/********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft LAN Manager **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1990-2000 **/ /********************************************************************/ /* :ts=4 */
//** TCPCONN.C - TCP connection mgmt code.
// This file contains the code handling TCP connection related requests,
// such as connecting and disconnecting.
#include "precomp.h"
#include "addr.h"
#include "tcp.h"
#include "tcb.h"
#include "tcpconn.h"
#include "tcpsend.h"
#include "tcprcv.h"
#include "tcpdeliv.h"
#include "tlcommon.h"
#include "info.h"
#include "tcpcfg.h"
#include "pplasl.h"
#include "crypto\rc4.h"
#include "ntddksec.h"
#endif // !MILLEN
uint MaxConnBlocks = DEFAULT_CONN_BLOCKS; uint ConnPerBlock = MAX_CONN_PER_BLOCK;
uint NextConnBlock = 0; uint MaxAllocatedConnBlocks = 0;
TCPConnBlock **ConnTable = NULL; HANDLE TcpConnPool; extern HANDLE TcpRequestPool;
extern uint TcpHostOpts;
extern uint GlobalMaxRcvWin;
extern uint TCBWalkCount; extern TCB *PendingFreeList;
extern CACHE_LINE_KSPIN_LOCK PendingFreeLock;
// ISN globals.
#define ISN_KEY_SIZE 256 // 2048 bits.
RC4_KEYSTRUCT g_rc4keyIsn;
typedef struct _ISN_RAND_STORE { ulong iBuf; ushort* pBuf; } ISN_RAND_STORE, *PISN_RAND_STORE;
PISN_RAND_STORE g_pRandIsnStore;
ulong g_cRandIsnStore = ISN_DEF_RAND_STORE_SIZE; ulong g_maskRandIsnStore; #else // !MILLEN
#define ROTATE_LEFT(x, n) (((x) << (n)) | ((x) >> (32-(n))))
ulong g_dwRandom; #endif // MILLEN
SeqNum g_CurISN = 0;
uint InitIsnGenerator() /*++
Routine Description:
Initializes the ISN generator. In this case, calls in to get 2048 bits random and creates an RC4 key.
Return Value:
TRUE - success. FALSE - failure.
Called at PASSIVE level.
{ #if MILLEN
g_CurISN = CTESystemUpTime(); g_dwRandom = g_CurISN; return TRUE; #else // MILLEN
UNICODE_STRING DeviceName; NTSTATUS NtStatus; PFILE_OBJECT pFileObject; PDEVICE_OBJECT pDeviceObject; unsigned char pBuf[ISN_KEY_SIZE]; PIRP pIrp; IO_STATUS_BLOCK ioStatusBlock; KEVENT kEvent; ULONG cBits = 0; ULONG i; ULONG cProcs = KeNumberProcessors;
// Request a block of random bits from the KSecDD driver.
// To do so, retrieve its device object pointer, build an I/O control
// request to be submitted to the driver, and submit the request.
// If any failure occurs, we fall back on the somewhat less-random
// approach of requesting the bits from the randlibk library.
do {
RtlInitUnicodeString( &DeviceName, DD_KSEC_DEVICE_NAME_U);
KeInitializeEvent(&kEvent, SynchronizationEvent, FALSE);
// Get the file and device objects for KDSECDD,
// acquire a reference to the device-object,
// release the unneeded reference to the file-object,
// and build the I/O control request to issued to KSecDD.
NtStatus = IoGetDeviceObjectPointer( &DeviceName, FILE_ALL_ACCESS, &pFileObject, &pDeviceObject);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL,"Tcpip: IoGetDeviceObjectPointer(KSecDD)=%08x\n", NtStatus)); break; } ObReferenceObject(pDeviceObject); ObDereferenceObject(pFileObject);
pIrp = IoBuildDeviceIoControlRequest( IOCTL_KSEC_RNG, pDeviceObject, NULL, // No input buffer.
0, pBuf, // Output buffer stores rng.
ISN_KEY_SIZE, FALSE, &kEvent, &ioStatusBlock);
if (pIrp == NULL) { ObDereferenceObject(pDeviceObject); NtStatus = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; break; } // Issue the I/O control request, wait for it to complete
// if necessary, and release the reference to KSecDD's device-object.
NtStatus = IoCallDriver(pDeviceObject, pIrp);
if (NtStatus == STATUS_PENDING) { KeWaitForSingleObject( &kEvent, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, // Not alertable.
NULL); // No timeout.
NtStatus = ioStatusBlock.Status; } ObDereferenceObject(pDeviceObject);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL, "Tcpip: IoCallDriver IOCTL_KSEC_RNG failed %#x\n", NtStatus)); break; } } while (FALSE);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { return FALSE; }
// Generate the key control structure.
rc4_key(&g_rc4keyIsn, ISN_KEY_SIZE, pBuf);
// Initalialize the current sequence number to a random value.
rc4(&g_rc4keyIsn, sizeof(SeqNum), (uchar*)&g_CurISN);
// Round down the store size to power of 2. Verify in range.
while (g_cRandIsnStore = g_cRandIsnStore >> 1) { cBits++; }
g_cRandIsnStore = 1 << cBits;
if (g_cRandIsnStore < ISN_MIN_RAND_STORE_SIZE || g_cRandIsnStore > ISN_MAX_RAND_STORE_SIZE) { g_cRandIsnStore = ISN_DEF_RAND_STORE_SIZE; } // The mask is store size - 1.
g_maskRandIsnStore = g_cRandIsnStore - 1;
// Initialize the random ISN store. One array/index per processor.
g_pRandIsnStore = CTEAllocMemBoot(cProcs * sizeof(ISN_RAND_STORE));
if (g_pRandIsnStore == NULL) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL,"Tcpip: failed to allocate ISN rand store\n")); return (FALSE); } memset(g_pRandIsnStore, 0, sizeof(ISN_RAND_STORE) * cProcs);
for (i = 0; i < cProcs; i++) { g_pRandIsnStore[i].pBuf = CTEAllocMemBoot(sizeof(ushort) * g_cRandIsnStore);
if (g_pRandIsnStore[i].pBuf == NULL) { goto error1; } rc4( &g_rc4keyIsn, sizeof(ushort) * g_cRandIsnStore, (uchar*)g_pRandIsnStore[i].pBuf); }
return (TRUE);
for (i = 0; i < cProcs; i++) { if (g_pRandIsnStore[i].pBuf != NULL) { CTEFreeMem(g_pRandIsnStore[i].pBuf); } } CTEFreeMem(g_pRandIsnStore);
return (FALSE); #endif // !MILLEN
VOID GetRandomISN( PULONG SeqNum ) /*++
Routine Description:
Called when an Initial Sequence Number (ISN) is needed. Calls crypto functions for random number generation.
pTcb - TCB of connection being opened. Returns the sequence number in pTcb->tcb_sendnext.
Return Value:
iBuf is initialized to 0. Therefore first time through, iStore = 1. This ensures that we use the rand bits generated at init time. Also, it means that we should not generate new bits until AFTER we have used iStore = 0.
{ #if MILLEN
ulong randbits;
// Pseudo random bits based on time.
randbits = CTESystemUpTime() + *SeqNum;
g_dwRandom = ROTATE_LEFT(randbits^g_dwRandom, 15);
// We want to add between 32K and 64K of random, so adjust. There are 16
// bits of randomness, just ensure that the high order bit is set and we
// have >= 32K and <= (64K-1)::15bits of randomness.
randbits = (g_dwRandom & 0xffff) | 0x8000;
// Update global CurISN. InterlockedExchangeAdd returns initial value
// (not the added value).
*SeqNum = InterlockedExchangeAdd(&g_CurISN, randbits);
// We don't need to add randbits here. We have randomized the global
// counter which is good enough for next time we choose ISN.
/* pTcb->tcb_sendnext += randbits; */
return; #else // MILLEN
ushort randbits; ulong iStore; ulong iProc; KIRQL irql;
// Raise IRQL to DISPATCH so that we don't get swapped out while accessing
// the processor specific array. Check to see if already at DISPATCH
// before doing the work.
iProc = KeGetCurrentProcessorNumber();
// Get index into the random store. Mask performs mod operation.
iStore = ++g_pRandIsnStore[iProc].iBuf & g_maskRandIsnStore; ASSERT(iStore < g_cRandIsnStore);
randbits = g_pRandIsnStore[iProc].pBuf[iStore];
// We want to add between 32K and 64K of random, so adjust. There are 16
// bits of randomness, just ensure that the high order bit is set and we
// have >= 32K and <= (64K-1)::15bits of randomness.
randbits |= 0x8000;
// Update global CurISN. InterlockedExchangeAdd returns initial value
// (not the added value).
*SeqNum = InterlockedExchangeAdd(&g_CurISN, randbits);
// We don't need to add randbits here. We have randomized the global
// counter which is good enough for next time we choose ISN.
/* pTcb->tcb_sendnext += randbits; */
// Does the random number store need to be regenerated?
if (iStore == 0) { rc4( &g_rc4keyIsn, sizeof(ushort) * g_cRandIsnStore, (uchar*) g_pRandIsnStore[iProc].pBuf); } return; #endif // !MILLEN
extern PDRIVER_OBJECT TCPDriverObject;
DEFINE_LOCK_STRUCTURE(ConnTableLock) extern CTELock *pTCBTableLock; extern CTELock *pTWTCBTableLock;
TCPAddrCheckElement *AddrCheckTable = NULL; // The current check table
extern IPInfo LocalNetInfo; extern void RemoveConnFromAO(AddrObj * AO, TCPConn * Conn);
// All of the init code can be discarded.
int InitTCPConn(void); void UnInitTCPConn(void); void NotifyConnLimitProc(CTEEvent * Event, void *Context);
typedef struct ConnLimitExceededStruct { CTEEvent cle_event; IPAddr cle_addr; ulong cle_port; } ConnLimitExceededStruct;
#pragma alloc_text(INIT, InitTCPConn)
#pragma alloc_text(INIT, UnInitTCPConn)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, NotifyConnLimitProc)
void CompleteConnReq(TCB * CmpltTCB, IPOptInfo * OptInfo, TDI_STATUS Status);
//** Routines for handling conn refcount going to 0.
//* DummyDone - Called when nothing to do.
// Input: Conn - Conn goint to 0.
// Handle - Lock handle for conn table lock.
// Returns: Nothing.
void DummyDone(TCPConn * Conn, CTELockHandle Handle) { CTEFreeLock(&(Conn->tc_ConnBlock->cb_lock), Handle); }
//* DummyCmplt - Dummy close completion routine.
void DummyCmplt(PVOID Dummy1, uint Dummy2, uint Dummy3) { }
//* CloseDone - Called when we need to complete a close.
// Input: Conn - Conn going to 0.
// Handle - Lock handle for conn table lock.
// Returns: Nothing.
void CloseDone(TCPConn * Conn, CTELockHandle Handle) { CTEReqCmpltRtn Rtn; // Completion routine.
PVOID Context; // User context for completion routine.
CTELockHandle AOTableHandle, ConnTableHandle, AOHandle; AddrObj *AO;
ASSERT(Conn->tc_flags & CONN_CLOSING);
Rtn = Conn->tc_rtn; Context = Conn->tc_rtncontext; CTEFreeLock(&(Conn->tc_ConnBlock->cb_lock), Handle);
CTEGetLock(&AddrObjTableLock.Lock, &AOTableHandle); CTEGetLock(&(Conn->tc_ConnBlock->cb_lock), &ConnTableHandle); #if DBG
Conn->tc_ConnBlock->line = (uint) __LINE__; Conn->tc_ConnBlock->module = (uchar *) __FILE__; #endif
if ((AO = Conn->tc_ao) != NULL) {
CTEStructAssert(AO, ao);
// It's associated.
CTEGetLock(&AO->ao_lock, &AOHandle); RemoveConnFromAO(AO, Conn); // We've pulled him from the AO, we can free the lock now.
CTEFreeLock(&AO->ao_lock, AOHandle); } CTEFreeLock(&(Conn->tc_ConnBlock->cb_lock), ConnTableHandle); CTEFreeLock(&AddrObjTableLock.Lock, AOTableHandle);
(*Rtn) (Context, TDI_SUCCESS, 0);
//* DisassocDone - Called when we need to complete a disassociate.
// Input: Conn - Conn going to 0.
// Handle - Lock handle for conn table lock.
// Returns: Nothing.
void DisassocDone(TCPConn * Conn, CTELockHandle Handle) { CTEReqCmpltRtn Rtn; // Completion routine.
PVOID Context; // User context for completion routine.
