_info { UINT uVersion; STRM_SESSION_ADDRESSES SessionAddr; STRMSP_SESSION_ATTRIBUTES SessionAttribs; DWORD dwSessionToken; } STRMSP_CREATESESSION_IN_INFO, *LPSTRMSP_CREATESESSION_IN_INFO;
uVersion Is the version identifier for this data structure. The value STRMSP_INTERFACE_VERSION should always be used to initialize it.
hSession Returns a handle to be used in commands referring to this session.
SessionAddr Returns a STRM_SESSION_ADDRESSES structure containing the actual RTP and RTCP network addresses for this session.
dwSSRC Returns a DWORD containing the actual SSRC value assigned to this session.
uGroup Returns a UINT containing the socket group assigned to sockets in this session. This is only returned in a non-zero group identifier was specified in the group information field of the Session Attributes structure of the input information. */ typedef struct _strmsp_createsession_out_info { UINT uVersion; STRMSP_HSESSION hSession; STRM_SESSION_ADDRESSES SessionAddr; DWORD dwSSRC; UINT uGroup; } STRMSP_CREATESESSION_OUT_INFO, *LPSTRMSP_CREATESESSION_OUT_INFO;
uVersion Is the version identifier for this data structure. The value STRMSP_INTERFACE_VERSION should always be used to initialize it.
hSession Is a STRMSP_HSESSION containing the handle for the session to be started, as returned from a successful CREATESESSION command.
StartupParams Is a STRMSP_SESSION_STARTUP_PARAMS structure containing startup parameters for this session. See description of STRMSP_SESSION_STARTUP_PARAMS above for specifics on the contents of each field. */ typedef struct _strmsp_startsession_in_info { UINT uVersion; STRMSP_HSESSION hSession; STRMSP_SESSION_STARTUP_PARAMS StartupParams; } STRMSP_STARTSESSION_IN_INFO, *LPSTRMSP_STARTSESSION_IN_INFO;
uVersion Is the version identifier for this data structure. The value STRMSP_INTERFACE_VERSION should always be used to initialize it.
hSession Is a STRMSP_HSESSION containing the handle for the session to be started, as returned from a successful CREATESESSION command.
lpReason Is a pointer to a optional null terminated string declaring a reason for closing the RTP Streams Manager session. The contents of this string are passed to remote participants for application use. */ typedef struct _strmsp_closesession_in_info { UINT uVersion; STRMSP_HSESSION hSession; const char* lpReason; } STRMSP_CLOSESESSION_IN_INFO, *LPSTRMSP_CLOSESESSION_IN_INFO;
uVersion Is the version identifier for this data structure. The value STRMSP_INTERFACE_VERSION should always be used to initialize it.
hSession Is a STRMSP_HSESSION containing the handle for the session referenced, as returned from a successful CREATESESSION command.
uMTUSize UINT that is the maximum size of a transport data unit. This is the size of the largest buffer that may be submitted to a port created from this STRMSP session. */ typedef struct _strmsp_getmtusize_out_info { UINT uVersion; STRMSP_HSESSION hSession; int iMTUSize; } STRMSP_GETMTUSIZE_OUT_INFO, *LPSTRMSP_GETMTUSIZE_OUT_INFO;
uVersion Is the version identifier for this data structure. The value STRMSP_INTERFACE_VERSION should always be used to initialize it.
hSession Is a STRMSP_HSESSION containing the handle for the session, as returned from a successful CREATESESSION command.
uMulticastScope Is a UINT that specifies the IP multicast time-to-live (TTL) value to use for transmitting streams on this session. */ typedef struct _strmsp_setmulticastscope_in_info { UINT uVersion; STRMSP_HSESSION hSession; UINT uMulticastScope; } STRMSP_SETMULTICASTSCOPE_IN_INFO, *LPSTRMSP_SETMULTICASTSCOPE_IN_INFO;
uVersion Is the version identifier for this data structure. The value STRMSP_INTERFACE_VERSION should always be used to initialize it.
hSession Is a STRMSP_HSESSION containing the handle for the session, as returned from a successful CREATESESSION command.
bGroupQOS Is a BOOLEAN specifying whether the QOS structure field is for a socket group (TRUE) or for this session only (FALSE.) If this value is TRUE, the Handle field must contain the session handle for the initial session of the group (the session on which the creation of the group was specified.)
