Copyright (c) 1997 - 1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Implementation of the TAPI object for TAPI 3.0.
The TAPI object represents the application's entry point into TAPI - it is similar to the hLineApp / hPhoneApp.
mquinton - 4/17/97
Revision History:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "atlwin.cpp"
#include "tapievt.h"
extern "C" { #include "..\..\inc\tapihndl.h"
extern CRITICAL_SECTION gcsTapiObjectArray; extern CRITICAL_SECTION gcsGlobalInterfaceTable;
// handle for heap for the handle table
// does not need to be exported, hence static
static HANDLE ghTapiHeap = 0;
// handle table handle
HANDLE ghHandleTable = 0;
// FreeContextCallback
// callback function called by the handle table when a table entry
// is removed. No need to do anything in this case.
VOID CALLBACK FreeContextCallback( LPVOID Context, LPVOID Context2 ) { }
// AllocateAndInitializeHandleTable
// this function creates heap for handle table and the handle table itself
// Note: this function is not thread-safe. It is only called from
// ctapi::Initialize() from ghTapiInitShutdownSerializeMutex lock
HRESULT AllocateAndInitializeHandleTable() {
LOG((TL_TRACE, "AllocateAndInitializeHandleTable - entered"));
// heap should not exist at this point
_ASSERTE(NULL == ghTapiHeap); if (NULL != ghTapiHeap) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "AllocateAndInitializeHandleTable() heap already exists"));
return E_UNEXPECTED; }
// handle table should not exist at this point
_ASSERTE(NULL == ghHandleTable); if (NULL != ghHandleTable) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "AllocateAndInitializeHandleTable() handle table already exists"));
return E_UNEXPECTED; } //
// attempt to create heap
if (!(ghTapiHeap = HeapCreate (0, 0x10000, 0))) { //
// heap creation failed, use process's heap
LOG((TL_WARN, "AllocateAndInitializeHandleTable() failed to allocate private heap. using process's heap"));
ghTapiHeap = GetProcessHeap();
if (NULL == ghTapiHeap) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "AllocateAndInitializeHandleTable failed to get process's heap")); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
} // HeapCreate()
// we have the heap. use it to create handle table
ghHandleTable = CreateHandleTable( ghTapiHeap, FreeContextCallback, 1, // min handle value
MAX_DWORD // max handle value
if (NULL == ghHandleTable) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "AllocateAndInitializeHandleTable failed to create handle table"));
HeapDestroy (ghTapiHeap); ghTapiHeap = NULL;
// succeeded creating heap and handle table
LOG((TL_INFO, "AllocateAndInitializeHandleTable - succeeded"));
return S_OK;
// ShutdownAndDeallocateHandleTable
// this function deletes handle table, and destroys heap on which it was
// allocated (if not process heap)
// Note: this function is not thread-safe. It is only called from
// ctapi::Initialize() and Shutdown() from ghTapiInitShutdownSerializeMutex lock
HRESULT ShutdownAndDeallocateHandleTable() {
LOG((TL_TRACE, "ShutdownAndDeallocateHandleTable - entered"));
// heap should exist at this point
_ASSERTE(NULL != ghTapiHeap); if (NULL == ghTapiHeap) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "ShutdownAndDeallocateHandleTable heap does not exist"));
return E_UNEXPECTED; }
// handle table should exist at this point
_ASSERTE(NULL != ghHandleTable); if (NULL == ghHandleTable) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "ShutdownAndDeallocateHandleTable handle table does not exist"));
return E_UNEXPECTED; }
// delete handle table
DeleteHandleTable (ghHandleTable); ghHandleTable = NULL; //
// if we created heap for it, destroy it
if (ghTapiHeap != GetProcessHeap()) { LOG((TL_INFO, "ShutdownAndDeallocateHandleTable destroying heap"));
HeapDestroy (ghTapiHeap); } else { LOG((TL_INFO, "ShutdownAndDeallocateHandleTable not destroyng current heap -- used process's heap")); }
// in any case, loose reference to the heap.
ghTapiHeap = NULL;
LOG((TL_INFO, "ShutdownAndDeallocateHandleTable - succeeded"));
return S_OK; }
IGlobalInterfaceTable * gpGIT = NULL;
LONG WINAPI AllocClientResources( DWORD dwErrorClass );
extern HRESULT mapTAPIErrorCode(long lErrorCode); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Static data members
TAPIObjectArrayNR CTAPI::m_sTAPIObjectArray;
extern HANDLE ghTapiInitShutdownSerializeMutex;
extern ULONG_PTR GenerateHandleAndAddToHashTable( ULONG_PTR Element); extern void RemoveHandleFromHashTable(ULONG_PTR dwHandle); extern CHashTable * gpHandleHashTable;
// CTAPI::ReleaseGIT
// releases Global Interface Table
void CTAPI::ReleaseGIT() { EnterCriticalSection( &gcsGlobalInterfaceTable );
if ( NULL != gpGIT ) {
LOG((TL_TRACE, "Shutdown - release GIT")); gpGIT->Release(); gpGIT = NULL;
LeaveCriticalSection( &gcsGlobalInterfaceTable );
// CTAPI::AllocateInitializeAllCaches
// allocates and initializes cache objects (address, line, phone).
// returns S_OK on success or E_OUTOFMEMORY on failure
HRESULT CTAPI::AllocateInitializeAllCaches() { LOG((TL_TRACE, "AllocateInitializeAllCaches - enter"));
// all caches already initialized?
if ( (NULL != m_pAddressCapCache) && (NULL != m_pLineCapCache) && (NULL != m_pPhoneCapCache) ) { LOG((TL_TRACE, "AllocateInitializeAllCaches - already initialized. nothing to do"));
return S_OK; }
// only some caches are initialized? that's a bug!
if ( (NULL != m_pAddressCapCache) || (NULL != m_pLineCapCache) || (NULL != m_pPhoneCapCache) ) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "AllocateInitializeAllCaches - already initialized"));
// we could try to complete cleanup and continue, but this would be too
// risky since we don't really know how we got here to begin with.
// simply failing is much safer.
return E_UNEXPECTED; }
// allocate address cache
try { m_pAddressCapCache = new CStructCache; } catch(...) { // Initialize critical section in the constructor most likely threw this exception
LOG((TL_ERROR, "AllocateInitializeAllCaches - m_pAddressCapCache constructor threw an exception")); m_pAddressCapCache = NULL; }
if (NULL == m_pAddressCapCache) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "AllocateInitializeAllCaches - failed to allocate m_pAddressCapCache"));
// attempt to initialize address cache
HRESULT hr = m_pAddressCapCache->Initialize(5, sizeof(LINEADDRESSCAPS) + 500, BUFFERTYPE_ADDRCAP ); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "AllocateInitializeAllCaches - failed to initialize m_pAddressCapCache. hr = %lx", hr));
return hr; }
// allocate line cache
try { m_pLineCapCache = new CStructCache; } catch(...) { // Initialize critical section in the constructor most likely threw this exception
LOG((TL_ERROR, "AllocateInitializeAllCaches - m_pLineCapCache constructor threw an exception")); m_pLineCapCache = NULL; }
if (NULL == m_pLineCapCache ) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "AllocateInitializeAllCaches - failed to allocate m_pLineCapCache"));
// attempt to initialize line cache
hr = m_pLineCapCache->Initialize(5, sizeof(LINEDEVCAPS) + 500, BUFFERTYPE_LINEDEVCAP );
if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "AllocateInitializeAllCaches - failed to initialize m_pLineCapCache. hr = %lx", hr));
return hr; }
// allocate phone cache
try { m_pPhoneCapCache = new CStructCache; } catch(...) { // Initialize critical section in the constructor most likely threw this exception
LOG((TL_ERROR, "AllocateInitializeAllCaches - m_pPhoneCapCache constructor threw an exception")); m_pPhoneCapCache = NULL; }
// succeeded?
if (NULL == m_pPhoneCapCache) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "AllocateInitializeAllCaches - failed to allocate m_pPhoneCapCache"));
// initialize phone cache
hr = m_pPhoneCapCache->Initialize(5, sizeof(PHONECAPS) + 500, BUFFERTYPE_PHONECAP );
if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "AllocateInitializeAllCaches - failed to initialize m_pPhoneCapCache. hr = %lx", hr));
return hr; }
LOG((TL_TRACE, "AllocateInitializeAllCaches - finish"));
return S_OK; }
// CTAPI::FreeAllCaches
// shuts down and deletes all allocated cache objects (address, line, phone)
void CTAPI::FreeAllCaches() { LOG((TL_TRACE, "FreeAllCaches - enter"));
// Note: it is safe to shutdown a cache that failed initialization or was
// not initialized at all
if (NULL != m_pAddressCapCache) { LOG((TL_TRACE, "FreeAllCaches - freeing AddressCapCache"));
m_pAddressCapCache->Shutdown(); delete m_pAddressCapCache; m_pAddressCapCache = NULL; }
if (NULL != m_pLineCapCache) { LOG((TL_TRACE, "FreeAllCaches - freeing LineCapCache"));
m_pLineCapCache->Shutdown(); delete m_pLineCapCache; m_pLineCapCache = NULL; }
if (NULL != m_pPhoneCapCache) { LOG((TL_TRACE, "FreeAllCaches - freeing PhoneCapCache"));
m_pPhoneCapCache->Shutdown(); delete m_pPhoneCapCache; m_pPhoneCapCache = NULL; }
LOG((TL_TRACE, "FreeAllCaches - exit")); }
// CTAPI::Initialize
// Intialize the TAPI object
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CTAPI::Initialize( void ) { HRESULT hr; int tapiObjectArraySize=0;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "Initialize[%p] enter", this ));
//Serialize the Init and Shutdown code
WaitForSingleObject( ghTapiInitShutdownSerializeMutex, INFINITE ); //
// if we're already initialized
// just return
if ( m_dwFlags & TAPIFLAG_INITIALIZED ) { LOG((TL_TRACE, "Already initialized - return S_FALSE")); Unlock(); ReleaseMutex( ghTapiInitShutdownSerializeMutex ); return S_FALSE; }
// start up TAPI if we haven't already
EnterCriticalSection( &gcsTapiObjectArray );
tapiObjectArraySize = m_sTAPIObjectArray.GetSize(); LeaveCriticalSection ( &gcsTapiObjectArray );
if ( 0 == tapiObjectArraySize ) {
// create handle table
hr = AllocateAndInitializeHandleTable();
if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "Initialize failed to create handle table"));
Unlock(); ReleaseMutex( ghTapiInitShutdownSerializeMutex );
return hr; }
hr = mapTAPIErrorCode( AllocClientResources (1) );
if ( 0 != hr ) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "AllocClientResources failed - %lx", hr));
Unlock(); ReleaseMutex( ghTapiInitShutdownSerializeMutex ); return hr; } EnterCriticalSection( &gcsGlobalInterfaceTable ); //
// get/create the global interface table
hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_StdGlobalInterfaceTable, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IGlobalInterfaceTable, (void **)&gpGIT );
LeaveCriticalSection( &gcsGlobalInterfaceTable );
if ( !SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "Initialize - cocreate git failed - %lx", hr));
Unlock(); ReleaseMutex( ghTapiInitShutdownSerializeMutex ); return hr; } }
// allocate and initialize all caches
// note: if something fails in Initialize later on, we don't really need
// to clean caches in initialize itself, because the caches will be freed
// in CTAPI::FinalRelease when the tapi object is destroyed.