AddrObj *AO; CTELockHandle AOTableHandle, ConnTableHandle, AOHandle; uint NeedClose = FALSE;
ASSERT(Conn->tc_flags & CONN_DISACC); ASSERT(!(Conn->tc_flags & CONN_CLOSING)); ASSERT(Conn->tc_refcnt == 0);
Rtn = Conn->tc_rtn; Context = Conn->tc_rtncontext; Conn->tc_refcnt = 1; CTEFreeLock(&(Conn->tc_ConnBlock->cb_lock), Handle);
CTEGetLock(&AddrObjTableLock.Lock, &AOTableHandle); CTEGetLock(&(Conn->tc_ConnBlock->cb_lock), &ConnTableHandle); #if DBG
Conn->tc_ConnBlock->line = (uint) __LINE__; Conn->tc_ConnBlock->module = (uchar *) __FILE__; #endif
if (!(Conn->tc_flags & CONN_CLOSING)) {
AO = Conn->tc_ao; if (AO != NULL) { CTEGetLock(&AO->ao_lock, &AOHandle); RemoveConnFromAO(AO, Conn); CTEFreeLock(&AO->ao_lock, AOHandle); } ASSERT(Conn->tc_refcnt == 1); Conn->tc_flags &= ~CONN_DISACC; } else NeedClose = TRUE;
Conn->tc_refcnt = 0; CTEFreeLock(&AddrObjTableLock.Lock, ConnTableHandle);
if (NeedClose) { CloseDone(Conn, AOTableHandle); } else { CTEFreeLock(&(Conn->tc_ConnBlock->cb_lock), AOTableHandle); (*Rtn) (Context, TDI_SUCCESS, 0); }
PVOID NTAPI TcpConnAllocate ( IN POOL_TYPE PoolType, IN SIZE_T NumberOfBytes, IN ULONG Tag ) { TCPConn *Conn;
Conn = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PoolType, NumberOfBytes, Tag);
if (Conn) { NdisZeroMemory(Conn, sizeof(TCPConn));
Conn->tc_connid = INVALID_CONN_ID; } return Conn; }
VOID NTAPI TcpConnFree ( IN PVOID Buffer ) { ExFreePool(Buffer); }
__inline VOID FreeConn(TCPConn *Conn) { PplFree(TcpConnPool, Conn); }
TCPConn * GetConn() { TCPConn *Conn; uint id; TCPConnBlock *ConnBlock; LOGICAL FromList;
Conn = PplAllocate(TcpConnPool, &FromList); if (Conn) {
// If the allocation was satisifed from the lookaside list,
// we need to reinitialize the connection structure.
if (FromList) { // Save these to avoid an expensive lookup later.
id = Conn->tc_connid; ConnBlock = Conn->tc_ConnBlock;
NdisZeroMemory(Conn, sizeof(TCPConn));
Conn->tc_connid = id; Conn->tc_ConnBlock = ConnBlock; } } return Conn; }
//* FreeConnReq - Free a connection request structure.
// Called to free a connection request structure.
// Input: FreedReq - Connection request structure to be freed.
// Returns: Nothing.
__inline VOID FreeConnReq(TCPConnReq *Request) { PplFree(TcpRequestPool, Request); }
//* GetConnReq - Get a connection request structure.
// Called to get a connection request structure.
// Input: Nothing.
// Returns: Pointer to ConnReq structure, or NULL if none.
__inline TCPConnReq * GetConnReq(VOID) { TCPConnReq *Request; LOGICAL FromList;
Request = PplAllocate(TcpRequestPool, &FromList); if (Request) { #if DBG
Request->tcr_req.tr_sig = tr_signature; Request->tcr_sig = tcr_signature; #endif
return Request; }
//* GetConnFromConnID - Get a Connection from a connection ID.
// Called to obtain a Connection pointer from a ConnID. We don't actually
// check the connection pointer here, but we do bounds check the input ConnID
// and make sure the instance fields match.
// Input: ConnID - Connection ID to find a pointer for.
// Returns: Pointer to the TCPConn, or NULL.
// Also, returns with conn block lock held.
TCPConn * GetConnFromConnID(uint ConnID, CTELockHandle * Handle) { uint ConnIndex = CONN_INDEX(ConnID); uint ConnBlockId = CONN_BLOCKID(ConnID); uchar inst = CONN_INST(ConnID); TCPConn *MatchingConn = NULL; TCPConnBlock *ConnBlock;
if ((ConnIndex < MAX_CONN_PER_BLOCK) && (ConnBlockId < MaxAllocatedConnBlocks)) {
ConnBlock = (ConnTable)[ConnBlockId]; if (ConnBlock) { MatchingConn = (ConnBlock->cb_conn)[ConnIndex]; } if (MatchingConn != NULL) { CTEGetLock(&(ConnBlock->cb_lock), Handle); #if DBG
ConnBlock->line = (uint) __LINE__; ConnBlock->module = (uchar *) __FILE__; #endif
CTEStructAssert(MatchingConn, tc);
if (inst != MatchingConn->tc_inst) { MatchingConn = NULL; CTEFreeLock(&(ConnBlock->cb_lock), *Handle); } } } else MatchingConn = NULL;
return MatchingConn; }
//* GetConnID - Get a ConnTable slot.
// Called during OpenConnection to find a free slot in the ConnTable and
// set it up with a connection. We assume the caller holds the lock on the
// TCB ConnTable when we are called.
// Input: NewConn - Connection to enter into slot..
// Returns: A ConnId to use.
uint GetConnID(TCPConn * NewConn, CTELockHandle * Handle) { uint CurrConnID = NewConn->tc_connid; uint i, j, block, k; // Index variable.
uint cbindex; CTELockHandle TableHandle; uchar inst;
//see if newconn has a valid conn id and if the slot is still free
//assuming that this came from freelist
if (CurrConnID != INVALID_CONN_ID) {
//just peek first.
//Assuming Connblock as still valid!!
if (!(NewConn->tc_ConnBlock->cb_conn)[CONN_INDEX(CurrConnID)]) { CTEGetLock(&(NewConn->tc_ConnBlock->cb_lock), Handle); #if DBG
NewConn->tc_ConnBlock->line = (uint) __LINE__; NewConn->tc_ConnBlock->module = (uchar *) __FILE__; #endif
//make sure that this slot is still empty
if (!(NewConn->tc_ConnBlock->cb_conn)[CONN_INDEX(CurrConnID)]) { (NewConn->tc_ConnBlock->cb_conn)[CONN_INDEX(CurrConnID)] = NewConn;
NewConn->tc_inst = NewConn->tc_ConnBlock->cb_conninst++;
NewConn->tc_connid = MAKE_CONN_ID(CONN_INDEX(CurrConnID), NewConn->tc_ConnBlock->cb_blockid, NewConn->tc_inst); //return with this block_lock held.
return NewConn->tc_connid; } CTEFreeLock(&(NewConn->tc_ConnBlock->cb_lock), *Handle);
} } //Nope. try searching for a free slot from the last block that
//we have seen
if (MaxAllocatedConnBlocks) {
uint TempMaxConnBlocks = MaxAllocatedConnBlocks; uint TempNextConnBlock = NextConnBlock;
for (k = 0; k < TempMaxConnBlocks; k++) {
if (TempNextConnBlock >= TempMaxConnBlocks) { //wrap around the allocated blocks
TempNextConnBlock = 0; } i = TempNextConnBlock;
//Since this is part of allocated, it can not be null
ASSERT(ConnTable[TempNextConnBlock] != NULL);
//Peek if this block has free slots
if ((ConnTable[i])->cb_freecons) {
CTEGetLock(&(ConnTable[i])->cb_lock, Handle); #if DBG
ConnTable[i]->line = (uint) __LINE__; ConnTable[i]->module = (uchar *) __FILE__; #endif
if ((ConnTable[i])->cb_freecons) { //it still has free slots if nextfree is valid
// no need to loop around
uint index = (ConnTable[i])->cb_nextfree;
for (j = 0; j < MAX_CONN_PER_BLOCK; j++) {
if (index >= MAX_CONN_PER_BLOCK) { index = 0; } if (!((ConnTable[i])->cb_conn)[index]) {
((ConnTable[i])->cb_conn)[index] = NewConn; (ConnTable[i])->cb_freecons--;
inst = NewConn->tc_inst = (ConnTable[i])->cb_conninst++; block = (ConnTable[i])->cb_blockid; NewConn->tc_ConnBlock = ConnTable[i]; NewConn->tc_connid = MAKE_CONN_ID(index, block, inst);
(ConnTable[i])->cb_nextfree = index++;
NextConnBlock = TempNextConnBlock++;
if (NextConnBlock > MaxAllocatedConnBlocks) { NextConnBlock = 0; } return NewConn->tc_connid; } index++;
} #if DBG
// we should have got a slot if freecons is correct
KdPrint(("Connid: Inconsistent freecon %x\n", ConnTable[i])); DbgBreakPoint(); #endif
} CTEFreeLock(&(ConnTable[i])->cb_lock, *Handle); } //no more freeslots. try next allocated block
TempNextConnBlock++; } } //if MaxAllocatedConnBlocks
//Need to create a conn block at next index.
//we need a lock for mp safe
CTEGetLock(&ConnTableLock, Handle);
if (MaxAllocatedConnBlocks < MaxConnBlocks) { uint cbindex = MaxAllocatedConnBlocks; TCPConnBlock *ConnBlock;
ConnBlock = CTEAllocMemN(sizeof(TCPConnBlock), 'CPCT'); if (ConnBlock) {
NdisZeroMemory(ConnBlock, sizeof(TCPConnBlock)); CTEInitLock(&(ConnBlock->cb_lock)); ConnBlock->cb_blockid = cbindex;
//hang on to this lock while inserting
CTEGetLock(&(ConnBlock->cb_lock), &TableHandle); #if DBG
ConnBlock->line = (uint) __LINE__; ConnBlock->module = (uchar *) __FILE__; #endif
//get the first slot for ourselves
ConnBlock->cb_freecons = MAX_CONN_PER_BLOCK - 1;
ConnBlock->cb_nextfree = 1;
inst = ConnBlock->cb_conninst = 1; NewConn->tc_ConnBlock = ConnBlock; (ConnBlock->cb_conn)[0] = NewConn;
NewConn->tc_connid = MAKE_CONN_ID(0, cbindex, inst); NewConn->tc_inst = inst; ConnBlock->cb_conninst++;
//assignment is atomic!!
ConnTable[cbindex] = ConnBlock;
CTEFreeLock(&ConnTableLock, TableHandle);
return NewConn->tc_connid; } } CTEFreeLock(&ConnTableLock, *Handle); return INVALID_CONN_ID;
//* FreeConnID - Free a ConnTable slot.
// Called when we're done with a ConnID. We assume the caller holds the lock
// on the TCB ConnTable when we are called.
// Input: ConnID - Connection ID to be freed.
// Returns: Nothing.
void FreeConnID(TCPConn * Conn) { uint Index = CONN_INDEX(Conn->tc_connid); // Index into conn table.
uint cbIndex = CONN_BLOCKID(Conn->tc_connid); TCPConnBlock *ConnBlock = Conn->tc_ConnBlock;
ASSERT(Index < MAX_CONN_PER_BLOCK); ASSERT(cbIndex < MaxAllocatedConnBlocks); ASSERT((ConnBlock->cb_conn)[Index] != NULL);
if ((ConnBlock->cb_conn)[Index]) { (ConnBlock->cb_conn)[Index] = NULL; ConnBlock->cb_freecons++; ConnBlock->cb_nextfree = Index; ASSERT(ConnBlock->cb_freecons <= MAX_CONN_PER_BLOCK); } else { ASSERT(0); } }
//* MapIPError - Map an IP error to a TDI error.
// Called to map an input IP error code to a TDI error code. If we can't,
// we return the provided default.
// Input: IPError - Error code to be mapped.
// Default - Default error code to return.
// Returns: Mapped TDI error.
TDI_STATUS MapIPError(IP_STATUS IPError, TDI_STATUS Default) { switch (IPError) {
//* FinishRemoveTCBFromConn - Finish removing a TCB from a conn structure.
// Called when we have the locks we need and we just want to pull the
// TCB off the connection. The caller must hold the ConnTableLock before
// calling this.
// Input: RemovedTCB - TCB to be removed.
// Returns: Nothing.
void FinishRemoveTCBFromConn(TCB * RemovedTCB) { TCPConn *Conn; CTELockHandle AOHandle, TCBHandle, ConnHandle; AddrObj *AO; TCPConnBlock *ConnBlock = NULL;
if (((Conn = RemovedTCB->tcb_conn) != NULL) && (Conn->tc_tcb == RemovedTCB)) {
CTEStructAssert(Conn, tc); ConnBlock = Conn->tc_ConnBlock;
CTEGetLock(&(ConnBlock->cb_lock), &ConnHandle); #if DBG
ConnBlock->line = (uint) __LINE__; ConnBlock->module = (uchar *) __FILE__; #endif
AO = Conn->tc_ao;
if (AO != NULL) { CTEGetLockAtDPC(&AO->ao_lock, &AOHandle);
if (AO_VALID(AO)) {
CTEGetLockAtDPC(&RemovedTCB->tcb_lock, &TCBHandle);
// Need to double check this is still correct.
if (Conn == RemovedTCB->tcb_conn) { // Everything still looks good.
REMOVEQ(&Conn->tc_q); //ENQUEUE(&AO->ao_idleq, &Conn->tc_q);
PUSHQ(&AO->ao_idleq, &Conn->tc_q); } else Conn = RemovedTCB->tcb_conn; } else { CTEGetLockAtDPC(&RemovedTCB->tcb_lock, &TCBHandle); Conn = RemovedTCB->tcb_conn; }
CTEFreeLockFromDPC(&AO->ao_lock, TCBHandle); } else { CTEGetLockAtDPC(&RemovedTCB->tcb_lock, &AOHandle); Conn = RemovedTCB->tcb_conn; }
if (Conn != NULL) { if (Conn->tc_tcb == RemovedTCB) { #if TRACE_EVENT
CPCallBack = TCPCPHandlerRoutine; if (CPCallBack != NULL) { ulong GroupType; WMIInfo.wmi_srcaddr = RemovedTCB->tcb_saddr; WMIInfo.wmi_srcport = RemovedTCB->tcb_sport; WMIInfo.wmi_destaddr = RemovedTCB->tcb_daddr; WMIInfo.wmi_destport = RemovedTCB->tcb_dport; WMIInfo.wmi_context = RemovedTCB->tcb_cpcontext; WMIInfo.wmi_size = 0; GroupType = EVENT_TRACE_GROUP_TCPIP + EVENT_TRACE_TYPE_DISCONNECT; (*CPCallBack) (GroupType, (PVOID) &WMIInfo, sizeof(WMIInfo), NULL); } #endif
Conn->tc_tcb = NULL; //RemovedTCB->tc_connid=0;
Conn->tc_LastTCB = RemovedTCB; } else {
ASSERT(Conn->tc_tcb == NULL); } } CTEFreeLockFromDPC(&RemovedTCB->tcb_lock, AOHandle);
ASSERT(ConnBlock != NULL);
CTEFreeLock(&(ConnBlock->cb_lock), ConnHandle); } }
//* RemoveTCBFromConn - Remove a TCB from a Conn structure.
