// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// This is unpublished source code of Microsoft.
// The copyright notice above does not evidence any
// actual or intended publication of such source code.
// OneLiner : Implementation of NICCard
// DevUnit : wlbstest
// Author : Murtaza Hakim
// History:
// --------
// Revised by : mhakim
// Date : 02-16-01
// Reason : Added code to find friendly name of nic.
// include files
#include "NICCard.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <devguid.h>
#include <cfg.h>
using namespace std;
// constructor
NICCard::NICCard( IdentifierType type, wstring id ) : pnc( NULL ), nameType( type ), nicName( id ), status( NICCard_SUCCESS ) { HRESULT hr;
// initialize com.
hr = CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_DISABLE_OLE1DDE | COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { // failure to initialize com
cout << "CoInitializeEx failure " << endl; // status = COM_FAILURE;
// return;
// get INetCfg com interface.
hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_CNetCfg, NULL, CLSCTX_SERVER, IID_INetCfg, (void **) &pnc ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { // failure to create instance.
cout << "CoCreateInstance failure" << endl; status = COM_FAILURE; return; }
// destructor
NICCard::~NICCard() { // release resources.
if( pnc ) { hr = pnc->Release(); pnc = 0; }
// uninitialize.
CoUninitialize(); }
// Function: NICCard::isBoundTo
// Description: whether a component is bound to the adapter
// Arguments: wstring component - component id, e.g. "ms_wlbs"
// Returns: NICCard::NICCard_Error -
// History: Murtaza intitial code
// fengsun Created Header 12/21/00
NICCard::NICCard_Error NICCard::isBoundTo( wstring component ) { HRESULT hr; NICCard_Error err;
INetCfgComponent *pnccNic = NULL;
INetCfgComponent *pnccComponent = NULL;
INetCfgComponentBindings *pnccb = NULL;
// check creation status.
// if not success something went wrong during construction
// and this object cannot be used.
if( status != NICCard_SUCCESS ) { err = status; goto cleanup; }
// Initializes network configuration by loading into
// memory all basic networking information
hr = pnc->Initialize( NULL ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { // failure to Initialize
cout << "INetCfg::Initialize failure " << endl;
err = COM_FAILURE; goto cleanup; }
// check if physical nic object of nameType, and nicName exists.
err = findNIC( nameType, nicName, &pnccNic ); if( err != NICCard_SUCCESS ) { // nic specified does not exist.
wprintf(L"nic specified as %s does not exist\n", nicName.c_str() );
// err value set by findNic
goto cleanup; }
if (FAILED(hr = pnc->FindComponent(component.c_str(), &pnccComponent))) { // not protocol, service or client. No such component exists.
wprintf(L"component specified as %s does not exist\n", component.c_str() );
err = NO_SUCH_COMPONENT; goto cleanup; }
// check if binding exists.
hr = pnccComponent->QueryInterface( IID_INetCfgComponentBindings, (void **) &pnccb ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { cout << "INetCfgComponent::QueryInterface failed " << endl;
err = COM_FAILURE; goto cleanup; }
hr = pnccb->IsBoundTo( pnccNic ); if( hr == S_OK ) { err = BOUND; } else if( hr == S_FALSE ) { err = UNBOUND; } else { err = COM_FAILURE; }
goto cleanup;
// free up com resources.
if( pnccb ) { pnccb->Release(); pnccb = 0; }
if( pnccComponent ) { pnccComponent->Release(); pnccComponent = 0; }
if( pnccNic ) { pnccNic->Release(); pnccNic = 0; }
return err; }
// Function: NICCard::bind
// Description: bind a component to the adapter
// Arguments: wstring component - component id, e.g. "ms_wlbs"
// Returns: NICCard::NICCard_Error -
// History: Murtaza intitial code
// fengsun Created Header 12/21/00
NICCard::NICCard_Error NICCard::bind( wstring component ) { NICCard_Error err;
err = isBoundTo( component ); if( err == UNBOUND ) { return toggleState( component ); } else if( err == BOUND ) { return NICCard_SUCCESS; } else { return err; } }
// Function: NICCard::unbind
// Description: unbind a component to the adapter
// Arguments: wstring component - component id, e.g. "ms_wlbs"
// Returns: NICCard::NICCard_Error -
// History: Murtaza intitial code
// fengsun Created Header 12/21/00
NICCard::NICCard_Error NICCard::unbind( wstring component ) { NICCard_Error err;
err = isBoundTo( component ); if( err == BOUND ) { return toggleState( component ); } else if( err == UNBOUND ) { return NICCard_SUCCESS; } else { return err; } }
// private
// returns true if found, else false.
