Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Definitions for MSP utililty functions. There are all related to active movie filter manipulation.
Author: Mu Han (muhan) 1-November-1997
#ifndef __MSPUTIL_H
#define __MSPUTIL_H
const DWORD PAYLOAD_G711U = 0; const DWORD PAYLOAD_G721 = 2; const DWORD PAYLOAD_GSM = 3; const DWORD PAYLOAD_G723 = 4; const DWORD PAYLOAD_DVI4_8 = 5; const DWORD PAYLOAD_DVI4_16 = 6; const DWORD PAYLOAD_G711A = 8; const DWORD PAYLOAD_MSAUDIO = 66; const DWORD PAYLOAD_H261 = 31; const DWORD PAYLOAD_H263 = 34;
const WCHAR gszMSPLoopback[] = L"Loopback"; const WCHAR gszAEC[] = L"AEC"; const WCHAR gszNumVideoCaptureBuffers[] = L"NumVideoCaptureBuffers";
const TCHAR gszSDPMSPKey[] = _T("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\IPConfMSP\\");
HRESULT FindPin( IN IBaseFilter * pIFilter, OUT IPin ** ppIPin, IN PIN_DIRECTION direction, IN BOOL bFree = TRUE );
HRESULT PinSupportsMediaType( IN IPin * pIPin, IN const GUID & MediaType );
HRESULT AddFilter( IN IGraphBuilder * pIGraph, IN const CLSID & Clsid, IN LPCWSTR pwstrName, OUT IBaseFilter ** ppIBaseFilter );
HRESULT SetLoopbackOption( IN IBaseFilter *pIBaseFilter, IN MULTICAST_LOOPBACK_MODE LoopbackMode );
HRESULT SetQOSOption( IN IBaseFilter * pIBaseFilter, IN DWORD dwPayloadType, IN DWORD dwMaxBitRate, IN BOOL bFailIfNoQOS, IN BOOL bReceive = FALSE, IN DWORD dwNumStreams = 1, IN BOOL bCIF = FALSE );
HRESULT ConnectFilters( IN IGraphBuilder * pIGraph, IN IBaseFilter * pIFilter1, IN IBaseFilter * pIFilter2, IN BOOL fDirect = TRUE, IN AM_MEDIA_TYPE * pmt = NULL );
HRESULT ConnectFilters( IN IGraphBuilder * pIGraph, IN IPin * pIPinOutput, IN IBaseFilter * pIFilter, IN BOOL fDirect = TRUE, IN AM_MEDIA_TYPE * pmt = NULL );
HRESULT ConnectFilters( IN IGraphBuilder * pIGraph, IN IBaseFilter * pIFilter, IN IPin * pIPinInput, IN BOOL fDirect = TRUE, IN AM_MEDIA_TYPE * pmt = NULL );
HRESULT EnableRTCPEvents( IN IBaseFilter *pIBaseFilter );
void WINAPI MSPDeleteMediaType(AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmt);
BOOL GetRegValue( IN LPCWSTR szName, OUT DWORD *pdwValue );
HRESULT FindACMAudioCodec( IN DWORD dwPayloadType, OUT IBaseFilter **ppIBaseFilter );
HRESULT SetAudioFormat( IN IUnknown* pIUnknown, IN WORD wBitPerSample, IN DWORD dwSampleRate );
HRESULT SetAudioBufferSize( IN IUnknown* pIUnknown, IN DWORD dwNumBuffers, IN DWORD dwBufferSize );
template <class T> HRESULT CreateCComObjectInstance ( CComObject<T> **ppObject ) /*++
Create a new CComObject instance. Use try/except to catch exception.
--*/ { HRESULT hr;
__try { hr = CComObject<T>::CreateInstance(ppObject); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { *ppObject = NULL; return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
return hr; }
inline DWORD FindSampleRate(AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pMediaType) { _ASSERT(!IsBadReadPtr(pMediaType, sizeof(AM_MEDIA_TYPE)));
if (pMediaType->majortype == MEDIATYPE_Audio && pMediaType->formattype == FORMAT_WaveFormatEx && pMediaType->pbFormat != NULL && pMediaType->cbFormat != 0) { WAVEFORMATEX *pWaveFormatEx = (WAVEFORMATEX *) pMediaType->pbFormat; return pWaveFormatEx->nSamplesPerSec; }
return 90000; // default media clock rate, including video.
class ATL_NO_VTABLE CMSPStreamClock : public CComObjectRootEx<CComMultiThreadModelNoCS>, public IReferenceClock { private: LONGLONG m_lPerfFrequency; union { LONGLONG m_lRtpRefTime; DWORD m_dwRtpRefTime; };
void InitReferenceTime(void);
CMSPStreamClock() { InitReferenceTime(); }
STDMETHOD (GetTime) ( OUT REFERENCE_TIME *pTime ) { return(GetTimeOfDay(pTime)); }
STDMETHOD (AdviseTime) ( IN REFERENCE_TIME baseTime, // base reference time
IN REFERENCE_TIME streamTime, // stream offset time
IN HEVENT hEvent, // advise via this event
OUT DWORD_PTR *pdwAdviseCookie // where your cookie goes
) { _ASSERT(!"AdviseTime is called"); return E_NOTIMPL; }
STDMETHOD (AdvisePeriodic) ( IN REFERENCE_TIME StartTime, // starting at this time
IN REFERENCE_TIME PeriodTime, // time between notifications
IN HSEMAPHORE hSemaphore, // advise via a semaphore
OUT DWORD_PTR *pdwAdviseCookie // where your cookie goes
) { _ASSERT(!"AdvisePeriodic is called"); return E_NOTIMPL; }
STDMETHOD (Unadvise) ( IN DWORD_PTR dwAdviseCookie ) { _ASSERT(!"Unadvise is called"); return E_NOTIMPL; } };