// Called when we need to disassociate a TCB from a connection structure.
// All we do is get the appropriate locks and call FinishRemoveTCBFromConn.
// Input: RemovedTCB - TCB to be removed.
// Returns: Nothing.
void RemoveTCBFromConn(TCB * RemovedTCB) { CTELockHandle ConnHandle, TCBHandle;
CTEStructAssert(RemovedTCB, tcb);
FinishRemoveTCBFromConn(RemovedTCB); }
//* RemoveConnFromTCB - Remove a conn from a TCB.
// Called when we want to break the final association between a connection
// and a TCB.
// Input: RemoveTCB - TCB to be removed.
// Returns: Nothing.
void RemoveConnFromTCB(TCB * RemoveTCB) { ConnDoneRtn DoneRtn = NULL; CTELockHandle ConnHandle, TCBHandle; TCPConn *Conn;
if ((Conn = RemoveTCB->tcb_conn) != NULL) {
CTEGetLock(&(Conn->tc_ConnBlock->cb_lock), &ConnHandle); #if DBG
Conn->tc_ConnBlock->line = (uint) __LINE__; Conn->tc_ConnBlock->module = (uchar *) __FILE__; #endif
CTEGetLock(&RemoveTCB->tcb_lock, &TCBHandle);
CTEStructAssert(Conn, tc);
if (--(Conn->tc_refcnt) == 0) DoneRtn = Conn->tc_donertn;
RemoveTCB->tcb_conn = NULL;
CTEFreeLock(&RemoveTCB->tcb_lock, TCBHandle); } if (DoneRtn != NULL) {
(*DoneRtn) (Conn, ConnHandle);
} else { if (Conn) { CTEFreeLock(&(Conn->tc_ConnBlock->cb_lock), ConnHandle); } //CTEFreeLock(&ConnTableLock, ConnHandle);
} }
//* CloseTCB - Close a TCB.
// Called when we are done with a TCB, and want to free it. We'll remove
// him from any tables that he's in, and destroy any outstanding requests.
// Input: ClosedTCB - TCB to be closed.
// Handle - Lock handle for TCB.
// Returns: Nothing.
void CloseTCB(TCB * ClosedTCB, CTELockHandle Handle) {
CTELockHandle ConnTableHandle, TCBTableHandle, PendHandle; uchar OrigState = ClosedTCB->tcb_state; TDI_STATUS Status; uint OKToFree; uint Partition = ClosedTCB->tcb_partition; RouteCacheEntry* RCE = ClosedTCB->tcb_rce; CTEStructAssert(ClosedTCB, tcb); ASSERT(ClosedTCB->tcb_refcnt == 0); ASSERT(ClosedTCB->tcb_state != TCB_CLOSED); ASSERT(ClosedTCB->tcb_pending & DEL_PENDING);
// We'll check to make sure that our state isn't CLOSED. This should never
// happen, since nobody should call TryToCloseTCB when the state is
// closed, or take the reference count if we're closing. Nevertheless,
// we'll double check as a safety measure.
if (ClosedTCB->tcb_state == TCB_CLOSED) { CTEFreeLock(&ClosedTCB->tcb_lock, Handle); return; } else {
// Update SNMP counters. If we're in SYN-SENT or SYN-RCVD, this is a failed
// connection attempt. If we're in ESTABLISED or CLOSE-WAIT, treat this
// as an 'Established Reset' event.
if (ClosedTCB->tcb_state == TCB_SYN_SENT || ClosedTCB->tcb_state == TCB_SYN_RCVD) TStats.ts_attemptfails++; else if (ClosedTCB->tcb_state == TCB_ESTAB || ClosedTCB->tcb_state == TCB_CLOSE_WAIT) { TStats.ts_estabresets++; TStats.ts_currestab--;
ClosedTCB->tcb_state = TCB_CLOSED; ClosedTCB->tcb_rce = NULL; CTEFreeLock(&ClosedTCB->tcb_lock, Handle); }
// Remove the TCB from it's associated TCPConn structure, if it has one.
//this takes the appropriate conntable lock.
if (SYNC_RCVD_STATE(OrigState) && !GRACEFUL_CLOSED_STATE(OrigState)) { if (ClosedTCB->tcb_flags & NEED_RST) SendRSTFromTCB(ClosedTCB, RCE); } (*LocalNetInfo.ipi_freeopts) (&ClosedTCB->tcb_opt);
if (RCE) { (*LocalNetInfo.ipi_closerce)(RCE); }
CTEGetLock(&ClosedTCB->tcb_lock, &Handle);
if (ClosedTCB->tcb_closereason & TCB_CLOSE_RST) Status = TDI_CONNECTION_RESET; else if (ClosedTCB->tcb_closereason & TCB_CLOSE_ABORTED) Status = TDI_CONNECTION_ABORTED; else if (ClosedTCB->tcb_closereason & TCB_CLOSE_TIMEOUT) Status = MapIPError(ClosedTCB->tcb_error, TDI_TIMED_OUT); else if (ClosedTCB->tcb_closereason & TCB_CLOSE_REFUSED) Status = TDI_CONN_REFUSED; else if (ClosedTCB->tcb_closereason & TCB_CLOSE_UNREACH) Status = MapIPError(ClosedTCB->tcb_error, TDI_DEST_UNREACHABLE); else Status = TDI_SUCCESS;
// Ref this TCB so that it will not go away until
// we cleanup pending requests.
// Now complete any outstanding requests on the TCB.
if (ClosedTCB->tcb_connreq != NULL) { TCPConnReq *ConnReq = ClosedTCB->tcb_connreq; CTEStructAssert(ConnReq, tcr);
CTEFreeLock(&ClosedTCB->tcb_lock, Handle); (*ConnReq->tcr_req.tr_rtn) (ConnReq->tcr_req.tr_context, Status, 0); FreeConnReq(ConnReq); CTEGetLock(&ClosedTCB->tcb_lock, &Handle); } if (ClosedTCB->tcb_discwait != NULL) { TCPConnReq *ConnReq = ClosedTCB->tcb_discwait; CTEStructAssert(ConnReq, tcr);
CTEFreeLock(&ClosedTCB->tcb_lock, Handle); (*ConnReq->tcr_req.tr_rtn) (ConnReq->tcr_req.tr_context, Status, 0); FreeConnReq(ConnReq); CTEGetLock(&ClosedTCB->tcb_lock, &Handle); } while (!EMPTYQ(&ClosedTCB->tcb_sendq)) { TCPReq *Req; TCPSendReq *SendReq; long Result; uint SendReqFlags;
DEQUEUE(&ClosedTCB->tcb_sendq, Req, TCPReq, tr_q);
CTEStructAssert(Req, tr); SendReq = (TCPSendReq *) Req; CTEStructAssert(SendReq, tsr);
// Decrement the initial reference put on the buffer when it was
// allocated. This reference would have been decremented if the
// send had been acknowledged, but then the send would not still
// be on the tcb_sendq.
SendReqFlags = SendReq->tsr_flags;
if (SendReqFlags & TSR_FLAG_SEND_AND_DISC) {
if ((ClosedTCB->tcb_unacked == 0) && (ClosedTCB->tcb_sendnext == ClosedTCB->tcb_sendmax) && (ClosedTCB->tcb_sendnext == (ClosedTCB->tcb_senduna + 1) || (ClosedTCB->tcb_sendnext == ClosedTCB->tcb_senduna)) ) { BytesSentOkay=TRUE; }
if (BytesSentOkay && !(ClosedTCB->tcb_closereason == TCB_CLOSE_TIMEOUT)){ Status = TDI_SUCCESS; } }
SendReq->tsr_req.tr_status = Status;
Result = CTEInterlockedDecrementLong(&SendReq->tsr_refcnt);
ASSERT(Result >= 0);
if (Result <= 0) { // If we've sent directly from this send, NULL out the next
// pointer for the last buffer in the chain.
if (SendReq->tsr_lastbuf != NULL) { NDIS_BUFFER_LINKAGE(SendReq->tsr_lastbuf) = NULL; SendReq->tsr_lastbuf = NULL; } CTEFreeLock(&ClosedTCB->tcb_lock, Handle); (*Req->tr_rtn) (Req->tr_context, Status, Status == TDI_SUCCESS ? SendReq->tsr_size : 0); CTEGetLock(&ClosedTCB->tcb_lock, &Handle); FreeSendReq(SendReq);
} else { // The send request will be freed when all outstanding references
// to it have completed.
//SendReq->tsr_req.tr_status = Status;
if ((SendReqFlags & TSR_FLAG_SEND_AND_DISC) && (Result <= 1)) {
// If we've sent directly from this send, NULL out the next
// pointer for the last buffer in the chain.
if (SendReq->tsr_lastbuf != NULL) { NDIS_BUFFER_LINKAGE(SendReq->tsr_lastbuf) = NULL; SendReq->tsr_lastbuf = NULL; } CTEFreeLock(&ClosedTCB->tcb_lock, Handle); (*Req->tr_rtn) (Req->tr_context, Status, Status == TDI_SUCCESS ? SendReq->tsr_size : 0); CTEGetLock(&ClosedTCB->tcb_lock, &Handle); FreeSendReq(SendReq);
} } }
while (ClosedTCB->tcb_rcvhead != NULL) { TCPRcvReq *RcvReq;
RcvReq = ClosedTCB->tcb_rcvhead; CTEStructAssert(RcvReq, trr); ClosedTCB->tcb_rcvhead = RcvReq->trr_next; CTEFreeLock(&ClosedTCB->tcb_lock, Handle); (*RcvReq->trr_rtn) (RcvReq->trr_context, Status, 0); CTEGetLock(&ClosedTCB->tcb_lock, &Handle); FreeRcvReq(RcvReq); }
while (ClosedTCB->tcb_exprcv != NULL) { TCPRcvReq *RcvReq;
RcvReq = ClosedTCB->tcb_exprcv; CTEStructAssert(RcvReq, trr); ClosedTCB->tcb_exprcv = RcvReq->trr_next;
CTEFreeLock(&ClosedTCB->tcb_lock, Handle); (*RcvReq->trr_rtn) (RcvReq->trr_context, Status, 0); CTEGetLock(&ClosedTCB->tcb_lock, &Handle); FreeRcvReq(RcvReq); }
if (ClosedTCB->tcb_pendhead != NULL) FreeRBChain(ClosedTCB->tcb_pendhead);
if (ClosedTCB->tcb_urgpending != NULL) FreeRBChain(ClosedTCB->tcb_urgpending);
while (ClosedTCB->tcb_raq != NULL) { TCPRAHdr *Hdr;
Hdr = ClosedTCB->tcb_raq; CTEStructAssert(Hdr, trh); ClosedTCB->tcb_raq = Hdr->trh_next; if (Hdr->trh_buffer != NULL) FreeRBChain(Hdr->trh_buffer);
CTEFreeMem(Hdr); }
CTEFreeLock(&ClosedTCB->tcb_lock, Handle);
CTEGetLock(&pTCBTableLock[Partition], &TCBTableHandle);
CTEGetLockAtDPC(&ClosedTCB->tcb_lock, &Handle);
OKToFree = RemoveTCB(ClosedTCB);
// He's been pulled from the appropriate places so nobody can find him.
// Free the locks, and proceed to destroy any requests, etc.
CTEFreeLockFromDPC(&ClosedTCB->tcb_lock, DISPATCH_LEVEL);
CTEFreeLock(&pTCBTableLock[Partition], TCBTableHandle);
if (OKToFree) { FreeTCB(ClosedTCB); } }
//* TryToCloseTCB - Try to close a TCB.
// Called when we need to close a TCB, but don't know if we can. If
// the reference count is 0, we'll call CloseTCB to deal with it.
// Otherwise we'll set the DELETE_PENDING bit and deal with it when
// the ref. count goes to 0. We assume the TCB is locked when we are called.
// Input: ClosedTCB - TCB to be closed.
// Reason - Reason we're closing.
// Handle - Lock handle for TCB.
// Returns: Nothing.
void TryToCloseTCB(TCB * ClosedTCB, uchar Reason, CTELockHandle Handle) { CTEStructAssert(ClosedTCB, tcb); ASSERT(ClosedTCB->tcb_state != TCB_CLOSED);
ClosedTCB->tcb_closereason |= Reason;
if (ClosedTCB->tcb_pending & DEL_PENDING) { CTEFreeLock(&ClosedTCB->tcb_lock, Handle); return; } ClosedTCB->tcb_pending |= DEL_PENDING; ClosedTCB->tcb_slowcount++; ClosedTCB->tcb_fastchk |= TCP_FLAG_SLOW;
if (ClosedTCB->tcb_refcnt == 0) CloseTCB(ClosedTCB, Handle); else { CTEFreeLock(&ClosedTCB->tcb_lock, Handle); } }
//* DerefTCB - Dereference a TCB.
// Called when we're done with a TCB, and want to let exclusive user
// have a shot. We dec. the refcount, and if it goes to zero and there
// are pending actions, we'll perform one of the pending actions.
// Input: DoneTCB - TCB to be dereffed.
// Handle - Lock handle to be used when freeing TCB lock.
