Copyright (c) 1992 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Supports several simple TCP/IP services in a single thread: TCP Echo, UDP Echo, Daytime, Null, Chargen.
David Treadwell (davidtr) 3-Mar-1993
Revision History:
#include "simptcp.h"
// Number of services, counting tcp and udp versions as separate
#define NUM_SERVICES 10
typedef struct _FAMILY { short family; SOCKET tcpEcho; SOCKET udpEcho; SOCKET tcpDaytime; SOCKET udpDaytime; SOCKET tcpDiscard; SOCKET udpDiscard; SOCKET tcpChargen; SOCKET udpChargen; SOCKET tcpQotd; SOCKET udpQotd; } FAMILY;
#define NUM_FAMILIES (sizeof(family) / sizeof(FAMILY))
DWORD IoBufferSize = 4096; PCHAR IoBuffer = NULL;
RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION CriticalSection; BOOL InitializedCriticalSection = FALSE;
typedef struct _TCP_CLIENT_INFO { SOCKET SocketHandle; SOCKADDR_STORAGE RemoteAddress; INT RemoteAddressLen; HANDLE ThreadHandle; SHORT ServicePort; } TCP_CLIENT_INFO, *PTCP_CLIENT_INFO;
#define MAX_TCP_CLIENTS 1000
#define MAX_IDLE_TICKS 10 * 60 * 1000 // 10 minutes
#define SELECT_TIMEOUT 5 * 60 // 5 minutes
HMODULE SimptcpModuleHandle=NULL;
PFD_SET ReadfdsStore, Readfds;
SHORT TcpEchoPort; SHORT UdpEchoPort; SHORT TcpDiscardPort; SHORT UdpDiscardPort; SHORT TcpChargenPort; SHORT UdpChargenPort; SHORT TcpDaytimePort; SHORT UdpDaytimePort; SHORT TcpQotdPort; SHORT UdpQotdPort;
#define INVALID_PORT 0
BOOL DoTcpEcho = TRUE; BOOL DoUdpEcho = TRUE; BOOL DoTcpDiscard = TRUE; BOOL DoUdpDiscard = TRUE; BOOL DoTcpChargen = TRUE; BOOL DoUdpChargen = TRUE; BOOL DoTcpDaytime = TRUE; BOOL DoUdpDaytime = TRUE; BOOL DoTcpQotd = TRUE; BOOL DoUdpQotd = TRUE;
struct { PBOOL Boolean; PWSTR ValueName; } RegistryBooleans[] = { &DoTcpEcho, L"EnableTcpEcho", &DoUdpEcho, L"EnableUdpEcho", &DoTcpDiscard, L"EnableTcpDiscard", &DoUdpDiscard, L"EnableUdpDiscard", &DoTcpChargen, L"EnableTcpChargen", &DoUdpChargen, L"EnableUdpChargen", &DoTcpDaytime, L"EnableTcpDaytime", &DoUdpDaytime, L"EnableUdpDaytime", &DoTcpQotd, L"EnableTcpQotd", &DoUdpQotd, L"EnableUdpQotd", NULL, NULL };
struct { PDWORD Dword; PWSTR ValueName; } RegistryDwords[] = { &MaxTcpClients, L"MaxTcpClients", &MaxIdleTicks, L"MaxIdleTicks", &SelectTimeout, L"SelectTimeout", &IoBufferSize, L"IoBufferSize", NULL, NULL };
SERVICE_STATUS SimpServiceStatus; SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE SimpServiceStatusHandle;
HANDLE SimpPauseEvent; SOCKET SimpQuitSocket;
BOOL SimpServiceExit = FALSE;
PVOID ChargenBuffer = NULL; DWORD ChargenBufferSize;
PVOID QotdBuffer = NULL; DWORD QotdQuoteCount; struct { DWORD QuoteLength; PCHAR Quote; } *QotdStrings = NULL; PWSTR QotdFileName = NULL; HANDLE QotdFileHandle = NULL; HANDLE QotdFileMapping = NULL;
VOID AnnounceServiceStatus ( VOID );
VOID ControlResponse( DWORD opCode );
VOID AbortTcpClient ( IN SOCKET Socket );
INT AcceptTcpClient ( IN SOCKET ListenSocket, IN SHORT Port );
VOID DeleteTcpClient ( IN DWORD ArraySlot, IN BOOLEAN Graceful );
VOID DoSimpleServices ( VOID );
VOID DoSingleClient ( IN SOCKET s, IN USHORT port );
VOID FormatDaytimeResponse ( IN PCHAR Buffer, IN PDWORD BufferLength );
VOID FormatQotdResponse ( IN PCHAR Buffer, IN PDWORD BufferLength );
SHORT GetServicePort ( IN PCHAR Service, IN PCHAR Protocol );
INT InitializeChargen ( VOID );
INT InitializeQotdQuotes ( VOID );
INT ReadRegistry ( VOID );
BOOL OpenTcpSocket ( OUT SOCKET *pSocket, IN INT FamIdx, IN SHORT Port );
BOOL OpenUdpSocket ( OUT SOCKET *pSocket, IN INT FamIdx, IN SHORT Port );
INT SimpInitializeEventLog ( VOID );
VOID SimpTerminateEventLog( VOID );
VOID SimpLogEvent( DWORD Message, WORD SubStringCount, CHAR *SubStrings[], DWORD ErrorCode );
DWORD ThreadEntry ( LPVOID lpThreadParameter );
INT ProcessFamily( IN INT FamIdx) { INT err=NO_ERROR; INT i; SOCKADDR_STORAGE remoteAddr; INT remoteAddrLength; u_long one = 1;
if ( family[FamIdx].tcpEcho != INVALID_SOCKET && FD_ISSET( family[FamIdx].tcpEcho, Readfds ) ) { i = AcceptTcpClient( family[FamIdx].tcpEcho, TcpEchoPort ); }
if ( family[FamIdx].tcpDiscard != INVALID_SOCKET && FD_ISSET( family[FamIdx].tcpDiscard, Readfds ) ) { i = AcceptTcpClient( family[FamIdx].tcpDiscard, TcpDiscardPort ); }
if ( family[FamIdx].tcpDaytime != INVALID_SOCKET && FD_ISSET( family[FamIdx].tcpDaytime, Readfds ) ) {
SOCKET acceptSocket; DWORD length=IoBufferSize;
// A client is making a TCP daytime request. First accept
// the connection, then send the current time-of-day string
// to the client, then close the socket.
