Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
TAPI Service Provider functions related to conference calls.
TSPI_lineAddToConference TSPI_lineCompleteTransfer TSPI_linePrepareAddToConference TSPI_lineRemoveFromConference TSPI_lineSetupConference TSPI_lineSetupTransfer TSPI_lineDial TSPI_lineCompleteTransfer TSPI_lineForward TSPI_lineSetStatusMessage TSPI_lineRedirect TSPI_lineHold TSPI_lineUnhold
Author: Nikhil Bobde (NikhilB)
Revision History:
// Include files
#include "globals.h"
#include "line.h"
#include "q931obj.h"
#include "ras.h"
#include "call.h"
extern DWORD g_dwTSPIVersion;
//Queues a supplementary service work item to the thread pool
BOOL QueueSuppServiceWorkItem( IN DWORD EventID, IN HDRVCALL hdCall, IN ULONG_PTR dwParam1 ) { SUPP_REQUEST_DATA * pCallRequestData = new SUPP_REQUEST_DATA; BOOL fResult = TRUE;
if( pCallRequestData != NULL ) { pCallRequestData -> EventID = EventID; pCallRequestData -> hdCall = hdCall; pCallRequestData -> dwParam1 = dwParam1;
if( !QueueUserWorkItem( ProcessSuppServiceWorkItem, pCallRequestData, WT_EXECUTEDEFAULT) ) { delete pCallRequestData; fResult = FALSE; } } else { fResult = FALSE; }
return fResult; }
#if DBG
DWORD ProcessSuppServiceWorkItem( IN PVOID ContextParameter ) { __try { return ProcessSuppServiceWorkItemFre( ContextParameter ); } __except( 1 ) { SUPP_REQUEST_DATA* pRequestData = (SUPP_REQUEST_DATA*)ContextParameter; H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "TSPI %s event threw exception: %p, %p.", EventIDToString(pRequestData -> EventID), pRequestData -> hdCall, pRequestData -> dwParam1 )); _ASSERTE( FALSE );
return 0; } }
DWORD ProcessSuppServiceWorkItemFre( IN PVOID ContextParameter ) { _ASSERTE( ContextParameter );
PH323_CALL pCall = NULL; SUPP_REQUEST_DATA* pRequestData = (SUPP_REQUEST_DATA*)ContextParameter;
H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "TSPI %s event recvd.", EventIDToString(pRequestData -> EventID) )); switch( pRequestData -> EventID ) { case H450_PLACE_DIVERTEDCALL:
g_pH323Line -> PlaceDivertedCall( pRequestData->hdCall, pRequestData->pAliasNames ); break;
case TSPI_DIAL_TRNASFEREDCALL: g_pH323Line -> PlaceTransferedCall( pRequestData->hdCall, pRequestData->pAliasNames ); break;
case SWAP_REPLACEMENT_CALL: g_pH323Line -> SwapReplacementCall( pRequestData->hdCall, pRequestData->hdReplacementCall, TRUE ); break;
g_pH323Line -> SwapReplacementCall( pRequestData->hdCall, pRequestData->hdReplacementCall, FALSE ); break; case STOP_CTIDENTIFYRR_TIMER:
pCall=g_pH323Line -> FindH323CallAndLock( pRequestData->hdCall ); if( pCall != NULL ) { pCall -> StopCTIdentifyRRTimer( pRequestData->hdReplacementCall ); pCall -> Unlock(); } else { //set the m_hdRelatedCall of dwParam1 to NULL
} break;
pCall=g_pH323Line -> FindH323CallAndLock(pRequestData->hdCall); if( pCall != NULL ) { pCall -> SendCTInitiateMessagee( pRequestData->pCTIdentifyRes ); pCall -> Unlock(); } break; }
delete ContextParameter;
return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
//!!must be always called in a lock
void CH323Call::TransferInfoToDivertedCall( IN PH323_CALL pDivertedCall ) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "TransferInfoToDivertedCall entered." )); pDivertedCall -> SetDivertedCallInfo( m_hdCall, m_pCallReroutingInfo, m_dwCallDiversionState, m_hdMSPLine, m_pCallerAliasNames, m_htMSPLine, m_pFastStart, m_hdRelatedCall, m_dwCallType, m_dwAppSpecific, &m_CallData );
//reset the reference to this struct
m_pCallReroutingInfo = NULL; m_pCallerAliasNames = NULL; m_dwCallDiversionState = H4503_CALLSTATE_IDLE; m_dwCallType = CALLTYPE_NORMAL; m_dwCallState = LINECALLSTATE_IDLE; m_pFastStart = NULL;
ZeroMemory( (PVOID)&m_CallData, sizeof(H323_OCTETSTRING) ); H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "TransferInfoToDivertedCall exited." )); }
//!!always called in a lock
BOOL CH323Call::TransferInfoToTransferedCall( IN PH323_CALL pTransferedCall ) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "TransferInfoToTransferedCall entered." ));
if( !pTransferedCall -> SetTransferedCallInfo( m_hdCall, m_pCallerAliasNames, m_pCTCallIdentity ) ) { pTransferedCall -> Unlock(); return FALSE; }
m_hdRelatedCall = pTransferedCall -> GetCallHandle();
H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "TransferInfoToTransferedCall exited." )); return TRUE; }
void CH323Call::SetDivertedCallInfo( HDRVCALL hdCall, CALLREROUTINGINFO* pCallReroutingInfo, SUPP_CALLSTATE dwCallDiversionState, HDRVMSPLINE hdMSPLine, PH323_ALIASNAMES pCallerAliasNames, HTAPIMSPLINE htMSPLine, PH323_FASTSTART pFastStart, HDRVCALL hdRelatedCall, DWORD dwCallType, DWORD dwAppSpecific, PH323_OCTETSTRING pCallData ) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "SetDivertedCallInfo entered:%p.", this )); Lock();
m_hdCall = hdCall; m_pCallReroutingInfo = pCallReroutingInfo; m_dwCallDiversionState = dwCallDiversionState; m_hdMSPLine = hdMSPLine; m_htMSPLine = htMSPLine; FreeAliasNames( m_pCallerAliasNames ); m_pCallerAliasNames = pCallerAliasNames;
H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Caller alias count:%d : %p", m_pCallerAliasNames->wCount, this ));
m_dwCallState = LINECALLSTATE_DIALING; m_pFastStart = pFastStart; m_CallData = *pCallData; m_dwAppSpecific = dwAppSpecific;
//If the original call had any call type apart from being a diverted call
//copy it.
if( (dwCallType & CALLTYPE_TRANSFEREDSRC) || (dwCallType & CALLTYPE_DIVERTEDTRANSFERED) ) { m_dwCallType |= CALLTYPE_DIVERTEDTRANSFERED; m_hdRelatedCall = hdRelatedCall; }
Unlock(); H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "SetDivertedCallInfo exited:%p.", this )); }
//!!must be always called in a lock
BOOL CH323Call::SetTransferedCallInfo( HDRVCALL hdCall, PH323_ALIASNAMES pCallerAliasNames, BYTE * pCTCallIdentity ) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "SetTransferedCallInfo entered:%p.", this ));
m_hdRelatedCall = hdCall;
m_pCallerAliasNames = NULL;
if( (pCallerAliasNames != NULL) && (pCallerAliasNames->wCount != 0) ) { m_pCallerAliasNames = new H323_ALIASNAMES; if( m_pCallerAliasNames == NULL ) { return FALSE; } ZeroMemory( (PVOID)m_pCallerAliasNames, sizeof(H323_ALIASNAMES) );
H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Caller alias count:%d : %p", m_pCallerAliasNames->wCount, this )); if( !AddAliasItem( m_pCallerAliasNames, pCallerAliasNames->pItems[0].pData, pCallerAliasNames->pItems[0].wType ) ) { return FALSE; } H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Caller alias count:%d : %p", m_pCallerAliasNames->wCount, this )); }
CopyMemory( (PVOID)m_pCTCallIdentity, pCTCallIdentity, sizeof(m_pCTCallIdentity) ); m_dwCallState = LINECALLSTATE_DIALING; H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "SetTransferedCallInfo exited:%p.", this )); return TRUE; }
void CH323Line::PlaceDivertedCall( IN HDRVCALL hdCall, IN PH323_ALIASNAMES divertedToAlias ) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "PlaceDivertedCall entered:%p.", this ));
int iIndex = MakeCallIndex( hdCall ); int iDivertedCallIndex; PH323_CALL pCall; BOOL fDelete = FALSE; PH323_CALL pDivertedCall = NULL;
LockCallTable(); //lock the call so that nobody else would be able to delete the call
if( (pCall=m_H323CallTable[iIndex]) != NULL ) { pCall -> Lock();
if( pCall->GetCallHandle() == hdCall ) { pDivertedCall = pCall-> CreateNewDivertedCall( divertedToAlias ); if( pDivertedCall == NULL ) { pCall -> Unlock(); UnlockCallTable(); pCall->CloseCall( 0 ); Unlock(); return; }
//remove the diverted call from the table
iDivertedCallIndex = pDivertedCall -> GetCallIndex();
m_H323CallTable[iDivertedCallIndex] = NULL;
//transfer the required information to the diverted call.
//put the original call in IDLE mode
pCall -> TransferInfoToDivertedCall( pDivertedCall );
//This DropCall is supposed to send only the DRQ if required
pCall->DropCall( 0 );
//close the original call
pCall -> Shutdown( &fDelete );
H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "call 0x%08lx closed.", pCall )); pCall -> Unlock();
//release the original call object
if( fDelete == TRUE ) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "call delete:0x%08lx.", pCall )); delete pCall; }
//place the diverted call in the place of the original call
m_H323CallTable[iIndex] = pDivertedCall; } else { pCall -> Unlock(); } } UnlockCallTable();
//dial the diverted call
if( pDivertedCall ) { pDivertedCall -> DialCall(); } Unlock(); H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "PlaceDivertedCall exited:%p.", this )); }
//!!always called in a lock
PH323_CALL CH323Call::CreateNewDivertedCall( IN PH323_ALIASNAMES pwszCalleeAlias ) { PH323_CONFERENCE pConf = NULL; BOOL fDelete = FALSE; PH323_CALL pCall = new CH323Call(); H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "CreateNewDivertedCall entered:%p.", this ));
if( pCall == NULL ) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "could not allocate diverted call." ));
return NULL; }
// save tapi handle and specify outgoing call direction
if( !pCall -> Initialize( m_htCall, LINECALLORIGIN_OUTBOUND, CALLTYPE_DIVERTEDSRC ) ) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "could not allocate outgoing call." ));
goto cleanup; }
// bind outgoing call
pConf = pCall -> CreateConference(NULL); if( pConf == NULL ) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "could not create conference." ));
goto cleanup; }
if( !g_pH323Line -> GetH323ConfTable() -> Add(pConf) ) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "could not add conf to conf table." ));
goto cleanup; }
if( pwszCalleeAlias->pItems[0].wType == e164_chosen ) { pCall->SetAddressType( e164_chosen ); }
if (!RasIsRegistered()) { if( !pCall->ResolveAddress( pwszCalleeAlias->pItems[0].pData ) ) { goto cleanup; } }
if( !pCall->SetCalleeAlias( pwszCalleeAlias->pItems[0].pData, pwszCalleeAlias->pItems[0].wType ) ) { goto cleanup; } //send the informarion to the user that call has been diverted
H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "diverted call created:%p.", pCall )); H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "CreateNewDivertedCall exited.\n:%p", this )); return pCall;
if( pCall != NULL ) { pCall -> Shutdown( &fDelete ); delete pCall; H323DBG((DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "call delete:%p.", pCall )); }
return NULL; }
//!!always called in a lock
void CH323Call::Hold() { //1.Send MSP call hold message
//2.Send hold H450 APDU
if( m_dwCallState == LINECALLSTATE_ONHOLD ) { return; }
if( !SendQ931Message( NO_INVOKEID, 0, 0, FACILITYMESSAGETYPE, HOLDNOTIFIC_OPCODE | H450_INVOKE ) ) { CloseCall( 0 ); return; } SendMSPMessage( SP_MSG_Hold, 0, 1, NULL ); //Call put on hold by local endpoint
m_dwFlags |= TSPI_CALL_LOCAL_HOLD; ChangeCallState( LINECALLSTATE_ONHOLD, 0 ); return; }
//!!always called in a lock
void CH323Call::UnHold() { //1.Send MSP call unhold message
//2.Send unhold H450 APDU
if( (m_dwCallState == LINECALLSTATE_ONHOLD) && (m_dwFlags & TSPI_CALL_LOCAL_HOLD) ) { if( !SendQ931Message( NO_INVOKEID, 0, 0, FACILITYMESSAGETYPE, RETRIEVENOTIFIC_OPCODE | H450_INVOKE ) ) { CloseCall( 0 ); return; } SendMSPMessage( SP_MSG_Hold, 0, 0, NULL ); m_dwFlags &= (~TSPI_CALL_LOCAL_HOLD); ChangeCallState( LINECALLSTATE_CONNECTED, 0 ); }
return; }
//!!always called in a lock
void CH323Call::OnCallReroutingReceive( IN DWORD dwInvokeID ) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "OnCallReroutingReceive entered:%p.", this ));
if( (m_dwOrigin != LINECALLORIGIN_OUTBOUND) || ( (m_dwStateMachine != Q931_SETUP_SENT) && (m_dwStateMachine != Q931_PROCEED_RECVD) && (m_dwStateMachine != Q931_ALERT_RECVD) ) ) { goto error; } //If setupsent timer is still alive stop it.
