Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name: blbcoen.h
#include "resource.h"
#include <afxtempl.h>
#include "blberr.h"
#include "blbgen.h"
#include "sdp.h"
// forward declaration
class CSdpConferenceBlob;
template <class T> class ENUM_ELEMENT { public: inline ENUM_ELEMENT(); inline void SuccessInit( IN T &Element, IN BOOL DestroyElementOnDestruction = FALSE );
inline T &GetElement();
inline T &GetContent();
inline void SetDestroyElementFlag();
virtual ~ENUM_ELEMENT(); protected:
T *m_Element; BOOL m_DestroyElementOnDestruction; };
template <class T> inline ENUM_ELEMENT<T>::ENUM_ELEMENT( ) : m_Element(NULL), m_DestroyElementOnDestruction(FALSE) { }
template <class T> inline void ENUM_ELEMENT<T>::SuccessInit( IN T &Element, IN BOOL DestroyElementOnDestruction /* = FALSE */ ) { ASSERT(NULL == m_Element);
m_Element = ∈ m_DestroyElementOnDestruction = DestroyElementOnDestruction; }
template <class T> inline T & ENUM_ELEMENT<T>::GetElement( ) { ASSERT(NULL != m_Element);
return *m_Element; }
template <class T> inline void ENUM_ELEMENT<T>::SetDestroyElementFlag( ) { ASSERT(NULL != m_Element);
m_DestroyElementOnDestruction = TRUE; }
template <class T> inline T & ENUM_ELEMENT<T>::GetContent( ) { ASSERT(NULL != m_Element);
return *m_Element; }
template <class T> /* virtual */ ENUM_ELEMENT<T>::~ENUM_ELEMENT( ) { if ( m_DestroyElementOnDestruction ) { ASSERT(NULL != m_Element);
delete m_Element; } }
template <class T> class IF_ARRAY : public CArray<VARIANT, VARIANT &> { protected: typedef T::SDP_LIST SDP_LIST; typedef T::ELEM_IF ELEM_IF; typedef CArray<VARIANT, VARIANT &> BASE;
inline IF_ARRAY();
HRESULT Init( IN CSdpConferenceBlob &ConfBlob, IN SDP_LIST &SdpList );
inline ELEM_IF *GetAt( IN UINT Index );
inline void Delete( IN UINT Index );
inline UINT GetSize();
inline SDP_LIST *GetSdpList();
inline VARIANT *GetData();
inline ELEM_IF **GetElemIfArrayData(); inline CSdpConferenceBlob *GetSdpBlob();
inline void ClearSdpBlobRefs();
CSdpConferenceBlob *m_ConfBlob; SDP_LIST *m_SdpList;
CArray<ELEM_IF *, ELEM_IF *> m_ElemIfArray; };
template <class T> inline IF_ARRAY<T>::IF_ARRAY( ) : m_ConfBlob(NULL), m_SdpList(NULL) { }
template <class T> HRESULT IF_ARRAY<T>::Init( IN CSdpConferenceBlob &ConfBlob, IN SDP_LIST &SdpList ) { ASSERT(NULL == m_ConfBlob); ASSERT(NULL == m_SdpList);
// create the array in 3 steps -
// i) create each of the instances and insert into the list
// ii) set the sdp list destroy members flag to FALSE
// iii) set the destroy element flag to TRUE for each of the created instances
// this order is needed to ensure that only one of (sdp list, T instance) is responsible
// for deleting the sdp instance
// for each sdp specific data structure, create and initialize a COM component,
// set the corresponding element in the interface array to the queried interface ptr
for (UINT i=0; (int)i < SdpList.GetSize(); i++) { // create an instance of the component supporting the elem if
CComObject<T> *CompInstance; HRESULT HResult = CComObject<T>::CreateInstance(&CompInstance); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(HResult);
// initialize the instance with the sdp specific data structure
CompInstance->SuccessInit(ConfBlob, *((T::SDP_TYPE *)SdpList.GetAt(i)));
// query for the elem interface
T::ELEM_IF *ElemIf; // query for the element interface and return it
HResult = CompInstance->_InternalQueryInterface(T::ELEM_IF_ID, (void**)&ElemIf); if ( FAILED(HResult) ) { delete CompInstance; return HResult; }
// initialize the variant wrapper
VARIANT ElemVariant; V_VT(&ElemVariant) = VT_DISPATCH; V_DISPATCH(&ElemVariant) = ElemIf;
// the ElemIf is stored twice (although it was incremented once in _InternalQueryInterface
