/*------------------------------------------------------------------ / Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Microsoft Corporation / / tnadmin.y generates tnadminy.c and tnadminy.h / / vikram ([email protected]) / / The yacc file with grammar to validate the input command line. / /-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include <stdio.h> #include "telnet.h" #include "common.h" #include "resource.h" #include "admutils.h" #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <windows.h> #include <locale.h> #pragma warning(disable:4102) #define alloca malloc #define strdup _strdup #define L_TNADMIN_TEXT L"tnadmin"
#define BAIL_ON_SNWPRINTF_ERR() if ( nTmpWrite < 0 ) \ { \ ShowError(IDR_LONG_COMMAND_LINE); \ goto End; \ } \
extern int yy_scan_string (char *input_buffer); extern int yyparse(); extern char *yytext; SCODE sc;
//functions of yacc and lex. int yyerror(char *s); int yylex();
//between yacc and lex extern int g_fMessage; extern int g_fComp; extern int g_fNormal; extern char * szCompname;
//global variables.... int g_nError=0; //Error indicator, initialsed to no error.:-) wchar_t* g_arVALOF[_MAX_PROPS_]; int g_nPrimaryOption=-1; //option indicator. int g_nConfigOptions=0;
int g_nTimeoutFlag=0; //o means in hh:mm:ss 1 means ss format.
ConfigProperty g_arPROP[_MAX_PROPS_][_MAX_NUMOF_PROPNAMES_]; //array of structures of properties.
int g_nSesid=-1; WCHAR wzMessageString[MAX_COMMAND_LINE]; BSTR g_bstrMessage=NULL; WCHAR szMsg[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE] = {0};
int g_nSecOn=0; int g_nSecOff=0; int g_nAuditOn=0; int g_nAuditOff=0;
int minus=0; char *szYesno=NULL; wchar_t* wzTemp=NULL;
extern nMoccur; %} %union { char* str; int token; }
%start tncmd
tncmd : tnadmin commonOptions _ENDINPUT | tnadmin commonOptions op1 commonOptions _ENDINPUT |tnadmin commonOptions op1 commonOptions op1 commonOptions { // error production for more than one mutually exclusive options. ShowError(IDR_TELNET_MUTUALLY_EXCLUSIVE_OPTIONS); } ;
tnadmin : _TNADMIN _COMPNAME { g_arVALOF[_p_CNAME_]=DupWStr(yytext); } | _TNADMIN ;
commonOptions : commonOptions _tU | commonOptions _tP | ;
op1 : _START {g_nPrimaryOption=_START;} | _STOP {g_nPrimaryOption=_STOP;} | _PAUSE {g_nPrimaryOption=_PAUSE;} | _CONTINUE {g_nPrimaryOption=_CONTINUE;} | _S sesid {g_nPrimaryOption=_S; } | _K {g_nPrimaryOption=_K; } sesid | _M {g_nPrimaryOption=_M;} messageoptions | _CONFIG {g_nPrimaryOption=_CONFIG;} configoptions | help | error { fprintf(stdout,"%s:",yytext); ShowError(IDR_TELNET_CONTROL_VALUES); #ifdef WHISTLER_BUILD TnLoadString(IDR_NEW_TELNET_USAGE,szMsg,MAX_BUFFER_SIZE,TEXT("\nUsage: tlntadmn [computer name] [common_options] start | stop | pause | continue | -s | -k | -m | config config_options \n\tUse 'all' for all sessions.\n\t-s sessionid List information about the session.\n\t-k sessionid\t Terminate a session. \n\t-m sessionid\t Send message to a session. \n\n\tconfig\t Configure telnet server parameters.