hr = AllocateInitializeAllCaches();
if ( FAILED(hr)) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "Initialize - failed to create and initialize caches"));
if ( 0 == tapiObjectArraySize ) { EnterCriticalSection( &gcsGlobalInterfaceTable ); if ( NULL != gpGIT ) { LOG((TL_TRACE, "Shutdown - release GIT")); gpGIT->Release(); gpGIT = NULL; } LeaveCriticalSection( &gcsGlobalInterfaceTable ); ShutdownAndDeallocateHandleTable(); }
Unlock(); ReleaseMutex( ghTapiInitShutdownSerializeMutex ); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
// Call LineInitialize
hr = NewInitialize();
if (S_OK != hr) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "Initialize - NewInitialize returned %lx", hr));
if ( 0 == tapiObjectArraySize ) { EnterCriticalSection( &gcsGlobalInterfaceTable ); if ( NULL != gpGIT ) { LOG((TL_TRACE, "Shutdown - release GIT")); gpGIT->Release(); gpGIT = NULL; } LeaveCriticalSection( &gcsGlobalInterfaceTable ); ShutdownAndDeallocateHandleTable(); }
Unlock(); ReleaseMutex( ghTapiInitShutdownSerializeMutex ); return hr; }
// create the address objects
hr = CreateAllAddressesOnAllLines();
if (S_OK != hr) { LOG((TL_INFO, "Initialize - CreateAddresses returned %lx", hr));
if ( 0 == tapiObjectArraySize ) { EnterCriticalSection( &gcsGlobalInterfaceTable ); if ( NULL != gpGIT ) { LOG((TL_TRACE, "Shutdown - release GIT")); gpGIT->Release(); gpGIT = NULL; } LeaveCriticalSection( &gcsGlobalInterfaceTable ); ShutdownAndDeallocateHandleTable(); }
Unlock(); ReleaseMutex( ghTapiInitShutdownSerializeMutex ); return hr; }
// create the phone objects
hr = CreateAllPhones();
if (S_OK != hr) { LOG((TL_INFO, "Initialize - CreateAllPhones returned %lx", hr));
m_AddressArray.Shutdown ();
if ( 0 == tapiObjectArraySize ) { EnterCriticalSection( &gcsGlobalInterfaceTable ); if ( NULL != gpGIT ) { LOG((TL_TRACE, "Shutdown - release GIT")); gpGIT->Release(); gpGIT = NULL; } LeaveCriticalSection( &gcsGlobalInterfaceTable ); ShutdownAndDeallocateHandleTable(); }
FreeAllCaches(); Unlock(); ReleaseMutex( ghTapiInitShutdownSerializeMutex ); return hr; }
// create the connectionpoint object
CComObject< CTAPIConnectionPoint > * p; hr = CComObject< CTAPIConnectionPoint >::CreateInstance( &p ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "new CTAPIConnectionPoint failed"));
m_AddressArray.Shutdown (); m_PhoneArray.Shutdown ();
if ( 0 == tapiObjectArraySize ) { EnterCriticalSection( &gcsGlobalInterfaceTable ); if ( NULL != gpGIT ) { LOG((TL_TRACE, "Shutdown - release GIT")); gpGIT->Release(); gpGIT = NULL; } LeaveCriticalSection( &gcsGlobalInterfaceTable ); ShutdownAndDeallocateHandleTable(); }
Unlock(); ReleaseMutex( ghTapiInitShutdownSerializeMutex ); return hr; }
// init the connection point
hr = p->Initialize( (IConnectionPointContainer *)this, IID_ITTAPIEventNotification );
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "initialize CTAPIConnectionPoint failed"));
delete p;
m_AddressArray.Shutdown (); m_PhoneArray.Shutdown ();
if ( 0 == tapiObjectArraySize ) { EnterCriticalSection( &gcsGlobalInterfaceTable ); if ( NULL != gpGIT ) { LOG((TL_TRACE, "Shutdown - release GIT")); gpGIT->Release(); gpGIT = NULL; } LeaveCriticalSection( &gcsGlobalInterfaceTable ); ShutdownAndDeallocateHandleTable(); }
Unlock(); ReleaseMutex( ghTapiInitShutdownSerializeMutex ); return hr; }
m_pCP = p;
// this object is initialized
// save object in global list
CTAPI * pTapi = this;
EnterCriticalSection( &gcsTapiObjectArray );
m_sTAPIObjectArray.Add( pTapi );
// Set the event filter mask
// Always ask for
// events. These events are used internally by Tapi3
tapiSetEventFilterMasks ( TAPIOBJ_NULL, NULL, ulMask );
tapiSetEventFilterSubMasks ( TAPIOBJ_NULL, NULL, EM_LINE_LINEDEVSTATE, dwLineDevStateSubMasks );
LeaveCriticalSection ( &gcsTapiObjectArray );
Unlock(); ReleaseMutex( ghTapiInitShutdownSerializeMutex ); LOG((TL_TRACE, "Initialize exit - return SUCCESS")); return S_OK; }
// CTAPI::get_Addresses
// Creates & returns the collection of address objects
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CTAPI::get_Addresses(VARIANT * pVariant) { LOG((TL_TRACE, "get_Addresses enter")); LOG((TL_TRACE, " pVariant ------->%p", pVariant));
HRESULT hr; IDispatch * pDisp;
Lock(); if (!( m_dwFlags & TAPIFLAG_INITIALIZED ) ) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "get_Addresses - tapi object must be initialized first" )); Unlock(); return E_INVALIDARG; } Unlock();
if (TAPIIsBadWritePtr( pVariant, sizeof (VARIANT) ) ) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "get_Addresses - bad pointer"));
return E_POINTER; } CComObject< CTapiCollection< ITAddress > > * p; CComObject< CTapiCollection< ITAddress > >::CreateInstance( &p ); if (NULL == p) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "get_Addresses - could not create collection" )); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
Lock(); // initialize
hr = p->Initialize( m_AddressArray );
if (S_OK != hr) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "get_Addresses - could not initialize collection" )); delete p; return hr; }
// get the IDispatch interface
hr = p->_InternalQueryInterface( IID_IDispatch, (void **) &pDisp );
if (S_OK != hr) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "get_Addresses - could not get IDispatch interface" )); delete p; return hr; }
// put it in the variant
VariantInit(pVariant); pVariant->vt = VT_DISPATCH; pVariant->pdispVal = pDisp; LOG((TL_TRACE, "get_Addressess exit - return %lx", hr )); return hr; }
// CTAPI::EnumerateAddresses
// Create & return an address enumerator
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CTAPI::EnumerateAddresses( IEnumAddress ** ppEnumAddresses ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
CComObject< CTapiEnum<IEnumAddress, ITAddress, &IID_IEnumAddress> > * pEnum;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "EnumerateAddresses enter"));
if (!( m_dwFlags & TAPIFLAG_INITIALIZED )) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "EnumerateAddresses - tapi object must be initialized first" )); Unlock(); return TAPI_E_REINIT; } Unlock();
if ( TAPIIsBadWritePtr( ppEnumAddresses, sizeof (IEnumAddress *) ) ) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "EnumerateAddresses - bad pointer")); return E_POINTER; } // create the object
hr = CComObject< CTapiEnum<IEnumAddress, ITAddress, &IID_IEnumAddress> >::CreateInstance( &pEnum );
if (S_OK != hr) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "EnumerateAddresses - could not create enum - return %lx", hr));
return hr; }
// initialize
Lock(); hr = pEnum->Initialize( m_AddressArray ); Unlock();
if (S_OK != hr) { pEnum->Release(); LOG((TL_ERROR, "EnumerateAddresses - could not initialize enum - return %lx", hr));
return hr; }
*ppEnumAddresses = pEnum; LOG((TL_TRACE, "EnumerateAddresses exit - return %lx", hr)); return hr; }
// CTAPI::GetPhoneArray
// Fill a phone array. The array will have references to all
// of the phone objects it contains.
HRESULT CTAPI::GetPhoneArray( PhoneArray *pPhoneArray ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "GetPhoneArray enter"));
if (!( m_dwFlags & TAPIFLAG_INITIALIZED )) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "GetPhoneArray - tapi object must be initialized first" )); Unlock(); return E_INVALIDARG; } Unlock();
if ( IsBadReadPtr( pPhoneArray, sizeof (PhoneArray) ) ) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "GetPhoneArray - bad pointer")); return E_POINTER; }
// initialize the array
for(int iCount = 0; iCount < m_PhoneArray.GetSize(); iCount++) { pPhoneArray->Add(m_PhoneArray[iCount]); }
Unlock(); LOG((TL_TRACE, "GetPhoneArray exit - return %lx", hr)); return hr; }
// CTAPI::RegisterCallHubNotifications
// This method is used to tell TAPI that the application is interested in
// receiving callhub events.