// need to keep this in mind when releasing the interfaces
INT_PTR Index; try { Index = m_ElemIfArray.Add(ElemIf); } catch(...) { delete CompInstance; return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
try { BASE::Add(ElemVariant); } catch(...) { m_ElemIfArray.RemoveAt(Index); delete CompInstance; return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } }
// inform the sdp list that there is no need to destroy the members on destruction
// for each of the inserted instances, set the destroy element flag to true
for (i=0; (int)i < BASE::GetSize(); i++) { ((T *)m_ElemIfArray.GetAt(i))->SetDestroyElementFlag(); }
m_ConfBlob = &ConfBlob; m_SdpList = &SdpList; return S_OK; }
template <class T> inline IF_ARRAY<T>::ELEM_IF * IF_ARRAY<T>::GetAt( IN UINT Index ) { ASSERT(Index < (UINT)BASE::GetSize());
return m_ElemIfArray.GetAt(Index); }
template <class T> HRESULT IF_ARRAY<T>::Add( IN UINT Index, IN ELEM_IF *ElemIf ) { ASSERT(NULL != m_SdpList); ASSERT(BASE::GetSize() == m_SdpList->GetSize()); ASSERT(Index <= (UINT)BASE::GetSize()); ASSERT(NULL != ElemIf);
// shift elements with equal or higher indices forwards
// cheat COM here, and get the sdp specific class instance for the elem if
// initialize the variant wrapper
VARIANT ElemVariant; V_VT(&ElemVariant) = VT_DISPATCH; V_DISPATCH(&ElemVariant) = ElemIf;
// insert into the arrays
try { m_ElemIfArray.InsertAt(Index, ElemIf); } catch(...) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
try { BASE::InsertAt(Index, ElemVariant); } catch(...) { m_ElemIfArray.RemoveAt(Index); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
try { m_SdpList->InsertAt(Index, &(((T *)ElemIf)->GetContent())); } catch(...) { BASE::RemoveAt(Index); m_ElemIfArray.RemoveAt(Index); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
return S_OK; }
template <class T> inline void IF_ARRAY<T>::Delete( IN UINT Index ) { ASSERT(NULL != m_SdpList); ASSERT(BASE::GetSize() == m_SdpList->GetSize()); ASSERT(Index < (UINT)BASE::GetSize());
// inform the instance that a reference to the blob is no longer needed
((T *)m_ElemIfArray.GetAt(Index))->ClearSdpBlobRefs();
// move other members backwards
m_ElemIfArray.RemoveAt(Index); BASE::RemoveAt(Index); m_SdpList->RemoveAt(Index); }
template <class T> inline UINT IF_ARRAY<T>::GetSize( ) { ASSERT(0 <= BASE::GetSize());
return (UINT)BASE::GetSize(); }
template <class T> inline VARIANT * IF_ARRAY<T>::GetData( ) { return BASE::GetData(); }
template <class T> inline IF_ARRAY<T>::ELEM_IF ** IF_ARRAY<T>::GetElemIfArrayData( ) { return m_ElemIfArray.GetData(); }
template <class T> inline CSdpConferenceBlob * IF_ARRAY<T>::GetSdpBlob( ) { return m_ConfBlob; }
template <class T> inline void IF_ARRAY<T>::ClearSdpBlobRefs( ) { m_ConfBlob = NULL;
// clear sdp blob references in each of the inserted instances
for(UINT i=0; (int)i < BASE::GetSize(); i++) { // inform the inserted instance that a reference to the blob is no longer needed
((T *)m_ElemIfArray.GetAt(i))->ClearSdpBlobRefs(); }
// keep the list (m_SdpList) around, it is already disassociated from the conf blob instance
template <class T> inline IF_ARRAY<T>::SDP_LIST * IF_ARRAY<T>::GetSdpList( ) { return m_SdpList; }
template <class T> IF_ARRAY<T>::~IF_ARRAY( ) { for(UINT i=0; (int)i < BASE::GetSize(); i++) { if ( NULL != m_ElemIfArray.GetAt(i) ) { // inform the instance that a reference to the blob is no longer needed
// NOTE: the Remove... call may already have been made, but since it is an
// inline fn, no need to check that before calling
((T *)m_ElemIfArray.GetAt(i))->ClearSdpBlobRefs();
// NOTE: since the interface is stored twice - in the elem if array as well
// as the base variant array but AddRef is only done once (by _InternalQuery..)