acceptSocket = accept( family[FamIdx].tcpDaytime, NULL, NULL );
if ( acceptSocket != INVALID_SOCKET ) { FormatDaytimeResponse( IoBuffer, &length ); send( acceptSocket, IoBuffer, length, 0 ); err = closesocket( acceptSocket ); ASSERT( err != SOCKET_ERROR ); } }
if ( family[FamIdx].tcpChargen != INVALID_SOCKET && FD_ISSET( family[FamIdx].tcpChargen, Readfds ) ) { i = AcceptTcpClient( family[FamIdx].tcpChargen, TcpChargenPort ); if ( i != -1 ) { one = 1; err = ioctlsocket( TcpClients[i].SocketHandle, FIONBIO, &one ); if ( err == SOCKET_ERROR ) { DeleteTcpClient( i, FALSE ); } } }
if ( family[FamIdx].tcpQotd != INVALID_SOCKET && FD_ISSET( family[FamIdx].tcpQotd, Readfds ) ) {
SOCKET acceptSocket; DWORD length;
// A client is making a TCP Qotd request. First accept
// the connection, then send the current time-of-day string
// to the client, then close the socket.
acceptSocket = accept( family[FamIdx].tcpQotd, NULL, NULL );
if ( acceptSocket != INVALID_SOCKET ) { FormatQotdResponse( IoBuffer, &length ); send( acceptSocket, IoBuffer, length, 0 ); err = closesocket( acceptSocket ); ASSERT( err != SOCKET_ERROR ); } }
// ================================================================
// Udp services.
if ( family[FamIdx].udpEcho != INVALID_SOCKET && FD_ISSET( family[FamIdx].udpEcho, Readfds ) ) {
remoteAddrLength = sizeof(remoteAddr);
err = recvfrom( family[FamIdx].udpEcho, IoBuffer, IoBufferSize, 0, (PSOCKADDR)&remoteAddr, &remoteAddrLength );
if( ntohs(SS_PORT(&remoteAddr)) > IPPORT_RESERVED && err != SOCKET_ERROR ) { err = sendto( family[FamIdx].udpEcho, IoBuffer, err, 0, (PSOCKADDR)&remoteAddr, remoteAddrLength ); } }
if ( family[FamIdx].udpDiscard != INVALID_SOCKET && FD_ISSET( family[FamIdx].udpDiscard, Readfds ) ) { err = recvfrom( family[FamIdx].udpDiscard, IoBuffer, IoBufferSize, 0, NULL, NULL ); ASSERT( err != SOCKET_ERROR );
// Nothing to sendto in this case.
if ( family[FamIdx].udpDaytime != INVALID_SOCKET && FD_ISSET( family[FamIdx].udpDaytime, Readfds ) ) {
DWORD length;
remoteAddrLength = sizeof(remoteAddr);
err = recvfrom( family[FamIdx].udpDaytime, IoBuffer, IoBufferSize, 0, (PSOCKADDR)&remoteAddr, &remoteAddrLength );
if( (ntohs(SS_PORT(&remoteAddr)) > IPPORT_RESERVED) && (err != SOCKET_ERROR) ) { length=IoBufferSize; FormatDaytimeResponse( IoBuffer, &length );
err = sendto( family[FamIdx].udpDaytime, IoBuffer, length, 0, (PSOCKADDR)&remoteAddr, remoteAddrLength ); } }
if ( family[FamIdx].udpChargen != INVALID_SOCKET && FD_ISSET( family[FamIdx].udpChargen, Readfds ) ) {
DWORD length;
remoteAddrLength = sizeof(remoteAddr);
err = recvfrom( family[FamIdx].udpChargen, IoBuffer, IoBufferSize, 0, (PSOCKADDR)&remoteAddr, &remoteAddrLength );
// Infinite loop attack, when we get a request from
// another service. - MohsinA, 30-Jun-97.
if( (ntohs(SS_PORT(&remoteAddr)) > IPPORT_RESERVED) && (err != SOCKET_ERROR) ) { srand( GetTickCount( ) );
length = (rand( ) * MAX_UDP_CHARGEN_RESPONSE) / RAND_MAX; if (length > ChargenBufferSize) { length=ChargenBufferSize; } err = sendto( family[FamIdx].udpChargen, ChargenBuffer, length, 0, (PSOCKADDR)&remoteAddr, remoteAddrLength );
} }
if ( family[FamIdx].udpQotd != INVALID_SOCKET && FD_ISSET( family[FamIdx].udpQotd, Readfds ) ) {
DWORD length;
remoteAddrLength = sizeof(remoteAddr);
err = recvfrom( family[FamIdx].udpQotd, IoBuffer, IoBufferSize, 0, (PSOCKADDR)&remoteAddr, &remoteAddrLength );
if( (ntohs(SS_PORT(&remoteAddr)) > IPPORT_RESERVED) && (err != SOCKET_ERROR) ) { FormatQotdResponse( IoBuffer, &length );
err = sendto( family[FamIdx].udpQotd, IoBuffer, length, 0, (PSOCKADDR)&remoteAddr, remoteAddrLength ); } }
return err; }
VOID ServiceEntry ( IN DWORD argc, IN LPWSTR argv[], IN PTCPSVCS_GLOBAL_DATA pGlobalData )
Routine Description:
This is the "main" routine for the simple TCP/IP services. The containing process will call this routine when we're supposed to start up.
Return Value:
{ INT err=ERROR_GEN_FAILURE; TIMEVAL timeout; INT i, FamIdx; DWORD maxFdSetSize; NTSTATUS status; BOOL bOk;
// Initialize all the status fields so that subsequent calls to
// SetServiceStatus need to only update fields that changed.
SimpServiceStatus.dwServiceType = SERVICE_WIN32; SimpServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_START_PENDING; SimpServiceStatus.dwControlsAccepted = 0; SimpServiceStatus.dwCheckPoint = 1; SimpServiceStatus.dwWaitHint = 30000; // 30 seconds
SimpServiceStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = NO_ERROR; SimpServiceStatus.dwServiceSpecificExitCode = NO_ERROR;
// Initialize server to receive service requests by registering the
// control handler.