if( m_hSetupSentTimer != NULL ) { DeleteTimerQueueTimer( H323TimerQueue, m_hSetupSentTimer, NULL ); m_hSetupSentTimer = NULL; }
if( dwInvokeID != NO_INVOKEID ) { if(!SendQ931Message( dwInvokeID, 0, 0, FACILITYMESSAGETYPE, CALLREROUTING_OPCODE | H450_RETURNRESULT )) { //goto error;
} } m_fCallInTrnasition = TRUE; if( !SendQ931Message( NO_INVOKEID, 0, 0, RELEASECOMPLMESSAGETYPE, NO_H450_APDU) ) { //goto error;
if( !QueueSuppServiceWorkItem( H450_PLACE_DIVERTEDCALL, m_hdCall, (ULONG_PTR)m_pCallReroutingInfo->divertedToNrAlias ) ) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "could not post place diverted event." )); }
H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "OnCallReroutingReceive exited:%p.", this )); return;
error: CloseCall( 0 ); }
//!!always called in a lock
BOOL CH323Call::IsValidInvokeID( IN DWORD dwInvokeId ) { if( m_dwCallType != CALLTYPE_NORMAL ) { if( m_dwInvokeID == dwInvokeId ) { return TRUE; } H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "invoke id not matched:%d:%d.", m_dwInvokeID, dwInvokeId )); return FALSE; }
H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "IsValidinvokeID called on wrong call." )); return FALSE; }
BOOL CH323Call::StartTimerForCallDiversionOnNA( IN PH323_ALIASITEM pwszDivertedToAlias ) { if( m_pCallReroutingInfo == NULL ) { m_pCallReroutingInfo = new CALLREROUTINGINFO; if( m_pCallReroutingInfo == NULL ) { goto cleanup; } ZeroMemory( m_pCallReroutingInfo, sizeof(CALLREROUTINGINFO) ); }
m_pCallReroutingInfo->divertedToNrAlias = new H323_ALIASNAMES; if( m_pCallReroutingInfo->divertedToNrAlias == NULL ) { goto cleanup; }
ZeroMemory( m_pCallReroutingInfo->divertedToNrAlias, sizeof(H323_ALIASNAMES) );
if( !AddAliasItem( m_pCallReroutingInfo->divertedToNrAlias, (BYTE*)pwszDivertedToAlias->pData, sizeof(WCHAR) * (wcslen(pwszDivertedToAlias->pData) +1), pwszDivertedToAlias->wType ) ) { goto cleanup; }
if( !CreateTimerQueueTimer( &m_hCallDivertOnNATimer, H323TimerQueue, CH323Call::CallDivertOnNACallback, (PVOID)m_hdCall, (g_pH323Line->m_dwNumRingsNoAnswer * 1000), 0, WT_EXECUTEINIOTHREAD | WT_EXECUTEONLYONCE) ) { goto cleanup; }
return TRUE;
FreeCallReroutingInfo(); return FALSE; }
LONG CH323Call::SetDivertedToAlias( WCHAR* pwszDivertedToAddr, WORD wAliasType ) { if( m_pCallReroutingInfo == NULL ) { m_pCallReroutingInfo = new CALLREROUTINGINFO; if( m_pCallReroutingInfo == NULL ) { return LINEERR_NOMEM; } ZeroMemory( m_pCallReroutingInfo, sizeof(CALLREROUTINGINFO) ); }
m_pCallReroutingInfo->divertedToNrAlias = new H323_ALIASNAMES; if( m_pCallReroutingInfo->divertedToNrAlias == NULL ) { delete m_pCallReroutingInfo; m_pCallReroutingInfo = NULL; return LINEERR_NOMEM; } ZeroMemory( m_pCallReroutingInfo->divertedToNrAlias, sizeof(H323_ALIASNAMES) );
if( !AddAliasItem( m_pCallReroutingInfo->divertedToNrAlias, (BYTE*)pwszDivertedToAddr, sizeof(WCHAR) * (wcslen(pwszDivertedToAddr) +1), wAliasType ) ) { delete m_pCallReroutingInfo->divertedToNrAlias; delete m_pCallReroutingInfo; m_pCallReroutingInfo = NULL; return LINEERR_NOMEM; }
return NOERROR; }
//!!always called in a lock
//this function is called to replace a TRANSFERD_PRIMARY call with a connected
//TRANSFEREDSRC call or to preplace a TRANSFERED2_PRIMARY call with a connected
BOOL CH323Call::InitiateCallReplacement( PH323_FASTSTART pFastStart, PH323_ADDR pH245Addr ) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "InitiateCallReplacement entered:%p.",this ));
SendMSPStartH245( pH245Addr, pFastStart ); SendMSPMessage( SP_MSG_ConnectComplete, 0, 0, m_hdRelatedCall );
m_fCallInTrnasition = TRUE;
if( (m_dwRASCallState == RASCALL_STATE_REGISTERED ) || (m_dwRASCallState == RASCALL_STATE_ARQSENT ) ) { //disengage from the GK
SendDRQ( forcedDrop_chosen, NOT_RESEND_SEQ_NUM, FALSE ); }
if( !SendQ931Message( m_dwInvokeID, 0, 0, RELEASECOMPLMESSAGETYPE, CTINITIATE_OPCODE | H450_RETURNRESULT) ) { goto cleanup; }
H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "InitiateCallReplacement exited:%p.",this )); return TRUE;
cleanup: CloseCall( 0 ); return FALSE; }
//this function is called to replace a TRANSFERD_PRIMARY call with TRANSFEREDSRC
//call or to replace a TRANSFERD2_CONSULT call with a TRANSFEREDDEST call
void CH323Line::SwapReplacementCall( HDRVCALL hdReplacementCall, HDRVCALL hdPrimaryCall, BOOL fChangeCallSate ) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "SwapReplacementCall entered:%p.", this ));
int iReplacementCallIndex = (int)LOWORD(hdReplacementCall); int iPrimaryCallIndex = (int)LOWORD(hdPrimaryCall); PH323_CALL pReplacementCall; BOOL fDelete = FALSE; PH323_CALL pPrimaryCall;
Lock(); LockCallTable(); //lock the replacement call before primary call to avoid deadlock
if( (pReplacementCall=m_H323CallTable[iReplacementCallIndex]) != NULL ) { pReplacementCall -> Lock();
if( pReplacementCall -> GetCallHandle() == hdReplacementCall ) { if( (pPrimaryCall=m_H323CallTable[iPrimaryCallIndex]) != NULL ) { pPrimaryCall -> Lock();
if( pPrimaryCall -> GetCallHandle() == hdPrimaryCall ) { pPrimaryCall -> InitiateCallReplacement( pReplacementCall->GetPeerFastStart(), pReplacementCall->GetPeerH245Addr() );
//remove the replacement call from the table
m_H323CallTable[iReplacementCallIndex] = NULL;
//Transfer the required information to the replacement call.
//put the primary call in IDLE mode
pPrimaryCall -> TransferInfoToReplacementCall( pReplacementCall );
//close the original call
pPrimaryCall -> Shutdown( &fDelete );
H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "call 0x%08lx closed.", pPrimaryCall )); pPrimaryCall -> Unlock();
//release the primary call object
if( fDelete == TRUE ) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "call delete:0x%08lx.", pPrimaryCall )); delete pPrimaryCall; }
//Place the replacement call in the place of primary call.
m_H323CallTable[iPrimaryCallIndex] = pReplacementCall; } else { pPrimaryCall -> Unlock(); } } else { pReplacementCall-> CloseCall( 0 ); }
//inform TAPI that the transfered call is in connected state
if( fChangeCallSate == TRUE ) { pReplacementCall->ChangeCallState( LINECALLSTATE_CONNECTED, 0 ); } } pReplacementCall -> Unlock(); } UnlockCallTable(); Unlock(); H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "SwapReplacementCall exited:%p.", this )); }
//!!both the calls are locked when this function is called
void CH323Call::TransferInfoToReplacementCall( PH323_CALL pReplacementCall ) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "TransferInfoToReplacementCall entered:%p.", this )); m_dwCallDiversionState = H4503_CALLSTATE_IDLE; m_dwCallType = CALLTYPE_NORMAL; m_dwCallState = LINECALLSTATE_IDLE; pReplacementCall->SetReplacementCallInfo( m_hdCall, m_hdMSPLine, m_htCall, m_htMSPLine, m_dwAppSpecific, &m_CallData );
//don't release this octet string while releasing tis call.
