/********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft LAN Manager **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1990-1993 **/ /********************************************************************/ /* :ts=4 */
//** INIT.C - TCP/UDP init code.
// This file contain init code for the TCP/UDP driver. Some things
// here are ifdef'ed for building a UDP only version.
#include "precomp.h"
#include "tdint.h"
#include "addr.h"
#include "udp.h"
#include "raw.h"
#include "info.h"
#include "tcp.h"
#include "tcpsend.h"
#include "tcprcv.h"
#include "tcb.h"
#include "tcpconn.h"
#include "tcpdeliv.h"
#include "tlcommon.h"
#include "pplasl.h"
extern int InitTCPRcv(void); extern void UnInitTCPRcv(void);
#include "tcpcfg.h"
#define MAX_CON_RESPONSE_REXMIT_CNT 3 //For UDP we need this!
//* Definitions of global variables.
IPInfo LocalNetInfo;
HANDLE TcpRequestPool;
uint DeadGWDetect; uint PMTUDiscovery; uint PMTUBHDetect; uint KeepAliveTime; uint KAInterval; uint DefaultRcvWin; uint MaxConnections;
uint MaxConnectRexmitCount; uint MaxConnectResponseRexmitCount = MAX_CON_RESPONSE_REXMIT_CNT; uint MaxConnectResponseRexmitCountTmp; uint MaxDataRexmitCount; uint BSDUrgent; uint FinWait2TO; uint NTWMaxConnectCount; uint NTWMaxConnectTime; uint MaxUserPort;
uint SecurityFilteringEnabled;
uint GlobalMaxRcvWin = 0xFFFF; //max of 64K
uint TcpHostOpts = TCP_FLAG_SACK | TCP_FLAG_WS | TCP_FLAG_TS; uint TcpHostSendOpts = 0;
extern HANDLE AddressChangeHandle;
uint StartTime;
extern void *UDPProtInfo; extern void *RawProtInfo;
extern int InitTCPConn(void); extern void UnInitTCPConn(void); extern IP_STATUS TLGetIPInfo(IPInfo * Buffer, int Size); extern NTSTATUS UDPPnPPowerRequest(void *ipContext, IPAddr ipAddr, NDIS_HANDLE handle, PNET_PNP_EVENT netPnPEvent); extern NTSTATUS RawPnPPowerRequest(void *ipContext, IPAddr ipAddr, NDIS_HANDLE handle, PNET_PNP_EVENT netPnPEvent);
extern BOOLEAN InitTcpIprPools(VOID); extern VOID UnInitTcpIprPools(VOID); #endif // MILLEN
// All of the init code can be discarded.
int tlinit(); #pragma alloc_text(INIT, tlinit)
//* Dummy routines for UDP only version. All of these routines return
// 'Invalid Request'.
//* TCPElistChangeHandler - Handles entity list change notification
// Called by IP when entity list needs to be reenumerated due to IP
// Addr changes or bindings changes
// Input: Nothing
// Returns: Nothing
void TCPElistChangeHandler() { TDIEntityID *Entity; uint i; CTELockHandle EntityHandle; uint NewEntityCount; struct TDIEntityID *NewEntityList;
NewEntityList = CTEAllocMem(sizeof(TDIEntityID) * MAX_TDI_ENTITIES); if (!NewEntityList) return;
// our entity list will always be the first.
CTEGetLock(&EntityLock, &EntityHandle); if (EntityCount == 0) { NewEntityList[0].tei_entity = CO_TL_ENTITY; NewEntityList[0].tei_instance = 0; NewEntityList[1].tei_entity = CL_TL_ENTITY; NewEntityList[1].tei_instance = 0; NewEntityCount = 2; } else { NewEntityCount = EntityCount; RtlCopyMemory(NewEntityList, EntityList, EntityCount * sizeof(*EntityList)); } CTEFreeLock(&EntityLock, EntityHandle);
// When we have multiple networks under us, we'll want to loop through
// here calling them all. For now just call the one we have.