// Returns: Nothing.
void DerefTCB(TCB * DoneTCB, CTELockHandle Handle) { ASSERT(DoneTCB->tcb_refcnt != 0); if (DEREFERENCE_TCB(DoneTCB) == 0) { if (DoneTCB->tcb_pending == 0) { CTEFreeLock(&DoneTCB->tcb_lock, Handle); return; } else { if (DoneTCB->tcb_pending & DEL_PENDING) CloseTCB(DoneTCB, Handle); else if (DoneTCB->tcb_pending & FREE_PENDING) {
RouteCacheEntry* RCE = DoneTCB->tcb_rce; DoneTCB->tcb_rce = NULL; (*LocalNetInfo.ipi_freeopts) (&DoneTCB->tcb_opt);
// Need to take this TCB out of the timerwheel if it is in there.
if( DoneTCB->tcb_timerslot != DUMMY_SLOT) { ASSERT( DoneTCB->tcb_timerslot < TIMER_WHEEL_SIZE ); RemoveFromTimerWheel( DoneTCB ); }
CTEFreeLock(&DoneTCB->tcb_lock, Handle);
// Close the RCE on this guy.
if (RCE) { (*LocalNetInfo.ipi_closerce) (RCE); }
CTEGetLock(&PendingFreeLock.Lock, &Handle); if (TCBWalkCount != 0) {
if( DoneTCB->tcb_flags & IN_TCB_TABLE) DbgBreakPoint(); #endif
//tcbtimeout is walking the table
//Let it free this tcb too.
DoneTCB->tcb_walkcount = TCBWalkCount + 1; *(TCB **) & DoneTCB->tcb_delayq.q_next = PendingFreeList; PendingFreeList = DoneTCB; CTEFreeLock(&PendingFreeLock.Lock, Handle); return;
} else {
CTEFreeLock(&PendingFreeLock.Lock, Handle); } //it is okay to free this.
FreeTCB(DoneTCB); } else ASSERT(0);
return; } } CTEFreeLock(&DoneTCB->tcb_lock, Handle); }
//** TdiOpenConnection - Open a connection.
// This is the TDI Open Connection entry point. We open a connection,
// and save the caller's connection context. A TCPConn structure is allocated
// here, but a TCB isn't allocated until the Connect or Listen is done.
// Input: Request - Pointed to a TDI request structure.
// Context - Connection context to be saved for connection.
// Returns: Status of attempt to open the connection.
TDI_STATUS TdiOpenConnection(PTDI_REQUEST Request, PVOID Context) { TCPConn *NewConn; // The newly opened connection.
CTELockHandle Handle; // Lock handle for TCPConnTable.
uint ConnID; // New ConnID.
TDI_STATUS Status; // Status of this request.
NewConn = GetConn();
if (NewConn != NULL) { // We allocated a connection.
#if DBG
NewConn->tc_sig = tc_signature; #endif
NewConn->tc_tcb = NULL; NewConn->tc_ao = NULL; NewConn->tc_context = Context;
ConnID = GetConnID(NewConn, &Handle); if (ConnID != INVALID_CONN_ID) { // We successfully got a ConnID.
Request->Handle.ConnectionContext = UintToPtr(ConnID); NewConn->tc_refcnt = 0; NewConn->tc_flags = 0; NewConn->tc_tcbflags = NAGLING | (BSDUrgent ? BSD_URGENT : 0); if (DefaultRcvWin != 0) { if (!(TcpHostOpts & TCP_FLAG_WS) && DefaultRcvWin > 0xFFFF) { NewConn->tc_window = 0xFFFF;
} else { NewConn->tc_window = DefaultRcvWin; } NewConn->tc_flags |= CONN_WINSET; } else {
NewConn->tc_window = DEFAULT_RCV_WIN; }
NewConn->tc_donertn = DummyDone; #if !MILLEN
NewConn->tc_owningpid = HandleToUlong(PsGetCurrentProcessId()); #endif
Request->RequestContext = NewConn; Status = TDI_SUCCESS;
CTEFreeLock(&(NewConn->tc_ConnBlock->cb_lock), Handle); } else { FreeConn(NewConn);
return Status; } // Couldn't get a connection.
//* RemoveConnFromAO - Remove a connection from an AddrObj.
// A little utility routine to remove a connection from an AddrObj.
// We run down the connections on the AO, and when we find him we splice
// him out. We assume the caller holds the locks on the AddrObj and the
// TCPConnTable lock.
// Input: AO - AddrObj to remove from.
// Conn - Conn to remove.
// Returns: Nothing.
void RemoveConnFromAO(AddrObj * AO, TCPConn * Conn) {
CTEStructAssert(AO, ao); CTEStructAssert(Conn, tc);
REMOVEQ(&Conn->tc_q); Conn->tc_ao = NULL;
//* TdiCloseConnection - Close a connection.
// Called when the user is done with a connection, and wants to close it.
// We look the connection up in our table, and if we find it we'll remove
// the connection from the AddrObj it's associate with (if any). If there's
// a TCB associated with the connection we'll close it also.
// There are some interesting wrinkles related to closing while a TCB
// is still referencing the connection (i.e. tc_refcnt != 0) or while a
// disassociate address is in progress. See below for more details.
// Input: Request - Request identifying connection to be closed.
// Returns: Status of attempt to close.
TDI_STATUS TdiCloseConnection(PTDI_REQUEST Request) { uint ConnID = PtrToUlong(Request->Handle.ConnectionContext); CTELockHandle TableHandle; TCPConn *Conn; TDI_STATUS Status;
//CTEGetLock(&ConnTableLock, &TableHandle);
// We have the locks we need. Try to find a connection.
Conn = GetConnFromConnID(ConnID, &TableHandle);
if (Conn != NULL) { CTELockHandle TCBHandle; TCB *ConnTCB;
// We found the connection. Free the ConnID and mark the connection
// as closing.
CTEStructAssert(Conn, tc);
Conn->tc_flags |= CONN_CLOSING;
// See if there's a TCB referencing this connection.
// If there is, we'll need to wait until he's done before closing him.
// We'll hurry the process along if we still have a pointer to him.
if (Conn->tc_refcnt != 0) { CTEReqCmpltRtn Rtn; PVOID Context;
// A connection still references him. Save the current rtn stuff
// in case we are in the middle of disassociating him from an
// address, and store the caller's callback routine and our done
// routine.
Rtn = Conn->tc_rtn; Context = Conn->tc_rtncontext;
Conn->tc_rtn = Request->RequestNotifyObject; Conn->tc_rtncontext = Request->RequestContext; Conn->tc_donertn = CloseDone;
// See if we're in the middle of disassociating him
if (Conn->tc_flags & CONN_DISACC) {
// We are disassociating him. We'll free the conn table lock
// now and fail the disassociate request. Note that when
// we free the lock the refcount could go to zero. This is
// OK, because we've already stored the neccessary info. in
// the connection so the caller will get called back if it
// does. From this point out we return PENDING, so a callback
// is OK. We've marked him as closing, so the disassoc done
// routine will bail out if we've interrupted him. If the ref.
// count does go to zero, Conn->tc_tcb would have to be NULL,
// so in that case we'll just fall out of this routine.
CTEFreeLock(&(Conn->tc_ConnBlock->cb_lock), TableHandle); (*Rtn) (Context, (uint) TDI_REQ_ABORTED, 0); CTEGetLock(&(Conn->tc_ConnBlock->cb_lock), &TableHandle); #if DBG
Conn->tc_ConnBlock->line = (uint) __LINE__; Conn->tc_ConnBlock->module = (uchar *) __FILE__; #endif
} ConnTCB = Conn->tc_tcb; if (ConnTCB != NULL) {
CTEStructAssert(ConnTCB, tcb); // We have a TCB. Take the lock on him and get ready to
// close him.
CTEGetLock(&ConnTCB->tcb_lock, &TCBHandle); if (ConnTCB->tcb_state != TCB_CLOSED) { ConnTCB->tcb_flags |= NEED_RST;
CTEFreeLock(&(Conn->tc_ConnBlock->cb_lock), TCBHandle); //CTEFreeLock(&ConnTableLock, TCBHandle);
if (!CLOSING(ConnTCB)) TryToCloseTCB(ConnTCB, TCB_CLOSE_ABORTED, TableHandle); else CTEFreeLock(&ConnTCB->tcb_lock, TableHandle); return TDI_PENDING; } else { // He's already closing. This should be harmless, but check
// this case.
CTEFreeLock(&ConnTCB->tcb_lock, TCBHandle); } } Status = TDI_PENDING;
} else { // We have a connection that we can close. Finish the close.
Conn->tc_rtn = DummyCmplt; CloseDone(Conn, TableHandle); return TDI_SUCCESS; }
CTEFreeLock(&(Conn->tc_ConnBlock->cb_lock), TableHandle);
// We're done with the connection. Go ahead and free him.
return Status;
//* TdiAssociateAddress - Associate an address with a connection.
// Called to associate an address with a connection. We do a minimal
// amount of sanity checking, and then put the connection on the AddrObj's
// list.
// Input: Request - Pointer to request structure for this request.
// AddrHandle - Address handle to associate connection with.
// Returns: Status of attempt to associate.
TDI_STATUS TdiAssociateAddress(PTDI_REQUEST Request, HANDLE AddrHandle) { CTELockHandle TableHandle, AOHandle; AddrObj *AO; uint ConnID = PtrToUlong(Request->Handle.ConnectionContext); TCPConn *Conn; TDI_STATUS Status;
DEBUGMSG(DBG_TRACE && DBG_TDI, (DTEXT("+TdiAssociateAddress(%x, %x) Conn %x\n"), Request, AddrHandle, Request->Handle.ConnectionContext));
AO = (AddrObj *) AddrHandle; CTEStructAssert(AO, ao);
if (!AO_VALID(AO)) { DEBUGMSG(DBG_ERROR && DBG_TDI, (DTEXT("TdiAssociateAddress: Invalid AO %x\n"), AO)); return TDI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } Conn = GetConnFromConnID(ConnID, &TableHandle); CTEGetLock(&AO->ao_lock, &AOHandle);
if (Conn != NULL) { CTEStructAssert(Conn, tc);
if (Conn->tc_ao != NULL) { // It's already associated. Error out.
ASSERT(0); DEBUGMSG(DBG_ERROR && DBG_TDI, (DTEXT("TdiAssociateAddress: Already assoc Addr %x conn %x\n"), AO, Conn)); Status = TDI_ALREADY_ASSOCIATED; } else { Conn->tc_ao = AO; ASSERT(Conn->tc_tcb == NULL); //ENQUEUE(&AO->ao_idleq, &Conn->tc_q);
PUSHQ(&AO->ao_idleq, &Conn->tc_q); Status = TDI_SUCCESS; }
CTEFreeLock(&(Conn->tc_ConnBlock->cb_lock), AOHandle); CTEFreeLock(&AO->ao_lock, TableHandle); return Status; } else { DEBUGMSG(DBG_ERROR && DBG_TDI, (DTEXT("TdiAssociateAddress: Invalid ConnID %x\n"), ConnID)); Status = TDI_INVALID_CONNECTION; }
CTEFreeLock(&AO->ao_lock, AOHandle);
DEBUGMSG(DBG_TRACE && DBG_TDI, (DTEXT("-TdiAssociateAddress [%x]\n"), Status));
return Status; }
//* TdiDisAssociateAddress - Disassociate a connection from an address.
// The TDI entry point to disassociate a connection from an address. The
// connection must actually be associated and not connected to anything.
// Input: Request - Pointer to the request structure for this
// command.
// Returns: Status of request.
TDI_STATUS TdiDisAssociateAddress(PTDI_REQUEST Request) { uint ConnID = PtrToUlong(Request->Handle.ConnectionContext); CTELockHandle AOTableHandle, ConnTableHandle, AOHandle; TCPConn *Conn; AddrObj *AO; TDI_STATUS Status;
CTEGetLock(&AddrObjTableLock.Lock, &AOTableHandle);
Conn = GetConnFromConnID(ConnID, &ConnTableHandle);
if (Conn != NULL) { // The connection actually exists!
CTEStructAssert(Conn, tc); AO = Conn->tc_ao; if (AO != NULL) { CTEStructAssert(AO, ao); // And it's associated.
CTEGetLock(&AO->ao_lock, &AOHandle); // If there's no connection currently active, go ahead and remove
// him from the AddrObj. If a connection is active error the
// request out.
if (Conn->tc_tcb == NULL) { if (Conn->tc_refcnt == 0) { RemoveConnFromAO(AO, Conn); Status = TDI_SUCCESS; } else { // He shouldn't be closing, or we couldn't have found him.
ASSERT(!(Conn->tc_flags & CONN_CLOSING));
Conn->tc_rtn = Request->RequestNotifyObject; Conn->tc_rtncontext = Request->RequestContext; Conn->tc_donertn = DisassocDone; Conn->tc_flags |= CONN_DISACC; Status = TDI_PENDING; }
} else Status = TDI_CONNECTION_ACTIVE; CTEFreeLock(&AO->ao_lock, AOHandle); } else Status = TDI_NOT_ASSOCIATED;
CTEFreeLock(&(Conn->tc_ConnBlock->cb_lock), ConnTableHandle); } else Status = TDI_INVALID_CONNECTION;
CTEFreeLock(&AddrObjTableLock.Lock, AOTableHandle);
return Status;
//* ProcessUserOptions - Process options from the user.
// A utility routine to process options from the user. We fill in the
// optinfo structure, and if we have options we call ip to check on them.
// Input: Info - Info structure containing options to be processed.
// OptInfo - Info structure to be filled in.
// Returns: TDI_STATUS of attempt.
(*LocalNetInfo.ipi_initopts) (OptInfo);
if (Info != NULL && Info->Options != NULL) { IP_STATUS OptStatus;
OptStatus = (*LocalNetInfo.ipi_copyopts) (Info->Options, Info->OptionsLength, OptInfo); if (OptStatus != IP_SUCCESS) { if (OptStatus == IP_NO_RESOURCES) Status = TDI_NO_RESOURCES; else Status = TDI_BAD_OPTION; } else Status = TDI_SUCCESS; } else { Status = TDI_SUCCESS; }
return Status;
//* InitTCBFromConn - Initialize a TCB from information in a Connection.