ZeroMemory( (PVOID)&m_CallData, sizeof(H323_OCTETSTRING) );
H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "TransferInfoToReplacementCall exited:%p.", this )); }
//!!always called in a lock
void CH323Call::SetReplacementCallInfo( HDRVCALL hdCall, HDRVMSPLINE hdMSPLine, HTAPICALL htCall, HTAPIMSPLINE htMSPLine, DWORD dwAppSpecific, PH323_OCTETSTRING pCallData ) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "SetReplacementCallInfo entered:%p.", this ));
m_hdCall = hdCall; m_hdMSPLine = hdMSPLine; m_htMSPLine = htMSPLine; m_htCall = htCall; m_hdRelatedCall = NULL; m_dwCallType = CALLTYPE_NORMAL; m_dwAppSpecific = dwAppSpecific; m_CallData = *pCallData;
H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "SetReplacementCallInfo exited:%p.", this )); }
//!!always called in a lock
void CH323Call::CompleteTransfer( PH323_CALL pCall ) { BOOL retVal;
//set the call type of both the calls
pCall -> SetCallType( CALLTYPE_TRANSFERING_PRIMARY ); m_dwCallType |= CALLTYPE_TRANSFERING_CONSULT; m_hdRelatedCall = pCall -> GetCallHandle();
//send CallTransferIdentify message to the transferredTo endpoint over the
//consultation call
retVal = SendQ931Message( NO_INVOKEID, 0, 0/*undefinedReason*/, FACILITYMESSAGETYPE, CTIDENTIFY_OPCODE | H450_INVOKE );
m_dwCallDiversionState = H4502_CTIDENTIFY_SENT;
//start the timer for CTIdenity message
if( retVal ) { retVal = CreateTimerQueueTimer( &m_hCTIdentifyTimer, H323TimerQueue, CH323Call::CTIdentifyExpiredCallback, (PVOID)m_hdCall, CTIDENTIFY_SENT_TIMEOUT, 0, WT_EXECUTEINIOTHREAD | WT_EXECUTEONLYONCE ); }
if( retVal == FALSE ) { CloseCall( 0 ); } }
void CH323Line::PlaceTransferedCall( IN HDRVCALL hdCall, IN PH323_ALIASNAMES pTransferedToAlias ) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "PlaceTransferedCall entered:%p.", this ));
PH323_CALL pCall = NULL; PH323_CALL pTransferedCall = NULL; BOOL fDelete = FALSE;
Lock(); LockCallTable();
pCall=g_pH323Line -> FindH323CallAndLock(hdCall);
if( pCall == NULL ) { goto cleanup; }
pTransferedCall = CreateNewTransferedCall( pTransferedToAlias );
if( pTransferedCall == NULL ) { goto cleanup; }
//transfer the required information to the transfered call
if( !pCall -> TransferInfoToTransferedCall( pTransferedCall ) ) { goto cleanup; }
pCall -> SetCallState( LINECALLSTATE_ONHOLD ); pCall -> SendMSPMessage( SP_MSG_Hold, 0, 1, NULL ); pCall -> Unlock(); //dial the transfered call
pTransferedCall -> DialCall(); UnlockCallTable(); Unlock(); H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "PlaceTransferedCall exited:%p.", this )); return;
if( pCall != NULL ) { //close the primary call
pCall -> Unlock(); }
if( pTransferedCall ) { pTransferedCall -> Shutdown( &fDelete ); delete pTransferedCall; } UnlockCallTable(); Unlock(); }
//!!always called in a lock
PH323_CALL CH323Line::CreateNewTransferedCall( IN PH323_ALIASNAMES pwszCalleeAlias ) { PH323_CONFERENCE pConf = NULL; BOOL fDelete = FALSE; PH323_CALL pCall = new CH323Call(); H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "CreateNewTransferedCall entered:%p.", this ));
if( pCall == NULL ) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "could not allocate Transfered call." ));
return NULL; }
// no tapi handle for this call
if( !pCall -> Initialize( NULL, LINECALLORIGIN_OUTBOUND, CALLTYPE_TRANSFEREDSRC ) ) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "could not allocate outgoing call." ));
goto cleanup; }
// bind outgoing call
pConf = pCall -> CreateConference(NULL); if( pConf == NULL ) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "could not create conference." ));
goto cleanup; }
if( !g_pH323Line -> GetH323ConfTable() -> Add(pConf) ) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "could not add conf to conf table." ));
goto cleanup; }
if( pwszCalleeAlias->pItems[0].wType == e164_chosen ) { pCall->SetAddressType( e164_chosen ); } if (!RasIsRegistered()) { if( !pCall->ResolveAddress( pwszCalleeAlias->pItems[0].pData ) ) { goto cleanup; } }
if( !pCall->SetCalleeAlias( pwszCalleeAlias->pItems[0].pData, pwszCalleeAlias->pItems[0].wType ) ) { goto cleanup; }
H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "Transfered call created:%p.", pCall )); H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "CreateNewTransferedCall exited:%p.", this )); return pCall;
cleanup: if( pCall != NULL ) { pCall -> Shutdown( &fDelete ); delete pCall; H323DBG((DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "call delete:%p.", pCall )); }
return NULL; }
// TSPI procedures
LONG TSPIAPI TSPI_lineAddToConference( DRV_REQUESTID dwRequestID, HDRVCALL hdConfCall, HDRVCALL hdConsultCall ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function adds the call specified by hdConsultCall to the conference call specified by hdConfCall.
Note that the call handle of the added party remains valid after adding the call to a conference; its state will typically change to conferenced while the state of the conference call will typically become connected. The handle to an individual participating call can be used later to remove that party from the conference call using TSPI_lineRemoveFromConference.
The call states of the calls participating in a conference are not independent. For example, when dropping a conference call, all participating calls may automatically become idle. The TAPI DLL may consult the line's device capabilities to determine what form of conference removal is available. The TAPI DLL or its client applications should track the LINE_CALLSTATE messages to determine what really happened to the calls involved. The conference call is established either via TSPI_lineSetupConference or TSPI_lineCompleteTransfer. The call added to a conference will typically be established using TSPI_lineSetupConference or TSPI_linePrepareAddToConference. Some switches may allow adding of an arbitrary calls to conference, and such a call may have been set up using TSPI_lineMakeCall and be on (hard) hold.
dwRequestID - Specifies the identifier of the asynchronous request. The Service Provider returns this value if the function completes asynchronously.
hdConfCall - Specifies the Service Provider's opaque handle to the conference call. Valid call states: onHoldPendingConference, onHold.
hdAddCall - Specifies the Service Provider's opaque handle to the call to be added to the conference call. Valid call states: connected, onHold.
Return Values:
Returns zero if the function is successful, the (positive) dwRequestID value if the function will be completed asynchronously, or a negative error number if an error has occurred. Possible error returns are: LINEERR_INVALCONFCALLHANDLE - The specified call handle for the conference call is invalid or is not a handle for a conference call.
LINEERR_INVALCALLHANDLE - The specified call handle for the added call is invalid.
LINEERR_INVALCALLSTATE - One or both of the specified calls are not in a valid state for the requested operation.
LINEERR_CONFERENCEFULL - The maximum number of parties for a conference has been reached.
LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL - The specified operation is not available.
LINEERR_OPERATIONFAILED - The specified operation failed for unspecified reason.
LONG TSPIAPI TSPI_lineBlindTransfer( DRV_REQUESTID dwRequestID, HDRVCALL hdCall, LPCWSTR lpszDestAddress, DWORD dwCountryCode ) { PH323_CALL pCall = NULL; LONG retVal = ERROR_SUCCESS;
H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "TSPI_lineBlindTransfer - Entered." ));
if( lpszDestAddress == NULL ) { return LINEERR_INVALPARAM; }
// retrieve call pointer from handle
pCall=g_pH323Line -> FindH323CallAndLock(hdCall); if( pCall == NULL ) { return LINEERR_INVALCALLHANDLE; }
retVal = pCall -> InitiateBlindTransfer( lpszDestAddress ); pCall -> Unlock();
if( retVal == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { // complete the async accept operation now
H323CompleteRequest (dwRequestID, ERROR_SUCCESS);
retVal = dwRequestID; }
H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "TSPI_lineBlindTransfer - Exited." )); return retVal; }
//!!always called in a lock
LONG CH323Call::InitiateBlindTransfer( IN LPCWSTR lpszDestAddress ) { WORD wAliasType = h323_ID_chosen; DWORD dwMaxAddrSize = MAX_H323_ADDR_LEN; DWORD dwAddrLen;
H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "InitiateBlindTransfer - Entered." )); if( m_dwCallState != LINECALLSTATE_CONNECTED ) { return LINEERR_INVALCALLSTATE; }
if( (*lpszDestAddress==L'T') && IsValidE164String((WCHAR*)lpszDestAddress+1) ) { wAliasType = e164_chosen; //strip off the leading 'T'
lpszDestAddress++; dwMaxAddrSize = MAX_E164_ADDR_LEN; } else if( IsValidE164String( (WCHAR*)lpszDestAddress) ) { wAliasType = e164_chosen; dwMaxAddrSize = MAX_E164_ADDR_LEN; }
dwAddrLen = wcslen( lpszDestAddress ); if( (dwAddrLen > dwMaxAddrSize) || (dwAddrLen == 0) ) { return LINEERR_INVALPARAM; } if( m_pTransferedToAlias ) { FreeAliasNames( m_pTransferedToAlias ); m_pTransferedToAlias = NULL; }
m_pTransferedToAlias = new H323_ALIASNAMES; if( m_pTransferedToAlias == NULL ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONFAILED; }
ZeroMemory( (PVOID)m_pTransferedToAlias, sizeof(H323_ALIASNAMES) );
if( !AddAliasItem( m_pTransferedToAlias, (BYTE*)lpszDestAddress, sizeof(WCHAR) * (wcslen(lpszDestAddress) +1), wAliasType ) ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONFAILED; }
m_dwCallDiversionState = H4502_CTINITIATE_SENT; m_dwCallType |= CALLTYPE_TRANSFERING_PRIMARY;
H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "InitiateBlindTransfer - Exited." )); return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
Routine Description:
This function completes the transfer of the specified call to the party connected in the consultation call. This operation completes the transfer of the original call, hdCall, to the party currently connected via hdConsultCall. The consultation call will typically have been dialed on the consultation call allocated as part of TSPI_lineSetupTransfer, but it may be any call to which the switch is capable of transferring hdCall.
The transfer request can be resolved either as a transfer or as a three-way conference call. When resolved as a transfer, the parties connected via hdCall and hdConsultCall will be connected to each other, and both hdCall and hdConsultCall will typically be removed from the line they were on and both will transition to the idle state. Note that the Service Provider's opaque handles for these calls must remain valid after the transfer has completed. The TAPI DLL causes these handles to be invalidated when it is no longer interested in them using TSPI_lineCloseCall.
When resolved as a conference, all three parties will enter in a conference call. Both existing call handles remain valid, but will transition to the conferenced state. A conference call handle will created and returned, and it will transition to the connected state. It may also be possible to perform a blind transfer of a call using TSPI_lineBlindTransfer.
dwRequestID - Specifies the identifier of the asynchronous request. The Service Provider returns this value if the function completes asynchronously.
hdCall - Specifies the Service Provider's opaque handle to the call to be transferred. Valid call states: onHoldPendingTransfer.
hdConsultCall - Specifies a handle to the call that represents a connection with the destination of the transfer. Valid call states: connected, ringback, busy.
htConfCall - Specifies the TAPI DLL's opaque handle to the new call. If dwTransferMode is specified as LINETRANSFERMODE_CONFERENCE then the Service Provider must save this and use it in all subsequent calls to the LINEEVENT procedure reporting events on the call. Otherwise this parameter is ignored.
lphdConfCall - Specifies a far pointer to an opaque HDRVCALL representing the Service Provider's identifier for the call. If dwTransferMode is specified as LINETRANSFERMODE_CONFERENCE then the Service Provider must fill this location with its opaque handle for the new conference call before this procedure returns, whether it decides to execute the request sychronously or asynchronously. This handle is invalid if the function results in an error (either synchronously or asynchronously). If dwTransferMode is some other value this parameter is ignored.
dwTransferMode - Specifies how the initiated transfer request is to be resolved, of type LINETRANSFERMODE. Values are:
LINETRANSFERMODE_TRANSFER - Resolve the initiated transfer by transferring the initial call to the consultation call.
LINETRANSFERMODE_CONFERENCE - Resolve the initiated transfer by conferencing all three parties into a three-way conference call. A conference call is created and returned to the TAPI DLL.
Return Values:
Returns zero if the function is successful, the (positive) dwRequestID value if the function will be completed asynchronously, or a negative error number if an error has occurred. Possible error returns are: LINEERR_INVALCALLHANDLE - The specified call handle is invalid.
LINEERR_INVALCONSULTCALLHANDLE - The specified consultation call handle is invalid.
LINEERR_INVALCALLSTATE - One or both calls are not in a valid state for the requested operation.
LINEERR_INVALTRANSFERMODE - The specified transfer mode parameter is invalid.
LINEERR_INVALPOINTER - The specified pointer parameter is invalid.
LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL - The specified operation is not available.
LINEERR_OPERATIONFAILED - The specified operation failed for unspecified reason.