SimpServiceStatusHandle = RegisterServiceCtrlHandler( TEXT("SimpTcp"), ControlResponse );
if ( SimpServiceStatusHandle == 0 ) { err = GetLastError(); goto exit; }
AnnounceServiceStatus( );
// Initialize our critical section.
status = RtlInitializeCriticalSection( &CriticalSection ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { goto exit; }
InitializedCriticalSection = TRUE;
// Initialize the eventlog.
err = SimpInitializeEventLog( ); ASSERT( err == NO_ERROR );
// Read all registry information.
err = ReadRegistry( ); if ( err != NO_ERROR ) { goto exit; }
// Allocate memory for the IO buffer.
IoBuffer = RtlAllocateHeap( RtlProcessHeap( ), 0, IoBufferSize );
// Allocate memory for the array of TCP clients.
TcpClients = RtlAllocateHeap( RtlProcessHeap( ), 0, MaxTcpClients * sizeof(TcpClients[0]) ); if ( TcpClients == NULL ) { err = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto exit; }
// Initialize the chargen data buffer.
if ( DoTcpChargen || DoUdpChargen ) { err = InitializeChargen( ); if ( err != NO_ERROR ) { DoUdpChargen = FALSE; DoTcpChargen = FALSE; } }
// Initialize the quote of the day quotes.
if ( DoTcpQotd || DoUdpQotd ) { err = InitializeQotdQuotes( ); if ( err != NO_ERROR ) { DoUdpQotd = FALSE; DoTcpQotd = FALSE; } }
// Initialize client socket array.
for ( i = 0; (DWORD)i < MaxTcpClients; i++ ) { TcpClients[i].SocketHandle = INVALID_SOCKET; TcpClients[i].ThreadHandle = NULL; }
// Determine how large our FD_SET structures must be, then allocate
// space for them. We have 1 quit socket, plus 10 services * 2 families.
maxFdSetSize = sizeof(u_int) + ( (1 + NUM_FAMILIES * NUM_SERVICES) * sizeof(SOCKET) );
Readfds = RtlAllocateHeap( RtlProcessHeap( ), 0, maxFdSetSize ); ReadfdsStore = RtlAllocateHeap( RtlProcessHeap( ), 0, maxFdSetSize );
if ( Readfds == NULL || ReadfdsStore == NULL ) { err = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto exit; }
// Initialize the pause event. We use this event to stop activity
// when the service is paused.
SimpPauseEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, TRUE, TRUE, NULL ); if ( SimpPauseEvent == NULL ) { err = GetLastError( ); goto exit; }
// Initialize the Windows Sockets DLL.
err = WSAStartup( 0x0101, &WsaData ); if ( err == SOCKET_ERROR ) { err = GetLastError( ); goto exit; }
// Initialize the FD sets we'll use.
FD_ZERO( ReadfdsStore );
// Open the "quit" socket. We close this socket when we need to
// shut down in order to wake up the main thread from it's select()
// and begin shutdown.
SimpQuitSocket = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0 ); if ( SimpQuitSocket != INVALID_SOCKET ) { FD_SET( SimpQuitSocket, ReadfdsStore ); } else { err = GetLastError( ); goto exit; }
// First find the port numbers for all our services.
TcpEchoPort = GetServicePort( "echo", "tcp" ); if ( TcpEchoPort == INVALID_PORT && DoTcpEcho ) { SimpLogEvent( SIMPTCP_CANT_FIND_TCP_ECHO_PORT, 0, NULL, WSAGetLastError( ) );
DoTcpEcho = FALSE; }
UdpEchoPort = GetServicePort( "echo", "udp" ); if ( UdpEchoPort == INVALID_PORT && DoUdpEcho ) { SimpLogEvent( SIMPTCP_CANT_FIND_UDP_ECHO_PORT, 0, NULL, WSAGetLastError( ) );
DoUdpEcho = FALSE; }
TcpDiscardPort = GetServicePort( "discard", "tcp" ); if ( TcpDiscardPort == INVALID_PORT && DoTcpDiscard ) { SimpLogEvent( SIMPTCP_CANT_FIND_TCP_DISCARD_PORT, 0, NULL, WSAGetLastError( ) );
DoTcpDiscard = FALSE; }
UdpDiscardPort = GetServicePort( "discard", "udp" ); if ( UdpDiscardPort == INVALID_PORT && DoUdpDiscard ) { SimpLogEvent( SIMPTCP_CANT_FIND_UDP_DISCARD_PORT, 0, NULL, WSAGetLastError( ) );
DoUdpDiscard = FALSE; }
TcpDaytimePort = GetServicePort( "daytime", "tcp" ); if ( TcpDaytimePort == INVALID_PORT && DoTcpDaytime ) { SimpLogEvent( SIMPTCP_CANT_FIND_TCP_DAYTIME_PORT, 0, NULL, WSAGetLastError( ) );
DoTcpDaytime = FALSE; }
UdpDaytimePort = GetServicePort( "daytime", "udp" ); if ( UdpDaytimePort == INVALID_PORT && DoUdpDaytime ) { SimpLogEvent( SIMPTCP_CANT_FIND_UDP_DAYTIME_PORT, 0, NULL, WSAGetLastError( ) );
DoUdpDaytime = FALSE; }
TcpChargenPort = GetServicePort( "chargen", "tcp" ); if ( TcpChargenPort == INVALID_PORT && DoTcpChargen ) { SimpLogEvent( SIMPTCP_CANT_FIND_TCP_CHARGEN_PORT, 0, NULL, WSAGetLastError( ) );
DoTcpChargen = FALSE; }
UdpChargenPort = GetServicePort( "chargen", "udp" ); if ( UdpChargenPort == INVALID_PORT && DoUdpChargen ) { SimpLogEvent( SIMPTCP_CANT_FIND_UDP_CHARGEN_PORT, 0, NULL, WSAGetLastError( ) );
DoUdpChargen = FALSE; }
TcpQotdPort = GetServicePort( "qotd", "tcp" ); if ( TcpQotdPort == INVALID_PORT && DoTcpQotd ) { SimpLogEvent( SIMPTCP_CANT_FIND_TCP_QOTD_PORT, 0, NULL, WSAGetLastError( ) );
DoTcpQotd = FALSE; }
UdpQotdPort = GetServicePort( "qotd", "udp" ); if ( UdpQotdPort == INVALID_PORT && DoUdpQotd ) { SimpLogEvent( SIMPTCP_CANT_FIND_UDP_QOTD_PORT, 0, NULL, WSAGetLastError( ) );
DoUdpQotd = FALSE; }
// Open, bind, and listen on the necessary ports.