// Called from Connect and Listen processing to initialize a new TCB from
// information in the connection. We assume the AddrObjTableLock and
// ConnTableLocks are held when we are called, or that the caller has some
// other way of making sure that the referenced AO doesn't go away in the middle
// of operation.
// Input: Conn - Connection to initialize from.
// NewTCB - TCB to be initialized.
// Addr - Remote addressing and option info for NewTCB.
// AOLocked - True if the called has the address object locked.
// Returns: TDI_STATUS of init attempt.
TDI_STATUS InitTCBFromConn(TCPConn * Conn, TCB * NewTCB, PTDI_CONNECTION_INFORMATION Addr, uint AOLocked) { CTELockHandle AOHandle; TDI_STATUS Status; int tos = 0; uint UnicastIf;
CTEStructAssert(Conn, tc);
// We have a connection. Make sure it's associated with an address and
// doesn't already have a TCB attached.
if (Conn->tc_flags & CONN_INVALID) return TDI_INVALID_CONNECTION;
if (Conn->tc_tcb == NULL) { AddrObj *ConnAO;
ConnAO = Conn->tc_ao; if (ConnAO != NULL) { CTEStructAssert(ConnAO, ao);
if (!AOLocked) { CTEGetLock(&ConnAO->ao_lock, &AOHandle); } if (!(NewTCB->tcb_fastchk & TCP_FLAG_ACCEPT_PENDING)) { NewTCB->tcb_saddr = ConnAO->ao_addr; NewTCB->tcb_defaultwin = Conn->tc_window; NewTCB->tcb_rcvwin = Conn->tc_window; // Compute rcv window scale based on the rcvwin
// From RFC 1323 - TCP_MAX_WINSHIFT is set to 14
NewTCB->tcb_rcvwinscale = 0; if (TcpHostOpts & TCP_FLAG_WS) {
while ((NewTCB->tcb_rcvwinscale < TCP_MAX_WINSHIFT) && ((TCP_MAXWIN << NewTCB->tcb_rcvwinscale) < (int)Conn->tc_window)) { NewTCB->tcb_rcvwinscale++;
} } }
NewTCB->tcb_sport = ConnAO->ao_port; NewTCB->tcb_rcvind = ConnAO->ao_rcv; NewTCB->tcb_chainedrcvind = ConnAO->ao_chainedrcv; NewTCB->tcb_chainedrcvcontext = ConnAO->ao_chainedrcvcontext; NewTCB->tcb_ricontext = ConnAO->ao_rcvcontext; if (NewTCB->tcb_rcvind == NULL) NewTCB->tcb_rcvhndlr = PendData; else NewTCB->tcb_rcvhndlr = IndicateData;
NewTCB->tcb_conncontext = Conn->tc_context; NewTCB->tcb_flags |= Conn->tc_tcbflags; #if TRACE_EVENT
NewTCB->tcb_cpcontext = Conn->tc_owningpid; #endif
if (Conn->tc_flags & CONN_WINSET) NewTCB->tcb_flags |= WINDOW_SET;
if (NewTCB->tcb_flags & KEEPALIVE) { START_TCB_TIMER_R(NewTCB, KA_TIMER, Conn->tc_tcbkatime); NewTCB->tcb_kacount = 0; } IF_TCPDBG(TCP_DEBUG_OPTIONS) { TCPTRACE(( "setting TOS to %d on AO %lx in TCB %lx\n", ConnAO->ao_opt.ioi_tos, ConnAO, NewTCB )); }
if (ConnAO->ao_opt.ioi_tos) { tos = ConnAO->ao_opt.ioi_tos; }
UnicastIf = ConnAO->ao_opt.ioi_ucastif;
if (!AOLocked) { CTEFreeLock(&ConnAO->ao_lock, AOHandle); } // If we've been given options, we need to process them now.
if (Addr != NULL && Addr->Options != NULL) NewTCB->tcb_flags |= CLIENT_OPTIONS; Status = ProcessUserOptions(Addr, &NewTCB->tcb_opt);
if (tos) { NewTCB->tcb_opt.ioi_tos = (uchar) tos; } NewTCB->tcb_opt.ioi_ucastif = UnicastIf;
return Status; } else return TDI_NOT_ASSOCIATED; } else return TDI_CONNECTION_ACTIVE;
//* AdjustAckParameters - Initializes the ACK related parameters on a TCB.
// A utility routine to initialize and adjust the ACK parameters on a
// new TCB, with its tcb_rce field pointing to the RCE it is supposed to
// use.
// Input: NewTCB - TCB with RCE initialized.
// Returns: Nothing.
FORCEINLINE VOID AdjustAckParameters(TCB *NewTCB) { NewTCB->tcb_delackticks = NewTCB->tcb_rce->rce_TcpDelAckTicks;
if (NewTCB->tcb_rce->rce_TcpAckFrequency) { NewTCB->tcb_numdelacks = NewTCB->tcb_rce->rce_TcpAckFrequency - 1; }
// If the user setting says the number of delayed ack ticks is
// less than the default (which is also the minimum), then,
// they basically intend to turn delayed-acknowledgement off.
// We achieve that by setting the segments we wait for before
// sending an ACK to 0.
if (NewTCB->tcb_rce->rce_TcpDelAckTicks < DEL_ACK_TICKS) { NewTCB->tcb_numdelacks = 0; } }
//* UdpConnect - Establish a pseudo udp connection
// The TDI connection establishment routine. Called when the client wants to
// establish a udp connection, we validate his incoming parameters
// initialize AO to point to a udp conection information block
// Input: Request - The request structure for this command.
// Timeout - How long to wait for the request. The format
// of this time is system specific - we use
// a macro to convert to ticks.
// RequestAddr - Pointer to a TDI_CONNECTION_INFORMATION
// structure describing the destination.
// ReturnAddr - Pointer to where to return information.
// Returns: Status of attempt to connect.
AddrObj *AO; TDI_STATUS Status; PTDI_CONNECTION_INFORMATION ConInf; CTELockHandle AOHandle; IPAddr DestAddr; ushort DestPort; uchar AddrType; IPAddr SrcAddr; ushort MSS; IPOptInfo *OptInfo; IPAddr OrigSrc;
// First, get and validate the remote address.
if (RequestAddr == NULL || RequestAddr->RemoteAddress == NULL || !GetAddress((PTRANSPORT_ADDRESS) RequestAddr->RemoteAddress, &DestAddr, &DestPort)) return TDI_BAD_ADDR;
AddrType = (*LocalNetInfo.ipi_getaddrtype) (DestAddr);
if (AddrType == DEST_INVALID) return TDI_BAD_ADDR;
AO = (AddrObj *) Request->Handle.AddressHandle;
//Save the connection information for the later use.
if (AO != NULL) { CTEGetLock(&AO->ao_lock, &AOHandle); CTEStructAssert(AO, ao); RtlCopyMemory(&AO->ao_udpconn, RequestAddr, sizeof(TDI_CONNECTION_INFORMATION));
if (AO->ao_RemoteAddress) { CTEFreeMem(AO->ao_RemoteAddress); } if (AO->ao_Options) { CTEFreeMem(AO->ao_Options); } if (AO->ao_udpconn.RemoteAddressLength) {
IF_TCPDBG(TCP_DEBUG_CONUDP) KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL,"Allocating remote address %d\n", AO->ao_udpconn.RemoteAddressLength));
AO->ao_RemoteAddress = CTEAllocMemN(AO->ao_udpconn.RemoteAddressLength, 'aPCT'); if (!AO->ao_RemoteAddress) { IF_TCPDBG(TCP_DEBUG_CONUDP) KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL,"UDPConnect: remote address alloc failed\n")); CTEFreeLock(&AO->ao_lock, AOHandle); return TDI_NO_RESOURCES;
} RtlCopyMemory(AO->ao_RemoteAddress, RequestAddr->RemoteAddress, RequestAddr->RemoteAddressLength); } if (AO->ao_udpconn.OptionsLength) {
IF_TCPDBG(TCP_DEBUG_CONUDP) KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL,"Allocating options %d\n", AO->ao_udpconn.OptionsLength)); AO->ao_Options = CTEAllocMemN(AO->ao_udpconn.OptionsLength, 'aPCT'); if (!AO->ao_Options) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL,"UDPConnect: options alloc failed\n")); CTEFreeLock(&AO->ao_lock, AOHandle); return TDI_NO_RESOURCES;
} RtlCopyMemory(AO->ao_Options, RequestAddr->Options, AO->ao_udpconn.OptionsLength); } else {
AO->ao_Options = 0; }
AO->ao_udpconn.RemoteAddress = AO->ao_RemoteAddress; AO->ao_udpconn.Options = AO->ao_Options;
if (!CLASSD_ADDR(DestAddr)) { OrigSrc = AO->ao_addr; OptInfo = &AO->ao_opt; } else { OrigSrc = AO->ao_mcastaddr; OptInfo = &AO->ao_mcastopt; }
SrcAddr = (*LocalNetInfo.ipi_openrce) (DestAddr, OrigSrc, &AO->ao_rce, &AddrType, &MSS, OptInfo);
if (IP_ADDR_EQUAL(SrcAddr, NULL_IP_ADDR)) { // The request failed. We know the destination is good
// (we verified it above), so it must be unreachable.
AO->ao_rcesrc = SrcAddr;
//indicate that connection structure for udp is setup
CTEFreeLock(&AO->ao_lock, AOHandle);
//* UdpDisconnect - remve the "connection" info from AO
// Called when the client wants to
// break a udp connection, we validate his incoming parameters
// initialize AO to point to a udp conection information block
// Input: Request - The request structure for this command.
// Timeout - How long to wait for the request. The format
// of this time is system specific - we use
// a macro to convert to ticks.
// RequestAddr - Pointer to a TDI_CONNECTION_INFORMATION
// structure describing the destination.
// ReturnAddr - Pointer to where to return information.
// Returns: Status of attempt to connect.
AddrObj *AO; TDI_STATUS Status; PTDI_CONNECTION_INFORMATION ConInf; CTELockHandle AOHandle; IPAddr DestAddr; ushort DestPort; uchar AddrType; IPAddr SrcAddr; ushort MSS;
AO = (AddrObj *) Request->Handle.AddressHandle;
//Save the connection information for the later use.
if (AO != NULL) { CTEGetLock(&AO->ao_lock, &AOHandle); CTEStructAssert(AO, ao);
IF_TCPDBG(TCP_DEBUG_CONUDP) KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL,"UDPDisconnect: Closerce %x \n", AO->ao_rce)); if (AO->ao_rce) (*LocalNetInfo.ipi_closerce) (AO->ao_rce); AO->ao_rce = NULL;
if (AO->ao_RemoteAddress) { IF_TCPDBG(TCP_DEBUG_CONUDP) KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL,"udpdisc: deleting remoteaddress %x %x\n", AO, AO->ao_RemoteAddress)); CTEFreeMem(AO->ao_RemoteAddress);
AO->ao_RemoteAddress = NULL;
} if (AO->ao_Options) { IF_TCPDBG(TCP_DEBUG_CONUDP) KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL,"udpdisc: deleting remoteaddress %x %x\n", AO, AO->ao_Options)); CTEFreeMem(AO->ao_Options);
AO->ao_Options = NULL; } CLEAR_AO_CONNUDP(AO); CTEFreeLock(&AO->ao_lock, AOHandle);
//* TdiConnect - Establish a connection.
// The TDI connection establishment routine. Called when the client wants to
// establish a connection, we validate his incoming parameters and kick
// things off by sending a SYN.
// Input: Request - The request structure for this command.
// Timeout - How long to wait for the request. The format
// of this time is system specific - we use
// a macro to convert to ticks.
// RequestAddr - Pointer to a TDI_CONNECTION_INFORMATION
// structure describing the destination.
// ReturnAddr - Pointer to where to return information.
// Returns: Status of attempt to connect.
TDI_STATUS TdiConnect(PTDI_REQUEST Request, void *TO, PTDI_CONNECTION_INFORMATION RequestAddr, PTDI_CONNECTION_INFORMATION ReturnAddr) { TCPConnReq *ConnReq; // Connection request to use.
IPAddr DestAddr; ushort DestPort; uchar AddrType; TCPConn *Conn; TCB *NewTCB; uint ConnID = PtrToUlong(Request->Handle.ConnectionContext); CTELockHandle AOTableHandle, ConnTableHandle, AOHandle; AddrObj *AO; TDI_STATUS Status; CTELockHandle TCBHandle; IPAddr SrcAddr; ushort MSS; TCP_TIME *Timeout;
// First, get and validate the remote address.
if (RequestAddr == NULL || RequestAddr->RemoteAddress == NULL || !GetAddress((PTRANSPORT_ADDRESS) RequestAddr->RemoteAddress, &DestAddr, &DestPort)) return TDI_BAD_ADDR;
AddrType = (*LocalNetInfo.ipi_getaddrtype) (DestAddr);
if (AddrType == DEST_INVALID || IS_BCAST_DEST(AddrType) || DestPort == 0) return TDI_BAD_ADDR;
// Now get a connection request. If we can't, bail out now.
ConnReq = GetConnReq(); if (ConnReq == NULL) return TDI_NO_RESOURCES;
// Get a TCB, assuming we'll need one.
NewTCB = AllocTCB(); if (NewTCB == NULL) { // Couldn't get a TCB.
