#ifndef _COMM_
#define _COMM_
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { #endif
Copyright (c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name: comm.h
Abstract: header file for interfacing with comm.c
This header is portable.
Pradeep Bahl (PradeepB) Jan-1993
Revision History:
Modification Date Person Description of Modification ------------------ ------- ---------------------------
includes */
#include "wins.h"
#include <winsock2.h>
#if SPX > 0
#include <wsipx.h>
#include <nb30.h>
#include <nbtioctl.h>
//Don't include winsque.h here since winsque.h includes comm.h
#if 0
#include "winsque.h"
simple defines (simple macros) */
#define COMM_DATAGRAM_SIZE 576 /*rfc 1002*/
The following two defines are for the TCP and UDP port numbers used by the WINS server.
Normally the same port number is used for both TCP and UDP.
*/ FUTURES("Use a port registered with IANA - 1512. IPPORT_NAMESERVER is used by") FUTURES("BIND and NAMED -- Unix internet name servers")
#define WINS_NBT_PORT 137 //NBT nameserver port
//#define WINS_NBT_PORT 5000 //for testing
// Hardcoded Server port for RPC calls.
// Note: This is not used since we let RPC pick a port. Check out
// InitializeRpc() in nms.c We will use this define olnly if AUTO_BIND is
// not defined
#define WINS_SERVER_PORT 5001
#define COMM_DEFAULT_IP_PORT IPPROTO_IP //used to init CommPortNo
COMM_HEADER_SIZE -- size of the comm header on every message sent on a TCP connection. This is used in RPL code */ #define COMM_HEADER_SIZE (sizeof(COMM_HEADER_T))
// Total header size of header used by COMSYS
#define COMM_N_TCP_HDR_SZ sizeof(COMM_TCP_HDR_T)
Values returned by CommCompAdd function */ #define COMM_SAME_ADD 0x0 // addresses are same
#define COMM_DIFF_ADD 0x1 //addresses are different
#define COMM_RPL_MSG 3
#define COMM_IP_ADD_SIZE sizeof(COMM_IP_ADD_T)
// Size of the header on top of a buffer
macros */ //
// This macro gets the network address from an IP Address in binary form
// Used by AppendNetAdd in nmsnmh.c. It assumes a CLASS B network address
FUTURES("Use the subnet mask specified via registry") #define COMM_NET_ADDRESS_M(Add) (Add >> 16)
#define COMM_SET_HEADER_M(pLong, Opc, uAssocCtx, MsgTyp) \
{ \ LPBYTE _pTmpB = (LPBYTE)pLong++; \ *(_pTmpB + 2) = Opc << 3; \ *pLong++ = htonl(uAssocCtx); \ *pLong++ = htonl(MsgTyp); \ }
#define COMM_GET_HEADER_M(pMsg, Opc, uAssocCtx, MsgTyp) \
{ \ LPLONG _pLong = (LPLONG)pMsg; \ Opc = ((*(pMsg + 2) & NMS_OPCODE_MASK) >> 3);\ uAssocCtx = ntohl(*++_pLong); \ MsgTyp = ntohl(*++_pLong); \ }
// Is this my address
