Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains implementation of CWaveMSP.
Author: Zoltan Szilagyi (zoltans) September 7, 1998
#include "stdafx.h"
CWaveMSP::CWaveMSP() { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CWaveMSP::CWaveMSP entered.")); m_fHaveWaveIDs = FALSE; m_dwWaveInID = 0xfeedface; m_dwWaveOutID = 0xfeedface; m_fdSupport = FDS_UNKNOWN;
m_pFilterMapper = NULL;
LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CWaveMSP::CWaveMSP exited.")); }
CWaveMSP::~CWaveMSP() { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CWaveMSP::~CWaveMSP entered."));
if ( m_pFilterMapper ) { m_pFilterMapper->Release(); }
LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CWaveMSP::~CWaveMSP exited.")); }
ULONG CWaveMSP::MSPAddressAddRef(void) { return MSPAddRefHelper(this); }
ULONG CWaveMSP::MSPAddressRelease(void) { return MSPReleaseHelper(this); }
STDMETHODIMP CWaveMSP::CreateMSPCall( IN MSP_HANDLE htCall, IN DWORD dwReserved, IN DWORD dwMediaType, IN IUnknown * pOuterUnknown, OUT IUnknown ** ppMSPCall ) { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CWaveMSP::CreateMSPCall - enter"));
CWaveMSPCall * pCWaveMSPCall;
HRESULT hr = CreateMSPCallHelper<CWaveMSPCall>(this, htCall, dwReserved, dwMediaType, pOuterUnknown, ppMSPCall, &pCWaveMSPCall);
// pCWaveMSPCall is not addrefed; no need to release.
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CWaveMSP::CreateMSPCall - template helper returned" "0x%08x", hr));
return hr; }
// If we know the wave IDs, tell the call. If we don't know the wave IDs
// or if the setting fails, we still successfully create the call; we will
// just get failure events during streaming.
if ( m_fHaveWaveIDs ) { pCWaveMSPCall->SetWaveIDs( m_dwWaveInID, m_dwWaveOutID ); }
LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CWaveMSP::CreateMSPCall - exit S_OK"));
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CWaveMSP::ShutdownMSPCall ( IN IUnknown * pMSPCall ) { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CWaveMSP::ShutdownMSPCall - enter"));
CWaveMSPCall * pCWaveMSPCall;
HRESULT hr = ShutdownMSPCallHelper<CWaveMSPCall>(pMSPCall, &pCWaveMSPCall);
// pCWaveMSPCall is not addrefed; no need to release.
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CWaveMSP::ShutdownMSPCall - template helper returned" "0x%08x", hr));
return hr; }
LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CWaveMSP::ShutdownMSPCall - exit S_OK"));
return S_OK; }
// Mandatory CMSPAddress override. This indicates the media types that
// we support.
DWORD CWaveMSP::GetCallMediaTypes(void) { return (DWORD) TAPIMEDIATYPE_AUDIO; }
// Optional CMSPAddress override. Used to find out the wave id's before any
// calls are created, allowing us to exclude our own wave devices from our
// enumeration of static terminals.
// We now also use these as the wave ids for all our calls on this address.
// We must get one of these messages before we make any calls -- these
// messages are sent while tapi is initializing the address, and it is
// done synchronously.
HRESULT CWaveMSP::ReceiveTSPAddressData( IN PBYTE pBuffer, IN DWORD dwSize ) { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CWaveMSP::ReceiveTSPAddressData - enter"));
// Check that the buffer is as big as advertised.
if ( IsBadWritePtr(pBuffer, sizeof(BYTE) * dwSize) ) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CWaveMSP::ReceiveTSPAddressData - " "bad buffer - exit E_POINTER"));
return E_POINTER; }
// Check if we have a command DWORD.