FreeConnReq(ConnReq); return TDI_NO_RESOURCES; } Timeout = (TCP_TIME *) TO;
if (Timeout != NULL && !INFINITE_CONN_TO(*Timeout)) { ulong Ticks = TCP_TIME_TO_TICKS(*Timeout); if (Ticks > MAX_CONN_TO_TICKS) Ticks = MAX_CONN_TO_TICKS; else Ticks++; ConnReq->tcr_timeout = (ushort) Ticks; } else ConnReq->tcr_timeout = 0;
ConnReq->tcr_conninfo = ReturnAddr; ConnReq->tcr_addrinfo = NULL; ConnReq->tcr_req.tr_rtn = Request->RequestNotifyObject; ConnReq->tcr_req.tr_context = Request->RequestContext; NewTCB->tcb_daddr = DestAddr; NewTCB->tcb_dport = DestPort;
// Now find the real connection. If we find it, we'll make sure it's
// associated.
CTEGetLock(&AddrObjTableLock.Lock, &AOTableHandle); Conn = GetConnFromConnID(ConnID, &ConnTableHandle); if (Conn != NULL) { uint Inserted;
CTEStructAssert(Conn, tc);
AO = Conn->tc_ao;
if (AO != NULL) { CTEGetLock(&AO->ao_lock, &AOHandle);
CTEStructAssert(AO, ao); Status = InitTCBFromConn(Conn, NewTCB, RequestAddr, TRUE);
NewTCB->tcb_numdelacks = 1; NewTCB->tcb_rcvdsegs = 0;
if (Status == TDI_SUCCESS) {
// We've processed the options, and we know the destination
// address is good, and we have all the resources we need,
// so we can go ahead and open an RCE. If this works we'll
// put the TCB into the Connection and send a SYN.
// We're done with the AddrObjTable now, so we can free it's
// lock.
NewTCB->tcb_flags |= ACTIVE_OPEN;
CTEFreeLock(&AddrObjTableLock.Lock, AOHandle);
SrcAddr = (*LocalNetInfo.ipi_openrce)(DestAddr, NewTCB->tcb_saddr, &NewTCB->tcb_rce, &AddrType, &MSS, &NewTCB->tcb_opt);
if (IP_ADDR_EQUAL(SrcAddr, NULL_IP_ADDR)) { // The request failed. We know the destination is good
// (we verified it above), so it must be unreachable.
CTEFreeLock(&AO->ao_lock, ConnTableHandle); CTEFreeLock(&(Conn->tc_ConnBlock->cb_lock), AOTableHandle); Status = TDI_DEST_UNREACHABLE; goto error; } if (AddrType == DEST_LOCAL) { NewTCB->tcb_flags &= ~NAGLING; // Ack every segment for loopback
NewTCB->tcb_numdelacks = 0; } //Check if we have per adapter specific window size.
if (NewTCB->tcb_rce->rce_TcpWindowSize) {
if (NewTCB->tcb_rce->rce_TcpWindowSize <= GlobalMaxRcvWin) {
NewTCB->tcb_defaultwin = NewTCB->tcb_rce->rce_TcpWindowSize; } else {
NewTCB->tcb_defaultwin = GlobalMaxRcvWin; } NewTCB->tcb_rcvwin = NewTCB->tcb_defaultwin;
// Compute *new* rcv window scale based on the rcvwin
// note that we had already done this in initTcbfromConn
// But it is not based on per adapter window size.
// From RFC 1323 - TCP_MAX_WINSHIFT is set to 14
NewTCB->tcb_rcvwinscale = 0; if (TcpHostOpts & TCP_FLAG_WS) {
while ((NewTCB->tcb_rcvwinscale < TCP_MAX_WINSHIFT) && ((TCP_MAXWIN << NewTCB->tcb_rcvwinscale) < (int)NewTCB->tcb_defaultwin)) { NewTCB->tcb_rcvwinscale++; } } }
// OK, the RCE open worked. Enter the TCB into the connection.
CTEGetLock(&NewTCB->tcb_lock, &TCBHandle); Conn->tc_tcb = NewTCB;
NewTCB->tcb_connid = Conn->tc_connid; Conn->tc_refcnt++; NewTCB->tcb_conn = Conn; REMOVEQ(&Conn->tc_q);
ENQUEUE(&AO->ao_activeq, &Conn->tc_q);
// This is outgoing connect request
// ISN will not be grabbed twice
//just use tcb_sendnext to hold hash value
//for randisn
NewTCB->tcb_sendnext = TCB_HASH(NewTCB->tcb_daddr, NewTCB->tcb_dport, NewTCB->tcb_saddr, NewTCB->tcb_sport); #endif
CTEFreeLock(&(Conn->tc_ConnBlock->cb_lock), TCBHandle); CTEFreeLock(&AO->ao_lock, ConnTableHandle);
// If the caller didn't specify a local address, use what
// IP provided.
if (IP_ADDR_EQUAL(NewTCB->tcb_saddr, NULL_IP_ADDR)) NewTCB->tcb_saddr = SrcAddr;
// Until we have MTU discovery in place, hold the MSS down
// to 536 if we're going off net.
MSS -= sizeof(TCPHeader);
if (!PMTUDiscovery && IS_OFFNET_DEST(AddrType)) { NewTCB->tcb_mss = MIN(MSS, MAX_REMOTE_MSS) - NewTCB->tcb_opt.ioi_optlength;
ASSERT(NewTCB->tcb_mss > 0); } else { if (PMTUDiscovery) NewTCB->tcb_opt.ioi_flags = IP_FLAG_DF; NewTCB->tcb_mss = MSS - NewTCB->tcb_opt.ioi_optlength;
ASSERT(NewTCB->tcb_mss > 0); }
// Initialize the remote mss in case we receive an MTU change
// from IP before the remote SYN arrives. The remmms will
// be replaced when the remote SYN is processed.
NewTCB->tcb_remmss = NewTCB->tcb_mss;
// Now initialize our send state.
InitSendState(NewTCB); NewTCB->tcb_refcnt = 0; REFERENCE_TCB(NewTCB); NewTCB->tcb_state = TCB_SYN_SENT; TStats.ts_activeopens++;
NewTCB->tcb_cpcontext = HandleToUlong(PsGetCurrentProcessId()); #endif
// Need to put the ConnReq on the TCB now,
// in case the timer fires after we've inserted.
NewTCB->tcb_connreq = ConnReq; CTEFreeLock(&NewTCB->tcb_lock, AOTableHandle);
Inserted = InsertTCB(NewTCB); CTEGetLock(&NewTCB->tcb_lock, &TCBHandle);
if (!Inserted) { // Insert failed. We must already have a connection. Pull
// the connreq from the TCB first, so we can return the
// correct error code for it.
NewTCB->tcb_connreq = NULL; DEREFERENCE_TCB(NewTCB); TryToCloseTCB(NewTCB, TCB_CLOSE_ABORTED, TCBHandle); FreeConnReq(ConnReq); return TDI_ADDR_IN_USE; } // If it's closing somehow, stop now. It can't have gone to
// closed, as we hold a reference on it. It could have gone
// to some other state (for example SYN-RCVD) so we need to
// check that now too.
if (!CLOSING(NewTCB) && NewTCB->tcb_state == TCB_SYN_SENT) { if (ConnReq->tcr_timeout > 0) { START_TCB_TIMER_R(NewTCB, CONN_TIMER, ConnReq->tcr_timeout); } SendSYN(NewTCB, TCBHandle); CTEGetLock(&NewTCB->tcb_lock, &TCBHandle); } DerefTCB(NewTCB, TCBHandle);
return TDI_PENDING; } else CTEFreeLock(&AO->ao_lock, AOHandle);
} else Status = TDI_NOT_ASSOCIATED;
CTEFreeLock(&(Conn->tc_ConnBlock->cb_lock), ConnTableHandle); } else Status = TDI_INVALID_CONNECTION;
CTEFreeLock(&AddrObjTableLock.Lock, AOTableHandle); error: //CTEFreeLock(&ConnTableLock, AOTableHandle);
FreeConnReq(ConnReq); FreeTCB(NewTCB); return Status;
//* TdiListen - Listen for a connection.
// The TDI listen handling routine. Called when the client wants to
// post a listen, we validate his incoming parameters, allocate a TCB
// and return.
// Input: Request - The request structure for this command.
// Flags - Listen flags for the listen.
// AcceptableAddr - Pointer to a TDI_CONNECTION_INFORMATION
// structure describing acceptable remote
// addresses.
// ConnectedAddr - Pointer to where to return information
// about the address we connected to.
// Returns: Status of attempt to connect.
TDI_STATUS TdiListen(PTDI_REQUEST Request, ushort Flags, PTDI_CONNECTION_INFORMATION AcceptableAddr, PTDI_CONNECTION_INFORMATION ConnectedAddr) { TCPConnReq *ConnReq; // Connection request to use.
IPAddr RemoteAddr; // Remote address to take conn. from.
ushort RemotePort; // Acceptable remote port.
uchar AddrType; // Type of remote address.
TCPConn *Conn; // Pointer to the Connection being
// listened upon.
TCB *NewTCB; // Pointer to the new TCB we'll use.
uint ConnID = PtrToUlong(Request->Handle.ConnectionContext); CTELockHandle AOTableHandle, ConnTableHandle; TDI_STATUS Status;
// If we've been given remote addressing criteria, check it out.
if (AcceptableAddr != NULL && AcceptableAddr->RemoteAddress != NULL) { if (!GetAddress((PTRANSPORT_ADDRESS) AcceptableAddr->RemoteAddress, &RemoteAddr, &RemotePort)) return TDI_BAD_ADDR;
if (!IP_ADDR_EQUAL(RemoteAddr, NULL_IP_ADDR)) { AddrType = (*LocalNetInfo.ipi_getaddrtype) (RemoteAddr);
if (AddrType == DEST_INVALID || IS_BCAST_DEST(AddrType)) return TDI_BAD_ADDR; } } else { RemoteAddr = NULL_IP_ADDR; RemotePort = 0; }
// The remote address is valid. Get a ConnReq, and maybe a TCB.
ConnReq = GetConnReq(); if (ConnReq == NULL) return TDI_NO_RESOURCES; // Couldn't get one.
// Now try to get a TCB.
NewTCB = AllocTCB(); if (NewTCB == NULL) { // Couldn't get a TCB. Return an error.
FreeConnReq(ConnReq); return TDI_NO_RESOURCES; } // We have the resources we need. Initialize them, and then check the
// state of the connection.
ConnReq->tcr_flags = (Flags & TDI_QUERY_ACCEPT) ? TCR_FLAG_QUERY_ACCEPT : 0; ConnReq->tcr_conninfo = ConnectedAddr; ConnReq->tcr_addrinfo = NULL; ConnReq->tcr_req.tr_rtn = Request->RequestNotifyObject; ConnReq->tcr_req.tr_context = Request->RequestContext; NewTCB->tcb_connreq = ConnReq; NewTCB->tcb_daddr = RemoteAddr; NewTCB->tcb_dport = RemotePort; NewTCB->tcb_state = TCB_LISTEN;
// Now find the real connection. If we find it, we'll make sure it's
// associated.
//CTEGetLock(&ConnTableLock, &ConnTableHandle);
Conn = GetConnFromConnID(ConnID, &ConnTableHandle); if (Conn != NULL) { CTELockHandle AddrHandle; AddrObj *ConnAO;
CTEStructAssert(Conn, tc); // We have a connection. Make sure it's associated with an address and
// doesn't already have a TCB attached.
ConnAO = Conn->tc_ao;
if (ConnAO != NULL) { CTEStructAssert(ConnAO, ao); CTEGetLockAtDPC(&ConnAO->ao_lock, &AddrHandle);
if (AO_VALID(ConnAO)) { Status = InitTCBFromConn(Conn, NewTCB, AcceptableAddr, TRUE); } else { Status = TDI_ADDR_INVALID; }
if (Status == TDI_SUCCESS) {
// The initialization worked. Assign the new TCB to the connection,
// and return.
REMOVEQ(&Conn->tc_q); //ENQUEUE(&ConnAO->ao_listenq, &Conn->tc_q);
PUSHQ(&ConnAO->ao_listenq, &Conn->tc_q);
Conn->tc_tcb = NewTCB; NewTCB->tcb_conn = Conn; NewTCB->tcb_connid = Conn->tc_connid; Conn->tc_refcnt++;
ConnAO->ao_listencnt++; CTEFreeLockFromDPC(&ConnAO->ao_lock, AddrHandle);
Status = TDI_PENDING; } else { FreeTCB(NewTCB); CTEFreeLockFromDPC(&ConnAO->ao_lock, AddrHandle); } } else { FreeTCB(NewTCB); Status = TDI_NOT_ASSOCIATED; }
CTEFreeLock(&(Conn->tc_ConnBlock->cb_lock), ConnTableHandle); } else { FreeTCB(NewTCB); Status = TDI_INVALID_CONNECTION; }
// We're all done. Free the locks and get out.
//CTEFreeLock(&ConnTableLock, ConnTableHandle);
return Status;
//* InitRCE - Initialize an RCE.
// A utility routine to open and RCE and determine the maximum segment size
// for a connections. This function is called with the TCB lock held
// when transitioning out of the SYN_SENT or LISTEN states.
// Input: NewTCB - TCB for which an RCE is to be opened.
// Returns: Nothing.
void InitRCE(TCB * NewTCB) { uchar DType; ushort MSS;
// Open an RCE for this connection.
