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// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All Rights Reserved
// The copyright notice above does not evidence any
// actual or intended publication of such source code.
// OneLiner : MNLBCluster interface.
// DevUnit : wlbstest
// Author : Murtaza Hakim
// Description:
// -----------
// Include Files
#include "MNLBHost.h"
#include "Common.h"
#include "MNLBMachine.h"
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <wbemidl.h>
#include <comdef.h>
using namespace std;
class MNLBCluster { public:
enum MNLBCluster_Error { MNLBCluster_SUCCESS = 0,
// Description:
// -----------
// constructor.
// Parameters:
// ----------
// cip IN : cluster ip address.
// Returns:
// -------
// none.
MNLBCluster( _bstr_t cip );
// Description:
// -----------
// default constructor.
// Parameters:
// ----------
// none.
// Returns:
// -------
// Description:
// -----------
// copy constructor.
// Parameters:
// ----------
// mcluster IN : object to copy.
// Returns:
// -------
// none.
MNLBCluster(const MNLBCluster& mcluster);
// Description:
// -----------
// assignment operator
// Parameters:
// ----------
// rhs IN : object to assign.
// Returns:
// -------
// self
MNLBCluster& operator=( const MNLBCluster& rhs );
// Description:
// -----------
// destructor
// Parameters:
// ----------
// none
// Returns:
// -------
// none.
// Description:
// -----------
// refreshes the wmi connection to the host
// Parameters:
// ----------
// none
// Returns:
// -------
// SUCCESS else error code.
MNLBCluster_Error refreshConnection();
// Description:
// -----------
// gets the cluster properties.
// Parameters:
// ----------
// cp OUT : cluster properties.
// Returns:
// -------
// SUCCESS else error code.
MNLBCluster_Error getClusterProperties( ClusterProperties* cp );
// Description:
// -----------
// get the hosts participating in the cluster.
// Parameters:
// ----------
// hosts OUT : hosts who are members of the cluster.
// Returns:
// -------
// SUCCESS else error code.
MNLBCluster_Error getHosts( vector<MNLBHost>* hosts );
// operations defined on cluster.
// Description:
// -----------
// starts cluster operations.
// Parameters:
// ----------
// retVal OUT : return value of method ran.
// Returns:
// -------
// SUCCESS else error code.
MNLBCluster_Error start( unsigned long* retVal );
// Description:
// -----------
// stops cluster operations.
// Parameters:
// ----------
// retVal OUT : return value of method ran.
// Returns:
// -------
// SUCCESS else error code.
MNLBCluster_Error stop( unsigned long* retVal );
// Description:
// -----------
// resume control over cluster operations.
// Parameters:
// ----------
// retVal OUT : return value of method ran.
// Returns:
// -------
// SUCCESS else error code.
MNLBCluster_Error resume( unsigned long* retVal );
// Description:
// -----------
// suspend control over cluster operations.
// Parameters:
// ----------
// retVal OUT : return value of method ran.
// Returns:
// -------
// SUCCESS else error code.
MNLBCluster_Error suspend( unsigned long* retVal );
// Description:
// -----------
// finishes all existing connections and
// stops cluster operations.
// Parameters:
// ----------
// retVal OUT : return value of method ran.
// Returns:
// -------
// SUCCESS else error code.
MNLBCluster_Error drainstop( unsigned long* retVal );
// Description:
// -----------
// enables traffic for port rule.
// Parameters:
// ----------
// retVal OUT : return value of method ran.
// port IN : port to affect or default is all ports.
// Returns:
// -------
// SUCCESS else error code.
MNLBCluster_Error enable( unsigned long* retVal, unsigned long port = Common::ALL_PORTS );
// Description:
// -----------
// disables ALL traffic for port rule.
// Parameters:
// ----------
// retVal OUT : return value of method ran.
// port IN : port to affect or default is all ports.
// Returns:
// -------
// SUCCESS else error code.
MNLBCluster_Error disable( unsigned long* retVal, unsigned long port = Common::ALL_PORTS );
// Description:
// -----------
// disables NEW traffic for port rule.
// Parameters:
// ----------
// retVal OUT : return value of method ran.
// port IN : port to affect or default is all ports.
// Returns:
// -------
// SUCCESS else error code.
MNLBCluster_Error drain( unsigned long* retVal, unsigned long port = Common::ALL_PORTS );
_bstr_t m_clusterIP;
auto_ptr< MNLBMachine > m_pMachine;
// Ensure type safety
typedef class MNLBCluster MNLBCluster;