// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// This is unpublished source code of Microsoft.
// The copyright notice above does not evidence any
// actual or intended publication of such source code.
// OneLiner : Implementation of MNLBExe
// DevUnit : wlbstest
// Author : Murtaza Hakim
// include files
#include "MNLBExe.h"
MNLBExe::MNLBExe_Error MNLBExe::start( MWmiInstance& instance, unsigned long* retVal ) { // input parameters are none.
vector<MWmiParameter *> inputParameters;
// output parameters which are of interest.
vector<MWmiParameter *> outputParameters; MWmiParameter returnValue(L"ReturnValue"); outputParameters.push_back( &returnValue );
// execute the method.
instance.runMethod( L"Start", inputParameters, outputParameters );
*retVal = long ( returnValue.getValue() ); return MNLBExe_SUCCESS; }
MNLBExe::MNLBExe_Error MNLBExe::stop( MWmiInstance& instance, unsigned long* retVal ) { // input parameters are none.
vector<MWmiParameter *> inputParameters;
// output parameters which are of interest.
vector<MWmiParameter *> outputParameters; MWmiParameter returnValue(L"ReturnValue"); outputParameters.push_back( &returnValue );
// execute the method.
instance.runMethod( L"Stop", inputParameters, outputParameters );
*retVal = long ( returnValue.getValue() ); return MNLBExe_SUCCESS; }
MNLBExe::MNLBExe_Error MNLBExe::resume( MWmiInstance& instance, unsigned long* retVal ) { // input parameters are none.
vector<MWmiParameter *> inputParameters;
// output parameters which are of interest.
vector<MWmiParameter *> outputParameters; MWmiParameter returnValue(L"ReturnValue"); outputParameters.push_back( &returnValue );
// execute the method.
instance.runMethod( L"Resume", inputParameters, outputParameters );
*retVal = long ( returnValue.getValue() ); return MNLBExe_SUCCESS; }
MNLBExe::MNLBExe_Error MNLBExe::suspend( MWmiInstance& instance, unsigned long* retVal ) { // input parameters are none.
vector<MWmiParameter *> inputParameters;
// output parameters which are of interest.
vector<MWmiParameter *> outputParameters; MWmiParameter returnValue(L"ReturnValue"); outputParameters.push_back( &returnValue );
// execute the method.
instance.runMethod( L"Suspend", inputParameters, outputParameters );
*retVal = long ( returnValue.getValue() ); return MNLBExe_SUCCESS; }
MNLBExe::MNLBExe_Error MNLBExe::drainstop( MWmiInstance& instance, unsigned long* retVal ) { // input parameters are none.
vector<MWmiParameter *> inputParameters;
// output parameters which are of interest.
vector<MWmiParameter *> outputParameters; MWmiParameter returnValue(L"ReturnValue"); outputParameters.push_back( &returnValue );
// execute the method.
instance.runMethod( L"DrainStop", inputParameters, outputParameters );
*retVal = long ( returnValue.getValue() ); return MNLBExe_SUCCESS; }
MNLBExe::MNLBExe_Error MNLBExe::enable( MWmiInstance& instance, unsigned long* retVal, unsigned long portToAffect ) {
// input parameters to set.
vector<MWmiParameter *> inputParameters; MWmiParameter port(L"Port"); port.setValue( long (portToAffect) );
inputParameters.push_back( &port );
// output parameters which are of interest.
vector<MWmiParameter *> outputParameters; MWmiParameter returnValue(L"ReturnValue"); outputParameters.push_back( &returnValue );
// execute the method.
instance.runMethod( L"Enable", inputParameters, outputParameters );
*retVal = long ( returnValue.getValue() ); return MNLBExe_SUCCESS; }
MNLBExe::MNLBExe_Error MNLBExe::disable( MWmiInstance& instance, unsigned long* retVal, unsigned long portToAffect ) {
// input parameters to set.
vector<MWmiParameter *> inputParameters; MWmiParameter port(L"Port"); port.setValue( long (portToAffect) );
inputParameters.push_back( &port );
// output parameters which are of interest.
vector<MWmiParameter *> outputParameters; MWmiParameter returnValue(L"ReturnValue"); outputParameters.push_back( &returnValue );
// execute the method.
instance.runMethod( L"Disable", inputParameters, outputParameters );
*retVal = long ( returnValue.getValue() ); return MNLBExe_SUCCESS; }
MNLBExe::MNLBExe_Error MNLBExe::drain( MWmiInstance& instance, unsigned long* retVal, unsigned long portToAffect ) { // input parameters to set.
vector<MWmiParameter *> inputParameters; MWmiParameter port(L"Port"); port.setValue( long (portToAffect) );
inputParameters.push_back( &port );
// output parameters which are of interest.
vector<MWmiParameter *> outputParameters; MWmiParameter returnValue(L"ReturnValue"); outputParameters.push_back( &returnValue );
// execute the method.
instance.runMethod( L"Drain", inputParameters, outputParameters );
*retVal = long ( returnValue.getValue() ); return MNLBExe_SUCCESS; }