/********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft LAN Manager **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1990-2000 **/ /********************************************************************/ /* :ts=4 */
//** TCPSEND.C - TCP send protocol code.
// This file contains the code for sending Data and Control segments.
#include "precomp.h"
#include "addr.h"
#include "tcp.h"
#include "tcb.h"
#include "tcpconn.h"
#include "tcpsend.h"
#include "tcprcv.h"
#include "tlcommon.h"
#include "info.h"
#include "tcpcfg.h"
#include "secfltr.h"
#include "tcpipbuf.h"
#include "mdlpool.h"
#include "pplasl.h"
#if GPC
#include "qos.h"
#include "traffic.h"
#include "gpcifc.h"
#include "ntddtc.h"
extern GPC_HANDLE hGpcClient[GPC_CF_MAX]; extern ULONG GpcCfCounts[GPC_CF_MAX]; extern GPC_EXPORTED_CALLS GpcEntries; extern ULONG ServiceTypeOffset; extern ULONG GPCcfInfo; #endif
NTSTATUS GetIFAndLink(void *Rce, UINT * IFIndex, IPAddr * NextHop);
extern ulong DisableUserTOSSetting;
uint MaxSendSegments = 64; #if MILLEN
uint DisableLargeSendOffload = 1; #else // MILLEN
uint DisableLargeSendOffload = 0; #endif // !MILLEN
#if DBG
ulong DbgDcProb = 0; ulong DbgTcpSendHwChksumCount = 0; #endif
extern HANDLE TcpRequestPool; extern CTELock *pTWTCBTableLock; extern CACHE_LINE_KSPIN_LOCK RequestCompleteListLock;
//NKS: To simulate packet drops
// For debugging sack options
uint SimPacketDrop = 0, PkttoDrop = 0, DropPackets = 0; #endif
extern uint TcpHostOpts; extern uint TcpHostSendOpts; #define ALIGNED_SACK_OPT_SIZE 4+8*4 //Maximum 4 sack blocks of 2longword each+sack opt itself
void ClassifyPacket(TCB *SendTCB);
void TCPFastSend(TCB * SendTCB, PNDIS_BUFFER in_SendBuf, uint in_SendOfs, TCPSendReq * in_SendReq, uint in_SendSize, SeqNum NextSeq, int in_ToBeSent);
void *TCPProtInfo; // TCP protocol info for IP.
USHORT TcpHeaderBufferSize; HANDLE TcpHeaderPool;
extern IPInfo LocalNetInfo;
// All of the init code can be discarded.
int InitTCPSend(void);
void UnInitTCPSend(void);
#pragma alloc_text(INIT, InitTCPSend)
#pragma alloc_text(INIT, UnInitTCPSend)
extern void ResetSendNext(TCB * SeqTCB, SeqNum NewSeq);
extern NTSTATUS TCPPnPPowerRequest(void *ipContext, IPAddr ipAddr, NDIS_HANDLE handle, PNET_PNP_EVENT netPnPEvent); extern void TCPElistChangeHandler(void);
//* GetTCPHeader - Get a TCP header buffer.
// Called when we need to get a TCP header buffer. This routine is
// specific to the particular environment (VxD or NT). All we
// need to do is pop the buffer from the free list.
// Input: Nothing.
// Returns: Pointer to an NDIS buffer, or NULL is none.
PNDIS_BUFFER GetTCPHeaderAtDpcLevel(TCPHeader **Header) { PNDIS_BUFFER Buffer;
#if DBG
*Header = NULL; #endif
Buffer = MdpAllocateAtDpcLevel(TcpHeaderPool, Header);
if (Buffer) {
NdisAdjustBufferLength(Buffer, sizeof(TCPHeader));
ASSERT(Buffer->ByteOffset >= 40);
Buffer->MdlFlags |= MDL_NETWORK_HEADER; #endif
} return Buffer; }
#define GetTCPHeader GetTCPHeaderAtDpcLevel
__inline PNDIS_BUFFER GetTCPHeader(TCPHeader **Header) { KIRQL OldIrql; PNDIS_BUFFER Buffer;
OldIrql = KeRaiseIrqlToDpcLevel();
Buffer = GetTCPHeaderAtDpcLevel(Header);
return Buffer; } #endif
//* FreeTCPHeader - Free a TCP header buffer.
// Called to free a TCP header buffer.
// Input: Buffer to be freed.
// Returns: Nothing.
__inline VOID FreeTCPHeader(PNDIS_BUFFER Buffer) { NdisAdjustBufferLength(Buffer, TcpHeaderBufferSize); #if BACK_FILL
(ULONG_PTR)Buffer->MappedSystemVa -= MAX_BACKFILL_HDR_SIZE; Buffer->ByteOffset -= MAX_BACKFILL_HDR_SIZE; #endif
MdpFree(Buffer); }
//* FreeSendReq - Free a send request structure.
// Called to free a send request structure.
// Input: FreedReq - Connection request structure to be freed.
// Returns: Nothing.
__inline void FreeSendReq(TCPSendReq *Request) { PplFree(TcpRequestPool, Request); }
//* GetSendReq - Get a send request structure.
// Called to get a send request structure.
// Input: Nothing.
// Returns: Pointer to SendReq structure, or NULL if none.
__inline TCPSendReq * GetSendReq(VOID) { TCPSendReq *Request; LOGICAL FromList;
Request = PplAllocate(TcpRequestPool, &FromList); if (Request) { #if DBG
Request->tsr_req.tr_sig = tr_signature; Request->tsr_sig = tsr_signature; #endif
return Request; }
//* TCPSendComplete - Complete a TCP send.
// Called by IP when a send we've made is complete. We free the buffer,
// and possibly complete some sends. Each send queued on a TCB has a ref.
// count with it, which is the number of times a pointer to a buffer
// associated with the send has been passed to the underlying IP layer. We
// can't complete a send until that count it 0. If this send was actually
// from a send of data, we'll go down the chain of send and decrement the
// refcount on each one. If we have one going to 0 and the send has already
// been acked we'll complete the send. If it hasn't been acked we'll leave
// it until the ack comes in.
// NOTE: We aren't protecting any of this with locks. When we port this to
// NT we'll need to fix this, probably with a global lock. See the comments
// in ACKSend() in TCPRCV.C for more details.
// Input: Context - Context we gave to IP.
// BufferChain - BufferChain for send.
// Returns: Nothing.
void TCPSendComplete(void *Context, PNDIS_BUFFER BufferChain, IP_STATUS SendStatus) { BOOLEAN DoRcvComplete = FALSE; CTELockHandle SendHandle; PNDIS_BUFFER CurrentBuffer;
if (Context != NULL) { SendCmpltContext *SCContext = (SendCmpltContext *) Context; TCPSendReq *CurrentSend; uint i;
CTEStructAssert(SCContext, scc); if (SCContext->scc_LargeSend) { TCB *LargeSendTCB = SCContext->scc_LargeSend; CTELockHandle TCBHandle; CTEGetLock(&LargeSendTCB->tcb_lock, &TCBHandle);
IF_TCPDBG(TCP_DEBUG_OFFLOAD) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL,"TCPSendComplete: tcb %x sent %d of %d una %u " "next %u unacked %u\n", LargeSendTCB, SCContext->scc_ByteSent, SCContext->scc_SendSize, LargeSendTCB->tcb_senduna, LargeSendTCB->tcb_sendnext, LargeSendTCB->tcb_unacked)); }
if (SCContext->scc_ByteSent < SCContext->scc_SendSize) { uint BytesNotSent = SCContext->scc_SendSize - SCContext->scc_ByteSent; SeqNum Next = LargeSendTCB->tcb_sendnext;
IF_TCPDBG(TCP_DEBUG_OFFLOAD) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL,"TCPSendComplete: unsent %d\n", SCContext->scc_SendSize-SCContext->scc_ByteSent)); }
if (SEQ_GTE((Next - BytesNotSent), LargeSendTCB->tcb_senduna) && SEQ_LT((Next - BytesNotSent), LargeSendTCB->tcb_sendnext)) { ResetSendNext(LargeSendTCB, (Next - BytesNotSent)); } } #if DBG
LargeSendTCB->tcb_LargeSend--; #endif
if (LargeSendTCB->tcb_unacked) DelayAction(LargeSendTCB, NEED_OUTPUT);
DerefTCB(LargeSendTCB, TCBHandle); } // First, loop through and free any NDIS buffers here that need to be.
// freed. We'll skip any 'user' buffers, and then free our buffers. We
// need to do this before decrementing the reference count to avoid
// destroying the buffer chain if we have to zap tsr_lastbuf->Next to
// NULL.
CurrentBuffer = NDIS_BUFFER_LINKAGE(BufferChain); for (i = 0; i < (uint) SCContext->scc_ubufcount; i++) { ASSERT(CurrentBuffer != NULL); CurrentBuffer = NDIS_BUFFER_LINKAGE(CurrentBuffer); }
for (i = 0; i < (uint) SCContext->scc_tbufcount; i++) { PNDIS_BUFFER TempBuffer;
ASSERT(CurrentBuffer != NULL);
TempBuffer = CurrentBuffer; CurrentBuffer = NDIS_BUFFER_LINKAGE(CurrentBuffer); NdisFreeBuffer(TempBuffer); }
CurrentSend = SCContext->scc_firstsend;
i = 0; while (i < SCContext->scc_count) { Queue *TempQ; long Result; uint SendReqFlags;
TempQ = QNEXT(&CurrentSend->tsr_req.tr_q); SendReqFlags = CurrentSend->tsr_flags;
CTEStructAssert(CurrentSend, tsr);
Result = CTEInterlockedDecrementLong(&(CurrentSend->tsr_refcnt));
ASSERT(Result >= 0);
if ((Result <= 0) || ((SendReqFlags & TSR_FLAG_SEND_AND_DISC) && (Result == 1))) { TCPReq *Req;
// Reference count has gone to 0 which means the send has
// been ACK'd or cancelled. Complete it now.
// If we've sent directly from this send, NULL out the next
// pointer for the last buffer in the chain.
if (CurrentSend->tsr_lastbuf != NULL) { NDIS_BUFFER_LINKAGE(CurrentSend->tsr_lastbuf) = NULL; CurrentSend->tsr_lastbuf = NULL; }
Req = &CurrentSend->tsr_req; (*Req->tr_rtn)(Req->tr_context, Req->tr_status, Req->tr_status == TDI_SUCCESS ? CurrentSend->tsr_size : 0); FreeSendReq(CurrentSend);
DoRcvComplete = TRUE; } CurrentSend = STRUCT_OF(TCPSendReq, QSTRUCT(TCPReq, TempQ, tr_q), tsr_req);
i++; }
} FreeTCPHeader(BufferChain);
if (DoRcvComplete) { TCPRcvComplete(); } }
//* RcvWin - Figure out the receive window to offer in an ack.
// A routine to figure out what window to offer on a connection. We
// take into account SWS avoidance, what the default connection window is,
// and what the last window we offered is.
// Input: WinTCB - TCB on which to perform calculations.
// Returns: Window to be offered.
uint RcvWin(TCB * WinTCB) { int CouldOffer; // The window size we could offer.
CTEStructAssert(WinTCB, tcb);
CheckRBList(WinTCB->tcb_pendhead, WinTCB->tcb_pendingcnt);
ASSERT(WinTCB->tcb_rcvwin >= 0);
CouldOffer = WinTCB->tcb_defaultwin - WinTCB->tcb_pendingcnt;
ASSERT(CouldOffer >= 0); ASSERT(CouldOffer >= WinTCB->tcb_rcvwin);
if ((CouldOffer - WinTCB->tcb_rcvwin) >= (int)MIN(WinTCB->tcb_defaultwin / 2, WinTCB->tcb_mss)) WinTCB->tcb_rcvwin = CouldOffer;
return WinTCB->tcb_rcvwin; }
//* SendSYNOnSynTCB - Send a SYN segment for syntcb
// This is called during connection establishment time to send a SYN
// segment to the peer. We get a buffer if we can, and then fill
// it in. There's a tricky part here where we have to build the MSS
// option in the header - we find the MSS by finding the MSS offered
// by the net for the local address. After that, we send it.
// Input: SYNTcb - TCB from which SYN is to be sent.
// Returns: Nothing.
void SendSYNOnSynTCB(SYNTCB * SYNTcb, CTELockHandle TCBHandle) { PNDIS_BUFFER HeaderBuffer; TCPHeader *SYNHeader; uchar *OptPtr; IP_STATUS SendStatus; ushort OptSize = 0, HdrSize = 0, rfc1323opts = 0; BOOLEAN SackOpt = FALSE;
IPOptInfo OptInfo; uint phxsum;
CTEStructAssert(SYNTcb, syntcb);
HeaderBuffer = GetTCPHeaderAtDpcLevel(&SYNHeader);
// Go ahead and set the retransmission timer now, in case we didn't get a
// buffer. In the future we might want to queue the connection for
// when we free a buffer.