// S_OK
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CTAPI::RegisterCallHubNotifications( VARIANT_BOOL bNotify ) { LOG((TL_TRACE, "RegisterCallHubNotifications - enter"));
Lock(); if (!( m_dwFlags & TAPIFLAG_INITIALIZED )) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "RCHN - tapi object must be initialized first" ));
Unlock(); return E_INVALIDARG; } if ( bNotify ) { LOG((TL_INFO, "RCHN - callhub notify on")); m_dwFlags |= TAPIFLAG_CALLHUBNOTIFY; } else { LOG((TL_INFO, "RCHN - callhub notify off")); m_dwFlags &= ~TAPIFLAG_CALLHUBNOTIFY; } Unlock();
LOG((TL_TRACE, "RegisterCallHubNotifications - exit - success"));
return S_OK; }
// SetCallHubTracking
HRESULT CTAPI::SetCallHubTracking( VARIANT pAddresses, VARIANT_BOOL bSet ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; SAFEARRAY * pAddressArray; LONG llBound, luBound; int iCount;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "SetCallHubTracking - enter"));
Lock(); if (!( m_dwFlags & TAPIFLAG_INITIALIZED )) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "SCHT - tapi object must be initialized first" ));
Unlock(); return E_INVALIDARG; }
Unlock(); hr = VerifyAndGetArrayBounds( pAddresses, &pAddressArray, &llBound, &luBound );
if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "SCHT - invalid address array - return %lx", hr));
return hr; }
// all addresses
if (NULL == pAddressArray) { Lock(); //
// go through all the addresses
for (iCount = 0; iCount < m_AddressArray.GetSize(); iCount++ ) { CAddress * pCAddress; //
// register
pCAddress = dynamic_cast<CAddress *>(m_AddressArray[iCount]); if (NULL == pCAddress) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "SCHT - out of memory"));
Unlock(); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } hr = (pCAddress)->SetCallHubTracking( bSet );
if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { LOG((TL_WARN, "SCHT failed %lx on address %lx", hr, iCount )); } }
m_dwFlags |= TAPIFLAG_ALLCALLHUBTRACKING; Unlock(); return S_OK; }
// if here, only registering addresses
// from array
// go through array
for ( ; llBound <=luBound; llBound++ ) { ITAddress * pAddress; CAddress * pCAddress;
hr = SafeArrayGetElement( pAddressArray, &llBound, &pAddress );
if ( (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) || (NULL == pAddress) ) { continue; }
pCAddress = dynamic_cast<CAddress *>(pAddress); hr = pCAddress->SetCallHubTracking( bSet );
// safearragetelement addrefs
if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { LOG(( TL_WARN, "SCHT failed %lx on address %p", hr, pAddress ));
return hr; }
LOG((TL_TRACE, "SetCallHubTracking - exit - success")); return S_OK; }
// CTAPI::RegisterCallNotifications
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CTAPI::RegisterCallNotifications( ITAddress * pAddress, VARIANT_BOOL fMonitor, VARIANT_BOOL fOwner, long lMediaTypes, long lCallbackInstance, long * plRegister ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; PVOID pRegister; DWORD dwMediaModes = 0, dwPrivs = 0; REGISTERITEM * pRegisterItem; CAddress * pCAddress; LOG((TL_TRACE, "RegisterCallNotifications - enter"));
Lock(); if (!( m_dwFlags & TAPIFLAG_INITIALIZED )) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "RegisterCallNotifications - tapi object must be initialized first" ));
Unlock(); return E_INVALIDARG; } Unlock();
if (TAPIIsBadWritePtr( plRegister, sizeof(long) ) ) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "RegisterCallNotifications - invalid plRegister"));
return E_POINTER; }
try { pCAddress = dynamic_cast<CAddress *>(pAddress); } catch(...) { hr = E_POINTER; }
if ( ( NULL == pCAddress ) || !SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "RegisterCallNotifications - bad address"));
return E_POINTER; } //
// determine the privileges
if (fOwner) { dwPrivs |= LINECALLPRIVILEGE_OWNER; } if (fMonitor) { dwPrivs |= LINECALLPRIVILEGE_MONITOR; }
if ( 0 == dwPrivs ) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "RegisterCallNotifications - fMonitor and/or fOwner must be true")); return E_INVALIDARG; }
if (! (pCAddress->GetMediaMode( lMediaTypes, &dwMediaModes ) ) ) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "RegisterCallNotifications - bad mediamodes")); return E_INVALIDARG; } Lock();
pRegisterItem = (REGISTERITEM *)ClientAlloc( sizeof(REGISTERITEM) ); if ( NULL == pRegisterItem ) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "RegisterCallNotifications - Alloc registrationarray failed"));
hr = pCAddress->AddCallNotification( dwPrivs, dwMediaModes, lCallbackInstance, &pRegister );
if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "RegisterCallNotifications - AddCallNotification failed"));
ClientFree( pRegisterItem );
return hr; }
pRegisterItem->dwType = RA_ADDRESS; pRegisterItem->pInterface = (PVOID)pCAddress; pRegisterItem->pRegister = pRegister;
try { m_RegisterItemPtrList.push_back( (PVOID)pRegisterItem ); } catch(...) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; LOG((TL_ERROR, "RegisterCallNotifications- failed - because of alloc failure")); ClientFree( pRegisterItem ); }
#if DBG
if (m_dwEventFilterMask == 0) { LOG((TL_WARN, "RegisterCallNotifications - no Event Mask set !!!")); } #endif
Unlock(); //
// return registration cookie
if( S_OK == hr ) {
// create a 32-bit handle for the RegisterItem pointer
DWORD dwCookie = CreateHandleTableEntry((ULONG_PTR)pRegisterItem);
if (0 == dwCookie) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; LOG((TL_ERROR, "RegisterCallNotifications - failed to create a handle for REGISTERITEM object %p", pRegisterItem)); } else { LOG((TL_INFO, "RegisterCallNotifications - Mapped handle %lx (to be returned as cookie) to REGISTERITEM object %p", dwCookie, pRegisterItem )); // register the cookie with the address object, so address can remove it if
// the address is deallocated before the call to CTAPI::UnregisterNotifications
pCAddress->RegisterNotificationCookie(dwCookie); *plRegister = dwCookie; }
LOG((TL_TRACE, "RegisterCallNotifications - return %lx", hr));
return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CTAPI::UnregisterNotifications( long ulRegister ) { DWORD dwType; HRESULT hr = S_OK; REGISTERITEM * pRegisterItem = NULL;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "UnregisterNotifications - enter. Cookie %lx", ulRegister));
Lock(); if (!( m_dwFlags & TAPIFLAG_INITIALIZED )) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "UnregNot - tapi object must be initialized first" ));
Unlock(); return E_INVALIDARG; }
// convert cookie to registration object pointer
pRegisterItem = (REGISTERITEM*) GetHandleTableEntry(ulRegister);
// remove cookie from the table
if ( NULL != pRegisterItem ) { LOG((TL_INFO, "UnregisterNotifications - Matched cookie %lx to REGISTERITEM object %p", ulRegister, pRegisterItem ));
if (IsBadReadPtr( pRegisterItem, sizeof(REGISTERITEM) ) ) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "UnregNot - invalid pRegisterItem returned from the handle table search")); return E_POINTER; } } else { LOG((TL_WARN, "UnregisterNotifications - invalid lRegister"));
return E_INVALIDARG; }
dwType = pRegisterItem->dwType;
// switch on the type of notification
switch ( dwType ) { case RA_ADDRESS:
CAddress * pCAddress; ITAddress * pAddress; pCAddress = (CAddress *) (pRegisterItem->pInterface);
// try to get the address
try { hr = pCAddress->QueryInterface( IID_ITAddress, (void **)&pAddress ); } catch(...) { hr = E_POINTER; }
if ( !SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "Invalid interface in unregisternotifications"));
return hr; }
// tell the address
pCAddress->RemoveCallNotification( pRegisterItem->pRegister );
// tell the address to remove a cookie from its list
// remove array from our list
m_RegisterItemPtrList.remove( pRegisterItem );
// free structure
ClientFree( pRegisterItem );
break; }
LOG((TL_TRACE, "UnregisterNotifications - exit - success")); return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CTAPI::get_CallHubs( VARIANT * pVariant ) { LOG((TL_TRACE, "get_CallHubs enter")); LOG((TL_TRACE, " pVariant ------->%p", pVariant));
HRESULT hr; IDispatch * pDisp;
Lock(); if (!( m_dwFlags & TAPIFLAG_INITIALIZED ) ) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "get_CallHubs - tapi object must be initialized first" )); Unlock(); return E_INVALIDARG; } Unlock();
if ( TAPIIsBadWritePtr( pVariant, sizeof(VARIANT) ) ) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "get_CallHubs - bad pointer"));
return E_POINTER; } CComObject< CTapiCollection< ITCallHub > > * p; CComObject< CTapiCollection< ITCallHub > >::CreateInstance( &p ); if (NULL == p) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "get_CallHubs - could not create collection" )); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
// initialize
hr = p->Initialize( m_CallHubArray );
if (S_OK != hr) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "get_CallHubs - could not initialize collection" )); delete p; return hr; }
// get the IDispatch interface
hr = p->_InternalQueryInterface( IID_IDispatch, (void **) &pDisp );
if (S_OK != hr) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "get_CallHubs - could not get IDispatch interface" )); delete p; return hr; }
// put it in the variant
VariantInit(pVariant); pVariant->vt = VT_DISPATCH; pVariant->pdispVal = pDisp; LOG((TL_TRACE, "get_CallHubss exit - return %lx", hr )); return hr; }
// EnumerateCallHubs
STDMETHODIMP CTAPI::EnumerateCallHubs( IEnumCallHub ** ppEnumCallHub ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
CComObject< CTapiEnum<IEnumCallHub, ITCallHub, &IID_IEnumCallHub> > * pEnum;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "EnumerateCallHubs enter")); Lock(); if (!( m_dwFlags & TAPIFLAG_INITIALIZED )) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "EnumerateCallHubs - tapi object must be initialized first" ));
Unlock(); return E_INVALIDARG; } Unlock();
if ( TAPIIsBadWritePtr( ppEnumCallHub, sizeof( IEnumCallHub *) ) ) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "EnumerateCallHubs - bad pointer"));
return E_POINTER; } //
// create the object
hr = CComObject< CTapiEnum<IEnumCallHub, ITCallHub, &IID_IEnumCallHub> >::CreateInstance( &pEnum );
if (S_OK != hr) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "EnumerateCallHubs - could not create enum - return %lx", hr));
return hr; }
// initialize
Lock(); hr = pEnum->Initialize( m_CallHubArray ); Unlock();
if (S_OK != hr) { pEnum->Release(); LOG((TL_ERROR, "EnumerateCallHubs - could not initialize enum - return %lx", hr));
return hr; }
*ppEnumCallHub = pEnum; LOG((TL_TRACE, "EnumerateCallHubs exit - return %lx", hr));
return hr; }
// CTAPI::EnumConnectionPoints
// Standard IConnectionPoint method
HRESULT __stdcall CTAPI::EnumConnectionPoints( IEnumConnectionPoints **ppEnum ) { HRESULT hr;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "EnumConnectionPoints enter"));
hr = E_NOTIMPL; LOG((TL_TRACE, "EnumConnectionPointer exit - return %lx", hr));
return hr; }
// FindConnectionPoint
HRESULT __stdcall CTAPI::FindConnectionPoint( REFIID riid, IConnectionPoint **ppCP ) { LOG((TL_TRACE, "FindConnectionPoint enter"));
#if DBG
{ WCHAR guidName[100];
StringFromGUID2(riid, (LPOLESTR)&guidName, 100); LOG((TL_INFO, "FindConnectionPoint - RIID : %S", guidName)); } #endif
Lock(); if (!( m_dwFlags & TAPIFLAG_INITIALIZED )) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "FindConnectionPoint - tapi object must be initialized first" )); Unlock(); return TAPI_E_NOT_INITIALIZED; }
if ( TAPIIsBadWritePtr( ppCP, sizeof(IConnectionPoint *) ) ) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "FindConnectionPoint - bad pointer"));
return E_POINTER; }
// is this the right interface?
