// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997.
// File: C O N T R O L . C P P
// Contents: Functions dealing with UPnP service control
// Notes:
// Author: danielwe 28 Oct 1999
#include "pch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "ncbase.h"
#include "oleauto.h"
#include "updiagp.h"
#include "media.h"
#include "ncinet.h"
#include "util.h"
// Global service control structure for demo services
extern const DEMO_SERVICE_CTL c_rgSvc[] = { { TEXT("app"), 6, { { TEXT("VolumeUp"), Val_VolumeUp, Do_VolumeUp }, { TEXT("VolumeDown"), Val_VolumeDown, Do_VolumeDown }, { TEXT("SetVolume"), Val_SetVolume, Do_SetVolume }, { TEXT("Mute"), Val_Mute, Do_Mute }, { TEXT("Power"), Val_Power, Do_Power }, { TEXT("LoadFile"), Val_LoadFile, Do_LoadFile }, }, }, { TEXT("xport"), 4, { { TEXT("Play"), Val_Play, Do_Play }, { TEXT("Stop"), Val_Stop, Do_Stop }, { TEXT("Pause"), Val_Pause, Do_Pause }, { TEXT("SetPos"), Val_SetPos, Do_SetPos }, } }, { TEXT("clock"), 1, { { TEXT("SetDateTime"), Val_SetTime, Do_SetTime }, } }, };
extern const DWORD c_cDemoSvc = celems(c_rgSvc);
ACTION *PActFromSz(ACTION_SET * pActionSet, LPCTSTR szAction) { for (DWORD iAction = 0; iAction < pActionSet->cActions; iAction++) { if (!_tcsicmp(pActionSet->rgActions[iAction].szActionName, szAction)) return &pActionSet->rgActions[iAction]; }
return NULL; }
const DEMO_ACTION *PDemoActFromSz(const DEMO_SERVICE_CTL *psvc, LPCTSTR szAction) { DWORD iAction;
for (iAction = 0; iAction < psvc->cActions; iAction++) { if (!_tcsicmp(psvc->rgActions[iAction].szAction, szAction)) return &psvc->rgActions[iAction]; }
return NULL; }
UPNPSVC *PSvcFromIdDev(UPNPDEV *pdev, LPCTSTR szId) { DWORD isvc; DWORD idev; UPNPSVC * psvc;
// First look thru all local services
for (isvc = 0; isvc < pdev->cSvcs; isvc++) { psvc = pdev->rgSvcs[isvc];
if (!_tcsicmp(psvc->szControlId, szId)) { return psvc; } }
// If not found there, recurse for each sub-device
for (idev = 0; idev < pdev->cDevs; idev++) { psvc = PSvcFromIdDev(pdev->rgDevs[idev], szId); if (psvc) { return psvc; } }
return NULL; }
// Function: PSvcFromId
// Purpose: Given a service identifier, return the service for which a
// valid control handler exists
// Arguments:
// szId [in] Service identifier
// Returns: Matching service
// Author: danielwe 6 Nov 1999
// Notes:
// Loop thru all devices and all services within those devices looking
// for a service that implements the control handler identified by szId
for (idev = 0; idev < g_params.cCd; idev++) { UPNPSVC * psvc;
psvc = PSvcFromIdDev(g_params.rgCd[idev], szId); if (psvc) { return psvc; } }
TraceTag(ttidUpdiag, "Can't find a service matching id: '%s'.", szId);
return NULL; }
DWORD ValidateActionArguments(ACTION * pAction, g_pdata->cArgs, (ARG *) &g_pdata->rgArgs) { return 1; } */
const STANDARD_OPERATION * PStdOpFromSz(LPTSTR szOpName) { const STANDARD_OPERATION * pStdOperation = NULL; for (DWORD iOps = 0; iOps < c_Ops.cOperations; iOps++) { if (!_tcsicmp(c_Ops.rgOperations[iOps].szOperation, szOpName)) { pStdOperation = &c_Ops.rgOperations[iOps]; break; } }
return pStdOperation; }
DWORD dwArgsFromOpName(LPTSTR szOpName) { DWORD dwArgs=0; const STANDARD_OPERATION * pStdOperation = PStdOpFromSz(szOpName); if (pStdOperation) { dwArgs = pStdOperation->nArguments; }
return dwArgs; }
DWORD DwPerformOperation(UPNPSVC * psvc, OPERATION_DATA * pOpData, DWORD cArgs, ARG *rgArgs) { const STANDARD_OPERATION * pStdOperation = PStdOpFromSz(pOpData->szOpName); if(pStdOperation) { return pStdOperation->pfnOperation(psvc, pOpData, cArgs, rgArgs); } else { TraceTag(ttidUpdiag, "Operation %s is not supported by the emulated device.", pOpData->szOpName);
return 1; } }
// BUGBUG: separate the demo stuff from the generic stuff
VOID PerformActionForDemoService(UPNPSVC * psvc);
// Function: ProcessControlRequest
// Purpose: Main control request handler
// Arguments:
// (none)
// Returns: Nothing
// Author: danielwe 6 Nov 1999
// tongl 11/20/99
// added the state table change and moved the functionality
// to play midi files to PerformActionForDemoService
// Notes: This ISAPICTL extension will signal an event telling us
// to process a request that it has received. This function
// determines which UPnP service the request was meant for,
// and if a control handler for that service exists,
// it calls the appropriate code to process the request
// to make service state table changes and notify user
// control points