//initialize send state
SYNTcb->syntcb_senduna = SYNTcb->syntcb_sendnext; SYNTcb->syntcb_sendmax = SYNTcb->syntcb_sendnext; phxsum = PHXSUM(SYNTcb->syntcb_saddr, SYNTcb->syntcb_daddr, PROTOCOL_TCP, 0);
KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL,"Sendsynonsyn %x\n",SYNTcb));
START_TCB_TIMER(SYNTcb->syntcb_rexmittimer, SYNTcb->syntcb_rexmit);
if (HeaderBuffer != NULL) { ushort TempWin; ushort MSS; uchar FoundMSS;
SYNHeader = (TCPHeader *) ((PUCHAR)SYNHeader + LocalNetInfo.ipi_hsize);
if (rfc1323opts & TCP_FLAG_WS) { OptSize += WS_OPT_SIZE + 1; // 1 NOP for alignment
} if (rfc1323opts & TCP_FLAG_TS) { OptSize += TS_OPT_SIZE + 2; // 2 NOPs for alignment
} if (SYNTcb->syntcb_tcpopts & TCP_FLAG_SACK){ SackOpt = TRUE; OptSize += 4; // 2 NOPS, SACK kind and length field
} NdisAdjustBufferLength(HeaderBuffer, sizeof(TCPHeader) + MSS_OPT_SIZE + OptSize);
SYNHeader->tcp_src = SYNTcb->syntcb_sport; SYNHeader->tcp_dest = SYNTcb->syntcb_dport; SYNHeader->tcp_seq = net_long(SYNTcb->syntcb_sendnext); SYNTcb->syntcb_sendnext++;
if (SEQ_GT(SYNTcb->syntcb_sendnext, SYNTcb->syntcb_sendmax)) { TCPSIncrementOutSegCount(); SYNTcb->syntcb_sendmax = SYNTcb->syntcb_sendnext; } else TStats.ts_retranssegs++;
SYNHeader->tcp_ack = net_long(SYNTcb->syntcb_rcvnext);
// Reuse OPt size for header size determination
// default is MSS amd tcp header size
HdrSize = 6;
// set size field to reflect TS and WND scale option
// tcp header + windowscale + Timestamp + pad
if (rfc1323opts & TCP_FLAG_WS) {
// WS: Add one more long word
HdrSize += 1;
} if (rfc1323opts & TCP_FLAG_TS) {
// TS: Add 3 more long words
HdrSize += 3; } if (SackOpt) { // SACK: Add 1 more long word
HdrSize += 1;
SYNHeader->tcp_flags = MAKE_TCP_FLAGS(HdrSize, TCP_FLAG_SYN | TCP_FLAG_ACK); //
// if this is the second time we are trying to send the SYN-ACK,
// increment the count of retried half-connections
if (SynAttackProtect && (SYNTcb->syntcb_rexmitcnt == ADAPTED_MAX_CONNECT_RESPONSE_REXMIT_CNT)) { CTEInterlockedAddUlong(&TCPHalfOpenRetried, 1, &SynAttLock.Lock); }
// Need to do this check whenever TCPHalfOpenRetried is incremented..
if( (TCPHalfOpen >= TCPMaxHalfOpen) && (TCPHalfOpenRetried >= TCPMaxHalfOpenRetried) && (MaxConnectResponseRexmitCountTmp == MAX_CONNECT_RESPONSE_REXMIT_CNT)) { MaxConnectResponseRexmitCountTmp = ADAPTED_MAX_CONNECT_RESPONSE_REXMIT_CNT; }
SYNTcb->syntcb_lastack = SYNTcb->syntcb_rcvnext;
TempWin = (ushort) (SYNTcb->syntcb_rcvwin >> SYNTcb->syntcb_rcvwinscale);
SYNHeader->tcp_window = net_short(TempWin); SYNHeader->tcp_xsum = 0; OptPtr = (uchar *) (SYNHeader + 1);
FoundMSS = (*LocalNetInfo.ipi_getlocalmtu) (SYNTcb->syntcb_saddr, &MSS);
if (!FoundMSS) { CTEFreeLock(&SYNTcb->syntcb_lock, TCBHandle); FreeTCPHeader(HeaderBuffer); return; } MSS -= sizeof(TCPHeader);
SYNTcb->syntcb_mss = MSS;
*OptPtr++ = TCP_OPT_MSS; *OptPtr++ = MSS_OPT_SIZE; **(ushort **) & OptPtr = net_short(MSS);
OptPtr++; OptPtr++;
if (rfc1323opts & TCP_FLAG_WS) {
// Fill in the WS option headers and value
*OptPtr++ = TCP_OPT_NOP; *OptPtr++ = TCP_OPT_WS; *OptPtr++ = WS_OPT_SIZE;
//Initial window scale factor
*OptPtr++ = (uchar) SYNTcb->syntcb_rcvwinscale; } if (rfc1323opts & TCP_FLAG_TS) {
//Start loading time stamp option header and value
*OptPtr++ = TCP_OPT_NOP; *OptPtr++ = TCP_OPT_NOP; *OptPtr++ = TCP_OPT_TS; *OptPtr++ = TS_OPT_SIZE;
// Initialize TS value TSval
*(long *)OptPtr = 0; OptPtr += 4;
//Initialize TS Echo Reply TSecr
*(long *)OptPtr = 0; OptPtr += 4; } if (SackOpt) {
// Initialize with SACK_PERMITTED option
*(long *)OptPtr = net_long(0x01010402);
//Account for Options.
(*LocalNetInfo.ipi_initopts) (&OptInfo);
SYNHeader->tcp_xsum = ~XsumSendChain(phxsum + (uint)net_short(sizeof(TCPHeader) + MSS_OPT_SIZE + OptSize), HeaderBuffer);
CTEFreeLock(&SYNTcb->syntcb_lock, TCBHandle);
SendStatus = (*LocalNetInfo.ipi_xmit)(TCPProtInfo, NULL, HeaderBuffer, sizeof(TCPHeader) + MSS_OPT_SIZE + OptSize, SYNTcb->syntcb_daddr, SYNTcb->syntcb_saddr, &OptInfo, NULL, PROTOCOL_TCP, NULL);
if (SendStatus != IP_PENDING) { FreeTCPHeader(HeaderBuffer); } CTEGetLock(&SYNTcb->syntcb_lock, &TCBHandle); DerefSynTCB(SYNTcb, TCBHandle);
} else { SYNTcb->syntcb_sendnext++; if (SEQ_GT(SYNTcb->syntcb_sendnext, SYNTcb->syntcb_sendmax)) SYNTcb->syntcb_sendmax = SYNTcb->syntcb_sendnext; CTEFreeLock(&SYNTcb->syntcb_lock, TCBHandle); return; }
//* SendSYN - Send a SYN segment.
// This is called during connection establishment time to send a SYN
// segment to the peer. We get a buffer if we can, and then fill
// it in. There's a tricky part here where we have to build the MSS
// option in the header - we find the MSS by finding the MSS offered
// by the net for the local address. After that, we send it.
// Input: SYNTcb - TCB from which SYN is to be sent.
// TCBHandle - Handle for lock on TCB.
// Returns: Nothing.
void SendSYN(TCB * SYNTcb, CTELockHandle TCBHandle) { PNDIS_BUFFER HeaderBuffer; TCPHeader *SYNHeader; uchar *OptPtr; IP_STATUS SendStatus; ushort OptSize = 0, HdrSize = 0, rfc1323opts = 0; BOOLEAN SackOpt = FALSE;
CTEStructAssert(SYNTcb, tcb);
HeaderBuffer = GetTCPHeaderAtDpcLevel(&SYNHeader);
// Go ahead and set the retransmission timer now, in case we didn't get a
// buffer. In the future we might want to queue the connection for
// when we free a buffer.
if (HeaderBuffer != NULL) { ushort TempWin; ushort MSS; uchar FoundMSS;
SYNHeader = (TCPHeader *) ((PUCHAR)SYNHeader + LocalNetInfo.ipi_hsize);
// If we are doing active open, check if we are configured to do
// window scaling and time stamp options
if (((TcpHostSendOpts & TCP_FLAG_WS) && (SYNTcb->tcb_state == TCB_SYN_SENT)) || (SYNTcb->tcb_tcpopts & TCP_FLAG_WS)) {
rfc1323opts |= TCP_FLAG_WS;
IF_TCPDBG(TCP_DEBUG_1323) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL,"Selected WS option TCB %x\n", SYNTcb)); } } if (((TcpHostSendOpts & TCP_FLAG_TS) && (SYNTcb->tcb_state == TCB_SYN_SENT)) || (SYNTcb->tcb_tcpopts & TCP_FLAG_TS)) {
IF_TCPDBG(TCP_DEBUG_1323) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL,"Selected TS option TCB %x\n", SYNTcb)); } rfc1323opts |= TCP_FLAG_TS; }
FoundMSS = (*LocalNetInfo.ipi_getlocalmtu) (SYNTcb->tcb_saddr, &MSS);
if (!FoundMSS) { FreeTCPHeader(HeaderBuffer); goto SendError; }
MSS -= sizeof(TCPHeader);
if (SYNTcb->tcb_rce && !(DefaultRcvWin || SYNTcb->tcb_rce->rce_TcpWindowSize)) {
if (SYNTcb->tcb_rce->rce_mediaspeed < 100000) {
SYNTcb->tcb_rcvwin = MSS*(8760/MSS); SYNTcb->tcb_defaultwin = SYNTcb->tcb_rcvwin; rfc1323opts = 0;
} else if (SYNTcb->tcb_rce->rce_mediaspeed >= 100000000) {
//For Gigabit, window size needs to be 64K
//This will be adjusted based on MSS later on.
KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL, "SendSyn: Gigabit media speed, TCB %x %x\n", SYNTcb,SYNTcb->tcb_rcvwin));
SYNTcb->tcb_rcvwin = MSS*(65535/MSS); SYNTcb->tcb_defaultwin = SYNTcb->tcb_rcvwin;
if (rfc1323opts & TCP_FLAG_WS) { OptSize += WS_OPT_SIZE + 1; // 1 NOP for alignment
} if (rfc1323opts & TCP_FLAG_TS) { OptSize += TS_OPT_SIZE + 2; // 2 NOPs for alignment
} if ((SYNTcb->tcb_tcpopts & TCP_FLAG_SACK) || ((SYNTcb->tcb_state == TCB_SYN_SENT) && (TcpHostOpts & TCP_FLAG_SACK))) { SackOpt = TRUE;
OptSize += 4; // 2 NOPS, SACK kind and length field
} NdisAdjustBufferLength(HeaderBuffer, sizeof(TCPHeader) + MSS_OPT_SIZE + OptSize);
SYNHeader->tcp_src = SYNTcb->tcb_sport; SYNHeader->tcp_dest = SYNTcb->tcb_dport; SYNHeader->tcp_seq = net_long(SYNTcb->tcb_sendnext); SYNTcb->tcb_sendnext++;
if (SEQ_GT(SYNTcb->tcb_sendnext, SYNTcb->tcb_sendmax)) { TCPSIncrementOutSegCount(); SYNTcb->tcb_sendmax = SYNTcb->tcb_sendnext; } else TStats.ts_retranssegs++;
SYNHeader->tcp_ack = net_long(SYNTcb->tcb_rcvnext);
// Reuse OPt size for header size determination
// default is MSS amd tcp header size
HdrSize = 6;
// set size field to reflect TS and WND scale option
// tcp header + windowscale + Timestamp + pad
if (rfc1323opts & TCP_FLAG_WS) {
// WS: Add one more long word
HdrSize += 1;
} if (rfc1323opts & TCP_FLAG_TS) {
// TS: Add 3 more long words
HdrSize += 3; } if (SackOpt) { // SACK: Add 1 more long word
HdrSize += 1;
} if (SYNTcb->tcb_state == TCB_SYN_RCVD) {
SYNHeader->tcp_flags = MAKE_TCP_FLAGS(HdrSize, TCP_FLAG_SYN | TCP_FLAG_ACK); //
// if this is the second time we are trying to send the SYN-ACK,
// increment the count of retried half-connections
if (SynAttackProtect && (SYNTcb->tcb_rexmitcnt == ADAPTED_MAX_CONNECT_RESPONSE_REXMIT_CNT)) { CTEInterlockedAddUlong(&TCPHalfOpenRetried, 1, &SynAttLock.Lock); }
// Need to do this check whenever TCPHalfOpenRetried is incremented..
if( (TCPHalfOpen >= TCPMaxHalfOpen) && (TCPHalfOpenRetried >= TCPMaxHalfOpenRetried) && (MaxConnectResponseRexmitCountTmp == MAX_CONNECT_RESPONSE_REXMIT_CNT)) { MaxConnectResponseRexmitCountTmp = ADAPTED_MAX_CONNECT_RESPONSE_REXMIT_CNT; }
} else {
SYNHeader->tcp_flags = MAKE_TCP_FLAGS(HdrSize, TCP_FLAG_SYN); }
SYNTcb->tcb_lastack = SYNTcb->tcb_rcvnext;
if (SYNTcb->tcb_state == TCB_SYN_RCVD) TempWin = (ushort) (SYNTcb->tcb_rcvwin >> SYNTcb->tcb_rcvwinscale); else TempWin = (ushort) SYNTcb->tcb_rcvwin;
SYNHeader->tcp_window = net_short(TempWin); SYNHeader->tcp_xsum = 0; OptPtr = (uchar *) (SYNHeader + 1);
*OptPtr++ = TCP_OPT_MSS; *OptPtr++ = MSS_OPT_SIZE; **(ushort **) & OptPtr = net_short(MSS);
OptPtr++; OptPtr++;
if (rfc1323opts & TCP_FLAG_WS) {
// Fill in the WS option headers and value
*OptPtr++ = TCP_OPT_NOP; *OptPtr++ = TCP_OPT_WS; *OptPtr++ = WS_OPT_SIZE;
//Initial window scale factor
*OptPtr++ = (uchar) SYNTcb->tcb_rcvwinscale; } if (rfc1323opts & TCP_FLAG_TS) {
//Start loading time stamp option header and value
*OptPtr++ = TCP_OPT_NOP; *OptPtr++ = TCP_OPT_NOP; *OptPtr++ = TCP_OPT_TS; *OptPtr++ = TS_OPT_SIZE;
// Initialize TS value TSval
*(long *)OptPtr = 0; OptPtr += 4;
//Initialize TS Echo Reply TSecr
*(long *)OptPtr = 0; OptPtr += 4; } if (SackOpt) {
// Initialize with SACK_PERMITTED option
*(long *)OptPtr = net_long(0x01010402);
//Account for Options.
SYNTcb->tcb_opt.ioi_TcpChksum = 0;
SYNHeader->tcp_xsum = ~XsumSendChain(SYNTcb->tcb_phxsum + (uint)net_short(sizeof(TCPHeader) + MSS_OPT_SIZE + OptSize), HeaderBuffer);
CTEFreeLock(&SYNTcb->tcb_lock, TCBHandle);
SendStatus = (*LocalNetInfo.ipi_xmit)(TCPProtInfo, NULL, HeaderBuffer, sizeof(TCPHeader) + MSS_OPT_SIZE + OptSize, SYNTcb->tcb_daddr, SYNTcb->tcb_saddr, &SYNTcb->tcb_opt, SYNTcb->tcb_rce, PROTOCOL_TCP, NULL);
SYNTcb->tcb_error = SendStatus; if (SendStatus != IP_PENDING) { FreeTCPHeader(HeaderBuffer); } CTEGetLock(&SYNTcb->tcb_lock, &TCBHandle); DerefTCB(SYNTcb, TCBHandle);
} else { SendError: SYNTcb->tcb_sendnext++; if (SEQ_GT(SYNTcb->tcb_sendnext, SYNTcb->tcb_sendmax)) SYNTcb->tcb_sendmax = SYNTcb->tcb_sendnext; CTEFreeLock(&SYNTcb->tcb_lock, TCBHandle); return; }
//* SendKA - Send a keep alive segment.
// This is called when we want to send a keep alive.
// Input: KATcb - TCB from which keep alive is to be sent.
// Handle - Handle for lock on TCB.
