Copyright(c) 1998,99 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Windows Load Balancing Service (WLBS) Driver - initialization implementation
#define NDIS51_MINIPORT 1
#define NDIS50 1
#define NDIS51 1
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ndis.h>
#include "main.h"
#include "init.h"
#include "prot.h"
#include "nic.h"
#include "univ.h"
#include "wlbsparm.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "trace.h" // For wmi event tracing
static ULONG log_module_id = LOG_MODULE_INIT;
/* Added for NDIS51. */ extern VOID Nic_pnpevent_notify ( NDIS_HANDLE adapter_handle, NDIS_DEVICE_PNP_EVENT pnp_event, PVOID info_buf, ULONG info_len);
/* Mark code that is used only during initialization. */ #pragma alloc_text (INIT, DriverEntry)
NDIS_STATUS DriverEntry ( PVOID driver_obj, PVOID registry_path) { NDIS_PROTOCOL_CHARACTERISTICS prot_char; NDIS_MINIPORT_CHARACTERISTICS nic_char; NDIS_STRING prot_name = UNIV_NDIS_PROTOCOL_NAME; NTSTATUS status; PUNICODE_STRING reg_path = (PUNICODE_STRING) registry_path; WCHAR params [] = L"\\Parameters\\Interface\\"; ULONG i;
/* Register Convoy protocol with NDIS. */ UNIV_PRINT (("DriverEntry: Loading the driver %x", driver_obj));
univ_driver_ptr = driver_obj;
/* Initialize the array of bindings. */ univ_adapters_count = 0;
for (i = 0 ; i < CVY_MAX_ADAPTERS; i++) { univ_adapters [i] . code = MAIN_ADAPTER_CODE; univ_adapters [i] . announced = FALSE; univ_adapters [i] . inited = FALSE; univ_adapters [i] . bound = FALSE; univ_adapters [i] . used = FALSE; univ_adapters [i] . ctxtp = NULL; univ_adapters [i] . device_name_len = 0; univ_adapters [i] . device_name = NULL; }
/* create UNICODE name for the protocol */
univ_reg_path_len = reg_path -> Length + wcslen (params) * sizeof (WCHAR) + sizeof (WCHAR);
status = NdisAllocateMemoryWithTag (& univ_reg_path, univ_reg_path_len, UNIV_POOL_TAG);
if (status != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { UNIV_PRINT (("Error allocating memory %x", status)); __LOG_MSG1 (MSG_ERROR_MEMORY, MSG_NONE, status); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; }
RtlZeroMemory (univ_reg_path, reg_path -> Length + wcslen (params) * sizeof (WCHAR) + sizeof (WCHAR));
RtlCopyMemory (univ_reg_path, reg_path -> Buffer, reg_path -> Length);
RtlCopyMemory (((PCHAR) univ_reg_path) + reg_path -> Length, params, wcslen (params) * sizeof (WCHAR));
/* Initialize miniport wrapper. */ NdisMInitializeWrapper (& univ_wrapper_handle, driver_obj, registry_path, NULL);
/* Initialize miniport characteristics. */ RtlZeroMemory (& nic_char, sizeof (nic_char));
nic_char . MajorNdisVersion = UNIV_NDIS_MAJOR_VERSION; nic_char . MinorNdisVersion = UNIV_NDIS_MINOR_VERSION; nic_char . HaltHandler = Nic_halt; nic_char . InitializeHandler = Nic_init; nic_char . QueryInformationHandler = Nic_info_query; nic_char . SetInformationHandler = Nic_info_set; nic_char . ResetHandler = Nic_reset; nic_char . ReturnPacketHandler = Nic_return; nic_char . SendPacketsHandler = Nic_packets_send; nic_char . TransferDataHandler = Nic_transfer;
/* For NDIS51, define 3 new handlers. These handlers do nothing for now, but stuff will be added later. */ nic_char . CancelSendPacketsHandler = Nic_cancel_send_packets; nic_char . PnPEventNotifyHandler = Nic_pnpevent_notify; nic_char . AdapterShutdownHandler = Nic_adapter_shutdown;
UNIV_PRINT (("DriverEntry: Registering miniport"));
status = NdisIMRegisterLayeredMiniport (univ_wrapper_handle, & nic_char, sizeof (nic_char), & univ_driver_handle);