LONG TSPIAPI TSPI_lineCompleteTransfer( DRV_REQUESTID dwRequestID, HDRVCALL hdCall, HDRVCALL hdConsultCall, HTAPICALL htConfCall, LPHDRVCALL lphdConfCall, DWORD dwTransferMode ) { LONG retVal = (DWORD)dwRequestID; PH323_CALL pCall = NULL; PH323_CALL pConsultCall = NULL;
H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "TSPI_lineCompleteTransfer - Entered." ));
// retrieve call pointer from handle
pCall=g_pH323Line -> Find2H323CallsAndLock( hdCall, hdConsultCall, &pConsultCall); if( pCall == NULL ) { return LINEERR_INVALCALLHANDLE; }
if( (pCall -> GetCallState() != LINECALLSTATE_CONNECTED) && !pCall -> IsCallOnHold() ) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "call 0x%08lx not connected.", pCall )); retVal = LINEERR_INVALCALLSTATE; goto cleanup; } if( (pConsultCall -> GetCallState() != LINECALLSTATE_CONNECTED) && !pConsultCall -> IsCallOnHold() ) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "call 0x%08lx not connected.", pCall )); retVal = LINEERR_INVALCALLSTATE; goto cleanup; }
if( !QueueTAPILineRequest( TSPI_COMPLETE_TRANSFER, hdCall, hdConsultCall, 0, NULL )) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "could not post transfer complete event." )); retVal = LINEERR_OPERATIONFAILED; goto cleanup; }
// complete the async accept operation now
H323CompleteRequest (dwRequestID, ERROR_SUCCESS);
H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "TSPI_lineCompleteTransfer - Exited." ));
cleanup: if( pCall != NULL ) { pCall -> Unlock(); } if( pConsultCall ) { pConsultCall -> Unlock(); }
return retVal; }
dwRequestID - The identifier of the asynchronous request.
hdCall - The handle to the call to be transferred. The call state of hdCall can be connected.
htConsultCall - The TAPI handle to the new, temporary consultation call. The service provider must save this and use it in all subsequent calls to the LINEEVENT procedure reporting events on the new consultation call.
lphdConsultCall - A pointer to an HDRVCALL representing the service provider's identifier for the new consultation call. The service provider must fill this location with its handle for the new consultation call before this procedure returns. This handle is ignored by TAPI if the function results in an error. The call state of hdConsultCall is not applicable. When setting a call up for transfer, another call (a consultation call) is automatically allocated to enable the application (through TAPI) to dial the address (using TSPI_lineDial) of the party to where the call is to be transferred. The originating party can carry on a conversation over this consultation call prior to completing the transfer.
This transfer procedure may not be valid for some line devices. Instead of calling this procedure, TAPI may need to unhold an existing held call (using TSPI_lineUnhold) to identify the destination of the transfer. On switches that support cross-address call transfer, the consultation call can exist on a different address than the call to be transferred. It may also be necessary to set up the consultation call as an entirely new call using TSPI_lineMakeCall, to the destination of the transfer.
The transferHeld and transferMake flags in the LINEADDRESSCAPS data structure report what model the service provider uses.
lpCallParams - A pointer to call parameters to be used when establishing the consultation call. This parameter can be set to NULL if no special call setup parameters are desired (the service provider uses defaults).
Return Values:
Returns dwRequestID, or an error number if an error occurs. The lResult actual parameter of the corresponding ASYNC_COMPLETION is zero if the function succeeds, or an error number if an error occurs. Possible return values are as follows:
LONG TSPIAPI TSPI_lineSetupTransfer( DRV_REQUESTID dwRequestID, HDRVCALL hdCall, HTAPICALL htConsultCall, LPHDRVCALL phdConsultCall, LPLINECALLPARAMS const lpCallParams ) { LONG retVal = (DWORD)dwRequestID; PH323_CALL pCall = NULL; PH323_CALL pConsultCall = NULL; H323_CONFERENCE * pConf = NULL; BOOL fDelete = FALSE; DWORD dwCallState;
H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "TSPI_lineSetupTransfer - Entered." ));
// Acquire the call table lock.
g_pH323Line -> LockCallTable();
pCall = g_pH323Line -> FindH323CallAndLock( hdCall ); if( pCall == NULL ) { retVal = LINEERR_INVALCALLHANDLE; goto cleanup; }
dwCallState = pCall -> GetCallState();
if( (dwCallState != LINECALLSTATE_CONNECTED) && !pCall -> IsCallOnLocalHold() ) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "call 0x%08lx not connected.", pCall )); retVal = LINEERR_INVALCALLSTATE; goto cleanup; } dwCallState = pCall -> GetCallDiversionState(); if( dwCallState == H4502_CONSULTCALL_INITIATED ) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "call 0x%08lx already is consulting.", pCall )); retVal = LINEERR_INVALCALLSTATE; goto cleanup; }
// allocate outgoing call
pConsultCall = new CH323Call();
if( pConsultCall == NULL ) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "could not allocate outgoing call." ));
// no memory available
retVal = LINEERR_NOMEM; goto cleanup; }
// save tapi handle and specify outgoing call direction
if( !pConsultCall -> Initialize( htConsultCall, LINECALLORIGIN_OUTBOUND, CALLTYPE_TRANSFERING_CONSULT ) ) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "could not allocate outgoing call." ));
// no memory available
retVal = LINEERR_NOMEM; goto cleanup; }
// transfer handle
*phdConsultCall = pConsultCall -> GetCallHandle();
// bind outgoing call
pConf = pConsultCall -> CreateConference(NULL); if( pConf == NULL ) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "could not create conference." ));
// no memory available
// failure
goto cleanup; }
if( !g_pH323Line -> GetH323ConfTable() -> Add(pConf) ) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "could not add conf to conf table." ));
// no memory available
// failure
goto cleanup; }
// complete the async accept operation now
H323CompleteRequest (dwRequestID, ERROR_SUCCESS);
pConsultCall -> ChangeCallState( LINECALLSTATE_DIALTONE, 0 );
// Put the primary call on hold
pCall-> Hold();
pCall -> SetCallDiversionState( H4502_CONSULTCALL_INITIATED );
pCall -> Unlock();
// Release the call table lock
g_pH323Line -> UnlockCallTable();
// Create a new call. put it in DIALTONE mode and return its handle
H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "TSPI_lineSetupTransfer - Exited." )); return retVal;
if( pCall != NULL ) { pCall -> Unlock(); }
if( pConf != NULL ) { g_pH323Line -> GetH323ConfTable() -> Remove( pConf ); delete pConf; pConf = NULL; }
if( pConsultCall != NULL ) { pConsultCall -> Shutdown( &fDelete ); H323DBG((DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "call delete:%p.", pCall )); delete pConsultCall; pCall = NULL; } // Release the call table lock
g_pH323Line -> UnlockCallTable(); return retVal; }
Parameters: dwRequestID - The identifier of the asynchronous request. hdCall - The service provider's handle to the call to be dialed. The call state of hdCall can be any state except idle and disconnected. lpszDestAddress - The destination to be dialed using the standard dialable number format.
dwCountryCode - The country code of the destination. This is used by the implementation to select the call progress protocols for the destination address. If a value of 0 is specified, a default call-progress protocol defined by the service provider is used. This parameter is not validated by TAPI when this function is called.
Return Values - Returns dwRequestID or an error number if an error occurs. The lResult actual parameter of the corresponding ASYNC_COMPLETION is zero if the function succeeds or an error number if an error occurs. Possible return values are as follows:
Remarks - The service provider returns LINEERR_INVALCALLSTATE if the current state of the call does not allow dialing. The service provider carries out no dialing if it returns LINEERR_INVALADDRESS. If the service provider returns LINEERR_DIALBILLING, LINEERR_DIALQUIET, LINEERR_DIALDIALTONE, or LINEERR_DIALPROMPT, it should perform none of the actions otherwise performed by TSPI_lineDial (for example, no partial dialing, and no going offhook). This is because the service provider should pre-scan the number for unsupported characters first. TSPI_lineDial is used for dialing on an existing call appearance; for example, call handles returned from TSPI_lineMakeCall with NULL as the lpszDestAddress or ending in ';', call handles returned from TSPI_lineSetupTransfer or TSPI_lineSetupConference. TSPI_lineDial can be invoked multiple times in the course of dialing in the case of multistage dialing, if the line's device capabilities permit it. If the string pointed to by the lpszDestAddress parameter in the previous call to the TSPI_lineMakeCall or TSPI_lineDial function is terminated with a semicolon, an empty string in the current call to TSPI_lineDial indicates that dialing is complete. Multiple addresses can be provided in a single dial string separated by CRLF. Service providers that provide inverse multiplexing can establish individual physical calls with each of the addresses, and return a single call handle to the aggregate of all calls to the application. All addresses would use the same country code. Dialing is considered complete after the address has been accepted by the service provider, not after the call is finally connected. Service providers that provide inverse multiplexing may allow multiple addresses to be provided at once. The service provider must send LINE_CALLSTATE messages to TAPI to inform it about the progress of the call.
LONG TSPIAPI TSPI_lineDial( DRV_REQUESTID dwRequestID, HDRVCALL hdCall, LPCWSTR lpszDestAddress, DWORD dwCountryCode ) { LONG retVal = (DWORD)dwRequestID; PH323_CALL pCall = NULL; WORD wAliasType = h323_ID_chosen; DWORD dwCallState; WCHAR* wszMachineName;
H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "TSPI_lineDial - Entered." ));
if( lpszDestAddress == NULL ) { return LINEERR_INVALPARAM; }
pCall=g_pH323Line -> FindH323CallAndLock(hdCall); if( pCall == NULL ) { return LINEERR_INVALCALLHANDLE; }
dwCallState = pCall -> GetCallState();
if( dwCallState == LINECALLSTATE_CONNECTED ) { //no need to dial the call. Inform TAPI3 about it once again.
pCall -> ChangeCallState( LINECALLSTATE_CONNECTED, 0 ); goto func_exit; } if( dwCallState != LINECALLSTATE_DIALTONE ) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "call 0x%08lx no dialtone.", pCall )); pCall -> Unlock(); return LINEERR_INVALCALLSTATE; }
if( (*lpszDestAddress==L'T') && IsValidE164String((WCHAR*)lpszDestAddress+1) ) { wAliasType = e164_chosen; //strip off the leading 'T'
lpszDestAddress++; } else if( IsValidE164String( (WCHAR*)lpszDestAddress) ) { wAliasType = e164_chosen; }
pCall->SetAddressType( wAliasType );
if( !pCall->SetCalleeAlias( (WCHAR*)lpszDestAddress, wAliasType ) ) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "could not set callee alias." )); pCall -> Unlock(); // invalid destination addr
return LINEERR_NOMEM; } //set the caller alias name
if( RasIsRegistered() ) { //ARQ message must have a caller alias
PH323_ALIASNAMES pAliasList = RASGetRegisteredAliasList();
wszMachineName = pAliasList -> pItems[0].pData; wAliasType = pAliasList -> pItems[0].wType; } else { wszMachineName = g_pH323Line->GetMachineName(); wAliasType = h323_ID_chosen; }
//set the value for m_pCallerAliasNames
if( !pCall->SetCallerAlias( wszMachineName, wAliasType ) ) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "could not set caller alias." )); pCall -> Unlock(); // invalid destination addr
if( !pCall -> QueueTAPICallRequest( TSPI_MAKE_CALL, NULL )) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "could not post transfer complete event." )); pCall -> Unlock(); return LINEERR_OPERATIONFAILED; }
// complete the async accept operation now
H323CompleteRequest (dwRequestID, ERROR_SUCCESS);
//create a new call. put it in DIALTONE mode and return its handle
H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "TSPI_lineDial - Exited." )); pCall -> Unlock(); return retVal; }
LONG TSPIAPI TSPI_linePrepareAddToConference( DRV_REQUESTID dwRequestID, HDRVCALL hdConfCall, HTAPICALL htConsultCall, LPHDRVCALL lphdConsultCall, LPLINECALLPARAMS const lpCallParams ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function prepares an existing conference call for the addition of another party. It creates a new, temporary consultation call. The new consulatation call can be subsequently added to the conference call.