// Returns: Nothing.
void SendKA(TCB * KATcb, CTELockHandle Handle) { PNDIS_BUFFER HeaderBuffer; TCPHeader *Header; IP_STATUS SendStatus;
CTEStructAssert(KATcb, tcb);
HeaderBuffer = GetTCPHeaderAtDpcLevel(&Header);
if (HeaderBuffer != NULL) { ushort TempWin; SeqNum TempSeq;
Header = (TCPHeader *) ((PUCHAR) Header + LocalNetInfo.ipi_hsize);
NDIS_BUFFER_LINKAGE(HeaderBuffer) = NULL; NdisAdjustBufferLength(HeaderBuffer, sizeof(TCPHeader) + 1); Header->tcp_src = KATcb->tcb_sport; Header->tcp_dest = KATcb->tcb_dport; TempSeq = KATcb->tcb_senduna - 1; Header->tcp_seq = net_long(TempSeq);
Header->tcp_ack = net_long(KATcb->tcb_rcvnext); Header->tcp_flags = MAKE_TCP_FLAGS(5, TCP_FLAG_ACK);
// We need to scale the rcv window
// Use temprary variable to workaround truncation
// caused by net_short
TempWin = (ushort) (RcvWin(KATcb) >> KATcb->tcb_rcvwinscale); Header->tcp_window = net_short(TempWin);
KATcb->tcb_lastack = KATcb->tcb_rcvnext;
Header->tcp_xsum = 0;
KATcb->tcb_opt.ioi_TcpChksum = 0; Header->tcp_xsum = ~XsumSendChain(KATcb->tcb_phxsum + (uint)net_short(sizeof(TCPHeader) + 1), HeaderBuffer);
KATcb->tcb_kacount++; ClassifyPacket(KATcb); CTEFreeLock(&KATcb->tcb_lock, Handle);
SendStatus = (*LocalNetInfo.ipi_xmit)(TCPProtInfo, NULL, HeaderBuffer, sizeof(TCPHeader) + 1, KATcb->tcb_daddr, KATcb->tcb_saddr, &KATcb->tcb_opt, KATcb->tcb_rce, PROTOCOL_TCP, NULL);
if (SendStatus != IP_PENDING) { FreeTCPHeader(HeaderBuffer); } } else { CTEFreeLock(&KATcb->tcb_lock, Handle); }
//* SendACK - Send an ACK segment.
// This is called whenever we need to send an ACK for some reason. Nothing
// fancy, we just do it.
// Input: ACKTcb - TCB from which ACK is to be sent.
// Returns: Nothing.
void SendACK(TCB * ACKTcb) { PNDIS_BUFFER HeaderBuffer; TCPHeader *ACKHeader; IP_STATUS SendStatus; CTELockHandle TCBHandle; SeqNum SendNext; ushort Size, SackLength = 0, i, hdrlen = 5; ulong *ts_opt; BOOLEAN HWChksum = FALSE;
CTEStructAssert(ACKTcb, tcb);
HeaderBuffer = GetTCPHeader(&ACKHeader);
if (HeaderBuffer != NULL) { ushort TempWin; ushort Size;
ACKHeader = (TCPHeader *) ((PUCHAR) ACKHeader + LocalNetInfo.ipi_hsize);
CTEGetLock(&ACKTcb->tcb_lock, &TCBHandle);
// Allow room for filling time stamp option.
// Note that it is 12 bytes and will never ever change
if (ACKTcb->tcb_tcpopts & TCP_FLAG_TS) { NdisAdjustBufferLength(HeaderBuffer, sizeof(TCPHeader) + ALIGNED_TS_OPT_SIZE);
// Header length is multiple of 32bits
hdrlen = 5 + 3; // standard header size +
// header size requirement for TS option
ACKTcb->tcb_lastack = ACKTcb->tcb_rcvnext;
} if ((ACKTcb->tcb_tcpopts & TCP_FLAG_SACK) && ACKTcb->tcb_SackBlock && (ACKTcb->tcb_SackBlock->Mask[0] == 1)) {
SackLength++; for (i = 1; i < 3; i++) { if (ACKTcb->tcb_SackBlock->Mask[i] == 1) SackLength++; }
IF_TCPDBG(TCP_DEBUG_SACK) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL,"Sending SACKs!! %x %x\n", ACKTcb, SackLength)); }
NdisAdjustBufferLength(HeaderBuffer, NdisBufferLength(HeaderBuffer) + SackLength * 8 + 4);
// Sack block is of 2 long words (8 bytes) and 4 bytes
// is for Sack option header.
hdrlen += ((SackLength * 8 + 4) >> 2); }
ACKHeader->tcp_src = ACKTcb->tcb_sport; ACKHeader->tcp_dest = ACKTcb->tcb_dport; ACKHeader->tcp_ack = net_long(ACKTcb->tcb_rcvnext);
// If the remote peer is advertising a window of zero, we need to
// send this ack with a seq. number of his rcv_next (which in that case
// should be our senduna). We have code here ifdef'd out that makes
// sure that we don't send outside the RWE, but this doesn't work. We
// need to be able to send a pure ACK exactly at the RWE.
if (ACKTcb->tcb_sendwin != 0) { SeqNum MaxValidSeq;
SendNext = ACKTcb->tcb_sendnext; } else SendNext = ACKTcb->tcb_senduna;
if ((ACKTcb->tcb_flags & FIN_SENT) && SEQ_EQ(SendNext, ACKTcb->tcb_sendmax - 1)) { ACKHeader->tcp_flags = MAKE_TCP_FLAGS(hdrlen, TCP_FLAG_FIN | TCP_FLAG_ACK); } else ACKHeader->tcp_flags = MAKE_TCP_FLAGS(hdrlen, TCP_FLAG_ACK);
ACKHeader->tcp_seq = net_long(SendNext);
TempWin = (ushort) RcvWin(ACKTcb); ACKHeader->tcp_window = net_short(TempWin); ACKHeader->tcp_xsum = 0;
Size = sizeof(TCPHeader);
// Point to a place beyond tcp header
(uchar *) ts_opt = (uchar *) ACKHeader + 20;
if (ACKTcb->tcb_tcpopts & TCP_FLAG_TS) {
// Form time stamp header with 2 NOPs for alignment
*ts_opt++ = net_long(0x0101080A); *ts_opt++ = net_long(TCPTime); *ts_opt++ = net_long(ACKTcb->tcb_tsrecent);
// Add 12 more bytes to the size to account for TS
} if ((ACKTcb->tcb_tcpopts & TCP_FLAG_SACK) && ACKTcb->tcb_SackBlock && (ACKTcb->tcb_SackBlock->Mask[0] == 1)) {
*(ushort *) ts_opt = 0x0101; (uchar *) ts_opt += 2; *(uchar *) ts_opt = (uchar) 0x05; (uchar *) ts_opt += 1; *(uchar *) ts_opt = (uchar) SackLength *8 + 2; (uchar *) ts_opt += 1;
// Sack option header + the block times times sack length!
Size += 4 + SackLength * 8;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (ACKTcb->tcb_SackBlock->Mask[i] != 0) { *ts_opt++ = net_long(ACKTcb->tcb_SackBlock->Block[i].begin); *ts_opt++ = net_long(ACKTcb->tcb_SackBlock->Block[i].end); } } }
// Use temprary variable to workaround truncation
// caused by net_short.
TempWin = (ushort) (RcvWin(ACKTcb) >> ACKTcb->tcb_rcvwinscale); ACKHeader->tcp_window = net_short(TempWin);
if (ACKTcb->tcb_rce && (ACKTcb->tcb_rce->rce_OffloadFlags & TCP_XMT_CHECKSUM_OFFLOAD)) { HWChksum = TRUE;
if ((Size > sizeof(TCPHeader)) && !(ACKTcb->tcb_rce->rce_OffloadFlags & TCP_CHECKSUM_OPT_OFFLOAD)) { HWChksum = FALSE; } } if (HWChksum) { uint PHXsum = ACKTcb->tcb_phxsum + (uint) net_short(Size);
PHXsum = (((PHXsum << 16) | (PHXsum >> 16)) + PHXsum) >> 16; ACKHeader->tcp_xsum = (ushort) PHXsum; ACKTcb->tcb_opt.ioi_TcpChksum = 1; #if DBG
DbgTcpSendHwChksumCount++; #endif
} else {
ACKHeader->tcp_xsum = ~XsumSendChain(ACKTcb->tcb_phxsum + (uint)net_short(Size), HeaderBuffer); ACKTcb->tcb_opt.ioi_TcpChksum = 0; } }
STOP_TCB_TIMER_R(ACKTcb, DELACK_TIMER); ACKTcb->tcb_rcvdsegs = 0; ACKTcb->tcb_flags &= ~(NEED_ACK | ACK_DELAYED);
CTEFreeLock(&ACKTcb->tcb_lock, TCBHandle);
if (ACKTcb->tcb_tcpopts) { SendStatus = (*LocalNetInfo.ipi_xmit)(TCPProtInfo, NULL, HeaderBuffer, Size, ACKTcb->tcb_daddr, ACKTcb->tcb_saddr, &ACKTcb->tcb_opt, ACKTcb->tcb_rce, PROTOCOL_TCP, NULL); } else { SendStatus = (*LocalNetInfo.ipi_xmit)(TCPProtInfo, NULL, HeaderBuffer, sizeof(TCPHeader), ACKTcb->tcb_daddr, ACKTcb->tcb_saddr, &ACKTcb->tcb_opt, ACKTcb->tcb_rce, PROTOCOL_TCP, NULL);
ACKTcb->tcb_error = SendStatus; if (SendStatus != IP_PENDING) FreeTCPHeader(HeaderBuffer); } return;
//* SendTWtcbACK- Send an ACK segment for a twtcb
// Input: ACKTcb - TCB from which ACK is to be sent.
// Returns: Nothing.
void SendTWtcbACK(TWTCB *ACKTcb, uint Partition, CTELockHandle TCBHandle) { PNDIS_BUFFER HeaderBuffer; TCPHeader *ACKHeader; IP_STATUS SendStatus; SeqNum SendNext; ushort Size, SackLength = 0, i, hdrlen = 5; ulong *ts_opt; uint phxsum;
CTEStructAssert(ACKTcb, twtcb);
HeaderBuffer = GetTCPHeaderAtDpcLevel(&ACKHeader);
if (HeaderBuffer != NULL) { ushort TempWin; ushort Size; IPOptInfo NewInfo;
ACKHeader = (TCPHeader *)((PUCHAR)ACKHeader + LocalNetInfo.ipi_hsize);
ACKHeader->tcp_src = ACKTcb->twtcb_sport; ACKHeader->tcp_dest = ACKTcb->twtcb_dport; ACKHeader->tcp_ack = net_long(ACKTcb->twtcb_rcvnext);
SendNext = ACKTcb->twtcb_senduna; // should be same tcb_sendnext
ACKHeader->tcp_flags = MAKE_TCP_FLAGS(hdrlen, TCP_FLAG_ACK);
ACKHeader->tcp_seq = net_long(SendNext);
//Window needs to be zero since we can not rcv anyway.
ACKHeader->tcp_window = 0;
Size = sizeof(TCPHeader);
phxsum = PHXSUM(ACKTcb->twtcb_saddr, ACKTcb->twtcb_daddr, PROTOCOL_TCP, 0);
ACKHeader->tcp_xsum = 0; ACKHeader->tcp_xsum = ~XsumSendChain(phxsum + (uint)net_short(Size), HeaderBuffer); //ACKTcb->tcb_opt.ioi_TcpChksum=0;
CTEFreeLockFromDPC(&pTWTCBTableLock[Partition], TCBHandle);
(*LocalNetInfo.ipi_initopts) (&NewInfo);
SendStatus = (*LocalNetInfo.ipi_xmit)(TCPProtInfo, NULL, HeaderBuffer, sizeof(TCPHeader), ACKTcb->twtcb_daddr, ACKTcb->twtcb_saddr, &NewInfo, NULL, PROTOCOL_TCP, NULL);
if (SendStatus != IP_PENDING) FreeTCPHeader(HeaderBuffer);
(*LocalNetInfo.ipi_freeopts) (&NewInfo);
} else { CTEFreeLockFromDPC(&pTWTCBTableLock[Partition], TCBHandle); } }
//* SendRSTFromTCB - Send a RST from a TCB.
// This is called during close when we need to send a RST.
// Input: RSTTcb - TCB from which RST is to be sent.
// RCE - Optional RCE to be used in sending.
// Returns: Nothing.
void SendRSTFromTCB(TCB * RSTTcb, RouteCacheEntry* RCE) { PNDIS_BUFFER HeaderBuffer; TCPHeader *RSTHeader; IP_STATUS SendStatus;
CTEStructAssert(RSTTcb, tcb); ASSERT(RSTTcb->tcb_state == TCB_CLOSED);
HeaderBuffer = GetTCPHeader(&RSTHeader);
if (HeaderBuffer != NULL) { SeqNum RSTSeq;
RSTHeader = (TCPHeader *) ((PUCHAR)RSTHeader + LocalNetInfo.ipi_hsize);
RSTHeader->tcp_src = RSTTcb->tcb_sport; RSTHeader->tcp_dest = RSTTcb->tcb_dport;
// If the remote peer has a window of 0, send with a seq. # equal
// to senduna so he'll accept it. Otherwise send with send max.
if (RSTTcb->tcb_sendwin != 0) RSTSeq = RSTTcb->tcb_sendmax; else RSTSeq = RSTTcb->tcb_senduna;
RSTHeader->tcp_seq = net_long(RSTSeq); RSTHeader->tcp_flags = MAKE_TCP_FLAGS(sizeof(TCPHeader) / sizeof(ulong), TCP_FLAG_RST);
RSTHeader->tcp_window = 0; RSTHeader->tcp_xsum = 0;
// Recompute pseudo checksum as this will
// not be valid when connection is disconnected
// in pre-accept case.
RSTHeader->tcp_xsum = ~XsumSendChain(PHXSUM(RSTTcb->tcb_saddr, RSTTcb->tcb_daddr, PROTOCOL_TCP, sizeof(TCPHeader)), HeaderBuffer);
RSTTcb->tcb_opt.ioi_TcpChksum = 0;
TCPSIncrementOutSegCount(); TStats.ts_outrsts++; SendStatus = (*LocalNetInfo.ipi_xmit)(TCPProtInfo, NULL, HeaderBuffer, sizeof(TCPHeader), RSTTcb->tcb_daddr, RSTTcb->tcb_saddr, &RSTTcb->tcb_opt, RCE, PROTOCOL_TCP, NULL);
if (SendStatus != IP_PENDING) FreeTCPHeader(HeaderBuffer); } return;
} //* SendRSTFromHeader - Send a RST back, based on a header.
// Called when we need to send a RST, but don't necessarily have a TCB.
// Input: TCPH - TCP header to be RST.
// Length - Length of the incoming segment.
// Dest - Destination IP address for RST.
// Src - Source IP address for RST.
// OptInfo - IP Options to use on RST.
// Returns: Nothing.
void SendRSTFromHeader(TCPHeader UNALIGNED * TCPH, uint Length, IPAddr Dest, IPAddr Src, IPOptInfo * OptInfo) { PNDIS_BUFFER Buffer; TCPHeader *RSTHdr; IPOptInfo NewInfo; IP_STATUS SendStatus;
if (TCPH->tcp_flags & TCP_FLAG_RST) return;
Buffer = GetTCPHeader(&RSTHdr);
if (Buffer != NULL) { // Got a buffer. Fill in the header so as to make it believable to
// the remote guy, and send it.