if ( (IID_ITTAPIEventNotification != riid ) && (DIID_ITTAPIDispatchEventNotification != riid ) ) { * ppCP = NULL;
LOG((TL_ERROR, "FindConnectionPoint - do not support this riid")); return CONNECT_E_NOCONNECTION; }
// if it's the right interface, create a new connection point
// and return it
*ppCP = m_pCP; (*ppCP)->AddRef(); Unlock(); //
// success
LOG((TL_TRACE, "FindConnectionPoint - Success")); return S_OK; }
// CreateAllAddressesOnAllLines
// This is called when the first TAPI object is created.
HRESULT CTAPI::CreateAllAddressesOnAllLines( void ) { DWORD dwCount;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "CreateAllAddressesOnAllLines enter"));
// go through all line devs
for (dwCount = 0; dwCount < m_dwLineDevs; dwCount++) { CreateAddressesOnSingleLine( dwCount, FALSE ); }
Unlock(); return S_OK; }
// CreateAddressesOnSingleLine
// assumed called in lock!
HRESULT CTAPI::CreateAddressesOnSingleLine( DWORD dwDeviceID, BOOL bFireEvent ) { DWORD dwRealAddresses = 0, dwAddress; DWORD dwAPIVersion; HRESULT hr; LPLINEDEVCAPS pDevCaps = NULL; LPLINEADDRESSCAPS pAddressCaps = NULL;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "CreateAddressesOnSingleLine: entered."));
hr = LineNegotiateAPIVersion( (HLINEAPP)m_dwLineInitDataHandle, dwDeviceID, &dwAPIVersion );
if (S_OK != hr) { LOG((TL_WARN, "CreateAddressesOnSingleLine: LineNegotiateAPIVersion failed on device %d", dwDeviceID));
return hr; }
LOG((TL_INFO, "CreateAddressesOnSingleLine: LineNegotiateAPIVersion returned version %lx", dwAPIVersion));
hr = LineGetDevCapsWithAlloc( (HLINEAPP)m_dwLineInitDataHandle, dwDeviceID, dwAPIVersion, &pDevCaps );
if (S_OK != hr) { LOG((TL_WARN, "CreateAddressesOnSingleLine: LineGetDevCaps failed for device %d", dwDeviceID)); if ( NULL != pDevCaps ) { ClientFree( pDevCaps ); }
return hr; }
if (pDevCaps->dwNumAddresses == 0) { LOG((TL_WARN, "CreateAddressesOnSingleLine: Device %d has no addressess - will assume 1 address", dwDeviceID));
pDevCaps->dwNumAddresses = 1; }
LPVARSTRING pVarString; DWORD dwProviderID;
// get the permanent provider ID for this line.
hr = LineGetID( NULL, dwDeviceID, NULL, LINECALLSELECT_DEVICEID, &pVarString, L"tapi/providerid" );
if (S_OK != hr) { if (NULL != pVarString) { ClientFree( pVarString); }
if ( NULL != pDevCaps ) { ClientFree( pDevCaps ); }
LOG((TL_ERROR, "CreateAddressesOnSingleLine: get_ServiceProviderName - LineGetID returned %lx", hr ));
return hr; }
// get the id DWORD at the end of the structure
dwProviderID = *((LPDWORD) (((LPBYTE) pVarString) + pVarString->dwStringOffset));
ClientFree( pVarString );
// go through all the addresses on each line, and
// create an address object.
for (dwAddress = 0; dwAddress < pDevCaps->dwNumAddresses; dwAddress++) { CComObject<CAddress> * pAddress; ITAddress * pITAddress;
try {
hr = CComObject<CAddress>::CreateInstance( &pAddress ); } catch(...) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "CreateAddressesOnSingleLine: CreateInstance - Address - threw"));
continue; } if ( !SUCCEEDED(hr) || (NULL == pAddress) ) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "CreateAddressesOnSingleLine: CreateInstance - Address - failed - %lx", hr));
continue; }
// initialize the address
// if there are no phone devices,
// give NULL for the hPhoneApp, so the address
// doesn't think that there may be a phone device
hr = pAddress->Initialize( this, (HLINEAPP)m_dwLineInitDataHandle, #ifdef USE_PHONEMSP
(m_dwPhoneDevs)?((HPHONEAPP)m_dwPhoneInitDataHandle):NULL, #endif USE_PHONEMSP
dwAPIVersion, dwDeviceID, dwAddress, dwProviderID, pDevCaps, m_dwEventFilterMask );
if (S_OK != hr) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "CreateAddressesOnSingleLine: failed for device %d, address %d", dwDeviceID, dwAddress));
delete pAddress;
continue; }
// add to list
pITAddress = dynamic_cast<ITAddress *>(pAddress); m_AddressArray.Add( pITAddress );
if ( bFireEvent ) { CTapiObjectEvent::FireEvent( this, TE_ADDRESSCREATE, pAddress, 0, NULL ); }
if ( NULL != pDevCaps ) { ClientFree( pDevCaps ); }
LOG((TL_INFO, "CreateAddressesOnSingleLine: completed."));
return S_OK; }
// CreateAllPhones
// This is called when the first TAPI object is created.
HRESULT CTAPI::CreateAllPhones( void ) { DWORD dwCount;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "CreateAllPhones enter"));
// go through all phone devs
for (dwCount = 0; dwCount < m_dwPhoneDevs; dwCount++) { CreatePhone( dwCount, FALSE ); }
Unlock(); return S_OK; }
// CreatePhone
// assumed called in lock!
HRESULT CTAPI::CreatePhone( DWORD dwDeviceID, BOOL bFireEvent ) { DWORD dwAPIVersion; HRESULT hr;
hr = PhoneNegotiateAPIVersion( (HPHONEAPP)m_dwPhoneInitDataHandle, dwDeviceID, &dwAPIVersion );
if (S_OK != hr) { LOG((TL_WARN, "CreatePhone - phoneNegotiateAPIVersion failed on device %d", dwDeviceID));
return hr; }
LOG((TL_INFO, "CreatePhone - phoneNegotiateAPIVersion returned version %lx", dwAPIVersion));
// create a phone object.