NICCard::NICCard_Error NICCard::findNIC( IdentifierType type, wstring nicName, INetCfgComponent** ppnccNic ) { HRESULT hr; IEnumNetCfgComponent* pencc; INetCfgComponent* pncc; ULONG countToFetch = 1; ULONG countFetched; DWORD characteristics; wstring name; LPWSTR pName;
hr = pnc->EnumComponents( &GUID_DEVCLASS_NET, &pencc ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { // failure to Enumerate net components
cout << "INetCfg::EnumComponents failure " << endl; return COM_FAILURE; }
while( ( hr = pencc->Next( countToFetch, &pncc, &countFetched ) )== S_OK ) { // here we have been given guid.
if( type == guid ) { hr = pncc->GetBindName( &pName ); } else { hr = pncc->GetDisplayName( &pName ); } name = pName; CoTaskMemFree( pName ); if( name == nicName ) { *ppnccNic = pncc;
if( pencc ) { pencc->Release(); pencc = 0; }
return NICCard_SUCCESS; } pncc->Release(); }
if( pencc ) { pencc->Release(); pencc = 0; }
*ppnccNic = NULL;
return NO_SUCH_NIC; }
// Function: NICCard::toggleState
// Description: toggle a component binding state to the adapter
// Arguments: wstring component - component id, e.g. "ms_wlbs"
// Returns: NICCard::NICCard_Error -
// History: Murtaza intitial code
// fengsun Created Header 12/21/00
NICCard::NICCard_Error NICCard::toggleState( wstring component ) { HRESULT hr; NICCard_Error err;
INetCfgComponent *pnccNic = NULL; INetCfgComponent *pnccComponent = NULL;
INetCfgComponentBindings *pnccb = NULL;
INetCfgLock *pncl = NULL;
LPWSTR presentLockHolder = new wchar_t[1000];
// check creation status.
// if not success something went wrong during construction
// and this object cannot be used.
if( status != NICCard_SUCCESS ) { err = status;
goto cleanup; }
// as this operation can make modifications we require a lock.
// thus get lock.
hr = pnc->QueryInterface( IID_INetCfgLock, ( void **) &pncl ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { cout << "INetCfg QueryInterface for IID_INetCfgLock failed " << endl;
err = COM_FAILURE; goto cleanup; }
hr = pncl->AcquireWriteLock( TIME_TO_WAIT, L"NLBManager", &presentLockHolder ); if( hr != S_OK ) { cout << "INetCfgLock::AcquireWriteLock failure is " << hr << endl;
err = COM_FAILURE; goto cleanup; }
// Initializes network configuration by loading into
// memory all basic networking information
hr = pnc->Initialize( NULL ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { // failure to Initialize
cout << "INetCfg::Initialize failed with " << hr << endl; err = COM_FAILURE; goto cleanup; }
// check if physical nic object of nameType, and nicName exists.
err = findNIC( nameType, nicName, &pnccNic ); if( err != NICCard_SUCCESS ) { // nic specified does not exist.
wprintf(L"nic specified as %s does not exist\n", nicName.c_str() );
goto cleanup; }
if (FAILED(hr = pnc->FindComponent(component.c_str(), &pnccComponent))) { // not protocol, service or client. No such component exists.
wprintf(L"component specified as %s does not exist\n", component.c_str() );
err = NO_SUCH_COMPONENT; goto cleanup; } // check if binding exists.
hr = pnccComponent->QueryInterface( IID_INetCfgComponentBindings, (void **) &pnccb ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { cout << "INetCfgComponent::QueryInterface failed " << endl;
err = COM_FAILURE; goto cleanup; }
hr = pnccb->IsBoundTo( pnccNic ); if( hr == S_OK ) { hr = pnccb->UnbindFrom( pnccNic ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { if( hr == NETCFG_E_NO_WRITE_LOCK ) cout << "Unable to obtain write lock. Please verify properties page not already open" << endl; else cout << "INetCfgBindings::UnbindFrom failed with " << hr << endl;
err = COM_FAILURE; } else { // apply the binding change made.