RSTHdr = (TCPHeader *) ((PUCHAR)RSTHdr + LocalNetInfo.ipi_hsize);
if (TCPH->tcp_flags & TCP_FLAG_SYN) Length++;
if (TCPH->tcp_flags & TCP_FLAG_FIN) Length++;
if (TCPH->tcp_flags & TCP_FLAG_ACK) { RSTHdr->tcp_seq = TCPH->tcp_ack; RSTHdr->tcp_ack = TCPH->tcp_ack; RSTHdr->tcp_flags = MAKE_TCP_FLAGS(sizeof(TCPHeader) / sizeof(ulong), TCP_FLAG_RST); } else { SeqNum TempSeq;
RSTHdr->tcp_seq = 0; TempSeq = net_long(TCPH->tcp_seq); TempSeq += Length; RSTHdr->tcp_ack = net_long(TempSeq); RSTHdr->tcp_flags = MAKE_TCP_FLAGS(sizeof(TCPHeader) / sizeof(ulong), TCP_FLAG_RST | TCP_FLAG_ACK); }
RSTHdr->tcp_window = 0; RSTHdr->tcp_dest = TCPH->tcp_src; RSTHdr->tcp_src = TCPH->tcp_dest; RSTHdr->tcp_xsum = 0;
RSTHdr->tcp_xsum = ~XsumSendChain(PHXSUM(Src, Dest, PROTOCOL_TCP, sizeof(TCPHeader)), Buffer);
(*LocalNetInfo.ipi_initopts) (&NewInfo);
if (OptInfo->ioi_options != NULL) (*LocalNetInfo.ipi_updateopts)(OptInfo, &NewInfo, Dest, NULL_IP_ADDR);
TCPSIncrementOutSegCount(); TStats.ts_outrsts++; SendStatus = (*LocalNetInfo.ipi_xmit)(TCPProtInfo, NULL, Buffer, sizeof(TCPHeader), Dest, Src, &NewInfo, NULL, PROTOCOL_TCP, NULL);
if (SendStatus != IP_PENDING) FreeTCPHeader(Buffer);
(*LocalNetInfo.ipi_freeopts) (&NewInfo); } }
//* GoToEstab - Transition to the established state.
// Called when we are going to the established state and need to finish up
// initializing things that couldn't be done until now. We assume the TCB
// lock is held by the caller on the TCB we're called with.
// Input: EstabTCB - TCB to transition.
// Returns: Nothing.
void GoToEstab(TCB * EstabTCB) { uchar DType; ushort MSS;
// Initialize our slow start and congestion control variables.
EstabTCB->tcb_cwin = 2 * EstabTCB->tcb_mss; EstabTCB->tcb_ssthresh = 0xffffffff;
EstabTCB->tcb_state = TCB_ESTAB;
if (SynAttackProtect && !EstabTCB->tcb_rce) {
(*LocalNetInfo.ipi_openrce) (EstabTCB->tcb_daddr, EstabTCB->tcb_saddr, &EstabTCB->tcb_rce, &DType, &MSS, &EstabTCB->tcb_opt); }
// We're in established. We'll subtract one from slow count for this fact,
// and if the slowcount goes to 0 we'll move onto the fast path.
if (--(EstabTCB->tcb_slowcount) == 0) EstabTCB->tcb_fastchk &= ~TCP_FLAG_SLOW;
EstabTCB->tcb_flags &= ~ACTIVE_OPEN; // Turn off the active opening flag.
//* InitSendState - Initialize the send state of a connection.
// Called during connection establishment to initialize our send state.
// (In this case, this refers to all information we'll put on the wire as
// well as pure send state). We pick an ISS, set up a rexmit timer value,
// etc. We assume the tcb_lock is held on the TCB when we are called.
// Input: NewTCB - TCB to be set up.
// Returns: Nothing.
void InitSendState(TCB * NewTCB) { CTEStructAssert(NewTCB, tcb);
ASSERT(NewTCB->tcb_sendnext != 0);
NewTCB->tcb_senduna = NewTCB->tcb_sendnext; NewTCB->tcb_sendmax = NewTCB->tcb_sendnext; NewTCB->tcb_error = IP_SUCCESS;
// Initialize pseudo-header xsum.
NewTCB->tcb_phxsum = PHXSUM(NewTCB->tcb_saddr, NewTCB->tcb_daddr, PROTOCOL_TCP, 0);
// Initialize retransmit and delayed ack stuff.
NewTCB->tcb_rexmitcnt = 0; NewTCB->tcb_rtt = 0; NewTCB->tcb_smrtt = 0;
NewTCB->tcb_delta = MS_TO_TICKS(6000); NewTCB->tcb_rexmit = MS_TO_TICKS(3000);
if (NewTCB->tcb_rce) {
if (NewTCB->tcb_rce->rce_TcpInitialRTT && NewTCB->tcb_rce->rce_TcpInitialRTT > 3000) {
NewTCB->tcb_delta = MS_TO_TICKS(NewTCB->tcb_rce->rce_TcpInitialRTT * 2); NewTCB->tcb_rexmit = MS_TO_TICKS(NewTCB->tcb_rce->rce_TcpInitialRTT); } }
//* TCPStatus - Handle a status indication.
// This is the TCP status handler, called by IP when a status event
// occurs. For most of these we do nothing. For certain severe status
// events we will mark the local address as invalid.
// Entry: StatusType - Type of status (NET or HW). NET status
// is usually caused by a received ICMP
// message. HW status indicate a HW
// problem.
// StatusCode - Code identifying IP_STATUS.
// OrigDest - If this is NET status, the original dest. of
// DG that triggered it.
// OrigSrc - " " " " " , the original src.
// Src - IP address of status originator (could be local
// or remote).
// Param - Additional information for status - i.e. the
// param field of an ICMP message.
// Data - Data pertaining to status - for NET status, this
// is the first 8 bytes of the original DG.
// Returns: Nothing
void TCPStatus(uchar StatusType, IP_STATUS StatusCode, IPAddr OrigDest, IPAddr OrigSrc, IPAddr Src, ulong Param, void *Data) { CTELockHandle TableHandle, TCBHandle; TCB *StatusTCB; TCPHeader UNALIGNED *Header = (TCPHeader UNALIGNED *) Data; SeqNum DropSeq; uint index;
// Handle NET status codes differently from HW status codes.
if (StatusType == IP_NET_STATUS) { // It's a NET code. Find a matching TCB.
StatusTCB = FindTCB(OrigSrc, OrigDest, Header->tcp_dest, Header->tcp_src, &TCBHandle, FALSE, &index); if (StatusTCB != NULL) { // Found one. Get the lock on it, and continue.
CTEStructAssert(StatusTCB, tcb); // Make sure the TCB is in a state that is interesting.
if (StatusTCB->tcb_state == TCB_CLOSED || StatusTCB->tcb_state == TCB_TIME_WAIT || CLOSING(StatusTCB)) { CTEFreeLock(&StatusTCB->tcb_lock, TCBHandle); return; } switch (StatusCode) { // Hard errors - Destination protocol unreachable. We treat
// these as fatal errors. Close the connection now.
case IP_DEST_PROT_UNREACHABLE: StatusTCB->tcb_error = StatusCode; REFERENCE_TCB(StatusTCB); TryToCloseTCB(StatusTCB, TCB_CLOSE_UNREACH, TCBHandle);
RemoveTCBFromConn(StatusTCB); NotifyOfDisc(StatusTCB, NULL, MapIPError(StatusCode, TDI_DEST_UNREACHABLE)); CTEGetLock(&StatusTCB->tcb_lock, &TCBHandle); DerefTCB(StatusTCB, TCBHandle); return; break;
// Soft errors. Save the error in case it time out.
case IP_BAD_ROUTE: case IP_TTL_EXPIRED_TRANSIT: case IP_TTL_EXPIRED_REASSEM: case IP_PARAM_PROBLEM: StatusTCB->tcb_error = StatusCode; break;
// icmp new MTU is in ich_param=1
Param = net_short(Param >> 16); StatusTCB->tcb_error = StatusCode; // Fall through mtu change code
case IP_SPEC_MTU_CHANGE: // A TCP datagram has triggered an MTU change. Figure out
// which connection it is, and update him to retransmit the
// segment. The Param value is the new MTU. We'll need to
// retransmit if the new MTU is less than our existing MTU
// and the sequence of the dropped packet is less than our
// current send next.
Param = Param - (sizeof(TCPHeader) + StatusTCB->tcb_opt.ioi_optlength + sizeof(IPHeader));
DropSeq = net_long(Header->tcp_seq);
if (*(ushort *) & Param <= StatusTCB->tcb_mss && (SEQ_GTE(DropSeq, StatusTCB->tcb_senduna) && SEQ_LT(DropSeq, StatusTCB->tcb_sendnext))) {
// Need to initiate a retranmsit.
ResetSendNext(StatusTCB, DropSeq); // Set the congestion window to allow only one packet.
// This may prevent us from sending anything if we
// didn't just set sendnext to senduna. This is OK,
// we'll retransmit later, or send when we get an ack.
StatusTCB->tcb_cwin = Param; DelayAction(StatusTCB, NEED_OUTPUT); } StatusTCB->tcb_mss = (ushort) MIN(Param, (ulong) StatusTCB->tcb_remmss);
ASSERT(StatusTCB->tcb_mss > 0); ValidateMSS(StatusTCB);
// Reset the Congestion Window if necessary
if (StatusTCB->tcb_cwin < StatusTCB->tcb_mss) { StatusTCB->tcb_cwin = StatusTCB->tcb_mss;
// Make sure the slow start threshold is at least
// 2 segments
if (StatusTCB->tcb_ssthresh < ((uint) StatusTCB->tcb_mss * 2) ) { StatusTCB->tcb_ssthresh = StatusTCB->tcb_mss * 2; } } break;
// Source quench. This will cause us to reinitiate our
// slow start by resetting our congestion window and
// adjusting our slow start threshold.
case IP_SOURCE_QUENCH: StatusTCB->tcb_ssthresh = MAX( MIN( StatusTCB->tcb_cwin, StatusTCB->tcb_sendwin ) / 2, (uint) StatusTCB->tcb_mss * 2 ); StatusTCB->tcb_cwin = StatusTCB->tcb_mss; break;
default: ASSERT(0); break; }
CTEFreeLock(&StatusTCB->tcb_lock, TCBHandle);
} else { // Couldn't find a matching TCB. Just free the lock and return.
} else if (StatusType == IP_RECONFIG_STATUS) {
if (StatusCode == IP_RECONFIG_SECFLTR) { ControlSecurityFiltering(Param); } } else { uint NewMTU;
// 'Hardware' or 'global' status. Figure out what to do.
switch (StatusCode) { case IP_ADDR_DELETED: // Local address has gone away. OrigDest is the IPAddr which is
// gone.
// Delete any security filters associated with this address
DeleteProtocolSecurityFilter(OrigDest, PROTOCOL_TCP);
// An address has materialized. OrigDest identifies the address.
// Data is a handle to the IP configuration information for the
// interface on which the address is instantiated.
AddProtocolSecurityFilter(OrigDest, PROTOCOL_TCP, (NDIS_HANDLE) Data);
case IP_MTU_CHANGE: NewMTU = Param - sizeof(TCPHeader); TCBWalk(SetTCBMTU, &OrigDest, &OrigSrc, &NewMTU); break; default: ASSERT(0); break; }
} }
//* FillTCPHeader - Fill the TCP header in.
// A utility routine to fill in the TCP header.
// Input: SendTCB - TCB to fill from.
// Header - Header to fill into.
// Returns: Nothing.
void FillTCPHeader(TCB * SendTCB, TCPHeader * Header) { ushort S; ulong L;
Header->tcp_src = SendTCB->tcb_sport; Header->tcp_dest = SendTCB->tcb_dport; L = SendTCB->tcb_sendnext; Header->tcp_seq = net_long(L); L = SendTCB->tcb_rcvnext; Header->tcp_ack = net_long(L); Header->tcp_flags = 0x1050; *(ulong *) & Header->tcp_xsum = 0;
if (SendTCB->tcb_tcpopts & TCP_FLAG_TS) {
ulong *ts_opt;
(uchar *) ts_opt = (uchar *) Header + 20; //ts_opt = ts_opt + sizeof(TCPHeader);
*ts_opt++ = net_long(0x0101080A); *ts_opt++ = net_long(TCPTime); *ts_opt = net_long(SendTCB->tcb_tsrecent);
// Now the header is 32 bytes!!
Header->tcp_flags = 0x1080;
} S = (ushort) (RcvWin(SendTCB) >> SendTCB->tcb_rcvwinscale); Header->tcp_window = net_short(S);
//* ClassifyPacket - Classifies packets for GPC flow.
// Input: SendTCB - TCB of data/control packet to classify.
// Returns: Nothing.
void ClassifyPacket( TCB *SendTCB ) { #if GPC
// clear the precedence bits and get ready to be set
// according to the service type
if (DisableUserTOSSetting) SendTCB->tcb_opt.ioi_tos &= TOS_MASK;
if (SendTCB->tcb_rce && GPCcfInfo) {
Pattern.SrcAddr = SendTCB->tcb_saddr; Pattern.DstAddr = SendTCB->tcb_daddr; Pattern.ProtocolId = PROTOCOL_TCP; Pattern.gpcSrcPort = SendTCB->tcb_sport; Pattern.gpcDstPort = SendTCB->tcb_dport; if (SendTCB->tcb_GPCCachedRTE != (void *)SendTCB->tcb_rce->rce_rte) {
// first time we use this RTE, or it has been changed
// since the last send
if (GetIFAndLink(SendTCB->tcb_rce, &SendTCB->tcb_GPCCachedIF, (IPAddr *) & SendTCB->tcb_GPCCachedLink) == STATUS_SUCCESS) {
SendTCB->tcb_GPCCachedRTE = (void *)SendTCB->tcb_rce->rce_rte; } //
// invaludate the classification handle
SendTCB->tcb_opt.ioi_GPCHandle = 0; } Pattern.InterfaceId.InterfaceId = SendTCB->tcb_GPCCachedIF; Pattern.InterfaceId.LinkId = SendTCB->tcb_GPCCachedLink;
IF_TCPDBG(TCP_DEBUG_GPC) KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL,"TCPSend: IF=%x Link=%x\n", Pattern.InterfaceId.InterfaceId, Pattern.InterfaceId.LinkId));
if (!SendTCB->tcb_opt.ioi_GPCHandle) {
IF_TCPDBG(TCP_DEBUG_GPC) KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL,"TCPsend: Classification Handle is NULL, getting one now.\n"));
status = GpcEntries.GpcClassifyPatternHandler( (GPC_HANDLE)hGpcClient[GPC_CF_QOS], GPC_PROTOCOL_TEMPLATE_IP, &Pattern, NULL, // context
&SendTCB->tcb_opt.ioi_GPCHandle, 0, NULL, FALSE);
// Only if QOS patterns exist, we get the TOS bits out.
if (NT_SUCCESS(status) && GpcCfCounts[GPC_CF_QOS]) {
status = GpcEntries.GpcGetUlongFromCfInfoHandler( (GPC_HANDLE) hGpcClient[GPC_CF_QOS], SendTCB->tcb_opt.ioi_GPCHandle, ServiceTypeOffset, &ServiceType);
// It is likely that the pattern has gone by now
// and the handle that we are caching is INVALID.