(*LocalNetInfo.ipi_getelist) (NewEntityList, &NewEntityCount);
// Now walk the entire list, remove the entities that are going away,
// and recompact the entity list. Usually entities dont go away as part of
// the AddressArrival but we take care of this anyways in case there is
// another that is just going away and we have not got a call for
// AddressDeletion yet.
for (i = 0, Entity = NewEntityList; i < NewEntityCount;) { if (Entity->tei_instance == INVALID_ENTITY_INSTANCE) { RtlMoveMemory(Entity, Entity + 1, sizeof(TDIEntityID) * (NewEntityCount - i - 1)); NewEntityCount--; } else { Entity++; i++; } }
// Transfer the newly-constructed list over the existing list.
CTEGetLock(&EntityLock, &EntityHandle); NdisZeroMemory(EntityList, EntityCount * sizeof(*EntityList)); RtlCopyMemory(EntityList, NewEntityList, NewEntityCount * sizeof(*NewEntityList)); EntityCount = NewEntityCount; CTEFreeLock(&EntityLock, EntityHandle); CTEFreeMem(NewEntityList); }
//* AddressArrival - Handle an IP address arriving
// Called by TDI when an address arrives. All we do is query the
// EntityList.
// Input: Addr - IP address that's coming.
// Context1 - PNP context1
// Context2 - PNP context2
// Returns: Nothing.
void AddressArrival(PTA_ADDRESS Addr, PUNICODE_STRING DeviceName, PTDI_PNP_CONTEXT Context2) { if (Addr->AddressType == TDI_ADDRESS_TYPE_IP && !IP_ADDR_EQUAL(((PTDI_ADDRESS_IP) Addr->Address)->in_addr, NULL_IP_ADDR)) { RevalidateAddrs(((PTDI_ADDRESS_IP) Addr->Address)->in_addr); } }
//* AddressDeletion - Handle an IP address going away.
// Called by TDI when an address is deleted. If it's an address we
// care about we'll clean up appropriately.
// Input: Addr - IP address that's going.
// Context1 - PNP context1
// Context2 - PNP context2
// Returns: Nothing.
void AddressDeletion(PTA_ADDRESS Addr, PUNICODE_STRING DeviceName, PTDI_PNP_CONTEXT Context2) { PTDI_ADDRESS_IP MyAddress; IPAddr LocalAddress; TDIEntityID *Entity; uint i, j;
if (Addr->AddressType == TDI_ADDRESS_TYPE_IP) { // He's deleting an address.
MyAddress = (PTDI_ADDRESS_IP) Addr->Address; LocalAddress = MyAddress->in_addr;
if (!IP_ADDR_EQUAL(LocalAddress, NULL_IP_ADDR)) { TCBWalk(DeleteTCBWithSrc, &LocalAddress, NULL, NULL); InvalidateAddrs(LocalAddress); } } }
#pragma BEGIN_INIT
extern uchar TCPGetConfigInfo(void);
extern uchar IPPresent(void);
//** tlinit - Initialize the transport layer.
// The main transport layer initialize routine. We get whatever config
// info we need, initialize some data structures, get information
// from IP, do some more initialization, and finally register our
// protocol values with IP.
// Input: Nothing
// Returns: True is we succeeded, False if we fail to initialize.
int tlinit() { TDI_CLIENT_INTERFACE_INFO tdiInterface;
uint TCBInitialized = 0;
if (!CTEInitialize()) return FALSE;
if (!PplInit()) { return FALSE; } #endif // MILLEN
if (!TCPGetConfigInfo()) return FALSE;
StartTime = CTESystemUpTime();
KeepAliveTime = MS_TO_TICKS(KeepAliveTime); KAInterval = MS_TO_TICKS(KAInterval);
// Get net information from IP.
if (TLGetIPInfo(&LocalNetInfo, sizeof(IPInfo)) != IP_SUCCESS) goto failure;
if (LocalNetInfo.ipi_version != IP_DRIVER_VERSION) goto failure; // Wrong version of IP.