#define COMM_MY_IP_ADD_M(IpAddress) ((IpAddress) == NmsLocalAdd.Add.IPAdd)
// Gets the address of the remote client
#define COMM_GET_IPADD_M(pDlgHdl, pIPAdd) { \
PCOMMASSOC_DLG_CTX_T _pEnt = (pDlgHdl)->pEnt; \ *(pIPAdd) = _pEnt->FromAdd.sin_addr.s_addr; \ }
#define COMM_GET_FAMILY_M(pDlgHdl, Family) { \
PCOMMASSOC_DLG_CTX_T _pEnt = (pDlgHdl)->pEnt; \ Family = _pEnt->FromAdd.sin_family; \ }
#define COMM_IS_PNR_BETA1_WINS_M(pDlgHdl, fBeta1) {(fBeta1) = FALSE;}
#if 0
#define COMM_IS_PNR_BETA1_WINS_M(pDlgHdl, fBeta1) { \
PCOMMASSOC_DLG_CTX_T _pEnt = (pDlgHdl)->pEnt; \ PCOMMASSOC_ASSOC_CTX_T _pAssocEnt = _pEnt->AssocHdl.pEnt; \ fBeta1 = (_pAssocEnt->MajVersNo == WINS_BETA1_MAJOR_VERS_NO) ? TRUE : \ FALSE; \ } #endif
#define COMM_GET_WINS_VERS_NO_M(pDlgHdl, MajVers, MinVers) { \
PCOMMASSOC_DLG_CTX_T _pEnt = (pDlgHdl)->pEnt; \ PCOMMASSOC_ASSOC_CTX_T _pAssocEnt = _pEnt->AssocHdl.pEnt; \ MajVers = _pAssocEnt->MajVersNo; \ MinVers = _pAssocEnt->MinVersNo; \ }
#define ECOMM_INIT_DLG_HDL_M(pDlgHdl) {(pDlgHdl)->pEnt = NULL; (pDlgHdl)->SeqNo=0;}
#define ECOMM_IS_PNR_POSTNT4_WINS_M(pDlgHdl, fNT5) { \
DWORD _MajVers, _MinVers; \ COMM_GET_WINS_VERS_NO_M((pDlgHdl), _MajVers, _MinVers); \ fNT5 = (_MinVers >= WINS_MINOR_VERS_NT5) ? TRUE : FALSE; \ } #endif
// This macro checks if the name is local or not. Used in NmsNmhNamRegInd
// and NmsNmhNamRegGrp functions
#define COMM_IS_IT_LOCAL_M(pDlgHdl) \
(((PCOMMASSOC_DLG_CTX_T)(pDlgHdl->pEnt))->FromAdd.sin_family == NBT_UNIX)
// On querying a name, if WINS finds it to be a local name, it sets the
// the family in the DlgHdl to NBT_UNIX so that NETBT can respond to the
// query
#if USENETBT > 0
#define COMM_SET_LOCAL_M(pDlgHdl) \
(((PCOMMASSOC_DLG_CTX_T)(pDlgHdl->pEnt))->FromAdd.sin_family = NBT_UNIX)
#define COMM_SET_LOCAL_M(pDlgHdl)
// Initialize a COMM_ADD_T structure given an IP address
#define COMM_INIT_ADD_M(pWinsAdd, IPAddress) { \
(pWinsAdd)->AddLen = sizeof(PCOMM_IP_ADD_T); \ (pWinsAdd)->AddTyp_e = COMM_ADD_E_TCPUDPIP; \ (pWinsAdd)->Add.IPAdd = (IPAddress); \ } //
// Initialize a COMM_ADD_T structure given a dlg handle.
#define COMM_INIT_ADD_FR_DLG_HDL_M(pWinsAdd, pDlgHdl) { \
COMM_IP_ADD_T IPAdd; \ COMM_GET_IPADD_M((pDlgHdl), &IPAdd); \ COMM_INIT_ADD_M((pWinsAdd), IPAdd); \ } //
// COMM_ADDRESS_SAME_M -- checks if the addresses are the same. Expects
// pointers to COMM_ADD_T structues for its parameters
#define COMM_ADDRESS_SAME_M(pAdd1,pAdd2) ((pAdd1)->Add.IPAdd == (pAdd2)->Add.IPAdd)
This macro is called by FrmNamQueryRsp to determine if the request message came over a TCP connection.