RequestedQOS is a QOS structure containing the newly requested QOS parameters. */ typedef struct _strmsp_setqos_in_info { UINT uVersion; STRMSP_HSESSION hSession; BOOL bGroupQOS; QOS RequestedQOS; } STRMSP_SETQOS_IN_INFO, *LPSTRMSP_SETQOS_IN_INFO;
uVersion Is the version identifier for this data structure. The value STRMSP_INTERFACE_VERSION should always be used to initialize it.
hSession Is a STRMSP_HSESSION containing the handle for the session, as returned from a successful CREATESESSION command.
iFilterFlags Is an int containing bit flags specifying filters that can be used to select subsets of the RTCP_REPORT structures available on this session. The value 0 disables all filtering and allows all available report data to be read. Other filter flag definitions TBD.
iFilterPattern Is an int containing a pattern to be used for filtering the reports. Format of this pattern depends on the filter flags selected in the iFilterFlags parameter. Specifics TBD.
iEntryIndex Is an int containing the index of first RTCP_REPORT structure to be returned. Valid index values start from 0 (for the first RTCP_REPORT structure) and go up to one less that the total number of entries.
lpReport Is a pointer to a caller supplied buffer where RTCP_REPORT structures will be copied. This buffer should be sized to hold an integral number of RTCP_REPORT structures.
iReportLen Is an int containing the size in bytes of the buffer pointed to by the lpReport field. */ typedef struct _strmsp_getsessionreports_in_info { UINT uVersion; STRMSP_HSESSION hSession; int iFilterFlags; int iFilterPattern; int iEntryIndex; RTCP_REPORT* lpReport; int iReportLen; } STRMSP_GETSESSIONREPORTS_IN_INFO, *LPSTRMSP_GETSESSIONREPORTS_IN_INFO;
uVersion Is the version identifier for this data structure. The value STRMSP_INTERFACE_VERSION should always be used to initialize it.
iEntriesReturned Is an int where the number of RTCP_REPORT structures actually copied into buffer pointer to by the lpReport field will be returned.
iNextIndex Is an int where the index of the next RTCP_REPORT structure will be returned. This value can be used as the value of the iEntryIndex field of subsequent calls to obtain all reports when the report buffer size is too small to hold then all at once. A value of zero (0) returned here indicates that all remaining reports have been returned. */ typedef struct _strmsp_getsessionreports_out_info { UINT uVersion; int iEntriesReturned; int iNextIndex; } STRMSP_GETSESSIONREPORTS_OUT_INFO, *LPSTRMSP_GETSESSIONREPORTS_OUT_INFO;
uVersion Is the version identifier for this data structure. The value STRMSP_INTERFACE_VERSION should always be used to initialize it.
hSession Is a STRMSP_HSESSION containing the handle for the session referenced, as returned from a successful CREATESESSION command.
pDestinationAddr is a pointer to the network address to be used for sending data
iDestinationAddrLength is the length in bytes of the data network address
*/ typedef struct _strmsp_setdestinationaddress_in_info { UINT uVersion; STRMSP_HSESSION hSession; LPSOCKADDR pDestinationAddr; int iDestinationAddrLength; } STRMSP_SETDESTINATIONADDRESS_IN_INFO;
uVersion Is the version identifier for this data structure. The value STRMSP_INTERFACE_VERSION should always be used to initialize it.
hSession Is a STRMSP_HSESSION containing the handle for the session referenced, as returned from a successful CREATESESSION command.
pdwSSRC pointer to where the newly generated SSRC will be stored
*/ typedef struct _strmsp_generatessrc_out_info { UINT uVersion; STRMSP_HSESSION hSession; DWORD *pdwSSRC; } STRMSP_GENERATESSRC_OUT_INFO;
uVersion Is the version identifier for this data structure. A value of 1 or greater indicates that the fields of this data structure is are valid.
uSessionToken Is the UINT value the application provided as a reference when creating this session.
dwSSRC Is the RTP SSRC identifier for the newly detected source. This value can be used for creating a STRMSP source port mapped to this data stream.
wPayloadType Is the RTP payload type identifier for the newly detected source. This value is used to match this stream of data with an appropriate payload handler. */ typedef struct _strmsp_newsource_in_info { UINT uVersion; DWORD dwSessionToken; DWORD dwSSRC; WORD wPayloadType; } STRMSP_NEWSOURCE_IN_INFO, *LPSTRMSP_NEWSOURCE_IN_INFO;
uVersion Is the version identifier for this data structure. A value of 1 or greater indicates that the fields of this data structure are valid.
dwSessionToken Is the DWORD value the application provided as a reference when creating this session.
dwSSRC Is the RTP SSRC identifier for the data stream a report has been received for. This value can be used for identifying the newly arrived report when using the GETSESSIONREPORTS service command. */ typedef struct _strmsp_recvreport_in_info { UINT uVersion; DWORD dwSessionToken; DWORD dwSSRC; } STRMSP_RECVREPORT_IN_INFO, *LPSTRMSP_RECVREPORT_IN_INFO;
uVersion Is the version identifier for this data structure. A value of 1 or greater indicates that the fields of this data structure are valid.
dwSessionToken Is the DWORD value the application provided as a reference when creating this session.
bGroup Is a Boolean indicating whether the QOS change is associated with a socket group (TRUE) or with this session only (FALSE.)