// Now query the lower layer entities, and save the information.
CTEInitLock(&EntityLock); EntityList = CTEAllocMem(sizeof(TDIEntityID) * MAX_TDI_ENTITIES); if (EntityList == NULL) goto failure;
RtlZeroMemory(&tdiInterface, sizeof(tdiInterface));
tdiInterface.MajorTdiVersion = TDI_CURRENT_MAJOR_VERSION; tdiInterface.MinorTdiVersion = TDI_CURRENT_MINOR_VERSION; tdiInterface.AddAddressHandlerV2 = AddressArrival; tdiInterface.DelAddressHandlerV2 = AddressDeletion;
(void)TdiRegisterPnPHandlers( &tdiInterface, sizeof(tdiInterface), &AddressChangeHandle ); //* Initialize addr obj management code.
if (!InitAddr()) goto failure;
if (!InitDG(sizeof(UDPHeader))) goto failure;
MaxConnections = MIN(MaxConnections, INVALID_CONN_INDEX - 1);
if (!InitTCPConn()) goto failure;
if (!InitTCB()) goto failure;
TCBInitialized = 1;
TcpRequestPool = PplCreatePool(NULL, NULL, 0, MAX(sizeof(DGSendReq), MAX(sizeof(TCPConnReq), MAX(sizeof(TCPSendReq), MAX(sizeof(TCPRcvReq), sizeof(TWTCB))))), 'rPCT', 512); if (!TcpRequestPool) goto failure;
if (!InitTcpIprPools()) { goto failure; } #endif // MILLEN
if (!InitTCPRcv()) goto failure;
if (!InitTCPSend()) goto failure;
NdisZeroMemory(&TStats, sizeof(TCPStats));
TStats.ts_rtoalgorithm = TCP_RTO_VANJ; TStats.ts_rtomin = MIN_RETRAN_TICKS * MS_PER_TICK; TStats.ts_rtomax = MAX_REXMIT_TO * MS_PER_TICK; TStats.ts_maxconn = (ulong) TCP_MAXCONN_DYNAMIC;
NdisZeroMemory(&UStats, sizeof(UDPStats));
// Register our UDP protocol handler.
UDPProtInfo = TLRegisterProtocol(PROTOCOL_UDP, UDPRcv, DGSendComplete, UDPStatus, NULL, UDPPnPPowerRequest, NULL);
if (UDPProtInfo == NULL) goto failure; // Failed to register!
// Register the Raw IP (wildcard) protocol handler.
RawProtInfo = TLRegisterProtocol(PROTOCOL_ANY, RawRcv, DGSendComplete, RawStatus, NULL, RawPnPPowerRequest, NULL);
if (RawProtInfo == NULL) { goto failure; // Failed to register!
EntityList[0].tei_entity = CO_TL_ENTITY; EntityList[0].tei_instance = 0; EntityList[1].tei_entity = CL_TL_ENTITY; EntityList[1].tei_instance = 0; EntityCount = 2;
// When we have multiple networks under us, we'll want to loop through
// here calling them all. For now just call the one we have.
(*LocalNetInfo.ipi_getelist) (EntityList, &EntityCount);
return TRUE;
// Come here to handle all failure cases.
// If we've registered Raw IP, unregister it now.
if (RawProtInfo != NULL) TLRegisterProtocol(PROTOCOL_ANY, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
// If we've registered UDP, unregister it now.
PplDeinit(); UnInitTcpIprPools(); #endif // MILLEN
PplDestroyPool(TcpRequestPool); UnInitTCPSend(); UnInitTCPRcv(); if (TCBInitialized) { UnInitTCB(); } UnInitTCPConn(); return FALSE; }
#pragma END_INIT