\n\ncommon_options are:\n\t-u user\t Identity of the user whose credentials are to be used\n\t-p password\t Password of the user\n\nconfig_options are:\n\tdom = domain\t Set the default domain for user names\n\tctrlakeymap = yes|no\t Set the mapping of the ALT key\n\ttimeout = hh:mm:ss\t Set the Idle Session Timeout\n\ttimeoutactive = yes|no Enable idle session timeout.\n\tmaxfail = attempts\t Set the maximum number of login failure attempts\n\tbefore disconnecting.\n\tmaxconn = connections\t Set the maximum number of connections.\n\tport = number\t Set the telnet port.\n\tsec = [+/-]NTLM [+/-]passwd\n\t Set the authentication mechanism\n\tmode = console|stream\t Specify the mode of operation.\n")); #else TnLoadString(IDR_NEW_TELNET_USAGE,szMsg,MAX_BUFFER_SIZE,TEXT("\nUsage: tnadmin [computer name] [common_options] start | stop | pause | continue | -s | -k | -m | config config_options \n\tUse 'all' for all sessions.\n\t-s sessionid List information about the session.\n\t-k sessionid\t Terminate a session. \n\t-m sessionid\t Send message to a session. \n\n\tconfig\t Configure telnet server parameters.\n\ncommon_options are:\n\t-u user\t Identity of the user whose credentials are to be used\n\t-p password\t Password of the user\n\nconfig_options are:\n\tdom = domain\t Set the default domain for user names\n\tctrlakeymap = yes|no\t Set the mapping of the ALT key\n\ttimeout = hh:mm:ss\t Set the Idle Session Timeout\n\ttimeoutactive = yes|no Enable idle session timeout.\n\tmaxfail = attempts\t Set the maximum number of login failure attempts\n\tbefore disconnecting.\n\tmaxconn = connections\t Set the maximum number of connections.\n\tport = number\t Set the telnet port.\n\tsec = [+/-]NTLM [+/-]passwd\n\t Set the authentication mechanism\n\tmode = console|stream\t Specify the mode of operation.\n")); #endif MyWriteConsole(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),szMsg,wcslen(szMsg)); return(1); } ;
messageoptions: _INTEGER {g_nSesid=atoi(yytext);} |_SESID {g_nSesid=-1;} |error { ShowError(IDR_SESSION); return(1); } ; configoptions : configoptions _CONFIG configop | configop ;
help : _HELP {g_nPrimaryOption=_HELP;return 0;} ;
//It is "all" or a number or nothing ---> meaning all sesid : _SESID {g_nSesid=-1;} | _INTEGER {g_nSesid=atoi(yytext);} | {if(g_nPrimaryOption == _K) { ShowError(IDR_SESSION); return(1); } g_nSesid=-1;} ;
equals : _EQ | // "=" may or may not occur ; yn : _Y {szYesno="yes";} | _N {szYesno="no";} ; cs : _CONSOLE | _STREAM ; efb : _EVENTLOG | _FILEN | _BOTH ;
time : _TIME {g_nTimeoutFlag=0;} | _INTEGER {g_nTimeoutFlag=1;} ;
configop : configop _DOM { g_nConfigOptions=SetBit(g_nConfigOptions,_p_DOM_); // g_arVALOF[_p_DOM_]=DupWStr(yytext); } | configop _CTRLKEYMAP equals yn { g_nConfigOptions=SetBit(g_nConfigOptions,_p_CTRLAKEYMAP_); g_arVALOF[_p_CTRLAKEYMAP_]=DupWStr(szYesno); } | configop _CTRLKEYMAP equals error { ShowError(IDR_CTRLAKEYMAP_VALUES); return(1); //Quit(); } | configop _TIMEOUT equals time { g_nConfigOptions=SetBit(g_nConfigOptions,_p_TIMEOUT_); g_arVALOF[_p_TIMEOUT_]=DupWStr(yytext); } | configop _TIMEOUT equals error { ShowError(IDR_TIMEOUT_INTEGER_VALUES ); return(1); } | configop _TIMEOUTACTIVE equals yn { g_nConfigOptions=SetBit(g_nConfigOptions,_p_TIMEOUTACTIVE_); g_arVALOF[_p_TIMEOUTACTIVE_]=DupWStr(szYesno); } | configop _TIMEOUTACTIVE equals error { ShowError(IDR_TIMEOUTACTIVE_VALUES); return(1); } | configop _MAXFAIL equals _INTEGER { g_nConfigOptions=SetBit(g_nConfigOptions,_p_MAXFAIL_); g_arVALOF[_p_MAXFAIL_]=DupWStr(yytext); } | configop _MAXFAIL equals error { ShowError(IDR_MAXFAIL_VALUES ); return(1); } | configop _MAXCONN equals _INTEGER { g_nConfigOptions=SetBit(g_nConfigOptions,_p_MAXCONN_); g_arVALOF[_p_MAXCONN_]=DupWStr(yytext); } | configop _MAXCONN equals error { // Removing this check, as we have decided that we are not going to restrict // max connections on Whistler. /*if(!IsMaxConnChangeAllowed()) ShowError(IDR_MAXCONN_VALUES_WHISTLER); else*/ ShowError(IDR_MAXCONN_VALUES ); return(1); } | configop _PORT equals _INTEGER { g_nConfigOptions=SetBit(g_nConfigOptions,_p_PORT_); g_arVALOF[_p_PORT_]=DupWStr(yytext); } | configop _PORT equals error { ShowError(IDR_TELNETPORT_VALUES ); return(1); } | configop _KILLALL equals yn { g_nConfigOptions=SetBit(g_nConfigOptions,_p_KILLALL_); g_arVALOF[_p_KILLALL_]=DupWStr(szYesno); } | configop _KILLALL equals error { ShowError(IDR_KILLALL_VALUES ); return(1); } | configop _SEC {g_fComp=0;} equals secval { g_fComp=1; if(g_nSecOff||g_nSecOn) g_nConfigOptions=SetBit(g_nConfigOptions,_p_SEC_); else { ShowError(IDR_TELNET_SECURITY_VALUES); return(1); } } | configop _FNAME { g_nConfigOptions=SetBit(g_nConfigOptions,_p_FNAME_); // g_arVALOF[_p_FNAME_]=DupWStr(yytext); } ; | configop _FSIZE equals _INTEGER { g_arVALOF[_p_FSIZE_]=DupWStr(yytext); g_nConfigOptions=SetBit(g_nConfigOptions,_p_FSIZE_); } | configop _FSIZE equals error { ShowError(IDR_FILESIZE_VALUES ); return(1); } | configop _MODE equals cs { g_arVALOF[_p_MODE_]=DupWStr(yytext); g_nConfigOptions=SetBit(g_nConfigOptions,_p_MODE_); } | configop _AUDITLOCATION equals efb { g_nConfigOptions=SetBit(g_nConfigOptions,_p_AUDITLOCATION_); g_arVALOF[_p_AUDITLOCATION_]=DupWStr(yytext); } | configop _AUDIT {g_fComp=0;} equals auditval { g_fComp=1; if(g_nAuditOff||g_nAuditOn) g_nConfigOptions=SetBit(g_nConfigOptions,_p_AUDIT_); else { ShowError(IDS_E_OPTIONGROUP); } } | ; secval : secval _PLUSNTLM { if(GetBit(g_nSecOn,NTLM_BIT)||GetBit(g_nSecOff,NTLM_BIT)) { ShowError(IDS_E_OPTIONGROUP); } else g_nSecOn=SetBit(g_nSecOn,NTLM_BIT); } | secval _MINUSNTLM { if(GetBit(g_nSecOn,NTLM_BIT)||GetBit(g_nSecOff,NTLM_BIT)) { ShowError(IDS_E_OPTIONGROUP); } else g_nSecOff=SetBit(g_nSecOff,NTLM_BIT); } | secval _PLUSPASSWD { if(GetBit(g_nSecOn,PASSWD_BIT)||GetBit(g_nSecOff,PASSWD_BIT)) { ShowError(IDS_E_OPTIONGROUP); } else g_nSecOn=SetBit(g_nSecOn,PASSWD_BIT); } | secval _MINUSPASSWD { if(GetBit(g_nSecOn,PASSWD_BIT)||GetBit(g_nSecOff,PASSWD_BIT)) { ShowError(IDS_E_OPTIONGROUP); } else g_nSecOff=SetBit(g_nSecOff,PASSWD_BIT); } | ;