A conference call handle can be obtained via TSPI_lineSetupConference or via TSPI_lineCompleteTransfer that is resolved as a three-way conference call. The function TSPI_linePrepareAddToConference typically places the existing conference call in the onHoldPendingConference state and creates a consultation call that can be added later to the existing conference call via TSPI_lineAddToConference. The consultation call can be canceled using TSPI_lineDrop. It may also be possible for the TAPI DLL to swap between the consultation call and the held conference call via TSPI_lineSwapHold. The Service Provider initially does media monitoring on the new call for at least the set of media modes that were monitored for on the line.
dwRequestID - Specifies the identifier of the asynchronous request. The Service Provider returns this value if the function completes asynchronously.
hdConfCall - Specifies the Service Provider's opaque handle to a conference call. Valid call states: connected.
htAddCall - Specifies the TAPI DLL's opaque handle to the new, temporary consultation call. The Service Provider must save this and use it in all subsequent calls to the LINEEVENT procedure reporting events on the new call.
lphdAddCall - Specifies a far pointer to an opaque HDRVCALL representing the Service Provider's identifier for the new, temporary consultation call. The Service Provider must fill this location with its opaque handle for the new call before this procedure returns, whether it decides to execute the request sychronously or asynchronously. This handle is invalid if the function results in an error (either synchronously or asynchronously).
lpCallParams - Specifies a far pointer to call parameters to be used when establishing the consultation call. This parameter may be set to NULL if no special call setup parameters are desired.
Return Values:
Returns zero if the function is successful, the (positive) dwRequestID value if the function will be completed asynchronously, or a negative error number if an error has occurred. Possible error returns are:
LINEERR_INVALCONFCALLHANDLE - The specified call handle for the conference call is invalid.
LINEERR_INVALPOINTER - One or more of the specified pointer parameters are invalid.
LINEERR_INVALCALLSTATE - The conference call is not in a valid state for the requested operation.
LINEERR_CALLUNAVAIL - All call appearances on the specified address are currently allocated.
LINEERR_CONFERENCEFULL - The maximum number of parties for a conference has been reached.
LINEERR_INVALCALLPARAMS - The specified call parameters are invalid. LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL - The specified operation is not available.
LINEERR_OPERATIONFAILED - The specified operation failed for unspecified reason.
LONG TSPIAPI TSPI_lineSetupConference( DRV_REQUESTID dwRequestID, HDRVCALL hdCall, HDRVLINE hdLine, HTAPICALL htConfCall, LPHDRVCALL lphdConfCall, HTAPICALL htConsultCall, LPHDRVCALL lphdConsultCall, DWORD dwNumParties, LPLINECALLPARAMS const lpCallParams ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function sets up a conference call for the addition of the third party.
TSPI_lineSetupConference provides two ways for establishing a new conference call, depending on whether a normal two-party call is required to pre-exist or not. When setting up a conference call from an existing two-party call, the hdCall parameter is a valid call handle that is initially added to the conference call by the TSPI_lineSetupConference request and hdLine is ignored. On switches where conference call setup does not start with an existing call, hdCall must be NULL and hdLine must be specified to identify the line device on which to initiate the conference call. In either case, a consultation call is allocated for connecting to the party that is to be added to the call. The TAPI DLL can use TSPI_lineDial to dial the address of the other party. The conference call will typically transition into the onHoldPendingConference state, the consultation call dialtone state and the initial call (if one) into the conferenced state. A conference call can also be set up via a TSPI_lineCompleteTransfer that is resolved into a three-way conference. The TAPI DLL may be able to toggle between the consultation call and the conference call by using TSPI_lineSwapHold.
dwRequestID - Specifies the identifier of the asynchronous request. The Service Provider returns this value if the function completes asynchronously.
hdCall - Specifies the Service Provider's opaque handle to the initial call that identifies the first party of a conference call. In some environments, a call must exist in order to start a conference call. In other telephony environments, no call initially exists and hdCall is left NULL. Valid call states: connected.
hdLine - Specifies the Service Provider's opaque handle to the line device on which to originate the conference call if hdCall is NULL. The hdLine parameter is ignored if hdCall is non-NULL. The Service Provider reports which model it supports through the setupConfNull flag of the LINEADDRESSCAPS data structure.
htConfCall - Specifies the TAPI DLL's opaque handle to the new conference call. The Service Provider must save this and use it in all subsequent calls to the LINEEVENT procedure reporting events on the new call.
lphdConfCall - Specifies a far pointer to an opaque HDRVCALL representing the Service Provider's identifier for the newly created conference call. The Service Provider must fill this location with its opaque handle for the new call before this procedure returns, whether it decides to execute the request sychronously or asynchronously. This handle is invalid if the function results in an error (either synchronously or asynchronously).
htAddCall - Specifies the TAPI DLL's opaque handle to a new call. When setting up a call for the addition of a new party, a new temporary call (consultation call) is automatically allocated. The Service Provider must save the htAddCall and use it in all subsequent calls to the LINEEVENT procedure reporting events on the new consultation call.
lphdAddCall - Specifies a far pointer to an opaque HDRVCALL representing the Service Provider's identifier for a call. When setting up a call for the addition of a new party, a new temporary call (consultation call) is automatically allocated. The Service Provider must fill this location with its opaque handle for the new consultation call before this procedure returns, whether it decides to execute the request sychronously or asynchronously. This handle is invalid if the function results in an error (either synchronously or asynchronously).
dwNumParties - Specifies the expected number of parties in the conference call. The service provider is free to do with this number as it pleases; ignore it, use it a hint to allocate the right size conference bridge inside the switch, etc.
lpCallParams - Specifies a far pointer to call parameters to be used when establishing the consultation call. This parameter may be set to NULL if no special call setup parameters are desired.
Return Values:
Returns zero if the function is successful, the (positive) dwRequestID value if the function will be completed asynchronously, or a negative error number if an error has occurred. Possible error returns are:
LINEERR_INVALCALLHANDLE - The specified call handle for the conference call is invalid. This error may also indicate that the telephony environment requires an initial call to set up a conference but a NULL call handle was supplied.
LINEERR_INVALLINEHANDLE - The specified line handle for the line containing the conference call is invalid. This error may also indicate that the telephony environment requires an initial line to set up a conference but a non-NULL call handle was supplied instead.
LINEERR_INVALCALLSTATE - The call is not in a valid state for the requested operation.
LINEERR_CALLUNAVAIL - All call appearances on the specified address are currently allocated.
LINEERR_CONFERENCEFULL - The requested number of parties cannot be satisfied.
LINEERR_INVALPOINTER - One or more of the specified pointer parameters are invalid. LINEERR_INVALCALLPARAMS - The specified call parameters are invalid.
LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL - The specified operation is not available.
LINEERR_OPERATIONFAILED - The specified operation failed for unspecified reason.
LONG TSPIAPI TSPI_lineRemoveFromConference( DRV_REQUESTID dwRequestID, HDRVCALL hdCall ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function removes the specified call from the conference call to which it currently belongs. The remaining calls in the conference call are unaffected.
This operation removes a party that currently belongs to a conference call. After the call has been successfully removed, it may be possible to further manipulate it using its handle. The availability of this operation and its result are likely to be limited in many implementations. For example, in many implementations, only the most recently added party may be removed from a conference, and the removed call may be automatically dropped (becomes idle). Consult the line's device capabilities to determine the available effects of removing a call from a conference.
dwRequestID - Specifies the identifier of the asynchronous request. The Service Provider returns this value if the function completes asynchronously.
hdCall - Specifies the Service Provider's opaque handle to the call to be removed from the conference. Valid call states: conferenced.
Return Values:
Returns zero if the function is successful, the (positive) dwRequestID value if the function will be completed asynchronously, or a negative error number if an error has occurred. Possible error returns are:
LINEERR_INVALCALLHANDLE - The specified call handle is invalid. LINEERR_INVALCALLSTATE - The call is not in a valid state for the requested operation. LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL - The specified operation is not available.
LINEERR_OPERATIONFAILED - The specified operation failed for unspecified reasons.
Parameters: dwRequestID - The identifier of the asynchronous request. hdLine - The service provider's handle to the line to be forwarded.
bAllAddresses - Specifies whether all originating addresses on the line or just the one specified is to be forwarded. If TRUE, all addresses on the line are forwarded and dwAddressID is ignored; if FALSE, only the address specified as dwAddressID is forwarded. This parameter is not validated by TAPI when this function is called.
dwAddressID - The address on the specified line whose incoming calls are to be forwarded. This parameter is ignored if bAllAddresses is TRUE. This parameter is not validated by TAPI when this function is called.
lpForwardList - A pointer to a variably sized data structure of type LINEFORWARDLIST that describes the specific forwarding instructions.
dwNumRingsNoAnswer - Specifies the number of rings before an incoming call is considered a "no answer." If dwNumRingsNoAnswer is out of range, the actual value is set to the nearest value in the allowable range. This parameter is not validated by TAPI when this function is called.
htConsultCall - The TAPI handle to a new call, if such a call must be created by the service provider. In some telephony environments, forwarding a call has the side effect of creating a consultation call used to consult the party that is being forwarded to. In such an environment, the service provider creates the new consutation call and must save this value and use it in all subsequent calls to the LINEEVENT procedure reporting events on the call. If no consultation call is created, this value can be ignored by the service provider.
lphdConsultCall - A pointer to an HDRVCALL representing the service provider's identifier for the call. In telephony environments where forwarding a call has the side effect of creating a consultation call used to consult the party that is being forwarded to, the service provider must fill this location with its handle for the call before this procedure returns. The service provider is permitted to do callbacks regarding the new call before it returns from this procedure. If no consultation call is created, the HDRVCALL must be left NULL.
lpCallParams - A pointer to a structure of type LINECALLPARAMS. This pointer is ignored by the service provider unless lineForward requires the establishment of a call to the forwarding destination (and lphdConsultCall is returned, in which case lpCallParams is optional). If NULL, default call parameters are used. Otherwise, the specified call parameters are used for establishing htConsultCall.
Return Values: Returns dwRequestID or an error number if an error occurs. The lResult actual parameter of the corresponding ASYNC_COMPLETION is zero if the function succeeds or an error number if an error occurs. Possible return values are as follows:
Remarks */
LONG TSPIAPI TSPI_lineForward( DRV_REQUESTID dwRequestID, HDRVLINE hdLine, DWORD bAllAddresses, DWORD dwAddressID, LPLINEFORWARDLIST const lpForwardList, DWORD dwNumRingsNoAnswer, HTAPICALL htConsultCall, LPHDRVCALL lphdConsultCall, LPLINECALLPARAMS const lpCallParams ) { DWORD dwStatus = dwRequestID; PH323_CALL pCall = NULL; H323_CONFERENCE * pConf = NULL; BOOL fDelete = FALSE; DWORD dwState; PVOID pForwardParams = NULL; DWORD event = NULL;
H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "TSPI_lineForward - Entered." )); //lock the line device
g_pH323Line -> Lock();
if( hdLine != g_pH323Line -> GetHDLine() ) { g_pH323Line ->Unlock(); return LINEERR_RESOURCEUNAVAIL; }
// validate line state
dwState = g_pH323Line -> GetState(); if( ( dwState != H323_LINESTATE_OPENED) && ( dwState != H323_LINESTATE_LISTENING) ) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "H323 line is not currently opened:%d.", dwState ));
// release line device
g_pH323Line ->Unlock();
// line needs to be opened
return LINEERR_INVALLINESTATE; } if( lpForwardList == NULL ) { //forwarding is disabled
g_pH323Line -> DisableCallForwarding(); g_pH323Line ->Unlock();
*lphdConsultCall = NULL;
//inform the user about change in line forward state
// complete the async accept operation now
H323CompleteRequest (dwRequestID, ERROR_SUCCESS);
return dwRequestID; }
// allocate outgoing call
pCall = new CH323Call();
if( pCall == NULL ) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "could not allocate outgoing call." ));
// no memory available
dwStatus = LINEERR_NOMEM; goto cleanup; }
// save tapi handle and specify outgoing call direction
if( !pCall -> Initialize( htConsultCall, LINECALLORIGIN_OUTBOUND, CALLTYPE_FORWARDCONSULT ) ) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "could not allocate outgoing call." ));
// no memory available
dwStatus = LINEERR_NOMEM; goto cleanup; }
dwStatus = pCall -> ValidateForwardParams( lpForwardList, &pForwardParams, &event ); if( dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { // failure
goto cleanup; }
_ASSERTE( event );
// transfer handle
*lphdConsultCall = (HDRVCALL)NULL /*pCall -> GetCallHandle()*/;
// bind outgoing call
pConf = pCall -> CreateConference(NULL); if( pConf == NULL ) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "could not create conference." ));
// no memory available
// failure
goto cleanup; }
if( !g_pH323Line -> GetH323ConfTable() -> Add(pConf) ) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "could not add conf to conf table." ));
// no memory available
// failure
goto cleanup; }
pCall -> Lock();
// post line forward request to callback thread
if( !pCall->QueueTAPICallRequest( event, (PVOID)pForwardParams ) ) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "could not post forward message." ));
// could not complete operation
pCall-> Unlock();
// failure
goto cleanup; } g_pH323Line -> m_fForwardConsultInProgress = TRUE; if( (dwNumRingsNoAnswer >= H323_NUMRINGS_LO) && (dwNumRingsNoAnswer <= H323_NUMRINGS_HI) ) { g_pH323Line -> m_dwNumRingsNoAnswer = dwNumRingsNoAnswer; }
// complete the async accept operation now
H323CompleteRequest (dwRequestID, ERROR_SUCCESS);
//unlock the call object.