// We need to pull up a new handle and get the
// TOS bit again.
if (STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE == status) {
IF_TCPDBG(TCP_DEBUG_GPC) KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL,"TCPsend: Classification Handle is NULL, " "getting one now.\n"));
SendTCB->tcb_opt.ioi_GPCHandle = 0;
status = GpcEntries.GpcClassifyPatternHandler( (GPC_HANDLE) hGpcClient[GPC_CF_QOS], GPC_PROTOCOL_TEMPLATE_IP, &Pattern, NULL, // context
&SendTCB->tcb_opt.ioi_GPCHandle, 0, NULL, FALSE);
// Only if QOS patterns exist, we get the TOS bits out.
if (NT_SUCCESS(status) && GpcCfCounts[GPC_CF_QOS]) {
status = GpcEntries.GpcGetUlongFromCfInfoHandler( (GPC_HANDLE) hGpcClient[GPC_CF_QOS], SendTCB->tcb_opt.ioi_GPCHandle, ServiceTypeOffset, &ServiceType); } } } //
// Perhaps something needs to be done if GPC_CF_IPSEC has non-zero patterns.
// Set the TOS bit now.
IF_TCPDBG(TCP_DEBUG_GPC) KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL,"TCPsend: ServiceType(%d)=%d\n", ServiceTypeOffset, ServiceType));
if (status == STATUS_SUCCESS) {
// Now we directly get the TOS value from PSched.
SendTCB->tcb_opt.ioi_tos |= ServiceType;
} IF_TCPDBG(TCP_DEBUG_GPC) KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL,"TCPsend: TOS set to 0x%x\n", SendTCB->tcb_opt.ioi_tos));
} #endif
BOOLEAN ProcessSend(TCB *SendTCB, SendCmpltContext *SCC, uint *pSendLength, uint AmtUnsent, TCPHeader *Header, int SendWin, PNDIS_BUFFER CurrentBuffer) { TCPSendReq *CurSend = SCC->scc_firstsend; long Result; uint AmountLeft = *pSendLength; ulong PrevFlags; Queue *Next; SeqNum OldSeq;
if (*pSendLength != 0) {
do {
BOOLEAN DirectSend = FALSE; ASSERT(CurSend->tsr_refcnt > 0);
Result = CTEInterlockedIncrementLong(&(CurSend->tsr_refcnt));
ASSERT(Result > 0); SCC->scc_count++;
if (SendTCB->tcb_sendofs == 0 && (SendTCB->tcb_sendsize <= AmountLeft) && (SCC->scc_tbufcount == 0) && (CurSend->tsr_lastbuf == NULL)) {
ulong length = 0; PNDIS_BUFFER tmp = SendTCB->tcb_sendbuf;
while (tmp) { length += NdisBufferLength(tmp); tmp = NDIS_BUFFER_LINKAGE(tmp); }
// If the requested length is
// more than in this mdl chain
// we can use fast path
if (AmountLeft >= length) { DirectSend = TRUE; } }
if (DirectSend) {
NDIS_BUFFER_LINKAGE(CurrentBuffer) = SendTCB->tcb_sendbuf;
do { SCC->scc_ubufcount++; CurrentBuffer = NDIS_BUFFER_LINKAGE(CurrentBuffer); } while (NDIS_BUFFER_LINKAGE(CurrentBuffer) != NULL);
CurSend->tsr_lastbuf = CurrentBuffer; AmountLeft -= SendTCB->tcb_sendsize; SendTCB->tcb_sendsize = 0; } else {
uint AmountToDup; PNDIS_BUFFER NewBuf, Buf; uint Offset; NDIS_STATUS NStatus; uint Length;
// Either the current send has more data than
// or the offset is not zero.
// In either case we'll need to loop
// through the current send, allocating buffers.
Buf = SendTCB->tcb_sendbuf; Offset = SendTCB->tcb_sendofs;
do { ASSERT(Buf != NULL);
Length = NdisBufferLength(Buf);
ASSERT((Offset < Length) || (Offset == 0 && Length == 0));
// Adjust the length for the offset into
// this buffer.
Length -= Offset;
AmountToDup = MIN(AmountLeft, Length);
NdisCopyBuffer(&NStatus, &NewBuf, TCPSendBufferPool, Buf, Offset, AmountToDup);
NDIS_BUFFER_LINKAGE(CurrentBuffer) = NewBuf;
CurrentBuffer = NewBuf;
if (AmountToDup >= Length) { // Exhausted this buffer.
Buf = NDIS_BUFFER_LINKAGE(Buf); Offset = 0; } else { Offset += AmountToDup; ASSERT(Offset < NdisBufferLength(Buf));
SendTCB->tcb_sendsize -= AmountToDup; AmountLeft -= AmountToDup; } else { // Couldn't allocate a buffer. If
// the packet is already partly built,
// send what we've got, otherwise
// bail out.
if (SCC->scc_tbufcount == 0 && SCC->scc_ubufcount == 0) { return FALSE; } *pSendLength -= AmountLeft; AmountLeft = 0; }
} while (AmountLeft && SendTCB->tcb_sendsize);
SendTCB->tcb_sendbuf = Buf; SendTCB->tcb_sendofs = Offset; }
if (CurSend->tsr_flags & TSR_FLAG_URG) { ushort UP; // This send is urgent data. We need to figure
// out what the urgent data pointer should be.
// We know sendnext is the starting sequence
// number of the frame, and that at the top of
// this do loop sendnext identified a byte in
// the CurSend at that time. We advanced CurSend
// at the same rate we've decremented
// AmountLeft (AmountToSend - AmountLeft ==
// AmountBuilt), so sendnext +
// (AmountToSend - AmountLeft) identifies a byte
// in the current value of CurSend, and that
// quantity plus tcb_sendsize is the sequence
// number one beyond the current send.
UP = (ushort) (*pSendLength - AmountLeft) + (ushort) SendTCB->tcb_sendsize - ((SendTCB->tcb_flags & BSD_URGENT) ? 0 : 1); Header->tcp_urgent = net_short(UP); Header->tcp_flags |= TCP_FLAG_URG; }
if (SendTCB->tcb_sendsize == 0) {
// We've exhausted this send. Set the PUSH bit.
Header->tcp_flags |= TCP_FLAG_PUSH; PrevFlags = CurSend->tsr_flags; Next = QNEXT(&CurSend->tsr_req.tr_q); if (Next != QEND(&SendTCB->tcb_sendq)) { CurSend = STRUCT_OF(TCPSendReq, QSTRUCT(TCPReq, Next, tr_q), tsr_req); CTEStructAssert(CurSend, tsr); SendTCB->tcb_sendsize = CurSend->tsr_unasize; SendTCB->tcb_sendofs = CurSend->tsr_offset; SendTCB->tcb_sendbuf = CurSend->tsr_buffer; SendTCB->tcb_cursend = CurSend;
// Check the urgent flags. We can't combine
// new urgent data on to the end of old
// non-urgent data.
if ((PrevFlags & TSR_FLAG_URG) && ! (CurSend->tsr_flags & TSR_FLAG_URG)) break; } else { ASSERT(AmountLeft == 0); SendTCB->tcb_cursend = NULL; SendTCB->tcb_sendbuf = NULL; }
} } while (AmountLeft != 0);
// Update the sequence numbers, and start a RTT
// measurement if needed.
// Adjust for what we're really going to send.
*pSendLength -= AmountLeft;
OldSeq = SendTCB->tcb_sendnext; SendTCB->tcb_sendnext += *pSendLength;
if (SEQ_EQ(OldSeq, SendTCB->tcb_sendmax)) {
// We're sending entirely new data.
// We can't advance sendmax once FIN_SENT is set.
ASSERT(!(SendTCB->tcb_flags & FIN_SENT));
SendTCB->tcb_sendmax = SendTCB->tcb_sendnext;
// We've advanced sendmax, so we must be sending
// some new data, so bump the outsegs counter.
if (SendTCB->tcb_rtt == 0) { // No RTT running, so start one.
SendTCB->tcb_rtt = TCPTime; SendTCB->tcb_rttseq = OldSeq; } } else {
// We have at least some retransmission.
if ((SendTCB->tcb_sendmax - OldSeq) > 1) { TStats.ts_retranssegs++; } if (SEQ_GT(SendTCB->tcb_sendnext, SendTCB->tcb_sendmax)) { // But we also have some new data, so check the rtt stuff.
TCPSIncrementOutSegCount(); ASSERT(!(SendTCB->tcb_flags & FIN_SENT)); SendTCB->tcb_sendmax = SendTCB->tcb_sendnext;
if (SendTCB->tcb_rtt == 0) { // No RTT running, so start one.
SendTCB->tcb_rtt = TCPTime; SendTCB->tcb_rttseq = OldSeq; } } }
// We've built the frame entirely. If we've send
// everything we have and there is a FIN pending,
// OR it in.
if (AmtUnsent == *pSendLength) { if (SendTCB->tcb_flags & FIN_NEEDED) { ASSERT(!(SendTCB->tcb_flags & FIN_SENT) || (SendTCB->tcb_sendnext == (SendTCB->tcb_sendmax - 1))); // See if we still have room in the window for a FIN.
if (SendWin > (int)*pSendLength) { Header->tcp_flags |= TCP_FLAG_FIN; SendTCB->tcb_sendnext++; SendTCB->tcb_sendmax = SendTCB->tcb_sendnext; SendTCB->tcb_flags |= (FIN_SENT | FIN_OUTSTANDING); SendTCB->tcb_flags &= ~FIN_NEEDED; } } }
return TRUE;
//* TCPSend - Send data from a TCP connection.
// This is the main 'send data' routine. We go into a loop, trying
// to send data until we can't for some reason. First we compute
// the useable window, use it to figure the amount we could send. If
// the amount we could send meets certain criteria we'll build a frame
// and send it, after setting any appropriate control bits. We assume
// the caller has put a reference on the TCB.
// Input: SendTCB - TCB to be sent from.
// TCBHandle - Lock handle for TCB.
// Returns: Nothing.
void TCPSend(TCB * SendTCB, CTELockHandle TCBHandle) { int SendWin; // Useable send window.
uint AmountToSend; // Amount to send this time.
uint AmountLeft; TCPHeader *Header; // TCP header for a send.
PNDIS_BUFFER FirstBuffer, CurrentBuffer; TCPSendReq *CurSend; SendCmpltContext *SCC; SeqNum OldSeq; IP_STATUS SendStatus; uint AmtOutstanding, AmtUnsent; int ForceWin; // Window we're force to use.
BOOLEAN FullSegment; BOOLEAN MoreToSend = FALSE; uint SegmentsSent = 0; BOOLEAN LargeSendOffload = FALSE; BOOLEAN LargeSendFailed = FALSE; uint MSS;
uint LargeSend, SentBytes; void *Irp;
CTEStructAssert(SendTCB, tcb); ASSERT(SendTCB->tcb_refcnt != 0);
ASSERT(*(int *)&SendTCB->tcb_sendwin >= 0); ASSERT(*(int *)&SendTCB->tcb_cwin >= SendTCB->tcb_mss);
ASSERT(!(SendTCB->tcb_flags & FIN_OUTSTANDING) || (SendTCB->tcb_sendnext == SendTCB->tcb_sendmax));
if (!(SendTCB->tcb_flags & IN_TCP_SEND) && !(SendTCB->tcb_fastchk & TCP_FLAG_IN_RCV)) { SendTCB->tcb_flags |= IN_TCP_SEND;
// We'll continue this loop until we send a FIN, or we break out
// internally for some other reason.
while (!(SendTCB->tcb_flags & FIN_OUTSTANDING)) {
CheckTCBSends(SendTCB); SegmentsSent++;
if (SegmentsSent > MaxSendSegments) {
// We are throttled by max segments that can be sent in
// this loop. Comeback later
MoreToSend = TRUE; break; } AmtOutstanding = (uint) (SendTCB->tcb_sendnext - SendTCB->tcb_senduna); AmtUnsent = SendTCB->tcb_unacked - AmtOutstanding;
ASSERT(*(int *)&AmtUnsent >= 0);
SendWin = (int)(MIN(SendTCB->tcb_sendwin, SendTCB->tcb_cwin) - AmtOutstanding);
// if this send is after the fast recovery
// and sendwin is zero because of amt outstanding
// then, at least force 1 segment to prevent delayed
// ack timeouts from the remote
if (SendTCB->tcb_force) { SendTCB->tcb_force = 0; if (SendWin < SendTCB->tcb_mss) {
SendWin = SendTCB->tcb_mss; } } // Since the window could have shrank, need to get it to zero at
// least.
ForceWin = (int)((SendTCB->tcb_flags & FORCE_OUTPUT) >> FORCE_OUT_SHIFT); SendWin = MAX(SendWin, ForceWin);
LargeSend = MIN((uint) SendWin, AmtUnsent); LargeSend = MIN(LargeSend, SendTCB->tcb_mss * MaxSendSegments);
AmountToSend = MIN(MIN((uint) SendWin, AmtUnsent), SendTCB->tcb_mss);
ASSERT(SendTCB->tcb_mss > 0);
// Time stamp option addition might force us to cut the data
// to be sent by 12 bytes.
FullSegment = FALSE;
if ((SendTCB->tcb_tcpopts & TCP_FLAG_TS) && (AmountToSend + ALIGNED_TS_OPT_SIZE >= SendTCB->tcb_mss)) { AmountToSend = SendTCB->tcb_mss - ALIGNED_TS_OPT_SIZE; FullSegment = TRUE; } else {
if (AmountToSend == SendTCB->tcb_mss) FullSegment = TRUE; }
// We will send a segment if
// 1. The segment size == mss
// 2. This is the only segment to be sent
// 3. FIN is set and this is the last segment
// 4. FORCE_OUTPUT is set
// 5. Amount to be sent is >= MSS/2
if (FullSegment ||
(AmountToSend != 0 && AmountToSend == AmtUnsent) || (SendWin != 0 && (((SendTCB->tcb_flags & FIN_NEEDED) && (AmtUnsent <= SendTCB->tcb_mss)) || (SendTCB->tcb_flags & FORCE_OUTPUT) || AmountToSend >= (SendTCB->tcb_maxwin / 2)))) {
// It's OK to send something. Try to get a header buffer now.
FirstBuffer = GetTCPHeaderAtDpcLevel(&Header); if (FirstBuffer != NULL) {
// Got a header buffer. Loop through the sends on the TCB,
// building a frame.
CurrentBuffer = FirstBuffer; CurSend = SendTCB->tcb_cursend;
Header = (TCPHeader *)((PUCHAR)Header + LocalNetInfo.ipi_hsize);
// allow room for filling time stamp options (12 bytes)
if (SendTCB->tcb_tcpopts & TCP_FLAG_TS) {
NdisAdjustBufferLength(FirstBuffer, sizeof(TCPHeader) + ALIGNED_TS_OPT_SIZE);
SCC = (SendCmpltContext *) (Header + 1); (uchar *) SCC += ALIGNED_TS_OPT_SIZE;
} else {
SCC = (SendCmpltContext *) (Header + 1); }
SCC->scc_sig = scc_signature; #endif
FillTCPHeader(SendTCB, Header);
SCC->scc_ubufcount = 0; SCC->scc_tbufcount = 0; SCC->scc_count = 0;
SCC->scc_LargeSend = 0;
// Check if RCE has large send capability and, if so,
// attempt to offload segmentation to the hardware.