if ( DoTcpEcho ) { bOk = FALSE; for (i=0; i<NUM_FAMILIES; i++) { bOk |= OpenTcpSocket( &family[i].tcpEcho, i, TcpEchoPort ); } if ( !bOk ) { SimpLogEvent( SIMPTCP_CANT_OPEN_TCP_ECHO_PORT, 0, NULL, WSAGetLastError( ) ); } }
if ( DoUdpEcho ) { bOk = FALSE; for (i=0; i<NUM_FAMILIES; i++) { bOk |= OpenUdpSocket( &family[i].udpEcho, i, UdpEchoPort ); } if ( !bOk ) { SimpLogEvent( SIMPTCP_CANT_OPEN_UDP_ECHO_PORT, 0, NULL, WSAGetLastError( ) ); } }
if ( DoTcpDiscard ) { bOk = FALSE; for (i=0; i<NUM_FAMILIES; i++) { bOk |= OpenTcpSocket( &family[i].tcpDiscard, i, TcpDiscardPort ); } if ( !bOk ) { SimpLogEvent( SIMPTCP_CANT_OPEN_TCP_DISCARD_PORT, 0, NULL, WSAGetLastError( ) ); } }
if ( DoUdpDiscard ) { bOk = FALSE; for (i=0; i<NUM_FAMILIES; i++) { bOk |= OpenUdpSocket( &family[i].udpDiscard, i, UdpDiscardPort ); } if ( !bOk ) { SimpLogEvent( SIMPTCP_CANT_OPEN_UDP_DISCARD_PORT, 0, NULL, WSAGetLastError( ) ); } }
if ( DoTcpDaytime ) { bOk = FALSE; for (i=0; i<NUM_FAMILIES; i++) { bOk |= OpenTcpSocket( &family[i].tcpDaytime, i, TcpDaytimePort ); } if ( !bOk ) { SimpLogEvent( SIMPTCP_CANT_OPEN_TCP_DAYTIME_PORT, 0, NULL, WSAGetLastError( ) ); } }
if ( DoUdpDaytime ) { bOk = FALSE; for (i=0; i<NUM_FAMILIES; i++) { bOk |= OpenUdpSocket( &family[i].udpDaytime, i, UdpDaytimePort ); } if ( !bOk ) { SimpLogEvent( SIMPTCP_CANT_OPEN_UDP_DAYTIME_PORT, 0, NULL, WSAGetLastError( ) ); } }
if ( DoTcpChargen ) { bOk = FALSE; for (i=0; i<NUM_FAMILIES; i++) { bOk |= OpenTcpSocket( &family[i].tcpChargen, i, TcpChargenPort ); } if ( !bOk ) { SimpLogEvent( SIMPTCP_CANT_OPEN_TCP_CHARGEN_PORT, 0, NULL, WSAGetLastError( ) ); } }
if ( DoUdpChargen ) { bOk = FALSE; for (i=0; i<NUM_FAMILIES; i++) { bOk |= OpenUdpSocket( &family[i].udpChargen, i, UdpChargenPort ); } if ( !bOk ) { SimpLogEvent( SIMPTCP_CANT_OPEN_UDP_CHARGEN_PORT, 0, NULL, WSAGetLastError( ) ); } }
if ( DoTcpQotd ) { bOk = FALSE; for (i=0; i<NUM_FAMILIES; i++) { bOk |= OpenTcpSocket( &family[i].tcpQotd, i, TcpQotdPort ); } if ( !bOk ) { SimpLogEvent( SIMPTCP_CANT_OPEN_TCP_QOTD_PORT, 0, NULL, WSAGetLastError( ) ); } }
if ( DoUdpQotd ) { bOk = FALSE; for (i=0; i<NUM_FAMILIES; i++) { bOk |= OpenUdpSocket( &family[i].udpQotd, i, UdpQotdPort ); } if ( !bOk ) { SimpLogEvent( SIMPTCP_CANT_OPEN_UDP_QOTD_PORT, 0, NULL, WSAGetLastError( ) ); } }
// Announce that we have successfully started.
SimpServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_RUNNING; SimpServiceStatus.dwControlsAccepted = SERVICE_ACCEPT_STOP | SERVICE_ACCEPT_PAUSE_CONTINUE; SimpServiceStatus.dwCheckPoint = 0; SimpServiceStatus.dwWaitHint = 0;
AnnounceServiceStatus( );
// Loop waiting for connect attempts or datagrams, and service them
// when they arrive.
while ( TRUE ) {
// First initialize the FD sets we'll actually use for select().
RtlCopyMemory( Readfds, ReadfdsStore, maxFdSetSize );
// Now wait for something to happen. Timeout occaisonally
// so that we can kill idle TCP clients.
timeout.tv_sec = SelectTimeout; timeout.tv_usec = 0;
err = select( 0, Readfds, NULL, NULL, &timeout );
// If the service is shutting down, stop processing requests
// and exit.
if ( SimpServiceExit ) { err = NO_ERROR; goto exit; }
if ( err == SOCKET_ERROR ) {
// This is bad. We should do something intelligent here.
int MappedErr; MappedErr= WSAGetLastError(); switch(MappedErr) { case WSAENOBUFS: Sleep(1000); break; default: break; }
continue; }
// If the service is paused, wait for it to become unpaused.
err = WaitForSingleObject( SimpPauseEvent, INFINITE ); ASSERT( err != WAIT_FAILED );
// Figure out what happened and act accordingly.
for (FamIdx=0; FamIdx<NUM_FAMILIES; FamIdx++) { err = ProcessFamily(FamIdx); }
} // infinite loop.
// Announce that we're going down.
SimpServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOP_PENDING; SimpServiceStatus.dwCheckPoint = 1; SimpServiceStatus.dwWaitHint = 20000; // 20 seconds
SimpServiceStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = err; SimpServiceStatus.dwServiceSpecificExitCode = err;
AnnounceServiceStatus( );
// Delete our critical section.
if ( InitializedCriticalSection ) { InitializedCriticalSection = FALSE; RtlDeleteCriticalSection( &CriticalSection ); }
// Close all opened listening sockets.
for (i=0; i<NUM_FAMILIES; i++) { if ( family[i].tcpEcho != INVALID_SOCKET ) { closesocket( family[i].tcpEcho ); } if ( family[i].udpEcho != INVALID_SOCKET ) { closesocket( family[i].udpEcho ); } if ( family[i].tcpDiscard != INVALID_SOCKET ) { closesocket( family[i].tcpDiscard ); } if ( family[i].udpDiscard != INVALID_SOCKET ) { closesocket( family[i].udpDiscard ); } if ( family[i].tcpDaytime != INVALID_SOCKET ) { closesocket( family[i].tcpDaytime ); } if ( family[i].udpDaytime != INVALID_SOCKET ) { closesocket( family[i].udpDaytime ); } if ( family[i].tcpChargen != INVALID_SOCKET ) { closesocket( family[i].tcpChargen ); } if ( family[i].udpChargen != INVALID_SOCKET ) { closesocket( family[i].udpChargen ); } }
// Close all connected TCP sockets.
for ( i = 0; TcpClients != NULL && (DWORD)i < MaxTcpClients; i++ ) {
if ( TcpClients[i].SocketHandle != INVALID_SOCKET ) { AbortTcpClient( TcpClients[i].SocketHandle ); } }
// Should wait here for all threads to exit!
// Deinitialize the eventlog.
SimpTerminateEventLog( );
// Free allocated memory.
if ( IoBuffer != NULL ) { RtlFreeHeap( RtlProcessHeap( ), 0, IoBuffer ); }
if ( TcpClients != NULL ) { RtlFreeHeap( RtlProcessHeap( ), 0, TcpClients ); }
if ( Readfds != NULL ) { RtlFreeHeap( RtlProcessHeap( ), 0, Readfds ); }
if ( ReadfdsStore != NULL ) { RtlFreeHeap( RtlProcessHeap( ), 0, ReadfdsStore ); }
if ( ChargenBuffer != NULL ) { RtlFreeHeap( RtlProcessHeap( ), 0, ChargenBuffer ); }
if ( QotdBuffer != NULL ) { UnmapViewOfFile( QotdBuffer ); }
if ( QotdFileMapping != NULL ) { CloseHandle( QotdFileMapping ); }
if ( QotdFileHandle != NULL ) { CloseHandle( QotdFileHandle ); }
if ( QotdFileName != NULL ) { RtlFreeHeap( RtlProcessHeap( ), 0, QotdFileName ); }
if ( QotdStrings != NULL ) { RtlFreeHeap( RtlProcessHeap( ), 0, QotdStrings ); }
// Announce that we're down.
SimpServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOPPED; SimpServiceStatus.dwControlsAccepted = 0; SimpServiceStatus.dwCheckPoint = 0; SimpServiceStatus.dwWaitHint = 0;
SimpServiceStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = err; SimpServiceStatus.dwServiceSpecificExitCode = err;
AnnounceServiceStatus( );
} // ServiceEntry
BOOL OpenTcpSocket ( OUT SOCKET *pSocket, IN INT FamIdx, IN SHORT Port ) { SOCKADDR_STORAGE localAddr; INT localAddrLen; INT err; INT one = 1;
*pSocket = socket( family[FamIdx].family, SOCK_STREAM, 0 ); if ( *pSocket == INVALID_SOCKET ) { return FALSE; }
RtlZeroMemory( &localAddr, sizeof(localAddr) ); SS_PORT(&localAddr) = Port; localAddr.ss_family = family[FamIdx].family;
err = setsockopt( *pSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE, (char *) &one, sizeof( one ) ); if( err ){ DEBUG_PRINT(("simptcp: OpenTcpSocket: ExclusiveAddressUse failed %d\n", GetLastError() )); closesocket(*pSocket); *pSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; return FALSE; }
err = bind( *pSocket, (PSOCKADDR)&localAddr, sizeof(localAddr) ); if ( err ==SOCKET_ERROR ) { closesocket(*pSocket); *pSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; return FALSE; }
err = listen( *pSocket, LISTEN_BACKLOG ); if ( err == SOCKET_ERROR ) { closesocket(*pSocket); *pSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; return FALSE; }
err = setsockopt( *pSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, (char *)&one, sizeof(one) ); if ( err == INVALID_SOCKET ) { closesocket(*pSocket); *pSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; return FALSE; }
FD_SET( *pSocket, ReadfdsStore ); return TRUE;
} // OpenTcpSocket
BOOL OpenUdpSocket ( OUT SOCKET *pSocket, IN INT FamIdx, IN SHORT Port ) { SOCKADDR_STORAGE localAddr; INT localAddrLen; INT err; DWORD broadcast_off = 0; DWORD on = 1;
*pSocket = socket( family[FamIdx].family, SOCK_DGRAM, 0 ); if ( *pSocket == INVALID_SOCKET ) { return FALSE; }
RtlZeroMemory( &localAddr, sizeof(localAddr) ); SS_PORT(&localAddr) = Port; localAddr.ss_family = family[FamIdx].family;
err = setsockopt( *pSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE, (LPBYTE) &on, sizeof( on ) ); if( err ){ DEBUG_PRINT(("simptcp: OpenUdpSocket: ExclusiveAddressUse failed %d\n", GetLastError() )); closesocket(*pSocket); *pSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; return FALSE; }
err = bind( *pSocket, (PSOCKADDR)&localAddr, sizeof(localAddr) ); if ( err == SOCKET_ERROR ) { closesocket(*pSocket); *pSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; return FALSE; }
err = setsockopt( *pSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, (LPBYTE) &broadcast_off, sizeof( broadcast_off ) );
if( err ){ DEBUG_PRINT(("simptcp: OpenUdpSocket: broadcast_off failed %d\n", GetLastError() )); closesocket(*pSocket); *pSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; return FALSE; }
FD_SET( *pSocket, ReadfdsStore ); return TRUE;
} // OpenUdpSocket
INT AcceptTcpClient ( IN SOCKET ListenSocket, IN SHORT Port ) { SOCKADDR_STORAGE remoteSockaddr; INT remoteSockaddrLength; DWORD i; SOCKET acceptSocket; DWORD threadId; NTSTATUS status;
// Always accept the socket first.
remoteSockaddrLength = sizeof(remoteSockaddr);
acceptSocket = accept( ListenSocket, (PSOCKADDR)&remoteSockaddr, &remoteSockaddrLength ); if ( acceptSocket == INVALID_SOCKET ) { return -1; }
// Use a critical section to protect access to our database of
// TCP clients.
status = RtlEnterCriticalSection( &CriticalSection ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(status) );
// Attempt to find a TCP client slot.
for ( i = 0; i < MaxTcpClients; i++ ) { if ( TcpClients[i].SocketHandle == INVALID_SOCKET ) { break; } }
// If we're at the max count of TCP sockets, abort this new
// socket.
if ( i >= MaxTcpClients ) { AbortTcpClient( acceptSocket ); status = RtlLeaveCriticalSection( &CriticalSection ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(status) ); return -1; }
// Initialize info about this client.