FrmNamQueryRsp checks this in order to determine whether to allocate a buffer or use the request buffer for the response. */
#define COMM_IS_TCP_MSG_M(pDlgHdl) (((PCOMASSOC_DLG_CTX_T)pDlgHdl->pEnt)->Typ_e != COMM_E_UDP)
NONPORT("Port to different address families") #define COMM_NETFORM_TO_ASCII_M(pAdd) inet_ntoa(*(pAdd))
The macros below are used to host to network and network to host byte order coversion. The macros are used by message formatting functions in the name space manager and replicator components of the WINS server */
#define COMM_HOST_TO_NET_L_M(HostLongVal_m, NetLongVal_m) \
{ \ NetLongVal_m = htonl((HostLongVal_m)); \ }
#define COMM_HOST_TO_NET_S_M(HostShortVal_m, NetShortVal_m) \
{ \ NetShortVal_m = htons((HostShortVal_m)); \ } #define COMM_NET_TO_HOST_L_M(NetLongVal_m, HostLongVal_m) \
{ \ HostLongVal_m = ntohl((NetLongVal_m)); \ }
#define COMM_NET_TO_HOST_S_M(NetShortVal_m, HostShortVal_m) \
{ \ HostShortVal_m = ntohs((NetShortVal_m)); \ }
// Size of the message sent to the TCP listener thread by the PULL/PUSH
// thread
#define COMM_NTF_MSG_SZ sizeof(COMM_NTF_MSG_T)
#if MCAST > 0
// No of critical sections for assocs/dlgs that can be there at any one time.
// Want to save on non-paged pool
externs */ struct _COMM_HDL_T; //forward reference
#if MCAST > 0
extern SOCKET CommMcastPortHandle; #endif
extern HANDLE CommUdpBuffHeapHdl; extern HANDLE CommUdpDlgHeapHdl; extern SOCKET CommTcpPortHandle; extern SOCKET CommUdpPortHandle; extern SOCKET CommNtfSockHandle; extern struct sockaddr_in CommNtfSockAdd; extern struct _COMM_HDL_T CommExNbtDlgHdl;
extern DWORD CommConnCount; //total # of tcp connections from/to local WINS
extern DWORD CommWinsTcpPortNo; extern DWORD WinsClusterIpAddress; #if SPX > 0
extern DWORD CommWinsSpxPortNo #endif
// Set to TRUE by the tcp listener thread when it discovers that the assoc.
// it was asked to stop monitoring is no longer in its list.
extern BOOL fCommDlgError;
#ifdef WINSDBG
extern DWORD CommNoOfDgrms; extern DWORD CommNoOfRepeatDgrms; #endif
FUTURES("Remove this when WinsGetNameAndAdd is removed")
#if USENETBT == 0
extern BYTE HostName[]; #endif
typedef definitions */
#if USENETBT > 0
// The format of Adapter Status responses
typedef struct { ADAPTER_STATUS AdapterInfo; NAME_BUFFER Names[32]; } tADAPTERSTATUS; #endif
COMM_IP_ADD_T typedef for IP address */ typedef ULONG COMM_IP_ADD_T, *PCOMM_IP_ADD_T;
COMM_TYP_E - Enumerator for the different types of dlgs and associations */ typedef enum _COMM_TYP_E { COMM_E_RPL = 0, /* Used for pull replication*/ COMM_E_NOT, /* Used for notification */ COMM_E_QUERY, /*used for querying an RQ server */ COMM_E_UPD, /*used for sending name query responses and
* updates to a Q server */ COMM_E_NBT, /* set up by an NBT node*/ COMM_E_UDP, /*set up for UDP communication */ COMM_E_TCP /*until we know which TCP msg this is */ } COMM_TYP_E, *PCOMM_TYP_E;
This is the comm header prefixed on every message sent by a WINS to another WINS (on a TCP connection) */ typedef struct _COMM_HEADER_T { LONG Opcode; //NBT or RPL connection opcode
DWORD uAssocCtx; //tag to assoc context block sent by remote WINS
//legacy (32bit) WINS send here pointer to memory.