auditval : auditval _PLUSUSER { if(GetBit(g_nAuditOn,USER_BIT)||GetBit(g_nAuditOff,USER_BIT)) { ShowError(IDS_E_OPTIONGROUP); } else g_nAuditOn=SetBit(g_nAuditOn,USER_BIT); } | auditval _MINUSUSER { if(GetBit(g_nAuditOn,USER_BIT)||GetBit(g_nAuditOff,USER_BIT)) { ShowError(IDS_E_OPTIONGROUP); } else g_nAuditOff=SetBit(g_nAuditOff,USER_BIT); } | auditval _PLUSFAIL { if(GetBit(g_nAuditOn,FAIL_BIT)||GetBit(g_nAuditOff,FAIL_BIT)) { ShowError(IDS_E_OPTIONGROUP); } else g_nAuditOn=SetBit(g_nAuditOn,FAIL_BIT); } | auditval _MINUSFAIL { if(GetBit(g_nAuditOn,FAIL_BIT)||GetBit(g_nAuditOff,FAIL_BIT)) { ShowError(IDS_E_OPTIONGROUP); } else g_nAuditOff=SetBit(g_nAuditOff,FAIL_BIT); } | auditval _PLUSADMIN { if(GetBit(g_nAuditOn,ADMIN_BIT)||GetBit(g_nAuditOff,ADMIN_BIT)) { ShowError(IDS_E_OPTIONGROUP); } else g_nAuditOn=SetBit(g_nAuditOn,ADMIN_BIT); } | auditval _MINUSADMIN { if(GetBit(g_nAuditOn,ADMIN_BIT)||GetBit(g_nAuditOff,ADMIN_BIT)) { ShowError(IDS_E_OPTIONGROUP); } else g_nAuditOff=SetBit(g_nAuditOff,ADMIN_BIT); } | ; %%
int yyerror(char *s) { g_nError=1; return 0; }
int __cdecl wmain(int argc, wchar_t **argv) { wchar_t input_buffer[MAX_COMMAND_LINE+1]={0}; int i, nWritten=0; int nTmpWrite = 0, nMsgWrite = 0; int nUoccur=0,nPoccur=0; int NextOp; int nIndex; DWORD dwErrorCode; BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; char szCodePage[MAX_LEN_FOR_CODEPAGE]; HRESULT hRes=S_OK;
switch (GetConsoleOutputCP()) { case 932: case 949: setlocale(LC_ALL,""); SetThreadLocale( MAKELCID( MAKELANGID( PRIMARYLANGID(GetSystemDefaultLangID()), SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US), SORT_DEFAULT ) ); break; case 936: setlocale(LC_ALL,""); SetThreadLocale( MAKELCID( MAKELANGID( PRIMARYLANGID(GetSystemDefaultLangID()), SUBLANG_CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED), SORT_DEFAULT ) ); break; case 950: setlocale(LC_ALL,""); SetThreadLocale( MAKELCID( MAKELANGID( PRIMARYLANGID(GetSystemDefaultLangID()), SUBLANG_CHINESE_TRADITIONAL), SORT_DEFAULT ) ); break; default: sprintf(szCodePage,".%d",GetConsoleCP()); //a dot is added based on syntax of setlocale(), for defining a locale based on codepage. setlocale(LC_ALL, szCodePage); break; }
Initialize(); nTmpWrite = _snwprintf(input_buffer, ARRAYSIZE(input_buffer)-1, L_TNADMIN_TEXT); BAIL_ON_SNWPRINTF_ERR(); nWritten+=nTmpWrite; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { fSuccess = FALSE; if(0==_wcsicmp(L"-u",argv[i])) { if(nUoccur) { ShowError(IDS_DUP_OPTION_ON_CL); fprintf(stdout,"'%s'.\n","u"); goto End; } else nUoccur=1;
i++; if(i<argc) g_arVALOF[_p_USER_]=_wcsdup(argv[i]); else { ShowErrorEx(IDS_MISSING_FILE_OR_ARGUMENT_EX,L"-u"); goto End; } nTmpWrite=_snwprintf(input_buffer+nWritten, ARRAYSIZE(input_buffer)-nWritten-1, L" -u"); BAIL_ON_SNWPRINTF_ERR(); nWritten+=nTmpWrite; continue; } else if(0==_wcsicmp(L"-p",argv[i])) { if(nPoccur) { ShowError(IDS_DUP_OPTION_ON_CL); fprintf(stdout,"'%s'.\n","p"); goto End; } else nPoccur=1; i++; if(i<argc) g_arVALOF[_p_PASSWD_]=_wcsdup(argv[i]); else { ShowErrorEx(IDS_MISSING_FILE_OR_ARGUMENT_EX,L"-p"); goto End; } nTmpWrite=_snwprintf(input_buffer+nWritten, ARRAYSIZE(input_buffer)-nWritten-1, L" -p"); BAIL_ON_SNWPRINTF_ERR(); nWritten+=nTmpWrite; continue; } //Processing of -m option else if(0==_wcsicmp(L"-m",argv[i])) {