if ( dwSize < sizeof(DWORD) ) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CWaveMSP::ReceiveTSPAddressData - " "need a DWORD for command - exit E_INVALIDARG"));
return E_INVALIDARG; }
int i; HRESULT hr;
// Based on the command, take action:
switch ( ((DWORD *) pBuffer) [0] ) { case 3: // use wave IDs to hide terminals
{ if ( dwSize < 3 * sizeof(DWORD) ) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CWaveMSP::ReceiveTSPAddressData - " "need 3 DWORDs for SetWaveID command - " "exit E_INVALIDARG"));
return E_INVALIDARG; }
_ASSERTE( m_fTerminalsUpToDate == FALSE );
m_fHaveWaveIDs = TRUE; m_dwWaveInID = ((DWORD *) pBuffer) [1]; m_dwWaveOutID = ((DWORD *) pBuffer) [2];
LOG((MSP_INFO, "CWaveMSP::ReceiveTSPAddressData - " "setting WaveInID=%d, WaveOutID=%d", m_dwWaveInID, m_dwWaveOutID)); } break;
case 4: // don't use wave IDs to hide terminals
{ _ASSERTE( m_fTerminalsUpToDate == FALSE );
LOG((MSP_INFO, "CWaveMSP::ReceiveTSPAddressData - " "got command 4 - not setting wave IDs"));
// m_fHaveWaveIDs remains FALSE
} break;
case 8: { if ( dwSize < 2 * sizeof(DWORD) ) { LOG((MSP_INFO, "CWaveMSP::ReceiveTSPAddressData - " "need 2 DWORDS for set duplex support command - " "exit E_INVALIDARG"));
return E_INVALIDARG; }
if ( 1 == ((DWORD *) pBuffer) [1] ) { m_fdSupport = FDS_SUPPORTED;
LOG((MSP_INFO, "CWaveMSP::ReceiveTSPAddressData - " "Full Duplex supported")); } else { m_fdSupport = FDS_NOTSUPPORTED; LOG((MSP_INFO, "CWaveMSP::ReceiveTSPAddressData - " "Full Duplex not supported")); }
m_TerminalDataLock.Unlock(); } break; default: LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CWaveMSP::ReceiveTSPAddressData - " "invalid command - exit E_INVALIDARG"));
LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CWaveMSP::ReceiveTSPAddressData - exit S_OK"));
return S_OK; }
// Optional CMSPAddress override. Used to remove our own wave devices from
// the list of static terminals.
HRESULT CWaveMSP::UpdateTerminalList(void) { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CWaveMSP::UpdateTerminalList - enter"));
// Call the base class method. This builds up the list of terminals.
HRESULT hr = CMSPAddress::UpdateTerminalList();
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CWaveMSP::UpdateTerminalList - " "base class method failed - exit 0x%08x", hr));
return hr; }
if ( m_fHaveWaveIDs ) { int iSize = m_Terminals.GetSize();
for ( int i = 0; i < iSize; i++ ) { ITTerminal * pTerminal = m_Terminals[i]; long lMediaType;
if ( SUCCEEDED( pTerminal->get_MediaType( & lMediaType ) ) ) { if ( lMediaType == TAPIMEDIATYPE_AUDIO ) { TERMINAL_DIRECTION dir; if ( SUCCEEDED( pTerminal->get_Direction( & dir ) ) ) { if ( TerminalHasWaveID( dir == TD_CAPTURE, pTerminal, m_dwWaveOutID ) ) { pTerminal->Release(); m_Terminals.RemoveAt(i); i--; iSize--; }
} // if direction is available
} // if audio
} // if media type is available
} // for each terminal
} // if we have wave ids
LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CWaveMSP::UpdateTerminalList - exit S_OK"));
return S_OK; }
// Private helpers to check if a terminal has a given wave IDs.