if (status != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { UNIV_PRINT (("error registering layered miniport with NDIS %x", status)); __LOG_MSG1 (MSG_ERROR_REGISTERING, MSG_NONE, status); NdisTerminateWrapper (univ_wrapper_handle, NULL); NdisFreeMemory(univ_reg_path, univ_reg_path_len, 0); goto error; }
/* Initialize protocol characteristics. */ RtlZeroMemory (& prot_char, sizeof (prot_char));
/* This value needs to be 0, otherwise error registering protocol */ prot_char . MinorNdisVersion = 0; prot_char . MajorNdisVersion = UNIV_NDIS_MAJOR_VERSION; prot_char . BindAdapterHandler = Prot_bind; prot_char . UnbindAdapterHandler = Prot_unbind; prot_char . OpenAdapterCompleteHandler = Prot_open_complete; prot_char . CloseAdapterCompleteHandler = Prot_close_complete; prot_char . StatusHandler = Prot_status; prot_char . StatusCompleteHandler = Prot_status_complete; prot_char . ResetCompleteHandler = Prot_reset_complete; prot_char . RequestCompleteHandler = Prot_request_complete; prot_char . SendCompleteHandler = Prot_send_complete; prot_char . TransferDataCompleteHandler = Prot_transfer_complete; prot_char . ReceiveHandler = Prot_recv_indicate; prot_char . ReceiveCompleteHandler = Prot_recv_complete; prot_char . ReceivePacketHandler = Prot_packet_recv; prot_char . PnPEventHandler = Prot_PNP_handle; prot_char . Name = prot_name;
UNIV_PRINT (("DriverEntry: Registering protocol"));
NdisRegisterProtocol(& status, & univ_prot_handle, & prot_char, sizeof (prot_char));
if (status != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { UNIV_PRINT (("error registering protocol with NDIS %x", status)); __LOG_MSG1 (MSG_ERROR_REGISTERING, MSG_NONE, status); NdisTerminateWrapper (univ_wrapper_handle, NULL); NdisFreeMemory(univ_reg_path, univ_reg_path_len, 0); goto error; }
NdisIMAssociateMiniport (univ_driver_handle, univ_prot_handle);
NdisMRegisterUnloadHandler (univ_wrapper_handle, Init_unload);
NdisAllocateSpinLock (& univ_bind_lock);
/* Allocate the global spin lock to protect the list of bi-directional affinity teams. */ NdisAllocateSpinLock(&univ_bda_teaming_lock);
UNIV_PRINT (("DriverEntry: completed OK"));
// Initialize WMI event tracing
Trace_Initialize( driver_obj, registry_path );
return status;
} /* end DriverEntry */
VOID Init_unload ( PVOID driver_obj) { NDIS_STATUS status; ULONG i;
UNIV_PRINT (("Init_unload: Unloading the driver %x", driver_obj));
/* If we failed to deallocate the context during unbind (both halt and unbind
were not called for example) - do it now before unloading the driver. */ for (i = 0 ; i < CVY_MAX_ADAPTERS; i++) { NdisAcquireSpinLock(& univ_bind_lock);
if (univ_adapters [i] . inited && univ_adapters [i] . ctxtp != NULL) { univ_adapters [i] . used = FALSE; univ_adapters [i] . inited = FALSE; univ_adapters [i] . announced = FALSE; univ_adapters [i] . bound = FALSE;
NdisReleaseSpinLock(& univ_bind_lock);
Main_cleanup (univ_adapters [i] . ctxtp);
NdisFreeMemory (univ_adapters [i] . ctxtp, sizeof (MAIN_CTXT), 0);
univ_adapters [i] . ctxtp = NULL;
NdisFreeMemory (univ_adapters [i] . device_name, univ_adapters [i] . device_name_len, 0);
univ_adapters [i] . device_name = NULL; univ_adapters [i] . device_name_len = 0; } else { NdisReleaseSpinLock(& univ_bind_lock); } }
/* Free the global spin lock to protect the list of bi-directional affinity teams. */ NdisFreeSpinLock(&univ_bda_teaming_lock);
NdisFreeSpinLock (& univ_bind_lock);
if (univ_prot_handle == NULL) status = NDIS_STATUS_FAILURE; else NdisDeregisterProtocol (& status, univ_prot_handle);
UNIV_PRINT (("Init_unload: Deregistered protocol %x", univ_prot_handle, status));
// Deinitialize WMI event tracing
NdisFreeMemory(univ_reg_path, univ_reg_path_len, 0);