NewQOS Is a QOS structure giving the new QOS parameters for this session�s data socket or socket group. */ typedef struct _strmsp_qoschange_in_info { UINT uVersion; DWORD dwSessionToken; BOOL bGroup; QOS NewQOS; } STRMSP_QOSCHANGE_IN_INFO, *LPSTRMSP_QOSCHANGE_IN_INFO;
uVersion Is the version identifier for this data structure. A value of 1 or greater indicates that the fields of this data structure are valid.
uSessionToken Is the UINT value the application provided as a reference when creating this session.
dwSSRC Is the RTP SSRC identifier for the data stream that has timed-out. */ typedef struct _strmsp_srctimeout_in_info { UINT uVersion; DWORD dwSessionToken; DWORD dwSSRC; } STRMSP_SRCTIMEOUT_IN_INFO, *LPSTRMSP_SRCTIMEOUT_IN_INFO;
uVersion Is the version identifier for this data structure. A value of 1 or greater indicates that the fields of this data structure are valid.
dwSessionToken Is the DWORD value the application provided as a reference when creating this session.
dwSSRC Is the RTP SSRC identifier for the data stream that is closing. */ typedef struct _strmsp_srcbye_in_info { UINT uVersion; DWORD dwSessionToken; DWORD dwSSRC; } STRMSP_SRCBYE_IN_INFO, *LPSTRMSP_SRCBYE_IN_INFO;
uVersion Is the version identifier for this data structure. A value of 1 or greater indicates that the fields of this data structure are valid.
dwSessionToken Is the DWORD value the application provided as a reference when creating this session.
dwSSRC Is the newly assigned RTP SSRC identifier for this data stream. */ typedef struct _strmsp_newssrc_in_info { UINT uVersion; DWORD dwSessionToken; DWORD dwSSRC; } STRMSP_NEWSSRC_IN_INFO, *LPSTRMSP_NEWSSRC_IN_INFO;
uVersion Is a UINT specifying the version identifier for this data structure. The value STRMSP_INTERFACE_VERSION should always be used to initialize it.
hSession Is a STRMSP_HSESSION containing the handle for the session to be started, as returned from a successful CREATESESSION command.
dwSSRC Is a DWORD where the SSRC value to be used for this port may be specified. If the value of the SSRCSpecified parameter is FALSE, the input value of this parameter is ignored and an SSRC value will be generated during the call. NOTE: The SSRC value of a stream can be reassigned dynamically because of collisions. Applications should use the STRMSP_NEWSSRC command passed to the port callback handler to track any such changes.
bSSRCSpecified Boolean specifying whether a user supplied SSRC value has been placed in SSRC. If TRUE, the user has specified an SSRC value to use.
pStreamUser Pointer to a STRM_USER_DESCRIPTION structure containing information about the user of this stream. This information is used by RTCP to generate session description packets. A CNAME description field must be included, and other fields may be required based on the RTP profile being used. If this is the first send stream being created this field will be ignored and the user description information specified in the CREATESESSION service command for this session will be used instead.
uBufferCount Is a UINT requesting the number of buffer resources to have available for the use of this stream. In the case of send streams, this is the number of buffers that may be expected to sent in a single burst. Although the caller provides the data buffers themselves, the Streams MSP must allocate resources for tracking those buffers. This value allows versions of the Streams MSP that support dynamic buffer allocation to efficiently allocate buffer resources. Note that this value is advisory only and may be ignored by some Streams MSP implementations.
iStreamClock Is an integer specifying the clocking frequency for this stream (in hz.). If this is the first send stream being created this field will be ignored and the iStreamClock value specified in the STARTSESSION service command for this session will be used instead. */ typedef struct _strmsp_sink_openport_in_info { UINT uVersion; STRMSP_HSESSION hSession; STRM_USER_DESCRIPTION *pStreamUser; DWORD dwSSRC; BOOL bSSRCSpecified; UINT uBufferCount; int iStreamClock; } STRMSP_SINK_OPENPORT_IN_INFO, *LPSTRMSP_SINK_OPENPORT_IN_INFO;
uVersion Is the version identifier for this data structure. The value STRMSP_INTERFACE_VERSION should always be used to initialize it.
dwSSRC Is a DWORD returning the actual SSRC assigned to this output stream. This value is used for determining what RTCP reports apply to this data stream. */ typedef struct _strmsp_sink_openport_out_info { UINT uVersion; DWORD dwSSRC; } STRMSP_SINK_OPENPORT_OUT_INFO, *LPSTRMSP_SINK_OPENPORT_OUT_INFO;
uVersion Is the version identifier for this data structure. The value STRMSP_INTERFACE_VERSION should always be used to initialize it.
