Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
IPConf MSP implementation of vido capture terminal.
Zoltan Szilagyi (zoltans) September 6,1998 Mu Han (muhan) June 6, 1999
#include "stdafx.h"
CIPConfVideoCaptureTerminal::CIPConfVideoCaptureTerminal() { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CIPConfVideoCaptureTerminal::CIPConfVideoCaptureTerminal")); m_TerminalClassID = CLSID_VideoInputTerminal; m_TerminalDirection = TD_CAPTURE; m_TerminalType = TT_STATIC; m_TerminalState = TS_NOTINUSE; m_dwMediaType = TAPIMEDIATYPE_VIDEO; }
CIPConfVideoCaptureTerminal::~CIPConfVideoCaptureTerminal() { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CIPConfVideoCaptureTerminal::~CIPConfVideoCaptureTerminal")); }
HRESULT CIPConfVideoCaptureTerminal::CreateTerminal( IN char * strDeviceName, IN UINT VideoCaptureID, IN MSP_HANDLE htAddress, OUT ITTerminal **ppTerm ) /*++
Routine Description:
This method creates a terminal object base to identify a video capture device.
strDeviceName - the name of the device.
VideoCaptureID - the index of the device.
htAddress - the handle to the address object.
ppTerm - memory to store the returned terminal pointer. Return Value:
S_OK --*/ { ENTER_FUNCTION("CIPConfVideoCaptureTerminal::CreateTerminal"); LOG((MSP_TRACE, "%s, htAddress:%x", __fxName, htAddress));
_ASSERT(!IsBadWritePtr(ppTerm, sizeof(ITTerminal *)));
// Create the filter.
CMSPComObject<CIPConfVideoCaptureTerminal> *pTerminal = NULL;
hr = ::CreateCComObjectInstance(&pTerminal);
if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "%s can't create the terminal object hr = %8x", __fxName, hr));
return hr; }
// query for the ITTerminal interface
ITTerminal *pITTerminal; hr = pTerminal->_InternalQueryInterface( __uuidof(ITTerminal), (void**)&pITTerminal );
if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "%s, query terminal interface failed, %x", __fxName, hr)); delete pTerminal;
return hr; }
// initialize the terminal
hr = pTerminal->Initialize( strDeviceName, VideoCaptureID, htAddress );
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "%s, Initialize failed; returning 0x%08x", __fxName, hr));
pITTerminal->Release(); return hr; }
LOG((MSP_TRACE, "%s, %s created", __fxName, strDeviceName));
*ppTerm = pITTerminal;
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CIPConfVideoCaptureTerminal::Initialize( IN char * strName, IN UINT VideoCaptureID, IN MSP_HANDLE htAddress ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function sets the video capture device ID and then calls the Initialize method of the base class.
Arguments: strName - The name of the terminal.
VideoCaptureID - The ID of the video capture device. Later it will be used in creating the video capture filer.
htAddress - The handle that identifies the address object that this terminal belongs to.
Return Value:
S_OK --*/ { m_VideoCaptureID = VideoCaptureID; return CIPConfBaseTerminal::Initialize(strName, htAddress); }
HRESULT CIPConfVideoCaptureTerminal::CreateFilter(void) /*++
Routine Description:
This method creates the filter in this terminal. It creates the tapi video capture filter and configures the device it uses.
nothing. Return Value:
S_OK --*/ { ENTER_FUNCTION("CIPConfVideoCaptureTerminal::CreateFilters"); LOG((MSP_TRACE, "%s, entered", __fxName));
// This should only be called atmost once in the lifetime of this instance
if (m_pFilter != NULL) { return S_OK; }
IBaseFilter *pICaptureFilter;
// Create the filter.
HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance( __uuidof(TAPIVideoCapture), NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER | CLSCTX_NO_CODE_DOWNLOAD, __uuidof(IBaseFilter), (void **)&pICaptureFilter );
if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "%s, CoCreate filter failed, %x", __fxName, hr)); return hr; } // get the config interface.
IVideoDeviceControl *pIVideoDeviceControl; hr = pICaptureFilter->QueryInterface( __uuidof(IVideoDeviceControl), (void **)&pIVideoDeviceControl );
if (FAILED(hr)) { pICaptureFilter->Release(); LOG((MSP_ERROR, "%s, can't get the IVideoDeviceControl interface, %x", __fxName, hr)); return hr; }
// tell the filter the device IDs.
hr = pIVideoDeviceControl->SetCurrentDevice(m_VideoCaptureID); pIVideoDeviceControl->Release();
if (FAILED(hr)) { pICaptureFilter->Release(); LOG((MSP_ERROR, "%s, set device ID failed, %x", __fxName, hr)); return hr; }
// remember the filter, keep the refcount as well.
m_pFilter = pICaptureFilter;
LOG((MSP_TRACE, "%s succeeded", __fxName)); return S_OK; }
HRESULT CIPConfVideoCaptureTerminal::GetExposedPins( IN IPin ** ppPins, IN DWORD dwNumPins ) /*++
Routine Description:
This method returns the output pins of the video capture filter.
ppPins - memory buffer to store the returned pins.
dwNumPins - the number pins asked. Return Value:
S_OK --*/ { ENTER_FUNCTION("CIPConfVideoRenderTerminal::GetExposedPins"); LOG((MSP_TRACE, "%s entered, dwNumPins:%d", __fxName, dwNumPins));
_ASSERT(m_pFilter != NULL); _ASSERT(dwNumPins != 0); _ASSERT(!IsBadWritePtr(ppPins, sizeof (IPin*) * dwNumPins));
// Get the enumerator of pins on the filter.
IEnumPins * pIEnumPins; HRESULT hr = m_pFilter->EnumPins(&pIEnumPins);
if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "%s enumerate pins on the filter failed. hr=%x", __fxName, hr)); return hr; }
// TODO: get only the outptu pins.
// get the pins.
DWORD dwFetched; hr = pIEnumPins->Next(dwNumPins, ppPins, &dwFetched);
if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "%s IEnumPins->Next failed. hr=%x", __fxName, hr)); return hr; }
_ASSERT(dwFetched == dwNumPins);
return S_OK; }