UNIV_PRINT (("Init_unload: Completed OK"));
} /* end Init_unload */
ULONG NLBMiniportCount = 0;
enum _DEVICE_STATE { PS_DEVICE_STATE_READY = 0, // ready for create/delete
PS_DEVICE_STATE_CREATING, // create operation in progress
PS_DEVICE_STATE_DELETING // delete operation in progress
} NLBControlDeviceState = PS_DEVICE_STATE_READY;
* Function: * Purpose: This function is called by MiniportInitialize and registers the IOCTL interface for WLBS. * The device is registered only for the first miniport instantiation. * Author: shouse, 3.1.01 - Copied largely from the sample IM driver net\ndis\samples\im\ */ NDIS_STATUS Init_register_device (VOID) { NDIS_STATUS Status = NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; UNICODE_STRING DeviceName; UNICODE_STRING DeviceLinkUnicodeString; PDRIVER_DISPATCH DispatchTable[IRP_MJ_MAXIMUM_FUNCTION]; UINT i; UNIV_PRINT(("Init_register_device: Entering, NLBMiniportCount=%u", NLBMiniportCount)); NdisAcquireSpinLock(&univ_bind_lock); ++NLBMiniportCount; if (1 == NLBMiniportCount) { ASSERT(NLBControlDeviceState != PS_DEVICE_STATE_CREATING); UNIV_PRINT((" ** Registering IOCTL interface"));
/* Another thread could be running PtDeregisterDevice on behalf
of another miniport instance. If so, wait for it to exit. */ while (NLBControlDeviceState != PS_DEVICE_STATE_READY) { NdisReleaseSpinLock(&univ_bind_lock); NdisMSleep(1); NdisAcquireSpinLock(&univ_bind_lock); } NLBControlDeviceState = PS_DEVICE_STATE_CREATING; NdisReleaseSpinLock(&univ_bind_lock); for (i = 0; i < IRP_MJ_MAXIMUM_FUNCTION; i++) DispatchTable[i] = Main_dispatch; NdisInitUnicodeString(&DeviceName, CVY_DEVICE_NAME); NdisInitUnicodeString(&DeviceLinkUnicodeString, CVY_DOSDEVICE_NAME); /* Create a device object and register our dispatch handlers. */ Status = NdisMRegisterDevice(univ_wrapper_handle, &DeviceName, &DeviceLinkUnicodeString, &DispatchTable[0], &univ_device_object, &univ_device_handle); if (Status != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS || univ_device_handle == NULL) { UNIV_PRINT((" ** Error registering device with NDIS %x", Status));
univ_device_handle = NULL; }
NdisAcquireSpinLock(&univ_bind_lock); NLBControlDeviceState = PS_DEVICE_STATE_READY; } NdisReleaseSpinLock(&univ_bind_lock); UNIV_PRINT(("Init_register_device: Exiting, Status=%x", Status)); return (Status); }
* Function: * Purpose: This function is called by MiniportHalt and deregisters the IOCTL interface for WLBS. * The device is deregistered only wnen the last miniport halts. * Author: shouse, 3.1.01 - Copied largely from the sample IM driver net\ndis\samples\im\ */ NDIS_STATUS Init_deregister_device (VOID) { NDIS_STATUS Status = NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; UNIV_PRINT(("Init_deregister_device: Entering, NLBMiniportCount=%u", NLBMiniportCount)); NdisAcquireSpinLock(&univ_bind_lock); ASSERT(NLBMiniportCount > 0); --NLBMiniportCount; if (0 == NLBMiniportCount) { /* All miniport instances have been halted. Deregister the control device. */ ASSERT(NLBControlDeviceState == PS_DEVICE_STATE_READY); UNIV_PRINT((" ** Deleting IOCTL interface"));
/* Block PtRegisterDevice() while we release the control
device lock and deregister the device. */ NLBControlDeviceState = PS_DEVICE_STATE_DELETING; NdisReleaseSpinLock(&univ_bind_lock); if (univ_device_handle != NULL) { Status = NdisMDeregisterDevice(univ_device_handle); univ_device_handle = NULL; } NdisAcquireSpinLock(&univ_bind_lock);
NLBControlDeviceState = PS_DEVICE_STATE_READY; }
NdisReleaseSpinLock(&univ_bind_lock); UNIV_PRINT(("Init_deregister_Device: Exiting, Status=%x", Status));
return Status; }