// * only offload if there is more than 1 segment's worth
// of data.
// * only offload if the number of segments is greater than
// the minimum number of segments the adapter is willing
// to offload.
if (SendTCB->tcb_rce && (SendTCB->tcb_rce->rce_OffloadFlags & TCP_LARGE_SEND_OFFLOAD) && !LargeSendFailed && (SendTCB->tcb_mss < LargeSend) && (SendTCB->tcb_rce->rce_TcpLargeSend.MinSegmentCount <= (LargeSend + SendTCB->tcb_mss - 1) / SendTCB->tcb_mss) && (CurSend && (CurSend->tsr_lastbuf == NULL)) && !(CurSend->tsr_flags & TSR_FLAG_URG)) {
LargeSendOffload = TRUE; LargeSend = MIN(SendTCB->tcb_rce->rce_TcpLargeSend.MaxOffLoadSize, LargeSend);
// Bypass offload if we need support for TCP options
// and the adapter doesn't support them, or if we need
// support for IP options and the adapter doesn't
// support them.
if ((SendTCB->tcb_tcpopts & TCP_FLAG_TS) && !(SendTCB->tcb_rce->rce_OffloadFlags & TCP_LARGE_SEND_TCPOPT_OFFLOAD)) { LargeSendOffload = FALSE; } else if (SendTCB->tcb_opt.ioi_options && !(SendTCB->tcb_rce->rce_OffloadFlags & TCP_LARGE_SEND_IPOPT_OFFLOAD)) { LargeSendOffload = FALSE; }
// LargeSend can not be zero.
if (LargeSend == 0) { LargeSendOffload = FALSE; }
} else { LargeSendOffload = FALSE; }
if (LargeSendOffload && !DisableLargeSendOffload) {
IF_TCPDBG(TCP_DEBUG_OFFLOAD) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL,"TCPSend: tcb %x offload %d bytes at " "seq %u ack %u win %u\n", SendTCB, LargeSend, SendTCB->tcb_sendnext, SendTCB->tcb_rcvnext, SendWin)); }
OldSeq = SendTCB->tcb_sendnext;
CTEStructAssert(CurSend, tsr); SCC->scc_firstsend = CurSend;
if (!ProcessSend(SendTCB, SCC, &LargeSend, AmtUnsent, Header, SendWin, CurrentBuffer)) { goto error_oor1; }
{ uint PHXsum = SendTCB->tcb_phxsum; PHXsum = (((PHXsum << 16) | (PHXsum >> 16)) + PHXsum) >> 16; Header->tcp_xsum = (ushort) PHXsum; }
SCC->scc_SendSize = LargeSend; SCC->scc_ByteSent = 0; SCC->scc_LargeSend = SendTCB; REFERENCE_TCB(SendTCB); #if DBG
SendTCB->tcb_LargeSend++; #endif
SendTCB->tcb_rcvdsegs = 0;
if (SendTCB->tcb_tcpopts & TCP_FLAG_TS) { LargeSend += sizeof(TCPHeader) + ALIGNED_TS_OPT_SIZE; MSS = SendTCB->tcb_mss - ALIGNED_TS_OPT_SIZE; } else { LargeSend += sizeof(TCPHeader); MSS = SendTCB->tcb_mss; }
IF_TCPDBG(TCP_DEBUG_OFFLOAD) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL,"TCPSend: tcb %x large-send %d seq %u\n", SendTCB, LargeSend, OldSeq)); }
CTEFreeLock(&SendTCB->tcb_lock, TCBHandle);
SendStatus = (*LocalNetInfo.ipi_largexmit)(TCPProtInfo, SCC, FirstBuffer, LargeSend, SendTCB->tcb_daddr, SendTCB->tcb_saddr, &SendTCB->tcb_opt, SendTCB->tcb_rce, PROTOCOL_TCP, &SentBytes, MSS);
SendTCB->tcb_error = SendStatus;
if (SendStatus != IP_PENDING) {
// Let TCPSendComplete hanlde partial sends
SCC->scc_ByteSent = SentBytes; TCPSendComplete(SCC, FirstBuffer, IP_SUCCESS);
CTEGetLock(&SendTCB->tcb_lock, &TCBHandle);
if (SendStatus == IP_GENERAL_FAILURE) {
if (SEQ_GTE(OldSeq, SendTCB->tcb_senduna) && SEQ_LT(OldSeq, SendTCB->tcb_sendnext)) {
ResetSendNext(SendTCB, OldSeq); } LargeSendFailed = TRUE; continue; }
if (SendStatus == IP_PACKET_TOO_BIG) { SeqNum NewSeq = OldSeq + SentBytes; //Not everything got sent.
//Adjust for what is sent
if (SEQ_GTE(NewSeq, SendTCB->tcb_senduna) && SEQ_LT(NewSeq, SendTCB->tcb_sendnext)) { ResetSendNext(SendTCB, NewSeq);
DerefTCB(SendTCB, TCBHandle); return;
// Normal path
AmountLeft = AmountToSend;
if (AmountToSend != 0) { CTEStructAssert(CurSend, tsr); SCC->scc_firstsend = CurSend; } else {
// We're in the loop, but AmountToSend is 0. This
// should happen only when we're sending a FIN. Check
// this, and return if it's not true.
ASSERT(AmtUnsent == 0); if (!(SendTCB->tcb_flags & FIN_NEEDED)) { FreeTCPHeader(FirstBuffer); break; } SCC->scc_firstsend = NULL; NDIS_BUFFER_LINKAGE(FirstBuffer) = NULL; }
OldSeq = SendTCB->tcb_sendnext;
if (!ProcessSend(SendTCB, SCC, &AmountToSend, AmtUnsent, Header, SendWin, CurrentBuffer)) { goto error_oor1; }
AmountToSend += sizeof(TCPHeader);
if ( (SendTCB->tcb_flags & KEEPALIVE) && ( SendTCB->tcb_conn != NULL) ) START_TCB_TIMER_R(SendTCB, KA_TIMER, SendTCB->tcb_conn->tc_tcbkatime); SendTCB->tcb_kacount = 0;
// We're all set. Xsum it and send it.
if (SimPacketDrop && DropPackets) { PkttoDrop += 1; if (PkttoDrop > SimPacketDrop) { PkttoDrop = 0; SendStatus = IP_SUCCESS; KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL,"Packet Dropped %d\n", OldSeq)); CTEFreeLock(&SendTCB->tcb_lock, TCBHandle); goto fake_sent; } } #endif
// Account for time stamp options
if (SendTCB->tcb_tcpopts & TCP_FLAG_TS) {
if (SendTCB->tcb_rce && (SendTCB->tcb_rce->rce_OffloadFlags & TCP_XMT_CHECKSUM_OFFLOAD) && (SendTCB->tcb_rce->rce_OffloadFlags & TCP_CHECKSUM_OPT_OFFLOAD)) { uint PHXsum = SendTCB->tcb_phxsum + (uint)net_short(AmountToSend + ALIGNED_TS_OPT_SIZE);
PHXsum = (((PHXsum << 16) | (PHXsum >> 16)) + PHXsum) >> 16; Header->tcp_xsum = (ushort) PHXsum; SendTCB->tcb_opt.ioi_TcpChksum = 1; #if DBG
DbgTcpSendHwChksumCount++; #endif
} else {
Header->tcp_xsum = ~XsumSendChain( SendTCB->tcb_phxsum + (uint)net_short(AmountToSend + ALIGNED_TS_OPT_SIZE), FirstBuffer);
SendTCB->tcb_opt.ioi_TcpChksum = 0; }
CTEFreeLock(&SendTCB->tcb_lock, TCBHandle);
Irp = NULL; if (SCC->scc_firstsend) { Irp = SCC->scc_firstsend->tsr_req.tr_context; }
SendStatus = (*LocalNetInfo.ipi_xmit)(TCPProtInfo, SCC, FirstBuffer, AmountToSend + ALIGNED_TS_OPT_SIZE, SendTCB->tcb_daddr, SendTCB->tcb_saddr, &SendTCB->tcb_opt, SendTCB->tcb_rce, PROTOCOL_TCP, Irp );
} else {
if (SendTCB->tcb_rce && (SendTCB->tcb_rce->rce_OffloadFlags & TCP_XMT_CHECKSUM_OFFLOAD)) { uint PHXsum = SendTCB->tcb_phxsum + (uint)net_short(AmountToSend);
PHXsum = (((PHXsum << 16) | (PHXsum >> 16)) + PHXsum) >> 16;
Header->tcp_xsum = (ushort) PHXsum; SendTCB->tcb_opt.ioi_TcpChksum = 1; #if DBG
DbgTcpSendHwChksumCount++; #endif
} else { Header->tcp_xsum = ~XsumSendChain(SendTCB->tcb_phxsum + (uint)net_short(AmountToSend), FirstBuffer); SendTCB->tcb_opt.ioi_TcpChksum = 0; }
CTEFreeLock(&SendTCB->tcb_lock, TCBHandle);
Irp = NULL; if(SCC->scc_firstsend) { Irp = SCC->scc_firstsend->tsr_req.tr_context; }
SendStatus = (*LocalNetInfo.ipi_xmit)(TCPProtInfo, SCC, FirstBuffer, AmountToSend, SendTCB->tcb_daddr, SendTCB->tcb_saddr, &SendTCB->tcb_opt, SendTCB->tcb_rce, PROTOCOL_TCP, Irp );
SendTCB->tcb_error = SendStatus;
if (SendStatus != IP_PENDING) {
TCPSendComplete(SCC, FirstBuffer, IP_SUCCESS); if (SendStatus != IP_SUCCESS) { CTEGetLock(&SendTCB->tcb_lock, &TCBHandle); // This packet didn't get sent. If nothing's
// changed in the TCB, put sendnext back to
// what we just tried to send. Depending on
// the error, we may try again.
if (SEQ_GTE(OldSeq, SendTCB->tcb_senduna) && SEQ_LT(OldSeq, SendTCB->tcb_sendnext)) ResetSendNext(SendTCB, OldSeq);
// We know this packet didn't get sent. Start
// the retransmit timer now, if it's not already
// runnimg, in case someone came in while we
// were in IP and stopped it.
if (!TCB_TIMER_RUNNING_R(SendTCB, RXMIT_TIMER)) { START_TCB_TIMER_R(SendTCB, RXMIT_TIMER, SendTCB->tcb_rexmit); } // If it failed because of an MTU problem, get
// the new MTU and try again.
if (SendStatus == IP_PACKET_TOO_BIG) { uint NewMTU;
// The MTU has changed. Update it, and try
// again.
// if ipsec is adjusting the mtu, rce_newmtu
// will contain the newmtu.
if (SendTCB->tcb_rce) {
if (!SendTCB->tcb_rce->rce_newmtu) {
SendStatus = (*LocalNetInfo.ipi_getpinfo)( SendTCB->tcb_daddr, SendTCB->tcb_saddr, &NewMTU, NULL, SendTCB->tcb_rce); } else { NewMTU = SendTCB->tcb_rce->rce_newmtu; SendStatus = IP_SUCCESS; }
} else { SendStatus = (*LocalNetInfo.ipi_getpinfo)( SendTCB->tcb_daddr, SendTCB->tcb_saddr, &NewMTU, NULL, SendTCB->tcb_rce);
if (SendStatus != IP_SUCCESS) break;
// We have a new MTU. Make sure it's big enough
// to use. If not, correct this and turn off
// MTU discovery on this TCB. Otherwise use the
// new MTU.
if (NewMTU <= (sizeof(TCPHeader) + SendTCB->tcb_opt.ioi_optlength)) {
// The new MTU is too small to use. Turn off
// PMTU discovery on this TCB, and drop to
// our off net MTU size.
SendTCB->tcb_opt.ioi_flags &= ~IP_FLAG_DF; SendTCB->tcb_mss = MIN((ushort)MAX_REMOTE_MSS, SendTCB->tcb_remmss); } else {
// The new MTU is adequate. Adjust it for
// the header size and options length, and
// use it.
NewMTU -= sizeof(TCPHeader) - SendTCB->tcb_opt.ioi_optlength; SendTCB->tcb_mss = MIN((ushort) NewMTU, SendTCB->tcb_remmss); }
ASSERT(SendTCB->tcb_mss > 0); ValidateMSS(SendTCB);
continue; } break; } } //Start it now, since we know that mac driver accepted it.
CTEGetLock(&SendTCB->tcb_lock, &TCBHandle); if (!TCB_TIMER_RUNNING_R(SendTCB, RXMIT_TIMER)) {
START_TCB_TIMER_R(SendTCB, RXMIT_TIMER, SendTCB->tcb_rexmit); } continue; } else // FirstBuffer != NULL.
goto error_oor; } else { // We've decided we can't send anything now. Figure out why, and
// see if we need to set a timer.
if (SendTCB->tcb_sendwin == 0) { if (!(SendTCB->tcb_flags & FLOW_CNTLD)) { ushort tmp;
SendTCB->tcb_flags |= FLOW_CNTLD;
SendTCB->tcb_rexmitcnt = 0;
START_TCB_TIMER_R(SendTCB, RXMIT_TIMER, tmp); SendTCB->tcb_slowcount++; SendTCB->tcb_fastchk |= TCP_FLAG_SLOW; } else if (!TCB_TIMER_RUNNING_R(SendTCB, RXMIT_TIMER)) START_TCB_TIMER_R(SendTCB, RXMIT_TIMER, SendTCB->tcb_rexmit); } else if (AmountToSend != 0) // We have something to send, but we're not sending
// it, presumably due to SWS avoidance.
break; }
} // while (!FIN_OUTSTANDING)
// We're done sending, so we don't need the output flags set.
if (MoreToSend) { //just indicate that we need to send more
DelayAction(SendTCB, NEED_OUTPUT); } // This is for TS algo
SendTCB->tcb_lastack = SendTCB->tcb_rcvnext;
} else SendTCB->tcb_flags |= SEND_AFTER_RCV;
DerefTCB(SendTCB, TCBHandle); return;
// Common case error handling code for out of resource conditions. Start the
// retransmit timer if it's not already running (so that we try this again
// later), clean up and return.
error_oor: if (!TCB_TIMER_RUNNING_R(SendTCB, RXMIT_TIMER)) { ushort tmp;
START_TCB_TIMER_R(SendTCB, RXMIT_TIMER, tmp); } // We had an out of resource problem, so clear the OUTPUT flags.
SendTCB->tcb_flags &= ~(IN_TCP_SEND | NEED_OUTPUT | FORCE_OUTPUT); DerefTCB(SendTCB, TCBHandle); return;
error_oor1: if (!TCB_TIMER_RUNNING_R(SendTCB, RXMIT_TIMER)) { ushort tmp;
START_TCB_TIMER_R(SendTCB, RXMIT_TIMER, tmp); } // We had an out of resource problem, so clear the OUTPUT flags.
