Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Contains implementations of base classes that supply common code for Multi-Provider Router operations. Contains: CMprOperation::Perform CRoutedOperation::ValidateParameters CRoutedOperation::GetResult
Anirudh Sahni (anirudhs) 11-Oct-1995
User Mode -Win32
Revision History:
11-Oct-1995 AnirudhS Created.
05-May-1999 jschwart Make provider addition/removal dynamic
// Includes
#include "precomp.hxx"
#include <malloc.h> // _alloca
// External Globals and Statics
extern DWORD GlobalNumActiveProviders;
CRoutedOperation::CPathCache CRoutedOperation::_PathCache;
// Defines
// Local Function Prototypes
// Function: CMprOperation::Perform
// Purpose: See header file
// History: 11-Oct-95 AnirudhS Created.
// Notes:
DWORD CMprOperation::Perform() { DWORD status = WN_SUCCESS;
__try { //
// Ask the derived class to validate the API parameters
status = ValidateParameters(); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { status = GetExceptionCode(); if (status != EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION) { MPR_LOG2(ERROR,"CMprOperation(%s): Unexpected exception %#lx\n",_OpName,status); }
status = WN_BAD_POINTER; }
if (status == WN_SUCCESS) { //
// Ask the derived class to perform the operation
status = GetResult(); }
if (status != WN_SUCCESS) { SetLastError(status); }
return status; }
// Function: CRoutedOperation::Perform
// Purpose: See header file
// History: 27-May-99 jschwart Created.
// Notes: Since the CMprOperation should have no knowledge of
// providers, deal with provider-related locking/checking
// in the CRoutedOperation class, which is meant for
// APIs that use the providers.
DWORD CRoutedOperation::Perform(BOOL fCheckProviders) { //
// If an API that uses this class creates another instance of the class
// (e.g., CGetConnectionPerformance uses CGetConnection), there needs
// to be a way to prevent the second call from trying to acquire the
// exclusive lock while the original call holds the shared lock.
if (fCheckProviders) { MprCheckProviders(); }
CProviderSharedLock PLock;
return CMprOperation::Perform(); }
// Function: CRoutedOperation::ValidateParameters
// Purpose: See header file
// History: 11-Oct-95 AnirudhS Created.
// Notes:
DWORD CRoutedOperation::ValidateParameters() { //
// Ask the derived class to validate the API parameters.
// Also, if the API caller passed in a specific NP name, the derived
// class should pass it back here, to be validated here. The provider
// is looked up and stored in _pSpecifiedProvider.
// If the API caller passed in a remote name that can be used as a
// hint for routing, the derived class should pass it back here. A
// pointer to it is stored in _RemoteName and used later, in GetResult(),
// to help pick an efficient provider routing order.
LPCWSTR pwszProviderName = NULL; LPCWSTR pwszRemoteName = NULL; LPCWSTR pwszLocalName = NULL;
DWORD status = ValidateRoutedParameters(&pwszProviderName, &pwszRemoteName, &pwszLocalName);
if (status == WN_SUCCESS) { //
// Optimization: Store away the drive type. In GetResult(),
// we need only call the providers if the local name is
// a remote drive. _uDriveType is initialized to DRIVE_REMOTE
if (! IS_EMPTY_STRING(pwszLocalName) && pwszLocalName[1] == L':') { WCHAR wszRootPath[] = L" :\\";
wszRootPath[0] = pwszLocalName[0]; _uDriveType = GetDriveType(wszRootPath); }
// This probes pwszRemoteName as well as saving its length
RtlInitUnicodeString(&_RemoteName, pwszRemoteName);
if (! IS_EMPTY_STRING(pwszProviderName)) { //
// Level 1 init for MprFindProviderByName
if (!(GlobalInitLevel & FIRST_LEVEL)) { status = MprLevel1Init(); if (status != WN_SUCCESS) { return status; } }
_pSpecifiedProvider = MprFindProviderByName(pwszProviderName); if (_pSpecifiedProvider == NULL) { return WN_BAD_PROVIDER; } } }
return status; }
// Function: CRoutedOperation::GetResult
// Purpose: See header file
// History: 11-Oct-95 AnirudhS Created.
// Notes:
DWORD CRoutedOperation::GetResult() { DWORD status = WN_SUCCESS; LPPROVIDER *ProviderArray;
// Only call the providers if it's a remote drive
if (_uDriveType != DRIVE_REMOTE) { return WN_NOT_CONNECTED; }
// If there are no providers, return NO_NETWORK
if (GlobalNumActiveProviders == 0) { return WN_NO_NETWORK; }
// Array of pointers into the GlobalProviderInfo array.
DWORD numProviders;
__try { ProviderArray = (LPPROVIDER *) _alloca(GlobalNumProviders * sizeof(LPPROVIDER)); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { status = WN_OUT_OF_MEMORY; }
if (status != WN_SUCCESS) { return status; }
// Find the list of providers to call for this request.
if (_pSpecifiedProvider != NULL) { //
// The caller requested a particular Provider
ProviderArray[0] = _pSpecifiedProvider; numProviders = 1; } else { //
// A Provider name was not specified. Therefore, we must
// create an ordered list and pick the best one.
status = FindCallOrder( &_RemoteName, ProviderArray, &numProviders, NETWORK_TYPE ); if (status != WN_SUCCESS) { return status; } }
// Loop through the list of providers until one answers the request,
// or the list is exhausted.