BOOL CWaveMSP::TerminalHasWaveID( IN BOOL fCapture, IN ITTerminal * pTerminal, IN DWORD dwWaveID ) { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CWaveMSP::TerminalHasWaveID - enter"));
_ASSERTE( ! IsBadReadPtr(pTerminal, sizeof(ITTerminal) ) );
IMoniker * pMoniker;
// Cast to the correct type of terminal and get the moniker.
if ( fCapture ) { CAudioCaptureTerminal * pCaptureTerminal;
pCaptureTerminal = dynamic_cast<CAudioCaptureTerminal *> (pTerminal);
if ( pCaptureTerminal == NULL ) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CWaveMSP::TerminalHasWaveID - " "dynamic cast (capture) failed - exit FALSE"));
return FALSE; }
pMoniker = pCaptureTerminal->m_pMoniker; } else { CAudioRenderTerminal * pRenderTerminal;
pRenderTerminal = dynamic_cast<CAudioRenderTerminal *> (pTerminal);
if ( pRenderTerminal == NULL ) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CWaveMSP::TerminalHasWaveID - " "dynamic cast (render) failed - exit FALSE"));
return FALSE; }
pMoniker = pRenderTerminal->m_pMoniker; }
// Check the moniker pointer.
if ( IsBadWritePtr( pMoniker, sizeof(IMoniker) ) ) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CWaveMSP::TerminalHasWaveID - " "bad moniker pointer - exit FALSE"));
return FALSE; }
// Get a property bag from the moniker.
IPropertyBag * pBag;
HRESULT hr = pMoniker->BindToStorage(0, 0, IID_IPropertyBag, (void **) &pBag); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CWaveMSP::TerminalHasWaveID - " "can't get property bag - exit FALSE"));
return FALSE; }
// Get the ID from the property bag.
WCHAR * pwszWaveID;
if ( fCapture ) { pwszWaveID = L"WaveInId"; } else { pwszWaveID = L"WaveOutId"; }
VARIANT var; var.vt = VT_I4; hr = pBag->Read(pwszWaveID, &var, 0);
if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CWaveMSP::TerminalHasWaveID - " "can't read wave ID - exit FALSE"));
return FALSE; }
if ( var.lVal == (long) dwWaveID ) { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CWaveMSP::TerminalHasWaveID - " "matched wave ID (%d) - exit TRUE", var.lVal));
return TRUE; } else { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CWaveMSP::TerminalHasWaveID - " "didn't match wave ID (%d) - exit FALSE", var.lVal));
return FALSE; } }
// Public method for creating and saving a reference to the DShow filter
// mapper object on an intelligent connect. Called by the stream/call when an
// intelligent connection is attempted. Does nothing if the cache has already
// been created.
HRESULT CWaveMSP::CreateFilterMapper(void) { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CWaveMSP::CreateFilterMapper - enter"));
if ( m_pFilterMapper != NULL ) { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CWaveMSP::CreateFilterMapper - " "mapper cache already created - doing nothing")); } else { //
// Create an extra filter mapper to keep the filter mapper cache around,
// and create the cache up front, This speeds up DShow's performance
// when we do intelligent connects.
hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_FilterMapper, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IFilterMapper, (void**) & m_pFilterMapper );
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { LOG((MSP_WARN, "CWaveMSP::CreateFilterMapper - " "failed to create filter mapper - 0x%08x - continuing", hr));
m_pFilterMapper = NULL; // just to be safe
// No need to enumerate filters on the mapper cache, because this is
// called at connection time anyway, so there is nothing to be gained
// that way -- the intelligent connection will just do it.
LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CWaveMSP::CreateFilterMapper - exit S_OK"));
return S_OK; }
// Returns full duplex support on this device
HRESULT CWaveMSP::IsFullDuplex( FULLDUPLEX_SUPPORT * pSupport ) { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CWaveMSP::IsFullDuplex - enter"));
if (IsBadWritePtr( pSupport, sizeof(FULLDUPLEX_SUPPORT) )) { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CWaveMSP::IsFullDuplex - bad pointer"));
return E_POINTER; }
*pSupport = m_fdSupport; m_TerminalDataLock.Unlock(); LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CWaveMSP::IsFullDuplex - exit S_OK")); return S_OK; }
// eof