SendTCB->tcb_flags &= ~(IN_TCP_SEND | NEED_OUTPUT | FORCE_OUTPUT); DerefTCB(SendTCB, TCBHandle); TCPSendComplete(SCC, FirstBuffer, IP_SUCCESS);
//* ResetSendNextAndFastSend - Set the sendnext value of a TCB.
// Called to handle fast retransmit of the segment which the reveiver
// is asking for.
// We assume the caller has put a reference on the TCB, and the TCB is locked
// on entry. The reference is dropped and the lock released before returning.
// Input: SeqTCB - Pointer to TCB to be updated.
// NewSeq - Sequence number to set.
// NewCWin - new value for congestion window.
// Returns: Nothing.
void ResetAndFastSend(TCB * SeqTCB, SeqNum NewSeq, uint NewCWin) { TCPSendReq *SendReq; uint AmtForward; Queue *CurQ; PNDIS_BUFFER Buffer; uint Offset; uint SendSize; CTELockHandle TCBHandle; int ToBeSent;
CTEStructAssert(SeqTCB, tcb); ASSERT(SEQ_GTE(NewSeq, SeqTCB->tcb_senduna));
// The new seq must be less than send max, or NewSeq, senduna, sendnext,
// and sendmax must all be equal. (The latter case happens when we're
// called exiting TIME_WAIT, or possibly when we're retransmitting
// during a flow controlled situation).
ASSERT(SEQ_LT(NewSeq, SeqTCB->tcb_sendmax) || (SEQ_EQ(SeqTCB->tcb_senduna, SeqTCB->tcb_sendnext) && SEQ_EQ(SeqTCB->tcb_senduna, SeqTCB->tcb_sendmax) && SEQ_EQ(SeqTCB->tcb_senduna, NewSeq)));
if (SYNC_STATE(SeqTCB->tcb_state) && SeqTCB->tcb_state != TCB_TIME_WAIT) { // In these states we need to update the send queue.
if (!EMPTYQ(&SeqTCB->tcb_sendq)) {
CurQ = QHEAD(&SeqTCB->tcb_sendq);
SendReq = (TCPSendReq *) STRUCT_OF(TCPReq, CurQ, tr_q);
// SendReq points to the first send request on the send queue.
// We're pointing at the proper send req now. We need to go down
// SendReq points to the cursend
// SendSize point to sendsize in the cursend
SendSize = SendReq->tsr_unasize;
Buffer = SendReq->tsr_buffer; Offset = SendReq->tsr_offset;
// Call the fast retransmit send now
if ((SeqTCB->tcb_tcpopts & TCP_FLAG_SACK)) { SackListEntry *Prev, *Current; SeqNum CurBegin, CurEnd;
Prev = STRUCT_OF(SackListEntry, &SeqTCB->tcb_SackRcvd, next); Current = Prev->next;
// There is a hole from Newseq to Currentbeg
// try to retransmit whole hole size!!
if (Current && SEQ_LT(NewSeq, Current->begin)) { ToBeSent = Current->begin - NewSeq; CurBegin = Current->begin; CurEnd = Current->end; } else { ToBeSent = SeqTCB->tcb_mss; }
IF_TCPDBG(TCP_DEBUG_SACK) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL, "In Sack Reset and send rexmiting %d %d\n", NewSeq, SendSize)); }
TCPFastSend(SeqTCB, Buffer, Offset, SendReq, SendSize, NewSeq, ToBeSent);
// If we have not been already acked for the missing segments
// and if we know where to start retransmitting do so now.
// Also, re-validate SackListentry
Prev = STRUCT_OF(SackListEntry, &SeqTCB->tcb_SackRcvd, next); Current = Prev->next;
if (Current && Current->begin != CurBegin) { // The SACK list changed while we were in a transmission.
// Just bail out, and wait for the next ACK to continue
// if necessary.
Current = NULL; }
while (Current && Current->next && (SEQ_GTE(NewSeq, SeqTCB->tcb_senduna)) && (SEQ_LT(SeqTCB->tcb_senduna, Current->next->end))) {
SeqNum NextSeq;
ASSERT(SEQ_LTE(Current->begin, Current->end));
// There can be multiple dropped packets till
// Current->begin.
IF_TCPDBG(TCP_DEBUG_SACK) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL, "Scanning after Current %d %d\n", Current->begin, Current->end)); }
NextSeq = Current->end; CurBegin = Current->begin;
ASSERT(SEQ_LT(NextSeq, SeqTCB->tcb_sendmax));
// If we have not yet sent the segment keep quiet now.
if (SEQ_GTE(NextSeq, SeqTCB->tcb_sendnext) || (SEQ_LTE(NextSeq, SeqTCB->tcb_senduna))) {
break; }
// Position cursend by following number of bytes
AmtForward = NextSeq - NewSeq;
if (!EMPTYQ(&SeqTCB->tcb_sendq)) { CurQ = QHEAD(&SeqTCB->tcb_sendq); SendReq = (TCPSendReq *) STRUCT_OF(TCPReq, CurQ, tr_q); while (AmtForward) { if (AmtForward >= SendReq->tsr_unasize) { AmtForward -= SendReq->tsr_unasize; CurQ = QNEXT(CurQ); SendReq = (TCPSendReq *)STRUCT_OF(TCPReq, CurQ, tr_q); ASSERT(CurQ != QEND(&SeqTCB->tcb_sendq)); } else { break; } }
SendSize = SendReq->tsr_unasize - AmtForward; Buffer = SendReq->tsr_buffer; Offset = SendReq->tsr_offset; while (AmtForward) { uint Length; ASSERT((Offset < NdisBufferLength(Buffer)) || ((Offset == 0) && (NdisBufferLength(Buffer) == 0)));
Length = NdisBufferLength(Buffer) - Offset; if (AmtForward >= Length) { // We're moving past this one. Skip over him,
// and 0 the Offset we're keeping.
AmtForward -= Length; Offset = 0; Buffer = NDIS_BUFFER_LINKAGE(Buffer); ASSERT(Buffer != NULL); } else { break; }
Offset = Offset + AmtForward;
// Okay. Now retransmit this seq too.
if (Current->next) { ToBeSent = Current->next->begin - Current->end;
} else { ToBeSent = SeqTCB->tcb_mss; }
IF_TCPDBG(TCP_DEBUG_SACK) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL, "SACK inner loop rexmiting %d %d %d\n", Current->end, SendSize, ToBeSent)); }
TCPFastSend(SeqTCB, Buffer, Offset, SendReq, SendSize, NextSeq, ToBeSent); } else { break; }
// Also, re-validate Current Sack list in SackListentry
Prev = STRUCT_OF(SackListEntry, &SeqTCB->tcb_SackRcvd, next); Current = Prev->next;
while (Current && Current->begin != CurBegin) { // The SACK list changed while in TCPFastSend.
// Just bail out.
Current = Current->next; }
if (Current) { Current = Current->next; } else { break; } } } else { ToBeSent = SeqTCB->tcb_mss;
TCPFastSend(SeqTCB, Buffer, Offset, SendReq, SendSize, NewSeq, ToBeSent); } } else { ASSERT(SeqTCB->tcb_cursend == NULL); } } SeqTCB->tcb_cwin = NewCWin; TCBHandle = DISPATCH_LEVEL; DerefTCB(SeqTCB, TCBHandle); return; }
//* TCPFastSend - To send a segment without changing TCB state
// Called to handle fast retransmit of the segment
// tcb_lock will be held while entering (called by TCPRcv)
// Input: SendTCB - Pointer to TCB
// in_sendBuf - Pointer to ndis_buffer
// in_sendofs - Send Offset
// in_sendreq - current send request
// in_sendsize - size of this send
// Returns: Nothing.
void TCPFastSend(TCB * SendTCB, PNDIS_BUFFER in_SendBuf, uint in_SendOfs, TCPSendReq * in_SendReq, uint in_SendSize, SeqNum NextSeq, int in_ToBeSent) { int SendWin; // Useable send window.
uint AmountToSend; // Amount to send this time.
uint AmountLeft; TCPHeader *Header; // TCP header for a send.
PNDIS_BUFFER FirstBuffer, CurrentBuffer; TCPSendReq *CurSend; SendCmpltContext *SCC; SeqNum OldSeq; SeqNum SendNext; IP_STATUS SendStatus; uint AmtOutstanding, AmtUnsent; int ForceWin; // Window we're force to use.
CTELockHandle TCBHandle; void *Irp; uint TSLen=0;
uint SendOfs = in_SendOfs; uint SendSize = in_SendSize;
PNDIS_BUFFER SendBuf = in_SendBuf;
SendNext = NextSeq; CurSend = in_SendReq;
CTEStructAssert(SendTCB, tcb); ASSERT(SendTCB->tcb_refcnt != 0);
ASSERT(*(int *)&SendTCB->tcb_sendwin >= 0); ASSERT(*(int *)&SendTCB->tcb_cwin >= SendTCB->tcb_mss);
ASSERT(!(SendTCB->tcb_flags & FIN_OUTSTANDING) || (SendTCB->tcb_sendnext == SendTCB->tcb_sendmax));
AmtOutstanding = (uint) (SendTCB->tcb_sendnext - SendTCB->tcb_senduna);
AmtUnsent = MIN(MIN(in_ToBeSent, (int)SendSize), (int)SendTCB->tcb_sendwin);
while (AmtUnsent > 0) {
if (SEQ_GT(SendTCB->tcb_senduna, SendNext)) {
// Since tcb_lock is releasd in this loop
// it is possible that delayed ack acked
// what we are trying to retransmit.
goto error_oor; } //This was minimum of sendwin and amtunsent
AmountToSend = MIN(AmtUnsent, SendTCB->tcb_mss);
// Time stamp option addition might force us to cut the data
// to be sent by 12 bytes.
if ((SendTCB->tcb_tcpopts & TCP_FLAG_TS) && (AmountToSend + ALIGNED_TS_OPT_SIZE >= SendTCB->tcb_mss)) { AmountToSend -= ALIGNED_TS_OPT_SIZE; }
// See if we have enough to send. We'll send if we have at least a
// segment, or if we really have some data to send and we can send
// all that we have, or the send window is > 0 and we need to force
// output or send a FIN (note that if we need to force output
// SendWin will be at least 1 from the check above), or if we can
// send an amount == to at least half the maximum send window
// we've seen.
ASSERT((int)AmtUnsent >= 0);
// It's OK to send something. Try to get a header buffer now.
// Mark the TCB for debugging.
// This should be removed for shipping version.
SendTCB->tcb_fastchk |= TCP_FLAG_FASTREC;
FirstBuffer = GetTCPHeaderAtDpcLevel(&Header);
if (FirstBuffer != NULL) {
// Got a header buffer. Loop through the sends on the TCB,
// building a frame.
CurrentBuffer = FirstBuffer;
Header = (TCPHeader *) ((PUCHAR)Header + LocalNetInfo.ipi_hsize);
// allow room for filling time stamp options.
if (SendTCB->tcb_tcpopts & TCP_FLAG_TS) {
// Account for time stamp options
NdisAdjustBufferLength(FirstBuffer, sizeof(TCPHeader) + ALIGNED_TS_OPT_SIZE);
SCC = ALIGN_UP_POINTER((SendCmpltContext *) (Header + 1),PVOID); (uchar *) SCC += ALIGNED_TS_OPT_SIZE;
} else {
SCC = (SendCmpltContext *) (Header + 1);
SCC->scc_sig = scc_signature; #endif
FillTCPHeader(SendTCB, Header); { ulong L = SendNext; Header->tcp_seq = net_long(L);
SCC->scc_ubufcount = 0; SCC->scc_tbufcount = 0; SCC->scc_count = 0; SCC->scc_LargeSend = 0;
AmountLeft = AmountToSend;
if (AmountToSend != 0) {
long Result;
CTEStructAssert(CurSend, tsr); SCC->scc_firstsend = CurSend;
do {
ASSERT(CurSend->tsr_refcnt > 0);
Result = CTEInterlockedIncrementLong(&(CurSend->tsr_refcnt));
ASSERT(Result > 0);
// If the current send offset is 0 and the current
// send is less than or equal to what we have left
// to send, we haven't already put a transport
// buffer on this send, and nobody else is using
// the buffer chain directly, just use the input
// buffers. We check for other people using them
// by looking at tsr_lastbuf. If it's NULL,
// nobody else is using the buffers. If it's not
// NULL, somebody is.
if (SendOfs == 0 && (SendSize <= AmountLeft) && (SCC->scc_tbufcount == 0) && CurSend->tsr_lastbuf == NULL) {
ulong length = 0; PNDIS_BUFFER tmp = in_SendBuf;
while (tmp) { length += NdisBufferLength(tmp); tmp = NDIS_BUFFER_LINKAGE(tmp); }
// If sum of mdl lengths is > request length
// use slow path.
if (AmountLeft >= length) { DirectSend = TRUE; } }
if (DirectSend) {
NDIS_BUFFER_LINKAGE(CurrentBuffer) = in_SendBuf;
do { SCC->scc_ubufcount++; CurrentBuffer = NDIS_BUFFER_LINKAGE(CurrentBuffer); } while (NDIS_BUFFER_LINKAGE(CurrentBuffer) != NULL);
CurSend->tsr_lastbuf = CurrentBuffer; AmountLeft -= SendSize; } else { uint AmountToDup; PNDIS_BUFFER NewBuf, Buf; uint Offset; NDIS_STATUS NStatus; uchar *VirtualAddress; uint Length;
// Either the current send has more data than
// we want to send, or the starting offset is
// not 0. In either case we'll need to loop
// through the current send, allocating buffers.
Buf = SendBuf;
Offset = SendOfs;
do { ASSERT(Buf != NULL);
TcpipQueryBuffer(Buf, &VirtualAddress, &Length, NormalPagePriority);
if (VirtualAddress == NULL) {
if (SCC->scc_tbufcount == 0 && SCC->scc_ubufcount == 0) { //TCPSendComplete(SCC, FirstBuffer,IP_SUCCESS);
goto error_oor1;
} AmountToSend -= AmountLeft; AmountLeft = 0; break;
} ASSERT((Offset < Length) || (Offset == 0 && Length == 0));
// Adjust the length for the offset into
// this buffer.
Length -= Offset;
AmountToDup = MIN(AmountLeft, Length);
NdisAllocateBuffer(&NStatus, &NewBuf, TCPSendBufferPool, VirtualAddress + Offset, AmountToDup);
NDIS_BUFFER_LINKAGE(CurrentBuffer) = NewBuf;
CurrentBuffer = NewBuf;
if (AmountToDup >= Length) {
// Exhausted this buffer.