TcpClients[i].SocketHandle = acceptSocket; RtlCopyMemory( &TcpClients[i].RemoteAddress, &remoteSockaddr, sizeof(remoteSockaddr) ); TcpClients[i].ServicePort = Port;
// We're in multi-threaded mode, so we'll create a separate thread
// to handle this client.
TcpClients[i].ThreadHandle = CreateThread( NULL, 0, ThreadEntry, UlongToPtr(i), 0, &threadId ); if ( TcpClients[i].ThreadHandle == NULL ) { AbortTcpClient( acceptSocket ); TcpClients[i].SocketHandle = INVALID_SOCKET; status = RtlLeaveCriticalSection( &CriticalSection ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(status) ); return -1; }
// The created thread will handle the connected client.
status = RtlLeaveCriticalSection( &CriticalSection ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(status) );
return -1;
} // AcceptTcpClient
VOID AbortTcpClient ( IN SOCKET Socket ) { LINGER lingerInfo; INT err;
// First set the linger timeout on the socket to 0. This will cause
// the connection to be reset.
lingerInfo.l_onoff = 1; lingerInfo.l_linger = 0;
err = setsockopt( Socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, (char *)&lingerInfo, sizeof(lingerInfo) );
if ( err == SOCKET_ERROR ) {
// There's not too much we can do. Just close the socket.
ASSERT(FALSE); closesocket( Socket ); return; }
// Now close the socket.
err = closesocket( Socket ); ASSERT( err != SOCKET_ERROR );
} // AbortTcpClient
VOID DeleteTcpClient ( IN DWORD ArraySlot, IN BOOLEAN Graceful ) { INT err; NTSTATUS status;
status = RtlEnterCriticalSection( &CriticalSection ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(status) );
ASSERT( TcpClients[ArraySlot].SocketHandle != INVALID_SOCKET );
// If this is to be an abortive disconnect, reset the connection.
// Otherwise just close it normally.
if ( !Graceful ) {
AbortTcpClient( TcpClients[ArraySlot].SocketHandle );
} else {
LINGER lingerInfo; INT one;
// Set the socket to blocking.
one = 0; ioctlsocket( TcpClients[ArraySlot].SocketHandle, FIONBIO, &one );
// Set the socket to linger no more than 60 seconds.
lingerInfo.l_onoff = 1; lingerInfo.l_linger = 60;
setsockopt( TcpClients[ArraySlot].SocketHandle, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, (char *)&lingerInfo, sizeof(lingerInfo) );
err = closesocket( TcpClients[ArraySlot].SocketHandle ); ASSERT( err != SOCKET_ERROR ); }
// Close the thread handle, if appropriate.
if ( TcpClients[ArraySlot].ThreadHandle != NULL ) { CloseHandle( TcpClients[ArraySlot].ThreadHandle ); TcpClients[ArraySlot].ThreadHandle = NULL; }
// Set the handle in the TCP clients array to INVALID_SOCKET so that we
// know that it is free.
TcpClients[ArraySlot].SocketHandle = INVALID_SOCKET;
status = RtlLeaveCriticalSection( &CriticalSection ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(status) );
} // DeleteTcpClient
PCHAR Months[] = { "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" };
PCHAR Days[] = { "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday" };
VOID FormatDaytimeResponse ( IN PCHAR Buffer, IN PDWORD BufferLength ) { SYSTEMTIME timeStruct; int Status; int StringSize;
GetLocalTime( &timeStruct ); Status = GetDateFormatA((LCID)LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, 0, &timeStruct, NULL, Buf1, MAX_DATE_BUFFER_SIZE);
if (Status == 0) { return; }
Status = GetTimeFormatA((LCID)LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, 0, &timeStruct, NULL, Buf2, MAX_DATE_BUFFER_SIZE);
if (Status == 0) { return; }
*BufferLength=sprintf(Buffer,"%s %s\n",Buf2,Buf1);
} // FormatDaytimeResponse
VOID FormatQotdResponse ( IN PCHAR Buffer, IN PDWORD BufferLength ) { INT index;
if (QotdQuoteCount == 0) { sprintf(Buffer,""); *BufferLength=strlen(Buffer); return; }
// Choose a random quote index.
index = (rand( ) * (QotdQuoteCount - 1)) / RAND_MAX;
// Copy the quote into the output buffer.
strncpy( Buffer, QotdStrings[index].Quote, QotdStrings[index].QuoteLength ); *BufferLength = QotdStrings[index].QuoteLength;
} // FormatDaytimeResponse
INT InitializeQotdQuotes ( VOID ) {
BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION fileInformation; PCHAR buffer; DWORD i,CurQuoteIndex;
if ( QotdFileName == NULL ) { return ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; }
// Open the file containing quote information.
QotdFileHandle = CreateFileW( QotdFileName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); if ( QotdFileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { SimpLogEvent( SIMPTCP_CANT_OPEN_QUOTE_FILE, 0, NULL, GetLastError( ) ); return GetLastError( ); }
// Determine the size of the QOTD file.
if ( !GetFileInformationByHandle( QotdFileHandle, &fileInformation ) ) { SimpLogEvent( SIMPTCP_CANT_OPEN_QUOTE_FILE, 0, NULL, GetLastError( ) ); return GetLastError( ); }
// Create a file mapping for the quotes file and map it into
// the address space of this process.
QotdFileMapping = CreateFileMapping( QotdFileHandle, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, NULL ); if ( QotdFileMapping == NULL ) { SimpLogEvent( SIMPTCP_CANT_OPEN_QUOTE_FILE, 0, NULL, GetLastError( ) ); return GetLastError( ); }
QotdBuffer = MapViewOfFile( QotdFileMapping, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0 ); if ( QotdBuffer == NULL ) { SimpLogEvent( SIMPTCP_CANT_OPEN_QUOTE_FILE, 0, NULL, GetLastError( ) ); return GetLastError( ); }
// Count the number of lines in the file. The number of lines
// corresponds to the number of quotes.