CComObject<CPhone> * pPhone; ITPhone * pITPhone;
__try { hr = CComObject<CPhone>::CreateInstance( &pPhone ); } __except( (GetExceptionCode() == EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION) ? EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER : EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH ) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "CreatePhone - CreateInstancefailed - because of alloc failure"));
return hr; } if ( !SUCCEEDED(hr) || (NULL == pPhone) ) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "CreatePhone - CreateInstance failed - %lx", hr));
return hr; }
// initialize the phone
hr = pPhone->Initialize( this, (HLINEAPP)m_dwPhoneInitDataHandle, dwAPIVersion, dwDeviceID );
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "CreatePhone failed for device %d", dwDeviceID));
delete pPhone;
return hr; }
// add to list
pITPhone = dynamic_cast<ITPhone *>(pPhone); m_PhoneArray.Add( pITPhone );
if ( bFireEvent ) { CTapiObjectEvent::FireEvent(this, TE_PHONECREATE, NULL, 0, pITPhone ); }
return S_OK; }
// Shutdown
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CTAPI::Shutdown() { PtrList::iterator iter, end; int iCount; DWORD dwSignalled; int tapiObjectArraySize=0; CTAPI *pTapi;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "Shutdown[%p] - enter", this)); LOG((TL_TRACE, "Shutdown - enter"));
CoWaitForMultipleHandles (0, INFINITE, 1, &ghTapiInitShutdownSerializeMutex, &dwSignalled );
Lock(); if ( (!( m_dwFlags & TAPIFLAG_INITIALIZED )) && (!( m_dwFlags & TAPIFLAG_REINIT))) { LOG((TL_WARN, "Shutdown - already shutdown - return S_FALSE")); Unlock(); ReleaseMutex( ghTapiInitShutdownSerializeMutex ); return S_FALSE; }
m_dwFlags &= ~TAPIFLAG_INITIALIZED; m_dwFlags &= ~TAPIFLAG_REINIT; pTapi = this;
// close all the phones
for(iCount = 0; iCount < m_PhoneArray.GetSize(); iCount++) { CPhone *pCPhone = NULL;
try { pCPhone = dynamic_cast<CPhone *>(m_PhoneArray[iCount]); } catch(...) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "Shutdown - phone array contains a bad phone pointer"));
pCPhone = NULL; }
if (NULL != pCPhone) { pCPhone->ForceClose(); } }
EnterCriticalSection( &gcsTapiObjectArray ); m_sTAPIObjectArray.Remove ( pTapi );
tapiObjectArraySize = m_sTAPIObjectArray.GetSize(); LeaveCriticalSection ( &gcsTapiObjectArray );
gpLineHashTable->Flush(this); gpCallHashTable->Flush(this); gpCallHubHashTable->Flush(this); gpPhoneHashTable->Flush(this);
// tell each address in the array that it is time to toss all
// the cookies
int nAddressArraySize = m_AddressArray.GetSize();
for (int i = 0; i < nAddressArraySize; i++) {
// we need a pointer to CAddress to unregister cookies
CAddress *pAddress = NULL;
// in case address array contains a pointer to nonreadable memory,
// do dynamic cast inside try/catch
try {
pAddress = dynamic_cast<CAddress*>(m_AddressArray[i]); } catch(...) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "Shutdown - address array contains a bad address pointer"));
pAddress = NULL; }
// attempt to unregister address' notifications
if (NULL != pAddress) {
// unregister all notification cookies
// notify address that tapi is being shutdown, so it can do
// whatever clean up is necessary
} else { //
// we have an address that is not an address. debug!
LOG((TL_ERROR, "Shutdown - address array contains a bad address pointer."));
m_CallHubArray.Shutdown(); Unlock();
Lock(); if ( NULL != m_pCP ) { m_pCP->Release(); m_pCP = NULL; }
iter = m_RegisterItemPtrList.begin(); end = m_RegisterItemPtrList.end();
while (iter != end) { ClientFree( *iter ); iter ++; }
if ( 0 == tapiObjectArraySize ) { FinalTapiCleanup();
EnterCriticalSection( &gcsGlobalInterfaceTable );
LeaveCriticalSection( &gcsGlobalInterfaceTable );
// no longer need handle table.
ReleaseMutex( ghTapiInitShutdownSerializeMutex );
LOG((TL_TRACE, "Shutdown - exit")); return S_OK; }
// finalrelease of tapi object
void CTAPI::FinalRelease() { LOG((TL_TRACE, "FinalRelease - enter"));
Unlock(); LOG((TL_TRACE, "FinalRelease - exit")); }
// VerifyAndGetArrayBounds
// Helper function for variant/safearrays
// Array
// IN Variant that contains a safearray
// ppsa
// OUT safearray returned here
// pllBound
// OUT array lower bound returned here
// pluBound
// OUT array upper boudn returned here
// verifies that Array contains an array, and returns the array, upper
// and lower bounds.
HRESULT VerifyAndGetArrayBounds( VARIANT Array, SAFEARRAY ** ppsa, long * pllBound, long * pluBound ) { UINT uDims; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// see if the variant & safearray are valid
try { if (!(V_ISARRAY(&Array))) { if ( VT_NULL ==Array.vt ) { //
// null is usually valid
*ppsa = NULL;
LOG((TL_INFO, "Returning NULL array"));
return S_FALSE; } LOG((TL_ERROR, "Array - not an array"));
return E_INVALIDARG; }
if ( NULL == Array.parray ) { //
// null is usually valide
*ppsa = NULL;
LOG((TL_INFO, "Returning NULL array")); return S_FALSE; }
*ppsa = V_ARRAY(&Array); uDims = SafeArrayGetDim( *ppsa ); } catch(...) { hr = E_POINTER; }
if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "Array - invalid array"));
return hr; }
// verify array
if (1 != uDims) { if (0 == uDims) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "Array - has 0 dim"));
return E_INVALIDARG; } else { LOG((TL_WARN, "Array - has > 1 dim - will only use 1")); } }
// Get array bounds
SafeArrayGetUBound( *ppsa, 1, pluBound );
SafeArrayGetLBound( *ppsa, 1, pllBound );
return S_OK; }
BOOL QueueCallbackEvent(CTAPI * pTapi, TAPI_EVENT te, IDispatch * pEvent);
HRESULT CTAPI::Event( TAPI_EVENT te, IDispatch * pEvent ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD dwEventFilterMask;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "Event[%p] - enter. Event[0x%x]", this, te));
Lock(); dwEventFilterMask = m_dwEventFilterMask; Unlock(); if( (te != TE_ADDRESS) && (te != TE_CALLHUB) && (te != TE_CALLINFOCHANGE) && (te != TE_CALLMEDIA) && (te != TE_CALLNOTIFICATION) && (te != TE_CALLSTATE) && (te != TE_FILETERMINAL) && (te != TE_PRIVATE) && (te != TE_QOSEVENT) && (te != TE_TAPIOBJECT) && (te != TE_ADDRESSDEVSPECIFIC) && (te != TE_PHONEDEVSPECIFIC) ) { if( (te & dwEventFilterMask) == 0) { //
// Don't fire the event
hr = S_FALSE; LOG((TL_INFO, "Event - This Event not Enabled %x", te)); return hr; } }
// It's an event from the event filtering mechanism
AddRef(); pEvent->AddRef();
if(QueueCallbackEvent(this, te, pEvent) == TRUE) { LOG((TL_INFO, "Event queued")); } else { Release(); pEvent->Release(); LOG((TL_INFO, "Event queuing Failed")); }
LOG((TL_TRACE, "Event - exit"));
return hr; }
HRESULT CTAPI::EventFire( TAPI_EVENT te, IDispatch * pEvent ) {
ITTAPIEventNotification * pCallback = NULL; IDispatch * pDispatch = NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK; CTAPIConnectionPoint * pCP;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "EventFire - enter"));
Lock(); if( NULL != m_pCP ) { m_pCP->AddRef(); }
pCP = m_pCP;
if ( NULL != pCP ) { pDispatch = (IDispatch *)pCP->GrabEventCallback();
if ( NULL != pDispatch ) { hr = pDispatch->QueryInterface(IID_ITTAPIEventNotification, (void **)&pCallback );
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { if ( NULL != pCallback ) { LOG((TL_TRACE, "EventFire - fire on ITTAPIEventNotification")); pCallback->Event( te, pEvent ); pCallback->Release(); } #if DBG
else { LOG((TL_WARN, "EventFire - can't fire event on ITTAPIEventNotification - no callback")); } #endif
} else {
CComVariant varResult; CComVariant* pvars = new CComVariant[2]; LOG((TL_TRACE, "EventFire - fire on IDispatch")); VariantClear(&varResult); pvars[1] = te; pvars[0] = pEvent; DISPPARAMS disp = { pvars, NULL, 2, 0 }; pDispatch->Invoke(0x1, IID_NULL, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DISPATCH_METHOD, &disp, &varResult, NULL, NULL); delete[] pvars; hr = varResult.scode; } pDispatch->Release(); } #if DBG
else { LOG((TL_WARN, "Event - can't fire event on IDispatch - no callback")); } #endif
} #if DBG
else { LOG((TL_WARN, "Event - can't fire event - no m_pCP")); } #endif
if(NULL != pCP) { pCP->Release(); }
LOG((TL_TRACE, "EventFire - exit"));
return S_OK;
// AddCallHub
void CTAPI::AddCallHub( CCallHub * pCallHub ) { ITCallHub * pITCallHub; Lock();
pITCallHub = dynamic_cast<ITCallHub *>(pCallHub); m_CallHubArray.Add( pITCallHub );
Unlock(); }
// RemoveCallHub
void CTAPI::RemoveCallHub( CCallHub * pCallHub ) { ITCallHub * pITCallHub; Lock();
pITCallHub = dynamic_cast<ITCallHub *>(pCallHub); m_CallHubArray.Remove( pITCallHub );
Unlock(); }
STDMETHODIMP CTAPI::get_PrivateTAPIObjects(VARIANT*) { LOG((TL_TRACE, "get_PrivateTAPIObjects - enter")); LOG((TL_ERROR, "get_PrivateTAPIObjects - exit E_NOTIMPL")); return E_NOTIMPL; }
// former EnumeratePrivateTAPIObjects
STDMETHODIMP CTAPI::EnumeratePrivateTAPIObjects(IEnumUnknown**) { LOG((TL_TRACE, "EnumeratePrivateTAPIObjects - enter"));
LOG((TL_ERROR, "EnumeratePrivateTAPIObjects - return E_NOTIMPL")); return E_NOTIMPL; }
// RegisterRequestRecipient
// simply call LineRegisterRequestRecipient - registers as assisted
// telephony application
STDMETHODIMP CTAPI::RegisterRequestRecipient( long lRegistrationInstance, long lRequestMode, #ifdef NEWREQUEST
long lAddressTypes, #endif
VARIANT_BOOL fEnable ) { HRESULT hr; LOG((TL_TRACE, "RegisterRequestRecipient - enter"));
if (!( m_dwFlags & TAPIFLAG_INITIALIZED )) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "RegisterRequestRecipient - tapi object must be initialized first" )); Unlock(); return E_INVALIDARG; }
hr = LineRegisterRequestRecipient( (HLINEAPP)m_dwLineInitDataHandle, lRegistrationInstance, lRequestMode, #ifdef NEWREQUEST
lAddressTypes, #endif
fEnable?TRUE : FALSE );
return hr; }
// SetAssistedTelephonyPriority
// set the app priority for assisted telephony
STDMETHODIMP CTAPI::SetAssistedTelephonyPriority( BSTR pAppFilename, VARIANT_BOOL fPriority ) { HRESULT hr;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "SetAssistedTelephonyPriority - enter")); hr = LineSetAppPriority( pAppFilename, 0, LINEREQUESTMODE_MAKECALL, fPriority?1:0 );
LOG((TL_TRACE, "SetAssistedTelephonyPriority - exit - return %lx", hr)); return hr; }
// SetApplicationPriority
// sets the app priority for incoming calls and handoff.
