// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997.
// File: D E B U G X . C P P
// Contents: Implementation of debug support routines.
// Notes:
// Author: danielwe 16 Feb 1997
#include <pch.h>
#pragma hdrstop
#ifdef DBG
#include "ncdebug.h"
#include "ncdefine.h"
static int nAssertLevel = 0; static PFNASSERTHOOK pfnAssertHook = DefAssertSzFn;
// We can only do memory tracking if we've included crtdbg.h and
// _DEBUG is defined.
#if defined(_INC_CRTDBG) && defined(_DEBUG)
struct DBG_SHARED_MEM { _CrtMemState crtState; DWORD cRef; };
static const WCHAR c_szSharedMem[] = L"DBG_NetCfgSharedMemory";
// Function: InitDbgState
// Purpose: Initializes the memory leak detection code.
// Arguments:
// (none)
// Returns: Nothing.
// Author: danielwe 13 May 1997
// Notes:
VOID InitDbgState() { g_hMap = CreateFileMapping(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, sizeof(DBG_SHARED_MEM), c_szSharedMem); if (g_hMap) { LPVOID pvMem; BOOL fExisted = (GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS);
pvMem = MapViewOfFile(g_hMap, FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, 0); g_pMem = reinterpret_cast<DBG_SHARED_MEM *>(pvMem);
if (!fExisted) { // First time creating the file mapping. Initialize things.
g_pMem->cRef = 0;
// start looking for leaks now
_CrtMemCheckpoint(&g_pMem->crtState); }
g_pMem->cRef++; TraceTag(ttidDefault, "DBGMEM: Init Refcount on shared mem is now %d", g_pMem->cRef); } }
// Function: UnInitDbgState
// Purpose: Uninitializes the memory leak detection code.
// Arguments:
// (none)
// Returns: Nothing.
// Author: danielwe 13 May 1997
// Notes:
VOID UnInitDbgState() { if (g_pMem) { g_pMem->cRef--; TraceTag(ttidDefault, "DBGMEM: Uninit Refcount on shared mem is now %d", g_pMem->cRef);
if (!g_pMem->cRef) { // manually force dump of leaks when refcount goes to 0
_CrtMemDumpAllObjectsSince(&g_pMem->crtState); }
UnmapViewOfFile(reinterpret_cast<LPVOID>(g_pMem)); CloseHandle(g_hMap); } } #endif
BOOL WINAPI FInAssert(VOID) { return nAssertLevel > 0; }
VOID WINAPIV AssertFmt(BOOL fExp, PCSTR pszaFile, int nLine, PCSTR pszaFmt, ...) { CHAR rgch[1024];
if (!fExp) { va_list valMarker;
va_start(valMarker, pszaFmt); wvsprintfA(rgch, pszaFmt, valMarker); va_end(valMarker);
AssertSzFn(rgch, pszaFile, nLine); } }
VOID WINAPI AssertSzFn(PCSTR pszaMsg, PCSTR pszaFile, INT nLine) { CHAR rgch[1024];
if (pszaFile) { if (pszaMsg) { wsprintfA(rgch, "UPnP Assert Failure:\r\n File %s, line %d:\r\n %s\r\n", pszaFile, nLine, pszaMsg); } else { wsprintfA(rgch, "UPnP Assert Failure:\r\n File %s, line %d.\r\n", pszaFile, nLine); } } else { if (pszaMsg) { wsprintfA(rgch, "UPnP Assert Failure:\r\n:\r\n %s\r\n", pszaMsg); } else { wsprintfA(rgch, "UPnP Assert Failure\r\n"); } }
if (pfnAssertHook) { (*pfnAssertHook)(pszaMsg, pszaFile, nLine); }
--nAssertLevel; }
VOID CALLBACK DefAssertSzFn(PCSTR pszaMsg, PCSTR pszaFile, INT nLine) { CHAR rgch[2048]; INT nID; int cch; PSTR pch; BOOL fNYIWarning = FALSE; CHAR szaNYI[] = "NYI:";
if (pszaFile) { wsprintfA(rgch, "File %s, line %d\r\n\r\n", pszaFile, nLine); } else { rgch[0] = 0; }
if (pszaMsg) { // Check to see if this is an NYI alert. If so, then we'll want
// to use a different MessageBox title
if (strncmp(pszaMsg, szaNYI, lstrlenA(szaNYI)) == 0) { fNYIWarning = TRUE; }
lstrcatA(rgch, pszaMsg); }
cch = lstrlenA(rgch); pch = &rgch[cch];
if (cch < celems(rgch)) { lstrcpynA(pch, "\n\nPress Abort to crash, Retry to debug, or Ignore to ignore." "\nHold down Shift to copy the assert text to the " "clipboard before the action is taken.", celems(rgch) - cch - 1); }
if (nID == IDRETRY) { DebugBreak(); }
// if cancelling, force a hard exit w/ a GP-fault so that Dr. Watson
// generates a nice stack trace log.
if (nID == IDABORT) { *(BYTE *) 0 = 1; // write to address 0 causes GP-fault
} }
VOID WINAPI SetAssertFn(PFNASSERTHOOK pfn) { pfnAssertHook = pfn; }
// To be called during DLL_PROCESS_DETACH for a DLL which implements COM
// objects or hands out references to objects which can be tracked.
// Call this function with the name of the DLL (so that it can be traced
// to the debugger) and the lock count of the DLL. If the lock count is
// non-zero, it means the DLL is being unloaded prematurley. When this
// condition is detected, a message is printed to the debugger and a
// DebugBreak will be invoked if the debug flag dfidBreakOnPrematureDllUnload
// is set.
// Assumptions:
// Trace and debugging features have not been uninitialized.
VOID DbgCheckPrematureDllUnload ( PCSTR pszaDllName, UINT ModuleLockCount) { if (0 != ModuleLockCount) { TraceTag(ttidUPnPBase, "ModuleLockCount == %d. " "%s is being unloaded with clients still holding references!", ModuleLockCount, pszaDllName);
if (FIsDebugFlagSet(dfidBreakOnPrematureDllUnload)) { DebugBreak (); } } }
#endif //! DBG
// Function: InitializeDebugging
// Purpose: Called by every DLL or EXE to initialize the debugging
// objects (Trace and DebugFlag tables)
// Arguments:
// (none)
// Returns:
// Author: jeffspr 23 Sep 1997
// Notes:
NOTHROW void InitializeDebugging() { // For debug builds or if we have retail tracing enabled we need to
// include the tracing code.
// Ignore the error return, since we don't return it here anyway.
(void) HrInitTracing(); #endif
#if defined(DBG) && defined(_INC_CRTDBG) && defined(_DEBUG)
if (FIsDebugFlagSet (dfidDumpLeaks)) { InitDbgState(); } #endif
// Function: UnInitializeDebugging
// Purpose: Uninitialize the debugging objects (Tracing and DbgFlags)
// Arguments:
// (none)
// Returns:
// Author: jeffspr 23 Sep 1997
// Notes:
NOTHROW void UnInitializeDebugging() { // For debug builds or if we have retail tracing enabled we will have
// included the tracing code. We now need to uninitialize it.
// Ignore the error return, since we don't return it here anyway.
(void) HrUnInitTracing();
#if defined(DBG) && defined(_INC_CRTDBG) && defined(_DEBUG)
if (FIsDebugFlagSet (dfidDumpLeaks)) { UnInitDbgState(); } #endif