Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Contains macros for dumping object members.
Scott Holden (sholden) 24-Apr-1999
Revision History:
#ifndef _TCPDUMP_H_
#define _TCPDUMP_H_
#define printx dprintf
#define TAB "\t"
#define ENDL "\n"
typedef struct { ULONG Value; PCHAR pszDescription; } ENUM_INFO, *PENUM_INFO, FLAG_INFO, *PFLAG_INFO;
extern VOID DumpIPAddr(IPAddr Address); extern VOID DumpPtrSymbol(PVOID pvSymbol); extern VOID DumpFlags(ULONG flags, PFLAG_INFO pFlagInfo); extern VOID DumpEnum(ULONG Value, PENUM_INFO pEnumInfo);
extern FLAG_INFO FlagsTsr[]; extern FLAG_INFO FlagsLLIPBindInfo[]; extern FLAG_INFO FlagsTCPConn[]; extern FLAG_INFO FlagsNTE[]; extern FLAG_INFO FlagsIF[]; extern FLAG_INFO FlagsRCE[]; extern FLAG_INFO FlagsRTE[]; extern FLAG_INFO FlagsTcb[]; extern FLAG_INFO FlagsTCPHeader[]; extern FLAG_INFO FlagsFastChk[]; extern FLAG_INFO FlagsAO[]; extern ENUM_INFO StateTcb[]; extern ENUM_INFO CloseReason[]; extern ENUM_INFO FsContext2[]; extern ENUM_INFO Prot[]; extern ENUM_INFO NdisMediumsEnum[]; extern ENUM_INFO AteState[];
// Manipulate indentations.
extern int _Indent; extern char IndentBuf[ 80 ];
#define IndentChange(cch) { IndentBuf[_Indent]=' '; _Indent += (cch); IndentBuf[_Indent]='\0';}
#define Indent(cch) IndentChange(cch)
#define Outdent(cch) IndentChange(-(cch))
#define ENDL "\n"
_inline BOOL InitTcpipx() { memset(IndentBuf, ' ', 80); IndentBuf[0] = 0; _Indent = 0; return (TRUE); }
// Starting/Ending structures.
#define PrintStartStruct() \
{ printx( "%s{\n", IndentBuf ); Indent(2); }
#define PrintStartNamedStruct( _name, _addr ) \
{ printx( "%s%s @ %x {\n", IndentBuf, #_name, _addr ); Indent(2); }
#define PrintEndStruct() \
{ Outdent(2); dprintf( "%s}\n", IndentBuf ); }
#define PrintIndent() printx("%s", IndentBuf);
_inline VOID PrintFieldNameX(CHAR *pszFieldName, char *p) { if (strlen(pszFieldName) > 35) { printx("%s%-.25s..%s %s ", IndentBuf, pszFieldName, &(pszFieldName[strlen(pszFieldName)-8]), p); } else { printx("%s%-35.35s %s ", IndentBuf, pszFieldName, p); } }
#define PrintFieldName(_fn) PrintFieldNameX(_fn, "=")
#define PrintFieldNameAt(_fn) PrintFieldNameX(_fn, "@")
// Real structures.
// _p - Pointer to the structure.
// _f - field in the structure.
#define Print_BOOLEAN(_p, _f) \
PrintFieldName(#_f); \ printx("%-10s" ENDL, _p->_f == TRUE ? "TRUE" : "FALSE")
#define Print_uint(_p, _f) \
PrintFieldName(#_f); \ printx("%-10lu" ENDL, _p->_f);
#define Print_uinthex(_p, _f) \
PrintFieldName(#_f); \ printx("0x%08lx" ENDL, _p->_f)
#define Print_ULONG(_p, _f) Print_uint(_p, _f)
#define Print_ulong(_p, _f) Print_uint(_p, _f)
#define Print_ULONGhex(_p, _f) Print_uinthex(_p, _f)
#define Print_int(_p, _f) \
PrintFieldName(#_f); \ printx("%-10d" ENDL, _p->_f);
#define Print_long(_p, _f) Print_int(_p, _f)
#define Print_ulonghton(_p, _f) \
PrintFieldName(#_f); \ printx("%-10lu" ENDL, net_long(_p->_f));
#define Print_SeqNum(_p, _f) Print_ulonghton(_p, _f)
#define Print_short(_p, _f) \
PrintFieldName(#_f); \ printx("%-10hd" ENDL, _p->_f);
#define Print_ushort(_p, _f) \
PrintFieldName(#_f); \ printx("%-10hu" ENDL, _p->_f);
#define Print_USHORT Print_ushort