pCall-> Unlock();
// release line device
g_pH323Line -> Unlock();
H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "TSPI_lineForward - Exited." )); // success
return dwRequestID;
cleanup: if( pCall != NULL ) { pCall -> Shutdown( &fDelete ); H323DBG((DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "call delete:%p.", pCall )); delete pCall; pCall = NULL; }
*lphdConsultCall = NULL;
if( pForwardParams != NULL ) { delete pForwardParams; pForwardParams = NULL; }
// release line device
g_pH323Line -> Unlock();
// failure
return dwStatus; }
LONG TSPIAPI TSPI_lineRedirect( DRV_REQUESTID dwRequestID, HDRVCALL hdCall, LPCWSTR lpszDestAddress, DWORD dwCountryCode ) { LONG retVal = (DWORD)dwRequestID; PH323_CALL pCall = NULL; CALLREROUTINGINFO* pCallReroutingInfo = NULL; WORD wAliasType = h323_ID_chosen; DWORD dwMaxAddrSize = MAX_H323_ADDR_LEN; DWORD dwAddrLen;
H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "TSPI_lineRedirect - Entered." ));
if( lpszDestAddress == NULL ) return LINEERR_INVALPARAM;
pCall=g_pH323Line -> FindH323CallAndLock(hdCall); if( pCall == NULL ) { return LINEERR_INVALCALLHANDLE; }
if( pCall -> GetCallState() != LINECALLSTATE_OFFERING ) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "call 0x%08lx not ringback.", pCall )); pCall -> Unlock(); return LINEERR_INVALCALLSTATE; }
if( (*lpszDestAddress==L'T') && IsValidE164String((WCHAR*)lpszDestAddress+1) ) { wAliasType = e164_chosen; //strip off the leading 'T'
lpszDestAddress++; dwMaxAddrSize = MAX_E164_ADDR_LEN; } else if( IsValidE164String( (WCHAR*)lpszDestAddress) ) { wAliasType = e164_chosen; dwMaxAddrSize = MAX_E164_ADDR_LEN; }
dwAddrLen = wcslen(lpszDestAddress); if( (dwAddrLen > dwMaxAddrSize) || (dwAddrLen == 0) ) { return LINEERR_INVALPARAM; }
retVal = pCall -> SetDivertedToAlias( (WCHAR*)lpszDestAddress, wAliasType ); if( retVal != NOERROR ) { pCall->Unlock(); return retVal; }
if( !pCall -> QueueTAPICallRequest( TSPI_CALL_DIVERT, NULL )) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "could not post call divert event." )); pCall -> Unlock(); return LINEERR_OPERATIONFAILED; } // complete the async accept operation now
H323CompleteRequest (dwRequestID, ERROR_SUCCESS);
pCall -> Unlock(); H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "TSPI_lineRedirect - Exited." )); return dwRequestID; }
LONG TSPIAPI TSPI_lineUnhold ( DRV_REQUESTID dwRequestID, HDRVCALL hdCall ) { LONG retVal = (DWORD)dwRequestID; PH323_CALL pCall = NULL;
H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "TSPI_lineUnHold - Entered." ));
pCall=g_pH323Line -> FindH323CallAndLock(hdCall); if( pCall == NULL ) { return LINEERR_INVALCALLHANDLE; }
if( pCall -> IsCallOnHold() == FALSE ) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "call 0x%08lx not ringback.", pCall )); pCall -> Unlock(); return LINEERR_INVALCALLSTATE; }
if( !pCall -> QueueTAPICallRequest( TSPI_CALL_UNHOLD, NULL )) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "could not post transfer complete event." )); pCall -> Unlock(); return LINEERR_OPERATIONFAILED; } // complete the async accept operation now
H323CompleteRequest (dwRequestID, ERROR_SUCCESS);
pCall -> Unlock(); H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "TSPI_lineUnHold - Exited." )); return dwRequestID; }
LONG TSPIAPI TSPI_lineHold( DRV_REQUESTID dwRequestID, HDRVCALL hdCall ) { LONG retVal = (DWORD)dwRequestID; PH323_CALL pCall = NULL;
H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "TSPI_lineHold - Entered." ));
pCall=g_pH323Line -> FindH323CallAndLock(hdCall); if( pCall == NULL ) { return LINEERR_INVALCALLHANDLE; }
if( (pCall -> GetCallState() != LINECALLSTATE_CONNECTED) || (pCall -> IsCallOnHold()) ) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "call 0x%08lx not ringback.", pCall )); pCall -> Unlock(); return LINEERR_INVALCALLSTATE; }
if( !pCall -> QueueTAPICallRequest( TSPI_CALL_HOLD, NULL )) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "could not post transfer complete event." )); pCall -> Unlock(); return LINEERR_OPERATIONFAILED; } // complete the async accept operation now
H323CompleteRequest (dwRequestID, ERROR_SUCCESS);
pCall -> Unlock(); H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "TSPI_lineHold - Exited." )); return retVal; }
BOOL CH323Call::ResolveToIPAddress( IN WCHAR* pwszAddr, IN SOCKADDR_IN* psaAddr ) { CHAR szDelimiters[] = "@ \t\n"; CHAR szAddr[H323_MAXDESTNAMELEN+1]; LPSTR pszUser = NULL; LPSTR pszDomain = NULL; DWORD dwIPAddr; struct hostent* pHost; H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "ResolveToIPAddress entered:%p.",this ));
ZeroMemory( psaAddr, sizeof(SOCKADDR) );
// validate pointerr
if (pwszAddr == NULL) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "null destination address." ));
// failure
return FALSE; }
// convert address from unicode
if (WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, pwszAddr, -1, szAddr, sizeof(szAddr), NULL, NULL ) == 0) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "could not convert address from unicode." ));
// failure
return FALSE; }
// check whether phone number has been specified
if( IsPhoneNumber( szAddr ) ) { // need to direct call to pstn gateway
if ((g_RegistrySettings.fIsGatewayEnabled == FALSE) || (g_RegistrySettings.gatewayAddr.nAddrType == 0)) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "pstn gateway not specified." ));
// failure
return FALSE; }
psaAddr->sin_family = AF_INET; psaAddr->sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = htonl( g_RegistrySettings.gatewayAddr.Addr.IP_Binary.dwAddr ); psaAddr->sin_port = g_RegistrySettings.gatewayAddr.Addr.IP_Binary.wPort; return TRUE; }
// parse user name
pszUser = strtok(szAddr, szDelimiters);
// parse domain name
pszDomain = strtok(NULL, szDelimiters);
// validate pointer
if (pszUser == NULL) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "could not parse destination address." ));
// failure
return FALSE; }
// validate pointer
if (pszDomain == NULL) { // switch pointers
pszDomain = pszUser;
// re-initialize
pszUser = NULL; }
H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "resolving user %s domain %s.", pszUser, pszDomain )); // attempt to convert ip address
dwIPAddr = inet_addr(szAddr);
// see if address converted
if( dwIPAddr == INADDR_NONE ) { // attempt to lookup hostname
pHost = gethostbyname(szAddr);
// validate pointer
if( pHost != NULL ) { // retrieve host address from structure
dwIPAddr = *(unsigned long *)pHost->h_addr; } }
// see if address converted
if( dwIPAddr == INADDR_NONE ) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "error 0x%08lx resolving IP address.", WSAGetLastError() ));
// make sure proxy has been specified
if ((g_RegistrySettings.fIsProxyEnabled == FALSE) || (g_RegistrySettings.proxyAddr.nAddrType == 0)) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "proxy not specified." ));
// failure
return FALSE; }
psaAddr->sin_family = AF_INET; psaAddr->sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = htonl( g_RegistrySettings.proxyAddr.Addr.IP_Binary.dwAddr ); psaAddr->sin_port = g_RegistrySettings.proxyAddr.Addr.IP_Binary.wPort;
return TRUE; }
// save converted address
psaAddr->sin_family = AF_INET; psaAddr->sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = dwIPAddr;
H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "callee address resolved to %s:%d.", H323AddrToString(dwIPAddr), m_CalleeAddr.Addr.IP_Binary.wPort ));
return TRUE; }
//!!always called in a lock
LONG CH323Line::CopyAddressForwardInfo( IN LPLINEADDRESSSTATUS lpAddressStatus ) { LINEFORWARD * lineForwardStructArray; LPFORWARDADDRESS pForwardedAddress;
if( m_pCallForwardParams-> fForwardForAllOrigins == TRUE ) { lpAddressStatus->dwForwardNumEntries = 1; lpAddressStatus->dwForwardSize = sizeof(LINEFORWARD) + sizeof(WCHAR) * (m_pCallForwardParams->divertedToAlias.wDataLength+1); } else { lpAddressStatus->dwForwardNumEntries = 0;
pForwardedAddress = m_pCallForwardParams->pForwardedAddresses;
while( pForwardedAddress ) { lpAddressStatus->dwForwardNumEntries++; lpAddressStatus->dwForwardSize += sizeof(LINEFORWARD) + sizeof(WCHAR) * (pForwardedAddress->callerAlias.wDataLength+1) + sizeof(WCHAR) * (pForwardedAddress->divertedToAlias.wDataLength+1);
pForwardedAddress = pForwardedAddress->next; } }
lpAddressStatus->dwNeededSize += lpAddressStatus->dwForwardSize; if( lpAddressStatus->dwTotalSize < lpAddressStatus->dwNeededSize ) { return LINEERR_STRUCTURETOOSMALL; }