// postpone getting an RCE for this until gotpoestab,
// if in synattackprotect mode.
if (SynAttackProtect && NewTCB->tcb_state == TCB_SYN_RCVD && TCPHalfOpen > TCPMaxHalfOpen) {
(*LocalNetInfo.ipi_openrce)(NewTCB->tcb_daddr, NewTCB->tcb_saddr, NULL, &DType, &MSS, &NewTCB->tcb_opt); } else {
(*LocalNetInfo.ipi_openrce)(NewTCB->tcb_daddr, NewTCB->tcb_saddr, &NewTCB->tcb_rce, &DType, &MSS, &NewTCB->tcb_opt); }
NewTCB->tcb_numdelacks = 1; NewTCB->tcb_rcvdsegs = 0;
if (NewTCB->tcb_rce) { if (NewTCB->tcb_rce->rce_TcpWindowSize) {
if (NewTCB->tcb_rce->rce_TcpWindowSize <= GlobalMaxRcvWin) { NewTCB->tcb_defaultwin = NewTCB->tcb_rce->rce_TcpWindowSize; } else if (NewTCB->tcb_defaultwin > GlobalMaxRcvWin) { NewTCB->tcb_defaultwin = GlobalMaxRcvWin; } NewTCB->tcb_rcvwin = NewTCB->tcb_defaultwin;
// Compute *new* rcv window scale based on the rcvwin
// note that we had already done this in initTcbfromConn
// But it is not based on per adapter window size.
// From RFC 1323 - TCP_MAX_WINSHIFT is set to 14
NewTCB->tcb_rcvwinscale = 0; if (TcpHostOpts & TCP_FLAG_WS) {
while ((NewTCB->tcb_rcvwinscale < TCP_MAX_WINSHIFT) && ((TCP_MAXWIN << NewTCB->tcb_rcvwinscale) < (int)NewTCB->tcb_defaultwin)) { NewTCB->tcb_rcvwinscale++; } } }
AdjustAckParameters(NewTCB); } //if rce != NULL
if (DType == DEST_LOCAL) { // Ack every segment for loopback
NewTCB->tcb_numdelacks = 0; NewTCB->tcb_flags &= ~NAGLING; } // Until we have Dynamic MTU discovery in place, force MTU down.
MSS -= sizeof(TCPHeader); if (!PMTUDiscovery && (DType & DEST_OFFNET_BIT)) { NewTCB->tcb_mss = MIN(NewTCB->tcb_remmss, MIN(MSS, MAX_REMOTE_MSS) - NewTCB->tcb_opt.ioi_optlength);
ASSERT(NewTCB->tcb_mss > 0); } else { if (PMTUDiscovery) NewTCB->tcb_opt.ioi_flags = IP_FLAG_DF; MSS -= NewTCB->tcb_opt.ioi_optlength; NewTCB->tcb_mss = MIN(NewTCB->tcb_remmss, MSS);
ASSERT(NewTCB->tcb_mss > 0);
ValidateMSS(NewTCB); }
//* ValidateMSS - Enforce restrictions on the MSS selected for a TCB.
// Called to enforce the minimum acceptable value of the MSS for a TCB.
// In the case where an MSS has been selected which drops below the minimum,
// the minimum is chosen and the dont-fragment flag is cleared to allow
// fragmentation. Assumes the TCB is locked by the caller.
// Input: MssTCB - TCB to be validated.
// Returns: Nothing.
void ValidateMSS(TCB* MssTCB) { if ((MssTCB->tcb_mss + MssTCB->tcb_opt.ioi_optlength) < MIN_LOCAL_MSS) { MssTCB->tcb_mss = MIN_LOCAL_MSS - MssTCB->tcb_opt.ioi_optlength; MssTCB->tcb_opt.ioi_flags &= ~IP_FLAG_DF; } }
//* AcceptConn - Accept a connection on a TCB.
// Called to accept a connection on a TCB, either from an incoming
// receive segment or via a user's accept. We initialize the RCE
// and the send state, and send out a SYN. We assume the TCB is locked
// and referenced when we get it.
// Input: AcceptTCB - TCB to accept on.
// Handle - Lock handle for TCB.
// Returns: Nothing.
void AcceptConn(TCB * AcceptTCB, CTELockHandle Handle) { CTEStructAssert(AcceptTCB, tcb); ASSERT(AcceptTCB->tcb_refcnt != 0);
InitRCE(AcceptTCB); InitSendState(AcceptTCB);
SendSYN(AcceptTCB, Handle);
CTEGetLock(&AcceptTCB->tcb_lock, &Handle);
DerefTCB(AcceptTCB, Handle); }
//* TdiAccept - Accept a connection.
// The TDI accept routine. Called when the client wants to
// accept a connection for which a listen had previously completed. We
// examine the state of the connection - it has to be in SYN-RCVD, with
// a TCB, with no pending connreq, etc.
// Input: Request - The request structure for this command.
// AcceptInfo - Pointer to a TDI_CONNECTION_INFORMATION
// structure describing option information
// for this accept.
// ConnectedIndo - Pointer to where to return information
// about the address we connected to.
// Returns: Status of attempt to connect.
TDI_STATUS TdiAccept(PTDI_REQUEST Request, PTDI_CONNECTION_INFORMATION AcceptInfo, PTDI_CONNECTION_INFORMATION ConnectedInfo) { TCPConnReq *ConnReq; // ConnReq for this connection.
uint ConnID = PtrToUlong(Request->Handle.ConnectionContext); TCPConn *Conn; // Connection being accepted upon.
TCB *AcceptTCB; // TCB for Conn.
CTELockHandle ConnTableHandle;// Lock handle for connection table.
CTELockHandle TCBHandle; // Lock handle for TCB.
// First, get the ConnReq we'll need.
ConnReq = GetConnReq(); if (ConnReq == NULL) return TDI_NO_RESOURCES;
ConnReq->tcr_conninfo = ConnectedInfo; ConnReq->tcr_addrinfo = NULL; ConnReq->tcr_req.tr_rtn = Request->RequestNotifyObject; ConnReq->tcr_req.tr_context = Request->RequestContext; ConnReq->tcr_flags = 0;
// Now look up the connection.
//CTEGetLock(&ConnTableLock, &ConnTableHandle);
Conn = GetConnFromConnID(ConnID, &ConnTableHandle); if (Conn != NULL) { CTEStructAssert(Conn, tc);
// We have the connection. Make sure is has a TCB, and that the
// TCB is in the SYN-RCVD state, etc.
AcceptTCB = Conn->tc_tcb;
if (AcceptTCB != NULL) { CTEStructAssert(AcceptTCB, tcb);
// Grab random ISN
// Note that if CONN was pre accepted we would'nt be here
// So, we are not getting ISN twice.
//just use tcb_sendnext to hold hash value
//for randisn
AcceptTCB->tcb_sendnext = TCB_HASH(AcceptTCB->tcb_daddr, AcceptTCB->tcb_dport, AcceptTCB->tcb_saddr, AcceptTCB->tcb_sport);
CTEGetLock(&AcceptTCB->tcb_lock, &TCBHandle); CTEFreeLock(&(Conn->tc_ConnBlock->cb_lock), TCBHandle);
if (!CLOSING(AcceptTCB) && AcceptTCB->tcb_state == TCB_SYN_RCVD) { // State is valid. Make sure this TCB had a delayed accept on
// it, and that there is currently no connect request pending.
if (!(AcceptTCB->tcb_flags & CONN_ACCEPTED) && AcceptTCB->tcb_connreq == NULL) {
// If the caller gave us options, they'll override any
// that are already present, if they're valid.
if (AcceptInfo != NULL) { if (AcceptInfo->Options != NULL) { IPOptInfo TempOptInfo; // We have options. Copy them to make sure they're
// valid.
Status = ProcessUserOptions(AcceptInfo, &TempOptInfo); if (Status == TDI_SUCCESS) { (*LocalNetInfo.ipi_freeopts) (&AcceptTCB->tcb_opt); AcceptTCB->tcb_opt = TempOptInfo; AcceptTCB->tcb_flags |= CLIENT_OPTIONS; } else goto connerror; } if (AcceptInfo->RemoteAddress) { ConnReq->tcr_addrinfo = AcceptInfo; } } AcceptTCB->tcb_connreq = ConnReq; AcceptTCB->tcb_flags |= CONN_ACCEPTED; REFERENCE_TCB(AcceptTCB); // Everything's set. Accept the connection now.
AcceptConn(AcceptTCB, ConnTableHandle);
AcceptTCB->tcb_cpcontext = HandleToUlong(PsGetCurrentProcessId()); #endif
return TDI_PENDING; } } connerror: CTEFreeLock(&AcceptTCB->tcb_lock, ConnTableHandle); Status = TDI_INVALID_CONNECTION; goto error; } CTEFreeLock(&(Conn->tc_ConnBlock->cb_lock), ConnTableHandle); } Status = TDI_INVALID_CONNECTION; //CTEFreeLock(&ConnTableLock, ConnTableHandle);
error: FreeConnReq(ConnReq); return Status;
//* TdiDisConnect - Disconnect a connection.
// The TDI disconnection routine. Called when the client wants to disconnect
// a connection. There are two types of disconnection we support, graceful
// and abortive. A graceful close will cause us to send a FIN and not complete
// the request until we get the ACK back. An abortive close causes us to send
// a RST. In that case we'll just get things going and return immediately.
// Input: Request - The request structure for this command.
// Timeout - How long to wait for the request. The format
// of this time is system specific - we use
// a macro to convert to ticks.
// Flags - Flags indicating type of disconnect.
// DiscConnInfo - Pointer to a TDI_CONNECTION_INFORMATION
// structure giving disconnection info. Ignored
// for this request.
// ReturnInfo - Pointer to where to return information.
// Ignored for this request.
// Returns: Status of attempt to disconnect.
TDI_STATUS TdiDisconnect(PTDI_REQUEST Request, void *TO, ushort Flags, PTDI_CONNECTION_INFORMATION DiscConnInfo, PTDI_CONNECTION_INFORMATION ReturnInfo) { TCPConnReq *ConnReq; // Connection request to use.
TCPConn *Conn; TCB *DiscTCB; CTELockHandle ConnTableHandle, TCBHandle; TDI_STATUS Status; TCP_TIME *Timeout;
//CTEGetLock(&ConnTableLock, &ConnTableHandle);
Conn = GetConnFromConnID(PtrToUlong(Request->Handle.ConnectionContext), &ConnTableHandle);
if (Conn != NULL) { CTEStructAssert(Conn, tc);
DiscTCB = Conn->tc_tcb;
if (DiscTCB != NULL) {
CTEStructAssert(DiscTCB, tcb); CTEGetLock(&DiscTCB->tcb_lock, &TCBHandle);
// We have the TCB. See what kind of disconnect this is.
if (Flags & TDI_DISCONNECT_ABORT) { // This is an abortive disconnect. If we're not already
// closed or closing, blow the connection away.
if (DiscTCB->tcb_state != TCB_CLOSED) { CTEFreeLock(&(Conn->tc_ConnBlock->cb_lock), TCBHandle);
if (!CLOSING(DiscTCB)) { DiscTCB->tcb_flags |= NEED_RST; TryToCloseTCB(DiscTCB, TCB_CLOSE_ABORTED, ConnTableHandle); } else CTEFreeLock(&DiscTCB->tcb_lock, ConnTableHandle);
return TDI_SUCCESS; } else { // The TCB isn't connected.
CTEFreeLock(&(Conn->tc_ConnBlock->cb_lock), TCBHandle);
CTEFreeLock(&DiscTCB->tcb_lock, ConnTableHandle); return TDI_INVALID_STATE; } } else { // This is not an abortive close. For graceful close we'll need
// a ConnReq.
CTEFreeLock(&(Conn->tc_ConnBlock->cb_lock), TCBHandle);
// Make sure we aren't in the middle of an abortive close.
if (CLOSING(DiscTCB)) { CTEFreeLock(&DiscTCB->tcb_lock, ConnTableHandle); return TDI_INVALID_CONNECTION; } ConnReq = GetConnReq(); if (ConnReq != NULL) { // Got the ConnReq. See if this is a DISCONNECT_WAIT
// primitive or not.
ConnReq->tcr_flags = 0; ConnReq->tcr_conninfo = NULL; ConnReq->tcr_addrinfo = NULL; ConnReq->tcr_req.tr_rtn = Request->RequestNotifyObject; ConnReq->tcr_req.tr_context = Request->RequestContext;
if (!(Flags & TDI_DISCONNECT_WAIT)) { Timeout = (TCP_TIME *) TO;
if (Timeout != NULL && !INFINITE_CONN_TO(*Timeout)) { ulong Ticks = TCP_TIME_TO_TICKS(*Timeout); if (Ticks > MAX_CONN_TO_TICKS) Ticks = MAX_CONN_TO_TICKS; else Ticks++; ConnReq->tcr_timeout = (ushort) Ticks; } else ConnReq->tcr_timeout = 0;
// OK, we're just about set. We need to update the TCB
// state, and send the FIN.
if (DiscTCB->tcb_state == TCB_ESTAB) { DiscTCB->tcb_state = TCB_FIN_WAIT1;
// Since we left established, we're off the fast
// receive path.
DiscTCB->tcb_slowcount++; DiscTCB->tcb_fastchk |= TCP_FLAG_SLOW; } else if (DiscTCB->tcb_state == TCB_CLOSE_WAIT) DiscTCB->tcb_state = TCB_LAST_ACK; else { CTEFreeLock(&DiscTCB->tcb_lock, ConnTableHandle); FreeConnReq(ConnReq); return TDI_INVALID_STATE; }
TStats.ts_currestab--; // Update SNMP info.
ASSERT(DiscTCB->tcb_connreq == NULL); DiscTCB->tcb_connreq = ConnReq; if (ConnReq->tcr_timeout > 0) { START_TCB_TIMER_R(DiscTCB, CONN_TIMER, ConnReq->tcr_timeout); } DiscTCB->tcb_flags |= FIN_NEEDED; REFERENCE_TCB(DiscTCB); TCPSend(DiscTCB, ConnTableHandle); return TDI_PENDING; } else { // This is a DISC_WAIT request.
ConnReq->tcr_timeout = 0; if (DiscTCB->tcb_discwait == NULL) { DiscTCB->tcb_discwait = ConnReq; Status = TDI_PENDING; } else Status = TDI_INVALID_STATE;
CTEFreeLock(&DiscTCB->tcb_lock, ConnTableHandle); return Status; } } else { // Couldn't get a ConnReq.