VOID ProcessControlRequest() { if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForSingleObject(g_hMutex, INFINITE)) { DWORD dwReturn = 0; UPNPSVC * psvc; ACTION * pAction; LPTSTR pszEventSource;
pszEventSource = TszFromSz(g_pdata->szEventSource); if (pszEventSource) { TraceTag(ttidUpdiag, "Processing a control request for %s!", g_pdata->szEventSource);
psvc = PSvcFromId(pszEventSource); if (psvc) { LPTSTR pszAction;
// Validate arguments and set action return value
pszAction = TszFromSz(g_pdata->szAction); if (pszAction) { pAction = PActFromSz(&(psvc->action_set), pszAction); if (pAction) { /*
// NYI
dwReturn = ValidateActionArguments(pAction, g_pdata->cArgs, (ARG *) &g_pdata->rgArgs); */ dwReturn = 1; if (!dwReturn) { TraceTag(ttidUpdiag, "Failed to validate action '%s'.", pAction->szActionName); } }
delete [] pszAction; } else { TraceTag(ttidUpdiag, "ProcessControlRequest: TszFromSz failed"); } }
g_pdata->dwReturn = dwReturn;
TraceTag(ttidUpdiag, "Signalling event for ISAPICTL to continue..."); // Release the ISAPI DLL so it can return to the UCP
if (dwReturn) { HRESULT hr; DWORD dwActionResult;
AssertSz(pAction, "Good return but no action?");
// Now perform the action
TraceTag(ttidUpdiag, "Performing action %s.", pAction->szActionName);
for (DWORD iOp=0; iOp<pAction->cOperations; iOp++) { pOperation = &pAction->rgOperations[iOp];
// get the arguments for this operation
cArgs = dwArgsFromOpName(pOperation->szOpName);
Assert(iArgs+cArgs <= g_pdata->cArgs); for(DWORD i=0; i<cArgs; i++) { lstrcpy(rgArgs[i].szValue, g_pdata->rgArgs[iArgs].szValue); iArgs++; }
// perform the operation
dwActionResult = DwPerformOperation(psvc, pOperation, cArgs, rgArgs); if (dwActionResult) break; }
if (!dwActionResult) { TraceTag(ttidUpdiag, "Successfully completed action %s.", pAction->szActionName); } else { TraceTag(ttidUpdiag, "Failed to complete action %s.", pAction->szActionName); } } else { TraceTag(ttidUpdiag, "Did not perform action for %s.", g_pdata->szEventSource); }
if (psvc && psvc->psvcDemoCtl) { PerformActionForDemoService(psvc); }
ReleaseMutex(g_hMutex); }
delete [] pszEventSource; } }
// Function: PerformActionForDemoService
// Purpose: Perform the action on the demo services (midi-player)
// Arguments:
// (none)
// Returns: Nothing
// Author: danielwe 6 Nov 1999
// Notes: For the two demo services, this function calls the
// appropriate code to process the request.
VOID PerformActionForDemoService(UPNPSVC * psvc) { const DEMO_ACTION * pAct; DWORD dwReturn = 0;
// Validate arguments and set action return value
LPTSTR pszAction = TszFromSz(g_pdata->szAction); if (pszAction) { pAct = PDemoActFromSz(psvc->psvcDemoCtl, pszAction); if (pAct) { dwReturn = pAct->pfnValidate(g_pdata->cArgs, (ARG *) &g_pdata->rgArgs); if (!dwReturn) { TraceTag(ttidUpdiag, "Failed to validate demo action '%s'.", pAct->szAction); } }
delete [] pszAction; } else { TraceTag(ttidUpdiag, "PerformActionForDemoService: TszFromSz"); }
g_pdata->dwReturn = dwReturn;
TraceTag(ttidUpdiag, "Signalling event for ISAPICTL to continue..."); // Release the ISAPI DLL so it can return to the UCP
if (dwReturn) { DWORD dwActionResult;
AssertSz(pAct, "Good return but no action?");
// Now perform the action
TraceTag(ttidUpdiag, "Performing action %s.", pAct->szAction);
dwActionResult = pAct->pfnAction(g_pdata->cArgs, (ARG *) &g_pdata->rgArgs); if (dwActionResult) { TraceTag(ttidUpdiag, "Successfully completed action %s.", pAct->szAction); } else { TraceTag(ttidUpdiag, "Failed to complete action %s. Result = %d.", pAct->szAction, dwActionResult); } } else { TraceTag(ttidUpdiag, "Did not perform action for %s.", g_pdata->szEventSource); } }
// Function: RequestHandlerThreadStart
// Purpose: Start routine for the request handler thread
// Arguments:
// pvParam []
// Returns: Always 0
// Author: danielwe 6 Nov 1999
// Notes:
DWORD WINAPI RequestHandlerThreadStart(LPVOID pvParam) { HRESULT hr;
hr = CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { TraceTag(ttidUpdiag, "COM initialized."); while (TRUE) { TraceTag(ttidUpdiag, "Awaiting control request..."); if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForSingleObject(g_hEvent, INFINITE)) { TraceTag(ttidUpdiag, "Event was signalled..."); // When the event is signalled, a control request is ready
ProcessControlRequest(); } }
// Right now this will never be called because this thread never
// exits, but eventually we may want it to.
CoUninitialize(); } else { TraceError("RequestHandlerThreadStart - CoInitializeEx", hr); }
return 0; }