Copyright (c) 1993 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Common Transport Environment utility functions for the NT environment
Mike Massa (mikemas) Aug 11, 1993
Revision History:
Who When What -------- -------- ---------------------------------------------- mikemas 08-11-93 created
#include <ntddk.h>
#include <ndis.h>
#include <cxport.h>
#include <tdistat.h>
// Mark pageable code
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, CTELogEvent)
#endif // ALLOC_PRAGMA
// Local variables
ULONG CTEpTimeIncrement = 0; // used to convert kernel clock ticks to 100ns.
// Used in the conversion of 100ns times to milliseconds.
static LARGE_INTEGER Magic10000 = {0xe219652c, 0xd1b71758};
uint Delayed=0;
// Macros
// CTEConvertMillisecondsTo100ns(
// );
// Routine Description:
// Converts time expressed in hundreds of nanoseconds to milliseconds.
// Arguments:
// MsTime - Time in milliseconds.
// Return Value:
// Time in hundreds of nanoseconds.
#define CTEConvertMillisecondsTo100ns(MsTime) \
RtlExtendedIntegerMultiply(MsTime, 10000)
// CTEConvert100nsToMilliseconds(
// );
// Routine Description:
// Converts time expressed in hundreds of nanoseconds to milliseconds.
// Arguments:
// HnsTime - Time in hundreds of nanoseconds.
// Return Value:
// Time in milliseconds.
#define SHIFT10000 13
extern LARGE_INTEGER Magic10000;
#define CTEConvert100nsToMilliseconds(HnsTime) \
RtlExtendedMagicDivide((HnsTime), Magic10000, SHIFT10000)
// Local functions
VOID CTEpEventHandler( IN PVOID Context ) /*++
Routine Description:
Internal handler for scheduled CTE Events. Conforms to calling convention for ExWorkerThread handlers. Calls the CTE handler registered for this event.
Context - Work item to process.
Return Value:
{ CTEEvent *Event; CTELockHandle Handle; CTEEventRtn Handler; PVOID Arg;
#if DBG
KIRQL StartingIrql;
StartingIrql = KeGetCurrentIrql(); #endif
Event = (CTEEvent *) Context;
CTEGetLock(&(Event->ce_lock), &Handle); ASSERT(Event->ce_scheduled); Handler = Event->ce_handler; Arg = Event->ce_arg; Event->ce_scheduled = 0; CTEFreeLock(&(Event->ce_lock), Handle);
Handler(Event, Arg);
#if DBG
if (KeGetCurrentIrql() != StartingIrql) { DbgPrint( "CTEpEventHandler: routine %lx , event %lx returned at raised IRQL\n", Handler, Event ); DbgBreakPoint(); } #endif
VOID CTEpTimerHandler( IN PKDPC Dpc, IN PVOID DeferredContext, IN PVOID SystemArgument1, IN PVOID SystemArgument2 ) /*++
Routine Description:
Internal handler for scheduled CTE Timers. Conforms to calling convention for NT DPC handlers. Calls the CTE handler registered for this timer.
Dpc - Pointer to the DPC routine being run. DeferredContext - Private context for this instance of the DPC. SystemArgument1 - Additional argument. SystemArgument2 - Additional argument.
Return Value:
{ CTETimer *Timer;
Timer = (CTETimer *) DeferredContext; (*Timer->t_handler)((CTEEvent *)Timer, Timer->t_arg); }
// Exported functions.
int CTEInitialize( VOID )
Routine Description:
Initializes the Common Tranport Environment (CTE).
Return Value:
0 if initialization fails. Nonzero otherwise.
{ CTEpTimeIncrement = KeQueryTimeIncrement();
return(1); }
void CTEInitEvent( CTEEvent *Event, CTEEventRtn Handler ) /*++
Routine Description:
Initializes a CTE Event variable.
Event - Event variable to initialize. Handler - Handler routine for this event variable.
Return Value:
{ ASSERT(Handler != NULL);
Event->ce_handler = Handler; Event->ce_scheduled = 0; CTEInitLock(&(Event->ce_lock)); ExInitializeWorkItem(&(Event->ce_workitem), CTEpEventHandler, Event); }
int CTEScheduleEvent( IN CTEEvent *Event, IN void *Argument OPTIONAL )
Routine Description:
Schedules a routine to be executed later in a different context. In the NT environment, the event is implemented using Executive worker threads.
Event - Pointer to a CTE Event variable Argument - An argument to pass to the event handler when it is called
Return Value:
0 if the event could not be scheduled. Nonzero otherwise.