pStreamUser Is a pointer to a STRM_USER_DESCRIPTION structure containing information about the user of this session. This information is used by RTCP to generate session description packets. A CNAME description field must be included, and other fields may be required based on the RTP profile being used. */ typedef struct _strmsp_setuserdescription_in_info { UINT uVersion; STRM_USER_DESCRIPTION *pStreamUser; } STRMSP_SETUSERDESCRIPTION_IN_INFO, *LPSTRMSP_SETUSERDESCRIPTION_IN_INFO;
uVersion Is the version identifier for this data structure. The value STRMSP_INTERFACE_VERSION should always be used to initialize it.
dwSessionToken Is the DWORD value the application provided as a reference to the session this source port is a part of.
dwSSRC Is the RTP SSRC identifier for the arriving data stream that has been mapped to this source port. */ typedef struct _strmsp_getmapping_out_info { UINT uVersion; DWORD dwSessionToken; DWORD dwSSRC; } STRMSP_GETMAPPING_OUT_INFO, *LPSTRMSP_GETMAPPING_OUT_INFO;
uVersion Is a UINT specifying the version identifier for this data structure. The value STRMSP_INTERFACE_VERSION should always be used to initialize it.
hSession Is a STRMSP_HSESSION containing the handle for the session to be started, as returned from a successful CREATESESSION command.
dwSSRC Is a DWORD where the SSRC value of the data source to be mapped to may be specified. If the value of the SSRCSpecified field is FALSE, the value of this field is ignored and the stream will be automatically mapped to the next available data source.
bSSRCSpecified Boolean specifying whether a user supplied SSRC value has been placed in SSRC. If TRUE, the user has specified an SSRC value and the stream will be mapped to the data source with that SSRC value only.
uBufferCount Is a UINT requesting the number of buffer resources to have available for the use of this stream. In the case of receive streams, this is the number of buffers that may be expected to be in process at any one time. The Streams MSP must allocate these buffers itself for receiving from the network. This value allows versions of the Streams MSP that support dynamic buffer allocation to efficiently allocate buffer resources. Note that this value is advisory only and may be ignored by some Streams manager implementations. */ typedef struct _strmsp_source_openport_in_info { UINT uVersion; STRMSP_HSESSION hSession; DWORD dwSSRC; BOOL bSSRCSpecified; UINT uBufferCount; } STRMSP_SOURCE_OPENPORT_IN_INFO, *LPSTRMSP_SOURCE_OPENPORT_IN_INFO;
uVersion Is the version identifier for this data structure. A value of 1 or greater indicates that the fields of this data structure are valid.
dwSessionToken Is the DWORD value the application provided as a reference when creating this session.
dwSSRC Is the newly assigned RTP SSRC identifier for the arriving data stream. */ typedef struct _strmsp_mapped_in_info { UINT uVersion; DWORD dwSessionToken; DWORD dwSSRC; } STRMSP_MAPPED_IN_INFO, *LPSTRMSP_MAPPED_IN_INFO;
// MSP Service Commands
// MSP_ServiceCmdProc()
#define STRMSP_CREATESESSION 0x0001 // create session
#define STRMSP_STARTSESSION 0x0002 // start session
#define STRMSP_CLOSESESSION 0x0003 // close session
#define STRMSP_GETMTUSIZE 0x0004 // get max packet size
#define STRMSP_SETMULTICASTSCOPE 0x0005 // set multicast scope
#define STRMSP_SETQOS 0x0006 // set QOS
#define STRMSP_GETSESSIONREPORTS 0x0007 // get session reports
// Sink Port Service Commands
#define STRMSP_SETUSERDESCRIPTION 0x0008 // set user desc info
// Sink or Source Port Service Command.
// The GETMAPPING command allows the application to determine
// the SSRC value of the data stream to the SINK or SOURCE port.
#define STRMSP_GETMAPPING 0x0009 // get mapping info
// Application Commands from MSP
#define STRMSP_NEWSOURCE 0x0001
#define STRMSP_RECVREPORT 0x0002
#define STRMSP_QOSCHANGE 0x0003
#define STRMSP_SRCTIMEOUT 0x0004
#define STRMSP_SRCBYE 0x0005
#define STRMSP_NEWSSRC 0x0006
#define STRMSP_MAPPED 0x0007
// error code definitions
// STRMSP defined error codes
// these error codes are standard codes within the RMS architecture
// these error codes are defined in "winerror.h"
#define STRMSP_ERR_NOTIMPL E_NOTIMPL // not implemented
#define STRMSP_ERR_NOINTERFACE E_NOINTERFACE // no such interface
#define STRMSP_ERR_INVALIDARG E_INVALIDARG // one or more parameters invalid
#define STRMSP_ERR_FAIL E_FAIL // simply failed(unspecified error)