// Release is also done only once
m_ElemIfArray.GetAt(i)->Release(); } } }
template <class T> class ATL_NO_VTABLE MY_COLL_IMPL : public T::COLL_IF { protected:
typedef T::SDP_LIST SDP_LIST; typedef T::ELEM_IF ELEM_IF;
typedef T::ENUM_IF ENUM_IF; typedef _CopyInterface<T::ELEM_IF> COPY_ELEM_IF;
inline MY_COLL_IMPL();
inline HRESULT Init( IN CSdpConferenceBlob &ConfBlob, IN SDP_LIST &SdpList );
STDMETHOD(Create)(/*[in]*/ LONG Index, /*[out, retval]*/ ELEM_IF **Interface); STDMETHOD(Delete)(/*[in]*/ LONG Index); STDMETHOD(get__NewEnum)(/*[out, retval]*/ IUnknown * *pVal); STDMETHOD(get_EnumerationIf)(/*[out, retval]*/ ENUM_IF **pVal) = 0; STDMETHOD(get_Item)(/*[in]*/ LONG Index, /*[out, retval]*/ ELEM_IF **pVal); STDMETHOD(get_Count)(/*[out, retval]*/ LONG *pVal);
inline void ClearSdpBlobRefs();
virtual ~MY_COLL_IMPL();
IF_ARRAY<T> *m_IfArray; };
template <class T> inline MY_COLL_IMPL<T>::MY_COLL_IMPL( ) : m_IfArray(NULL) { }
template <class T> inline HRESULT MY_COLL_IMPL<T>::Init( IN CSdpConferenceBlob &ConfBlob, IN SDP_LIST &SdpList ) { if ( NULL != m_IfArray ) { delete m_IfArray; }
// create an interface array
try { m_IfArray = new IF_ARRAY<T>; } catch(...) { m_IfArray = NULL; }
// initialize the interface array
HRESULT HResult = m_IfArray->Init(ConfBlob, SdpList); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(HResult);
// successful
return S_OK; }
template <class T> STDMETHODIMP MY_COLL_IMPL<T>::Create( /*[in]*/ LONG Index, /*[out, retval]*/ ELEM_IF **Interface ) { CLock Lock(g_DllLock); ASSERT(NULL != m_IfArray); BAIL_IF_NULL(m_IfArray, E_FAIL);
// use 1-based index, VB like
// can add at atmost 1 beyond the last element
if ((Index < (LONG)1) || (Index > (LONG)(m_IfArray->GetSize()+1))) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
// if the sdp blob doesn't exist, creation is not allowed
CComObject<T> *TComObject; HRESULT HResult = CComObject<T>::CreateInstance(&TComObject); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(HResult);
HResult = TComObject->Init(*(m_IfArray->GetSdpBlob())); if ( FAILED(HResult) ) { delete TComObject; return HResult; }
HResult = TComObject->_InternalQueryInterface(T::ELEM_IF_ID, (void**)Interface); if (FAILED(HResult)) { delete TComObject; return HResult; }
// adjust index to c like index value
HResult = m_IfArray->Add(Index-1, *Interface); if (FAILED(HResult)) { delete TComObject; return HResult; }
// add another reference count for the interface being returned
return S_OK; }
template <class T> STDMETHODIMP MY_COLL_IMPL<T>::Delete( /*[in]*/ LONG Index ) { CLock Lock(g_DllLock); ASSERT(NULL != m_IfArray); BAIL_IF_NULL(m_IfArray, E_FAIL);
// use 1-based index, VB like
if ((Index < (LONG)1) || (Index > (LONG)m_IfArray->GetSize())) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
// if the sdp blob doesn't exist, deletion is not allowed
// adjust index to c like index value, delete the instance
return S_OK; }
template <class T> STDMETHODIMP MY_COLL_IMPL<T>::get__NewEnum( /*[out, retval]*/ IUnknown **pVal ) { CLock Lock(g_DllLock); ASSERT(NULL != m_IfArray); BAIL_IF_NULL(m_IfArray, E_FAIL);
ENUM_VARIANT *EnumComObject; HRESULT HResult = ENUM_VARIANT::CreateInstance(&EnumComObject); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(HResult);
HResult = EnumComObject->Init( m_IfArray->GetData(), m_IfArray->GetData() + m_IfArray->GetSize(), NULL, // no owner pUnk
AtlFlagCopy // copy the array data
); if ( FAILED(HResult) ) { delete EnumComObject; return HResult; }
// query for the IUnknown interface and return it
HResult = EnumComObject->_InternalQueryInterface(IID_IUnknown, (void**)pVal); if ( FAILED(HResult) ) { delete EnumComObject; return HResult; }
return S_OK; }
template <class T> STDMETHODIMP MY_COLL_IMPL<T>::get_Item( /*[in]*/ LONG Index, /*[out, retval]*/ ELEM_IF **pVal ) { CLock Lock(g_DllLock); ASSERT(NULL != m_IfArray); BAIL_IF_NULL(m_IfArray, E_FAIL);
// use 1-based index, VB like
if ((Index < (LONG)1) || (Index > (LONG)m_IfArray->GetSize())) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
*pVal = m_IfArray->GetAt(Index-1); (*pVal)->AddRef();
return S_OK; }
template <class T> STDMETHODIMP MY_COLL_IMPL<T>::get_Count( /*[out, retval]*/ LONG *pVal ) { CLock Lock(g_DllLock); ASSERT(NULL != m_IfArray); BAIL_IF_NULL(m_IfArray, E_FAIL);
*pVal = m_IfArray->GetSize();
return S_OK; }
template <class T> inline void MY_COLL_IMPL<T>::ClearSdpBlobRefs( ) { m_IfArray->ClearSdpBlobRefs(); }
template <class T> /* virtual */ MY_COLL_IMPL<T>::~MY_COLL_IMPL( ) { // if an interface array exists, destroy it
if ( NULL != m_IfArray ) { if ( NULL != m_IfArray->GetSdpList() ) { delete m_IfArray->GetSdpList(); }
delete m_IfArray; } }