Buf = NDIS_BUFFER_LINKAGE(Buf); Offset = 0;
} else {
Offset += AmountToDup; ASSERT(Offset < NdisBufferLength(Buf)); }
SendSize -= AmountToDup; AmountLeft -= AmountToDup;
} else {
// Couldn't allocate a buffer. If
// the packet is already partly built,
// send what we've got, otherwise
// bail out.
if (SCC->scc_tbufcount == 0 && SCC->scc_ubufcount == 0) { CTEFreeLock(&SendTCB->tcb_lock, TCBHandle);
//TCPSendComplete(SCC, FirstBuffer,IP_SUCCESS);
CTEGetLock(&SendTCB->tcb_lock, &TCBHandle); goto error_oor1; } AmountToSend -= AmountLeft; AmountLeft = 0;
} } while (AmountLeft && SendSize);
SendBuf = Buf; SendOfs = Offset; }
if (CurSend->tsr_flags & TSR_FLAG_URG) { ushort UP;
// This send is urgent data. We need to figure
// out what the urgent data pointer should be.
// We know sendnext is the starting sequence
// number of the frame, and that at the top of
// this do loop sendnext identified a byte in
// the CurSend at that time. We advanced CurSend
// at the same rate we've decremented
// AmountLeft (AmountToSend - AmountLeft ==
// AmountBuilt), so sendnext +
// (AmountToSend - AmountLeft) identifies a byte
// in the current value of CurSend, and that
// quantity plus tcb_sendsize is the sequence
// number one beyond the current send.
UP = (ushort) (AmountToSend - AmountLeft) + (ushort) SendTCB->tcb_sendsize - ((SendTCB->tcb_flags & BSD_URGENT) ? 0 : 1);
Header->tcp_urgent = net_short(UP);
Header->tcp_flags |= TCP_FLAG_URG; } // See if we've exhausted this send. If we have,
// set the PUSH bit in this frame and move on to
// the next send. We also need to check the
// urgent data bit.
if (SendSize == 0) { Queue *Next; ulong PrevFlags;
// We've exhausted this send. Set the PUSH bit.
Header->tcp_flags |= TCP_FLAG_PUSH; PrevFlags = CurSend->tsr_flags; Next = QNEXT(&CurSend->tsr_req.tr_q); if (Next != QEND(&SendTCB->tcb_sendq)) { CurSend = STRUCT_OF(TCPSendReq, QSTRUCT(TCPReq, Next, tr_q), tsr_req); CTEStructAssert(CurSend, tsr); SendSize = CurSend->tsr_unasize; SendOfs = CurSend->tsr_offset; SendBuf = CurSend->tsr_buffer;
// Check the urgent flags. We can't combine
// new urgent data on to the end of old
// non-urgent data.
if ((PrevFlags & TSR_FLAG_URG) && ! (CurSend->tsr_flags & TSR_FLAG_URG)) break; } else { ASSERT(AmountLeft == 0); CurSend = NULL; SendBuf = NULL; } } } while (AmountLeft != 0);
} else {
// Amt to send is 0.
// Just bail out and strat timer.
START_TCB_TIMER_R(SendTCB, RXMIT_TIMER, SendTCB->tcb_rexmit); } SendTCB->tcb_fastchk &= ~TCP_FLAG_FASTREC; FreeTCPHeader(FirstBuffer); return;
// Adjust for what we're really going to send.
AmountToSend -= AmountLeft;
OldSeq = SendNext; SendNext += AmountToSend; AmtUnsent -= AmountToSend;
// We've built the frame entirely. If we've send everything
// we have and their's a FIN pending, OR it in.
AmountToSend += sizeof(TCPHeader);
if ( (SendTCB->tcb_flags & KEEPALIVE) && (SendTCB->tcb_conn != NULL) ) START_TCB_TIMER_R(SendTCB, KA_TIMER, SendTCB->tcb_conn->tc_tcbkatime); SendTCB->tcb_kacount = 0;
SendTCB->tcb_fastchk &= ~TCP_FLAG_FASTREC;
CTEFreeLock(&SendTCB->tcb_lock, TCBHandle);
Irp = NULL;
if (SCC->scc_firstsend) { Irp = SCC->scc_firstsend->tsr_req.tr_context; }
// We're all set. Xsum it and send it.
if (SendTCB->tcb_rce && (SendTCB->tcb_rce->rce_OffloadFlags & TCP_XMT_CHECKSUM_OFFLOAD) && (SendTCB->tcb_rce->rce_OffloadFlags & TCP_CHECKSUM_OPT_OFFLOAD) ){
uint PHXsum = SendTCB->tcb_phxsum + (uint)net_short(AmountToSend + TSLen);
PHXsum = (((PHXsum << 16) | (PHXsum >> 16)) + PHXsum) >> 16; Header->tcp_xsum = (ushort) PHXsum; SendTCB->tcb_opt.ioi_TcpChksum = 1;
} else {
Header->tcp_xsum = ~XsumSendChain( SendTCB->tcb_phxsum + (uint)net_short(AmountToSend + TSLen), FirstBuffer); SendTCB->tcb_opt.ioi_TcpChksum = 0; }
SendStatus = (*LocalNetInfo.ipi_xmit)(TCPProtInfo, SCC, FirstBuffer, AmountToSend + TSLen, SendTCB->tcb_daddr, SendTCB->tcb_saddr, &SendTCB->tcb_opt, SendTCB->tcb_rce, PROTOCOL_TCP, Irp);
//Reacquire Lock to keep DerefTCB happy
//Bug #63904
if (SendStatus != IP_PENDING) { TCPSendComplete(SCC, FirstBuffer, IP_SUCCESS); } CTEGetLock(&SendTCB->tcb_lock, &TCBHandle);
SendTCB->tcb_error = SendStatus; if (!TCB_TIMER_RUNNING_R(SendTCB, RXMIT_TIMER)) {
START_TCB_TIMER_R(SendTCB, RXMIT_TIMER, SendTCB->tcb_rexmit); } } else { // FirstBuffer != NULL.
goto error_oor; } } //while AmtUnsent > 0
// Common case error handling code for out of resource conditions. Start the
// retransmit timer if it's not already running (so that we try this again
// later), clean up and return.
error_oor: if (!TCB_TIMER_RUNNING_R(SendTCB, RXMIT_TIMER)) { ushort tmp;
error_oor1: if (!TCB_TIMER_RUNNING_R(SendTCB, RXMIT_TIMER)) { ushort tmp;
TCPSendComplete(SCC, FirstBuffer, IP_SUCCESS);
//* TDISend - Send data on a connection.
// The main TDI send entry point. We take the input parameters, validate them,
// allocate a send request, etc. We then put the send request on the queue.
// If we have no other sends on the queue or Nagling is disabled we'll
// call TCPSend to send the data.
// Input: Request - The TDI request for the call.
// Flags - Flags for this send.
// SendLength - Length in bytes of send.
// SendBuffer - Pointer to buffer chain to be sent.
// Returns: Status of attempt to send.
TDI_STATUS TdiSend(PTDI_REQUEST Request, ushort Flags, uint SendLength, PNDIS_BUFFER SendBuffer) { TCPConn *Conn; TCB *SendTCB; TCPSendReq *SendReq; CTELockHandle ConnTableHandle, TCBHandle; TDI_STATUS Error; uint EmptyQ;
// Check for Mdl sanity in send requests
// Should be removed for RTM
uint RealSendSize; PNDIS_BUFFER Temp;
// Loop through the buffer chain, and make sure that the length matches
// up with SendLength.
Temp = SendBuffer; RealSendSize = 0; if (Temp != 0) {
do { if (Temp == NULL) { DbgPrint("BAD TCP Send Request. NULL MDL\n"); DbgPrint("This is not a TCPIP issue.\n"); DbgPrint("Please have originator of this IRP debug this.\n"); DbgBreakPoint(); } RealSendSize += NdisBufferLength(Temp); Temp = NDIS_BUFFER_LINKAGE(Temp); } while (Temp != NULL);
if (RealSendSize < SendLength) { DbgPrint("BAD TCP Send Request. Length Mismatch.\n"); DbgPrint("This is not a TCPIP issue.\n"); DbgPrint("Please have originator of this IRP debug this.\n"); DbgBreakPoint(); } }
// Do not forget to remove this code!!!
if (SimPacketDrop) { if (SendLength > 8000) { DropPackets = 1; } } #endif
//CTEGetLock(&ConnTableLock, &ConnTableHandle);
Conn = GetConnFromConnID(PtrToUlong(Request->Handle.ConnectionContext), &ConnTableHandle);
if (Conn != NULL) { CTEStructAssert(Conn, tc);
SendTCB = Conn->tc_tcb; if (SendTCB != NULL) { CTEStructAssert(SendTCB, tcb); CTEGetLockAtDPC(&SendTCB->tcb_lock, &TCBHandle); CTEFreeLock(&(Conn->tc_ConnBlock->cb_lock), DISPATCH_LEVEL); if (DATA_SEND_STATE(SendTCB->tcb_state) && !CLOSING(SendTCB)) { // We have a TCB, and it's valid. Get a send request now.
if ((SendLength != 0) && ((SendTCB->tcb_unacked + SendLength) >= SendLength)) {
SendReq = GetSendReq(); if (SendReq != NULL) { SendReq->tsr_req.tr_rtn = Request->RequestNotifyObject; SendReq->tsr_req.tr_context = Request->RequestContext; SendReq->tsr_buffer = SendBuffer; SendReq->tsr_size = SendLength; SendReq->tsr_unasize = SendLength; SendReq->tsr_refcnt = 1; // ACK will decrement this ref
SendReq->tsr_offset = 0; SendReq->tsr_lastbuf = NULL; SendReq->tsr_time = TCPTime; SendReq->tsr_flags = (Flags & TDI_SEND_EXPEDITED) ? TSR_FLAG_URG : 0; SendTCB->tcb_unacked += SendLength;
SendTCB->tcb_ack_history[SendTCB->tcb_history_index].sequence = SendTCB->tcb_senduna; SendTCB->tcb_ack_history[SendTCB->tcb_history_index].unacked = SendTCB->tcb_unacked;
SendTCB->tcb_history_index++; if (SendTCB->tcb_history_index >= NUM_ACK_HISTORY_ITEMS) { SendTCB->tcb_history_index = 0; } #endif // ACK_DEBUG
//move the state to fin_wait and
//mark the tcb for send and disconnect
if (SendTCB->tcb_state == TCB_ESTAB) { SendTCB->tcb_state = TCB_FIN_WAIT1; } else { ASSERT(SendTCB->tcb_state == TCB_CLOSE_WAIT); SendTCB->tcb_state = TCB_LAST_ACK; } SendTCB->tcb_slowcount++; SendTCB->tcb_fastchk |= TCP_FLAG_SLOW; SendTCB->tcb_fastchk |= TCP_FLAG_SEND_AND_DISC; SendTCB->tcb_flags |= FIN_NEEDED; //SendTCB->tcb_flags |= DISC_NOTIFIED;
SendReq->tsr_flags |= TSR_FLAG_SEND_AND_DISC;
//extrac reference to make sure that
//this request will not be completed until the
//connection is closed
SendReq->tsr_refcnt++; TStats.ts_currestab--;
} EmptyQ = EMPTYQ(&SendTCB->tcb_sendq); ENQUEUE(&SendTCB->tcb_sendq, &SendReq->tsr_req.tr_q); if (SendTCB->tcb_cursend == NULL) { SendTCB->tcb_cursend = SendReq; SendTCB->tcb_sendbuf = SendBuffer; SendTCB->tcb_sendofs = 0; SendTCB->tcb_sendsize = SendLength; } if (EmptyQ) { REFERENCE_TCB(SendTCB); TCPSend(SendTCB, ConnTableHandle); } else if (!(SendTCB->tcb_flags & NAGLING) || (SendTCB->tcb_unacked - (SendTCB->tcb_sendmax - SendTCB->tcb_senduna)) >= SendTCB->tcb_mss) { REFERENCE_TCB(SendTCB); TCPSend(SendTCB, ConnTableHandle); } else CTEFreeLock(&SendTCB->tcb_lock, ConnTableHandle);
return TDI_PENDING; } else Error = TDI_NO_RESOURCES; } else Error = TDI_SUCCESS; } else Error = TDI_INVALID_STATE;
CTEFreeLock(&SendTCB->tcb_lock, ConnTableHandle); return Error; } else { CTEFreeLock(&(Conn->tc_ConnBlock->cb_lock), ConnTableHandle); Error = TDI_INVALID_STATE; } } else Error = TDI_INVALID_CONNECTION;
//CTEFreeLock(&ConnTableLock, ConnTableHandle);
return Error;
#pragma BEGIN_INIT
extern void *TLRegisterProtocol(uchar Protocol, void *RcvHandler, void *XmitHandler, void *StatusHandler, void *RcvCmpltHandler, void *PnPHandler, void *ElistHandler);
extern IP_STATUS TCPRcv(void *IPContext, IPAddr Dest, IPAddr Src, IPAddr LocalAddr, IPAddr SrcAddr, IPHeader UNALIGNED * IPH, uint IPHLength, IPRcvBuf * RcvBuf, uint Size, uchar IsBCast, uchar Protocol, IPOptInfo * OptInfo); extern void TCPRcvComplete(void);
uchar SendInited = FALSE;
//* InitTCPSend - Initialize our send side.
// Called during init time to initialize our TCP send state.
// Input: Nothing.
// Returns: TRUE if we inited, false if we didn't.
int InitTCPSend(void) { PNDIS_BUFFER Buffer; NDIS_STATUS Status;
TcpHeaderBufferSize = (USHORT)(ALIGN_UP(LocalNetInfo.ipi_hsize,PVOID) + ALIGN_UP((sizeof(TCPHeader) + ALIGNED_TS_OPT_SIZE + ALIGNED_SACK_OPT_SIZE),PVOID) + ALIGN_UP(MAX(MSS_OPT_SIZE, sizeof(SendCmpltContext)),PVOID));
TcpHeaderBufferSize += MAX_BACKFILL_HDR_SIZE; #endif
TcpHeaderPool = MdpCreatePool (TcpHeaderBufferSize, 'thCT'); if (!TcpHeaderPool) { return FALSE; }
NdisAllocateBufferPool(&Status, &TCPSendBufferPool, NUM_TCP_BUFFERS); if (Status != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { MdpDestroyPool(TcpHeaderPool); return FALSE; } TCPProtInfo = TLRegisterProtocol(PROTOCOL_TCP, TCPRcv, TCPSendComplete, TCPStatus, TCPRcvComplete, TCPPnPPowerRequest, TCPElistChangeHandler); if (TCPProtInfo == NULL) { MdpDestroyPool(TcpHeaderPool); NdisFreeBufferPool(TCPSendBufferPool); return FALSE; } SendInited = TRUE; return TRUE; }
//* UnInitTCPSend - UnInitialize our send side.
// Called during init time if we're going to fail to initialize.
// Input: Nothing.
// Returns: TRUE if we inited, false if we didn't.
void UnInitTCPSend(void) { if (!SendInited) return;
MdpDestroyPool(TcpHeaderPool); NdisFreeBufferPool(TCPSendBufferPool); } #pragma END_INIT