// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// This is unpublished source code of Microsoft.
// The copyright notice above does not evidence any
// actual or intended publication of such source code.
// OneLiner : Implementation of MNLBCluster
// DevUnit : wlbstest
// Author : Murtaza Hakim
// include files
#include "MNLBCluster.h"
#include "MWmiParameter.h"
#include "MTrace.h"
#include "WTokens.h"
#include "wlbsctrl.h"
#include "Common.h"
#include "MNLBExe.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// constructor
MNLBCluster::MNLBCluster( _bstr_t cip ) : m_clusterIP( cip ), m_pMachine( new MNLBMachine( cip, cip ) ) { TRACE(MTrace::INFO, L"mnlbcluster constructor\n" ); }
// default constructor
// note that default constructor is purposely left undefined.
// NO one should be using it. It is declared just for vector class usage.
// copy constructor
MNLBCluster::MNLBCluster( const MNLBCluster& mcluster ) : m_clusterIP( mcluster.m_clusterIP ), m_pMachine( m_pMachine ) { TRACE(MTrace::INFO, L"mnlbcluster copy constructor\n" ); }
// assignment operator
MNLBCluster& MNLBCluster::operator=( const MNLBCluster& rhs ) { m_clusterIP = rhs.m_clusterIP; m_pMachine = rhs.m_pMachine;
TRACE(MTrace::INFO, L"mnlbcluster assignment operator\n" );
return *this; } // destructor
MNLBCluster::~MNLBCluster() { TRACE(MTrace::INFO, L"mlbcluster destructor\n" ); }
// getClusterProperties
MNLBCluster::MNLBCluster_Error MNLBCluster::getClusterProperties( ClusterProperties* cp ) {
m_pMachine->getClusterProperties( cp );
return MNLBCluster_SUCCESS;
// getHosts
MNLBCluster::MNLBCluster_Error MNLBCluster::getHosts( vector<MNLBHost>* hosts ) { vector< MNLBMachine::HostInfo > hostInfoStore;
m_pMachine->getPresentHostsInfo( &hostInfoStore ); for( int i = 0; i < hostInfoStore.size(); ++i ) { hosts->push_back( MNLBHost( m_clusterIP, hostInfoStore[i].hostID ) ); }
return MNLBCluster_SUCCESS; }
// start
MNLBCluster::MNLBCluster_Error MNLBCluster::start( unsigned long* retVal ) { m_pMachine->start( Common::ALL_HOSTS, retVal );
return MNLBCluster_SUCCESS; }
// stop
MNLBCluster::MNLBCluster_Error MNLBCluster::stop( unsigned long* retVal ) { m_pMachine->stop( Common::ALL_HOSTS, retVal );
return MNLBCluster_SUCCESS; }
// resume
MNLBCluster::MNLBCluster_Error MNLBCluster::resume( unsigned long* retVal ) { m_pMachine->resume( Common::ALL_HOSTS, retVal ); return MNLBCluster_SUCCESS; }
// suspend
MNLBCluster::MNLBCluster_Error MNLBCluster::suspend( unsigned long* retVal ) { m_pMachine->suspend( Common::ALL_HOSTS, retVal );
return MNLBCluster_SUCCESS; }
// drainstop
MNLBCluster::MNLBCluster_Error MNLBCluster::drainstop( unsigned long* retVal ) { m_pMachine->drainstop( Common::ALL_HOSTS, retVal );
return MNLBCluster_SUCCESS; }
// enable
MNLBCluster::MNLBCluster_Error MNLBCluster::enable( unsigned long* retVal, unsigned long portToAffect ) { m_pMachine->enable( Common::ALL_HOSTS, retVal, portToAffect );
return MNLBCluster_SUCCESS; }
// disable
MNLBCluster::MNLBCluster_Error MNLBCluster::disable( unsigned long* retVal, unsigned long portToAffect ) { m_pMachine->disable( Common::ALL_HOSTS, retVal, portToAffect );
return MNLBCluster_SUCCESS; }
// drain
MNLBCluster::MNLBCluster_Error MNLBCluster::drain( unsigned long* retVal, unsigned long portToAffect ) { m_pMachine->drain( Common::ALL_HOSTS, retVal, portToAffect );
return MNLBCluster_SUCCESS; }
// refreshConnection
MNLBCluster::MNLBCluster_Error MNLBCluster::refreshConnection() { // reestablishing connection.
m_pMachine = auto_ptr<MNLBMachine> (new MNLBMachine( m_clusterIP, m_clusterIP ) );
return MNLBCluster_SUCCESS; }