//new (64bit) WINS send here 32bit tag value
DWORD MsgTyp; //Type of message (START_ASSOC, STOP_ASSOC, etc)
This is the Tcp header prefixed on every message sent by a WINS to another WINS (on a TCP connection) */ typedef struct _COMM_TCP_HDR_T { LONG LenOfMsg; //NBT or RPL connection opcode
* COMM_ADD_TYP_E -- enumerator for the different address families. */ typedef enum _COMM_ADD_TYP_E { COMM_ADD_E_TCPUDPIP = 0, COMM_ADD_E_SPXIPX } COMM_ADD_TYP_E, *PCOMM_ADD_TYP_E;
COMM_ADD_T -- address of a node. This is in TLV form. Currently, the union has an entry just for IP address. In the future, it will have entries for addresses pertaining to other address families. such as XNS, OSI, etc
NOTE NOTE NOTE Put the enumerator at the end so that the alignment of the various fields in COMM_ADD_T is on their natural boundaries.
This structure is written as is into the address field of the database record (in both the name - address table and the owner id - address table). Therefore it is important that we have the alignment set right (in order to save on database storage) and also to read the stuff from the database record back into the correct fields of an in-memory COMM_ADD_T structure */ ALIGN("Alignment very important here") FUTURES("Use a union of SOCKADDR_IP and SOCXADDR_IPX") typedef struct _COMM_ADD_T { DWORD AddLen; union _Add{ DWORD IPAdd; //
// we may add other fields later on
#if SPX > 0
char netnum[4]; char nodenum[6]; #endif
} Add; COMM_ADD_TYP_E AddTyp_e; /*this should be the last field for
*alignment puposes */ } COMM_ADD_T, *PCOMM_ADD_T;
COMM_HDL_T -- this is the handle to a comm sys. entity such as a dialogue or an association. The handle to a dialogue is passed to COMSYS clients for future use by them */ typedef struct _COMM_HDL_T { DWORD SeqNo; //sequence no. of ctx block created for entity
LPVOID pEnt; //pointer to ctx block
COMM_TOP_T -- This is the structure which is at the top of the assoc and dlg ctx structures. It must have LIST_ENTRY at its top.
*/ typedef struct _COMM_TOP_T { LIST_ENTRY Head; //for linking free blocks
DWORD SeqNo; //seq. no of block
HANDLE MutexHdl; //mutex for locking block
This is the header for all buffers allocated for requests/responses. received over the wire
Note: This buffer is added on top of COMM_HEADER_T buffer allocated for requests/responses sent by a WINS to another WINS */ typedef struct _COMM_BUFF_HEADER_T { COMM_TYP_E Typ_e; } COMM_BUFF_HEADER_T, *PCOMM_BUFF_HEADER_T;
// Command sent to the TCP listener thread by the PUSH thread or the PULL
// thread. The PULL thread sends the START_MON command when it sends
// a Push trigger to another WINS. The PUSH thread sends the STOP_MON
// command when it receives a PUSH notification (trigger) from a remote WINS
typedef enum _COMM_NTF_CMD_E { COMM_E_NTF_START_MON = 0, //sent by PULL thread
COMM_E_NTF_STOP_MON //sent by PUSH thread
// structure of the message sent to the TCP listener thread
// There is no need to send the pointer to the Dlg ctx in the message since
// ChkNtfSock() in comm.c can get it from pAssocCtx. We however send it
// anyway.