DWORD statusFlag = 0; // Mask of combined error returns
DWORD FirstNetPathError = WN_SUCCESS; // First NO_NET or BAD_NAME error
DWORD FirstSignificantError = WN_SUCCESS; // First "other" error, used in
// aggressive routing only
status = WN_NOT_SUPPORTED; // Returned if no providers respond
for (DWORD i=0; i<numProviders; i++) { _LastProvider = ProviderArray[i];
if (_pProviderFunction != NULL && _LastProvider->*_pProviderFunction == NULL) { //
// The provider doesn't supply the required entry point.
status = WN_NOT_SUPPORTED; } else { //
// Ask the derived class to try the provider.
__try { MPR_LOG2(ROUTE, "%s: trying %ws ...\n", OpName(), _LastProvider->Resource.lpProvider); status = TestProvider(_LastProvider); MPR_LOG(ROUTE, "... provider returned %lu\n", status); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { status = GetExceptionCode(); MPR_LOG(ROUTE, "... provider threw EXCEPTION %#lx\n", status); if (status != EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION) { MPR_LOG3(ERROR, "%s: Unexpected Exception %#lx " "calling %ws provider\n", OpName(), status, _LastProvider->Resource.lpProvider); } status = WN_BAD_POINTER; } }
// Decide whether to stop trying other providers and return the
// error immediately, or continue trying other providers.
// There are two algorithms for routing to providers, called
// "lazy routing" and "aggressive routing". In lazy routing,
// we always stop routing, unless the error was an insignificant
// one (such as WN_BAD_NETNAME) indicating that the call may be
// meant for some other provider. In aggressive routing, we
// always continue routing, except on a few special errors (such
// as WN_SUCCESS).
switch (status) {
// Always stop routing on these errors, even if routing //
// aggressively //
case WN_SUCCESS: case WN_MORE_DATA: //
// The provider successfully operated on this path, so add it
// to the cache...
_PathCache.AddEntry(&_RemoteName, _LastProvider); //
// ... and fall through
// Always continue routing on these errors //
// Classify them so that if we later decide to return one //
// of them to the caller, we pick the most sensible one //
// Ignore the error
case WN_NO_MORE_DEVICES: statusFlag |= NO_DEVICES; break;
case WN_NOT_CONNECTED: statusFlag |= NOT_CONNECTED; break;
case WN_NOT_CONTAINER: statusFlag |= NOT_CONTAINER; break;
case WN_NO_NETWORK: case WN_FUNCTION_BUSY: case WN_NO_NET_OR_BAD_PATH: case WN_NOT_LOGGED_ON: statusFlag |= NO_NET; if (FirstNetPathError == WN_SUCCESS) { FirstNetPathError = status; } break;
case WN_BAD_NETNAME: case ERROR_BAD_NETPATH: case WN_BAD_LOCALNAME: case WN_BAD_VALUE: case WN_BAD_LEVEL: case ERROR_REM_NOT_LIST: statusFlag |= BAD_NAME; if (FirstNetPathError == WN_SUCCESS) { FirstNetPathError = status; } break;
// On other errors, stop routing if lazy, continue if //
// aggressive //
default: if (_AggressiveRouting) { // Remember the first one of these errors. It will take
// precedence over other errors.
if (FirstSignificantError == WN_SUCCESS) { FirstSignificantError = status; } break;
// Note that if multiple providers return WN_EXTENDED_ERROR,
// we'll return the error reported by the last one rather
// than the first.
} else { // Return this error immediately
goto CleanExit; } } // switch
} // for all providers
// If a specific provider was tried then return the error from that provider.
// Otherwise, concoct the best return code from the errors returned.
if (numProviders > 1) { if (FirstSignificantError != WN_SUCCESS) { status = FirstSignificantError; } else if (statusFlag & NO_DEVICES) { status = WN_NO_MORE_DEVICES; } else if (statusFlag & NOT_CONNECTED) { status = WN_NOT_CONNECTED; } else if (statusFlag & NOT_CONTAINER) { status = WN_NOT_CONTAINER; } else if (statusFlag & (NO_NET | BAD_NAME)) { if ((statusFlag & (NO_NET | BAD_NAME)) == (NO_NET | BAD_NAME)) { //
// Mix of special errors occured.