{ CTELockHandle Handle;
CTEGetLock(&(Event->ce_lock), &Handle);
if (!(Event->ce_scheduled)) { Event->ce_scheduled = 1; Event->ce_arg = Argument;
ExQueueWorkItem( &(Event->ce_workitem), CriticalWorkQueue ); }
CTEFreeLock(&(Event->ce_lock), Handle);
return(1); }
int CTEScheduleDelayedEvent( IN CTEEvent *Event, IN void *Argument OPTIONAL )
Routine Description:
Schedules a routine to be executed later in a different context. In the NT environment, the event is implemented using Executive worker threads.
Event - Pointer to a CTE Event variable Argument - An argument to pass to the event handler when it is called
Return Value:
0 if the event could not be scheduled. Nonzero otherwise.
{ CTELockHandle Handle;
CTEGetLock(&(Event->ce_lock), &Handle);
if (!(Event->ce_scheduled)) { Event->ce_scheduled = 1; Event->ce_arg = Argument;
ExQueueWorkItem( &(Event->ce_workitem), DelayedWorkQueue );
Delayed++; }
CTEFreeLock(&(Event->ce_lock), Handle);
return(1); }
void CTEInitTimer( CTETimer *Timer ) /*++
Routine Description:
Initializes a CTE Timer variable.
Timer - Timer variable to initialize.
Return Value:
{ Timer->t_handler = NULL; Timer->t_arg = NULL; KeInitializeDpc(&(Timer->t_dpc), CTEpTimerHandler, Timer); KeInitializeTimer(&(Timer->t_timer)); }
void * CTEStartTimer( CTETimer *Timer, unsigned long DueTime, CTEEventRtn Handler, void *Context )
Routine Description:
Sets a CTE Timer for expiration.
Timer - Pointer to a CTE Timer variable. DueTime - Time in milliseconds after which the timer should expire. Handler - Timer expiration handler routine. Context - Argument to pass to the handler.
Return Value:
0 if the timer could not be set. Nonzero otherwise.
ASSERT(Handler != NULL);
// Convert milliseconds to hundreds of nanoseconds and negate to make
// an NT relative timeout.
LargeDueTime.HighPart = 0; LargeDueTime.LowPart = DueTime; LargeDueTime = CTEConvertMillisecondsTo100ns(LargeDueTime); LargeDueTime.QuadPart = -LargeDueTime.QuadPart;
Timer->t_handler = Handler; Timer->t_arg = Context;
KeSetTimer( &(Timer->t_timer), LargeDueTime, &(Timer->t_dpc) );
return((void *) 1); }
unsigned long CTESystemUpTime( void )
Routine Description:
Provides the time since system boot in milliseconds.
Return Value:
The time since boot in milliseconds.
// Get tick count and convert to hundreds of nanoseconds.
TickCount = RtlExtendedIntegerMultiply( TickCount, (LONG) CTEpTimeIncrement );
TickCount = CTEConvert100nsToMilliseconds(TickCount);
ASSERT(TickCount.HighPart == 0);
return(TickCount.LowPart); }
extern uint CTEBlock( IN CTEBlockStruc *BlockEvent ) { NTSTATUS Status;
Status = KeWaitForSingleObject( &(BlockEvent->cbs_event), UserRequest, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { BlockEvent->cbs_status = Status; }
return(BlockEvent->cbs_status); }
extern void CTESignal( IN CTEBlockStruc *BlockEvent, IN uint Status ) { BlockEvent->cbs_status = Status; KeSetEvent(&(BlockEvent->cbs_event), 0, FALSE); return; }
BOOLEAN CTEInitString( IN OUT PNDIS_STRING DestinationString, IN char *SourceString )
Routine Description:
Converts a C style ASCII string to an NDIS_STRING. Resources needed for the NDIS_STRING are allocated and must be freed by a call to CTEFreeString.
DestinationString - A pointer to an NDIS_STRING variable with no associated data buffer.
SourceString - The C style ASCII string source.
Return Value:
TRUE if the initialization succeeded. FALSE otherwise.
{ STRING AnsiString; ULONG UnicodeLength;
RtlInitString(&AnsiString, SourceString);
// calculate size of unicoded ansi string + 2 for NULL terminator
UnicodeLength = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeSize(&AnsiString) + 2; DestinationString->MaximumLength = (USHORT) UnicodeLength;
// allocate storage for the unicode string
DestinationString->Buffer = ExAllocatePool(NonPagedPool, UnicodeLength);
if (DestinationString->Buffer == NULL) { return(FALSE); }
// Finally, convert the string to unicode
RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString(DestinationString, &AnsiString, FALSE);
return(TRUE); }
BOOLEAN CTEAllocateString( PNDIS_STRING String, unsigned short MaximumLength )
Routine Description:
Allocates a data buffer for Length characters in an uninitialized NDIS_STRING. The allocated space must be freed by a call to CTEFreeString.