typedef struct _COMM_NTF_MSG_T { COMM_NTF_CMD_E Cmd_e; SOCKET SockNo; //socket no to stop/start monitoring
#if MCAST > 0
typedef struct _COMM_MCAST_MSG_T { DWORD Sign; //always 0xABCD
Externals */
extern RTL_GENERIC_TABLE CommAssocTable; //assoc table
extern RTL_GENERIC_TABLE CommUdpNbtDlgTable; //tbl for nbt requests (UDP)
extern HANDLE CommUdpBuffHeapHdl;
function declarations */
#if USENETBT > 0
extern VOID CommOpenNbt( DWORD FirstBindingIpAddress );
extern STATUS CommGetNetworkAdd( );
VOID ECommRegisterAddrChange();
VOID InitOwnAddTbl( VOID );
VOID ECommInit( VOID );
extern STATUS ECommStartDlg( PCOMM_ADD_T pAdd, // Address
COMM_TYP_E CommTyp_e, PCOMM_HDL_T pDlgHdl ); extern VOID ECommSndCmd( PCOMM_HDL_T pDlgHdl, MSG_T pMsg, MSG_LEN_T MsgLen, PMSG_T ppRspMsg, PMSG_LEN_T pRspMsgLen ); extern STATUS ECommSndRsp( PCOMM_HDL_T pDlgHdl, MSG_T pMsg, MSG_LEN_T MsgLen ); extern STATUS ECommSendMsg( PCOMM_HDL_T pDlgHdl, PCOMM_ADD_T pAdd, MSG_T pMsg, MSG_LEN_T MsgLen );
extern STATUS ECommEndDlg( PCOMM_HDL_T pDlgHdl );
extern VOID CommEndAssoc( PCOMM_HDL_T pAssocHdl );
extern LPVOID CommAlloc( PRTL_GENERIC_TABLE pTable, DWORD BuffSize );
extern STATUS ECommAlloc( LPVOID *ppBuff, DWORD BuffSize ); extern VOID ECommDealloc( LPVOID pBuff );
extern VOID CommCreatePorts( VOID );
extern VOID CommInit( VOID );
extern STATUS CommReadStream( IN SOCKET SockNo, IN BOOL fDoTimedRecv, OUT PMSG_T ppMsg, OUT LPLONG pBytesRead );
extern VOID CommCreateTcpThd(VOID);
extern VOID CommCreateUdpThd(VOID);
extern int __cdecl ECommCompareAdd(const void *pKey1, const void *pKey2);
extern STATUS CommConnect( IN PCOMM_ADD_T pHostAdd, IN SOCKET Port, OUT SOCKET *pSockNo );
#if 0
extern VOID CommDeallocUdpBuff( MSG_T pMsg ); #endif
extern STATUS CommReadStream( IN SOCKET SockNo, IN BOOL fDoTimedRecv, OUT PMSG_T ppMsg, OUT LPLONG pBytesRead );
extern VOID CommDealloc( IN PRTL_GENERIC_TABLE pTable, IN PVOID pBuff );
extern __inline BOOL CommIsDlgActive( PCOMM_HDL_T pEntHdl );
extern BOOL CommIsBlockValid( PCOMM_HDL_T pEntHdl ); #endif
extern __inline STATUS CommUnlockBlock( PCOMM_HDL_T pEntHdl );
extern BOOL CommLockBlock( PCOMM_HDL_T pEntHdl );
extern VOID CommDisc( SOCKET SockNo, BOOL fDecCnt ); extern VOID CommSendUdp ( SOCKET SockNo, struct sockaddr_in *pDest, MSG_T pMsg, MSG_LEN_T MsgLen );
extern STATUS CommNbtTcpSnd( PCOMM_HDL_T pAssocHdl, MSG_T pMsg, MSG_LEN_T MsgLen );
extern VOID CommSend( COMM_TYP_E CommTyp_e, PCOMM_HDL_T pAssocHdl, MSG_T pMsg, MSG_LEN_T MsgLen );
extern VOID CommSendAssoc( SOCKET SockNo, MSG_T pMsg, MSG_LEN_T MsgLen );
extern __inline BOOL ECommIsDlgActive( PCOMM_HDL_T pEntHdl ); extern __inline BOOL ECommIsBlockValid( PCOMM_HDL_T pEntHdl ); #endif
extern VOID ECommFreeBuff( MSG_T pBuff );
extern BOOL //VOID
ECommProcessDlg( PCOMM_HDL_T pDlgHdl, COMM_NTF_CMD_E Cmd_e );
extern STATUS ECommGetMyAdd( IN OUT PCOMM_ADD_T pAdd );
extern VOID CommDecConnCount( VOID );
#if MCAST > 0
extern VOID CommSendMcastMsg( DWORD Code );
extern VOID CommLeaveMcastGrp( VOID );
#ifdef __cplusplus
} #endif
#endif //_COMM_