Copyright (c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
RTL Bitmap definitions and prototypes.
Revision History:
Borrowed from ntoskrnl for compatibility on other platforms (Win9x). --*/
#ifndef _TCPIP_BITMAP_H_
#define _TCPIP_BITMAP_H_
// BitMap routines. The following structure, routines, and macros are
// for manipulating bitmaps. The user is responsible for allocating a bitmap
// structure (which is really a header) and a buffer (which must be longword
// aligned and multiple longwords in size).
typedef struct _RTL_BITMAP { ULONG SizeOfBitMap; // Number of bits in bit map
PULONG Buffer; // Pointer to the bit map itself
// The following routine initializes a new bitmap. It does not alter the
// data currently in the bitmap. This routine must be called before
// any other bitmap routine/macro.
VOID RtlInitializeBitMap ( PRTL_BITMAP BitMapHeader, PULONG BitMapBuffer, ULONG SizeOfBitMap );
// The following three routines clear, set, and test the state of a
// single bit in a bitmap.
VOID RtlClearBit ( PRTL_BITMAP BitMapHeader, ULONG BitNumber );
VOID RtlSetBit ( PRTL_BITMAP BitMapHeader, ULONG BitNumber );
BOOLEAN RtlTestBit ( PRTL_BITMAP BitMapHeader, ULONG BitNumber );
// The following two routines either clear or set all of the bits
// in a bitmap.
VOID RtlClearAllBits ( PRTL_BITMAP BitMapHeader );
VOID RtlSetAllBits ( PRTL_BITMAP BitMapHeader );
// The following two routines locate a contiguous region of either
// clear or set bits within the bitmap. The region will be at least
// as large as the number specified, and the search of the bitmap will
// begin at the specified hint index (which is a bit index within the
// bitmap, zero based). The return value is the bit index of the located
// region (zero based) or -1 (i.e., 0xffffffff) if such a region cannot
// be located
ULONG RtlFindClearBits ( PRTL_BITMAP BitMapHeader, ULONG NumberToFind, ULONG HintIndex );
ULONG RtlFindSetBits ( PRTL_BITMAP BitMapHeader, ULONG NumberToFind, ULONG HintIndex );
// The following two routines locate a contiguous region of either
// clear or set bits within the bitmap and either set or clear the bits
// within the located region. The region will be as large as the number
// specified, and the search for the region will begin at the specified
// hint index (which is a bit index within the bitmap, zero based). The
// return value is the bit index of the located region (zero based) or
// -1 (i.e., 0xffffffff) if such a region cannot be located. If a region
// cannot be located then the setting/clearing of the bitmap is not performed.
ULONG RtlFindClearBitsAndSet ( PRTL_BITMAP BitMapHeader, ULONG NumberToFind, ULONG HintIndex );
ULONG RtlFindSetBitsAndClear ( PRTL_BITMAP BitMapHeader, ULONG NumberToFind, ULONG HintIndex );
// The following two routines clear or set bits within a specified region
// of the bitmap. The starting index is zero based.
VOID RtlClearBits ( PRTL_BITMAP BitMapHeader, ULONG StartingIndex, ULONG NumberToClear );
VOID RtlSetBits ( PRTL_BITMAP BitMapHeader, ULONG StartingIndex, ULONG NumberToSet );
// The following routine locates a set of contiguous regions of clear
// bits within the bitmap. The caller specifies whether to return the
// longest runs or just the first found lcoated. The following structure is
// used to denote a contiguous run of bits. The two routines return an array
// of this structure, one for each run located.
typedef struct _RTL_BITMAP_RUN {
ULONG StartingIndex; ULONG NumberOfBits;
ULONG RtlFindClearRuns ( PRTL_BITMAP BitMapHeader, PRTL_BITMAP_RUN RunArray, ULONG SizeOfRunArray, BOOLEAN LocateLongestRuns );
// The following routine locates the longest contiguous region of
// clear bits within the bitmap. The returned starting index value
// denotes the first contiguous region located satisfying our requirements
// The return value is the length (in bits) of the longest region found.
ULONG RtlFindLongestRunClear ( PRTL_BITMAP BitMapHeader, PULONG StartingIndex );
// The following routine locates the first contiguous region of
// clear bits within the bitmap. The returned starting index value
// denotes the first contiguous region located satisfying our requirements
// The return value is the length (in bits) of the region found.
ULONG RtlFindFirstRunClear ( PRTL_BITMAP BitMapHeader, PULONG StartingIndex );
// The following macro returns the value of the bit stored within the
// bitmap at the specified location. If the bit is set a value of 1 is
// returned otherwise a value of 0 is returned.
// RtlCheckBit (
// PRTL_BITMAP BitMapHeader,
// ULONG BitPosition
// );
// To implement CheckBit the macro retrieves the longword containing the
// bit in question, shifts the longword to get the bit in question into the
// low order bit position and masks out all other bits.
#define RtlCheckBit(BMH,BP) ((((BMH)->Buffer[(BP) / 32]) >> ((BP) % 32)) & 0x1)
// The following two procedures return to the caller the total number of
// clear or set bits within the specified bitmap.
ULONG RtlNumberOfClearBits ( PRTL_BITMAP BitMapHeader );
ULONG RtlNumberOfSetBits ( PRTL_BITMAP BitMapHeader );
// The following two procedures return to the caller a boolean value
// indicating if the specified range of bits are all clear or set.
BOOLEAN RtlAreBitsClear ( PRTL_BITMAP BitMapHeader, ULONG StartingIndex, ULONG Length );
BOOLEAN RtlAreBitsSet ( PRTL_BITMAP BitMapHeader, ULONG StartingIndex, ULONG Length );
ULONG RtlFindNextForwardRunClear ( IN PRTL_BITMAP BitMapHeader, IN ULONG FromIndex, IN PULONG StartingRunIndex );
ULONG RtlFindLastBackwardRunClear ( IN PRTL_BITMAP BitMapHeader, IN ULONG FromIndex, IN PULONG StartingRunIndex );
#endif // MILLEN
#endif // !_TCPIP_BITMAP_H_