STDMETHODIMP CTAPI::SetApplicationPriority( BSTR pAppFilename, long lMediaType, VARIANT_BOOL fPriority ) { HRESULT hr;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "SetApplicationPriority - enter")); hr = LineSetAppPriority( pAppFilename, lMediaType, 0, fPriority?1:0 );
LOG((TL_TRACE, "SetApplicationPriority - exit - return %lx", hr)); return hr; }
// put_EventFilter
// sets the Event filter mask
STDMETHODIMP CTAPI::put_EventFilter(long lFilterMask) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD dwOldFilterMask; ULONG64 ulEventMasks; DWORD dwLineDevStateSubMasks; DWORD dwAddrStateSubMasks;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "put_EventFilter - enter"));
if (~ALL_EVENT_FILTER_MASK & lFilterMask) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "put_EventFilter - Unknown Event type in mask %x", lFilterMask )); hr = E_INVALIDARG; } else { Lock();
// Event Filtering, we should pass the mask
// to all addresses
HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; hr = SetEventFilterToAddresses( lFilterMask ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { Unlock(); LOG((TL_ERROR, "put_EventFilter - exit" "CopyEventFilterMaskToAddresses failed. Returns 0x%08x", hr)); return hr; }
// Set the event filter
dwOldFilterMask = m_dwEventFilterMask; m_dwEventFilterMask = lFilterMask;
// Convert lFilterMask to server side 64 bit masks
// we alway should receive:
// events because these events are used internally
// by Tapi3 objets
dwAddrStateSubMasks = 0;
if (lFilterMask & TE_ADDRESS) { // AE_STATE
// AE_NEWTERMINAL : ignore private MSP events
// AE_REMOVETERMINAL : ignore private MSP events
} if (lFilterMask & TE_CALLMEDIA) { // Skil media event
} if (lFilterMask & TE_PRIVATE) { // skip MSP private event
} if (lFilterMask & TE_REQUEST) { // LINE_REQUEST is not masked by the server
} if (lFilterMask & TE_AGENT) { ulEventMasks |= EM_LINE_AGENTSTATUSEX | EM_LINE_AGENTSTATUS; } if (lFilterMask & TE_AGENTSESSION) { ulEventMasks |= EM_LINE_AGENTSESSIONSTATUS; } if (lFilterMask & TE_QOSEVENT) { ulEventMasks |= EM_LINE_QOSINFO; } if (lFilterMask & TE_AGENTHANDLER) { // TAPI 3 client side only?
} if (lFilterMask & TE_ACDGROUP) { ulEventMasks |= EM_LINE_GROUPSTATUS; } if (lFilterMask & TE_QUEUE) { ulEventMasks |= EM_LINE_QUEUESTATUS; } if (lFilterMask & TE_DIGITEVENT) { // LINE_MONITORDIGITS not controled by event filtering
} if (lFilterMask & TE_GENERATEEVENT) { // LINE_GENERATE not controled by event filtering
} if (lFilterMask & TE_TONEEVENT) { // LINE_MONITORTONE not controled by event filtering
} if (lFilterMask & TE_GATHERDIGITS) { // LINE_GATHERDIGITS not controled by event filtering
if (lFilterMask & TE_PHONEDEVSPECIFIC) { ulEventMasks |= EM_PHONE_DEVSPECIFIC; }
hr = tapiSetEventFilterMasks ( TAPIOBJ_NULL, NULL, ulEventMasks ); if (hr == 0) { hr = tapiSetEventFilterSubMasks ( TAPIOBJ_NULL, NULL, EM_LINE_LINEDEVSTATE, dwLineDevStateSubMasks ); } if (hr == 0) { hr = tapiSetEventFilterSubMasks ( TAPIOBJ_NULL, NULL, EM_LINE_ADDRESSSTATE, dwAddrStateSubMasks ); }
if (hr != 0) { hr = mapTAPIErrorCode(hr); } LOG((TL_INFO, "put_EventFilter - mask changed %x to %x", dwOldFilterMask, lFilterMask ));
LOG((TL_TRACE,hr, "put_EventFilter - exit ")); return hr; }
// get_EventFilter
// gets the Event filter mask
STDMETHODIMP CTAPI::get_EventFilter(long * plFilterMask) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "get_EventFilter - enter"));
if ( TAPIIsBadWritePtr( plFilterMask, sizeof(long) ) ) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "get_EventFilter - bad plFilterMask pointer")); hr = E_POINTER; } else { Lock(); *plFilterMask = m_dwEventFilterMask; Unlock(); }
LOG((TL_TRACE, hr, "get_EventFilter - exit ")); return hr; }
// Interface : ITTAPI2
// Method : get_Phones
HRESULT CTAPI::get_Phones( VARIANT * pPhones ) { HRESULT hr; IDispatch * pDisp;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "get_Phones enter"));
Lock(); if (!( m_dwFlags & TAPIFLAG_INITIALIZED ) ) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "get_Phones - tapi object must be initialized first" )); Unlock(); return TAPI_E_NOT_INITIALIZED; } Unlock();
if ( TAPIIsBadWritePtr( pPhones, sizeof( VARIANT ) ) ) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "get_Phones - bad pointer"));
return E_POINTER; }
CComObject< CTapiCollection< ITPhone > > * p; CComObject< CTapiCollection< ITPhone > >::CreateInstance( &p );
if (NULL == p) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "get_Phones - could not create collection" ));
// get the IDispatch interface
hr = p->_InternalQueryInterface( IID_IDispatch, (void **) &pDisp );
if (S_OK != hr) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "get_Phones - could not get IDispatch interface" )); delete p; return hr; }
// initialize
hr = p->Initialize( m_PhoneArray );
if (S_OK != hr) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "get_Phones - could not initialize collection" )); pDisp->Release(); return hr; }
// put it in the variant
VariantInit(pPhones); pPhones->vt = VT_DISPATCH; pPhones->pdispVal = pDisp;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "get_Phones - exit - return %lx", hr )); return hr; } //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// Interface : ITTAPI2
// Method : EnumeratePhones
HRESULT CTAPI::EnumeratePhones( IEnumPhone ** ppEnumPhone ) { HRESULT hr;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "EnumeratePhones - enter")); LOG((TL_TRACE, " ppEnumPhone----->%p", ppEnumPhone ));
Lock(); if (!( m_dwFlags & TAPIFLAG_INITIALIZED ) ) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "EnumeratePhones - tapi object must be initialized first" )); Unlock(); return TAPI_E_NOT_INITIALIZED; } Unlock();
if ( TAPIIsBadWritePtr( ppEnumPhone, sizeof( IEnumPhone * ) ) ) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "EnumeratePhones - bad pointer"));
return E_POINTER; }
// create the enumerator
CComObject< CTapiEnum< IEnumPhone, ITPhone, &IID_IEnumPhone > > * p; hr = CComObject< CTapiEnum< IEnumPhone, ITPhone, &IID_IEnumPhone > > ::CreateInstance( &p );
if (S_OK != hr) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "EnumeratePhones - could not create enum" )); return hr; }
// initialize it with our phone list, initialize adds a reference to p
p->Initialize( m_PhoneArray );
// return it
*ppEnumPhone = p;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "EnumeratePhones - exit - return %lx", hr )); return hr; }
// Interface : ITTAPI2
// Method : CreateEmptyCollectionObject
STDMETHODIMP CTAPI::CreateEmptyCollectionObject( ITCollection2 ** ppCollection ) { HRESULT hr;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "CreateEmptyCollectionObject enter"));
if ( TAPIIsBadWritePtr( ppCollection, sizeof( ITCollection2 * ) ) ) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "CreateEmptyCollectionObject - bad pointer"));
return E_POINTER; }
// Initialize the return value in case we fail
*ppCollection = NULL;
CComObject< CTapiCollection< IDispatch > > * p; hr = CComObject< CTapiCollection< IDispatch > >::CreateInstance( &p );
if ( S_OK != hr ) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "CreateEmptyCollectionObject - could not create CTapiCollection" ));
// get the ITCollection2 interface
hr = p->QueryInterface( IID_ITCollection2, (void **) ppCollection );
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "CreateEmptyCollectionObject - could not get ITCollection2 interface" )); delete p; return hr; }
LOG((TL_TRACE, "CreateEmptyCollectionObject - exit - return %lx", hr )); return hr; }
// DoLineCreate
// handles line_create message. basically, creates a new
// address object
void CTAPI::DoLineCreate( DWORD dwDeviceID ) { HRESULT hr; Lock();
CreateAddressesOnSingleLine( dwDeviceID, TRUE ); Unlock(); }
// DoLineRemove( DWORD dwDeviceID )
// tapisrv has sent a LINE_REMOVE message. find the corresponding
// address object(s), remove them from our list, and send a
// message to the app
void CTAPI::DoLineRemove( DWORD dwDeviceID ) { HRESULT hr; ITAddress * pAddress; CAddress * pCAddress; int iCount; #if DBG
BOOL bFound = FALSE; #endif
LOG((TL_TRACE, "DoLineRemove - enter - dwDeviceID %d", dwDeviceID)); Lock(); //
// go through the addresses
for(iCount = 0; iCount < m_AddressArray.GetSize(); iCount++) { pAddress = m_AddressArray[iCount];
pCAddress = dynamic_cast<CAddress *>(pAddress);
if (pCAddress != NULL) { //
// does the device ID match?