hr = pnc->Apply(); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { cout << "INetCfg::Apply failed with " << hr << endl;
err = COM_FAILURE; } else { err = NICCard_SUCCESS; } } } else if( hr == S_FALSE ) { hr = pnccb->BindTo( pnccNic ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { if( hr == NETCFG_E_NO_WRITE_LOCK ) cout << "Unable to obtain write lock. Please verify properties page not already open" << endl; else cout << "INetCfgBindings::BindTo failed with " << hr << endl;
err = COM_FAILURE; } else {
// apply the binding change made.
hr = pnc->Apply(); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { cout << "INetCfg::Apply failed with " << hr << endl; err = COM_FAILURE; } else { err = NICCard_SUCCESS; } } } else { cout << "INetCfgComponentBindings::IsBoundTo failed with " << hr << endl; err = COM_FAILURE; }
goto cleanup;
// free up com resources.
if( pnccb ) { pnccb->Release(); pnccb = 0; }
if( pnccComponent ) { pnccComponent->Release(); pnccComponent = 0; }
if( pnccNic ) { pnccNic->Release(); pnccNic = 0; }
if( pnc ) pnc->Uninitialize();
if( pncl ) { pncl->ReleaseWriteLock(); pncl->Release(); pncl = 0; }
delete [] presentLockHolder;
return err; }
// getNics
NICCard::NICCard_Error NICCard::getNics( vector<NICCard::Info>* nicList ) { HRESULT hr; INetCfg *pncStatic = 0; IEnumNetCfgComponent *pencc = 0; INetCfgComponent *pncc = 0; wstring name; LPWSTR pName;
NICCard_Error err;
ULONG countToFetch = 1; ULONG countFetched; ULONG status;
Info info;
DWORD characteristics = 0;
// initialize com.
hr = CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_DISABLE_OLE1DDE | COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { // failure to initialize com
cout << "CoInitializeEx failure " << endl; // err = COM_FAILURE;
// goto cleanup;
// get INetCfg com interface.
hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_CNetCfg, NULL, CLSCTX_SERVER, IID_INetCfg, (void **) &pncStatic ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { // failure to create instance.
cout << "CoCreateInstance failure" << endl; err = COM_FAILURE; goto cleanup; }
// Initializes network configuration by loading into
// memory all basic networking information
hr = pncStatic->Initialize( NULL ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { // failure to Initialize
cout << "INetCfg::Initialize failure " << endl; err = COM_FAILURE; goto cleanup; }
hr = pncStatic->EnumComponents( &GUID_DEVCLASS_NET, &pencc ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { // failure to Enumerate net components
cout << "INetCfg::EnumComponents failure " << endl; err = COM_FAILURE; goto cleanup; }
while( ( hr = pencc->Next( countToFetch, &pncc, &countFetched ) )== S_OK ) { hr = pncc->GetBindName( &pName ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { cout << "INetCfgComponent::GetBindName failure " << endl; err = COM_FAILURE; goto cleanup; }
info.guid = pName; CoTaskMemFree( pName );
hr = pncc->GetDisplayName( &pName ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { cout << "INetCfgComponent::GetDisplayName failure " << endl; err = COM_FAILURE; goto cleanup; }
info.fullName = pName; CoTaskMemFree( pName );
hr = pncc->GetCharacteristics( &characteristics ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { cout << "INetCfgComponent::GetCharacteristics failure " << endl; err = COM_FAILURE; goto cleanup; }
GetFriendlyNICName( info.guid, info.friendlyName );
if( characteristics & NCF_PHYSICAL ) { // this is a physical network card.
// we are only interested in such devices
// check if the nic is enabled, we are only
// interested in enabled nics.
hr = pncc->GetDeviceStatus( &status ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { cout << "INetCfgComponent::GetDeviceStatus failure " << endl; err = COM_FAILURE; goto cleanup; }
// if any of the nics has any of the problem codes
// then it cannot be used.
if( status != CM_PROB_NOT_CONFIGURED && status != CM_PROB_FAILED_START && status != CM_PROB_NORMAL_CONFLICT && status != CM_PROB_NEED_RESTART && status != CM_PROB_REINSTALL && status != CM_PROB_WILL_BE_REMOVED && status != CM_PROB_DISABLED && status != CM_PROB_FAILED_INSTALL && status != CM_PROB_FAILED_ADD ) { // no problem with this nic and also
// physical device
// thus we want it.