String - A pointer to an NDIS_STRING variable with no associated data buffer.
Length - The maximum length of the string. In Unicode, this is a byte count.
Return Value:
TRUE if the initialization succeeded. FALSE otherwise.
{ String->Buffer = ExAllocatePool( NonPagedPool, MaximumLength + sizeof(UNICODE_NULL) );
if (String->Buffer == NULL) { return(FALSE); }
String->Length = 0; String->MaximumLength = MaximumLength + sizeof(UNICODE_NULL);
return(TRUE); }
LONG CTELogEvent( IN PVOID LoggerId, IN ULONG EventCode, IN ULONG UniqueEventValue, IN USHORT NumStrings, IN PVOID StringsList, OPTIONAL IN ULONG DataSize, IN PVOID Data OPTIONAL )
Routine Description:
This function allocates an I/O error log record, fills it in and writes it to the I/O error log.
LoggerId - Pointer to the driver object logging this event.
EventCode - Identifies the error message.
UniqueEventValue - Identifies this instance of a given error message.
NumStrings - Number of unicode strings in strings list.
DataSize - Number of bytes of data.
Strings - Array of pointers to unicode strings (PWCHAR).
Data - Binary dump data for this message, each piece being aligned on word boundaries.
Return Value:
TDI_SUCCESS - The error was successfully logged. TDI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL - The error data was too large to be logged. TDI_NO_RESOURCES - Unable to allocate memory.
This code is paged and may not be called at raised IRQL.
--*/ { PIO_ERROR_LOG_PACKET ErrorLogEntry; ULONG PaddedDataSize; ULONG PacketSize; ULONG TotalStringsSize = 0; USHORT i; PWCHAR *Strings; PWCHAR Tmp;
Strings = (PWCHAR *) StringsList;
// Sum up the length of the strings
for (i=0; i<NumStrings; i++) { PWCHAR currentString; ULONG stringSize;
stringSize = sizeof(UNICODE_NULL); currentString = Strings[i];
while (*currentString++ != UNICODE_NULL) { stringSize += sizeof(WCHAR); }
TotalStringsSize += stringSize; }
if (DataSize % sizeof(ULONG)) { PaddedDataSize = DataSize + (sizeof(ULONG) - (DataSize % sizeof(ULONG))); } else { PaddedDataSize = DataSize; }
PacketSize = TotalStringsSize + PaddedDataSize;
if (PacketSize > CTE_MAX_EVENT_LOG_DATA_SIZE) { return(TDI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL); // Too much error data
// Now add in the size of the log packet, but subtract 4 from the data
// since the packet struct contains a ULONG for data.
if (PacketSize > sizeof(ULONG)) { PacketSize += sizeof(IO_ERROR_LOG_PACKET) - sizeof(ULONG); } else { PacketSize += sizeof(IO_ERROR_LOG_PACKET); }
ErrorLogEntry = (PIO_ERROR_LOG_PACKET) IoAllocateErrorLogEntry( (PDRIVER_OBJECT) LoggerId, (UCHAR) PacketSize );
if (ErrorLogEntry == NULL) { return(TDI_NO_RESOURCES); }
// Fill in the necessary log packet fields.
ErrorLogEntry->UniqueErrorValue = UniqueEventValue; ErrorLogEntry->ErrorCode = EventCode; ErrorLogEntry->NumberOfStrings = NumStrings; ErrorLogEntry->StringOffset = sizeof(IO_ERROR_LOG_PACKET) + (USHORT) PaddedDataSize - sizeof(ULONG); ErrorLogEntry->DumpDataSize = (USHORT) PaddedDataSize;
// Copy the Dump Data to the packet
if (DataSize > 0) { RtlMoveMemory( (PVOID) ErrorLogEntry->DumpData, Data, DataSize ); }
// Copy the strings to the packet.
Tmp = (PWCHAR) ((char *) ErrorLogEntry + ErrorLogEntry->StringOffset + PaddedDataSize);
for (i=0; i<NumStrings; i++) { PWCHAR wchPtr = Strings[i];
while( (*Tmp++ = *wchPtr++) != UNICODE_NULL); }
return(TDI_SUCCESS); }