if ( dwDeviceID == pCAddress->GetDeviceID() ) { LOG((TL_INFO, "DoLineRemove - found matching address - %p", pAddress));
// make sure the address is in the correct state
pCAddress->OutOfService(LINEDEVSTATE_REMOVED); //
// fire event
CTapiObjectEvent::FireEvent( this, TE_ADDRESSREMOVE, pAddress, 0, NULL );
// remove from our list
LOG((TL_INFO, "DoLineRemove - removing address %p", pAddress)); m_AddressArray.RemoveAt(iCount);
iCount--; #if DBG
bFound = TRUE; #endif
} } }
#if DBG
if ( !bFound ) { LOG((TL_WARN, "Receive LINE_REMOVE but couldn't find address object")); } #endif
LOG((TL_TRACE, "DoLineRemove - exiting")); Unlock(); }
// DoPhoneCreate
// handles PHONE_CREATE message. basically, creates a new
// phone object
void CTAPI::DoPhoneCreate( DWORD dwDeviceID ) { HRESULT hr; Lock();
CreatePhone( dwDeviceID, TRUE ); Unlock(); }
// DoPhoneRemove( DWORD dwDeviceID )
// tapisrv has sent a PHONE_REMOVE message. find the corresponding
// phone object(s), remove them from our list, and send a
// message to the app
void CTAPI::DoPhoneRemove( DWORD dwDeviceID ) { HRESULT hr; ITPhone * pPhone; CPhone * pCPhone; int iPhoneCount; int iAddressCount; #if DBG
BOOL bFound; #endif
LOG((TL_TRACE, "DoPhoneRemove - enter - dwDeviceID %d", dwDeviceID)); Lock(); //
// go through the phones
for(iPhoneCount = 0; iPhoneCount < m_PhoneArray.GetSize(); iPhoneCount++) { pPhone = m_PhoneArray[iPhoneCount];
pCPhone = dynamic_cast<CPhone *>(pPhone);
if (NULL == pCPhone) { //
// something went terribly wrong
LOG((TL_ERROR, "DoPhoneRemove - failed to cast ptr %p to a phone object", pPhone));
continue; }
// does the device ID match?
if ( dwDeviceID == pCPhone->GetDeviceID() ) { LOG((TL_INFO, "DoPhoneRemove - found matching phone - %p", pPhone)); //
// fire event
CTapiObjectEvent::FireEvent(this, TE_PHONEREMOVE, NULL, 0, pPhone );
// remove from our list
LOG((TL_INFO, "DoPhoneRemove - removing phone %p", pPhone)); m_PhoneArray.RemoveAt(iPhoneCount);
iPhoneCount--; #if DBG
bFound = TRUE; #endif
} }
#if DBG
if ( !bFound ) { LOG((TL_WARN, "Receive PHONE_REMOVE but couldn't find phone object")); } #endif
LOG((TL_TRACE, "DoPhoneRemove - exiting")); Unlock(); }
BOOL CTAPI::FindTapiObject( CTAPI * pTapi ) { PtrList::iterator iter, end; BOOL bFound = FALSE; int iReturn = -1; EnterCriticalSection( &gcsTapiObjectArray );
// go through the list
iReturn = m_sTAPIObjectArray.Find( pTapi );
if (iReturn != -1) { pTapi->AddRef(); bFound = TRUE; } LeaveCriticalSection ( &gcsTapiObjectArray );
return bFound; }
// GetTapiObjectFromAsyncEventMSG
// this method attempts to get tapi object pointer from PASYNCEVENTMSG
// it returns NULL on failure or addref'ed tapi object on success
CTAPI *GetTapiObjectFromAsyncEventMSG(PASYNCEVENTMSG pParams) { LOG((TL_TRACE, "GetTapiObjectFromAsyncEventMSG - entered"));
// get pInitData from the structure we have
PT3INIT_DATA pInitData = (PT3INIT_DATA) GetHandleTableEntry(pParams->InitContext);
if (IsBadReadPtr(pInitData, sizeof(T3INIT_DATA))) { LOG((TL_WARN, "GetTapiObjectFromAsyncEventMSG - could not recover pInitData")); return NULL; }
// get tapi object from pInitData
CTAPI *pTapi = pInitData->pTAPI;
// is it any good?
if (IsBadReadPtr(pTapi, sizeof(CTAPI))) {
LOG((TL_WARN, "GetTapiObjectFromAsyncEventMSG - tapi pointer [%p] does not point to readable memory", pTapi));
return NULL; }
// double check that this is a known tapi object...
if (!CTAPI::FindTapiObject(pTapi)) { //
// the object is not in the list of tapi objects
LOG((TL_WARN, "GetTapiObjectFromAsyncEventMSG - CTAPI::FindTapiObject did not find the tapi object [%p]", pTapi));
return NULL; }
LOG((TL_TRACE, "GetTapiObjectFromAsyncEventMSG - exit. pTapi %p", pTapi));
return pTapi; }
void HandleLineCreate( PASYNCEVENTMSG pParams ) { LOG((TL_TRACE, "HandleLineCreate - enter"));
// get tapi object
CTAPI *pTapi = GetTapiObjectFromAsyncEventMSG(pParams);
if (NULL == pTapi) { LOG((TL_WARN, "HandleLineCreate - tapi object not present [%p]", pTapi));
return; }
// we have tapi object, do what we have to do.
pTapi->DoLineCreate( pParams->Param1 ); //
// GetTapiObjectFromAsyncEventMSG returned a addref'ed tapi object. release
pTapi->Release(); pTapi = NULL;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "HandleLineCreate - exit")); }
void HandleLineRemove( PASYNCEVENTMSG pParams ) {
LOG((TL_TRACE, "HandleLineRemove - enter"));
// get tapi object
CTAPI *pTapi = GetTapiObjectFromAsyncEventMSG(pParams);
if (NULL == pTapi) { LOG((TL_WARN, "HandleLineRemove - tapi object not present [%p]", pTapi));
return; }
// we have tapi object, do what we have to do.
pTapi->DoLineRemove( pParams->Param1 );
// GetTapiObjectFromAsyncEventMSG returned a addref'ed tapi object. release
pTapi->Release(); pTapi = NULL;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "HandleLineRemove - exit")); }
void HandlePhoneCreate( PASYNCEVENTMSG pParams ) { LOG((TL_TRACE, "HandlePhoneCreate - enter"));
// get tapi object
CTAPI *pTapi = GetTapiObjectFromAsyncEventMSG(pParams);
if (NULL == pTapi) { LOG((TL_WARN, "HandlePhoneCreate - tapi object not present [%p]", pTapi));
return; }
// we have tapi object, do what we have to do.
pTapi->DoPhoneCreate( pParams->Param1 );
// GetTapiObjectFromAsyncEventMSG returned a addref'ed tapi object. release
pTapi->Release(); pTapi = NULL;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "HandlePhoneCreate - exit")); }
void HandlePhoneRemove( PASYNCEVENTMSG pParams ) {
LOG((TL_TRACE, "HandlePhoneRemove - enter"));
// get tapi object
CTAPI *pTapi = GetTapiObjectFromAsyncEventMSG(pParams);
if (NULL == pTapi) { LOG((TL_WARN, "HandlePhoneRemove - tapi object not present [%p]", pTapi));
return; }
// we have tapi object, do what we have to do.
// GetTapiObjectFromAsyncEventMSG returned a addref'ed tapi object. release
pTapi->Release(); pTapi = NULL;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "HandlePhoneRemove - exit"));
HRESULT CTapiObjectEvent::FireEvent( CTAPI * pTapi, TAPIOBJECT_EVENT Event, ITAddress * pAddress, long lCallbackInstance, ITPhone * pPhone ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CComObject<CTapiObjectEvent> * p; IDispatch * pDisp;
// Check the event filter mask
// This event is not filtered by TapiSrv because is
// related with TE_TAPIOBJECT, a specific TAPI3 event.