lineForwardStructArray = (LINEFORWARD*) ((BYTE*)lpAddressStatus + lpAddressStatus->dwUsedSize); lpAddressStatus->dwUsedSize += lpAddressStatus->dwForwardNumEntries * sizeof(LINEFORWARD);
if( m_pCallForwardParams-> fForwardForAllOrigins == TRUE ) { //copy the first structure
lineForwardStructArray[0].dwForwardMode = m_pCallForwardParams->dwForwardTypeForAllOrigins;
//copy dest address alias
lineForwardStructArray[0].dwDestAddressOffset = lpAddressStatus->dwUsedSize;
lineForwardStructArray[0].dwDestAddressSize = sizeof(WCHAR)* (m_pCallForwardParams->divertedToAlias.wDataLength + 1); CopyMemory( (PVOID)((BYTE*)lpAddressStatus+lpAddressStatus->dwUsedSize), m_pCallForwardParams->divertedToAlias.pData, lineForwardStructArray[0].dwDestAddressSize );
lpAddressStatus->dwUsedSize += lineForwardStructArray[0].dwDestAddressSize;
lineForwardStructArray[0].dwDestCountryCode = 0; } else { pForwardedAddress = m_pCallForwardParams->pForwardedAddresses;
for( DWORD indexI = 0; indexI < lpAddressStatus->dwForwardNumEntries; indexI++ ) { _ASSERTE( pForwardedAddress );
lineForwardStructArray[indexI].dwForwardMode = pForwardedAddress->dwForwardType;
//copy caller address alias
lineForwardStructArray[indexI].dwCallerAddressOffset = lpAddressStatus->dwUsedSize;
lineForwardStructArray[indexI].dwCallerAddressSize = sizeof(WCHAR)* (pForwardedAddress->callerAlias.wDataLength + 1); CopyMemory( (PVOID)((BYTE*)lpAddressStatus+lpAddressStatus->dwUsedSize), (PVOID)pForwardedAddress->callerAlias.pData, lineForwardStructArray[indexI].dwCallerAddressSize );
lpAddressStatus->dwUsedSize += lineForwardStructArray[indexI].dwCallerAddressSize; //copy dest address alias
lineForwardStructArray[indexI].dwDestAddressOffset = lpAddressStatus->dwUsedSize;
lineForwardStructArray[indexI].dwDestAddressSize = sizeof(WCHAR)* (pForwardedAddress->divertedToAlias.wDataLength + 1); CopyMemory( (PVOID)((BYTE*)lpAddressStatus+lpAddressStatus->dwUsedSize), pForwardedAddress->divertedToAlias.pData, lineForwardStructArray[indexI].dwDestAddressSize);
lpAddressStatus->dwUsedSize += lineForwardStructArray[indexI].dwDestAddressSize;
lineForwardStructArray[indexI].dwDestCountryCode = 0;
pForwardedAddress = pForwardedAddress->next; } }
_ASSERTE( lpAddressStatus->dwUsedSize == lpAddressStatus->dwNeededSize); return NOERROR; }
//!!always called in a lock
LONG CH323Call::ValidateForwardParams( IN LPLINEFORWARDLIST lpLineForwardList, OUT PVOID* ppForwardParams, OUT DWORD* pEvent ) { LPLINEFORWARD pLineForwardStruct; LPWSTR pwszDestAddr = NULL; LPWSTR pAllocAddrBuffer = NULL; DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; CALLFORWARDPARAMS * pCallForwardParams = NULL; FORWARDADDRESS * pForwardAddress = NULL; WORD wAliasType = h323_ID_chosen; DWORD dwMaxAddrSize = MAX_H323_ADDR_LEN; DWORD dwAddrLen;
*pEvent = 0;
if( (lpLineForwardList->dwNumEntries == 0) || (lpLineForwardList->dwTotalSize == 0) ) { return LINEERR_INVALPARAM; }
pLineForwardStruct = &(lpLineForwardList->ForwardList[0]);
if( pLineForwardStruct->dwDestAddressSize == 0 ) { return LINEERR_INVALPARAM; }
//resolve the diverted-to address
pAllocAddrBuffer = pwszDestAddr = (WCHAR*)new BYTE[pLineForwardStruct->dwDestAddressSize];
if( pwszDestAddr == NULL ) { return LINEERR_NOMEM; }
CopyMemory( pwszDestAddr, (BYTE*)lpLineForwardList + pLineForwardStruct->dwDestAddressOffset, pLineForwardStruct->dwDestAddressSize ); //If negotiated version is 3.1 get the alias type
if( g_dwTSPIVersion >= 0x00030001 ) { switch( pLineForwardStruct->dwDestAddressType ) { case LINEADDRESSTYPE_PHONENUMBER:
wAliasType = e164_chosen; if( *pwszDestAddr == L'T' ) { //strip off the leading 'T'
pwszDestAddr++; } if( IsValidE164String( (WCHAR*)pwszDestAddr) == FALSE ) { delete pAllocAddrBuffer; return LINEERR_INVALPARAM; } dwMaxAddrSize = MAX_E164_ADDR_LEN; break;
default: H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Wrong address type:.", pLineForwardStruct->dwDestAddressType ));
delete pAllocAddrBuffer; return LINEERR_INVALPARAM; } } else { if( (*pwszDestAddr==L'T') && IsValidE164String((WCHAR*)pwszDestAddr+1) ) { wAliasType = e164_chosen; //strip off the leading 'T'
pwszDestAddr++; dwMaxAddrSize = MAX_E164_ADDR_LEN; } else if( IsValidE164String( (WCHAR*)pwszDestAddr) ) { wAliasType = e164_chosen; dwMaxAddrSize = MAX_E164_ADDR_LEN; } }
dwAddrLen = wcslen( pwszDestAddr ); if( (dwAddrLen > dwMaxAddrSize) || (dwAddrLen == 0) ) { delete pAllocAddrBuffer; return LINEERR_INVALPARAM; }
m_dwAddressType = wAliasType; //don't resolve the address if GK enabled
if( !ResolveAddress( pwszDestAddr ) ) { if( !RasIsRegistered()) { delete pAllocAddrBuffer; return LINEERR_INVALPARAM; } } else if(m_CallerAddr.Addr.IP_Binary.dwAddr == HOST_LOCAL_IP_ADDR_INTERFACE ) { delete pAllocAddrBuffer; return LINEERR_INVALPARAM; }
if( !SetCalleeAlias( (WCHAR*)pwszDestAddr, wAliasType ) ) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "could not set callee alias." )); delete pAllocAddrBuffer; return LINEERR_NOMEM; }
pCallForwardParams = new CALLFORWARDPARAMS; if( pCallForwardParams == NULL ) { delete pAllocAddrBuffer; return LINEERR_NOMEM; }
ZeroMemory( pCallForwardParams, sizeof(CALLFORWARDPARAMS) );
//Forward all calls unconditionally, irrespective of their origin.
pCallForwardParams->fForwardForAllOrigins = TRUE; pCallForwardParams->dwForwardTypeForAllOrigins = pLineForwardStruct->dwForwardMode;
//set the diverted-to alias
pCallForwardParams->divertedToAlias.wType = wAliasType; pCallForwardParams->divertedToAlias.wPrefixLength = 0; pCallForwardParams->divertedToAlias.pPrefix = NULL; pCallForwardParams->divertedToAlias.wDataLength = (WORD)wcslen(pwszDestAddr);// UNICODE character count
pCallForwardParams->divertedToAlias.pData = pwszDestAddr;
//enable forwarding
pCallForwardParams->fForwardingEnabled = TRUE;
*ppForwardParams = (PVOID)pCallForwardParams; *pEvent = TSPI_LINEFORWARD_NOSPECIFIC; break;
if( pLineForwardStruct-> dwCallerAddressSize == 0 ) { delete pAllocAddrBuffer; return LINEERR_INVALPARAM; }
/*if( g_pH323Line->ForwardEnabledForAllOrigins() )
{ //specific forward can't be enabled when non-specific forward for
//all caller addresses is enabled
delete pAllocAddrBuffer; return LINEERR_INVALPARAM; }*/
pForwardAddress = new FORWARDADDRESS; if( pForwardAddress == NULL ) { delete pAllocAddrBuffer; return LINEERR_NOMEM; }
ZeroMemory( pForwardAddress, sizeof(FORWARDADDRESS) ); pForwardAddress->dwForwardType = pLineForwardStruct->dwForwardMode;
//set the caller alias(alias to be forward).
pForwardAddress->callerAlias.wType = h323_ID_chosen; pForwardAddress->callerAlias.pData = (WCHAR*)new BYTE[pLineForwardStruct-> dwCallerAddressSize]; if( pForwardAddress->callerAlias.pData == NULL ) { delete pForwardAddress; delete pAllocAddrBuffer; return LINEERR_NOMEM; }
CopyMemory( pForwardAddress->callerAlias.pData, (BYTE*)lpLineForwardList + pLineForwardStruct->dwCallerAddressOffset, pLineForwardStruct-> dwCallerAddressSize );
pForwardAddress->callerAlias.wDataLength = (WORD)wcslen( pForwardAddress->callerAlias.pData );
//set the diverted-to alias.
pForwardAddress->divertedToAlias.wType = wAliasType; pForwardAddress->divertedToAlias.wDataLength = (WORD)wcslen( pwszDestAddr ); pForwardAddress->divertedToAlias.pData = pwszDestAddr;
//set the diverted-to address
/*pForwardAddress->saDivertedToAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
pForwardAddress->saDivertedToAddr.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = htonl( m_CalleeAddr.Addr.IP_Binary.dwAddr ); pForwardAddress->saDivertedToAddr.sin_port = htons( m_CalleeAddr.Addr.IP_Binary.wPort );*/
//here we could have a for loop and process multiple pLineForwardStructs
//post the event for line forward
*ppForwardParams = (PVOID)pForwardAddress; *pEvent = TSPI_LINEFORWARD_SPECIFIC;
default: delete pAllocAddrBuffer; return LINEERR_INVALPARAM; }
void CH323Call::Forward( DWORD event, PVOID pForwardInfo ) { WCHAR * pwszDialableAddr; WCHAR * wszMachineName; WORD wAliasType = h323_ID_chosen;
if( event == TSPI_LINEFORWARD_SPECIFIC ) { m_pForwardAddress = (LPFORWARDADDRESS)pForwardInfo; pwszDialableAddr = m_pForwardAddress->divertedToAlias.pData; wAliasType = m_pForwardAddress->divertedToAlias.wType; } else if( event == TSPI_LINEFORWARD_NOSPECIFIC ) { m_pCallForwardParams = (CALLFORWARDPARAMS*)pForwardInfo; pwszDialableAddr = m_pCallForwardParams->divertedToAlias.pData; wAliasType = m_pCallForwardParams->divertedToAlias.wType; } else { // Wrong event, shouldn't get
// here at all...