QotdQuoteCount = 0; buffer = (PCHAR)QotdBuffer;
for ( i = 0; i < fileInformation.nFileSizeLow; i++ ) { if ( *buffer++ == '%' ) { QotdQuoteCount++; } }
// Allocate a buffer to hold the quote array.
QotdStrings = RtlAllocateHeap( RtlProcessHeap( ), 0, sizeof(QotdStrings[0]) * QotdQuoteCount );
if ( QotdStrings == NULL ) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
// Initialize the quote array.
buffer = (PCHAR)QotdBuffer;
CurQuoteIndex=0; for ( i = 0; i < QotdQuoteCount; i++ ) {
QotdStrings[CurQuoteIndex].Quote = buffer;
while ( (DWORD_PTR)buffer < (DWORD_PTR)QotdBuffer + fileInformation.nFileSizeLow && *buffer++ != '%' );
QotdStrings[CurQuoteIndex].QuoteLength = (DWORD)((DWORD_PTR)buffer - (DWORD_PTR)QotdStrings[CurQuoteIndex].Quote) - 1; buffer += 2;
// If this quote if longer than the IO buffer size, skip over
// it. We can't use it.
if ( QotdStrings[CurQuoteIndex].QuoteLength < IoBufferSize ) { // Got a valid one
CurQuoteIndex++; } }
// Initialize the random-number generator.
srand( GetTickCount( ) );
return NO_ERROR;
} // InitializeQotdQuotes
#define CHARGEN_MIN_CHAR ' '
#define CHARGEN_MAX_CHAR '~'
INT InitializeChargen ( VOID ) { DWORD line; BYTE startChar = 0; DWORD i;
// Allocate a buffer for the chargen data.
ChargenBuffer = RtlAllocateHeap( RtlProcessHeap( ), 0, ChargenBufferSize ); if ( ChargenBuffer == NULL ) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
// Fill in the buffer with the required pattern.
for ( line = 0; line < CHARGEN_LINE_COUNT; line++ ) {
for ( i = 0; i < CHARGEN_LINE_LENGTH; i++ ) {
*((PCHAR)ChargenBuffer + (line * CHARGEN_REAL_LINE_LENGTH) + i) = (CHAR)( ((startChar + i) % CHARGEN_DIFFERENCE) + CHARGEN_MIN_CHAR); }
*((PCHAR)ChargenBuffer + (line * CHARGEN_REAL_LINE_LENGTH) + i) = 0x0D; *((PCHAR)ChargenBuffer + (line * CHARGEN_REAL_LINE_LENGTH) + i + 1) = 0x0A;
startChar++; }
return NO_ERROR;
} // InitializeQotdQuotes
VOID DoSingleClient ( IN SOCKET s, IN USHORT port ) { INT err;
if ( port == TcpEchoPort ) {
while ( TRUE ) {
err = recv( s, IoBuffer, IoBufferSize, 0 ); if ( err == SOCKET_ERROR ) { return; }
// If the remote closed gracefully, close the socket.
if ( err == 0 ) {
closesocket( s ); return;
} else {
err = send( s, IoBuffer, err, 0 ); if ( err == SOCKET_ERROR ) { return; } } }
} else if ( port == TcpDiscardPort ) {
while ( TRUE ) {
err = recv( s, IoBuffer, IoBufferSize, 0 ); if ( err == SOCKET_ERROR ) { return; }
// If the remote closed gracefully, close the socket.
if ( err == 0 ) { closesocket( s ); return; } else if ( err == SOCKET_ERROR ) { closesocket( s ); return; } }
} else {
// Something bad has happened. Internal data
// structures are corrupt.
} // DoSingleClient
SHORT GetServicePort ( IN PCHAR Service, IN PCHAR Protocol ) { PSERVENT serviceEntry;
// Get a servent structure for the specified service.
serviceEntry = getservbyname( Service, Protocol );
if ( serviceEntry == NULL ) { // log an error!
return INVALID_PORT; }
// Return the port for the specified service.
return serviceEntry->s_port;
} // GetServicePort
VOID AnnounceServiceStatus ( VOID )
Routine Description:
Announces the service's status to the service controller.
Return Value:
{ //
// Service status handle is NULL if RegisterServiceCtrlHandler failed.
if ( SimpServiceStatusHandle == 0 ) { return; }
// Call SetServiceStatus, ignoring any errors.
SetServiceStatus(SimpServiceStatusHandle, &SimpServiceStatus);
} // AnnounceServiceStatus
VOID ControlResponse( DWORD opCode )
{ BOOL announce = TRUE; BOOL err;
// Determine the type of service control message and modify the
// service status, if necessary.
switch( opCode ) {
// Announce that we are in the process of stopping.
SimpServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOP_PENDING; AnnounceServiceStatus( );
// Remember that we're stopping.
SimpServiceExit = TRUE;
// Close a socket that the main select()er thread is
// waiting on. This will cause the select to wake up
// and shutdown processing to commence.
closesocket( SimpQuitSocket );
// Let the main thread announce when the stop is done.
announce = FALSE;
// Announce that we are in the process of pausing.
SimpServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_PAUSE_PENDING; AnnounceServiceStatus( );
// Remember that we're paused.
err = ResetEvent( SimpPauseEvent ); ASSERT( err );
// Announce that we're now paused.
SimpServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_PAUSED;
// Announce that continue is pending.
SimpServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_CONTINUE_PENDING; AnnounceServiceStatus( );
// Remember that we're no longer paused.
err = SetEvent( SimpPauseEvent ); ASSERT( err );
// Announce that we're active now.
SimpServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_RUNNING;
break; }
if ( announce ) { AnnounceServiceStatus( ); }
} // ControlResponse
INT ReadRegistry ( VOID ) { HKEY simptcpKey = NULL; ULONG error; ULONG i; DWORD dwordBuffer; DWORD bufferLength; DWORD type; DWORD qotdFileNameLength; PWSTR fileName;
// First open our parameters key.
error = RegOpenKeyExW( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\SimpTcp\\Parameters", 0, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, &simptcpKey ); if ( error != NO_ERROR ) { return error; }
// Read BOOLEANs from the registry.
for ( i = 0; RegistryBooleans[i].Boolean != NULL; i++ ) {
bufferLength = sizeof(dwordBuffer);
error = RegQueryValueExW( simptcpKey, RegistryBooleans[i].ValueName, NULL, &type, (PVOID)&dwordBuffer, &bufferLength );
// If we fail to read one of these for some reason, just skip it
// and move on to the next one.
if ( error != NO_ERROR ) { continue; }
if ( dwordBuffer == 0 ) { *RegistryBooleans[i].Boolean = FALSE; } else { *RegistryBooleans[i].Boolean = TRUE; } }
// Read DWORDs from the registry.
for ( i = 0; RegistryDwords[i].Dword != NULL; i++ ) {
bufferLength = sizeof(RegistryDwords[i].Dword);
RegQueryValueExW( simptcpKey, RegistryDwords[i].ValueName, NULL, &type, (PVOID)RegistryDwords[i].Dword, &bufferLength ); }
// Read other known values from the registry. Determine the size
// of the QOTD file name. We need this so that we can allocate
// enough memory to hold it.
qotdFileNameLength = 0;
error = RegQueryValueExW( simptcpKey, L"QotdFileName", NULL, &type, NULL, &qotdFileNameLength );
if ( error == ERROR_MORE_DATA || error == NO_ERROR ) {
fileName = RtlAllocateHeap( RtlProcessHeap( ), 0, qotdFileNameLength ); if ( fileName == NULL ) { return NO_ERROR; }
error = RegQueryValueExW( simptcpKey, L"QotdFileName", NULL, &type, (PVOID)fileName, &qotdFileNameLength ); if ( error != NO_ERROR ) { RtlFreeHeap( RtlProcessHeap( ), 0, fileName ); return NO_ERROR; }
// Expand the file name.
qotdFileNameLength = ExpandEnvironmentStringsW( fileName, NULL, 0 );
QotdFileName = RtlAllocateHeap( RtlProcessHeap( ), 0, qotdFileNameLength * 2 ); if ( QotdFileName == NULL ) { RtlFreeHeap( RtlProcessHeap( ), 0, fileName ); return NO_ERROR; }
ExpandEnvironmentStringsW( fileName, QotdFileName, qotdFileNameLength ); }
return NO_ERROR;
} // ReadRegistry
DWORD ThreadEntry ( LPVOID lpThreadParameter ) { DWORD i = PtrToUlong(lpThreadParameter); PVOID ioBuffer; INT err; BOOLEAN graceful = TRUE;
// First, set the send and receive timeouts for the socket. This
// prevents a dead client from tying up our resources for too long.
err = setsockopt( TcpClients[i].SocketHandle, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, (char *)&MaxIdleTicks, sizeof(MaxIdleTicks) ); if ( err == SOCKET_ERROR ) { DeleteTcpClient( i, FALSE ); return 0; }
err = setsockopt( TcpClients[i].SocketHandle, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (char *)&MaxIdleTicks, sizeof(MaxIdleTicks) ); if ( err == SOCKET_ERROR ) { DeleteTcpClient( i, FALSE ); return 0; }
// Get a buffer to use locally for IO on the socket.
ioBuffer = RtlAllocateHeap( RtlProcessHeap( ), 0, IoBufferSize ); if ( ioBuffer == NULL ) { DeleteTcpClient( i, FALSE ); return 0; }
// Now service the client as appropriate.
if ( TcpClients[i].ServicePort == TcpEchoPort ) {
// If there is data on a client's echo socket,
// receive some data and send it back.
do {
err = recv( TcpClients[i].SocketHandle, ioBuffer, IoBufferSize, 0 ); if ( err == SOCKET_ERROR ) { graceful = FALSE; }
if ( err > 0 ) {
err = send( TcpClients[i].SocketHandle, ioBuffer, err, 0 ); if ( err == SOCKET_ERROR ) { graceful = FALSE; }
} else if ( err < 0 ) {
graceful = FALSE; }
} while ( err > 0 );
} else if ( TcpClients[i].ServicePort == TcpChargenPort ) {
INT one; INT error; TIMEVAL timeout;
// Set the socket to nonblocking.
one = 1; err = ioctlsocket( TcpClients[i].SocketHandle, FIONBIO, &one ); if ( err == SOCKET_ERROR ) { graceful = FALSE; }
// Calculate the select() timeout.
timeout.tv_sec = MaxIdleTicks / 1000; timeout.tv_usec = MaxIdleTicks % 1000;
// Loop sending data.
do {
err = send( TcpClients[i].SocketHandle, ChargenBuffer, ChargenBufferSize, 0 );
if ( err == SOCKET_ERROR ) {
error = GetLastError( );
if ( error != WSAEWOULDBLOCK ) {
graceful = FALSE;
} else {
struct { INT Count; SOCKET Handle; } readfds = { 0, 0 }; struct { INT Count; SOCKET Handle; } writefds = { 0, 0 };
// The socket's send queue is blocked. Wait for it to
// become unblocked.
FD_SET( TcpClients[i].SocketHandle, (PFD_SET)&readfds ); FD_SET( TcpClients[i].SocketHandle, (PFD_SET)&writefds );
err = select( 1, (PFD_SET)&readfds, (PFD_SET)&writefds, NULL, &timeout ); if ( err <= 0 ) { graceful = FALSE; } } }
err = recv( TcpClients[i].SocketHandle, ioBuffer, IoBufferSize, 0 ); if ( err == SOCKET_ERROR ) { if ( WSAGetLastError( ) != WSAEWOULDBLOCK ) { graceful = FALSE; } else { err = 1; } }
} while ( err > 0 );
} else if ( TcpClients[i].ServicePort == TcpDiscardPort ) {
// If there is data on a client's socket, just
// receive some data and discard it.
do {
err = recv( TcpClients[i].SocketHandle, ioBuffer, IoBufferSize, 0 ); if ( err == SOCKET_ERROR ) { graceful = FALSE; }
} while ( err > 0 );
} else {
// Something bad has happened. Internal data
// structures are corrupt.
// Free the socket and the IO buffer and return.
DeleteTcpClient( i, graceful ); RtlFreeHeap( RtlProcessHeap( ), 0, ioBuffer );
return 0;
} // ThreadEntry