nicList->push_back( info ); } }
if( pncc ) { pncc->Release(); pncc = 0; }
characteristics = 0; countToFetch = 1; } err = NICCard_SUCCESS; cleanup: if( pncStatic ) { pncStatic->Uninitialize();
pncStatic->Release(); pncStatic = 0; }
if( pencc ) { pencc->Release(); pencc = 0; }
if( pncc ) { pncc->Release(); pncc = 0; }
return err; }
NICCard::NICCard_Error NICCard::isNetCfgAvailable() { NICCard_Error err; HRESULT hr; INetCfgLock *pncl = NULL; LPWSTR presentLockHolder = new wchar_t[1000]; hr = pnc->QueryInterface( IID_INetCfgLock, ( void **) &pncl ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { cout << "INetCfg QueryInterface for IID_INetCfgLock failed " << endl;
err = COM_FAILURE; goto cleanup; } hr = pncl->AcquireWriteLock( TIME_TO_WAIT, L"NLBManager", &presentLockHolder ); if( hr != S_OK ) { cout << "INetCfgLock::AcquireWriteLock failure is " << hr << endl;
err = COM_FAILURE; goto cleanup; }
err = NICCard_SUCCESS;
cleanup: if( pncl ) { pncl->ReleaseWriteLock(); pncl->Release(); pncl = 0; } delete [] presentLockHolder;
return err; }
// code to find friendly name of nic.
// this code is modified for wstring, but
// otherwise is courtesy of hengz.
int NICCard::GetFriendlyNICName(const wstring& guid, wstring& name ) { // HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Network
HKEY hregkey=NULL, hkOpenKey=NULL, hkQueryKey=NULL; DWORD dwDataBuffer=200; DWORD dwValueType=REG_SZ; wchar_t data[200], path[200], adapters[200]; wchar_t *pHost=NULL; int num=0, ret; FILETIME time;
//make connection to the machine's registry
if ((ret=RegConnectRegistry(pHost, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, &hregkey)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // TRACE( MTrace::SEVERE_ERROR, L"(RegConnectRegistry) failure" );
return (-1); }
//look for the GUID
if( (ret=RegOpenKeyEx(hregkey, L"SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Network", 0, KEY_READ, &hkOpenKey)) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { RegCloseKey(hregkey); // TRACE( MTrace::SEVERE_ERROR, L"(RegOpenKeyEx) failed to open HKLM\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Network" );
return (-1); }
while (1) { adapters[0]=L'\0'; dwDataBuffer=200; if( ((ret=RegEnumKeyEx(hkOpenKey, num, adapters, &dwDataBuffer, NULL,NULL,NULL, &time)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) && (ret!=ERROR_MORE_DATA) ) { if (ret==ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { // TRACE(MTrace::SEVERE_ERROR,L"(RegEnumKeyEx): failed to find network adapters in HKLM\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Network");
} else { // TRACE(MTrace::SEVERE_ERROR,L"(RegEnumKeyEx): fail to enum HKLM\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Network" );
RegCloseKey(hkOpenKey); RegCloseKey(hregkey); return (-1); }
//open the items one by one
swprintf(path, L"SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Network\\%s", adapters); if( (ret=RegOpenKeyEx(hregkey, path, 0, KEY_READ, &hkQueryKey)) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { num++; continue; }
dwDataBuffer=200; data[0]=L'\0'; if((ret=RegQueryValueEx(hkQueryKey, L"", 0, &dwValueType, (LPBYTE)data, &dwDataBuffer)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { num++; continue; } RegCloseKey(hkQueryKey); num++;
if (wcscmp(L"Network Adapters", data)==0) break; } RegCloseKey(hkOpenKey);
//found the guid now
//look for friendly nic name
swprintf(path, L"SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Network\\%s\\%s\\Connection", adapters, guid.c_str() ); if( (ret=RegOpenKeyEx(hregkey, path, 0, KEY_READ, &hkOpenKey)) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { RegCloseKey(hregkey); // TRACE(MTrace::SEVERE_ERROR, L"(RegOpenKeyEx) fail to open " + wstring( path ) );
return (-1); }
dwDataBuffer=200; data[0]=L'\0'; if((ret=RegQueryValueEx(hkOpenKey, L"Name", 0, &dwValueType, (LPBYTE)data, &dwDataBuffer)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // TRACE(MTrace::SEVERE_ERROR, L"(RegQueryValueEx) fail to query name " + wstring (path ) );
RegCloseKey(hkOpenKey); RegCloseKey(hregkey); return (-1); }
RegCloseKey(hkOpenKey); RegCloseKey(hregkey);
name = data;
return 0; }