#define Print_ushorthex(_p, _f) \
PrintFieldName(#_f); \ printx("0x%04lx" ENDL, _p->_f)
#define Print_ushorthton(_p, _f) \
PrintFieldName(#_f); \ printx("%-10hu" ENDL, net_short(_p->_f));
#define Print_port(_p, _f) Print_ushorthton(_p, _f)
#define Print_uchar(_p, _f) \
PrintFieldName(#_f); \ printx("%-10lu" ENDL, (uint) _p->_f);
#define Print_ucharhex(_p, _f) \
PrintFieldName(#_f); \ printx("0x%08lx" ENDL, (ULONG) _p->_f)
#define Print_ptr(_p, _f) \
PrintFieldName(#_f); \ printx("%-10lx" ENDL, _p->_f)
#define Print_UINT_PTR Print_ptr
#define Print_ULONG_PTR Print_ptr
#define Print_addr(_p, _f, _t, _a) \
PrintFieldNameAt(#_f); \ printx("%-10lx" ENDL, (_a + FIELD_OFFSET(_t, _f)))
#define Print_Lock(_p, _f) \
PrintFieldName(#_f); \ printx("( 0x%08lx ) %-10s" ENDL, _p->_f, (_p->_f != 0) ? "Locked" : "UnLocked")
#define Print_CTELock Print_Lock
#define Print_SL(_p, _f) \
PrintFieldName(#_f##".Next"); \ printx("%-10lx" ENDL, _p->_f.Next)
#define Print_LL(_p, _f) \
PrintFieldName(#_f); \ printx("Flink = %-10lx", _p->_f.Flink); \ printx("Blink = %-10lx", _p->_f.Blink); \ printx("%s", (_p->_f.Flink == &_p->_f) ? "[Empty]" : ""); \ printx(ENDL)
#define Print_Queue(_p, _f) \
PrintFieldName(#_f); \ printx("q_next = %-10lx", _p->_f.q_next); \ printx("q_prev = %-10lx", _p->_f.q_prev); \ printx("%s", (_p->_f.q_next == &_p->_f) ? "[Empty]" : ""); \ printx(ENDL)
#define Print_IPAddr(_p, _f) \
PrintFieldName(#_f); \ DumpIPAddr(_p->_f); \ printx(ENDL)
#define Print_IPMask(_p, _f) Print_IPAddr(_p, _f)
#define Print_PtrSymbol(_p, _f) \
PrintFieldName(#_f); \ DumpPtrSymbol(_p->_f); \ printx(ENDL)
#define Print_flags(_p, _f, _pfs) \
PrintFieldName(#_f); \ printx("0x%08lx (", (ULONG)_p->_f); \ DumpFlags(_p->_f, _pfs); \ printx(")" ENDL)
#define Print_enum(_p, _f, _pes) \
PrintFieldName(#_f); \ printx("0x%08lx (",(ULONG) _p->_f); \ DumpEnum((ULONG)_p->_f, _pes); \ printx(")" ENDL)
#define EXPAND_TAG(_Tag) ((CHAR *)(&_Tag))[0], \
((CHAR *)(&_Tag))[1], \ ((CHAR *)(&_Tag))[2], \ ((CHAR *)(&_Tag))[3]
#define Print_sig(_p, _f) \
PrintFieldName(#_f); \ printx("%c%c%c%c" ENDL, \ EXPAND_TAG(_p->_f))
#define Print_Tag Print_sig
#define Print_CTEEvent(_p, _f) \
PrintFieldName(#_f); \ DumpCTEEvent(&_p->_f)
#define Print_KEVENT(_p, _f) \
PrintFieldName(#_f); \ DumpKEVENT(&_p->_f)
#define Print_CTETimer(_p, _f) \
PrintFieldName(#_f); \ DumpCTETimer(&_p->_f)
#define Print_CTEBlockStruc(_p, _f) \
PrintFieldName(#_f); \ DumpCTEBlockStruc(&_p->_f)
#define Print_WORK_QUEUE_ITEM(_p, _f) \
PrintFieldName(#_f); \ DumpWORK_QUEUE_ITEM(&_p->_f)
#define Print_IPOptInfo(_p, _f, _t, _a) \
PrintFieldName(#_f); \ DumpIPOptInfo(&_p->_f, _a + FIELD_OFFSET(_t, _f), verb)
#define Print_SHARE_ACCESS(_p, _f) \
PrintFieldName(#_f); \ DumpSHARE_ACCESS(&_p->_f)
#define Print_NDIS_STRING(_p, _f) \
PrintFieldName(#_f); \ DumpNDIS_STRING(&_p->_f)
#define EXPAND_HWADDR(_hwAddr) ((uchar *)(&_hwAddr))[0], \
((uchar *)(&_hwAddr))[1], \ ((uchar *)(&_hwAddr))[2], \ ((uchar *)(&_hwAddr))[3], \ ((uchar *)(&_hwAddr))[4], \ ((uchar *)(&_hwAddr))[5]
#define Print_hwaddr(_p, _f) \
PrintFieldName(#_f); \ printx("%2.2x-%2.2x-%2.2x-%2.2x-%2.2x-%2.2x" ENDL, \ EXPAND_HWADDR(_p->_f))
#endif // _TCPDUMP_H_