DWORD dwEventFilterMask = Event; long nTapiEventFilter = 0; pTapi->get_EventFilter( &nTapiEventFilter );
STATICLOG((TL_INFO, " TapiObjectEventMask ---> %ld", dwEventFilterMask ));
if( !( nTapiEventFilter & TE_TAPIOBJECT)) { STATICLOG((TL_WARN, "FireEvent - filtering out this event [%lx]", Event)); return S_OK; }
// create event
hr = CComObject<CTapiObjectEvent>::CreateInstance( &p );
if ( !SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { STATICLOG((TL_ERROR, "Could not create TapiObjectEvent object - %lx", hr)); return hr; }
// initialize
p->m_Event = Event; p->m_pTapi = dynamic_cast<ITTAPI *>(pTapi); p->m_pTapi->AddRef(); p->m_pAddress = pAddress; p->m_lCallbackInstance = lCallbackInstance; p->m_pPhone = pPhone;
if ( NULL != pAddress ) { pAddress->AddRef(); }
if ( NULL != pPhone ) { pPhone->AddRef(); } #if DBG
p->m_pDebug = (PWSTR) ClientAlloc( 1 ); #endif
// get idisp interface
hr = p->QueryInterface( IID_IDispatch, (void **)&pDisp );
if ( !SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { STATICLOG((TL_ERROR, "Could not get disp interface of TapiObjectEvent object %lx", hr)); delete p; return hr; }
// fire event
pTapi->Event( TE_TAPIOBJECT, pDisp );
// release stuff
pDisp->Release(); return S_OK; }
void CTapiObjectEvent::FinalRelease(void) { m_pTapi->Release();
if ( NULL != m_pAddress ) { m_pAddress->Release(); }
if ( NULL != m_pPhone ) { m_pPhone->Release(); }
#if DBG
ClientFree( m_pDebug );
STDMETHODIMP CTapiObjectEvent::get_TAPIObject( ITTAPI ** ppTapi ) { if ( TAPIIsBadWritePtr( ppTapi, sizeof( ITTAPI *) ) ) { return E_POINTER; }
*ppTapi = m_pTapi; (*ppTapi)->AddRef();
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CTapiObjectEvent::get_Event( TAPIOBJECT_EVENT * pEvent ) { if ( TAPIIsBadWritePtr( pEvent, sizeof( TAPIOBJECT_EVENT ) ) ) { return E_POINTER; }
*pEvent = m_Event;
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CTapiObjectEvent::get_Address( ITAddress ** ppAddress ) { if ( TAPIIsBadWritePtr( ppAddress, sizeof( ITAddress *) ) ) { return E_POINTER; }
if ((m_Event != TE_ADDRESSCREATE) && (m_Event != TE_ADDRESSREMOVE) && (m_Event != TE_ADDRESSCLOSE)) { return TAPI_E_WRONGEVENT; }
*ppAddress = m_pAddress;
if ( NULL != m_pAddress ) { m_pAddress->AddRef(); }
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CTapiObjectEvent::get_CallbackInstance( long * plCallbackInstance ) { if ( TAPIIsBadWritePtr( plCallbackInstance, sizeof( long ) ) ) { return E_POINTER; }
*plCallbackInstance = m_lCallbackInstance;
return S_OK; }
// get_Phone
STDMETHODIMP CTapiObjectEvent::get_Phone( ITPhone ** ppPhone ) { if ( TAPIIsBadWritePtr( ppPhone , sizeof(ITPhone *) ) ) { return E_POINTER; }
if ((m_Event != TE_PHONECREATE) && (m_Event != TE_PHONEREMOVE)) { return TAPI_E_WRONGEVENT; }
*ppPhone = m_pPhone;
if ( NULL != m_pPhone ) { m_pPhone->AddRef(); } return S_OK; }
// HandleReinit
// we got a reinit message, so go through all the tapi objects, and
// fire the event
void CTAPI::HandleReinit() {
LOG((TL_TRACE, "HandleReinit - enter")); //
// Fire the event
CTapiObjectEvent::FireEvent( this, TE_REINIT, NULL, 0, NULL );
m_dwFlags |= TAPIFLAG_REINIT; Unlock();
HRESULT CTAPI::GetBuffer( DWORD dwType, UINT_PTR pObject, LPVOID * ppBuffer ) { switch (dwType) { case BUFFERTYPE_ADDRCAP: return m_pAddressCapCache->GetBuffer( pObject, ppBuffer ); break;
case BUFFERTYPE_LINEDEVCAP: return m_pLineCapCache->GetBuffer( pObject, ppBuffer ); break;
case BUFFERTYPE_PHONECAP: return m_pPhoneCapCache->GetBuffer( pObject, ppBuffer ); break;
default: return E_FAIL; }
return E_UNEXPECTED; }
HRESULT CTAPI::SetBuffer( DWORD dwType, UINT_PTR pObject, LPVOID pBuffer ) { switch (dwType) { case BUFFERTYPE_ADDRCAP: return m_pAddressCapCache->SetBuffer( pObject, pBuffer ); break;
case BUFFERTYPE_LINEDEVCAP: return m_pLineCapCache->SetBuffer( pObject, pBuffer ); break;
case BUFFERTYPE_PHONECAP: return m_pPhoneCapCache->SetBuffer( pObject, pBuffer ); break;
default: return E_FAIL; }
return E_UNEXPECTED; }
HRESULT CTAPI::InvalidateBuffer( DWORD dwType, UINT_PTR pObject ) { switch (dwType) { case BUFFERTYPE_ADDRCAP: return m_pAddressCapCache->InvalidateBuffer( pObject ); break;
case BUFFERTYPE_LINEDEVCAP: return m_pLineCapCache->InvalidateBuffer( pObject ); break;
case BUFFERTYPE_PHONECAP: return m_pPhoneCapCache->InvalidateBuffer( pObject ); break;
default: return E_FAIL; }
return E_UNEXPECTED; }
BOOL CTAPI::FindRegistration( PVOID pRegistration ) { PtrList::iterator iter, end;
iter = m_RegisterItemPtrList.begin(); end = m_RegisterItemPtrList.end();
for ( ; iter != end; iter++ ) { REGISTERITEM * pItem;
pItem = (REGISTERITEM *)(*iter); if ( pRegistration == pItem->pRegister ) { Unlock();
return TRUE; } } Unlock();
return FALSE; }
// IDispatch implementation
typedef IDispatchImpl<ITapi2Vtbl<CTAPI>, &IID_ITTAPI2, &LIBID_TAPI3Lib> TapiType; typedef IDispatchImpl<ICallCenterVtbl<CTAPI>, &IID_ITTAPICallCenter, &LIBID_TAPI3Lib> CallCenterType;
// CTAPI::GetIDsOfNames
// Overide if IDispatch method
// See if the requsted method belongs to the default interface
hr = TapiType::GetIDsOfNames(riid, rgszNames, cNames, lcid, rgdispid); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { LOG((TL_INFO, "GetIDsOfNames - found %S on ITTAPI", *rgszNames)); rgdispid[0] |= IDISPTAPI; return hr; }
// If not, then try the Call Center interface
hr = CallCenterType::GetIDsOfNames(riid, rgszNames, cNames, lcid, rgdispid); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { LOG((TL_TRACE, "GetIDsOfNames - found %S on ITTAPICallCenter", *rgszNames));
Lock(); if (!( m_dwFlags & TAPIFLAG_CALLCENTER_INITIALIZED ) ) { LOG((TL_INFO, "GetIDsOfNames - Call Center not initialized" )); UpdateAgentHandlerArray(); m_dwFlags |= TAPIFLAG_CALLCENTER_INITIALIZED;
LOG((TL_INFO, "GetIDsOfNames - Call Center initialized" )); }
Unlock(); rgdispid[0] |= IDISPTAPICALLCENTER; return hr; }
LOG((TL_INFO, "GetIDsOfNames - Didn't find %S on our iterfaces", *rgszNames)); return hr; }
// CTAPI::Invoke
// Overide if IDispatch method
STDMETHODIMP CTAPI::Invoke(DISPID dispidMember, REFIID riid, LCID lcid, WORD wFlags, DISPPARAMS* pdispparams, VARIANT* pvarResult, EXCEPINFO* pexcepinfo, UINT* puArgErr ) { HRESULT hr = DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND; DWORD dwInterface = (dispidMember & INTERFACEMASK); LOG((TL_TRACE, "Invoke - dispidMember %X", dispidMember));
// Call invoke for the required interface
switch (dwInterface) { case IDISPTAPI: { hr = TapiType::Invoke(dispidMember, riid, lcid, wFlags, pdispparams, pvarResult, pexcepinfo, puArgErr ); break; } case IDISPTAPICALLCENTER: { hr = CallCenterType::Invoke(dispidMember, riid, lcid, wFlags, pdispparams, pvarResult, pexcepinfo, puArgErr ); break; }
} // end switch (dwInterface)
LOG((TL_TRACE, hr, "Invoke - exit" )); return hr; }
// CTAPI::SetEventFilterToAddresses
// Copy the event filter down to all addresses
// It's called by put_EventFilter() method
HRESULT CTAPI::SetEventFilterToAddresses( DWORD dwEventFilterMask ) { LOG((TL_TRACE, "CopyEventFilterMaskToAddresses enter"));
CAddress* pAddress = NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// Enumerate the addresses
for ( int iAddress = 0; iAddress < m_AddressArray.GetSize(); iAddress++ ) { pAddress = dynamic_cast<CAddress *>(m_AddressArray[iAddress]);
if( pAddress != NULL ) { hr = pAddress->SetEventFilterMask( dwEventFilterMask );
if( FAILED(hr) ) { break; } } }
LOG((TL_TRACE, "CopyEventFilterMaskToAddresses exit 0x%08x", hr)); return hr; }
// CTAPI::IsValidTapiObject
// a helper static function that checks if it was passed a valid tapi object
// if the object is valid, the function addrefs it and returns TRUE
// if the object is not valid, the function returns true
// static
BOOL CTAPI::IsValidTapiObject(CTAPI *pTapiObject) {
STATICLOG((TL_TRACE, "CTAPI::IsValidTapiObject enter[%p]", pTapiObject));
// before we go into trouble of checking tapi object array see if the ptr
// is readable at all
if ( IsBadReadPtr(pTapiObject, sizeof(CTAPI) ) ) { STATICLOG((TL_WARN, "CTAPI::IsValidTapiObject - object not readabe"));
return FALSE; }
// see if this object is in the array of tapi objects
EnterCriticalSection( &gcsTapiObjectArray ); if (-1 == m_sTAPIObjectArray.Find(pTapiObject) ) {
LeaveCriticalSection ( &gcsTapiObjectArray );
STATICLOG((TL_WARN, "CTAPI::IsValidTapiObject - object not in the array"));
return FALSE; }
// the object is in the array, so it must be valid, addref it
try {
// inside try, in case something else went bad
} catch(...) {
// the object is in the array, but we had problems addrefing.
// something's not kosher.
STATICLOG((TL_ERROR, "CTAPI::IsValidTapiObject - object in in the array but addref threw"));
LeaveCriticalSection ( &gcsTapiObjectArray );
return FALSE; }
LeaveCriticalSection ( &gcsTapiObjectArray );
STATICLOG((TL_TRACE, "CTAPI::IsValidTapiObject -- finish. the object is valid"));
return TRUE; }