// Pass back the combined error message.
status = WN_NO_NET_OR_BAD_PATH; } else { status = FirstNetPathError; } } else { ASSERT(status == WN_NOT_SUPPORTED); } }
MPR_LOG2(ROUTE, "CRoutedOperation(%s): returning %lu\n\n", OpName(), status);
return status; }
// Function: CRoutedOperation::CPathCache::Construct
// Purpose: Constructor, called explicitly to avoid dependence on CRT
// History: 09-Apr-96 AnirudhS Created.
void CRoutedOperation::CPathCache::Construct() { InitializeCriticalSection(&_Lock); RtlZeroMemory(_RecentPaths, sizeof(_RecentPaths)); InitializeListHead(&_ListHead); _NumFree = PATH_CACHE_SIZE; }
// Function: CRoutedOperation::CPathCache::Destroy
// Purpose: Destructor, called explicitly to avoid dependence on CRT
// History: 09-Apr-96 AnirudhS Created.
void CRoutedOperation::CPathCache::Destroy() { //
// This is really needed only if the DLL is being unloaded because of
// a FreeLibrary call, not if the process is exiting
for (DWORD i = _NumFree; i < PATH_CACHE_SIZE; i++) { LocalFree(_RecentPaths[i].Path.Buffer); } DeleteCriticalSection(&_Lock); }
// Function: CRoutedOperation::CPathCache::AddEntry
// Purpose: Add an entry to the cache
// History: 09-Apr-96 AnirudhS Created.
void CRoutedOperation::CPathCache::AddEntry( const UNICODE_STRING * Path, LPPROVIDER Provider ) { if (Path->Length == 0 || Path->Length >= (MAX_PATH*sizeof(WCHAR))) { //
// Don't add empty or too-long paths to the cache
return; }
ASSERT(Path->MaximumLength == Path->Length + sizeof(UNICODE_NULL));
CacheEntry *pEntry = NULL; // Entry to write
// See if there's a matching path string in the cache already
for (PLIST_ENTRY pLinks = _ListHead.Flink; pLinks != &_ListHead; pLinks = pLinks->Flink) { pEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(pLinks, CacheEntry, Links);
if (RtlEqualUnicodeString(&pEntry->Path, (PUNICODE_STRING) Path, TRUE)) { break; }
pEntry = NULL; }
if (pEntry == NULL) { //
// No matching entry.
// If there's a free entry in the array, use it.
// Otherwise overwrite the last entry in the list.
if (_NumFree > 0) { _NumFree--; pEntry = &_RecentPaths[_NumFree];
// Add this new entry to the list.
InsertHeadList(&_ListHead, &pEntry->Links); } else { ASSERT(!IsListEmpty(&_ListHead)); pEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(_ListHead.Blink, CacheEntry, Links); }
// Copy the path string into the cache. Re-use the string buffer,
// unless it's too small.
if (pEntry->Path.MaximumLength < Path->MaximumLength) { //
// Re-allocate the string buffer. Allocate twice as much space
// as needed, but never more than MAX_PATH Unicode characters.
// Note, here we know that MaximumLength <= MAX_PATH characters.
HLOCAL NewBuffer = LocalAlloc( 0, min(Path->MaximumLength * 2, MAX_PATH * sizeof(WCHAR)) ); if (NewBuffer == NULL) { //
// Couldn't allocate. Don't add to the cache.
// (If it was unused, this cache entry is lost forever.
// CODEWORK try to recover it in this case?)
goto CleanExit; }
LocalFree(pEntry->Path.Buffer); pEntry->Path.Buffer = (PWSTR) NewBuffer; pEntry->Path.MaximumLength = (USHORT)LocalSize(NewBuffer); }
RtlCopyUnicodeString(&pEntry->Path, (PUNICODE_STRING) Path); }
// Remember the provider in the cache. (This overwrites any previously
// remembered provider for the path.)
pEntry->Provider = Provider; MPR_LOG2(ROUTE, "cache: cached %ws for %ws\n", Provider->Resource.lpProvider, Path->Buffer);
// Move this entry to the front of the list, if it isn't there already.
if (_ListHead.Flink != &pEntry->Links) { RemoveEntryList(&pEntry->Links); InsertHeadList(&_ListHead, &pEntry->Links); }
LeaveCriticalSection(&_Lock); }
// Function: CRoutedOperation::CPathCache::FindEntry
// Purpose: Search for an entry in the cache
// History: 09-Apr-96 AnirudhS Created.
LPPROVIDER CRoutedOperation::CPathCache::FindEntry( const UNICODE_STRING * Path ) { if (Path->Length == 0) { return NULL; }
ASSERT(Path->MaximumLength == Path->Length + sizeof(UNICODE_NULL));
// Search forward in the list for a matching path string
LPPROVIDER Provider = NULL; for (PLIST_ENTRY pLinks = _ListHead.Flink; pLinks != &_ListHead; pLinks = pLinks->Flink) { CacheEntry *pEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(pLinks, CacheEntry, Links);
if (RtlEqualUnicodeString(&pEntry->Path, (PUNICODE_STRING) Path, TRUE)) { Provider = pEntry->Provider;
// Move this entry to the front of the list, if it isn't there already.
if (_ListHead.Flink != &pEntry->Links) { RemoveEntryList(&pEntry->Links); InsertHeadList(&_ListHead, &pEntry->Links); }
break; } }
MPR_LOG2(ROUTE, "cache: found %ws for %ws\n", (Provider ? Provider->Resource.lpProvider : L"no cached provider"), Path->Buffer);
return Provider; }