nTmpWrite=_snwprintf(input_buffer+nWritten, ARRAYSIZE(input_buffer)-nWritten-1, L" -m"); BAIL_ON_SNWPRINTF_ERR(); nWritten+=nTmpWrite; i++; // The next argument should be the session id or all // So, copy that to the input_buffer and let that be // dealt by our lex
if(i<argc) { nTmpWrite=_snwprintf(input_buffer+nWritten, ARRAYSIZE(input_buffer)-nWritten-1, L" %s", argv[i]); BAIL_ON_SNWPRINTF_ERR(); nWritten+=nTmpWrite; } else goto MessageError; i++; if(i<argc) { // Then all the remaining command line arguments are // part of the message itself. So, copy them into the // global variable. nTmpWrite=_snwprintf(wzMessageString, ARRAYSIZE(wzMessageString)-1, L"%s ", argv[i]); BAIL_ON_SNWPRINTF_ERR(); // Don't increment nWritten here as we are not writing in to input_buffer nMsgWrite=nTmpWrite; for(nIndex = i+1; nIndex < argc; nIndex++) { nTmpWrite=_snwprintf(wzMessageString+nMsgWrite, ARRAYSIZE(wzMessageString)-1-nMsgWrite, L"%s ", argv[nIndex]); BAIL_ON_SNWPRINTF_ERR(); nMsgWrite+=nTmpWrite; } g_bstrMessage=SysAllocString(wzMessageString); break; } else { MessageError: ShowErrorEx(IDS_MISSING_FILE_OR_ARGUMENT_EX,L"-m"); goto End; } } // Processing of actual filename is not given to Lexical analyser as // it may contail DBCS chars which our lexical analyser won't take // So, taking care of this analysis in pre-analysis part and giving // the actual analyser only the option and not the actual filename // This also holds good for domain name if(ERROR_SUCCESS!=(dwErrorCode = PreAnalyzer(argc,argv,_p_FNAME_,L"fname",i,&NextOp,&fSuccess,0))) { if(E_FAIL==dwErrorCode) ShowError(IDR_FILENAME_VALUES); else ShowError(dwErrorCode); goto End; }
if(fSuccess) { // Some processing had take place in the PreAnalyzer nTmpWrite=_snwprintf(input_buffer+nWritten, ARRAYSIZE(input_buffer)-nWritten-1, L" fname"); BAIL_ON_SNWPRINTF_ERR(); nWritten+=nTmpWrite; i=NextOp; continue; }
// Fall through for taking care of remaining options.
// Similar treatment for Dom option
if(ERROR_SUCCESS!=(dwErrorCode = PreAnalyzer(argc,argv,_p_DOM_,L"dom",i,&NextOp,&fSuccess,0))) { if(E_FAIL==dwErrorCode) ShowError(IDR_INVALID_NTDOMAIN); else ShowError(dwErrorCode); goto End; }
if(fSuccess) { // Some processing had take place in the PreAnalyzer nTmpWrite=_snwprintf(input_buffer+nWritten, ARRAYSIZE(input_buffer)-nWritten-1, L" dom"); BAIL_ON_SNWPRINTF_ERR(); nWritten+=nTmpWrite; i=NextOp; continue; } Skip: if(MAX_COMMAND_LINE<nWritten+wcslen(argv[i])) { ShowError(IDR_LONG_COMMAND_LINE); goto End; }
if(NULL==wcsstr(argv[i],L" ")) nTmpWrite = _snwprintf(input_buffer+nWritten, ARRAYSIZE(input_buffer)-nWritten-1, L" %s", argv[i]); else nTmpWrite = _snwprintf(input_buffer+nWritten, ARRAYSIZE(input_buffer)-nWritten-1, L" \"%s\"", argv[i]); // the following statements are common for both if and else statements BAIL_ON_SNWPRINTF_ERR(); nWritten+=nTmpWrite; }
nTmpWrite = _snwprintf(input_buffer+nWritten, ARRAYSIZE(input_buffer)-nWritten-1, L" #\n\0"); BAIL_ON_SNWPRINTF_ERR(); nWritten+=nTmpWrite;
yy_scan_string(DupCStr(input_buffer)); yyparse ();
if (g_nError) { ShowError(IDR_TELNET_ILLEGAL); goto End; }
hRes = DoTnadmin(); if (hRes != S_OK && !g_nError) g_nError = 1; //general error status
Quit(); return g_nError; }