return; }
_ASSERTE( pwszDialableAddr ); //set the values for m_pCalleeAliasNames
if( !AddAliasItem( m_pCalleeAliasNames, (BYTE*)(pwszDialableAddr), sizeof(WCHAR) * (wcslen(pwszDialableAddr) + 1 ), wAliasType ) ) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "could not allocate callee name." ));
DropCall( 0 ); } if( RasIsRegistered() ) { PH323_ALIASNAMES pAliasList = RASGetRegisteredAliasList(); H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Caller alias count:%d : %p", m_pCallerAliasNames->wCount, this )); if( !AddAliasItem( m_pCallerAliasNames, pAliasList->pItems[0].pData, pAliasList->pItems[0].wType ) ) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "could not allocate caller name." ));
DropCall( 0 ); } //set the value of m_pCalleeAddr
else if( !SendARQ( NOT_RESEND_SEQ_NUM ) ) { // drop call using disconnect mode
DropCall( 0 ); } H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Caller alias count:%d : %p", m_pCallerAliasNames->wCount, this )); } else { wszMachineName = g_pH323Line->GetMachineName(); H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Caller alias count:%d : %p", m_pCallerAliasNames->wCount, this )); //set the value for m_pCallerAliasNames
if( !AddAliasItem( m_pCallerAliasNames, (BYTE*)(wszMachineName), sizeof(WCHAR) * (wcslen(wszMachineName) + 1 ), h323_ID_chosen ) ) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "could not allocate caller name." ));
DropCall( 0 ); } else if( !PlaceCall() ) { // drop call using disconnect mode
DropCall( LINEDISCONNECTMODE_UNREACHABLE ); } H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Caller alias count:%d : %p", m_pCallerAliasNames->wCount, this )); } }
//returns the alias of the divertedTo endpoint
PH323_ALIASITEM CH323Line::CallToBeDiverted( IN WCHAR* pwszCallerName, IN DWORD dwCallerNameSize, IN DWORD dwForwardMode ) { LPFORWARDADDRESS pForwardAddress; DWORD dwForwardCallerLength;
H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "CallToBeDiverted entered:%p.", this )); if( (m_pCallForwardParams == NULL) || (!m_pCallForwardParams->fForwardingEnabled) ) { return NULL; }
if( m_pCallForwardParams->fForwardForAllOrigins == TRUE ) { if( m_pCallForwardParams->dwForwardTypeForAllOrigins & dwForwardMode ) { return &(m_pCallForwardParams->divertedToAlias); } if( m_pCallForwardParams->dwForwardTypeForAllOrigins == LINEFORWARDMODE_BUSYNA ) { if( (dwForwardMode == LINEFORWARDMODE_BUSY) || (dwForwardMode == LINEFORWARDMODE_NOANSW) ) { return &(m_pCallForwardParams->divertedToAlias); } } }
if( pwszCallerName == NULL ) { return NULL; }
pForwardAddress = m_pCallForwardParams->pForwardedAddresses;
while( pForwardAddress ) { dwForwardCallerLength = (pForwardAddress->callerAlias.wDataLength +1)*sizeof(WCHAR);
if( (dwForwardCallerLength == dwCallerNameSize) && (memcmp( pwszCallerName, (PVOID)(pForwardAddress->callerAlias.pData), dwCallerNameSize) == 0 ) ) { if( pForwardAddress->dwForwardType & dwForwardMode ) return &(pForwardAddress->divertedToAlias);
if( pForwardAddress->dwForwardType == LINEFORWARDMODE_BUSYNA ) { if( (dwForwardMode == LINEFORWARDMODE_BUSY) || (dwForwardMode == LINEFORWARDMODE_NOANSW) ) { return &(pForwardAddress->divertedToAlias); } }
return NULL; }
pForwardAddress = pForwardAddress->next; } H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "CallToBeDiverted exited:%p.", this )); return NULL; }
LONG TSPIAPI TSPI_lineSetStatusMessages( HDRVLINE hdLine, DWORD dwLineStates, DWORD dwAddressStates ) {
return NOERROR; }
#if DBG
DWORD SendMSPMessageOnRelatedCall( IN PVOID ContextParameter ) { __try { return SendMSPMessageOnRelatedCallFre( ContextParameter ); } __except( 1 ) { MSPMessageData* pMSPMessageData = (MSPMessageData*)ContextParameter; H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "TSPI event threw exception: %p, %d, %p, %d, %p.", pMSPMessageData -> hdCall, pMSPMessageData -> messageType, pMSPMessageData -> pbEncodedBuf, pMSPMessageData -> wLength, pMSPMessageData -> hReplacementCall )); _ASSERTE( FALSE ); return 0; } }
DWORD SendMSPMessageOnRelatedCallFre( IN PVOID ContextParameter ) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "SendMSPMessageOnRelatedCall entered." ));
_ASSERTE( ContextParameter ); MSPMessageData* pMSPMessageData = (MSPMessageData*)ContextParameter;
PH323_CALL pCall = NULL;
pCall = g_pH323Line->FindH323CallAndLock(pMSPMessageData -> hdCall); if( pCall != NULL ) { pCall -> SendMSPMessage( pMSPMessageData->messageType, pMSPMessageData->pbEncodedBuf, pMSPMessageData->wLength, pMSPMessageData->hReplacementCall );
pCall -> Unlock(); }
if( pMSPMessageData->pbEncodedBuf != NULL ) { delete pMSPMessageData->pbEncodedBuf; } delete pMSPMessageData; H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "SendMSPMessageOnRelatedCall exited." )); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
// static
void NTAPI CH323Call::CTIdentifyExpiredCallback( IN PVOID DriverCallHandle, // HDRVCALL
IN BOOLEAN bTimer ) { PH323_CALL pCall = NULL;
H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "CTIdentifyExpiredCallback entered." )); //if the timer expired
_ASSERTE( bTimer );
H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "CTIdentity expired event recvd." )); pCall=g_pH323Line -> FindH323CallAndLock((HDRVCALL) DriverCallHandle); if( pCall != NULL ) { pCall -> CTIdentifyExpired(); pCall -> Unlock(); } H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "CTIdentifyExpiredCallback exited." )); }
// static
void NTAPI CH323Call::CTIdentifyRRExpiredCallback( IN PVOID DriverCallHandle, // HDRVCALL
IN BOOLEAN bTimer ) { PH323_CALL pCall = NULL;
H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "CTIdentifyRRExpiredCallback entered." )); //if the timer expired
_ASSERTE( bTimer ); H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "CTIdentity expired event recvd." )); pCall=g_pH323Line -> FindH323CallAndLock((HDRVCALL) DriverCallHandle); if( pCall != NULL ) { pCall -> CTIdentifyRRExpired(); pCall -> Unlock(); } H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "CTIdentifyRRExpiredCallback exited." )); }
// static
void NTAPI CH323Call::CTInitiateExpiredCallback( IN PVOID DriverCallHandle, // HDRVCALL
IN BOOLEAN bTimer ) { PH323_CALL pCall = NULL;
H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "CTInitiateExpiredCallback entered." )); //if the timer expired
_ASSERTE( bTimer );
H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "CTInitiate expired event recvd." )); if( !QueueTAPILineRequest( TSPI_CLOSE_CALL, (HDRVCALL)DriverCallHandle, NULL, LINEDISCONNECTMODE_NOANSWER, NULL) ) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "could not post close call event." )); } H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "CTInitiateExpiredCallback exited." )); }
void CH323Call::CTIdentifyExpired() { if( m_hCTIdentifyTimer != NULL ) { DeleteTimerQueueTimer( H323TimerQueue, m_hCTIdentifyTimer, NULL ); m_hCTIdentifyTimer = NULL; }
if( m_dwCallDiversionState != H4502_CIIDENTIFY_RRSUCC ) { CloseCall( 0 ); } }
void CH323Call::CTIdentifyRRExpired() { if( m_hCTIdentifyRRTimer != NULL ) { DeleteTimerQueueTimer( H323TimerQueue, m_hCTIdentifyRRTimer, NULL ); m_hCTIdentifyRRTimer = NULL; }
if( m_dwCallDiversionState != H4502_CTSETUP_RECV ) { CloseCall( 0 ); } }
void NTAPI CH323Call::CallDivertOnNACallback( IN PVOID Parameter1, IN BOOLEAN bTimer ) { PH323_CALL pCall = NULL;
H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "CallDivertOnNACallback entered." ));
//if the timer expired
_ASSERTE( bTimer );
pCall=g_pH323Line -> FindH323CallAndLock( (HDRVCALL)Parameter1 ); if( pCall != NULL ) { pCall -> CallDivertOnNoAnswer(); } pCall -> Unlock(); H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "CallDivertOnNACallback exited." )); }
//!!always called in a lock
void CH323Call::CallDivertOnNoAnswer() { //stop the timer that caused this event
if( m_hCallDivertOnNATimer != NULL ) { DeleteTimerQueueTimer(H323TimerQueue, m_hCallDivertOnNATimer, NULL); m_hCallDivertOnNATimer = NULL; }
//Make sure that the call is still alerting, it has not ben accepted and
//it has not been transfered in the mean time
if( (m_dwCallState != LINECALLSTATE_OFFERING) || (m_fCallAccepted == TRUE) || (m_dwCallType & CALLTYPE_TRANSFERED2_CONSULT) ) { return; }
//divert the call. divertedToAlias is already set, so pass NULL
if( !InitiateCallDiversion( NULL, DiversionReason_cfnr) ) { //shutdown the Q931 call
CloseCall( 0 ); } }
BOOL CH323Call::SendCTInitiateMessagee( IN CTIdentifyRes * pCTIdentifyRes ) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "SendCTInitiateMessagee entered:%p.", this )); //get the cookie for transferred call
CopyMemory( (PVOID)m_pCTCallIdentity, (PVOID)pCTIdentifyRes->callIdentity, sizeof(pCTIdentifyRes->callIdentity) );
if( m_pTransferedToAlias != NULL ) { FreeAliasNames( m_pTransferedToAlias ); m_pTransferedToAlias = NULL; }
if( !AliasAddrToAliasNames( &m_pTransferedToAlias, (PSetup_UUIE_sourceAddress) (pCTIdentifyRes->reroutingNumber.destinationAddress) ) ) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "couldn't allocate for T-2 alias:%p.", this )); return FALSE; }
ASN1_FreeDecoded( m_H450ASNCoderInfo.pDecInfo, pCTIdentifyRes, CTIdentifyRes_PDU );
m_dwCallDiversionState = H4502_CTINITIATE_SENT; //start the timer for CTIdenity message
if( !CreateTimerQueueTimer( &m_hCTInitiateTimer, H323TimerQueue, CH323Call::CTInitiateExpiredCallback, (PVOID)m_hdCall, CTINITIATE_SENT_TIMEOUT, 0, WT_EXECUTEINIOTHREAD | WT_EXECUTEONLYONCE) ) { CloseCall( 0 ); } H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "SendCTInitiateMessagee exited:%p.", this )); return TRUE; }
BOOL CH323Call::InitiateCallDiversion( IN PH323_ALIASITEM pwszDivertedToAlias, IN DiversionReason eDiversionMode ) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "InitiateCallDiversion entered:%p.", this )); m_dwCallType |= CALLTYPE_DIVERTED_SERVED;
if( m_pCallReroutingInfo == NULL ) { m_pCallReroutingInfo = new CALLREROUTINGINFO; if( m_pCallReroutingInfo == NULL ) { return FALSE; } ZeroMemory( (PVOID)m_pCallReroutingInfo, sizeof(CALLREROUTINGINFO) ); }
m_pCallReroutingInfo ->diversionReason = eDiversionMode; m_pCallReroutingInfo->divertingNrAlias = new H323_ALIASNAMES; if( m_pCallReroutingInfo->divertingNrAlias == NULL ) { goto cleanup; } ZeroMemory( (PVOID)m_pCallReroutingInfo->divertingNrAlias, sizeof(H323_ALIASNAMES) );
if( !AddAliasItem( m_pCallReroutingInfo->divertingNrAlias, (BYTE*)m_pCalleeAliasNames->pItems[0].pData, sizeof(WCHAR) * (m_pCalleeAliasNames->pItems[0].wDataLength+1), m_pCalleeAliasNames->pItems[0].wType ) ) { goto cleanup; } if( m_pCallReroutingInfo->originalCalledNr == NULL ) { m_pCallReroutingInfo->originalCalledNr = new H323_ALIASNAMES; if( m_pCallReroutingInfo->originalCalledNr == NULL ) { goto cleanup; } ZeroMemory( (PVOID)m_pCallReroutingInfo->originalCalledNr, sizeof(H323_ALIASNAMES) );
if( !AddAliasItem( m_pCallReroutingInfo->originalCalledNr, (BYTE*)m_pCalleeAliasNames->pItems[0].pData, sizeof(WCHAR) * (m_pCalleeAliasNames->pItems[0].wDataLength+1), m_pCalleeAliasNames->pItems[0].wType ) ) { goto cleanup; } }
if( m_pCallReroutingInfo->divertedToNrAlias == NULL ) { _ASSERTE( pwszDivertedToAlias );
m_pCallReroutingInfo->divertedToNrAlias = new H323_ALIASNAMES; if( m_pCallReroutingInfo->divertedToNrAlias == NULL ) { goto cleanup; } ZeroMemory( (PVOID)m_pCallReroutingInfo->divertedToNrAlias, sizeof(H323_ALIASNAMES) );
if( !AddAliasItem( m_pCallReroutingInfo->divertedToNrAlias, (BYTE*)pwszDivertedToAlias->pData, sizeof(WCHAR) * (wcslen(pwszDivertedToAlias->pData) +1), pwszDivertedToAlias->wType ) ) { goto cleanup; } }
if( !SendQ931Message( NO_INVOKEID, 0, 0, FACILITYMESSAGETYPE, CALLREROUTING_OPCODE | H450_INVOKE ) ) { goto cleanup; }
m_dwCallDiversionState = H4503_CALLREROUTING_SENT;
if( !CreateTimerQueueTimer( &m_hCallReroutingTimer, H323TimerQueue, CH323Call::CallReroutingTimerCallback, (PVOID)m_hdCall, CALLREROUTING_EXPIRE_TIME, 0, WT_EXECUTEINIOTHREAD | WT_EXECUTEONLYONCE) ) { goto cleanup; } H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "InitiateCallDiversion exited:%p.", this )); return TRUE;
cleanup: FreeCallReroutingInfo(); return FALSE; }