CTEFreeLock(&DiscTCB->tcb_lock, ConnTableHandle); return TDI_NO_RESOURCES; } } } else CTEFreeLock(&(Conn->tc_ConnBlock->cb_lock), ConnTableHandle); } // No Conn, or no TCB on conn. Return an error.
//CTEFreeLock(&ConnTableLock, ConnTableHandle);
//* OKToNotify - See if it's OK to notify about a DISC.
// A little utility function, called to see it it's OK to notify the client
// of an incoming FIN.
// Input: NotifyTCB - TCB to check.
// Returns: TRUE if it's OK, False otherwise.
uint OKToNotify(TCB * NotifyTCB) { CTEStructAssert(NotifyTCB, tcb); if (NotifyTCB->tcb_pendingcnt == 0 && NotifyTCB->tcb_urgcnt == 0 && NotifyTCB->tcb_rcvhead == NULL && NotifyTCB->tcb_exprcv == NULL) return TRUE; else return FALSE; }
//* NotifyOfDisc - Notify a client that a TCB is being disconnected.
// Called when we're disconnecting a TCB because we've received a FIN or
// RST from the remote peer, or because we're aborting for some reason.
// We'll complete a DISCONNECT_WAIT request if we have one, or try and
// issue an indication otherwise. This is only done if we're in a synchronized
// state and not in TIMED-WAIT.
// Input: DiscTCB - Pointer to TCB we're notifying.
// Status - Status code for notification.
// Returns: Nothing.
void NotifyOfDisc(TCB * DiscTCB, IPOptInfo * DiscInfo, TDI_STATUS Status) { CTELockHandle TCBHandle, AOTHandle, ConnTHandle; TCPConnReq *DiscReq; TCPConn *Conn; AddrObj *DiscAO; PVOID ConnContext;
CTEStructAssert(DiscTCB, tcb); ASSERT(DiscTCB->tcb_refcnt != 0);
CTEGetLock(&DiscTCB->tcb_lock, &TCBHandle); if (SYNC_STATE(DiscTCB->tcb_state) && !(DiscTCB->tcb_flags & DISC_NOTIFIED)) {
// We can't notify him if there's still data to be taken.
if (Status == TDI_GRACEFUL_DISC && !OKToNotify(DiscTCB)) { DiscTCB->tcb_flags |= DISC_PENDING; CTEFreeLock(&DiscTCB->tcb_lock, TCBHandle); return; } DiscTCB->tcb_flags |= DISC_NOTIFIED; DiscTCB->tcb_flags &= ~DISC_PENDING;
// We're in a state where a disconnect is meaningful, and we haven't
// already notified the client.
// See if we have a DISC-WAIT request pending.
if ((DiscReq = DiscTCB->tcb_discwait) != NULL) { // We have a disconnect wait request. Complete it and we're done.
DiscTCB->tcb_discwait = NULL; CTEFreeLock(&DiscTCB->tcb_lock, TCBHandle); (*DiscReq->tcr_req.tr_rtn) (DiscReq->tcr_req.tr_context, Status, 0); FreeConnReq(DiscReq); return;
} // No DISC-WAIT. Find the AddrObj for the connection, and see if there
// is a disconnect handler registered.
ConnContext = DiscTCB->tcb_conncontext; CTEFreeLock(&DiscTCB->tcb_lock, TCBHandle);
CTEGetLock(&AddrObjTableLock.Lock, &AOTHandle); //CTEGetLock(&ConnTableLock, &ConnTHandle);
if ((Conn = DiscTCB->tcb_conn) != NULL) {
CTEGetLock(&(Conn->tc_ConnBlock->cb_lock), &ConnTHandle); #if DBG
Conn->tc_ConnBlock->line = (uint) __LINE__; Conn->tc_ConnBlock->module = (uchar *) __FILE__; #endif
CTEStructAssert(Conn, tc);
DiscAO = Conn->tc_ao; if (DiscAO != NULL) { CTELockHandle AOHandle; PDisconnectEvent DiscEvent; PVOID DiscContext;
CTEStructAssert(DiscAO, ao); CTEGetLock(&DiscAO->ao_lock, &AOHandle); CTEFreeLock(&(Conn->tc_ConnBlock->cb_lock), AOHandle); CTEFreeLock(&AddrObjTableLock.Lock, ConnTHandle);
DiscEvent = DiscAO->ao_disconnect; DiscContext = DiscAO->ao_disconncontext;
if (DiscEvent != NULL) { uint InfoLength; PVOID Info;
REF_AO(DiscAO); CTEFreeLock(&DiscAO->ao_lock, AOTHandle);
if (DiscInfo != NULL) { InfoLength = (uint) DiscInfo->ioi_optlength; Info = DiscInfo->ioi_options; } else { InfoLength = 0; Info = NULL; }
IF_TCPDBG(TCP_DEBUG_CLOSE) { TCPTRACE(("TCP: indicating %s disconnect\n", (Status == TDI_GRACEFUL_DISC) ? "graceful" : "abortive" )); }
(*DiscEvent) (DiscContext, ConnContext, 0, NULL, InfoLength, Info, (Status == TDI_GRACEFUL_DISC) ? TDI_DISCONNECT_RELEASE : TDI_DISCONNECT_ABORT);
DELAY_DEREF_AO(DiscAO); return; } else { CTEFreeLock(&DiscAO->ao_lock, AOTHandle); return; } } CTEFreeLock(&(Conn->tc_ConnBlock->cb_lock), ConnTHandle); } CTEFreeLock(&AddrObjTableLock.Lock, AOTHandle); return;
} CTEFreeLock(&DiscTCB->tcb_lock, TCBHandle);
//* GracefulClose - Complete the transition to a gracefully closed state.
// Called when we need to complete the transition to a gracefully closed
// state, either TIME_WAIT or CLOSED. This completion involves removing
// the TCB from it's associated connection (if it has one), notifying the
// upper layer client either via completing a request or calling a disc.
// notification handler, and actually doing the transition.
// The tricky part here is if we need to notify him (instead of completing
// a graceful disconnect request). We can't notify him if there is pending
// data on the connection, so in that case we have to pend the disconnect
// notification until we deliver the data.
// Input: CloseTCB - TCB to transition.
// ToTimeWait - True if we're going to TIME_WAIT, False if
// we're going to close the TCB.
// Notify - True if we're going to transition via notification,
// False if we're going to transition by completing
// a disconnect request.
// Handle - Lock handle for TCB.
// Returns: Nothing.
void GracefulClose(TCB * CloseTCB, uint ToTimeWait, uint Notify, CTELockHandle Handle) { CTEStructAssert(CloseTCB, tcb); ASSERT(CloseTCB->tcb_refcnt != 0);
// First, see if we need to notify the client of a FIN.
if (Notify) { #if DBG
if (CloseTCB->tcb_fastchk & TCP_FLAG_SEND_AND_DISC) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL,"Notifying on S&D %x\n", CloseTCB)); DbgBreakPoint(); } #endif
// We do need to notify him. See if it's OK to do so.
if (OKToNotify(CloseTCB)) { // We can notify him. Change his state, pull him from the conn.,
// and notify him.
if (ToTimeWait) { // Save the time we went into time wait, in case we need to
// scavenge.
//CloseTCB->tcb_alive = CTESystemUpTime();
CloseTCB->tcb_state = TCB_TIME_WAIT; //take care rcvind if this is on delay q.
CloseTCB->tcb_rcvind = NULL;
CTEFreeLock(&CloseTCB->tcb_lock, Handle);
} else { // He's going to close. Mark him as closing with TryToCloseTCB
// (he won't actually close since we have a ref. on him). We
// do this so that anyone touching him after we free the
// lock will fail.
TryToCloseTCB(CloseTCB, TDI_SUCCESS, Handle); }
RemoveTCBFromConn(CloseTCB); NotifyOfDisc(CloseTCB, NULL, TDI_GRACEFUL_DISC);
} else { // Can't notify him now. Set the appropriate flags, and return.
CloseTCB->tcb_flags |= (GC_PENDING | (ToTimeWait ? TW_PENDING : 0)); DerefTCB(CloseTCB, Handle); return; } } else { // We're not notifying this guy, we just need to complete a conn. req.
// We need to check and see if he's been notified, and if not
// we'll complete the request and notify him later.
if ((CloseTCB->tcb_flags & DISC_NOTIFIED) || (CloseTCB->tcb_fastchk & TCP_FLAG_SEND_AND_DISC)) { // He's been notified.
if (ToTimeWait) { // Save the time we went into time wait, in case we need to
// scavenge.
//CloseTCB->tcb_alive = CTESystemUpTime();
CloseTCB->tcb_state = TCB_TIME_WAIT; CloseTCB->tcb_rcvind = NULL;
CTEFreeLock(&CloseTCB->tcb_lock, Handle);
} else { // Mark him as closed. See comments above.
TryToCloseTCB(CloseTCB, TDI_SUCCESS, Handle); }
CTEGetLock(&CloseTCB->tcb_lock, &Handle);
if (CloseTCB->tcb_fastchk & TCP_FLAG_SEND_AND_DISC) {
if (!EMPTYQ(&CloseTCB->tcb_sendq)) {
TCPReq *Req; TCPSendReq *SendReq; uint Result;
DEQUEUE(&CloseTCB->tcb_sendq, Req, TCPReq, tr_q);
CTEStructAssert(Req, tr); SendReq = (TCPSendReq *) Req; CTEStructAssert(SendReq, tsr);
ASSERT(SendReq->tsr_flags & TSR_FLAG_SEND_AND_DISC);
CTEFreeLock(&CloseTCB->tcb_lock, Handle);
// Decrement the initial reference put on the buffer when it was
// allocated. This reference would have been decremented if the
// send had been acknowledged, but then the send would not still
// be on the tcb_sendq.
SendReq->tsr_req.tr_status = TDI_SUCCESS;
Result = CTEInterlockedDecrementLong(&(SendReq->tsr_refcnt));
if (Result <= 1) { // If we've sent directly from this send, NULL out the next
// pointer for the last buffer in the chain.
CloseTCB->tcb_flags |= DISC_NOTIFIED; if (SendReq->tsr_lastbuf != NULL) { NDIS_BUFFER_LINKAGE(SendReq->tsr_lastbuf) = NULL; SendReq->tsr_lastbuf = NULL; } //KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL,"GC: Completing %x %x %x\n",
// SendReq, Req->tr_context, CloseTCB));
(*Req->tr_rtn) (Req->tr_context, TDI_SUCCESS, SendReq->tsr_size); FreeSendReq(SendReq); } } else { CTEFreeLock(&CloseTCB->tcb_lock, Handle); KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL,"S&D empty sendq %x\n", CloseTCB)); ASSERT(FALSE); }
} else {
CompleteConnReq(CloseTCB, NULL, TDI_SUCCESS); CTEFreeLock(&CloseTCB->tcb_lock, Handle); }
} else { // He hasn't been notified. He should be pending already.
ASSERT(CloseTCB->tcb_flags & DISC_PENDING); CloseTCB->tcb_flags |= (GC_PENDING | (ToTimeWait ? TW_PENDING : 0));
CompleteConnReq(CloseTCB, NULL, TDI_SUCCESS);
DerefTCB(CloseTCB, Handle); return; } }
// If we're going to TIME_WAIT, start the TIME_WAIT timer now.
// Otherwise close the TCB.
CTEGetLock(&CloseTCB->tcb_lock, &Handle); if (!CLOSING(CloseTCB) && ToTimeWait) { CTEFreeLock(&CloseTCB->tcb_lock, Handle); RemoveConnFromTCB(CloseTCB);
//at this point ref_cnt should be 1
//tcb_pending should be 0
if (!RemoveAndInsert(CloseTCB)) { ASSERT(0); }
return; } DerefTCB(CloseTCB, Handle);
//* ConnCheckPassed - Check to see if we have exceeded the connect limit
// Called when a SYN is received to determine whether we will accept
// the incoming connection. If the is an empty slot or if the IPAddr
// is already in the table, we accept it.
// Input: Source Address of incoming connection
// Destination port of incoming connection
// Returns: TRUE is connect is to be accepted
// FALSE if connection is rejected
return TRUE; }
void InitAddrChecks() { return; }
//* EnumerateConnectionList - Enumerate Connection List database.
// This routine enumerates the contents of the connection limit database
// Input:
// Buffer - A pointer to a buffer into which to put
// the returned connection list entries.
// BufferSize - On input, the size in bytes of Buffer.
// On output, the number of bytes written.
// EntriesAvailable - On output, the total number of connection entries
// available in the database.
// Returns: A TDI status code:
// TDI_SUCCESS otherwise.
// This routine acquires AddrObjTableLock.
// Entries written to output buffer are in host byte order.
void EnumerateConnectionList(uchar * Buffer, ulong BufferSize, ulong * EntriesReturned, ulong * EntriesAvailable) {
*EntriesAvailable = 0; *EntriesReturned = 0;
return; }
#pragma BEGIN_INIT
//* InitTCPConn - Initialize TCP connection management code.
// Called during init time to initialize our TCP connection mgmt..
// Input: Nothing.
// Returns: TRUE.
int InitTCPConn(void) { TcpConnPool = PplCreatePool( TcpConnAllocate, TcpConnFree, 0, sizeof(TCPConn), 'CPCT', 0);
if (!TcpConnPool) { return FALSE; }
CTEInitLock(&ConnTableLock); return TRUE; }
//* UnInitTCPConn - Uninitialize our connection management code.
// Called if initialization fails to uninitialize our conn mgmet.
// Input: Nothing.
// Returns: Nothing.
void UnInitTCPConn(void) { PplDestroyPool(TcpConnPool); }
#pragma END_INIT